10 THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1912. flniTIT IlTTk nTlftTATTTTJ If IDVrT I wh"e, 78784c; No. S, 76g774c;;Decem- rKfl n An I f nlllll (in TIHIilVul ber. S3Hc; May. rce. Spring Wfceat Yields Are Very Large and Weather is Good. ... COM MARKET QUITE BEARISH Fratnre of Oats Market la the Con tlaoatloa of the Demand, Both Domestic and Foreign Closing Price. OMAHA. Sept. 10. 1912. The total wheat crop of the country was not raised to 700,000.000 bushels in the official crop report, but the spring crop was raised to 300.000,0000 bushels. The very best judges of the crap condi tions believe that the yle:- per acre ol spring wheat will be raised in the later report based on threshing returns. All private reports In regard to the spring wheat yields are very large. Fine wea ther la helping the finish of the big Canadian crop. Grain men predict a sharp competition between United States and Canada for the export trade. Con centrated holdings may result In tem porary rallies from oversold spots, but the heavy movement and hedging sales are on the aide of sellers. Cash wheat o h gher. The increase of 140,000,000 bushels over last yar in the seven big surplus corn states cannot be regarded a anything but bearish. Under normal conditions and reasonable low prices for old corn the crop figures would at once force the late months to a lower level. Un doubtedly there will be great selling pressure In the May contracts. There Is some disposition to go slow in selling the December; in fact, it has been well ; bought of late because of the great dis count under September. The trade is watching the effect of the dry hot weather in some portions of the west and southwest and bear leader are go ing slow until all danger of frost Injury for the crop is out of the way. Cash com was 481o lower. The features of the market are - the continuation of the demand, bo.th do n estie and foreign, and the lack of pres sure in the way of bcth the cash prop erty and offers from first hands. These conditions are causing a firm undertone to, the market Cart oats unchanged. Clearances: Wheat and flour, none; com, J, 000 bushels; oata, 151,000 bushels. Liverpool close: Wheat, A to fed higher: corn, W to d higher. The following cash sales were reported: Wheat-No. 4 hard winter, car, Mftc. No. 4 mixed, 1 car, 83Ho. Oats-No. 3 white, 2 cars, 31Hc; 11 cars, 3114c; No. 4 white, I cars, 81c; t cars, 30c Corn No. 1 white, 1 car, 73c. No. S white, H car, 73c. No. J yellow, 1 car, 7214c; 14 cars. 73c. No. 3 yellow, 1 car, 72c; 2 cars, 714c; 1 car, 7Hjc. No. 4 yellow, ty, cars, 71c. No. t mixed, 1 cars, 71c; 1 car, 71c. No grade. 1 car, 65 Vic. ' Primary wheat receipts were l,4?,sw fcW! and ehinmenta. 1.216.000 bu., against receipts, 1,341000 bu. and ship ments, 440,000 bu. last year. Corn Re ceipts were 921,000 bu. and shipments, 680,000 bu., against receipts, 726,000 bu. and shipments, 1,358,000 bu. laM year. Oats Receipts were 1,486,000 bu, and , shipments, 816,000 bu., against receipts, 90,000 bu. and shipments, 276,000 bu. last year. Omaha Cash Prieea, WHEAT No. 2 hard. 84pHc; No. 2 hard, 8385c; No. 4 hard, 80884c. CORN-No. i white, 73c; No. 1 white, 72tJ73; No. 4 white. 772c; No. 2 yel low, 7272He; No. 3 yellow, 71H72c; No. 4 yellow, 7071c; No. 2, 71"4(S73c; No. 2. 71f71Hc; No. t 6970C. OATS-No2 white, Sl"42c; standard, 21H3lo; No. 2 white, iiQfllHc; No. 4 ; white, mjffSlo; No. 2 yellow, S031. . BARLEY Malting, W65c; No. 1 feed, SMi Sc. , RYE No. 2, MWc; No.' 2, 2363c. Carlut Receipts. Wheat Corn. Oats. ' Chicago ..... Minneapolis . Duluth . Omaha Kansas City St. Louis .... Winnipeg ... 430 . 448 472 , 49 , 172 126 , 67 639 27 t 62 US CHICAGO GRAIN AMD PROVISIONS Features of the Trading and Closing Prices oa Soard of Trade. CHICAGO, Sept 10. Wheat price rose today In response to strong cables. The market closed nervous, lo net higher than last night. It was something of a surprise to the wheat trade to see for eign dealers construe the Washington crop figures as having bullish signifi cance. The pit there had taken it for granted that later reports by tha govern ment would allow for the great thresh ing yields. Liverpool dispatches told of such a decidedly strong turn In senti ment, however, that the British lead was promptly followed by a rise here. Ad vices regarding English crop had also' a decidedly bullish effect Large sales of cash, wheat to arrive here from the west brought about a temporary dip In prices, but the market In the end rallied to a higher level than before. December fluctuated between Wc and 916lVe with last sales Mlc net higher at 90o. Corn worked under the Influence of a big addition to the estimated crop and because of showers southwest and west. December ranged from 52140 to 6Wf5k closing unsettled He down at E363Hc. Cash grade were weak. . No. 2 yellow, 7?'l78C. Export business kept oats firm despite the bearlshness of the government report December ranged between 82ft32ttc and 32c. with the close unchanged at ST . 32HC. Belting here on the part of the Mil waukee packer pulled down provisions. The outcome was 2Vto to THc decline all ; around except for September and October ribs, which fell lOo to 12Hc The leading future nosed a follow; OATS-Standard. 34c; No. 3 1 white. 334 r:c: No. 4 white, ,. 32ttc; December, 24032H; May. I4K& RYE No. 1. -Tlo' to 721f 7ffc. . " '"- BARLEY Malting, 58c. f '-, - - NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET Quotations of the Day on Various Commodities ' i V ' NEW YORK. Kept 10.-FLOtjft-tfldi Ur: anrina- naienta. - ti!90(tSl30: Winter straights. 4.408-4.50; winter patents, 24.70 fti.16; spring clears, 4.Z54.w; .extra no. 1 winter. ?4.Wr4.20; extra No. 2 Winter, $4.004.10; Kansas straight, H15f4.25; Rye flour, quiet; fair to good.. $3.854.O0; choice to fancy, St.0ftfM.15,- '' . ' CORNMEAL-Firmffine white and yel low, Sl.70tfM.7C; coarse, - 1.65f.70; kiln dried, $4.25. . . . . RYE Steady; No. 2 west, 69c, c. i. f. Buffalo. Hi BA RLEY Steady ; malting, 60070c, c. 1. f., Buffalo. . ,- -' WHEAT-Spot market steady; No. 2 red. 81.03H. c. 1. f. and f. o. bi track, ufloat: new No. 1 northern Duluth, 9.c, f. o. b. afloat; future market' closed 4ele net higher; September, $1.01 2-16; December, 9ic; May, $1.02. ' CORN Spot market weak; expert, lc, f. o. b. afloat, December to March. .1 . OATS Spot market steady; new stan dard white, 38o nominal, on track No.' 2, 2Sttc; No. 2, 2737Vc; No. 4. , 36336; natural white, 35ttfli38e: new White cap ped. 38V442c, all on track: ' , ' HAY-8teady.-prune, $1.35; Nju 1, 1U0; No. 2, $1.1&L30; No. 3, 11.00. ' . HIDES-Steady; Bogota, teUfWHo; Central America,1 26V4c.. . LEATHER Firm ; hemlock first." 26H ft 27c; seconds, 2 4 26c; thirds, 2223c; re jects, 16c. PROViaiONS-Pork, steady mess? $i.Ti 20.25; f4ml!y, $21.6032.S0;. short Clears, $20.5022.55. Beef, steady; mess, tl6.XKd 16.50; family, ltf.6019.60; beef .hams, 128.01 31.00. Cut meats, quiet; pickled bellies, 10 to 14 lbs., H2.ooi4.00; pickled hamf til 60 14.00. Lard, easy; mlddlewest. $11.46il.50; refined, steady; continent, $11.95; South America. $12.(5; compound, I8.12tt8 .J7V4. TALLOW-Steady; city, 6c; special, 7V4c; country, 6ig.c. BUTTER Steady ; recelhts, H321 ' tubi. Creamery: Extras, 2Sft29c;' flrnta, 27 28c; process, extras, Z'i1f26c; factory, current make, firsts, 22Ho, t ' v-. CHEESE Easy ; receipts, 2,676 boxeA. State, whole milk colored, specials, 16c, same, whites. 16c; skim, , 413c. , ,;J . EOGS Firm; receipts 2n4'li rosea; Fresh gathered, extras, 2729o; extra firsts, 2636c; firsts, 2o24o; refrigerator, firsts, season' storage charges paid, 234124c; lower grades,. 192Sc; .. western gathered, whites. 2f2Bd. ,',',. .. . . POULRY-Allve. ateady; western chick ens, 1920c; fowls, M19c; turkey; 16c. Dressed firm; fresh killed western chick ens, 1424c; fowl, 1617ttc; turkey, 16 17c. . .,. .,-. , ' . ',: Corn and Wheat Keffton Balletln.' United Ptate Department of- AgHcrtl ture, weather bureau, for tha, twenty four hours ending at t a. tn., 7Sth meri dian time, Tuesday, September 10, 1912: OMAHA STATIONS. ' , ' , , ' Temp.-- Rain Stations. High. Low. fall. Ashland, Neb.. 96 66. .2.10 Auburn, Neb. ..101 3 .00 Columbu. Nb. - 4 . 1.27 Culbertson .. SO Falrbury, Neb.102 Fairmont, Neb. 96 Gr. Island, Nb. 87 Hartlngton . 78 Hastings, Neb.. 82 Holdrege, Neb. 77 Lincoln, Neb.- 94 No. Platte, Nb78 Jakdale, Nb.,75 Omaha. Neb.... 92 Tekamah, Neb. 92 Valentine, Nb. 76 Alta. la......... 90 Carroll. Ia 90 Clarinda, la.... 96 Sibley.- Ia SA Sioux City, Ia. 84 68 1.27 M . .17 8, .16 64 . 1.10 62 62 B8 67 Sky. ' Cloddy Pt. cloudy ' Pt. cloudy Cloudy ' ft. cloudy Pt. loudy Cloudy -Ralnlnt " Raining Cloudy. A aoudy ' Cloudy , Riininl , Cloudy ' Ralntnk 44 " Raining .40 .Ralnlhg , 1.78 Cloudy .W Pt. cloudy i .10 Cloudy ...46 Raining , .60' l.W . .80 .44 V.6 i LIS Minimum temperature for twelve-hour period ending at 8 a. m. j Notnoluded In averages. .- ; r t DISTRICT AVERAbE." No. -Temp.1 Rain Stations. High. O.... 18 Central. -Columbus. Louisville. Ky... 22 94.. India'polls, Ind..lS . 42, Chicago, 111 24 94 Jt. Louis, Mo... 19 98 De Moines, la. 22 )M Mlnneapoll .... 81 , 8 Kan. City, Mo.. 26 , 98 . Omaha. Neb 17 92 LdW.'- fall. ,4 -t 08 86 0 TO 83 -.00 .00 .w f.oo .40 .00 ,.so 40 1.10 rricrh tamiwiritiirM aralh" fireValled in the corn and wheat region durln Mon day, but a decided change to eooler oc curred In the western and central por tion during the night Rain" were gen eral In the western district fliMn th i. tnrv.four hour and were heavy I at points In Nebraska and ,wfltr9v lowh, Ia., and fall ranging front one to over two Inche occurred in N6-, .' Local Forecaster, Weathor Bureau, at. Lonla General Clarke. " ' , tvm Rnt 1ft. WHEAf-Ckh. lower; track No. 2 red.; 81.0lSfl.0S; N6. 1 hard, WrsM. : - i' CORN WeaK: iracit ia, ., ,tuwHTVt l2c;"No. Artlclei Open. High.) Low. Close j Tes y. Wheatl till Sept 9lW 90 91H 90' Dec. Wm 91H4 90 90 May. 95UMHH9H!6y 94 Corn. I ' Wept 72Si 734 71H 71 73H Dec.. mWWtm, 5214 H4 5STi654 May. UHU 63 614 M 63 Oats. ( Sept. S1'4 32Vt 314 32 i3174(3,32 Dec. m 32H 82 Zl'Amt SAW May. Zi S414 344 3434V4 S4V4 Pork. Sept. 17 80-02 17 05 16 96 11 02V4 17 70 Oct. 17 2S 17 26 t 17 07 17 20 17 224 Jan.. IS ttVi 18 87'A IS 75 18 85 18 90 Lard. Sept 11 07 M 10 It 02V4 11 10 11 12H Oct. 11 IS 11 15 tt 02!4 10 09 11 15 Dec. 10 65 10 70 l'K2'4 10 67 10 72 Jan.. 10 65-07 10 67 19 57 10 2-5 10 87 Ribs. I Sept 10 70 10 72 10 62 10 70 10 85 Oct. 10 80 10 80 T 10 tin 10 70 10 S2 Jan.. 10 10 10 10 10 02 10 07 10 10-li Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Steady, winter patents, 84.10(51 wn straignis, n.xuy sprmg patents, 84.2.W6.70; stralghta. 84.00S4.!0; bakers, W.WtfS.W. RYE No. 2, 67c. BARLEY Feeding or mixing. 4550c; iir to cnoice maiunK. r."M72c. SEERS-Timothy,. I2-SOS4.00. Clover, $13.0th-al9.()0. PROVISIONS-Mees pork, $17.1217.85, Ijrd, in tiereea, $U.15. Short ribs, loose. Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 4,000 bu. primary recelnta wtre 1.942,000 bu., compared with 1.34,000 on. tne corresponding date last year.. rtimated receipts for tomorrow: 'Wheat ZU2 car; corn. SSI cars: oata, SS6 cars; hoss. 26,000 hid. ' " Chicago Cash Price -. Wheat: to. i rKi. .OHL05; No. r'd. S6cfl1.04; No. 2 hard, 9192c; P'o. J hard, 90.ee: No. 1 northern, 92 if 3.x, o, i nonnera, siWJw; No. ' 1 notthern, 83fi87c; No. 2 spring, SIOc: No. S spring. KWfSTc; No. 4 spring, Softie; velvet chaff. KfTiOe; drrum, 871c. Corn: No. 2, cac; No. 2 white. 7xti0c: No. 2 yellow, 77r78c; No. S. 76S Z7-.?0- 1 wh!te Wc; No. yellow, .47S4c; No. 4, T&gSc; No. 4 white i.liii,7Se; No. 4 yellow, Oat: No. 2 white, StVifSc; No. 2 white, S2fl33c; No. 4 white, SltSC: KYE-No. S. 87c. '" BARLT5T-4fia73c bh,KDS Timothy, 21.5034.00; S13.00S17.00. . -auwtw' 4 whit KWamtS. OATS-Weak; track No. 2, SI white. 340. . - " RYE Lower, TO0. v i f 'w CloMng price op future: , -('' WHEAT Higher; December,' SITict May. 95C : f ' ' CORN-Lower; December, 60-e; ;May. OATS-Steady; December," 31e; May, S3c . - - .'. ; FIjOUR Steady; rea winter v pwmiw S4.2a.flC; extra fancy andstralght 84.15 4.65; hard winter clear, S3.G04jS.75. r l"OKWiriA.U ta.iv. - . ' ' ' BRAN Weak; sacked, east track, $1.00 HAY - Steady; timothy,, SU.OOQlS.BO; prairie, Sll.OOfH.OO. ?- '. v ,j i PROVISIONS Pork, lard, ; dfya .salt meat and bacon unchanged. . , POULTRY-Weaker; chicken, 18c; spring. 16s; turkeys, I718o; duck..9 Uc; geese. 510e. , - -. . , BUTTER Quiet; creamery, rec. EGGS Firm; 20e. - - - - . - ' ( Receipts, mpment, Flour, bbls 9,700 Wheat bu 127,000 Corn, bu S,000 Oats, bu ai.uw 13.000 54.000 84,000 49,000 old, 7s 3d; New American kiln dried, 7s 2d. Futures, steady; - September, be 3d; December, 5 ld. ,. .. STOCKS A.D BOXDS. . ,'.' - Review of Operations on Stock Ex change Daring; the Day. NEW YORK, Sept. . lO.-Yesterday's brilliant crop report end the apparent Improvement In the Mexican situation Imparted a mildly stimulating effect to the stock market today, although trading was again very light and almost wholly professional. Reading and Union Pacific were most active and strongest of the speculative favorites, with underlying strength in the Hill issues, St Paul and Lehigh Valley. Smelting made the best showing of the metal and allied Issues. Steel, however, -held firm, pending pub lication of August tonnage figures. Har vester, the Tobaccos, Mexican Petroleum and a few more obscure, specialties were up 1 to 3 points. Bonds were steady. Aside from one point gains in Har vester and Woolworth, price changes In the early dealings on the stock ex change today were unimportant South ern Pacific and some of. the grangers and trunk lines recorded fractional advances presumably . as a result of yeBterday'k government crop report Large fractional -gain were registered by' the leading clocks during the first hour. High priced Industrials moved In contrary currents. Sears Roebuck fall ing three points while Leggltt and Myers gained nearly as much. LAST ADD WALL STREET The market closed' heavy. Prices went down a money rates climbed with somt Issues ruling a point below their best price, Including Union Pacific and Amalgamated. Number of sale and leading quotations on stocks war aa follows: - talw. High. Low. Clou. a l,too H14 - !4 7 Panama canal and public debt transac tions. . , . . - New York Mining Stocks. NEW YORK, Sept 10.-Closing quota tions on mining stocks were: Com.- Tunnel stock.. I Mlcan r 80 do bondt 15 Ontario IW Cnn. Cal Vi.... it Onhlr Iron Silmr .ISO 3tanIrd .... LetdTlll Con. ..... 4 Yellow Jacket Utile Chief I Uttered. ' OMAHA-GENERAL MARKET. .109 . 1,300 1(0 119 llVi 200 1,000 0 to 14 85 101 300 127 Vi 126 400 00 (00 0 M 4314 86 " iihi 1,000 274 (.400 46 270 44 14 2 46 l.DOO 108 108 108 101 200 143 700 107 1.200 40 400 M 142 141 108 108 M 0 M 1.000 274 273 374 1,400 11 10 10 500 80 80 78 ..... 18 2,400 107 108 108 100 188 4.100 11 200 145 146 100 15 15 139 4 138 V4 34 144 15 17 Amalgamated Copper American Acrlcultural ,.; 58 Americas Bewt 8uar....; 7.100 76 74 74tt American Can ' 7.600 ' 40H v Americas- can pra American C. ft F American Cotton Oil Am. Ice Securttlee , American Uneeed '.. American Locomotive ... American 8. k R Am. 8. A R. pfd Am. Sugar Refining American T. a T , American Tobacco Anaconda Mining Co..., Atchison Atcbleon pfd Atlantic Coast Line Baltimore & Ohio Bethlehem Bteel Brooklyn Rapid Tr Canadian Pacific ........ Centrar Leather , ., Chesapeake A Ohio Chicago- O. W , Chicago, at. 8t. P.... Chicago aV N, W Colorado V. 4 1.. Consolidated Oas .., Oirn Prodocta Delaware at Hudaon , Denver A Rio Grande... Denver t R. O. ptd WBtlHors SeosrKlee ,,,, Erie tCrte lit pfd.,:... ., Erie 2d pfd General Blectrlo Great Northern ptd. , Great Northern Ore ct(s.. Illinois Central , Inter borough Met. Inter. Mat. p'd , International Harvester .. Inter-Marina pfd International Paper ..... International Pump ...... Kanaaa City Southern.. Laclede Oaa Uhlgh Valley Loulevllle at. Nashville.., M., it, P. A 8. 8. 11..., Missouri, K. 4 T Missouri Pacific National Bhroult .,...'..., National Lead N. It. R. of M. Id pfd. New York CiiUral H. Y., O. 4 W.... Norfolk 4V Western...... North American ........ Northern Pacific ........ Pacific Mall Pennsylvania People's Oaa P., C, C. 4 Bt. u, Pittsburgh Coal Pressed Steel Car. Pullman Palaoa Car Heading Republic I. . 4 . Kapubllo I. 4 8. pfd... Bock Island Co.... luick bland Co. pfd. .. Bt. U 4 i. P. Id pfd.. seaboard Air Una Seaboard A. L. pfd Bloss-BheHleld 8. 4 I.. Southern Paclfle louthern Railway Bo. Railway pfd Tennesaee Copper ....... Teaa 4 Paclllo Union Pacific t'nlou Paclfle ptd........ United States Realty.... totted States Rubber.., United States Bteel . V. 8. Bteel pfd Utah Copper Va. -Carolina Chemical . Wabaeh Wabash pfd Western Maryland Western Union ........... Westlnghouse Blectrlo .... win A. 1. E. Total sales lor oy, i,"v . , - New York Money Market. - x'jp-or vnptf. Bent. 10 Money on call. firm. S4 Pr cent; " ruling rate, 3 per centf closing bid. 4 Pr cent; ot lered at 4 per cent ime loans, strong; tiO days, f ve per cent and 90 days 66 Der cent; six monms ovum i " PRIME MERCANTILK PAPER 6 V4 to ' sTERUNa EXCHANGE! Weak, with actual business in banker' bills at J4.8315 for lxty-oay omis anu i ei.ovj.v vi o- SILVER far, fesfto; oibjuh u"m" easy. Kansas City Grata and Provision. KANSAS CITT, Mo., Sept. 10.-WHEAT Cash: Unchanged to He higher;- No 1 hard. 8788c; No. S, " 83c6!i No. ,J red. 96c(b 11.00; No. Z, 8S(897c , . coRJi-w lower; no. z mia, mm 74c; No, 1 72c; No. 2 white. 74e; No. S. c. - . . ' ' ; ; '. . t . OATS-8teadyt No. i white, o4sr84ic; No. mixed, SWi3c. ' - ' RTE-l'nchanged. ; V ' . 4 ' ' I HAY-Unchanged. . .' ' BUTTER-Creamery. tflUc: flrts.' 2ib: econdd, 2Jc; packing stock, SViV ' EGGS Extras, 23c; firsts, lio; seconds, 16o. . . . v ' . .. , ., Closing prices of futures: WtlEAT September. S7c; December, 86fis0i May. JSHM9c. v v . . , . CORN-September. 9c; pecem ber, 49e; May. 49f 4Sc. , i OATS-December, ,S232c " M4a', J45ic. . ... . Receipts. Shipment!). wheat bu. .......... 17S.00O , JJICOO Corn, bu. 60.000 ' , 1S.W0 Uts, oet 1S.C00 ' j ,. 14,000 BHanewnolla Grain Market. ; MINNEAPOU8. Sept. 10. WHEAT- September, 8Jc; December. Sc; May, 83c. Cash: No. 1 hard. e: No; 1 northern, tcjc; No. 1 northern. I2a CORN No. I yellow, 71c' J ' OATS-No. t white. SOe. ' ' RYE No. . lj3c. ., BRAN-e-ln 100-pound sacks, 5O.0. . -FLOUR-Mrst patents. 4.38fi4.te: sec rJ ond patents, 84.20&4.K: f lrt clears, I3.IMI " !l.60: swond olears, $2.30tC0. - . . FLAX-S1.70fil.71. - BARLEY 4065c. . . ver, HUwaakee General Market. MILWAUKEE. wla., Sept lft, IMHKAT-Ko, 1 northern, 2S3c; No. t northern. 8SV491Hc; No. 1 hard winter, ieisrwc: December, S34ic; May, MVc. CORN-No. yellow, 77iS7!c; No. f II 7 too u m 1,700 U K K ' 2u0 K ' 624 12 , 44!4 ..... Ml (,iot utt m mi, ' (00 4V 4 4H 109 130 130 It 1,300 19 1 lthi 400 'U US Mli 7,500 124 124ti IU . 300 20 1) 19 ..... ..... " 10 4i 27 24Vs 100 106 IOC. 106 1,800 148 17 1 400 14t 141 11 500 1M W 141 400 28 2X 1,200 41 40 40 - I0 18 ' 188 13s 400 40 . 40 0 2 400 lit ' 114 114 100 114 HI 116 ..... U 1.000 127 124 12 40 21 '1 1 . 700 124 124 123 114 1,400 110 10 110 20 24 24. 24 . 400 27 87 37 ...... 1OT 46,300 19 18 1 700 ' 27 27 27 400 19 -8 88 1.900 24 24 2 400 43 . 42 62 100 lt 16 22 . 400 7 17 , ...... 6 1,000 110 109, 10 . 1,700 20 29 ! 2 600 II '40 W 1,400 44 44 ' , 43 10 23 , 23 : 23 14,400 141 168 18 .......... 8 , 204 13 83 81 t SO , 41 41 82,600 78 78 800 1H 111 1 2,100 46 45 . 700 4 48 400 4 4 4 200 14 14 14 .. ...... ..... ST ' - W0 M - 11 H 800 87 17 17 - 100 ' ' 4 BUTTER No. I. 1-lb. cartons, 27c; Wa L in CO-lb. tuba, 27c; No. 'i. Joe; pace tag, 25c. . CHEESE Imported Swiss, 33c; Ameri can Swiss, '26c, block Swiss, 24c; twins, liVjc; daisies, 18c; triplets. ISc; . Young Americas, Uc; blue label brick. -lS'jo. limoerger, 2-lb.r iOc; i-lb., 23c. POULTRY L'roiiers, So-ac per !.; hens, lie; cocks, wloc; ducks, 18c; geciio. be; turkeys. 23c; pigeons, per doz., LM. Alive: Hens, -JOyilc; old roosters, b4c; tags, 5Hc;.oliV ducks, full feathered, -Jo; geese, full 'feathered. 6c; turkeys, 12c; p neons, pet idot., 90c; homers, U-sd; fcquabs. No. J : li oo; No. 2, 60c. Ueef cut prices: Ribs, No. 1. 2121c; No. 2, 15c; No. 2, 1010c. Loins, No. 1. 24c: No.. Vise;. No. 3, ll(gll4C. Chucks, No..l, 10c; No. 2, 88Vic; No. , 77i4c. Rounds, No. 1, No. 2, lie; No. 8. 9Hc. Pla,te. No. 1, 77c; No. 2, 6 4C. NO. t. S'jJ6C. FISH (Ireh-Pickerel, vc; whlt Uc; pike, lie; trout 14c; larg ovtples, 1J Uc: Spanish tnackere. Is el. c: had- aocks, Ion; flounders. I3c; green catfish. be; rose shade, soo each; shad roe,- per pair, 46c; salmon, 15c; halibut c; yellow perch, 8c; buffalo, sc; bulheads, SHc. FRUITS. ETC New apples in bbls.. f3.0uva.ZD. Spanish onion, per -case, Uananas, lancy select per bunch, 12. Mi 2.60; Jumbo, per bunch, fl7o3.7o. Datas, Anchor brand, new, 30 1-lb. pkgs. In box, per box, 12.26. Dromedary brand,' new, 30 1-lb. pkgs. in box, per box, $3.00. Figs. Call-. rornia. per case or n No. 12 pkgs.. S5c. per case of 36 No. 12 pkgs , SloO; per case ot 60 No. pxgs., .i; bulk, in 26 and 60-lb. boxes, per lb., 10c; new, Turkish, 6-crown, In 20-lb. boxes, per lb., 15c; 0- crown, In 2v-ib. boxes, per lb., 16c; 7- crown, In 30-lb. boxes, per lb., . 17c. Lemons. Llmonlera, selected brand, extra fancy, aoO-360 sises, per box, $6.50; Loma Llmonelra, tancy. 300-360 sizes, per box tb.2s; 240-420 sizes, 5oc per box less; Cali fornia, choice, 800-860 sizes, per box, 15.50. Oranges, Calltot nia Pansy brand, ex tra , fancy, w-l-'s sizes, per box, 33.75; extra fancy, all sizes, per box, 4.a0. Reaches, California, foe; Coloradowhite and ' yellow, - ireestone, 6og7Sc. Canta loupes, California, 45 sise, 13.00; Rocky Ford, 45 size, 33.25; pony, 64 else, 32.5u. Watermelons, per lb., lc VEGETABLES-Cabbage, home grown. per lb., lc. - Celery, Michigan, per doz., 36c, Cucumbers, hot house, per doz., 36c. Egg plant fancy Florida, per doz.. 31.60. Garlic, extra fancy, white, per doz., 15c. Lettuce, extra lancy, wme, per oos., zac. Onions, white. In crate, $1.00; yellow,, per crate, 90c. Parsley, fancy southern, per 4oz. - bunches, &vj75c. Potatoes, home grown, per bu., 75c. Tomatoes, ; home grown, per 4-basket ' carrier, 40c. Wax Deans, iier Uavsaeji. luu: Ei'eren Iwauia, ier basket I1.C0. ' ' firm; railroad, cio'sing quotations on bonds today were as follows: V. a. ret. la. ief...loi do coupon ...... .,101 V. S. Is, rag ..101 da OOUBOa ........10' K. C. So. ret. la... 17 U S. dee. 4s mi.. 11 U at K. unl. 4a.... 17 M. K. T. Ut 4s. 93 U S. 4s, reg -oo ten. do coupon 113Mo. Paoitlo 4s..., . 70 m. couDon.,106 do coot. ia.. ...... 8S Allls-Caal, 1st !.. 40 N R R of M 4.. 49 amle As. la 101 -N. Y. C. g. 1.... 14 t T. o. 4a.. 113 do deb. 4s 12 eAm Tobacco ts..,in--n. i. n. n. m n. Armour Co. 4a.. e.- 2a M Atchison se, 4s.... N. .W. 1st s. -4a.. 7 do OY. 4 1940 .1W. ct. 4s 114 de ta.... 1 No. Paclfio 4a 9 r t. 1st 4a.... 4 de la 48 iau. o. u. riog. ea. rn. or. !e HIS. M II - do eon. 4a... 103 Wl Reading gen. 4a.... M 6S. U a S. F. fg. 4 7S n.. A Ohto 4s. do gen. tm : 84 do . 4 -" U 8- W. o. 480 Chicago 4 A. !. HS. A. U adj. 6a..,. 71 da sn le do ct. 4s CM tart 4s..l04 do 1st ret. 4s 13 F b i a P. a. 4. 48 Bo. Railway la.... .104 Metal Market. NEW YORK. Sept 10.-METALS-C6P- per, firm; standard spot, 317.253a7.75; Sep tember, $17.25&17.37W; October, $17.25) 17.: November. 7.25wi7.5(); electrolytic. tl7.7517.87Hf lake, 17.755,17.87i casting, $17.1217.25. Tin, firm; spot 4S.12H 4S.26; September, S48.10ifM8.20; October, 48.00g)48.20. Lead, strong; 5.Q0gS.20. Spelter, firm, I7.25!7.50. Antimony, quiet; uooKsons, 18.. iron, strong; un changed; exports, copper, this month, 6.118 tons; London copper' steady; spot 178 10s; futures, 79 6a. . Local . exchange sales on tin, 100 tons; London tin dull; spot, f220 10s; futures. 217 5s. London lead. f23. London spelter, tas l&s.- iron, Cleveland warrants, 6&s 7Hd in London, STi LOUIS. Sept. 10. METALS Lead, higher; 36.0214; sptlter, firm; 7.257.30. Wool Market. BOSTON, Sept. lOi-Prlces showed little change In the local wool- market during the last week, the tone remaining firm. Wisconsin and Missouri, tnree-eightiis blood, 2S1i29c; one-quarter blood, 28ig) 29c; Georgia, 2930c; Kentucky and simi lar one-half biooa . unwasnea, , ew&c; three-eighths, 3233ct one-quarter,, 3233c. Scoured basis: Texas fine six to eight months, 6466c; fine twelve. months, 60 62c: fine fail. 4647c. ST. ( LOUIS. MO,, ept. Kl-WWlj-4 Steady:' territory and western mediums. 30'24c; fine mediums, 1820c; fine, 1317c. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. - ST. JOSEPH, ' Sept. 10. CATTLE Re ceipts, 2,700 head. Market steady; steers, 36.7510.00; cows and heifers, I3.25&9.00; calves, I5.0089.oa . ' HOtSS Receipts, s.oov neaa. Marxet slow and uneven; top, $8.80; bulk of sales, 18.308.75. ' : . SHEEP AND LAMBBneceipu, , head. Market 10c to 16c higher; lambs, ; ... r Dry - Qoods ' Market. ' NEW YORK, Sept .10.-DRY OOODS Th Amoskeaif dress ginghams were opened for spring during the day on the same Price oasis as. latii year, louuu rni1a are generally steady, with a mod erate trade. Jobbers are doing a good house trade. Men's wear, prices are very firm and staple numbers are Inactive. ' Pkilaaelpfcln Produce) Market. PHILADELPHIA, Sept 10.-BUTTER Firm; fair demand; western 4 creamery extra, 29j'2H4c. F.OOS Active, unchanged. CHEESE Quiet, shade easier; New York full cream, choice, 161ic. '.' Cotlee Market. NEW YORK. Sept. 10.-COFFEE The market closed 210 points net lower; sales, 14,000 bags. Spot coffeet, steady; Rio 7a, 14c; Santos 4s, 16o. .Mild, quiet; Cordova, 16lSc, ., , 1 'V Sna-ar Market, NEW YORK, Sept. : 10. SUGAR Raw, steady; muscovado, - 89 test 3.86c, centrifugal, 1 94! test, 4.30c; - molasses, test-S.tU; refined steady. 1 Oil and Rosin. SAVANNAH. Ga., Sept 10. TINE. firm, 37c, KOSIN-Flrm; tjpes F and TURPEN- O, $6.55. Bal. Ohio 4. . do ! Brook. Tr. ct. 4i Cen. of Oa. Is., On Leather is., do Hg. 4a.. do gen.. 4a. 78 or a a r 4e4 Union Paclfle 4.... n l h a..... 7 Mo ot. 4a ....102 U, TWK. We ran U !. W in, w la .14 TT. 8. Rubbe .... 108 4a 4t. 8. Bteel !d 6a... 103 74Va.-Car. Oiesa. ia. S D. R. nwtillera' Erie p. 1- 4a . do gen - 4a. Peoria Market. ' i PEORIA. Sept 10.-CORN-tic to o lower; No. 3 yellow,., Wi4f7e: . No. i yellow, 76H'76c; No. 4 yellow, 78c: No. J mixed, ic; No. i mixed, iteio; No. 4 mixed, 75c. - : t ,' ' ; . , OAT-Hc up; . standard. S!; No. S white, 82Ci No. 4 white, ilc. , : I.lTernool Grain Market. ' LIVERPOOL, Sept. , 10.-WHEAT-Spot. steady: No. 1 Manitoba, nominal: No. 2 Manitoba. Ss 6d: No. 1 Manitoba, 8s id. Futures, strong i October, 7 "iA; December, 7s td. . . CORN-Spot quiet; American mixed .... i. .r B n Wabwh 1st si. 4s 70 ill On 1st ref. 4 W Western Md. 4a.. 15 inter.. Met 4-.... "HWert. w. I.. lntee. M. M. 4a., Wli Central 4a..... 11 japan Bid. Oflred. . Boston Stock Market, BOSTON, i Sept m-Cloing quotations on siocaa " " "'."- ., ss nonsws ......... ... i;S4 Nevada Con. ... llMpleatng .Mlaee 4 North Butte H North Uke ..... ... 10 Old Doaalntoa ... ...lot Oeeeola .......... ... 20 Qulncy smShanuoa HV Superior -......... 10 Kurerlor t 8. M l Tamarack ........ t U. 8. 8. R. M 1 d pfd It t'taa Cen. 1 fun Copper Co. 34 Winona WolTerlB ....... Allooes ........... Amal. Coppr ... A. S. t. a .. Arliona Com. ... B, C. C. 8. ecal. Artsoaa. Cal. Hecla.... Centennial .......... Coi. Rang C. C... East Butt C. 84. Franklin Otroux Con.. Oranbr. Coa. Oroene Cananea ... Isle Royal Copper. Kerr Uke ......... take- Copper ...... La Salle Copper... Miami Capper .... Bid.. . 17 . 22 . 8 .41 . I . 40 .111 . U .106 . 4 16 . 4t . 4 . . 11 . Sf. . . 12 Condition of Treasnrr. WASHINGTON. 8ept 10,-At the begin ning ot business today the condition, of the United States treasury was: Work ing balanc In treasury offices. $f.fiS4.44, In banks and Philippine treasury, $33,148. fttft. Total of the general fund won, liril.0S7.RtS. Receipts yesterday, 11.270.825. Disbursements were. 13 642.11 The de ficit to date thi fiscal year Is $7.047.M5 as against a deficit of 330.803.073 at this time last year. These figures exclude Cotton Market. NEW YORK-Sept. 10.-COTTON- Bpot, closed quiet; middling uplands, 111.05; middling gulf, 311.90; sales, S bales. SAINTS HEAR MANY SERMONS AT MAGNOLIA CAMP GROUNDS OMAHA LIYEJIOCK MARKET Receipts of Cattle Coutinue Large, ' with Good Kinds Steady. . . . .. - . HOGS STEADY ;T0 FIVE LOWES ,' Sheep and Lambs la Large Receipt and Prices Generally Steady on i Desirable Kinds Heavy - Rnlns Wet Fleeces. ' SOlTTH OMAHA, Sept. W, Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. 1276 6,300 8,076 9.S52 9,591 11,688 13,306 8.658. 1912. Sheep. 29.895 20.500 60,395 5.1. 4M 63,428 47,439 25,418 10061 Estimate Monday.. S.354 Estimate Tuesday.. 7.400 Two days this week 16.755 Same days laet week 16,251 Same 3 weeks ago 14,205 Same 3 weeks ago 12.996 Same 4 weeks ' ago 14.15A Same days last vear 19.065 una following table shows tne receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for tne year to date, as compared witn last year: : 1912. 1911. Inc. Dec Cattle ..... 6S. 906 ' 73,42". 134,047 Hogs 2,273,729 1,808,849 465,880 i Sheep 1,465,464 1,872.614 92.939 The following table shows the range of prices for hogs at Sou-.n rjmaha for. th last few days with comparisons,' Date, j 1913. 1911.lSlO.jlato.19O8.jl9O7.11906. Sept Sept Sept. Sept l. - I 7 07 6 7J B SL'jl 7 121 b 27W 8 23 7 121 6 45! 7 rO I 43 S 7 17 7 S7I ( 631 6 661 I 7 85 67 Sept,' 6. 8 22 7 08 9 02 I 6 61 5 75j 6 67 Cf-. a I t mu, . a nm at axi' at i r 4M l t "? 6eDt 6. Sept' 7: Sept. H Sept. 9. Sept 10 8 26' 8 354 IS! 1671, SS 6 851 6 69 6 76 6 921 171 7 871 15 811 5 76 6 94 9 061 7 93 61 5 SS 6 8S 9M 8 91 7 92 6 64 6 90 97) 9 021 7 f9l $ 691 5 821 9 13 1 7 881 6 ft o 3 Sunday. Receipts and dlsoosition of live stock at the Union Stock Yards, South Omahu, for the twenty-four hours ending at 3 p. m. yesterday: RECEIPTS CARLOADS. Cattle.Hogs.Sheep.HVs. C, M. & St. P. 3 6 . .. .. Mo. Pac. R. R... 5 U. P. R. R 46 20 O. & N. W. Ry. east 2,7 C. & N. W. Ry. west 70 16 C, St. P., M. AO.. 18 C, B. & Q., east.... 11 , 2 , C, B. & Q., west..l55 "21 C.;- R. I. & P., east 1 4 Illinois Central 1 - t C, G. W 4 64 16 78 Total receipts ..290 95 , DISPOSITION H EAD. t Cattle. Hogs Morris & Co...... Swift 4V Co Cudahy Packing .'Co. . Armour & Co SchwaraT & Co..'. Murphy Morrell ".. Cudahy, from country W..B. Vansant Co.... Benton, V'nsant & L. Hill & Son F. B. Lewis....... Huston & Co....; J.- B. Root & Co...... J. H. Bulla L. i Huss.. Rosenstock McCreary & ' Kellog.. Wertheimer & Dexen H. P. Hamilton ...... Lee Rothschild ....... Mo. & Kan. -Calf. Co.. Cllne & Christie...... Othey buyers : ........ 496 597 983 849 37 '"54 W 364 238 135 123 ' 291 218 231 331 233 , 221 247 46 89, 1.121 853 1.555 951 1,627 817, HVs 2,234 2.8So . l;08i 4,223 'Til 7,274 . 6,606 10,907 22,047 Total CATTLE Receipts of cattle were very liberal again this morning, making the' total for the two days 16,755 bead, a slight gain over the corresponding days of last week, but smaller .than a year ago by over 2,000 head. Other markets were fairly , well supplied although ' re ceipts were at no point excessive. The market, opened with beef steers of desirable quality in good demand and with prices fully, ateady. On the other hand the common and inferior grades were slow sellers and the feeling weak. Uows and heifers were free sellers and hi some cases the market' even looked strong as compared with-yesterday. The big bulk of the arrivals changed bands In good seasm in the morning. - ' The splendid prospect , for a goood corn crop , and -for abundant' fan pasturage has created a good country buying de mand for stock cattle and feeders. As a result the market this morning on de sirable kinds was active and firm, the big bulk of the receipts changing hands In, fair season. ' , Quotations on native cattle. Beef steers, good' to chalce. 38.25S10.25: ' beef steers, fair to good, 37.2598.25; beef steers, common to fair, 36.00(37.25; good to choice heifers, I6.00ftj,75: good to choice cows. 8.00S.OO; fair to good cows. t4.O0(6.OO; common to fair cows, S2.76&4.00; good to choice stockers and feeders, JC.OO7.50; fair to good stockers and feeders, 16.00 6.00; common to .fair stockers. and feed ers. 1.50416.00: Stock cows and heifers 34.5066.75, veal calves, S4.50K8.7S; bulls. Quotations on range cnoice Deer Steers, i: beef steers,: lU.007.Xt; beef .steers, $5.G&ti.00. COWS; cattle: Good to i.75; fair to good common - to fair No. ii!"'.! .'" to..... Av. ... 810 ... 131 ... 130 ... Mi ... 160 ...1126 ... U7 fr. 1 00 1 10 4 00 4 35 4 n 4 Is 4 6ft- No. 11..... .... I..... 1..... At. Pr. Ml 4 7 .1004 . Ill .106 . 900 .1114 4 71 4 71 I 1 6 I 46 rtEIKERS. . ' 4J 100 . 140 (10 174 I 10 . CALVES.' ...... 441 I 16 1....:...... 176 110 ...... 124 I SO ; I lit 1 M ...... 117 10 I... HO 1W ISO 1 60 . , STOCKk.KS.AND FEEDERS. 121 100- 11 ISO 140 ...... 436 I 10 10...... 1011 40 W0 I 40 I........... MJ 16 76 10 I.....'. 13M to" W !S6Tl!iKi BBRASK A. ..1142 ,.1107 . 876 ,. 915 . 712 .M .. 922 733 Heman C. Smith preached this afternoon and S. W. Scott this evening. v The Persistent and Judicious "Usa Newspaper Advertising is the Road Business Success. . .v 13 steers 19 steers 21 heifers. 4 cows... 37 feeders, 3li feeders 10 cows... IS heifers. 13 feeders.. 1193 67 steers.. ..1067 6 ca.ves... 476 47 feeders.. 1008 36 feeders.. 588 6 he-:fers...l04o 78 steers.. .,1236 8 cows 348 25 steers.... 939 lu heifers... 798 K. ." A. 20 heifers... 755 34 cows...;. 931 i LOGAN, , Ia., Sept 10.-(Specla)-The reunion of the Latter Day Saints at the camp grounds at Magnolia was the scene of the largest attendance 3.000 for v the first Sunday in the history of the church organization In Harrison county. The leading towns ' of Iowa and also many towns ot Nebraska, Including Omaha, In dependence and Kansas City,, are weil represented. '.': . Elder Sidney Pitt superintendent ot the Sioux City district delivered the opening sermon Friday. ' Permanent organisation was effected Saturday, when Elder J. W Wight of Lamonl was placed in chargo of the meetings. Mrs. J. W. Wight and S. B. Klbler were given In charge of thj song service. Miss Esta Sturat of Mon aamm was elected secretary, and 8. B. Klbler, J. L. Parker of Sioux City an.1 Mrs. Stuart of Magnolia, press commit- s?Mai. .T T, Parbttp i1llvri4 ; the sermon of Saturday morning. Elder 3. W. k j; Wight that or the afternoon ana n.iaer Charles Derry of Woodbine the sermon of the evening. Elder W. S. Scott Of Michigan delivered the' Sunday morning sermon. Elder Herman C. ; Smith of Lamonl the sermon of the afternoon and Eider J. W. , Wight the sermon of the evening. ;";; '' '.'..' -. "j Elder J. L. Parker of Sioux City con ducted prayer service this morning. . He was assisted by Elder William Wilson. Mrs. M. A. EUenhouser of Kansas City conducted ths auxiliary work. Eider 6 50 6 65 6 40 6 90 6 75 5 00 65 7 oo 6 05 5 60 630 5 75 6 10 6 60 6 50 6 10 4 85 Benjamin Neb, (20 18 heifers.- 6 00 - 9 cows..,,. 18 steers....U3 26 steers. ...1111 126 Steers.,.1122 10 feeders.. 1058 9 cows..... 986 10 feeders., 600 41 feeders.. 1216 4 feeders.. 600 30 heifers... 786 86 steers.. ..1320 14 steers.... 671 87 feeders.. 849 7 heifers... 737 70 steers 6 steers 31 cows., 27 steers 1190 653 945 791 668 877, 710 646 6 00 6 So 5 M 5 10 7 25 5 60 560 7 40 I 90 626 5 15 6 60 6 70 606 690 (05 4 3S C. C. Lyons-Neb, 39 feeders.. 927 40 13 feeders.. 751 (15 14 heifers... 730 ( 20 13 cows 976 ( 00 . T. H. Woodruff-Neb. 31 feeders.. 1147 7 05 27 feeders.. 994 I SO 11 cows 877 5 35 , C. W. Thurston-Neb. ' 112 Stockers 640 8 70 ( stockers. 040 4 70 Frank Jesse Neb. , 19 feeders.. 11CS 6 65 & cows. ....1026 (60 - Stott A Richardson Neb. 23 feeders.. 1038 6 40 2 feeders. .1040 S 50 M. C. HubbleNeb. 16 feeders. .11.77 S 76 38 Tex. at.. 1173 6 29 13 Tex. st..-1123 20 24 cows 927 S 30 Tuliy & HubbleNeb. 21 feeders.. 1193 6 70 27 Tex. st.,.1161 $ S5 17 Tex. st..l27S 6 20 13 Tex. st..H0 6 10 . . Ben Sanders Neb. 22 cows 875 5 30 14 oows... 775 S 00 i cows..... 930 5 09 I bulls.... .1300 4 SO ' . - Burke & Herman Neb. 7 cows 1128 6 10 6 noY4 1100 (40' J cows 1073 S 40 ' . vi. u. Burx eo. ..1424 8 00 ' F.- Carrothers Neb. ..915 S SO 5 feeders.. 1098 30 ..1242 6 75 78 feeders. 4218 7 25 COLORADO. 22 steers..".. 1278 7 40 36 steers.. ..1150 175 , Reverse. Four Cattio Co. Colo. " 102 steers. ..1128 6 35 69 steers. ...0120 f 65 16 steers.. ..1060 6 70 . SOUTH DAKOTA. 12 steers... .12 7 05 13 steers.. ..1277 T (0 WYOMING. 47 feeders.. 1048 10 11 feeders. .1072 38 steers. 44 feeders.. 1113 steers. ...1141 75 es. U hs. 952 22 steers. . 991 51 feeders.. 1000 steers. ...1016 9 feeders.. 813 It feeders.. 942 r. a 18 ca. 4 hi. 972 13 feeders.. 945 steers. ...1346 .13 heifers... 823 67 feeders.. lOSS 7 feeders.. 888 '11 cows.... .1080 - 7 cows..... 367 7 40 660 ( 60 6 00 15 35 6 60 50 Davidson Wjto. " " S 85 cows. ....1053 H. A. Andrews-Wyo. 81 feeders.. 1240 8 00 I feeders.. 1265 , . . . .-Kusseil Tnorp v y . 18 steers. ...1168 85 22 steers... .1185 George Montgomery Wyo. 20 eows..7..lU 6 29 4 steers.... 937 110 (50 8 00 ( 70 6 20 5 76 00 ( 50. 5 25 7 00 20 60 D. Wyo. v 21 cows 1080 8 feeders.. .895 1 calf...... 120 (25 65 8 50 ( 25 6 05 6 60 80 6 80. 6 10 22 heifers... 961 5 35 Bragg A S cows 960 4 75 4 heifers... 850 6 25 53 feeders.. 578 6 85 10 feeders. . 687 - 6 86 Johnson Bros. Wyo. 6 steers.. ..1070 6 25 28 steers.. ..1046 3 heifers... 8S3 S 60 , 64 steers....H19 21 feeders.. 908 50 21 -cows 947 59 steers.. ..1071 6 00 J. M. ,'Carey & Bro.-Wyo. 7 steers.. ..1181 6 80 8 steers.. ..1245 11 steers.. ..1083 6 10 16 steers.. ..1193 29 steers.. ..1193 6 80 25 steers.. ..1048 7- cows 927 5 60 . - - : H. M. Faddis Wyo. ' - 70 steers.. ..1087 8 35 . . T HOGS Some good light hogs suitable for shipping and a ' few' medium weight mixed grades showing the best quality sold at steady prices .early In the morn ing, but bulk of the supply had to move at a nickel lower than yesterday's gen eral market. Buyers made their first rounds as early as usual and bought up the best offerings on sale, first leaving other kinds . to sell a little later on. A rather poor demand came from shipping quarters, while packers' : apparently wanted hogs1 but Vwere somewhat bearlan aa to prices. Speculators were a very small factor on the market. Early busi ness displayed a fair degree of activity on the best grades, while less desirable kinds sold less, readily. A couple of loads of good light hogs made a top of 38.60, just a dime below the high point reached yesterday. Receipts footed up about 66,000 head, as against 7,10s a week ago, and 7,364 two . weeks ago -and- 6,506 on the corresponding day a year ago.. On the whole quality was considered as pretty fair for this time of the year and a , little better than yesterday. . IOWA BASKS 'PROSPEROUS Biennial , Eeport of State Auditor Shows Their Condition. GSEAT GROWTH No. Av. 8h. ' Pr. . -id US -' "ON 1 117 SO I 10 77 m 44 1 n tt 21 ISO I IS 44 242 ... IK 6i.:.....lll M I 15 47 Sti 640 8 35 22 120 ... I 20 U 116 IN IK 12 107 140 I SO 41.. 110 ... 1 13 B.r 284 240 I 25 41.......217 1 I 15 " " 44 271 160 1 25 71 Ml 40 115 . 40 171 SO I 25 64.. .....264 !M I 15 , - 27. ...... 282 140 1 25 47 244 ... 1 3 72 261 120 1 25 fl J74 . . I i: 5 251 SO I 25 257 - 1: I 44 64.. Ill ... 125 '11..... .131 U 140 . 44...:.:.ttt ... 126 ... 10 . 277 40 1 26 , 71 211 80 1 40 40 271 ... I 25 62, 257 210 ' 15 311 ... 1 25 01.T.....110 .. 141- 11 101 ... 1 2S 2 121 40 I 40 65 281 80 1 25 81..."... .204 SIS 4 4 21 347 10 I 25 41 807 ... 1 4 - 6 277 80 2 2714 247 .... '.9 62 271 .... 1 10 51 221 Ii) 8 40 66 244 80 8 30 45.... ...248 120 I 40 1 72 2rt ... 130 , or, tu 10 s a 41.... ...248 40 1 30 U JC4 ...140 , 44 267 ... 1 30 71 180 20 t 45 ' 17 268 120.1 10 71...... .241 120 1 45 ' 42 250 ... 1 10 44 114 .... I 43 62 240 ... 1 50 !.. 181 40 I 45 50.; 245 ... 1 10 61 ..201 ... 45 41.. 2$0 ... ,1 30 65 ..230 80 1 5 44 241 ... 1 0 68 ..235 v 60 45 . II 265 11 1 24) 60 212 M 1 50 4....:..280 ... 1 30 10 177 ... 1 60 ' 7.i. .-...251 SO- 1 SO 42.......1S3 . - 1 60 " 17. ......261 160 I 30 28 ,.267 10 I 60 63 272 ... 1 10 62.. .....211 140 1 M ' 16.'.....:251- 10 1 30 15. ......200 90 1 50 - 25 2M .M 110 14...... .241 ... 8 .5 74.; 224 MO I 30 . 71. ......221 ... I i5 " .... ...301 30 S 20 71 211 40 I f,6 41.. 261 ... . 7t HI ... l' 42.. .....241 40 111 251 ... ICO 71..... ..234 160 I 15 , PIGS. . ' ' " 42....... 84 ... 1 60 21.. .....121 ... 150 40.. Ut ... 150 i SHEEP Although there was apparently a good broad demand f'-' fat stuff trade was rather slow in getting started. All the offerings came in pretty wet this morning and in consequence very little was doing during the first hour or so; Salesmen had some encouragement In the fact that early messages indicated a strong tone to the general trade and also because of the favorable conditions prevailing on the eastern mutton mar ket.' ' ,- ' ; A good supply of sheep and lambs -was received mot of which were lambs. A big proportion of the lamos graded up pretty well and some of very good qual ity were Included among the offerings. Sheep were much the same as usual, both In numbers and quality. The receipts, according to first estimates, footed up about seventy-eight loads as compared with 27,372 last Tuesday, 23,615 two weeks ago, and 40,140 on the corresponding d.ty a year ago. Good to choice lambs, 16- J 7.15; fair to good lambs, S6.40&6.65; feeder lambs, Ju.lOgC.40; yearlings, good to choice light, S4.655.25; yearlings, good to choice heavy, 34.65l35.0O; yearlings, feeders, 4.505.25; wethers, good .to Choice, Hli4.50; wethers, fair to good, 14.0004.15; wethers, feeders. 3.754.25; ewes, good to choice, S3.754.35; ewes, feeders, 13. 10! 60; ewes, yearling breed ers, (4.6065.00; ewes, aged, 3.504.50; cull Sheep and bucks, (2.0O3.00. .-':'. Once buyers and sellers got together bulk of the holdings were disposed of before mid-day at prices generally strong to a dime higher on lambs and &Wc higher on fat sheep and more than that when considering ' the wet fleeces. The values on paper do not look as high as they really .are on account of ' the wet condition of most of the offerings. Among the top sales were about three loads of choice Nevada lambs - that brought 37.10 and sosme fat ewes which wiu at e.JO. No. 143 Utah yearlings......... 712 Utah lambs.............. 250 Utah lambs. , 533 Montana wethers...., 348 Utah ewes... 169 Wyoming ewes !31 Wyoming ewes, culls, 347 Wyoming ewes, culls 38S Wyoming ewes. 124 Wyoming ewes ... 16G Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 48 283 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 58 621 Wyoming ambs, feeders.... 68 40 Wyo. lambs, feeders, culls,. 50 82 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 59 144 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 69 84 Wyoming lambsi) feeders.... 54 79 Wyo. lambs, feeders, culls.-48 128 Wyoming ewes, feeders 88 27 Wyoming ewes, feeders...,. 89 '25 Wyoming ewes, feeders... ..106 202 Wyoming ewes, feeders... 90 582 Wyoming ewes, feeders.;.. 106 310 Wyoming ewes, feedeers... J10 96 Wyoming ewes, feeders..,. 94 Si Wyo. ewes, feeders,, culls.. 91 580 Wyoming lambs.. 70 82 Wyoming lambs..'. 64 $38 Idaho lambs......;........... 79 609 Wyoming lambs 62 301 Wyoming lambs,..'. 64 204 Idaho lambs 72 202 Idaho lambs.. 76 116 Wyo. wethers and yearlings 95 . 21 Wyo. ewes and wethers.... 118 4i Wyoming yearlings, feeders 71 AV. 60 ......123 ......112 104 ...... 87 ...... 98 113 .100 fders, culls feeders...,.., feeders....... feeders..... 95 95 50 67 54 51 ,. 64 .. (4 .. 57 ..105 ..102 ,.104 .. 99 ..99 .. 99 ..104 ..108 Zoo Wyoming ewes.... ., 330 Wyoming eweS...: 43 Wyoming lambs, feeders 341 Idaho lambs, feeders...., 639 Idaho lambs, feedeers 280 Idaho lambs, 411 Idaho lambs, 359 Idaho lambs, 259 Idaho lambs. .69 Idaho ewes......... 20 Idaho., ewes,- culls. 417 Wyoming ewes..,. 74 Wyoming ewes...'.. 74 Idaho ewes.... S62 Wyoming ewes 27 Idaho wethers 71 Wyoming wethers. 650 Idaho Iambs 213 Idaho lambs 4K Wyoming lambs...., 328 Wyoming lambs 309 Idaho lambs 149 Idaho Iambs ,. , 129 Idaho Iambs...: 200 Wyoming lambs... 147 Wyoming - lambs..::......-.. 196 Wyoming lambs, feedeers 935 Wyoming swes JfiS Wyoming ewes 235 Idaho lambs, feeders...... 142 Idaho lambs, feeders....... 347 Wyoming lambs, feeders., 135 Wyoming lambs, feeders.. 62 Wyo. lambs, feeders, culls '306 Idaho lambs, feeders......' 28 Idaho yearlings 92 Wyoming yearlings, feeders 92 5il Wyoming yearlings, feeders 90 310 Wyoming yearlings.- feeders 71 29 Wyo. yearlings,' fdrs, culls 70 161 Wyoming lambs...- 61 221 Wyoming lambs, feeders... 59 32 Wyo. ewes and wethers.. i.l7 Isi Wyoraing yearlings 7 220 Utah wethers, feeders...... 38 102 Utah wethers,- feeders...... 98 241 Utah w'thrs, y'lgs,. fdrs.... 83 148 Utah lambs, feeders 65 S75 Utah lambs, feeders........ 51 623 Nevada iambs.. . ...i. 86 546 Nevada lambs 68 65 Nevada culls .....64 brought 17.10 and some fat ewes 623 Nevada lambs 86 546 Nevada lambs ...68 . 65 Nevada culls 54 Pr. (26 7 00 35 4 20 4 15 4 10 240 400 4 15 4 io 5 80 40 6 40 (00 ( 35 6 33 35 00 3 30 330 185 3 33 3 20 3 75 8 25 3 25 625 6 23 75 60 50 65 65- 4 90 4 00 6 10 3 20 3 20 550 10 15 5 75 15 15 35 400 300 4 00 125' 3 75 4 10 4 50 4 0 40 8 40 65 35 8R 40 - 40 6 25, 25 15 415 4 15 20 25 2$ 20 . 69 ( 50 . tt" 20 95 4 86 .450 4 50 25 4 83 8-25 ( 30 4 23 (25 4 25 S4 28 (00 , 67 . 67; , 70 , 75 . 75 51 ..101 .105 . 66 .67 . 67 . 58 4 20 15 7.10 7.10 110 which 7 10 7 10 610 . FUImor Fair Opens. - GENEVA, Sept. 10. (Spwlal)-Fillmore oountyxfair opened yesterday. - The rac ing program Is a stood one. beveAles Orders - Received , at Des . Moines to ; Hold Sixth Cavalry In Readiness - id Oo to Mexico Should r Occasion Arise. . (From a Staff Correspondent) " I DES MOINES. Sept. 10.- Special Tele gram.) There is more money invested In capital stock today In savings and state banks in Iowa than there was on de posit In the same banks twenty-one years ago. This fact Is brought out In the biennial report of the state auditor. Twenty-one years ago the total deposits In state and savings banks was 333.781, TO&CT. Now there Is 135,982,300 invested in capital stock in state and savings banks and $278,761,504.28 on deposit, or near ten times as much as twenty-one years ago. There has not been a failure In Iowa in any state savings or trust company under state supervision for the last four years. ; Cavalry, in Readiness. ) ; Orders from Washington have been re ceived at Fort Des Moines to hold the Sixth' cavalry in 'readiness to go to Mex ico should the occasion arise.') -'"New General Rate Case. "' - Still one more freight rate case hai been started by the Iowa railroad com mission oefore the Interstate Commerce comm'sslon, this time for the purpose of having an investigation of rates all through the . west, especially as related to the Iowa shipping points. The Inter state commission is asked to order a readjustment of the rates so as to effect an actual reduction In western rates and to remove the discriminations due to the. fact that certain cities are made a basing point for; western business while there are no such cities in Iowa. It Is declared that under the present system the Iowa Jobbers and manufacturers are . virtually Shut out of the large field to the west and are compelled to rely on very small trade territory. Specific Illustrations ar given of the advantage that Is given St' Louis, Ch'cago, Kansas City and other cities outside of Iowa, by low rates to the far west, and how impossible It would be for any business In Iowa to compete with house established In these outside cities. The suit Is declared to be one of the most important of the many cases, brought on behalf of Iowa" shippers for an adjustment of freight rates through out the country. - ' Commissioner Barney of the put food ; and dairy department, reports that there Is increasing interest in creanjery work in Iowa and that his department has twice as many calls for meetings this year as last year, r A large number of meetings are being held, chiefly those of farmers who are . urged to increase the number of cows they are keeping, or to get farmers Interested ,ln the vicinity of creameries already in operation. The dairy ' territory of . Iowa Is being rapidly increased to "Include the entire state. ' ' Teamsters Will Get Increase. It has been virtually decided by, the coal dealers and others of Des Moines who are' large , employers of teamsters, that there will be no labor troubles this fall, and. that if the- teamsters make a reasonable" demand for an Increase In wages they "will get It at once. The teamsters have "now organized and be- , come affiliated with the labor unions, and are getting ready' to demand a .fixed seals of wages. . j ' Seed Cora, Day Proclaimed, Governor Carroll today issued a procla mation as to the necessity for Iowa farmers gathering their - seed corn. He sets aside the week of September 20 to 27 as "seed corn week" and designates September 23 ', as "seed : corn ' day." Ha ( urges thatNall farmers gather their seed corn on. the week mentioned, unless they do so before. The state crop service re ports that by September 15.30 per cent of the corn wiir be out of , the way of ' frost; by the 25th, 34 per cent; by the 30th, 72 per cent; by October 10, 87 per cent, and by October 15, 96 per cent The gov- , ernor urges, that' not only shall be gath- . ered sufficient for next year, but for two " years and be kept In a dry and warm place,, free from freezing. . ' Mad Doe Searo. . Thrte reports were received by Des Moines police of children being bitten by -dogs today and there is a genuine scare over the possibility of rabies. As a re- . suit the slaugnter of stray dogs has been . commenced and the city will be . cleared of a great many, of the surplus canines. .- ' Nothing daunted by . their Inability to have a parade during the state fair, the Des . Moines suffragists are - now busy with plans for a big parade In October during ' the state suffrage convention here. ' -, . '-' .;',: .: .- ' It Is planned to hav an automobile pa. , rade, with speeches on the street corners.- The autos will be' draped in yel low, the suffrage color, and will be filled with ardent ' suffragists, each ' woman carrying a pennant of "Votes for Women" banner. . .' , ". .. - Italy and Turkey in Secret Peace Pact ' VIENNA, Sept 10,-According to the ; Constantinople correspondent of the Neu Freie Presse peace preliminaries hava -been signed between Italy and Turkey, but will be kept secret until Parliament has been elected. - No formal armistice will be concluded, but Italy will refrain from further attacks on the Turkish coasts and islands and Turkey will per mit the gradual return of, the expelled Italians. Yv.:-.-. " '- - ; A semi-official -statement Issued at Rome last Saturday characterised as absolutely unfounded the reports that an agreement had been reached respecting the conclusion of peace ' between- Italy and .Turkey. ;;.''-.- ODE BesnovM Bursal Enlargementst Thickened, Swollen Xlssnes, Cartas, Filled Tendons, Soreness from any Braise or Strain-, tores Spavin Lameness, Allays Fain. Uoee net lilletar, removs the hail or lAT ntl thai KnrM. StS.OO a sfcra ttur bottle, delivered. Book 1 E free. . AB80KBIN,JR..Ualmentfornankind. rot Synovitis, Strains, Goaty or Bbeanatia Deposit, Swollen, Painful Tarieose Veins. Allays Pain. WUI toll you awn if yo write, 11 and K per boule , at dealer of deUvend. Manufactured only bi w.F.VOUNS.P.O.F. 104 Testpl SU ajriiffttls. Mats. i - - - . '