10 .HE BEE: OMAHA; TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1912. GREAT CROWDOPENS SCHOOL All Institutions Are Jammed and Spare Booms Are Used. ' SCHOOL OF COMMERCE IS ITLLED Serea Haadrrd and Fifty Student Restate for Eatraaee la Only - Public Vocational School - ia tke City. , . When school opened ' yesterday all buildings were Jammed with pupils and principals were compelled to open for merly unused rooms. The biggest num ber gathered at the new High School of. Commerce in the old Leavenworth build ing. The number already registered was 625, but this was Increased by another 125, who asked entrance. While 125 of those who had registered did not enter the commercial high echcw!, they are expected to show up within t!u next two or three days. This will fill the building to overflowing and arrangements to oare for the txtra num ber is now being considered by the Board of Education. The capacity of this school, with a new two-story brick, addition built this summer. Is 600. whereas the number en rolled the first hour was 621, and the number registered to date Is 725. v , Address to Children. ' President Holovtchlner of the Board of Education, Superintendent E. U. Graft and Principal I C. ttusmisel addressed the entrants of the Commercial High school, the, only public vocational Insti tution, in the ciy. Pupils formerly enrolled in Leaven worth crowded the adjacent schools, fill ing Comenius and Mason beyond "capac ity. The students who attended Leaven worth last year will be divided among the other schools as follows: j Central-All pupils within the district bounded by Seventeenth and Douglas, Fourteenth and Douglas and couth to Jackson and west to St. Mary"i avenue. Mason All children living in district bounded by Nineteenth and St Mary's avenue, east to Seventeenth and Jackson, south tothe tracks and along the tracks to Nineteenth street .Comenius Pupils living In district bounded by Seventeenth and Jackson, east to Fourteenth, south to tracks and along tracks to Seventeenth street, thw.cs north to Jackaon. Pacific District Included 'in alley be tween Jackson and Jones, east to Twelfth street, south to the tracks, along the ftacks to Fourteenth and north on Four teenth to the alley between Jackson and Jones. . . Yin Central school there were twenty three pupils who could not be given seats until some dispensation Is made by the board. Eight of these were In the eighth 8 class and fifteen were In the eighth A. Lock School is Closed. ; Long was the only school closed, and this was made nececsary because seats In the new addition had not been installed w, .tiffiMant mi in imp tn pt alt atudents It will open tomorrow or Wednesday, says the superintendent oi buildings. Castellar, -ne of the new buildings, opened with a big attendance, one extra teacher being necessary. All other build ings jpened with a large, number of en rollments. Superintendent Graff vlsltel a dozen schools during the day. assisting the principals In an etfort to arrange j. .... i. ...... nU,.., rw .t mtaviaji rtn 'the new year, During the summer the several build ings of the city have been improved or new buildings erected to accommodate several hundred additional pupils, Ap proximately $20O,OC0 was spent'' for new schools, additions and repairs during va- ' cation. ' ' . A six-room addition costing S45.009 has been completed at Kellom, a S3S.O0O addi tion at Long, a $30,009 addition at Leav enworth, one wing of the high school has been painted and lockers have been in stalled and a kitchen and dining room, manual training department and other improvements made; plumbing, ventila tion and seating facilities have been im proved, Installed and repaired in many ' schools., ..' Castellar and Central Park schools hav been completed at a cost of about 190,000 each. Castellar is ready for school and Central Park will be finished while school keeps. ' MEMBERSHIP RECORD BROKEN Ak-Sar-Ben's Eoyal Household How Includes 2,231 Persons. HUSTLERS ARE HARD AT W0EK Priira Are Offered to the Team Se- earing the Best Itesolta aad Will Be Awarded After the Aa - anal Ball. Colonel Boosevelt Arrives in Omaha " 1 on September 20 The Burlington will handle the Roose velt train during the colonel's trip across Nebraska. According to the Itinerary the train will leave Denver the evening of September 18. Holdrege will be the first speaking point, the train reaching there at 8:20 the following morning. Speeches from the rear end of the train are scheduled for Hastings, Fairmont and Crete. : i Colonel Roosevelt's train will reach Lincoln at 1:20 in the afternoon and will remain there until 2:10, when he will come on to Om.iha, arriving here at 8: IS, Here the train is turned over to ' the Missouri Pacific. The colonel travels in the private car' Mayflower,' while the private car Just ahead, the Sunbeam, Is for the use of the newspaper men who are" on the trip. i Ak-Sar-Ben membership up to noon Monday was 2,231, according to the report made at the luncheon of the member ship hustling committee at the Faxton hotel at that time. E. I Potter of the hustling committee had the distinction of presenting fourteen new names as the result of hi week's work for new mem bers. The two prizes to be awarded to those of ' the committee hustling the most members this summer and fall will not be awarded until after the Ak-Sar-Ben bull October i, as a great many new members are expeoted to be received between now and that time. It is estimated that fully fifty more will be enrolled before that date. ; v Standing- of Hostlers.; ' The members of the commute have been working in pairs in the hustling of new members. The standing of the teams of hustlers with regard to mem bers secured to date is as follows: t Stryker and Mahaffey. 202 Buford and O'Brien...,.,, 146 Potter and Aiden.. , 87 Wallway and Hogun , St Roott, Judeon and Molony.... 21 Dermody and McCune , 18 Gallagher and Campbell 10 E. E. Klpllnger ,. 1 Great Field Work. ' A total of 544 names have been secured by the hustling committee in the few months they have been at work, which shows that practically one-fourth of the entire ! membership of the Ak-Sar-Ben has been hustled by this special committee since It has been In the field. The membership this year la " larger than ever before. Fully 26 per cent of the membership this year is new blood, or members that have never been mem bers heretofore, ' - Word has been received from a great many people from out In the state who desire to secure a membership before the annual Ak-Sr-Ben ball, October 4, In order that they may attend that function. BOHEMIANS SEE FIGHT AHEAD 'Mm Chicago Will Meet Opposition for Admission Into Union. CONVENTION OPENED LAST NIGHT One of the Featarra of the Aaaern-blaa-e Will Be the rnveillaa- of the John Bosicky Sfoaa- -' . - neat oa Saturday. With a total of over 300 delegates from all parts of the west on hand, the annual convention of the Bohemian Western Fra ternal union opened at Turner hall on 6outh Thirteenth street last evening at 8 o'clock. Mayor Dahlman delivered an address of .welcome. Delegates from all states west of the Mississippi began arriving Saturday eve ning and the majority of the number came to Omaha Sunday. They were met at the trains by reception committee of the five local lodges, Bad Padacky, Slovan, Tabor, Ellska Premyslovana and Dobromtla. Most of the visitors are-stopping at private Bohemian" homes. A heated discussion is expected this morning at 10 o'clock when the con vention meets for the first regular day of business. At present the scope of the union does not include the state of Illi nois." Chicago Bohemians are clamoring for admission and have sent a delegation to make a fight for membership.. . Division of Opinion. Thft bone of contention which it Is said will cause much division of opinions and votes, Is the fact that the Chicago dele gates desire admission exclusive of the state of Illinois. The general trend of delegates from this part of the west Is not to admit Cblcafo without allowing the entire state of Illinois membership. A lengthy debate on this question is anticipated. A feature of the convention will be the unveiling exercises of the John Rosicky monument at the Bohemian National cemetery on the West Center street road Saturday afternoon. - Louts Berka of Omaha will make the priclpal address on this occasion. The convention closes Saturday, . v Boys' and Girls' School Mb Shoes Specially HERE ARE EXTRA" SPECIALS FROM THE GREATEST RUG SALE ' EVER HELD BY ANY WESTERN STORE New lots brought forward Tuesday. Every rug , is new and up-to-date. v Every rug- is sold at much less than their actual re tail value, . and every,bargain is a genuine bargain. $30 Wilton Vcltct and Axminster Rugs at $15.98 AH these are high quality; rugs, are 9x12 in size. No store ever before offered such a group ;of flf P AO splendid rugs, at , . . . V . .V, v. . . .'; .vlw vO WESTGARD APPROACHING, RECEPTION IS PLANNED A. I Westgard, tha man employed by the United States government and the American Automobile association to make a survey of the trans-continental highway, preliminary to the establish ment of a highway soross the country for automobile travel is on the way here. He wired H. E. Fredrickson of the Commercial club country roads commit tee from Lexington, Neb., this morning, tu the effect that he was leaving there $hen, and by traveling over the Omaha Salt Lake trail expects to arrive in Co lumbus tonight and run 147 miles. Hi will be in Omaha tomorrow, Tuesday afternoon. The good roads committee of the Com mercial club has been called by Chair man J, A. Sunderland to attend a meet ing of the Commercial club, at 4:30 Mon day afternoon with a like committed from-, the Omaha Auto Motor club to plan for his reception and entertainment while tiers. J . . ;) SCHOOLS ORDERED CLOSED ; : WHEN TEMPERATURE RISES .Superintendent ' Graffs order that , schools be dismissed when the tempera ture rises beyond 90 went Into effect yes terday morning and Vinton was the first school to dismiss . v . South rooms of schools n outlying dis tricts reported temperatures varying from 75 to SO throughout the day. , Superintendent Gratf believes mors harm than good is done by compelling little tots to remain in school whcai. ths weather Is very hot A consultation with principals resulted in an agreement to dismiss school on th very hot days.- r Ex-Senator Dietrich Goes East, Looks Well - - . ... w ... - inn. Kimuiiur t'jru n il and his daughter, Mrs. Herbert Kno Smith, were , In ' Omaha yesterday on their way east The Dietrich party have been summering in Colorado, where they were compelled to leave Mrs. Dietrich and her mother behind on account of Ill ness. While here they were the guests of the Roldreges. The former senator is looking well and showing noticeable Im provement in health. . Behrens is Injured by City Automobile H. p. Behrens, president and general manager of the Omaha Dye works, suf fered a badly sprained right leg when he attempted to cross in front of an auto mobile at Thirteenth and Howard streets shortly after 2 yetserday afternoon. The automobile which struck him be longed to the park department of the city of Omaha and was occupied by Jack Ryder and Joe Hummel!. Pierre Banker Loses Appeal and Must l Serve Prison Term , SIOUX FALLS, S. D., Sept. 9,-(Special.) -Falling, in his appeal to the federal court ofv appeals, Chaes L. Ide of Pierre, banker and reputed to be the most wealthy man In South Dakota-Ws wealth being estimated at l,000,00O-must serve one year and three months in the federal penitentiary at Leavenworth, Kan., and pay a fine of J1.5C0 for using the mails for fraudulent purposes. Hyde was tried by a Jury before Judge Elliott of the United States court In this city In December last. The trial occupied two weeks and was watched with deep Interest by the people throughout the state. Evidence was introduced to prove that Hyde had represented to people in the east that lots which he had for sale in the outskirts of Pierre would rise rapidly In price, and had induced many on these representations to invest their savings In these lots,' which were of but little, if any value. Maps were mailed showing street carbines running past the lots whioh he offered for sale, when, as a matter of fact, there were no street car lines in Pierre. Hyde has been ordered to surrender himself to the United States marshal within thirty days after the decision of the federal circuit court of appeals Is filed In the federal court In Sioux Falls. . '. ; $20 and $25 Axminster 9x12 Rugs, at . . $12.98 Op Washable, Reversible Bath 'Rugs, worth up to $3.00, I at 79c and 98c jp - Rug Strips, 12 ft. long, Wilton and Axminster, at $2.50 W and .v. .. .. .. ........ .V. . ... ... $2.98; m. $3.50 Axminster Rugs, great variety at ..... . $1.59 Highest Grade SEAMLESS WILTON RUGS, at $29.98 ijp Including many of the famous Roubaix rugs, the two atoned effects now so widely advertised. Here are the most elegant Wilton rugs made all 9x12 tfOQ AQ m size and seamless, values to $55, each, at . .V v vO W'y Hundreds of other rugs in -various desirable sizes W and qualities will be sold at prices correspondingly low. Sale 59c Mercerized Damask, 29c Yd. Thousands of yards mercerized damask of the most desir able character, in good lengths of 2 to 5 yards; the same grade that we regularly sell at 60c on the av' bolt Tuesday, In linen department, '4 at. vard .. ..... "V MANAGER PARRISH GETS : PRAISE FROM LINCOLN The Lincoln Herald says of Manarer Parrlsh of the Omaha publicity bureau that ha is a "live one, broad, energetic and resourceful, built on the metropolitan plan, and not the country town swell head so often met In similar places, where some little caliber Is clothed with a brief bit of authority." The Lincoln Herald winds up the little squib with the .fol lowing: "It takes a big fellow to fill a big place. Any little old article can rattle around in It like a dry pea in a voluptuous pod." SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. ALLEGED LEADER OF MOB - : , ;IS RELEASED ON BAIL BLUEFIELD. W. Vs., Sept. .-Qordon White, arrested in connection with the lynching of Walter Johnston, the negro charged with attacking White's daughter. Nlta, last Thursday nigirt at Princeton, W. Va.. was released today on $10,000 bond. He Is charged with first degree murder ' - . , White was brought to Bluefleld today from Charleston, where he had been taken to prevent his rescue by friends. He was met by hundreds of sympathiser at the railroad station here. Judge J. Frank Maynard today issued a call for a special sitting In court and grand Jury to investigate the lynching. Skinned from Head to Hl was Ben Pool, Threet, Ala., when dragged over a rough road; but Bucklen's Arnica Salve healed all his Injuries. 25o. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. , Key to the Situation Uee Advertising. I , On Our Main Floor We Are Showing Complete Assortments of the New Season's Laces, Novelties; Dress Trimmings' Real Duchess, real applique, real princess, real Irish crochet, also elegant simulations of point de Venise, macrame, crochet, aleucon, Bohemian, carrickmacross, chantilly and shadow effects,.in allover bands, edg- fings and flouncings' to match, elegant beaded trim- imugB turn iruiges an at prices more moaerate tnan goods of such character sell regularly; Elegant Beaded Chiffon and Net Tunics, Choice . French Productions ' $10.95, $18.50 and up to $35.00 Eachy BRANDEIS STORES . . SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. BR0WNELL HALL OMAHA, HX3BA8KA. Goading and Day School for Gi.l Preparatory department for younger children. Domestic Art and Domestic Science. Voice and Piano in charge of Miss Mary Munchhoff, Miss Cath erine Bell and Mr. Max Landow. . TBSMS XV SAT ICXOOXt, fXOO and tiso. ; Forty-Mnth Tear Begins Sept. 18 '' ..: ' ' rrlnolpali Miss Euphemia Johnson. STEPHENSON SUCCEEDED BY GEORGE H.THUMMEL - E. B. Stephenson, on account - of the Remands of his private Interests, has re signed from the First Trust company of Omaha, but will be with the company until the end of the month. ; 'George H. : Thummei, ' for many years I'nittd States circuit court clerk, has been elected director and vice president of the company to succeed Mr. Stephen n He hfts entered upon the discharge of his duties and will from this on 3e v.,te his entire time and attention to the intes-esUl of tha company. Tho 30th Year of BELLEUeE'.eOLLEeE normal School . Conservatory of Musis and Craoatio and Fins Art Academy , and High School ' OPEriG TUESDAY, SEPT. 17th Fint and Second Grade State Teachers' . Certificates Granted by the State to Grad- uates of the, College and Normal School. Prc-r.ledksl. Law and Engineering Courses SPEaAL OPPORTlTklTTES IN VOCAL ANI IXSTRUMENTAL MUSIC, and ELOCUTIOX. : . , FOUR MODERN RESIDENCE HALLS FOR STUDENTS Twenty Minuts by Trolley from 2-1 th and N Sts., South Omaha. Phone No. Betlevue 10, S. W. Spooky, Pres. Do Not Suffer With Bunions Wear a Comfortable Shoa ; DrexelV Fool Gooifort Shoes For Women Will give you relief even though you have bunions or enlarged Joints. This shoe Is specially constructed one she smaller in the instep and heel and two Bixes wider in the sole, letting the foot rest wholly on the sole as it should. Button and lace, Dress and Common Sense toe. Turned M Eft Sales OUiUU Soles.. S4i50 D REX EL 1410 Farnam : "-n stA fcitwniiissWsTifrirrrt-J ''--'4 iwtiir" -.' John Says:--- X will be sorely tempted to pass out hum eig-a to the fellow who asks; Is it warm enonffh for you today? rieaas Aont say itl Just noka nvST BUST SB 6e CXCUM and ehjwss worry." John ' Cigar Store 321 South 16th St AMUSEMENTS VVM. J. BOEKHOFF, Xeail Dealer. Daily Mat. 10o BTgv. 5-lO-aOo. On Sooglaa Street, at 18th. KTTOSa TAITSBTZUa Includes Woods' Trained Animals; The Reroe; Geo. Crotty; s : urey 6isters; Walton A, Brant; Hlpposcope Pictures. HIPPO 0ST TBS If 0eUffb.tfnl Continuous a to S 7 to 11 p. rxu, Sally. "qicaka's mm oxvTsa." Daily Mat. 18-98-800 ZTg-s, 18-88-8O-780 Blsr "Blatoli" Coopers arw now BEAUTY, YOUTH A POltY BXrmAYAaASSA AJTD TAUDBTHiliB Tow McRae as "Brnoae;" Walsh. Lynch A Co., in "Huckins' Run;" Webb Sisters: Gorgeous Production; Beauty Chorus; Gingery. Snappy. WHclesome Fun. XdW Sine Matinee Bvery WU Pay. Phoae ' - -f Do of- 49. Matinee Daily S:15 Eyery Night 8:18 ACT AX CCD YAUSSYXLUk. This week The Elliott Bayonaa, Seu tnus MacManus Players, Ed Wynn, Wil son Bros., Ferguson A Nothlane, Eueene Trio, Great Libby. , ' Prices Matinee. Gallery, 10c, best seats, 25c, except Saturday and Sunday. Night. 10c, K&C 60c, ,78a ORAIIDEIS' THEATRE YoaiesTjJUi wrix XatUeea Wednesday and Batwrday THE JAMES HAW LEV COMPANY Xn KSITBY S. BSXBYm BUCCSBS - -MAJtY JAKH-B PA- - , ? HUrhts, SSo, 80e Mats. ftSe. Any Beat KRUG THEATRE Mat. Today 8:30; Sight 9O0 . &Q Beats 60o - VATSOS'S BEEF TRUST . Eeal Burleequers XMias' Dime Kattae. In All the World, No Store Will Strive to Serve You Better. Successors to The Bennett Company. On Every Woman's Tongue IT'S THE TALK OF THE TOWNLITER v ALLY THE SENSATION OF THE HOUR Entire Stock of Our Ex clusive Store on Sale 'All Sales Records Have Been Broken in This Great Sale. Get Your Share. TUESDAY will be another day of extraordinary sell ing in our great second floor garment store. EVEEY GABMENT FROM OUR EXCLUSIVE STORE MUST BE SOLD. We've determined to give the people val ues that they will never forget; values so great that they will sell themselves on sight; values that were never known before Orkin Brothers took over the Ben nett Store. . : . Entire Stock of Beautiful Dresses From Our Exclusive Store Now on Sale Our Exclusive $19.50 to $50 Dresses go at each Our Exclusive $10 to $25 Dresses go at each .... Our Exclusive $19.50 to $59.50 Rain Coats go at Store's $9.95 Store's $3.95 Store's $9i95 win'V 3 Our Exclusive $7.50 to $15 Linen Suits go at ...... Qur ! Exclusive Up to $9.50 go at x.. .... $2i95 !i6.95 Our Exclusive - Store's $10 to $29.75 Dresses go at each . ... . Our Exclusive - Store's $3.95 to $10 Dresses go at each Our Exclusive ; Store's $25 to $39.50 Tailored Suits ... ... $1,39 $8,95 Our Exclusive $12 to $15 Raincoats go at Store's Raincoats $5,95 83,95 $15.95 $5.00 ' to $20.00 Values Group No. 2 including -out2 V 3 Off pieces... Vll The Great Removal Sale of Our Big China Dept. , Offers Host Ususual Values Tuesday You housekeepers who have moved china know Just how we. feel about moving this great stock. Rather th'an move these , goods, we're willing to sacrifice prices, to make the transfer easier to our new basement china department Right now you should supply the many china wants you've had in mind for 1 years. Prices may never be so low again. RADICAL REDUC TIONS PREVAIL THROUGHOUT THE CHINA STORE. $24 English Porcelain Set, $15.95 Conventional Border Pattern English Porcelain; $24 English Porcelain Sets. . Removal Sale Price . ' . One-Third Off From' Stock. . Elect rolers and Gas Lamps Divided Into Two Groups $10.00 to $30.00 Values Group " No. "1 : including about 25 j pieces...... 2 $31 Haviland Dinner Set, $24.80 Entire stock of Haviland "White Derby Pattern to be closed oat. ' 20' discount in open stock. A OA 100 piece set, $31 value, removtl sale price. V4OU 'S .' High Qrade English Ware Reduce! Three High Grade English. Dinner Ware Patterns in which wc are over stocked must be closed out before the move. All three conventional designs; one English Pheasant. $40, $38, $37.50 values. Re- A fC moval Sale Prices, $26.67 $25.67 04.7 D One-Third Off in -Open 'Stock; ' : $56 Haviland Dinner Sets, $43.95 Two "Haviland China Dinnerware Patterns to be closed i out in open stock or by the set. One, a pink, the other a green border pattern with gold border, and gold on knobs and handles. $56.00 Haviland ff A Ar Dinner Set. Eemoval Sale price , ...... $td,yd h 25 Per Cent Discount Off on Open Stock. v Pick Up Pictures at Lowest Prices ; in Our Great Removal Sale Our Picture Department will be crowded off the second floor by the great alterations we propose for our greatly enlarged wo men's garment store. , Our New Picture Department will be In the Basement Salesroom. in the future. Now we must sell every picture In our great second floor picture store. : 4 200 Fin PicturesHalf Price 1.00 to $20.00 framed pictures; large sizes; frame! in gilts, browns and blacks; Including Marines, Landscapes, Heads,, etc. $1.00 to $20.00 Pictures go in our CA. a 4 ft . Great Removal Sale at half price JVC 10 $1U.UU All Other Framed Pictures In Entire Line 20 discount off. .;: ' COUNTER PICTURES ."'. All pictures on our $1.50 counter 79 . All pictures on our fl.uo coun ter 69 All pictures on our 76o counter - at ....... " ." 45J All pictures, on our 69c counter at ........ ...354 AH pictures on our 35c counter .at ...... ..... ... ..23 All pictures on our 2 Be counter - at ........ -.;.15t All pictures on our 15c counter - ai .Oj , t 100 STYLES OP MOULDDTGS PRICE. Balance of other mouldings 20 discount off. 25 8TTLE8 OF OVAL FRAMES TO CLOSE PRICE AUother OvaJa 20 discount off. : ENTIRE LINE OP SHEET rlUTURES PRICE : Orkin Bros. iL"lStl l6th & Harney