10 THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1912. Nebraska RAIN KEEPS SOME AWAY t ' - la Spite of Big Wednesday, Fair I Attendance Lags. COLLECTIVE PRIZE TO NEMAHA Stares Centle to Draw the Bl , . Crowd! ATlitw Champloa Ht . 1 Aeetdeat and Volplanes to Earth. i . . . i , i (From a Staff Correspondent) '.LINCOLN, Sept. 5-Spedal.)-Wlth the record attendance of yesterday at the state fair, the toul admission, Includ ing Wednesday, are 111,833. a slight fall ing off from last year, which was 117,597. This la due to the bad opening on account of rain, but It la hoped that the attend ance for today and tomorrow will exceed last year to such an extent that the tecord of last year of 162,729 will be equalled and possibly excelled. "It la estimated that probably 15.000 peo ple crowded into the grandstand at the race track and the bleachers were packed to the limit It Is evident that mow bleachers and possibly a double-deck grandstand will have to be built to ac commodate the crowds which each year iHm to flow Into these places to see what Is .going on Inside the track and quarter stretch. ', Alrahla Program Cat. On account ot the wind tne airship pro gram was cut a little. It being Impossible to make but one flight and that not un til 7 o'clock. At that time the wind was still blowing hard, but not desiring to disappoint the crowds, Aviator Champ.on decided to make the try. He railed east a Short distance and then turned toward the north, going about two miles. In turning toward the west on the return trip and when about 500 feet high two of the shock absorbers on the machine broke. Detecting at once what the trouble was, Champion volplaned to the 100-foot level and began looking for a suitable place to alight. However, none looked trod enough for that purpose, and before lie could figure on what to do the. ma chine landeu on the side or a hill about a mile and a half north of the fair grounds. Mr. .Champion was uninjured, but one wins of the machine was slightly damaged.: j Today was to have been Taft day at the fair, but when too late., to supply the peaker s telegram was .received from the speakers bureau that ex-Oovernor Troutman of Kansas would be unable to ' appear. . y.. . " ; " ' ( i Nemaha County Wins. ' Today cloneu the work of the Judges. It has been a hard task to decide soma 'f the contest as there baa' been auch an abundance of good material and all of such a high character that one who Is not an expert could hardly distinguish the difference from the exhibit which took the prize and the one which took none. This la especially noticeable In the agricultural and horticultural halts. In the latter place the Judges of the col lectlve exhibits gave Nemaha county tlrst prle; Washington, second; Pawnee, third; Lancaster, fourth, and Otoe, fifth. The boys' band from the state indus trial school baa been pleasing tht crowds Immensely. The band Is large one and renders excellent programs. ?h Ord band Js another which has been as sisting In the musical feature of the fail and always draws crowds. But of courst the real feature In the musical line ! furnished by. LtSeratl's band and corps i of excellent soloists. An Immense crowd greeted them this afternoon at the Audi torium. . v The relay races have furnished a great deal of interest There Is Just enough , danger In these races to keep the nerves of the people up to the fever point and the winner always gets a big recognition from the crowd. The frontier shows art giving almost a continuous performance Ir. front of the grandstand, except when the race are being pulled off and cre ate great enthusiasm. Mooaera Serve Lemonade. 'I "Political Row" la a busy place on the around and no particular headquarter seem to have any bulge on the others aa fegard the visitor received. Bull moose ' tent ha bad on tap a. keg of lemonade, .which ha seemed to draw considerably. Democracy at the mule tent has been quit Uvely and today .Congressman Ma-g-uire added his presence to the scene.' At the tent of the O. O. P, elephant thing aro lively. - General Culver la In charge, assisted by Ed Hayes. litera ture la being handed out and the gen eral say that hundreds of voters who voted for Roosevelt at the primaries 'would cast their votes for Mr. Taft It the opportunity waa given them. ' State) Baataeea Halts. Business is sadly demoralised at the tate house. No one seems to know any thing or talk anything much but state fair. The corridors are f Meld moat of the time with visitors and the state of ficer and employes are kept busy visit ing with friend from out in th state, A great many of the paople come to the tat house to go up In the "doom," as some of them put It. and a steady stream of people are climbing' the stall or de scending from In the morning until i at night , .The application of the Fremont Water Power company for water from the Platte river was still on before the board of Irrigation today. C. Sale) of GnnoUne. ..Governor Aldrich, Attorney General. Martin and State Oil Inspector Husenet ter will meet representatives of the Standard Oil company Saturday In a matter wherein the latter thinks that dealer in oils should be permitted to sell gasoline that does not come -up to the test called for bytBe Uiw. The com pany ctotme that there Is a demand tor the cheaper oil for power purposes, while chief Huesenetter claims that there is no demand. , Election t AaneMsoni, B. E. E. Kidgway of Omaha called at the office of the attorney general this morning for the purpose of ascertaining if In the election of district assessors In Omaha these . men should be voted on by districts or by the whole city. He was Informed by Assistant Attorney General JMgerton that the law says tlyit all eitie of 4,000 or over shall elect district assessors by a vote of the whole city, Mr. Ridgeway has charge of the voting machine of Omaha, but does not know whether they will be useu thl year or wL lajurrd on Pike's Peak. , Chief Justice Reese walks with a cane. He came to the atate house yesterday to take up hl duties as chief Justice and ex- j plained while riding down from he (op of like Peak a few day ago the engine Nebraska broke. loose from the' car, In backing back to (the car, which was In motion, lit struck It so hard that the passengers were thrown against the seats and while no one was seriously Injured, Judge Reese came in contact with a seat and hla back was hurt a little, sufficiently so that a cane is a desirable comv -J-n In his walks. The Omaha hide and Fur company Is a new Omaha corporation filing with the secretary of state today. The incorpor ators are J. A. Mitchell and M. Guy Brltt of Grand Island and Elmer H. Lohse of Omaha. . The capital stock of the com pany Is fco.OOO and the headquarters will be In Omaha. '. .' , tlrlfo Before Board. : The South Omaha fire and police hear ing Is at the room of the supreme court today, Judge Holcomb sitting as referee. Most of the forenoon after the case was called was occupied in an examination 'Bride Shot by Accident.' GRAND ISLAND, Nebr., Sept (Spec ial Telegram) Mr Leona Jones, a bride of but several day was shot in the neck with a rifle ball at the hand of a lad named Moor who (topped at the Jones farm, four mile west of the Soldier Home. The shooting was entirely acci dental. The wound I an ugly one but not serious. HORSES DIEJF MENINGITIS Investigation of State Veterinarian Discloses Nature of Disease. POST MORTEM HELD Off ANIMAL Only Possibility of Leaaenlas; Di astroaa Louies Lies ia Pi-creatlve Measures and Scraneloas Cleanliness. NOTES FROM BEATRICE 1 AND GAGE C0UNTY BEATRICE, Neb., Sept. B.-(Spec!al.)-The case against Dr. F. W. Wildman of Blue Spring,' who was '. charged with practicing veterinary medicine and sur gery without a license, was dismissed In Judge Ellis', court by 'the country attor ney. The case was recently tried before Judge Ellis and the Jury was unable to agree upon a verdict. At a meeting of the Hty commissioners yesterday the bids were opened for the repavlng of district No. 1. The bid of Able A Roberts of Lincoln of 12.07 pr square ynrd for vitrified brick with asphalt filler, or 1.95 for vitrified brick with sand filler was the lowest of the ten submitted. No action will be taken In the matter until next week. C. J. Roop of Blue Springs was brought here last evening and lodged In the county Jail on the charge of Insanity. John ,, Clarence Patterson of Liberty and . Mis . Mae Harwood of Marysville, Kan., were married here yesterday. . Fifty Horse Die in Buffalo. MINDEN, Sept. S.-(8pecial.)-Probabiy fifty horses have died In the county the last twenty day from the much prevalent disease. Willi R. Watt proprietor of a saie stable and wao, handles thousand of horse each , year, lost seven head a year ago from what he thinks li the same disease. Since then he haa used common salt not rock salt, and all the water he could get the horse to eat and drink and haa lost notu. Another horseman from the outh suggested the preventive at the time hla horses died. Madison Notes. MADISON, Neb., Sept. S.-fSDeclal.l- A marring license waa Issued todav to Phillip R. Thomas of Watervllle, Kan., and Miss Belle Dufphey, daughter of Joe uurpney of Battle Creek, Neb. Uiefi Emery appeared before Count Judge M. 8. McDuffe yesterday after noon and waa bound over to the district court on the charge of breaking and entering the Stor beer vault at Norfolk and taking out a case of beer. Hla father furnished ball, which waa fixed at $300. Moat Pond ia Pnlinn. to the dypeptlo. Electrio Bitter soon relieve dyspepsia, liver and kidney com plaint and debility. Price 60c. For aalt by Beaton Drug Co. HOLDREGE, Neb., Sept. S.-(SpecIal Telegram.) Recent deaths of hundreds of horses in this section of Nebraska and western Kansas have been caused by cerebro-splnal meningitis in epidemic form. This was proven today by Dr. A Boortiom, state veterinarian, who con ferred with many persons who have lost animals and held a post mortem on a horse killed in the last stage of the disease. :': ' Inr response to general telephone calls this morning 160 farmers met with Dr. Boostrotn at the -county court .house. Veterinarians from as far west aa Cam bridge and many Interested townspeople were also present Farmer wfio have lost horse and the various veterinarians were closely questioned by Dr. Boostrom. It waa at onoe evident that the epidemic Is not due to. any particular food the horses have been getting. Animals that have been on green valley pasturea, on dry upland pastures, work horses fed on grain and hay, alfalfa or rStraw, and those that have been fed exactly the same foods all summed alike have become victims of the disease. Dr. Boostrom la also convinced the death cannot be due to fungu poisoning or poisoning from any source. Before the close of the meeting Dr. Boostrom stated his belief that the dis ease Is meningitis. His view was sub stantiated this afternoon by a careful post mortem examination of an animal. Brain Foand Affected. In company with the visiting' veteri narian Dr. Boostrom went to the farm of Alfred Jackson, near this city. There an animal In the last stages of the dis ease was killed, with the consent of the owner, and a post mortem examination was made under the most favorable con ditions. Blood clots and Inflammation were found In the brain, and corroborat ing evidence was discovered in the blood and all the organs examined. The seriousness of the epidemic now becomes more apparent than before be cause of the lack of any known effective remedy. If a serum auch a la used with some success In treating human menin gitis patients has ever been developed, Dr. Boostrom says he ha never' hnard of It.' Even were such a serum in exist ence its cost, which would be many times the value of the average horse, would preclude Its general use. - Precautions to Be Used. The only alternative, Dr. Boostrom says, Is to use all possible precautionary measures. As the meningitis germs are taken Into the system principally In the foods and water consumed the state vet erinarian urges special care with refer' ence to these things. He recommended the feeding of pure flaxseed at the rale of a handful a day for each horse and the use of a tablespoonful of hyposul phite of soda for eatfe animal per day In the water tanks. He also urges horse owners to use scrupulous cleanliness In the barn and stalls and to sprinkle lime as a disinfectant Animal that have died of the disease should be burled at least four feet and covered with lime. Aa the disease la no more contagious than menin gitis in human belagc the observance of the, simple precaution will do much to top it ;:ead. ' ,- Reports that cows have also been vlo- tima of the disease In this county are discredited by Dr. Boostrom. Mule are practically immune from the malady, though two or three are reported to have become victims In thlk county. Dr. Boostrom went from her to Oxford this evening to continue hi investigation. For Dandruff, Falling Hair or Itchy Scalp-25-cent "Danderine" Save your hair! Danderine destroys dandruff and stops falling . nair at once urows hair, we prove it. ; If you car for heaw hair, that glisten with beauty and Is radiant with, life; has an incomparable softness and Is fluffy and lustrous you must us Danderine. because nothing else accom plishes so much for the hair. Just one explication of Knawlion'a Danderine will double the, bautv r your hair, beside It Immediately dis solves every particle of dandruff: vm cannot have nice, heavy, healthy hair it you have dandruff. This destructive curf robs the hair of Its lustre, Its strength and Ita very life, and If not overcome it produces a feveriahneas and itching of the scalp; the hair roots famish, loosen and die; then the hair fall out fast. If your hair has been neglected and la thin, faded, dry, scraggy or too oily, don't hesitate, but get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderine at any drug store or toilet counter; apply a little aa di rected and ten minutes after " you will aay this 'waa the beat investment you ever made. We sincerely believe, regardless of everything else advertised, that it, you desire soft, lustrous, beautiful hair and lot of It no dandruff no Itching scalp and no more falling hair you must use Knowlton's Danderine. If eventually why not nowT A 25 cent bottle will truly amase you., , 'nlyOayto 8liIlaras The only way to get f 1.00 gas In Omaba is to buy an Ideal Gas Range. The reason the Ideal gives you f 1.00 gas is because it ' has the patent centrifugal burn ers. They do make a hotter fire with the same gas than any other burner . because they are con structed that . tijey give, better 1 combustion by mixing more air with the gas. Extravagance and economy la a gas range lies in the burners for the cooking and the thickness cf the walls for baking. ; The Ideal has made the . reputation cf telngthe finest bak ing gas stove on the American market , It also has the reputation of . taking less gas for baking than any other. It is enameled outside and alluminixed inside so that there is no part on the stove, either In or outside, that will rust. Being enamtled outside, dust, dirt or grease will not stick to it and consequently it is as easily kept clean us a pane of glass. All doors and walls are double. The burners are much higher up and nearer to the vessel than on other gas stoves, consequently there is no waste of heat No housewife that is a judge of a gas range will buy any other after she has seen the Ideal. We sell it on payments or for cash. ' g .... , i?ijf "" I . ' a - '."""w L.)-w.". f J? i iSto etsellStOTe 714 South 16th St Co. NEW FALL MERCHANDISE SPECIALLY PRICED TOR THOUSANDS of SAMPLE PIECES and REMNANTS FINE ALL0VER LACES NETTINGS AND INSERTIONS Band, appliques, medallions and festoons, 1-2 to 1 yard in each piece (Tt ffi big bargain ' , V Jy) (Q z at, each.'..... .... . . ? . . . .. ...... .V.-T Big Lots of Sample Pieces of Medallions, Yoke Pieces, Allovers,' Laces and Inser . tions-r-big bargains at; each . . 15c Hill Ends of Dress Goods 2!$ 38 to 54 inches wide in medium and 'dark colors just the thing for, making children's serviceable school dresses we offer big reductions on the bargain 'arr:a!..29e 39c and 50c BIG BASEMENT BARGAINS : , Eemnants are not allowed to accumulate at the mills, consequently our New York buyer was able to secure thousands of yards of New Fall Cotton Gpods at remarkable concessions. These go on sale Friday at prices that will interest all careful shoppers. . . New Fluffy Outing Flan nels stripes, checks and plaids in light and dark colorings an excellent quality on sale at," per yard .. .......... 8Va5 Bleached Shaker Flannel, the regular 10c grade at, per yard. . . . ...&C Plain Colored Denim and Fancy Printed Cretonne Bemnants short ,m i 11 lengths at, yard ,. . 4c Best quality yard wide Printed . Silkoline Rem nantsat, yaro-'...,.2C' Scotch and" Chambray L Ginghams in stripes, cnecKS, piaias ana piain colors; very desirable for house dresses, etc. 6, 8 and 10-yard lengths at, yard .. ........ ..7C Drummers' Samples of Bleached Muslin, on sale at, per yard . '. . . . . .30 Mill Remnants of yard wide dark colored Dress Percales, on sale at, per yard ; .3c 15c Mercerized Black Sa teen, desirable lengths at, per yard. I ... . .TC A Corset Cover Free-In Art Dept. Friday only we will give free to every woman who purchases 6 skeins of D. M. C. Embroidery Floss Jat the regular price of 6 skeins for 25c) one corset cover, stamped ' on best quality French Nainsook in French, eyelet and and punch wdrk designs. , These corset covers are in three-piece or slip-over styles. BIG SPECIAL BASEHENT SALE ovo' School Suits m Boys' stylish, serviceable School Suits "made from rich, all wool weaves in Norfolk and double-breasted styles; some have 2 pairs of pants $4.50 to $6.50 values on sale ft AO at. . . . ... . , . . . ..... ... . . Vfletf 0 ' Boys' Suits in handsome weaves and mixtures --clever Norfolk, double breasted, Russian and Blouse styles J3. 50 and g AO $4.00 values; on Bale at. . , . . , .w 1 uO Boys' L00 Knickerbocker Pants, some are all wool; on sale at. . . , Boys 50c Blouses with high collars; on sale at ......... i .......... . 49c 25c Notice To Hijh School Cadets Brandeis Stores have been appointed by the Omaha Board of Education as the only official agents for High School CadetN Uniforms. Come to Brandeis Stores Just as soon as possible and be properly measured as this is the ; only way you can secure the correct and official uniforms for drill this fall. The earlier you come, the quicker your uniform will be delivered to you. AdvaBce Notice of Saturday's Sales Sale of Wsmen's Kid Gloyes . We' secured all the Sample and Odd Lots of Women's Long and Short Ki Gloyes from-a famous New York importer at about the actual value. .. Theycome in all sizes and all colors, including white and black. H . .Short Kid Gloves, worth up to j Long Kid Gloves, worth up to $2.50, at . 69tH 13.50, at ...s.. .....8l,0Q Big Sale of Women's Leather Bags We bought two entire sample lines of Women's Fine Lea . ther Bags, made up in the new season's styles at less than half the regular wholesale prices. The bargains to be found here , Saturday are remarkable. Great Sale of Hen's Fall Hats An immense purchase of Men's New Fall Hats goes on sale Saturday at less than the regular prices. All the new fall styles in fancy mlxttfres, velours, imported stitched bats and fine soft felt and derby hats. - . ' v ? : ADVANCE NOTICENEXT MONDAY : GREAT- WALL PAPER SALE We secured an entire stock of new Fall Wall Papers from an overstocked eastern retail firm at a tremendous reduction in price. Monday the entire stock goes on sale at the biggest bar gains ever offered so early in the season. 1L BRANDEIS STORES ( Join the Throngs of Buyers Friday Who Wii' Take Advantage of the Bargains In The September Sales at SPLENDID VALUES IN SCHOOL SHOES. Girls' School Hats at Most Surprising Bargain Prices. Wool Dress Goods Remnants Less Than Half 300 Eemnants of Wool Dress Fabrics, values up to 75c yard; plain weaves, plaids, checks and stripes; lengths of W2 to 6 yards; your choice Friday, yard. ......... .25c Strictly All Wool Serges, $1 1 $1.60 Whipcords, $1.0852 yard value, thoroughly I inches wide, big line of sponged and shrunk. .68c wanted shades for selection. Friday's Specials-Linens Hemstitched Damask Towels extra size, worth 29c each .. 15c Pure Linen Huck Towelst hemmed ready for use, worth 35c, each...,..19c Good size hemmed and fringed .Turkish Towels, worth 15c-r 'each . . ...104 Extra .large Hemmed Turkish Bath Towels, worth 39c ea.25tf Friday Specials in the Drapery Department $3.65 Lace Curtains Big assort- - ment; at, pair $2.05 $2.23 Lace Curtains, pr., $1.65 $1.00 Lace Curtains, pair, 75 Odd Lace Curtains, worth up to $1.25 a pair; Friday, each, 15 25c Fish Nets, yard ..... . . 15 12 Mc Colored Scrims lt Drapery Remnants Scrims, Nets, Swisses, Madras, etc., values to 75c; at, yard 10 Rousing Friday Specials in the Silk Department New Fall Silks, 20 to 27 inches wide, plain and novelty weaves suitable for waists or dresses, regular values up to $1.00 yard; Friday at, yard. . . . . . . . . . .38c and 48c Imperial Dress Messalines All silk, 36 ins. wide, ail wan tea shades, yard 88 85c Lining Satins 58c Good heavy quality for coat linings, 36 inches wide, just 10 pieces at, yard 58tji Black Silk Specials- 6-ln. Chif fon Taffetas ............ 58 36-inch Messalines and Satin ; Duchess, at . . .... 68d 36-inch Peau de Sole Fine heavy quality .88 'Was!) Goods Dspti Specials 40-in. Voiles, in all the new fall shades, made to sell lor 50c yard; special at, yard. . . ,25 New Fall Poplins English Pop lins, Irish Poplins and Imported Silk FiniBh Poplins, in every im- ' aginable shade and color at, yard...;. 25 39 and 50 New Fall Shirting Madras, in an the up-to-date styles In. figures and stripes, 32 inches wide at, yard, 15 18 25 and 35 A mice new assortment of Cress Ginghams Frenoh, Scotch and Toil du Nord and French Cham bray at, per , yard.. .l2W 15 and 25 Deeply Out Prices ' School Supplies A SAVING OF TO FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. . . Pencil Tablets, the Bo kind, three for.. . ...5 Pencil Tablets, the lo kind, two for ... ............ ...,;i So Composition Books . , , , , -4 10o Composition Books, , . t 1 7 lc Cedar Pencils, des, , , r, , , ,5 Bo Sanford Inks, ,,,,,,,,, , ,4 10c Covered Slates 7 lOe Linen Tablets ,,,,,, , , , , , 5k 10c Envelopes to Hatch. , , , , , 5 Remnant Day in the Domestic ficom Thousands upon thousands of yards , of seasonable goods rem nants or from the bolt on sale at less than actual qost to manufacture, 12c Dress Ginghams. ... .7ft 12 Mc Percales, 36 inches wide; on sale, yard 6c Anthracite Blue Prints. ..3H 12 hie Outing Flannels at..8H Wash Goods, regular prices up to 16c yard; choice, yard. ....5 16c Striped Voiles, at. .... .8 ,10c Cretonnes at, yard. . . . .5 8 Vic Bleached Muslins, 36 inches wide; at, yard.. 5r $1.25 Knotted Comforters, large size; snap at 29c Bleached Table Damask, 68 inches wide, on sals, , . , , , 19 16c Art Ticking, full 19 inehes wide; on sale. . , .10 7ttc Amotkeag Ginghams, lOo Fruit' of Loom Muslin, 88 Inches wide; at, yard, . , ,,fH 35c Heatherbloom for okirta 25 18c Unbleached Sheeting, 13iS $2.00 Plaid Blankets, , , ,81.50 $1.26 Gray Blankets. , , , , , ,05 MMHIll ...95 Furnishing Goods In the Domestic Room. . Boys' 60c and 76c Blouse Waists,' all sizes and colors " at .........25 and 35 60c Union Suits, boys' or girls' on sale, choice , -25 Women's 60c and 7 60 Union Suits,'' - all slzes at. . . .35 and 25 Women's 25c Union Suits 12 W JWsn's Undershirts or Drawsrs BaT brlffffan and lisle, EOc and 76a valuos at 860 and 9Bo Msn's $1.00 and $1.60 Union Bolts. All kinds and sises. at 60 and 49e Men's Laundered Shirts,, all styles and colors, to $1.S8 values 49o Children's iOo Muslin Drawers 80 Children's Muslin Gowns &Be Ladies' Mustln Gown and Combina tion Suits, $1.60 values, 69o and 8o Vcoen's Suit SectiOij In the Domoitia Kosra, ; Rain Coats, values up ta (4,00; choice .'. . . . . . . , , . , , ,2.49 Percale House Dresses, well worth $1.00; on saio..,. 69 60c , Percalo Dressing geanes, at H iiiiniiuiuiuii 39 Wash Dresses that seld te $2.50, pretty styles, at. , 81.00 Silk Petticoat and Waists, mes- saltne or taffetas, to $2,50 vat-? ues; choice ,,,,,,,,,, ,91.45 Dress Skirts, worth to $9.60, new styles, serges or pans mas j Fri day, at M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 61.08 75c Black FetUeeats, at. , , ,49 Boys' School Suits -$3.00 values, new fall styles and patterns in domestic room at $1.95 Boys. School Suits $4.00 values, 2 pairs of Knicker bocker Trousers, in domes tic room at .... . . .S2.45 Boys School Pants Values to $1.00, in all sizes and col ors, in domestic room at 45c Hdion Bargains In the DontefcUe Hcer.,, ' Hump Hooka and Eyag rrlday, 6 cards for ,.,,.,,,,,,,,,; ,5 Cotton Tapes; all aliea, Friday, 6 rolls for .....iMttti,,,,, .j Six pairs Shoe Strings for. . , .5 200-yard Sewing; Thread, Friday, 3 spools-for, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ;5e 60-yard Bilk Thread, Friday, spools for !!:5 Three Silk Hair Nets fet. , . , .5 Three dossn Safety Pins.,, -5 6c Pearl Buttss, eard; , . -Sis 5c Mereerised Creehet Cottons, , per spool ,,,,,, a? 5c Lace Val, ef foin da Paris yard ,2 Big Grocery Sale Special for Friday 1 lbs. Best Granulated Sugar. .91X0 it-b. saek Best High Grade Diamond II Famllr Flour, nothing finer, per sack 1J8 10 bars Beat-'Em-AU, Diamond C or Lenox Soap o t lbs. best bulk Laundry Starch.. SSe 10 Iba best White or Tellow Corn- rneal n lfi-os. cans Condensed Milk SV 14-os. Spaghetti or Macaroni - for .7...... THo E-C or Oriole Corn nakea, pkg. SH Grape-Nut. pk. ...i,.10e The bet Crisp PrwtxeLn or Ginger Enaps, lb. .......................9 The best Soda or Oyster Craeken. per lb. i......Ttf tO rartetles Ttr Svreet Cookiea, per lb. 4...... ..........lOe Tall cns Fancy Fink Salmon.;. .IOo S rms OU or Hustard Sardines.. .IOo The Beet Tea Siftings, lb. .... IOo Golden Santos Coffee, lb. ........ 25o McLaren's Peanut Butter. Ik... 12 Ho Batter, Cfceeae and Eft's for rrlday The best Country Butter, carton or bulk, per lb. S8o No. 1 Country Crean.wjr Butter.. 9So Ko. 1 Dairy Butter, lb S3o The best fresh Country Eg'gs, doa 82a Full Cream Wisconsin or Brick Cheese, lb. ...'.IBs She Talk of Omaha Eayden's Tire table aid RiK Department. IS lba. New Potatoes to the peck. ISe 11 lba good Cooking Apples to the peck ...,.15e Fancy Sweet Corn, per dosen.,..Ttto t heads Cabbage Bo Fancy Wax or Green Beans, lb.. .SHe Large Cucumbers, each .....le Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, lb. ...... .SHd 4 large Summer Squash ..........Be Beets, Carrots, 1-urnipk or Parsnips, lb. v.i ... ....UH t bunch oa Cfreen Onion-arRacQBtieaee ( large Green Peppers ....... ....fio 2 large Soup ' Bunches -... So Fancy Cauliflower. In. 10o Fancy Denrer Peas, ttuart ... ,?Ho Fancy Carrtaioupe. t for ..M10e Good, fatmj' Lemons. dornJ..i5e IT PAYS try nAYDErrs host IT PAYS