v. THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1911 j WANTED- TO TUT Household gds, clothes & shoes. Doug. 3971 r'flv HicriPit Prices for furniture ajr Axigueai ciothes. shoes, vv. 6148 J 6148. DOLGOFF 2d-hd. store nays bitreeat iKe for furniture, clothe., shoes. W. 1607. Htt second-hand household goods. v- - Tel. S. 777. DIAMOND- Cash; must be bargain. Address J 691. REAL ESTATE WANTED 12.,KiLyour ProPerty list It with the O'NEIL H. E. INS. AGENCY. Tyler 1024. 1506 Farnam St. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET There is a Fair Demand for Hilling: and Export Wheat CORN IS OUTDISTANCING FROST Trade Think tke Hovemril of Oats Will Continue 8 Heavy that a Lower Level Will Be t Reached. HEAL ESTATE LOANS WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co i WANTED-Clty loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith ft Co., 1328 Famam 6t GARVIN BROS ,oan!, and u 6 CITT LOANS. Bemis-Carlbeig Co.. 310-212 Brandeis T., eater Bum, $100 to UO.OOO made promptly. F. i. weed, Wead Bldg., lSth and Farnam. i LOANS on farms and Improved city Sroperty, 5 pot to 6 pet. ; no delay. J. ti. lumont & Son, IMS Farnam t. Omaha. LARGE loans our specialty, fctull mtJ.-. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1016 Omaha Natl. Doug. 2162. MONET to loan on business or rl. dence properties, $1,000 to $30,X. W. H. THOMAS. Mi First Nat'l bank aidg, FOR SALE Pit EXCHANGE " FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR LAND Splendid general mercantile business in pastern Colorado; stock neariy new; will Invoice about $8,000; did $50,000 cash busi ness this year. Good live town and large territory to draw from. . Write Y 153, Dmaha Daily Bee. ' OMAHA. Sept 9, 1912. There is fair milling and export demand for wheat from all quarters, but the movement prom ses to be so large that it will supply all the needs and give a big accumulation in the near future. The report that South Dakota and Minnesota are offering wheat shipments to Chicago, the certainty of heavy hedging sales from tho northwest und the possibility that Manitoba wheat will be offered so cheap as to cut Into the export sales from this country, are all on the s de of the sell ers. The very fine weather over the, Canadian provinces save a break of two cents in the October price at Winnipeg. Saturday. The conditions are bearish but wise traders will not shut their eyes to the fact that Important holdings of wheat may bo accumulated by strong interests on a declining market of this knd. Cash wheat to lc lower, j Each hot clear day over the corn belt reduces the percentage of the crop which will be In danger of frost later on in the month or early next month. Except for a few sections In the southwest where there Is a complaint of the crop drying up prematurely for want ' of showers during the hot period, the conditions are almost perfect for forcing the big crop along towards maturity. This has cre ated decidedly bearish feeling in May contracts. The trade is divided In the December situation. There was a big cars, ftiVtc; 4 cars, 84c; 2 cars, 84c No. S hard winter: I cars, 84c; 7 cars, 83c; 1 car, S3o. No. 4 hard winter: 1 car, 81c; 4 cars, 8c. No grade, hard winter: 1 .car, 80c; 1 car, heavily rye mixed, 76c. No. 4 mixed: 1 car (poor). 81 He Corn No. S white: 9 cars, 74a No. 4 white: 1 car, 73V4c; 1 car, 7;c; 1 car, 71c. No. 2 yellow: 7 cars, 73c. No. S yellow; 1 car, 73c; 3 cars, 72ic. No. 4 yellow: 4 iars, 73c; 1 car. 71c; car. 71o. No. a mixed: 1 car, 73c; 6 cars, 72c. No. 4 mixed: 3 cars, 72c; 3 cars, 7Hic. No grade: car. 6Sc; 1 car 6Sc; 1 car, c. Oats Standard: 1 car (36 lbs.). S2c. No. 3 white: 5 cars, Sic; 1 car, 81c. No. 4 white: cars, ilo; 2 cars, S0c. No grade: 1 car (hot), SOViC. Rye: No. 2: 1 car, 6-lc. Omaha Cash Prices. WHEAT No. 2 hard, SSviJjc; No. $ hard.82S5c; No. 4 hard, S03jS4c. CORN-No. 2 white, 74T74c; No. S white, 74c; No. 4 white, 71&73c; No. 3 yellow, TSc; No. S yellow, 7273c; No. 4 yellow, 71it?72c; No. 2, 72.3e; No. 3. 72iJn3c; No. 4. 71g"2c; no grade, 6'3& 68 lie. OATS-No. I white. 31tf32c; standard, 31V,S2c; No. 3 white, 3131c; No. 4 white. S031c; No. 3 yellow, 3iflS31c. BARLEY Malting, 6065c; No. 1 feed. 35$4Sc , 1 RYE No. 2, 6SS4c; No. S. 62g6Sc. Carlot Receipts. Wheat Corn. Oat 4,800 ACRES of western Nebraska land I short Interest created some time ago, to trade, price $15 per acre. .Will take Euerchandlse or income property for two hirds of the value, part cash and long time uu wo uaiance. auuran oner, cen tral Realty Co., Brandeis Bldg., Omaha, i FOR EXCHANGE. 293 acres, Thomas county, Kansas, un Improved: 130 acres broke, balanr-n r. lure and fenced. Price, 330 per acre. In cumbrance $3,200. Equity for stock of lows, or vv max : . , CADWELL & SALYERS, I '' MALVERN. IOWA. I WE have several pieces of western Nebraska land to offer for merchandise pr city property, wnai nave you to of fer. Central Realty Co., Brandeis Bldg., viuosiic&t v eu. FOR 8 ALE 16.000 stoot of hirdun furniture and undertaking in h i,t town in Boone Co.; will consider some iy property, Aitscnuier lldwe. Co. St Edwards. Neb. WANTED TO TRAflH MY EQUITY of 16.500 in siTtenn-rnn louse in Hanscom fark district ieaseri or two years to responsible Dartv at 11,080 per year. 66-foot frontage, lfis ut eep, oarn in rear, win trade at above aluatlon for unencumbered nrnnertv nr nu sen tor rasa at lower ngure, B ee. i EXCHANGE For Omaha house. 4-room. taodern, well located, in Denver, Colo., ralue $2,500. - H. B. Dailey, 1441 M. St., Lincoln. . t I 116,000 GENERAL stock in a: No. 1 khape, doing a business of $35,000 per an pum. Will trade for clear farm land in Eastern Nebraska or western Iowa. Make (rour proposition full and complete, ulck. Central Realty Co., Brandeis Bldg,. Omaha, Neb. REAL ESTA'JfE ABSTRACTS of title. Reed Abstract Co., oldest abstract of. ice in Nebraska. 206 Brandeis Theater. CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. Farnam Street , , Business Property Corner lot 65x124 ft. with good brick tnprovements which cost $33,000; rented or $4,260 per year. Price, $47,600. Mort age, $20,000 at 5 per cent, 6 years op tional. The taxes, Insurance and other Expenses amount to $602 per year, leaving 1 net Income of TA ter ent. rnis corner is very close to the recog ized Center of the UDDer Farnam St. etail district and is certain to increase apldly in value with the growth of the ay. umana is aoing mighty well now nd with the Platte river Dower Dlant as- ured it will certainly grow and develop nuch more rapidly in the future. JVH. Dumont & Son xel. uoUfeiiia mm. iuiAi ttinam at. which has been covering: at times on the theory that the country may not supply the amount of merchantable corn to fill contracts for that month. One reason for this belief is the wide difference between the December price and the ruling quo tations for old cash corn. The anxious traders await the government crop fig ures. The official report will hardly raise the total as recently gives out in pri vate reports. Cash corn, to lo lower. Traders expect the export demand to continue for some ' time. On the other hand the trade and public think the move ment from the big crop will continue so heavy all season that a lower level of prices will be In order. Cash oats un changed. Primary wheat receipts were 310,300 bu and shipments 1,300,000 bu.. against re' ceipts last year of 1,514,000 bu. and ship merits or 2&6.OU0 bu. Primary corn receipts were 764,000 bu ana shipments were tm.wu tu., against re ceipts last year of 816,000 bu. and ship ments 01 410,000 bu. Primary oats receipts were 1,453,000 bu, ana shipments were 796.000 bu.. against re cfeiptt ii.t year of 2E&.3C0 bu. and ship ments of 439.000 bu. Clearances of wheat were 803,000 bu.; corn, 4.000 bu.: oats. 2L0OO bu. ' Wheat at Liverpool closed Hd lower; The following sales were reported Chicago Minneapolis , Duluth Omaha Kansas City St. Louis .... Winnipeg .... .. 1S3 .. S09 .. 304 .. 164 .. 6SQ .. m .. 26 241 67 $1 147 379 NEW YORK jTOCK MARKET Trading Loses Little of Irregularity and Dullness. VARIOUS EVENTS CONSIDERED . Harrlman Isaacs, Sclllns; Ex-Dtvl-dend. Plainly Are Vnder Restraint and Hill Stocks Are in the Same Position. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS REAL ESTATE FARM & RANCH LANDS FOR SALE California. FOR SALE Level black soil section near Kock Island station. Eastern Eolorado; $9 per acre; on easy termix evel black so l, 160 acres for ti per acre, i Baldwin Blk., Council Bluffs, la. lallforuiii. CALIFORNIA BEARING ORCHARD. Famous Bidwell Orchards are full bear ing now in the most fertile section of the Sacramento Valley, Chico, Cal. This property lies directly adjacent to the largest city in Northern California. Crop failure unknown. Several varieties of fruit. Small payment handles this propo sition. We give you a guarantee money- back contract until you have inspected your tract. we give a credit on account of rail road fare to all buyers.- This year's crops are record" oreaKers. vjome tn ana talk to man from Orchards. BIDWELL ORCHARD, . INCORPORATED. " ' Charles E. Williamson Co., . Sole Agents. . INVEST IN FLATS Well located, well built and well rented, gne quaner-saweq oaic nnisn, separate kasement and furnace: better and safer I han money In the bank. Price, $7,000. Pull 11 frtt on onnnlntmant PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., . FOR SALE By the owner, a new 7 toom house, all modern. Come and see t. It can't be beat, neither the price. 05 North 80th St 1 FOR 6ALE-2577 Evans St., fc-room. kew, modern, oak finish, sleeping porch., tall Owner. Webster 781 J7-ROOM house, all modern. 1 blocks Irom car line, on Sherman Ave.; small lash payment; balance us rent. 1408 Mad ton Ave. 'Phone Webster 6110. ON PARK AVE. near Pacific St., 99-ft. ront, 142 ft. deep, has been held at $6,500, lut owner will make clean cut of $1,000 as his must be dispesed of quickly; property rould make splendid site for an apart nent, or for flats. O 700, Bee. ' MODERN COTTAGE, $2100 For quick sale we offer a strictly mod-. trn 5-room cottage . on the north side. Street paved, good neighborhood; only MOO cash; balance, $20 monthly. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. A SNAP For Sale A large 7-room house, mod- En In every respect one block from car . This house cost $4,600; for a quick le we will accept $4,500 for the place, Irith $1,000 down, balance on easy pay ments. Douglas 4908. - ' - 8-Room Modern Home ! If you want to buy a well built, well krranged home in good neighborhood, you ihould see this property, i FINE YARD, shrubbery, shade trees, jonvenlent to two car lines. Terms, 3236 WEBSTER. 'PHONE HARNEY 3792. ' California Homes PERFECT IRRIGATION SYSTEM. 10, 20 and 40-acre tracts, best climate and soil on earth; our proposition is sec ond to none in United States. Come to our office and let us explain fully. It costs nothing to know. BAKER 8c SEYMOUR, ' 828 Brandeis Theater Bldg., Omaha. vGRlDLEY Irrigated colony land at $75 to $150 per acre; good land, plenty -of water; thickly settled district, with good schools, adjoining town of i.OOO.s Easy terms. Write for illustrated booklet Homeseekers' Irrigated Land Co.. Grid ley. California. - ' ' - Ucurtfta. -, GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA. - Traversed by the ATLANTIC. BIRMINGHAM-ATLANTIC RA1LBOAU. Lands adapted to the widest range ot crop. All the money crops ot the south plentifully produced; For literature beat, ing with this coming country, its soil, climate, church and school advantages, write W. B. LEAHY, DEPT. K, General Passenger Agent. ATLANTA. GA. Ioira. 40-ACRE FARM. Six miles from Council Bluffs, about 25 aores in cultivation, balance pasture; fair house and barn and a little fruit. Much of this place is in a little upland valley, sloping south and protected all around by hills. A warm sunny place. Fine for frutt, gardening, chickens, bees, or for farming if you prefer. Fine road to city and about 1 mile from small Inland town and from R. R. station. Can sell you this place for $4,000. $500 cash, balance long time. It is worth the money. Let us show vou. j M'GEE REAL ESTATE CO., 106 Pearl St. Council Bluffs. i TO BUY. SELL OR RENT. FIRST SEE pHN W. ROBBINS. 1602 FARNAM ST. ELEGANT 9-room all modern house hot kater boat, corner lot, $3,600; will give Isrms to good party. J 706, riee. ' . FOR SALE. Best lot on 11th St north ot Nicholas, fplendid piece of trackage property, 66-ft ront by 132 ft. deep, tracks on both sides bf it; Is within 300 ft. of U. P. yards and kvill be needed by the railroad etiould they "extend their yards. Present owner annot afford to hold it; mane an ouer. 702. Bee. " - FOR SALE Modern, 7-rooms and re ception hall at 3307 Hamilton St., Bemis park. Built for a home, beautiful loca tion, excellent neighborhood; streets paved and paid for. See owner at above number, $4,000. ' - ACREAGE FOR SALE. ORCHARDHEIGHTS f miles from Omaha postoffice, in Iowa, 100 acres, subdivided into small tracts to tult Prioe, $50 to $100 per acre. The es tate must be sold soon. DAY & HESS, 123 Pearl St.. Council Bluffs, will show lou the land. Wood and posts for sale. A.jttJ!.'i, . u -HAL'S;- nrr rfina. prin ti Merrill, vr.3 City N.it. Hunk Bldg. REAL KSTATE- ARM A RANCH I-AN DM FOR SALE Colorado. OWNER must sell ;20 acres best Irri tated land in San Luis Valley. Colo., lor $27.50 per acre. 5 miles from Alamosa fnd in artesian well belt All level and til can be cultivated and irrigated. Four bater shares furnish more water than ceded. - Will sell hr""- BJIwln Block, eaundl Bluffs. Ia, . THE easiest way to find a buyer for your farm Is to insert a small want ad In the Dcs Moines Capital. Largest clr euletiop In the state of Iowa, 43,000 dally Tbo Capital is read by and believed In by the standpatters ot Iowa, who simply re fuss to permit att otner paper in their homes. Rates, 1 cent a word a day: $1.2$ per line per month; count six ordinary words to the line. Address Des Moinif Capital. Des Moines, la 33 ACRES, i'A mllfis from postoffice, main road. 7-room house, shed barn; well, spring and timber. Cheap for cash, terms If wanted. W. F. P&tton, R. F. D. No. 6. Council Bluffs, Mlnnreata, , MINNESOTA. Write for our Minnesota booklet "C;" special rates. DAY NIGHT REALTY CO., 103 Banker Life Bldg., Lincoln, Neb. Montana. CAREY LANDS OPEN TO ENTRY Valier, Montana, project. Fifteen annual payments. Irrigation system practically completed. Forty thousand acres irri gated this year. Grain yields double dry taim crops. Write Clinton, Hum & Co., Box 3, Valier, Montana. ' suuib Uaknia. FOR BALE 160 acres nobd tarm land: 40 aores broke, balance ail tillable; ) miles from Dallas and t miles from Colome. Price. $40 per acre, payabi.. $1,500 cash. $.',600 March 1, 1913; $2.M March L 1917. Adores Box ISO, Daila. H. P. ' ; FOR SALE. 150 acres 12 miles east of Buffalo Gap, S. D.. on Cheyenne river. All fenced. A big bargain at $3a an acre. Address P. J. Mlnner, Grand Island. Neb LIVE STOCK MARKET Of WEST bhlp live tock to South Omaha. Save tiileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments rectlve prompt and cartful alien Jon. . Live Stock CommlMloa Merchants. BYER3 PROS. It CO. Btrong. reliable. Clay. Kobiyon tt Co.. 20J Exchange Bldg" CLIFTON Com. Co. 323 Escharge Bldg., finvflT-M.-i1xn--offmen Co.. 159 Kx. BUx, LA VERT Y BROS.; 13S Kxcuange Bldg. Features of the Trading- and Closing Price on Board ( Trade, CHICAGO, Sept. 9. Government est! matee regarding wheat corresponded al most exactly with figures compiled in advance here today by private crop ex perts. The showing resulted In a fresh breaking of the low price recorded for the season. Prices at the cloaj were MttCMc to c net lower. In the wheat pit. most of the traders opened the 'selling right at the start. The mantel lor tne iirst time mis asaaon dipped below 90 cents. There was much realising in the reports of spreads be tween here and Minneapolis. Primary receipts, more than double those of a year ago, added to the diffi culties of the wheat bulla. Another em barrassment was the big gains in the United States visible buddiv total. De cember ranged from 89c to 90c, with last sales down Wa'Ac net at sy&swc. Corn sagged on account of an Increase in stocks here and because of a Mis souri condition of 86.8 against 84 last month. Damage in Kansas and Nebraska because or drouth prevented a more material decline. December fluctuated between M'Ao. and 54'fs(S,54Hc1 closing easy at 5454o, a loss of igc from Satur day night, easn grades were weaic. ro, i yellow, 7Si'(9y1o. Lightness of offerings made oats firm Cash demand was reported good, both domestic and export Deoamber ranged trom 22Uc to 82Hc, with the cloae o net higher at 324k!c Although hog prices touched the high est point in two years, provisions dragged lower. Demand was poor. At the end of the day pork varied from unchanged figures to liVio down, lard off 6c to 10c and bacon less expensive by 710o to lzc. The leading futures closed as follows: Artiulel Open. High. Low7jClo8e. Yes'y Wheatl Sept.!90904 Dec. 9090'4 May. mua Corn. I &epi.iY3')ii8.'ttj 90 9014 94i 73 Dec..54ftfcW&4 May Oats. Sept. Dec. May. Pork. I Sept. Oct. Jan. Lard. Sept. Oct. Dec. Jan. Ribs. Sept. 52 53 32Vi 32H 73 '63 62 90i4 94 :63T454 53 r 90H 94 94H 78 64 63 31iff3132 81 84tti34& 84 17 15! IT 201 18 90 18 95 17 10 17 23H! 18 95 1105 11 20 10 82 11 17 10 80 10 82Vii 10 72V4I 10 77V4 10 75ty 17 10H 17 12Mt 18 85 11 10 U 12V4 10 72i filO 10 67Vi 10 75 10 77UI 10 85 Oct 10 82V4 10 92) 10 82 (81U W Jan. 10 15 10 15 10 10 1710 17 22 18 90 11121 11 15 10 72 10 87 10 85 10 82 10 10, 10 12 17 10 17 & 17 27 19 02 1117 11 20 10 82 10 77 10 90 10 95 10 20 Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Steady; winter patents. $4.10 4.80; straights, $3.904.0; spring patents, S4.266.T0? straights, $4.004.2O; bakers. $3.70S3.90. ' RYE No. 2, 680. BARLEY Feed or mixing, 4568c; fair to choice malting, 6272c. SEEDS-Tlmothy, $2.S0fi)4.25; clover. $12.0017.60. PROVISIONS Mess pork, $17.2&g17.87. Lard (in tierces), $11.17. Short ribs (loose), $10.82. Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 803,000 bu. Primary re ceipts were 8,103,000 bu., compared with 1,614,000 bu. the corresponding day a year ago. The visible supply of wheat in the United States is 3,104.000 bu. for the week. The amount of breadstuff on ocean pas sage is 3.96S.000 bu. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 410 cars; corn, 639 cars; oats. o48 cars; hogs, 14,000 head. Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 red, $1.031.04; No. 3 red, 94c$1.03; No. 3 hard, 915w3c; no. a nara, wewivic; no. 1 northern. 9193c; No. 2 northern, 88 91c; No. 3 northern, 848Sc; No. 2 spring, S991c; No. 3 sprlngj 84(s8Sc,; No. 4 spring, 8387c; Velvet chaff. 86(iWlc; durum, 87 82c. Corn: NO. z, isvsQjwc; jo. 2 wnue, 8081c; No. 2 yellow, 7879l4c; No. 8, 7878e; No. 3 white, 8080c; No. 3 yellow, 7879c; jno. 4, nwvc; white, 79'480c; No. 4 yellow. 7878c. Oats: No. 2 white, 34U35c; No. 3 white. 32tt32c; No. 4 white, 3132c; stand ard, 32S34y2c. Bv. No. 2 68c. Barley. 4572c. Tlm- othv seed, $2.604.!5. Clover seed, $12.00 17.50. t BUTTKrl JSteaoy; creanierie, sa4c; dairies, 2224o. wnoissteadv: receipts. 9.363 canes: at mark, cases included, 1718c; ordinary firsts, ihc; nrsts, 21c. CHEESE Steady; dairies, I5i6e: twins, 15416:; young Americas, 15 16c; long horns, l16c. POTATOES Steady; receipts, 70 cars; Michigan. 4550c; Minnesota, 4560c; Wis consin. 46TC0c. ' POULTRY Alive, easy: turkeys, 13c; chickens, 14c; springs, 16c. VEAL Dull: 914o. . St. Louis General Market. ST. LOUIS. 8ert 9.-WHRAT-Cash. lower; track No. 2 red, $1.001.04; No. hard, 90ig92c. .. CORN-Lower; track W. 2, T7078c; No. 2, 79(0,fc. OATS Track no. z. 32c; no. z wnite, 34fl34!c. ' . Closing prices 01 iutures: WHEAT Lower; December, 9l91c; May, 94?596c. ' CORN Steady; December, 63c; May, 6151C. . - . ; OATS Higher; uecemoer, uwu'fcc; May 33c. RYI Ptetdy, 7ic. FLOT7R Ouiet: red winter patents. $4.755.00; extra fancy and straight, $4.15 4J4.C6; hard winter and clears,. $3.603. 75. SEED Tlmoum iiu.w. CORNMEAL $3.70. . , BRAN Steady; sacked, east trael:, $i.oogn.06. . HAY-duii: timothy, jii-waiaui; prairie. $10.CO14.00. PROVISIONS Pork, unchanged; job bing, $16.50. Lard, unchanged; prime steam, SlO.63fHO.80. Dry salt meats, un hanged; boxed, extra snorts, line; ciear : v.. iiln .t,Ai4 mL-im 1 f. Tlaonn !ln. changed; boxed, extra shorts, 12c; clear ribs. 12 c; short clears, 18c. POULTRY Turkeys, lower; cmcnens, 13c; springs, 17c; turkeys, 1718c; ducks, 9llHc; geese, 610c. BUTTER Firm; creamery, Z4cc. Receipts. Shipments. NEW YORK. Sept 9.-The stock mar ket lost little of the irregularity and dull ness with the resumption of operations today. As has been so frequently the case recently, a number of special stocks were active at material advances notably Sears. Roebuck and Ooodrich, each gain ing & points, while American Can ana Chlno Copper were most consp-cuous among industrials and metals. Canadian Pacific was almost the sol, railway issue to h!blt any degree ot strength, its rising coincldings with ad vices from the Dominion indicating that much of the recent opposition to tht proposed capital lncruaso had subsldea. Harrlman Issues, selling exdlvidend; wert, Plainly under restraint, us were also th ,HiU stocks, regardless ot Great North ern's handsome July teturns. Events to which Wail street gave con sideration. Included die outcome of the Ma;ne election, the meeting of the rail way engineer arbitration board and tht August report of tho copper producers, showing a large decrease in supplies. More important perhaps than these were tho renewed Indications of lighter money and the Mexican situation. Last Satur day's poor bank statement resulted in over-year money being quoted at 6 pel cent, while call loans averaged 4 per cent. The bond market was steady on light dealings. Total sale, par value, $l,506,u)0. Ln.ted State government bond were unchanged on call. Number of Kales ana leasing quotations en stocks were as lollows: Sties. Hlfh. Low. Clot. Amtlstmtted Coppar . America Boot 3ustr.. American Cn Amorlctn Cta pfd Amaiiotn C. A V Amtrlotn Cotton Oil... Am. lot Bocurltlw Amarloto Unteed American LooonKitlvt . Amtrlctn 8. ft R Am. 8. ft R. pfd Am. Buttr Rtflnlng... Amtnctn T. T.... 17.900 7 8T14 1.000 U 13 US 1,400 40V. n I1V4 1.100 lll lliii lUit luv eu to 0t4 l,l0 100 "wo 1,900 it 664 tsv, US US 100 108 H IMS 10814 600 lHVt Ui ItSV, 00 14444 IV HSV, US 4 s us Amtriotn Tobtcco 1,200 !fl3 tM 171 Amconut Mining Co.... 11,000 ii'i tl t Atohlton Atchison ptd Atltntla Cout Line... Baltimore ft Ohio Bothlehwn gteol 'Brooklyn Rapid Tr... Canadian Pacific Cantral Laathtr Cheat peaJco ft Ohio,... Chlttio 0. W Chtctgo, M. ft St. P.. Chicago ft N. vV Cularads F. ft I Conaolldtted Gaa Corn Product! Delaware ft Hutlton... Denver ft Rio Orando. 1,100 ioS lut M 100 101 101 101 141 700 104 lOtS 104 100 40 KM 40 T.tOO Vt 1.100 11 1,000 10 100 It 40 19 174 30 79 11 1,100 107 101 MM 15 " 40 90 174 1 M 18 104 118 14 13 900 146 144 14S (00 16 lt 16 17 11 400 14 18 14 1,100 US 16 W 1,700 (3 . (1 19 100 44 44 44 700 US 111 111 MOO 198 131 189 100 46 D. A R. O, pfd 17 umuierr Becurme ,. Brie Brie 1st pfd Brio Id pfd , General Electric Great Northern pfd..... Great Northern Or cttt Illtnole Central Interboroagh Met. .... Inter. Met. pfd International Harrettsr litter-Marino ptd International Paper .... International Pump .... Kansas Clt Southern., Laclede Get Lehigh Valier Louisville ft Nashville., M., St. p. ft S. 8. M.. Missouri, K. ft T 1,700 1,100 19 19 46 '' II 44 110 US 6 4,600 126 111 114 700 10 10 11 16 11 409 17 1 17 . 106 1,100 1(7 14 147 $31,679,152; total of the general fund. $153. 4.S5.927: receipts Saturday, $3,269,714; dis bursements, $4,154,142; uetioil to date tins year. $4,776,534. as against a deficit of $;"0.013.IS1 at this time last year. These figures exclude Panama canul and public debt transactions. New York MIntntr Stoek. NEW YORX. Sept. 9.-Closlng quota tions on mining stocks were: Com. Tunnel stock,. 10 Mexican .. do bonds Con.. Cal. ft Va.. Iron Sllrer Letdvllle Con. ., Little Chief Ottered. . IS Ontario .. 47 Ophlr .160 'Standard ,. 10 Yellow Jacket .. 3 ..174 ..1MI .. 46 ..100 .. - London Stock Market. LONDON, Sept. 9. American securities operied steady and about unchanged to day. Trading was light and prices moved Irregularly during the first hour. At noon the market was steady with values ranging from K above to below Sat urday's New York closing. NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET 400 142 100 160 900 13 141 1(2 149 149 18 40 18 40 Missouri Pacific 1,000 40 Natlontl Biscuit 111 National Lead 1,800 (0 60 60 N. R. R. of M. 14 pfd New York Central N. Y., O. ft W Norfolk ft Western.... North American Northern Paclflo . ..., Paclflo Mall Penney lvanla People's Ou P.. C. C. ft St. L Pittsburgh- Coal Pressed Steel Car Pullman Palace Car.... Reading Republic I. ft 8 1,100 116 100 17 19 114 116 87 3 00 116 114 11 100 16 86 14 4,700 117 IKS 137 100 11 31 11 1,100 114 123 124 300 116 116 116 800 100 14 17 17 39,400 ln 161 100 17 37 109 US 87 167 168 7 Republic I. ft g. pfd 39 Bock Island Co 1.100 36 62 36 36 68 36 M (2 36 32 US 64 400 1-0 109 109 400 30 39 19 Rock Island Co. pfd 100 St. L. ft S. F. 3d pfd... 4,600 Seaboard Air Line Seaboard A. L. pfd 400 (1 61 gloss-Sheffield 8. ft I... 100 65 . 66 Southern Pacific (southern Railway .... Sn. Railway ofd 300 31 81 Tennessee Copper ....... 1.400 44 44 Texas ft Pacific 800 33 llnlnn Pacific .... Union Pacific pfd........ uw w bj United States Realty.... tM 83 83 tnlted States Rubber.... 200 61 61 trnlted States Steel W.300 73 72 U. 8. Steel pfd Utah Conner Va. -Carolina Chemical .. O0 Wabash 600 Wabash pfd Western Maryland Western Union Westlnghouse Electric .. 3,000 88 37 Wheeling ft L. B Bx-dtrldend. ' Total sales for the day, i84,90 shares. 60 44 13 16.300 119 1 18 89 , 13 61 78 200 113 112 112 4,400 64 66 66 46 4 . 46 4 46 414 14 17 81 87 6 Hew York Money Market. www YORK. Sent 9.-MONEY On call, strong. 81 per cent; ruling rate, 4 per cent; closing bid, 3 per cent; offered f i nor rent. Tlm loans strong; 60 days. 5 per cent; 91) day, 6 per cent; six months, PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-o aterllne exchange, easy witn im.i himlfieaa In bankers bills at $4.8335 tor sixty 'day Di ana i t.ow mr ue "siLVER-Bar, 62c; Mexican dollars, ?. ........ , BONDS UOVeriuneni. leaujr; ruurvstu, steady. Cios.ng quotations on bonds today were as follows: ' V. 8. ref. 2s, rei...Wi v. e. re. .. tr Li. B, as. SS IHt.ii 97 do coupon C. 8. 3a, reg. do coupon ..101 .10! .102 U ft N. unl. 4s M. K. ft T. let 4s. 94 It 8 4a, reg 113 do gen. 4. 86 do coupon 113 Mo. Paclflo 4. U Panama 3s, coupon. .101 do cony. 6s W Allls-CUal. 1 . K 3 oi e5 Amer, Ag. 6s 101 N. Y. C. f. 8s.... 86 A T ft T. c 4.. 118 do deb. 4a 18 Ar. Tobacco I... 131 N. Y. N. H. ft H. Armour ft Oo. wvs er. ? Atchison gen. 4.... n n. w. isi c. ss.. do er. is I960 oo or. -m 107 no. raemo ....... s 94 do 3s MS 96 0. I. L. rfdf. 4s... 94 O Pent. cv. 3a 1916.. 97 91 do con. 4a 101 1(1 Reading gen, 4a.... 94 96 8. L ft I. r. fg. 4a 71 94 do gen. 6 94 98 St. L. . W. c. 4S. 80 4S. A. L adj. 6.... 77 97 So. ?ao. col. ts 19 96 do cv. 4 H C M ft 8 P ct 4t..l06 do 1st ref. Uy... 93 C R. I. t 4t 3d, Railway Is 104 in rfr. is. ' . o gen. is C A 8. r. A 44 Union Paclflo 4a.... 99 D. ft H. ev. 4 ' ct. is. .....iw D. ft R, d. ref Is.. 82 d; 1st ft ref. 4s.. 96 Distillers 6s 74U. 8. Rubber .... 104 Erie p. 1. 4s...... M V- 8. Steel Id Is.. .102 do gDu 4S fevs va.-cv, tnnn. ea.. do cv. 4s. aer. B. 78 Wabasb 1st ft ex. 4 70 III On. 1st ref. 4aM western aid. ...... ss Inter. Mat. 4e 31 West. Elec. er. is.. 94 Inter. M. M. 4i--. wls. Central 4a,.... 11 Japan 4 Bid. "Offerwl. do ct. I... A. O. U lt 4s Btl. ft Ohio 4s... do ! Brook. Tr. ct. 4s. Cen. of Oa. 6l... Cen. Leather Is...; Che, ft Ohio 4s. do conr. 4a Chicago ft A 3a. C. B. ft Q. j- 4s.. do gen. 4s Flour, bbls. Wheat, bu. Corn, bu. .. Oats, bu. '.. 18.OT0 896.000 147,000 ; 178,000 11,000 134,030 , 25,000 48.000 Liverpool Grain Market. . LIVERPOOL, Sept. 9. WHEAT Spot, steady; No. 1 Manitoba, 8s 8d; No. 2 Manitoba, 8s 4d; No. 2 Manitoba, 8s 2d; futures, firm; October, 7s 67sd; December, 7s 4V4d. ' . CORN Spot, quiet; American mixea, old, 7s 3d; new American, kiln dried, 7s 2 "Ad: futures, steady: September. 5s 2d; December, 6 7d. Boston Stock Market. BOSTON. Sept. 9. Closing quotations on stocks were a follows: Allouei 48 'Mohawk Amal. Copper 87Keraia uon. .. Z. L. ft 8 81 Nlptssing Mine Arizona Com I North Butte .... B. ft C. C. ft . M. 4 North Lake .... Cal. ft Aiiiona 11 Old Dominion . Cal. ft Heels 160 Osceola Centennial Cop. Bang 0. C. East Butt C. M. Franklin Gtrmix Con, ...... Granny Con. Greene Cananea MQulncy 13 Shannon 13 Superior 10 Superior ft B. M. 6 Tamarack MV. B. B. R. ft M.. 9 -do pfd 40 22 34 84 S V 114 31 14 46 1 44 46 60 11 46 4 73 Greene cananea .... mao via , 1st Rayale Conner. 34 Utah Con Kerr Lake 2 Utah Copper Co Lake Copper 31 Winona La 811 Copper 4 Wolverine Miami Copper ...... 39 Condition of Treasury. WASHINGTON, Sept. 9.-At the begin ning of buslnes today they condition of the United State treasury was: Work it g balance In treasury offices. $90,24, 010; In banks and Philippine treasury, Quotations of the Day on Various Coimnodltlea. NEW YORK, Sept. 9.-FLOUR-Eisier: spring patents, $4.9tKlf6.S0; winter straights, $4.4064.60; winter patents. $4.706.15; spring clears, $4.25(84.66; extra No. 1 winter, $410 jH.2o; extra No. 1 winter, 44.0064.10;; Kan sas straights, $4.154.25. Rye flour, quiet; fair to -good, $3.86a4.00; choice to fancy, $4.3K16. CORNMEAL Firm; fine while and yel low, $1.70T1.7; coarse, $1.65(61.70; kiln dried, $4.26. RYE Steady; No. west, 69c, c. 1. f. Buffalo. BARLEY Steady; malting, 6070c, c. I f.. Buffalo. WHEAT Spot market easy: new No. 2 red, $1.03, c. i. f., track and f. o. b., afloat: No. 8 northern Duluth, 8$'c. f. o. b., afloat. Future market closed un changed to a net lower. CORN Spot, easy; export. Hc, f. o, b., afloat December and March. OATS Spot market easy; No. 4, 37c. track: new natural white. 36tJ39c and i.ew white clipped, 89JH2o, on track. HAY-uuaoy; prime, ll.Si.; No. 1, $1.30; No. 2, $1.16iil.20; No. 3, $1.00. HIDES-Steady; Bogota, !5dp4c; Central America, 26c. LEATHER Firm ; hemlock firsts. 25 &27c; seconds, 24fy26c; thirds, 22$23o; ro Jects, 15o. PROVISIONS-Pork, steady; mess, $19.75 20.25; family, $21.60(.50; short clears, $a).60i&22.oR. Beef, steady; meKS, $16.0ttt 16.50; family, $18.6019.60; beef hums, $28.01 (p 31.00. Cut meats, quiet; pickled bellies, 10 to 14 lbs., $12.OO)14.O0: pickled hams, $13.50 14.(0. Lard, easy; mlddiewest, $il.45rll.50; retlned, tteauy; continent, $11.95; South America, $12.65; compound, $8.12r8.37. TALLOW-Steady; city, 8,c; peclai, 75o; country, 6otJc. POU LTR Y Dressed firm: fresh killed western chickens, Higc; fowls, 15ffll7c; turkeys, I6$17c. BUTTER-Steady; receipt 8,063 tubs. Creamery: Extras, 2S(&a)c; firsts, 27 28c; process, extras, 2.HifJ26c; factory, current make, firsts, 22c, CHEESE Easy; receipts, . 806 boxes. State, whole milk, colored, specials, 10$ 16c; same, white, 16c; skims, 4ai3c. EUUS-i'irm; receipts, ' 12,246 case. Cresh gathered, extras. 27&2fto; extra firsts, 2626c; firsts, 23(24c; refrigerator, firsts, season' storage charges paid, 2224o; lower grades, 19iff22c; western gathered, Whites, 262c. Kansii City Grain and Provision. KANSAS CITY-, Sept. 9. WHEAT Cash, steady; No. 3 hard, 8687c; No. 8, 83(&86c;' No. 2 red, 97c&$1.00; No. 8, 8896c. CORN Unchanged; No. 2 mixed, 74c; No. 8 73c: No. 2 white, 7676c; No. i, 74o. OATS Unchanged; No. 2 white, 34($ 34c; No. 2 mixed, 83(2)33c. ; Closing prices of futures: WHEAT September, 8tic; December, 84(&84o; May, 88ig,S8c, sellers. CORN September. 70c; December, )c; May, tWMW'ic. . OATR-December, 3232c; May, i42c. HAY Steady to weak; choice timothy, $14.00(314.60; choice prairie. $10.5011.00. RYE Steady, unchanged. BUTTER Creamery, 24c; firsts, 22c; Beconds, 20c; packlk; Blocks, 20'. EGGS Extras, 23c; firsts, 21c; seconds, 10c. . Receipts, Shipments. Wheat, bu m,W 156,000 Corn, bu. ai.ono 25.000 Oat, bu 29,000 ' 10,000 I .- - 'Metal Market. NEW YORK, Sept. 9,-METALS-Cop- Ser, firm; standard spot, $17.2S17.50: eptember, $17,2517.37: October and November, $17.25ijl7.60; electrolytic. $17.76 17.87: lake, $17.7517.87; casting, $17.1217.25. Tin, firm; spot, $47.90(6(4.20; September, $47. 8548.20: October, $47.75 48.20. I-ead, Strong, $4.856.15. SpsJter, ill III, f licyi-wv, ,... t.i.j , son's, $8 45. Iron, strong; No. 1 northern, $16.M17.00; No. 2 northern, $16.261675; No. 1 southern and No. 1 outhern soft $16.2516.75. Exports of copper thl month, 3,ij tons. London copper, firm: spot 78 Us 9d; futures, 79 13 9d; local sales, steady. London tin, easy; spot, 1219 10s; futures, 217. London lead, 23. London spelter, 26 15s. Iron, Cleveland warrants, 6&s In London. Local iron was strong. No. 1 foundry northern, $16.50 17.00; No, 1 southern and No. 1 southern soft, $16.2516.76. , ir ST. LOUIS, Mo.. Sept. METALS Lead, firm, 4748cj spelter, firm, $7.25. Visible Supply of Grain. NEW YORK, Sept. 9. The visible sup ply of grain in the United State Satur. day September 7, a compiled by the New York Produce exchange was as fol fows: Wheat, 22,691,000 bu., increase, 8,106,000 bu.; Wheat in bond, 491.000 bu., decrease, 137,000 bu. Corn, 1,453,000 bu., decrease, 867,000 bu. Oats, 6,538,000 bUy increase, 1,878,000 bu.; oats in bond, 61,000 bit., decrease. 7.000 bu. Rye, 607,000 bu.. increase, 166,000 bu. Barley, 1,184,000 bu., Increas., 224.000 bu.; barley In bond, 21,000 bu. unohanged. , , Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOIJS, Sept. 9. WHEAT September, 94c; December, 87S7c; May, 92924c Cash, No. 1 hard, 87s; No. 1 northern, S6W'W' 2 northern, 81S4c; No. 8, 797(ff81Tc. CORN No. 8 yellow, 73c. OATS No, I white, 30c. . RYE No. 2, 62&63c. BRAN In 100-pound sacks, $20.00. FLOUR Flret patent, $4.36(84.86; sec ond patents, $4.204.6o; first clears, $30 43.50; second clear. $2.30;.60. Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Sept. 9. WHEAT No. 1 northern, 9193c; No. 2 northern, 88 tksar- Nv S hard winter. 93O940: De cember, 88c; May, 9393c '. COKH-JiO, t yeuow, (tf iw, eta. white, 79e0c; No. 3, 7878c; Decern-, ber, 64c: May, 53c. OATS-Stanaard, 3334o- BARLEY Malting, 6870a Omaha Hay Market. OMAHA, Sept. .-HAY-New, No. L $10.50(gll.OO; No. 2, $9.00(810.00; No. 3, $7.00 9.00; No. 1 upland. $10.0010.50; No. 2, $9.00 felOOO; No. 3, $7008S.OO; No. 1 lowland, ... snm ftrt. xin 1 tsi (HV3Q no- No. X. tAOndj) 8.00; alfalfa, No, 1. $12.5013.50; No. 2. $11.)1Z.U); l0. A. ID.uwaiii.w; oiiaw. Wheat, $5.005.tO; oata and rye, $6.007.00. Cotton .Market.' NEW, YORK, Sept. 9.-COTTON-Spot closed quiet; middling uplands, lL75c; mid-' dllng, 12.00c; sales, 100 bales. s.,,.11... rinnuA atAarlv. Clnalnsr bids: g.i.niu, 11 lir- rvrtrvhsr 11.82c: Novem ber. 1140c; December, 11.64c; January, 11.44c; February, 11.49c; March, 11.67c; May, lLbzc; Juiy, u.oic. Peoria Market. PEORIA. Sept 9. CORN-Market lo lower; No. 8 white, 77c; No. 2 yellow, 77c; No. 3 yellow, 77Hc; No. 4 yellow. ?6c; No. 2 mixed, 77c; No. 8 mixed, 77C, No. 4 mixed, 75c; sample, 7374c. OATS-8teady; No. 2 white, 33c; stand ard. 32Ci No. 8 white, 32c; No. 4 white, 81c; No. 8 mixed, 30c; sample, 29c. Saarar Market. NEW YORK, Sept. 9. SUG A Rr-Raw, firm; muscovado, 89 test, 86c; centrifugal, 96 test 4.36c; molasses, 89 test, 3.61c; re fined, steady. Coffee Market. NEW YORK, Sept. 8. COFFEE Rio, No. 7, 14c; futures, steady; December, 18.94a; March, 13.93c; May, 13.95c Wool Market. ST. LOUIS, Sept. 8.-WOOL Steady; territory and western mediums, 2125c; fine mediums. 18ft20c; fine, 1317c. Oil and Roain. SAVANNAH. Sept' 9. TURPENTINE firm, at 38c. ROSIN-Flrm; types F and 0, $6,60. . OMAHA LIVEJTOCK MARKET Killing Cattle Slow and Ten Lower and Feeders Steady. HOGS STEADY TO TEN HIGHER, Lea Than Half Many Sheep Here a n Year Ago Trade 1 Good and Active at Steady Price. part of the supply being bought by the packing interests at prices mostly steady to strong and in some instances a nickel higher when compared with Saturday's market. While trade was rather uneven and fairly active, prac tically everything was disposed of by 10 30 o'clock. Representative sate: No. At. Sh. Pr. No. At. Sh. Pr. 41 361 80 3 23 93. ......2!0 40 8 87 SOUTH OMAHA. Sept. 8. 1912 Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs, Sheep. I 19 2,700 2,744 2,i27 4.191 3.909 2,152 Estimate Monday 9.600 Smo day last week.. 7.713 Same day 2 wks ago.. 8.921 Same day 3 wks ago.. 7.613 Same day 4 wks ago.. 7.767 Same day last year.... 10.877 The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, as compared with last year: 1913. 1911. Ino. Dec. Cattle 689,450 730,457 141.007 Hogs 2,268,353 1.804.872 463,981 Sheep ......1,443.658 1.372,083 71,465 I 42 11 160 8 IS 63.. 284 80 3 30 1 68 m 1M I 30 60. 264 200 1 30 ! 81 311 m 1 30 r.J 239 ... 3 :o I 46 371 SO 3 : i 47 .137 Ml ! 49 :n 10 3 U 79.....v230 1X W 4Vt .. 1.3 .....347 ISO ! M 26,064 1 SHEEP-There 39,783 steady market In r.soo; 69.. . 42.. .....261 W I 40 . 66 252 ISO 8 40 48.... ...244 ISO 8 t 76 229 M 8 40 ' 84 !10 240 8 46 i ' 75 220 80 I 46 83 ..1W 40 8 45 , 1 7S. 259 ie '8 45 7 117 120 $!' ro 202 ... I f t (8 308 ... 8 60 87 199 40 I SO waa a good, actlve,- sheep and lambs at oi 07 : buvers went iit earlv looking lOver the is!l03l moderately large supply and they started 60,651! In filling their orders comparatively early In the morning. A pretty ralr movement of the offerings continued all the morn ing at prices generally steady with the close of last week, a few salts appearing rather strong. There was apparently a broad demand for anything at all at tractive In the killing line. Among the nn-jy ..i.i,l,lltivM 4,i wu i-w j ..va.v t.s ...... ..0 ....... " Th followin labia shows the ranre of early gales were some Nevada lambs at T . - - - ... I ak . i .1 - a a," l-irt 4 lnn4 prices for hogs at South Omaha tor ne lust few days with comparison' Date. ,' 11112. 1M1. ilSiO. ilieV. !90S. il9O7.1906. Aug. 30. Aug. 1. Sept. 1 8 3 ! 7 U i Oil 7 7:l I 6 ! 8 29 i 7 021 S D( 7 77! 6 "1 5 73! I 7 0)1 e Tsil 7 821 45! Sept. 2.1 8 31l 7 121 1 861 7 W 43 8 67! Sept. 2.1 8 27! I 7 871 $ 531 5 66! S 851 8ept 4.8 237 17 I 7 85 6 57 6 691 6 76 tieot. 8 23'tl 7 08 9 02 I 61 S 76 5 67 Sept. 6. 8 26 92 9 171 7 871 j 5 811 5 76 Sept. 7 . 8 85 &4i 9 06l 7 931 6 61 6 8S S IW Sept. 8. 6 W 8 Sll 7 92 4l -1 6 90 Bept. 9. 8 ;Sf 6 97) 9 021 7 8 8 691 $ W ' $7.00 and a six-car string at $6.80. A load of fat yearlings weighing arouna i tv pounds brought $5.25. ' A noted above the receipts were owy Sunday. ( tin moderately large for this time of the 18 venr as ahont 110 londs or 2S.500 head, S S5 1 as against 26.664 head last Monday, 3D.7S3 head two weeks ago and 60.ei head on the corresponding day last year. As was the case last week bulk of the offerings were In fairly fat condition and some very good stuff was In evi dence. Lnnbs co"'rrisd the big end of the supply, fat ehren being no more numerous than on nifM days last week. Shipment were r'h'ei chiefly from western C. M. A St. P. Ry.. t Wabash R. R 64 C. ft N. W. east.... 4 C. fs N. W. west ..141 C. B. ft Q, west ....150 C. R. I 4 P. east.... I C. R. I. & P west Illlnolc Central Ry... C. G. W. Ry ' Total receipts SS0 6 ' f& 84 7 T I -r- si no . , . i,.,. ...j," Idaho. Wyoming. Nevada and at the Union Stock Yards. South Omaha, ,h ' nrirt1amhs- Lambs IL0' lht,erVd?vtrt0Ur h0Ur'' end'nif dt ' -'igoidtV'cholce1. lamb; W yeeMy- . j good, $6. 40t6.65; lambs, feeders, $5.906.40; RfctEIPTP CARLOADS. v,-rinc. food to choice light. $4.65.25; tatlie.Mogs.eneep.rt r :..,,, f n .nKp heaw. $465fS3.00: I yearlings, feeders. $4.50go.25: wethers. ' good to choice. $4.15(4.60; wethers, fair to -,'good; $4.004.15; wethers, feeders. $3.75 g 4.2R; ewes, good to choice, $3.75435; ewes, i feeders. $3.103.60; ewes, yearlings breed J;er. KSWo-OO; ewes, aged, $3.50Q4.60; cull "l sheep and bucks. $2O0(fJ3.00. " Representative sales: 1 1810 Idaho lambs an 306 Nebraska lambs I cm Wyoming laiiiut..,.,., 24 Wyoming lambs Cattle, llogt. H'r'f. Morris & Co (64 483 3.1S0 Swift & Co 789 466 $.658 Cudahy Packing Co.. 819 488 2,882 Armour & Co ,. 1,033 820 4.677 Schwartz & Co 258 ..... Murphy 189 Moir.ll 7 , ... ..... Cudahy, from country,..,. ... 946 W. B. Vansant Co.... 231 ... ..... Benton V'ns't & Lush 336 Hill & Son 656 ... F. B. Lewis 303 Huston & Co 20$ J. B. Root & Co 806 ... ..... J. H. Buiia 171 L. F. Huss 27 Rosenstock $27 ... McCreary A Kellogg.. 10 ... ..... Werthelmer & Degen 335 ... ..... H. F. Hamilton 878 ltothchlld 136 Mo. & Kan.-Calf. So.. 23 Cllne ft Christ! ...... 233 Other buyers 1,288 ... 14.13 65 62 66 63 6 90 T 00 6 90 6 90 No. I.... 8.... 4.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 1... 24... 23... I... 1... Total 1,169 ' 3,639 29,982 CATTLE Cattle receipts wer th larg. est this morning that they have been any day since last November. Still the run was smaller than on the corresponding day of last year by over. 1,000 head. The arrivals consisted very largely of fat beef with a liberal sprinkling of butcher stock and feeders. At the sam Urn that re ceipts were so liberal here most other market points were heavily loaded, Kan sas City especially reporting very larg receipt for that point With th mar kets everywhere well loaded buyer wer Inclined to move cautiously and not be In any too great hurry to fill their orders. Feeding cattle wer the first to sell. Speculators and yard trader were out early In the morning looking for desir able stock. Such cattle as found favor in their eyes sold readily at fully steady prioe. A feeder buyer paid as high a $8 for choice, well-bred, freshy Wyoming to be taken out for a short feed. The demand for steer waa gooa, oui as noted above buyers were Inclined to move cautiously, with the result that the market was more or less of a drag all the morning, with prices anywhere from weak to lOo lower. Cow and heifer were also (low in sympathy with th market on beef steer, and It was late In the morning before a clearance wa effected. The price paid were generally around lOo lower. Quotation on native cattie: feet steers. Kood to oholce, $8.2610.25: beef steers, fair to good. r. 26(8.36; beef steers, common to fair, $8.0O7.25; good to choice heifer, $6.00Jf!6.75; good to choice cow, $5.O06.00; fair to good cow. $4.005.00, common to fair cow, xj.fWBH.w; gooa 10 choice Blocker and feeder, $6.00(37.50; fair to good stockers and feeders, $o.00tf 6.00; common to fair stockers and feed ers, $4.60(36.00: stock cows and heifers. $4.o0fg6.7S: veal calve, $4.50ijS.76; bulls, stags, etc., $4.0U4fo.W. . (notations on range cattle; Good to choice beef steers, $7,008)8.75; fair to good beef steers. 36.0OS7 W; common to lair beef Steers, $5.026.00. COW 8, At. Pr. No. , 740 4 "5 1 , 327 4 55 36 HEIFERS. , 4S 4 90 1 , 176 I 11 BULLS. 960 4 10 1 .120 4 0 1 1220 4 n t .1670 4 it CALVES. ....... 390 t 00 1 900 7 23 1 k A Att 4 WI STOCKERS AND FEEDER8. 363 I 36 ... 343 t II 427 I 45 I .e... 83 I 11 313 I 60 4 1034 IB 770 1 30 NEBRASKA. 20 c. ft hfs. 879 6 00 10 feeders.. 618 6 90 4 heifers,.. 477 6 00 16 teeaer.. ( o w 14 fedders.. RU 4 40 8 calves... Zb w 8 calves... 677 5 60 10 steer.... 1054 8 46 steers.... 9SS 6 40 16 steers,... w u u steers.... 888 25 191 steers... .wow a 13 feedoi'3. .112 7 00 132 feeders. .1135 IW 23 cows 8S8 6 05 24 feeder.. 1040 60 14 cows 985 5 30 46 feeder.. iww to 47 feeders.. 1043 6 40 43 feeder.. 873 6 70 12 cow 988 6 10 16 cows sia 4U 6 feeders.. 825 S 60 8 teeaer.. woo w A. Morcroft, Nebraska. 37 feeder.. 994 8 65 7 feeder.. 1128 7 20 87 cow 946 6 80 9 steers.... 1013 6 10 2 calves... 295 6 30 i . WYOMING. IS feeder.. 948 6 25 22 feeder.. 962 8 25 29 feeder.. 1030 8 10 37 feeders. .101$ (10 HOGS The week open -with about the usual supply of hogs on hand for this time of th year as approximately thlrti loads or 2,700 head were In the pen as compared with 2,744 head on the same day last week, 2,227 two week ago and 2,152 head on th corresponding day a year ago. Quality of tho offerings was very little, if any, different from recent shipment. The market opened in good season with shippers and speculators buying some of the good light hogs at prices generally fc-QlOc higher and in spot fully a dime higher for anything that Just suited them. On load of choice light hogs weighing around 213 pounds wa picked up by a shipper at $8.70 highest price for the day and a dime higher- than Saturday's top. This Is the highest price here for a full load since October, 1910, wheh $9.05 pas paid. While shippers aud speculators paid the best prices, they bought very conservatively, the greater CHICAGO LIVE STOCK S1.4RKET Demand for Cattle Strong Hogs lIlKhcr Sheep Steady. CHICAGO, Sept. 9,-CATTLE-Receipts, 2O.U00 head; market, for beef stt'MW. strong, others steady to 10c lower; beeve. I0.10S1 10.TO: Texas steers, i4.ia" iu; western e'teers, $6.85(69.30; stockers and tVders, $3.4007.00; cow and heifers, $X0J Qti.Oo; calves, $860U.50. ROGS-RecelPts. 29.000 head: market opened 6o to lOo higher advance. Light, $8.60j9.zo; mixed, -Hi.awtnt.H); neavy, i.su ti.90; rough, $7.80iH.0O; pigs. $5.60(&S.20; bulk of salefl, $8.20ir 85. SHEEP AN DLAMB8 Receipts, 32.000 head; market for sheep. taady; lambs, 16o higher; native, $3.50(64.76: westerrj, $3.50$4.75; yearlings, $4.50ax.75: lamb. . native, $4."67.0; western. $4.757.o6. Kansas City Live Stock Market.; KANSAS CITY. Sept. 9. CATTLE Re ceipts, 32,000 head, including 2.500 south erns; market steady; dressed beef and export steers, $9.0ortfl0.50; fair to good, $6.008.76; western steers, $5.2o4t1S.50; stock ers and feeders, $4.604f7.16; southern steers, $3.75(ii6.00; ttouthern cows, $3.265.00; native cows, $3.2:U50; native heifers, $5.O0S8-3O; bulls, $3.8.V6.0; calves, $6.009.00. HOGS-Receints. 2.700 head: market 10(9 15o higher; bulk of sales, $S.558.80; heavy, $8.40il.65; packers and butchers, $8.uOij9 $.80: lights, $8.6rVQ8.85; pigs, $6.00f(i6.75, SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 3,000 head; market steadyi lambs. $6.25(87.10; yearling, $4.85(Q5.60j wethers, 44.0Vj4.4(l; ewes, $3.754.00; stockers and feeders, $2.q0 424.00. , , , , St. Lonl Live Stock Market. r ST. LOUIS, Sept. 9. CATTLE Re ceipts, 6,000 head including 600 Texans; market steady; native shipping and ex port steers, $8.50S.'10.60; dressed and butchers, $6.00tfo.50; stockers and feeders, $4.0j17.25; cow and heifer, $4.00di5.5o; canners, $2.76'i.26; bulla, $4.0O6.50; calves, $8.0010.50; Texas and Oklahoma steers, $4.2ud)8.00; cow and heifers. $3.CO3.70. HOGS-Receipts, 7.100 head; market etearfy; pigs and lights, $8.00&9.30; mixed and butchers, $8.8oj9.80; good heavy, $8.90 9.10. SHEEP AN DLAMB8 Receipts, 6,0Of head; market, steady; muttons, $3.663i3.fB: lambs, $5.50(7.00; culls and bucks, $1.60 t250; stockers, $2.71t(3.&0, r St.' Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Sept. 9. C A TT LE Re Ceipts, 4,600 head; market lower; steers, $6.7f10.00; cows and heifers, S3.254j9.0u; calves. $5.0009.00. HOGS Receipts, 8,600 head ; market strong to 5o higher; top, $8.85; bulk oi sales, 38.3utj8.80. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4.W4 market steady; lambs, $6.007.10. V ' Stock In Sight. Receipts of live stock at the five prlo. oipal western markets yesterday: uattie. nogs, oneep. AT. Pr. 8 AO 4 36 904 I II . 730 I 21 ...1430 4 70 ...11M 4 10 ... ir$ 1 11 134 4 36 , 130 1 W 160 IH South Omaha...... 9,600 St Joseph.. Kansas City.. St Loul....., Chicago Total 4.500 3'i,0.l0 6,00) ot ft-p 2.7CO 3.600 2,70 7,100 24.C03 40,100 2,850, 4.000 8,004 6IH30 82,cog 73,504 Dry Good Market. NEW YORK Sept. 9.-DRY GOODS- The cotton goods market are steady, with demand fair for the season. Att ?oods due in September are being callel or by the pobblng trade. Percale havi been priced for spring on a basis oi o to c a yard higher than six month! ago. Yarns are quiet Silk is steady; Fancy rough dress goods are In ncttvi demand. : Coffee Market. ! NEW YORK. Sept. 8. COFFEE Fo tures market steady at a .net decline o, 11 points; sales, 138,260. ' Spot coffeei steady; Rio 4s, 14c; Pantos 4s, l'3q rr.lld, aulet; Cordova, 1618c. Elgin Bntter Market. - . ELGIN, 111., Sept. 9.-The quotatlcr committee of the Elgin Board of Trak today declared butter higher and flra at 27c. , t This Coupon and good for the next number of ALL the following magazines; : Russet Magasia. 9 MoClure1 Mftgarin. , Th 141' World. ; Hatlonal Irrigation Journal Address, Magazine Coupon Dept,-, Twentieth Century Farmer, -i Omaha, Neb. i I T!aL.' & ' ' 't?"" o jb-JL'. i f" BRITISH COLUMBIA FARMS EASY TERMS The province of British Columbia offers great inducements to the small farmer. The country Is young and growing. The markets, are big and pay high prlceB, ' We are placing on the market a number of 40-acre farms in a, good, district within 3 Vt miles of a railway under construction.' These farms are sold at $640 In terms of (00 cash and $15 per; month. - ';.'.' . . . . - Write today for illustrated booklet, F. I. This Is a splendid op-, portunlty. . . : . ,. ' NATIONAL, FINANCE: CO. (Limited.) Head Office: .Vnncouvep, Canada. Reliable Agents Wanted. - Liberal Commission.'