12 THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1912. If IOC 30u mm weatSale r i tJ Q ifOKE ofrane yfeat hers Bemarkabe Purchase of : Choice Lots - From Kimmerle & Dawes," New York, One the Largest Importers of Feathers and Hand Sewed Effects in America : In this wonderful stock are cocqiie breasts "in white, brown, navy and black, also new aigrette effects in all colors hand sewed wings, baby os trich effects, fluffy feathers, Mercury wings in all colors, bunches of quills, hi erhly colored duck wings, 27-inch i novelty feather bands all the new season's high class novelties In the finest qualities. Thousands and thousands of them. Made to Sell at $1.50 and $2 Each of 25c and 39c UJ New York Manufacturer's Show Room - Samples arid Odd Lots Women's High Class Neckwea MADE TO SELL UP TO $1.50 EACH, at 50c" Wide collar and cuff sets, sailor, Capi- ... shon and Dutch collars in -VenUe''' and crochet effects, net and lace, trimmed fichus, laceguimpes, Robespierre collars in silk, jnet and' lace, fancy jabots and stocks, cascades and Fj Ov side frills all new creations, Jf Wffi MM .-. . ..... at. each On Sale on Our Main Flbor Wednesday; FIsss Silk and Silk and Metallic Embroidered Allofcrs at 5?c Per. Yard In Persian effects and fancy colors, .'Oriental and shadow allovers. fancy ffEJ Bilk embroidered and metallic bands; also fine lace bands in Vemse, hgjfP crochet, Oriental and combination effects, worth up to $1.25 yd, at yd.. ) v FINE TRIMMING LACES and BANDS, WORTH UP TO 50c YD,, at 15c and 25c YD. 4 . ' ; ' Macrame, filet; crochet; Bohemian and shadow ef- : fects, also floss silk embroidered bands. , . . - . Women's New Fall Apparel , NEW SERGE DRESSES Smart, practical Serge Dresses in pretty new style features-scores of becoming models in black, brown, blue and gray colored serges a new group just received is CIO A 'JLttavv Women's New Fall Apparel '. SILK CHARMETJSE DRESSES t Exclusive .new style features that you cannot possibly duplicate in any other store-all the new soft colors are shown.; - V " :iy'- $15, $19 and $25 specially priced at. n 3 SPECIALS IN ART NEEDLEWORK Main Floor. 8-Inch All Linen Stamped Doil- Linen Fringe for finishing scarf and sofa pillows; b pe dal at, yard. ..... .'. . . . .0 Linen Colored Mercerlied Fringe, 25c value; , at, per yard ............... lf) Scrim Ruffles In a large va riety, of color combinations, with draw string; four-yard . lengths; at, each lei; special at, ! for. , ... ,5j ' Stamped Centerpieces, with ' tloss for working, 60c values; ' at ... ...... ;........S5 6-inch Linen Damask Dollies, stamped with scalloped edge at, ( per doien ....... 25 THURSDAY c Great Special Sale of Women's Sample Shoes These are shoes In sample sizes. They are strictly high class' and are made to sell at $3.60, $4 and up to 4(60 aj mm rsdayat,, : :1J n HIGH SCHOOL CADET UNIFORMS We. have been appointed official, sell ing agents for the Omaha ..High School Cadet Uniforms., Come as early, as pos sible to have your, measurements ' taken. Automobile Decorations for theAk-Sar-Ben Floral Parade. Brandels Stores is the only official agent for decorating the cars for the floral parade,, . See the' samples. Place your order now. r rrr iRANDEIS STORES OMAHA 4 jwjwsw)!" AP pfeii MftafiL inr a PROMOTER SDK FOR BIG FEE Chiwjo Maa Aiki $S00,O00 from Ifeoraska Power Company. CLU ON TRIAL JTEXT SPKIN0 Ocutka Company t Fll Answer by October 14 and fco Cm Will ! Thea b Hear br Th Nebraska Power company wu irada defendant! in a suit for $600,000 f led In the federal court yesterday i by J. H. Spear if Chicago, who clalma tliat amount due him a a fee for closing a deal between the power company and tine Amburaea Hydraulic company of Bos- t KL .. '4 ' ": Mr. Spears in hi" petition clalma that he made a deal with H. E. Babeock. preai e'ent of the power company, to set back ing for the Nebraska company In fur t berlng a water project in Platte. Howard and other Nebraska counties. He aaya lie wag to receive for. pay M,000 face value of the capital atoclt of the com paoy and $40,000 In bonds at the face value and such an additional amount of the capital stock for a fee aa U custom" ary in such cases. Mr. Spears, further claims, in his pe tition, that on April 21. I'M, he closed a Beat -with the Ambursen Hydraulic com pany of Boston, Mass., whereby the Ne braska Power company was to receive ta stipulated sum of money for-furthering the project A deal was made between Mr. Babeock and W. 8. Cox of the Mas sachusetts company. Parneat Is Defanlted. In his petition Mr. Bpears asks that in default f the payment of the S1O0.O0O face value of the stock and the $40,000 in bonds at the face value that the Ne braska Power company be compelled to Ipay him, the customary fee which In such cases is S per crtit of the capital stock of the company. In this case the ca pi til etock of the company le $12,000,000 and 6 per cent la $G06,, which amount he asks the court to order the Nebraska Power company lo pay him. ; j Mr. Babeock Is out of the city at the Jreeent time and his office help knew jriotMng about the case when approched r The Bee. The Nebraska Pwr com-j-any will have Until October 14 in which to file an answer to the petition. The ajse will not come up for trial until the April terra of the federal cojrt SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. BR0WNELL HALL 7 OSCAJCA, KESjUUTXA. ; ' Boadlns and Day School for 01; Is ' Preparatdry department for younger children. Domeatlo Art and Domestic Science. Voice and Piano in charge of Miss Mary Munchhof f, Miss Cath erlne Bell and Mr. Mas Landow. . , TERKS XS BAT BCXOOL, ' $100 and liso. ;. Forty-Math Year Begins gept IS - rrbtolpali Miss Euphemia Johnson. Hi ' fi.it. fAV ft ASttSEMEJTTS Obstructing Signs May Be Removed from the Streets Police Commissioner Ryder Introduced a resolution at the meeting of the city council' yesterday prohibiting the erec tion or maintenance of signs three feet beyond tho lot line. The ordinance was placed on Its first reading and will be considered by the council at ita next regular meeting.' . Commissioner Ryder aaya East Farnam and Twelfth street have .been ' blocked to traffic by signs, display casea and other things placed on . or 1 above ' the walks by merchants. J' The ordinance provides a, fine of $M0 for violations. It specif lea that electric sign more than' four feet and ' three Inches in width, "exclusive of ornamental design," shall not be erected.' Resolution regretting - the ' death of Chief Donahue were read at the council meeting Monday and a copy of the resolution, which were drawn by a spe cial committee from the council, will be sent to Mrs. Donahue. , The mayor of Sheeley Invited the com missioners and the city clerk to an en tertainment in Sheeleytown next- Tues day. ' :.j : The ordinance prohibiting the establish ment of new brick yards In the city lim its, but giving the'preient yards permis sion to expand, was passed. A resolution granting the Missouri Pa clfio railroad permission to lay a track on Boyd street passed by a vote of four to three. McGovern, Hummel and With neli objecting.' . Daily Mat 10c; Brgm, 6-lO-SOc On Doug-la Street, at IStb. STTOVB TAOSBTlXXJi Includes Wood' Trained Animals: The Rum.- view, .iuitj , vxrey Slaters ; Walton Brant; Hipposcope Pictures. GET TXB "ABIT It's BeUghtfnl umro Continaon a te 5; 7 to 11 p. mn Daily. 0HA3tAy rifiir cestib.- .' Biff "Blntoh" Cooper's Kw Show , S8AWTT, YOUTH ABB FOI.I.Y ZZTBATAOABSA ABB TAUDBTIUUB Ton,i McRae aa "Smoke;" Walsh, Lynch & Co., In "Hucklna Run;" Webb Slater; Gorgeous Production; Beauty Chorus; Gingery, Snappy, Whoieaoma Fun. ladies'. Sim Matin Every Week Bay, m i'.-t Phone Doug. 494. Matinee Daily 1:1S Every Night 8:15 ADVANCED: TAXnBVU.X.B. Thla weekThe Elliott Savonaa, Seu mua MacManus Player, Ed Wynn, Wil son Broa, Ferguson & Nothlane, Eugene Trio, Great Llbby. ' - - Price Matinee, .Gallery, 10c, beet eat, the, except Saturday and Sunday. Night, 10c. 16c, 80c, 75a . s BRAIiDElS THEATRE lCatlnc Today Tonight All Week THE JAMES HAWLKi' COMPANY U Eanry B. Blxay's Suooms "HAST J1IE1 Pi" ' Bights, SSo, 60o Mat. 89o. Any Beat KRUG THEATRE , Mat. Today StSOl Blgsi 8:SO Best Beat 60o WATSON'S BEEF TRUST Eeal Biirlesqners ' ,. ladies' Dime KaMn. ' In All the World, No Store Will Strive to Serve You Better. r?oiiaiai5Bi Successors to The Bennett Company. Special Advance Notice .vVe announce the opening of our great opening Fall Challenge Sale STARTING SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER' 14TH, 1912, PROMPTLY AT 8,0'CLOCK We propose1 to make this Sale, the most remarkable special sales event,, ever introduced to the people of this community. Furthermore, this will become a great semi-anmral special sale feature at this store. REST ASSURED THAT EVERY SALE v THAT: ORKIN BROTHERS" AN- , NOUNCE WILL BE OF EXTRAORDIN ARY SPECIAL INTEREST TO ALL. Watch Wait for. further details in the dally papers,' and before you buy Fall Goods else where think twice and. for Orkin Brothers great challenge sale of newest , Fall mer chandise. ' ,v " ; In the above announcement you have the reason for the drastic price cutting in force here on all sum mer merchandise. ' -. - a ' Our Entire Stock of Fine Garments From Our Exclu sive Store on Sale at Sensationally Low Prices Thousands Delighted; All must go before Saturday. All summer goods throughout the house must be rushed out. For instance Our Entire Stock of High Class Dresses From Our Exclusive Store are Going as Follows. Some of Them Will Go Your Way JWhea Tou See the Unheard of Val ues : Doaft Hiss This: Store's S9i95 Store's !)3i95 Store's $9i95 Store's SZ95 Our Exclusive $10 to $29.75 Dresses go at each Our Exclusive $3.95 to $10 Dresses go at each . . . Our Exclusive $25 to $39.50 Tailored Suits go at Our Exclusive $12 to $15 Raincoats go at .... Store's Store's $6.95 Store's $1.39 Store's 83 $8.95 Store's $5.95 95 Our. Exclusive $19.50 to $40 Dresses go at each Our Exclusive $10 to $25 Dresses go at each . . . Our Exclusive $19.50 to $59.50 Fine Coats go at Our Exclusive $7.50 to $15 Linen Suits go at ...... , 'Our Exclusive up to $9.50 Raincoats 'go , at each ................ A Great Dress Goods Clearance The dress goods department demands room im mediately, for, the display of thousands of yards of Fall Challenge Sale 'Bargains Saturday. Remarkable re-, ductions are in force to make this much needed room at once. Here Are , Striking Examples of the Way We Are; Selling Fite Dress Goods 75c MESS ALINES GO AT 49c Plain and striped Im- ported Messalines; 25 different stripe effects; all widths in pin and even stripes. Fifty shades in plain, including all staples and scarce new J A. shades, ,75c quality Special .. . ,'....'...""1 $1.25 BLACK TAFFETAS AND MESSALINES, 78c afi irifh Black Messaline and Black Taffeta, our Special Number; guaranteed to wear and not to crack nor slip in the seams. 36 men widtn. $1.25 quality. Special at '. . . ... . . . . . i - 78c Great Aluminnm W We don't want to let the moving around of our great basement hardware stock" interfere with business. For Wednesday we offer a most unusual sale of high clas3 aluminum ware: ; ; ' . ' . - , $3.50 No. 7 Cast Aluminum , Tea Settles ....... .$2.75 $3.75 No. 8 Cast. Aluminum , Tea Kettles ;..,..v.. 82.95 $2.25 No. 8 RuSber Handled SkllleU 'for ..,,.: .-S1.59 0c 1 Quart Sauce pan, handled $2.85 No. 9 Handled Griddles 1 for 1.69 $1.50 6 Quart Berlin Spun Sauce Pan . $1.19 $1.00 2 Quart Berlin Spun Saqce Pan . . . ...... 79t 25 n.is.nc of entire line of Spun and . Cast Aluminum ware Wednesday 10. per cent discount, v . .v . . . ; Wise Yfirecery Buyers Will Heed These Mighty Money Saving Cut Price Specials 10 bars Diamond C Soap 251 Capitol: Wheat, 2 lb. pkg. 8 SPECIAL Golden Coffee, lb. for ........ . .. 2S Preserres Raspberry or" Stra wherry large Jar 204 Excelsior Patent flour, 48-lb. sack for ........ ...$1.50 Snider's Pork and -Beans. 2 : cans for . . .25t Snider's Catsup, bottle ..204 Swift's Borax Soap, 7 bars ' for i.-i 254 Capitol Lima Beans, can 1Q4 Small Sour Pickles, doz. 7 Runkle's Chocolate .... .154 Fould's Macaroni or Spaghetti, 3 for ...............254 Capitol Sliced Pine Apple, ' large canr special 294 Calumet Baking Powder, can for 84 Veribest Dried Beef, 28c glass for .....204 f SALMON SPECIAL fc Plymouth Red Salmon, 1 lb. - can for ..... . . . ..... 164 Orkin Bros. Successors to The Bennett Co. IF l'OC WANT THE MOST BEAUTIFUL, THE BEST IN TAILORED SOTS, IN BOTH QUALITY AND DESIGNS, SEE THE CHOICE OF MOST DISCRIMINATING DRESSERS, EQUAL TO $30.00 AND $33.00 VALUES ELSEWHERE Big Showing Hart, Shaffner & Marx Fall , Styles. hzitApr-'zTO"". HflHKlll'IHI Most Complete and Attractive Showing of -' Boys' Clothes . in Omaha. . The Semi-Annual Lace Display CONTINUES WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY The moit exquisite Laces,' Lace Robes, Dress Trim mings and Silks are shown in profusion. Never before attempted West of Chicago. No concern in the land east or west offers more complete assortments of the world's choicest products for your selection or inspec tion. We request the pleasure of showing you these, the most elegant of the season 's lace production. Display held in Piano Department. . ' WHITE GOODS SPECIALS WEDNESDAY - All kinds this summer's white goods, in lawns, long cloths and dimities, worth 20c yard, at 104 All kinds high grade white goods, in Swisses and mad rases, worth 35c yard, 19 This summer's new linen dress and suit materials, warranted pure flax, worth 50c yard at ................. 304 WEDNESDAY SPECIALS In Wash Goods Department New fancy jacquard poplins, in all the new fall colors and shades, regular 39c quality, at, yard 254 New fall voiles, In plain and silk stripes, all the newest and up-to-date colors', at, per yd. 28c Imported poplins, permanent silk finish, very fine quality, made . to sell for 50c, special at 39o 25c Wash Goods, yard ...... 180 18c Wash Good, yard . ... Uo 12V4c Wash Goods lOo In the Busy Domestic Room Wednesday 10c Hope Muslin, 36 inches wide; at, yard. .. . . .7Y2C I2V2C Moonlight. Casing, 42 inches wide;( at, yd., 8V2C I2V2C Pillow Cases, .42x36 SiZC , (it . t 2C 29c Bleached Table Damask 58 ins. wide; on sale, 19c 15c Galatea Cloth at. .10c 50c Bed Sheets, in 72x90 sizeat . . . . . . . .'. . . . 33c 10c Comforter Cretonnes on sale at": ......, .t.72C 18c Curtain Scrims, 12 V2C 18c Imported Dress Ging hams, 32 inches. wide; on sale at . . , . .120 120 Outing Flannels Light and dark colors, at.8C Now Is the Time To Put Up Peaches and Plums w have on track one carload of. extra fancy Colorado Elberta Free- . stone Peaches, and one carload of extra fancy Washing-ton Elberta r'reeatone Peaches, that are extra fancy fruit, and will go on sale Wednesday at, per crate... 76o Our advice is buy now. 4-basket crates of extra fancy. Italian Blue Plums, per crate 5e Bushel boxes of fancy Utah Bartlett Pears, per box a.. fs.10 Bushel boxes fancy Flen.ish Beauty Pears 81-8S The Bartlett pear season will close this week' 19 POU1TD5 BEST BJL2TTIATED StTQAB $1.00 48 lb. sack; best Hiffh Grade Diamond "H" Family Flour, made from the '" finest selected old wheat, per sack, at 1 10 bar Beat 'Em -All, Diamond "C" or Lenox Soap Sfie 10 lbs. best White or Tellow Corn meal 17H 4 lbs. fancy Japan Head Rice ..86e 6 cans LuLu Scouring Soap, it beats the Dutch .' SSo 5 cakes fancy Toilet Soaps .... SSo 8 cans oil or mustard Sardines. . a&o 1 lb. can Aassorted Soup ...... 85o 18-oj! can Condensed Milk .... SVo 14-o;. pkg. best Domestic Spaghetti or Macaroni 7H Teast Foam, pkg. '. . :. .. . . . . ... . . .3o Grape-Nuts, pkg. 10c E. C. or Oriole Corn Flakes, pkg. 6Ho BUTTES. SOOS AND CKEESB The best Creamery Butter, carton or bulk, lb. 2Eo The best No. 1 Country Creamery Butter, lb. ................... 260 The best No. 1 Fresh Country Eg?a, per dozen. S3o Fancy Full Cream Cheese, lb. 18o Fancy Full Cream Brick or Limburr 1 ger Cheese, lb. 80 TRS GREATEST VEGETABlE AHTD rSVIT MARKET XV THE WEST Prlo les Than Wbolcal 15 lb. New Potatoes to the peck, at i.;, SOo 12 lbs. fancy Greening Apple to the peck ...6 180 Fancy Sweet Corn, per doxen . . 7Ho 2 extra' large heads of Cabbagef. 60 : Large 'market basket Cucumbers 15o 4 Summer Squash 5c 6 bunches fresh Parsley So Hubbard Squash, each 10c 6 bunches fresh' Radishe or Onions for 60 Large Had Lettuce, per head.. 7o Beets, Carrots, Turnip or Parsnips, lb. !4c Fancy Jersey Sweet Potatoes, lb. 8 Ho Green Peppers for pickling, market basket SOo 3 large Egg Plants lOo 3 large Musk' Melons. . . ......... 10c Fancy Wax or Oreen Beans, lb. SVio Large Cucumber, each .......... lo Lima Beans, quart So Z stalks fresh Celery SO Fancy Tokay Mid Malaga Grape, ptr lb. So Oonoord Grp, lMkt ...... lSVio It Pays, Try Hayden's First, It Pays Make Last Year's Suits and Dresses Do You or 1912;Havem ed and Repaired NOW You are going to need heavier outer garments soon. Let us save the tailor's bill f or you. Our system will do wonders in freshening, brightening and restoring the original beauty to outer garments. Expert men's and ladies' tailors do your rellnlng and repairing at one-third less than the tailors charge. Our system has built for us the largest clean ing and dyeing business In Omaha. '"''"". These are our prices on altering and repairing: -Jacket linings, $3.00 and up, plus cost of material, or -f you can furnish it; silk or velvet collars and cuffs, . $1.50 to $2.50; to shorten jackets, $1.00; alter sleeves, " $1.25 to $2.00; overcoat collars, $1.00, $1.50 to $2.50; sleeve linings, $1.50 to $2.50. ' - . , '' Our service is prompt and efficient. You can al-' '.5 ways be certain that your garments will receive the strictest attention in every department.' A phone call will bring an auto delivery wagon to your door , promptly. ; - Remember It has taken us fifteen years ' to y.7; build this business to its present size we cannot afford to let you obtain as good service elsewhere, " no matter what the price. THE PANTORIUFI 1 ' Good Cleaners and Dyers ' ' 1515-17 Jones Street. Phone Doug. 963 Guy Liggett, Pres. . ' . :. ' Fortunes or success have often come through V little want ad; ; - Have youread the want ads yeti