6-A THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER 1, 1912. iTOPI&S FOR KM OF REST Omaha Ministers Return to Pulpits After Vacation Season. JJEW PASTOES ASSUME DUTIES Rev. A. D. Hruoa at First Ctrl. I tlaa a. Rct. C. C. Heck at Castellar Pre.brteriaa Charch. The vacation season for churches is practically ended and religious work will 'be resumed In earnest tomorrow. Witts George 8. Southwortb. Rector Sunday service. 11 a. m. St Stephen's Mission. Saratoga Hall Tn-enty-tourth and Ames, Rev. Harold Llnwcod Bowen. I'rlfst Sunday school at 10. Morning prayer and sermon at 11. St Paul's. Thirty-second and California. Rev. John William Jones, Priest Holy communion at t and again with sermon at 11. Morning prayer and Sunday school at 9:30. Church of the Good Shepherd. Twentieth and Ohio, Rev. T. J Collar, Rector- Holy communion, 7:30. the Rev. C. H. Bascom celebrating; Sunday school, :5; morning prayer with sermon, Mr. J. . B. Earnhardt, lay reader, 11 a. m. Trinity Cathedral. J. A. Taneock. Dean Celebration of the holy communion, 8 a. m.; Sunday school and Bible class, 9.30 a m.: second celebration of the holy com munion and sermon, 11 a, m.; evening Ions or two exceDtlons ths ministers have ! Player and sermon, 8 p. m.; morning ' . - nrlv.. u ! .U - ... 1 G returned from their vacation sojourns. !The others will be home siortly. Nearly all the choirs will return to duty tomor row, though some will pot appear again until the middle of the month or later. Rev. A. D. Harmon, new pastor of the First Christian church, Twenty-alxth an! jHarney street, will assume the pastorate tomorrow, preaching at the morning and .evening services. All the services of the day will be held as usual. Rev. Harold Lin wood Bowen, the new priest In charge of St Stephen's Episcopal mission and St Martin's mission, South jOmahs, will assume his new duties to 'morrow, preaching at St. Stephen's In the morning at 11 o'clock and at St. Mar :tln's at I in the evening. . The reorganised St. Mathlas' church, (Tenth and Worthlngton streets, will hold jits first service tomorrow morning at 11 'o'clock. Rev. George S. Southwell, the (new priest will conduct the service and will preach. Rev. C. H. Fleming, pastor of the Pres. byterlan Church of the Covenant, Twen- ty-seventh and Pratt streets, announces a course of Wednesday evening lesson on the gospel according to St. Luke, be 1 ginning late In September and ending the earl part of December. More de tailed announcement will be made later. Rev. Milton B. Williams, pastt of the First Methodist church, Mrs. William and their three daughters have returned from a five weeks' vacation sojourn In Canada. JUr. Mr. Williams will return to his pulpit tomorrow morning and !n the evening will begin a series of Sunday evening sermons on "Ancient and Modern Heroes." The subjects will be as follows: "William Booth, Salvationist;" "Charles George Gordon, Soldier;" "Henry Drum- mond, Scholar;" "Hercules, the Strong Man Who Prevailed;" Samson, the Strong Man Who Failed." I Rev. M. V. Hlgbee, pastor of the North Presbyterian church, has returned from his vacation trip and will be In his pulpit again tomorrow morning. i Labor day sermons will be preached In many Omaha churches tomorrow, the day itself coming on Monday. Several pas , tors have announced labor themes for Sunday sermons. Others whose subjects bar not been announced have Indicated that they will preach sermons, of special interest to labor. H. E. Dickerson of Omaha, a prominent ,Blblo axegete, will deliver a free lecture Sunday afternoon at I o'clock at Baright hall and will use for his subject, "The Great Pyramid and the Tabernacle." He will show by Illustrations and the Bible that the Pyramid of Egypt tells the same ! story as ths tabernacle constructed by ths .Israelites In the wilderness under God's ; special direction. No collection will be taken. Rev. T. H. McConnell has returned from his vacation visit at Three Lakes, Wis., and will occupy his pulpit at West minster Presbyterian church tomorrow morning and evening. Rav, C. C. Meek, the newly called pas tor of Castellar fttrtct Presbyterian Qbms will occupy bis pulpit tomorrow (morning-. . Miss Ethel D. Bralnard of Idaho will ting the offertory solo at Hanscom Park Methodist church on Sunday morn ing at 10:30. . In the evening the muste Will be furnished by Mr. Bovelle. Miss Ethel Yost aid L A. Medlar. The chorus choir will begin regular rehearsals next Friday evening under the direction of Mr. KraU. ! The pastor of the Lowe Avenue Presby- I tertan church, corner Fortieth and Nich olas streets, will preach a sermon on "Labor" . Sunday morning at 10:30 at which service a general Invitation Is extended t6 laboring men. Baptist. I Calvary Branch, Thirty-fourth and j Seward Sunday, i:S0 p. m,, Bible school, ' Immanuel, Twenty-fourth and Pinkney, jltev. J. 8. Ebersole. Pastor Bible school at noon: young people's meeting at 7 p. 'nr. the pastor will preaoh at 10:80 and Rev. B. F. Fellman will preach at 8. Mid 1 week meeting at , Wednesday evening. - VI AW, IVllUl RIIU AlUUli ItCIi l. I" , Fellman, Pastor Sunday school, 10 a. m.; morning sermon, 11 a m., subject, "Will Ism Booth, the Prophet of Blood and Fire"; Young People's meeting, T:S0 p. m-i sermon by Rev, J. B. Ebersole, pas tor of Immanuel Baptist church, I p. m. ; Calvary, Twenty-fifth and Hamilton, I Rev. . R. Curry, Pastor-Services at 10:30 a. m. and I p. m.. conduoted by the pastor; morning service, the Lord's sup per will be observed and new members received; Bible school at noon; young rople's meeting at 7 p. m.; Wednesday p. m., devotional service. ' , First, Harney and Park Avenue Preaching morning and evening by Rev, Loren A. Clevenger of 8omerviIle, Mass; morning services, 10:45; subject "Passion and Enthusiasm of Christ;" evening, 8; subject "The Risk of the Road:" Sunday school, 9:30 a. m.; young people's meet ing, 7 p. m.j prayer meeting, Wednesday, t p. nv Christian. North Bide. Twenty-second and Loth roe. H. J. Klrchsteln, Minister Bible school, 0:80 a. m.; Christian Endeavor, 6:i5 p. m.; evening worship, 8 p: m. Mid week meeting Wednesday at 8:00 p, m. first, Twenty-sixth and Harney Rev. A. ii. Harmon will preach at U and 8. Special music. Sunday school at 10. Junior Endeavor at :16. Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor, ex 7. frayer meeting Wednesday evening at 1 Christian Science. First, St. Mary's Avenue and Twenty fourth Sunday school, 8:46 and U a. m.; services at U a- m, and I p. m.; subject of lesson sermon, "Christ Jesus." Conaretlonal. . St. Mary's Avenue, J. A. Jenkins, D. D., Minister Morning service resumed. Preaching at 10:30 by the pastor. Subject The Better Country." Plymouth, Twentieth and Spencer, Frederick W. Leavltt minister Sunday school at 8:30 a. m. Morning service at 10:46 with sermon "The Preacher and His Message." . First The morning service at 10:30 o'clock will be conducted by Dr D. E. Jenkins, president of the Omaha univer sity. Sunday school at noon. The Busi ness Men's class will receive a report of the committee appointed a short time ago and plan work for the autumn. George G. Wallace will address the open air meeting to be held on the west lawn of the church at 7:00 o'clock In the eve ning. ' Episcopal. ,. 6t Matthias' Tenth and Worthlngton, Lutheran St. Mark's English, Twentieth and Bur den. Dr. L. Groh, Pastor 11 a. nv. "Holy Communion, Thou Shalt Love;" Sunday school at 8:45 a. m. Zlon English, Magnolia Hall. 2404 Ames Avenue. Rev. G. W. Snyder, Pastor Services at 3:30 p. m.: subject. "The God- KAesigned Work;" Sunday school at 1:80. m. Mattnew s English, Nineteenth ana Castellar, Rev. G. W. Snyder, Pastor Services, U. subject. "The Command to Labor;" Sunday school at 10 a. m. The Lt; dies' Aid society will meet Thursday afternoon at the residence of Mrs. N. C. Nerness, 2911 South Twentieth street. Kountze Memorial, t Fsrnam and Twenty-sixth avenue. Rev. Oliver D. Baltsy, Pastor Service for the thirteenth 8unday after Trinity. Morning worship at 11.00 o'clock, subject "Religion That Is Christianity "; Sunday school at 10:00 o'clock; evening service resumed Septem ber 22. St. Paul's. Twenty-eighth and Parker, Rev. E. T. Otto, Pastor-Services at 10 a. nv; evening sermon In English at 7:46; subject, "Christ's One Pearl of Great Price;" Sunday school of English de partment at 11:30; Bible class, Tuesday, 7:30 p. m. Parochial school begins Septem ber 8; J. A. HllgenVrf. teacher. Methodist. Gold 8treet Chapel. Thlrtv-nlnth and Oold Sunday school at 3. Preaching at t. Aitto preaching service Wednesday evening at 8. Diets Memorial, Tenth, and Pierce, J. Franklin Haas, pastor-sabbath school at 8.30. Morning sermon at 10:45. Ep worth league at 8:80. Evening sermon at 7:30. Norwegian and Danish, Twenty-fifth and Decatur, R. P. Petersen, Pastor bervlces with preaching by the pastor at 11 and 8. Sunday school at 8:46. Young people's meeting at 7. Oraoe, Corner Camden avenue and North Twenty-seventh Street Thomas M. Evans, Pastor Morning theme, 11 a. m., "The Dignity of Labor'1; evening, General William Booth Memorial. Trinity. Twenty-first and Blnney, G. W. Abbott, Pastor Preaching morning and evening. Morning subject, "Relation of the Preacher to the Public Welfare." Evening subject, "A Bad Diet" Oak Street, Twentieth and Oak, T. C. Webster, Pastor Bible school at 8. Young people's meeting at 7. Preaching by the pastor at 8. Subject, "Truth Jewels." Midweek meeting and fourth quarterly conference Thursday evening at 8. Walnut Hill, Forty-first and Charles, William Boyers, Pastor At 10:30 the pas tor will speak on "The Aristocracy f Service," a Labor day theme. At 8 he will speak on "Happiness by Doing." Bunday school at noon. Epworth league at 7. . First, Twentieth and Davenport, Rev. Milton B. . Williams. Pastor Bermon by the pastor at 11. Subject "A Great Rock In a Weary Land." Evening sermon at 8. Subject, "William Booth, Salvation ist." Sabbath school at 8:45. Epworth league at 7. Hirst Memorial. Thirty-fourth and Lari more, W, W. Whitman, Pastor-Morning worship at 11. Theme. 'The Labor Prob !?,m'" .Evening worship at 8. Theme, "For His Saks," Illustrated by pictures. Epworth league at 7. Bunday school at 10. Special muslo by the chorus choir. MaCabe. Fortieth and r.rmm . John orant Snick, Pastor Sunday school at 10. John Lewis, acting superintendent. In charge. Preaching by the pastor at i. j neme, "Asunaant in Lbors ." Com. plnation service at 8. Address by John Lewis. Prayer meeting Wednesday even- I'ean Memorial. Taun.rmiriii - w.t.f ... Mil. Larimore, Carl O. Bader, Pastor-Morning- worship at 10:80. Theme, "The Great i:ir. ouiiaay scnaol at noon, T. M. uromweli, superintendent. Epworth league at 7, Annual rally day program. Evening worship at 8. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 8, Presbyterian. wNtVTwent"0,rtn Wirt, Rev. A m PBb' Pastor Preaching at 10:80 mi "u"uy snoi at noon, christian Ing at I. weanesaay evening meet iret seventeenth and Dodge. Rev. Jsawin Hart Jenke, D. D., Pastor-Publio "viwiip x iv.k witn sermon by Rev. J. F. Hortqn of Battle Creek. Mloh. Chris- nan pideavor meeting at 8:46. Sunday u.iuvi a noun. . averyone is invited. cnrton Hill, Forty-fifth and Grant, Thomas B. Greenlee, Pastor Bible school at w. Publlo worship at 11. "Provoking j-inw urn iiu vruwi worse. unrisuan Endeavor at 7- Publlo worship at 1 "ting for prayer and fellowship . Falrvlew, Pratt and Fortieth. Charles n. naming, Pastor Bible school at 1:46, Afternopn worship at 3. Subject. "A Unt- Versa! Condition. ' Labor dav Hmnn. Midweek servloe Thursday evening, led oy me pastor, euoject, "waat, WhyT" Lowe Avenue, corner Fortieth and jucnoiasetrssts, Rev, Nathaniel McOtf fin, V. D., Pastor Morning service, 10:80, subiect "Labor", Mrs. Mullls and the choir In their Places: Sunday aohnnl at U; Endeavor meetings at :80 and 7 p. m,; .Dundee,'. Fiftieth , and Underwood Avenue, Orant E. Fisher, Mlnlster- Jttorning worship at 1L "The Gospel and tuv ovuu x-rooiem. evening at a itvangeiist." The morning sermon Is one aunea to Lbor day Sunday, while the evening sermon Is the first of a series which will be illustrated by characters in ounyans -rugrime progress. Third. Twentieth and Leavenworth bunoay school at :. Publlo worahln and sermon by Rev. Ralph H. Houseman at 10:46. Subject, "The Dignity and Prob lems of Labor." Solo by Miss Hasel avans. rreyer meeting of the Christian Endeavor society at 7. 8tereoptlcon leo. ture, "inoia in Transition." read by A. 8, nunungion, at s. Church of the Covenant, Pratt and Aweniy-sevemn, unariee H. Fleming. Pastor Morning worship at 10:45. Sub Ject, "A Lnlversal Condition," a Labor oay sermon. Biote school at noon. Chris ttan Endeavor at 7:16. Evening worship at 3. Subject. "lohabod." Midweek serv ice vteunesaay evening. Subject, "What, Why 7" The pastor leads this service. Westminster, Twenty-ninth and Mason. Rev. Thomas H. McConnell. Pastor Service of worship with sermon on "Lakes or Lilly Pods" at 18:8a Sabbath school and Bible classes at 11 West minster chapel. Sunday school at 3:30. Westminster Young People's Society meeting at 7. Service of praise with ser mon on ne jnevuaoie victory at 8. First, Twenty-first and Emmet A. C. Douglass, Panto Topic. "Heaven," at saBwP fUmr. r': Sanatorium Talt tDiUtution li the only one Is the central west with separate buildings altuated la their own temple grounds, yet' entirely distinct and rendering It possible to classify cases. The one building being fitted for and devoted to the treatment of noncontagious and nonmental diseases, no others be ing admitted. The other Keit Cottage, being designed for and devoted to the exclusive treatment of eelect mental cases, requiring for a time watchful care and spe cial nursing. 10:30. Bible school at 12. Vesper service on church lawn at 6:30. Sermon on "Jesus Message to Those Who Labor." International Bible Students' Associ ation, Baright Hal), Nineteenth and Far nam Sunday at 3. Discourse by W. H. Dickerson on "The Great Pyramid and the Tabernacle." People's Church, Charles W. Eavidge, Pastor Dr. S. M. Krlstensen of Los Angeles will speak. Evening. "Delight ing Ourselves In God and Receiving the Desires of Our Hearts." The topic at the tent at NJneteeenth and California Sunday evening Is: "A Rtal Estate Proposition In Two Cities." Monday evening the question box Is an swered. Meetings every night except Saturday. Y. W. C. A. Xotes. On Monday (Labor oar) the building will be closed for general business and no meals will be served. The offices and reading room will be open from 10 a. m. to 7 p. m. On and after Tuesday. Smtimlwr 1 the directors of physical education and of nousenold arts will be in their offices to talk about clase work with any who are Interested. The prospectus will also be ready for distribution. The vesDer services will h rMumni on Sunday and held each Sundav thereafter at 4:30. At this first service Miss Strong will give a short talk on "Fi-lendshlD" and Miss Edyth Stansbury will sing. Sev eral of the new cretaries and others who have been away on vacations will be wun us. a social hour, with refresh ments, will follow the vesper service. Y. M. C. A. Kotes. Eighteen classes in the night school will open September 18. Ten more will be started In October. H. W. Chaffee, now emptoyed by the army and navy department of the Young xtn s Christian association as general secretary at Fort Leavenworth, visited friends In Omaha last week. Dr. E. A. Fath of the Mount Wilson solar observatory will give his illustrated lecture, "A Trip to a Star," in the Yoeng Men's Christian association auditorium Monday evening, September 8, at 8 o'clock. Rev. George W. Cowles of Australia will lecture at the Young Men's Christian association building on Sunday afternoon at 4:80. His subject will be "From Canni balism to Christianity." For a number of years Rev. Mr. Cowles was missionary to the cannibals of the FIJI islands. Im mediately following his lecture the regu lar Sunday afternoon fellowship luncheon will be held in the spa. The first session of the training school for church and social workers will be held at tba association building on Mon day evening. September 2, at 7:30 o'clock. E. F. Denison will lecture on "Principles Underlying Religious Work for Men and Boys." J. Truitt Maxwell will lead the class in gymnastic practice. Other lec tures will follow on every Monday, Tues day and Thursday evening for four weeks. These will be given by J. W. Miller of the educational department R- S. Flower of the boys' department and Ira J. Beard of the prrligioua department. In addition there will be lectures by Dr. Harold Gif ford on "Hygiene of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat," Dr. J. M. Bannister on "Community Hygiene," and Dean For- dyce of the University of Nebraska on 'Sate and 6ane Sex Instruction." Sol Luna Admired by Omaha Friends Solomon Luna, whose death Is an nounced In dispatches from New Mexico, counted several warm friends In Omaha, among them Judge Bn S. Baker and Victor Rosewater. Judge Baker became quite intimate with htm during the time he waa serving on the federal bench in Mexico, and Mr. Rosewater was In close contact on the republican national com mittee, of which both were members. " 'Sol' Luna was quiet and unassuming, yet with a manner that attracted people strongly," says the latter. -"He had been a member of the committee since 1899, and with the exception of General Powell Clayton, held the-record for longest con tinuous service. It Is said he could have been United States senator on the ad mission of New Mexico to statehood, but declined to take public office of any kind." OMAHA TO ENTER THE MILWAUKEE DAIRY CONTEST Omaha will enter the International dairy contest In Milwaukee In October. Application blanks have been filled out by Dairy Inspector Bossle and forwarded. Last year Omaha won second prize for purest milk exhibited. BRIEF CITY NEWS lighting Fixtures Bargess-Orandsa Ce Save Boot Print It Now Beacon Presa Presbyterian Hospital, 1240 S. 16th St Bailey the Dentist, City Nat D. 2568 Omaha Platiag Co-Estab. 1888. D.2531 tack-Falconer Co., 4th and Harney undertakers, embalmers. Douglas 887. We It.ive guaranteed electric irons for $2.98. Wolfe jSlectric Co.. 110 Farneuj. Serves Club Breakfaet The Union Pacific Is trying out the club breakfast plan on Its dining cars. Railroads Observe Labor Bay The railroads will observe Monday, Labor day, by giving the employes a holiday City ticket offices will remain open until noon. Harry T, Lefholts, formerly with Luclen Stephens and later with George Brookes, Is now connected with Magee & Deemer, the clothiers and furnishers, who have recently opened a new store at 413 South Sixteenth street Soldier la Fined $25 Sergeant W. Wll Hams of Fort Crook was fined $2 and costs by Police Magistrate Foster for In suiting Officer R. E. Ford's wife Friday morning at Fourteenth and Dodge streets Mrs. Ford appeared against Williams. , Five Divorce Suits Filed Divorce suits as follows have been started in dis trict court: Mary Lupton against Clif ford Lupton, Anna C. Berg against Adolph Berg, Teresa Carnaby against William H. Carnaby, Anna Musselman against Harry Mustelman, Margaret Barry against Patrick Barry. Federal Court at Worth Flakte R. C Hoyt, clerk of the federal court, and Judge T. C. Hunger of Lincoln, will go to North Platte Tuesday for a session of the federal court. North Platte divis ion. The session will not he a long one as there are only a few minor Cuses to come up at that time. There will be no jury cases. Civil Service Association Meets A special meeting of the Omaha branch of the United States Civil Service Em ploye's association will be held at 8 o'clock Tuesday evening at Washington ball. Eighteenth and Harney streets. The meeuna; u called for the election of a new secretary-treasurer, as Secretary McGrath Is leaving the city for duty at another station. It Is announced that a prominent Washington official will deliver a talk on the seven-year term. Refreshments will also be served. Westgard to Take Fredrickson Route A. L. Westgard, who is endeavoring to ' establish an automobile road from coast to coast, telegraphed yesterday to H. E. Frederlekson, stating that he was Just leaving Salt Lake City for Evanston. He announced that he would travel through Wyoming and Nebraska He will take the route laid out by Mr Frederlekson with the view of making It a part of the transcontinental road. Mr. Frederlekson expects to go to Wy oming to meet Westgard. It Is not known how soon Westgard will reach Omaha. He Is not trying for any records, but is traveling slowly to gather data. E- -'ifAsl ' V TWT.gaM Vjw or rO t itV Chuo th iSi?$y Snowball I in Panama GROCERS WANT WEIGHT ORDINANCE RE-ENACTED Members of the Retail Grocers' asso ciation will hold a special meeting Tues day evening In the Board of Trade build ing to plan a campaign to compel the city commission to repeal the ordinance repealing the standard weight ordinance before the repealing ordinance Is ef fective. Referendum petitions will be circulated and signatures secured and a special elec tion requested. The grocers " believe If 1,500 or 2,000 signatures are secured to these petitions the council will repeal the repealing ordinance. BEVOTB YOTO FAT QUICKLY WITH FAT FOE TBXPLS TREATMENT You can become slender without absurd privations or exercising. No sweating, In jections, massage, rolling, vibrators, wires or bandages. This treatment is designed to eliminate superfluous fat harmlessly and as speedily as Is advisable. It won't harm you. Regain a superbly charming figure. FAT FOE the enemy of obesity -rescues you from the thralldom of fat It's the great fat reducer people are praising. It gets at the root of fat evils. FAT FOE luwly makes fat go. It reachei the cauw. It 1 bawd on Elimination, Absorption, Assimilation. One nart la au Obealty Herb Tea, which makea a braw that It good for you. "Sip your tat away." An "aiy to take" harmless, pleasant, affective home treatment. A real Joy to fat folk. Price only 11.00. lor large, complete triple treatment. Tour own druggist can get FAT FOE tor you from wholesaler. Out-of-town customers can secure FAT FOE from the Omaha druggists at $1.00. Sold in Omaha by Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.'s 4 stores, Beaton Drug Co., Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Merchants Drug Co. Secure this great $1.00 treatment now. MM Color your C SUMMER J 0JLORITE v Sjaa' TAOf HAM and it will last ijou till the snow flies 25 at all Druq and Dept. stores. Carpenter tlorton Co Boston. - rvn rn 0 IS" IV U J U J fx U 1 UVU KIT C. W. HULL COMPANY Anthracite (Hard) Coal Scranton and Lehigh, All Standard Sizes, $11 Per Ton The black, ahiny. kind, with the. lowest percentage of slate and bone. Anthracite Nut Number 2 sise; $10.00 per ton anywhere in Omaha and suburbs. Our No. 2 Nut is the next smaller siie to standard nut, (chestnut), and can be burned with the highest degree of satis faction in any Base burner, no matter how large. Measure the openings between the grate bars in your stove and you will find they will in no case exceed 5-8 of an inch; generally they are only inch. Don't let anyone tell you No. 2 Nut can't be burned in your stove. Try it for yourself. Bituminous (Soft) Coal "Torrid Nut," $6.50 Per Ton Absolutely Illinois' beBt. Thoroughly screened at the mine and rescreened at our yards. "Torrid" nut has held its own and made-many new friends through long years of competitive strife. To do this it must be all we claim for it. Walnut Block, 05.50 Por Ton Cheapest and best from Iowa. Some people prefer this to other coals that cost more money. "We keep it in stock be cause our customers like it Good reason -good coal. Ape (Colorado), 08.50 Per Ton . This is the "cream" of Colorado coals from the famous "Pinnacle" mine in Routt county.' It looks good enough to eat and everybody likes it. The "peer" of all western coals and the best by far of any stove coal ever sold in Omaha. We call it "Apex" (our own trade name), and will make an affidavit, if necessary, that every pound we sell comes from the "Pinnacle mine" and no other. All of this coal is as clean as the samples in our offices and absolutely free from impurities of any kind. odd Carney Vein (Wyoming), $7.00 Per Ton Like lignite Coal t A great many, people do. Carn ey vein is the best there is. We have it and our price is right. Smokeless, Bootless, and a free, clean burner. This is an excellent coal for the kitchen range. We do not recommend it for furnaces. , ' ' ammoth Vein Smokeless (Colorado), $8.00 Per Ton This is a very high grade lignite. Comes into Omaha on the Rock Springs freight rate and is as good as 95 per cent of the Rock Springs coals for which you pay $8.50 and $9.00 per ton. Strictly high grade, smokeless and sobtless and guar anteed to be absolutely free from impurities of any kind. Good coal for all domestic purposes and well worth the money. Sebastian Smokeless (Arkansas) 08.00 Por Ton The "premier" furnace coal. Most heat for your money. The highest degree of satisfaction with the least effort. Pennsylvania anthracite is too high. WTe know it, but can't help it. "Sebastian Smokeless" is the only logical substi-, tute. There are other so-called substitutes, but they won't do, and the least said about them, the better. . This is absolutely the same coal as the "Celebrated Pocahontas, ' th'e standard fuel of the United States navy soft and friable, but cokes perfectly. The slack "cokes" and burns exactly like the lumps. No waste, no smoke, no soot, just intense' heat and satisfaction. Ask our many satisfied customers. Apply at our office for their names and addresses. The coals mentioned above are onlv a few of our leaders. We handle everything in the fuel and building material line. Directory of Outside Yards and Offices: North Tarda 20th nd Izard SU., 22d and Isard Sts,, Tel. Douglaa 72. South Yard 24th and Spring Sts., Tel. Douglas 75. West Yard Dodge Street and M. P. Belt Line, TeL Harney 2160. South Omaha Office 102 North 24th St., South Omaha, Tel. South 00. OUR SLOGAN--2001 Pounds-A "Hull" Ton Every Time C. W. MULL COMPANY Main Office 1603 Farnain St., Omaha, Neb., TeL Doug. 429.