11 HL liMAHA vJuMDAY DEE .Maoazine PA6E Copyright, 1912, by American-Examiner. Great Britain Rights Reserved: By Mme. LINA CAVALIERI, The Most Famous Living Beauty '4 V- r. How I Made My Husband Happy This Summer By MARION FAIRFAX (Mrs. Marshall) , (Author and Playright) IF you want to keep your husband happy In hot weather, give him those thingi to eat and drink that he likes, and that are good for him. Tou note the saving clause, "that are good for him." If he likes meats, let him hare few of them and seldom, for however he clamors for them they are not good for him in hot weather. Don't let him eat meat oftener than once a day, better two or three times a week. Meat heats the blood and fires the temper. If necessary for his welfare substitute for the things he likes the things that are good for him. But if you can combine them so much the better. You will have averted the day of wrath. " Husband will expect his alcoholic beverages In Summer as well aa IWinter, though he himself knows they add to the discomfort of ho, weather. Wean him away from them by cooling drinks containing little or no alcohol. My husband I keep in good humor by servtag on the veranda or in the dining room, according to our convenience, the fol lowing: On a warm day this Is delectable: Ik. CUCUMBER LEMONADE. Four lemoni. Four tablespoonfula of sugar. Oae cucussber. Slice the cucumber lengthwise, keeping the rind on it. Rub these slices Inside the pitcher, as an Italian cook rubs a dish with garlic before placing vegetables in it Squeeze the Juice of the lemons Into the pitcher. Stir the sugar into the Juice and pour in chilled, not ice, water to taste. The addition of the cucumber flavor adds dis tlnctly to the deliciousness of the drink. If husband insists, add a dash of claret. For a quaffing on a hot day this is in comparable. Four lemons. i i Ono pint of claret. , One teaeupful sugar. Mix the lemon Juice and sugar as I bo fore described. Add the claret and Ice fr.. ly, and made strong or week as desired. One of the most complete pictures of masculine good humor I ever saw was that of my father, a Southerner, making a mint Julep. Perhaps you do not know that there are two schools of mint Julep makers' in the South, and that there, are rival claims as fiercely contested as the seats f the M in the recent convention. One school contends that the mint ' " Mixing the Mint Julep A Salad Will Appease Him. hould be spread over the top of the glass that the drinker may enjoy rr, the full fragrance of the mint. The other school heatedly maintains that v the mint should be crushed in the bottom of the glass, where It Is mixed fj'. with the sugar and increases the pungent flavor of the drink, sacrificing tj the pleasures of the nose to those of the stomach. My father was an ardent follower of the crush school. He taught me to make the mint , ! Juleps in the way with which I regale Mr. Marshall, the one true way my 1 lather would say. " r THE MINT JULEP. , One-half tumbler of cruthed ice. Ono tablespoonful of sugar. Ono large bunch of mint freah from Ita bed Crush the mint with the ice and sugar. Add the spirita to taste. Then fill the glass i with the rest of the mint and Ice. i aiways Keep a quantity or cow tea on hand In my Summer home Cold tea is the best foundation for all the fruit punches. This can be easily prepared. Ono largo cup of mlaed tea. Juice of a large fresh lime. Ono pound brown sugar. , One quart sherry. ' Boil the lime juice and sugar together . to form a syru,, flavoring them with a spoonful of any favorite preserve from your " pantry. Remove from the stove. Pour in sherry and chopped ice, If Mr. Marshall shows any warm weather testlness, he is quickly appeased by a pear salad. PEAR SALAD. I cut three large, ripe peara into narrow, i ' lengthwise strips, sprinkle over them a dash of rum and serve with French dressing. It is green corn time, and to me green corn is the backbone of the Summer edible season. Corn only has a really corny flavor if you have " the water boiling on the stove wnen Hi , fwT I " k $ I : ;;; S: .,4, t - - --, ' . S - - - 4 !k " i k? in--1 Mme. LINA CAVALIERI' No. 190Food for Special Meeds "I i Easily Identified. AFTER toe tenuis match, the ladles' team riturned In triumph In a char-a-banc f Perhaps It waa their ahrtU dallght at their aucce.. that frightened the horse, but. anyway, he bolted. Alter a thrilling lew minutes the vehicle dash:a Into the bank at thu roaasiae. end sent all its Ci'ing- In a heap. What a scene- It was: - No one was hurt, but there was a perfect sea of waving arms. f-et end head And out of th very dst -arne a squeal- Help. oh. help! Save me. i0me body! t:;ne are the green shoes and Blockings!" occupants A Pinch of Salt Needed. Toung Lady You say you were on a raft for six weeks, and had nothing to eat but mutton.. Where did you get the mutton from? Old Salt Well, you see. miss, the sea was very choppy. Fellow Feeling. . "I .don't understand why you like a JIttle short creature like me," said Miss Sawedoff, the millionairess. "Oh. I do.'.' said Hard-jp. "I've often teen a little short myself." we go out to pull the ears, we bring them in and, leaving the husks on, shred the ear as well as we can of its silk tassels. The corn Is thrust into the boiling water. The corn silk is spread over the top of the water. This ' eeps in the steam an ' none ot the flavor of the corn is lo;t by evaporation. Literally it -irns unto itself. Two desserts are my husband's Summer favorites. Ii. these 1 Introduced fruit vari ants according to the season. ' CHERRY PUDDING. One egg. One cup of milk. Two cups of flour. ' Two teaspoonfuls baking powder. One cupful of cherries. Beat the egg iuto the cup of milk. Mix with the flour the baking pow der. Stir all the.Be into a batter and add a pinch ot salt. Stir in the cupful of cherries that have been pitted and well dredged with flour. This keeps them from sinking to the bottom of the pudding. Place tbfrt In a cooking mold and put t into the fireless cooker with a hot ctislt above and below. Then go away to a picnic if you like. You can be gone for four hours and when you come home the pudding is done. rF you are aenemic feed yourjelf gen erouily with thickened broths and thick soups. Chicken and game are rebuilder of the weakened lystem, and buller may be freely eaten. Much cream is deiirable for the aenemic. For them all kinds of freih nth are nourishing. Baked fruits are friendly foods in theie cir cumitancet." This is part of the valuable advice Mme. Line Cavalieri to-day gives her - several . million reader. In her lecture on special foodi for special physical needs the writes most instructively on good .and bad food for the dyspeptic, good ana bad food for the "liverish" person, and tuggestt a wise regimen for the nervous person. By Mme. LINA CAVALIERI WHEN the race becomes more intelligent and better in-' . formed about food build ing material it will be more beauti ful and remain young longer. Are you aenemic? Then besides mild exercise In the open air, al ways stopping before you are tired, and massaging the body and face with feeding oils aa lanollne and olive oil, feed yourself generously with thickened broths and thick soups. Ham and bacon and mutton, chicken and game are rebuilders of the weakened system, and butter may be freely -eaten. For the aene mic ail kinds of fresh fish are nour ishing. So are oysters. Eggs are rebuilding agents. 8o are bread and cakes, tapioca and hominy. ' Much cream is desirable for the aenemic, and chocolate, custards, baked fruits and Jellies are friendly foods in the circumstances. Avoid what especially taxes the digestion, as veal or pork, salt meats and heavy hashes. Bananas being among the most indigestible of the foods, should be avoided. If you are dyspeptic don't eat, many things at one meal. Two or three dishes are enough. If you have difficulty in digestion lie down before or after a meal. For you vegetable soups as tomato, aspar agus, pea, and bean soups are aids. Oysters and fresh, fish, plainly broiled, 'are among your dietetic, friends. Squab and sweetbreads and chicken that has been broiled are best. Your meats should be short-fibred and broiled until they are tender. Eat eggs with stale bread or dry toast. Eggs may be cooked in any way you wish ex cept broiled or fried. Do not eat meats freely, and If you eat any butter let it be very thinly spread. If you eat bacon be sure that It la crisp and thoroughly done. Well baked potatoes, tomatoes an ' opinion and polled onions, peas, lima beans, asparagus and stewed celery and lettuce are edibles you should choose. Do not eat fruits that are either very sour or very aweet. The stomach of the dyspep tic Is sensitive to extremes. Tea, If made very weak and drunk clear , and hot, Is beneficial. So are milk and cocoa or chocolate, If not too rich. Shun raw celery and cabbage and radishes. If you are gouty or rheumatic be careful not to eat stimulating foods and avoid all stimulating liquors. The gouty or rheumatic condition Is caused by' the deposit of acids In the Joints, and you should study how to eliminate these from the body. Alcohol, sweets and strawberries add to them. Eat very slowly 0f the following: Thin vegetable soups, fresh fish and raw oysters, whltemeats, as the breast of chicken; sweetbreads and pigs' feet Take the whites of eggs, ' preferably raw. Toasted graham or whole wheat bread is the best for your condition. Zwieback and graham gems are also helpful. For you celery, lettuce, cu cumber, cabbages, young peas and string beans, spinach, those vege tables containing much water, are excellent Juicy fruits as oranges, lemons, apricots, cranberries, pears, peaches, better stewed or baked than raw. are medicinal for you. But eat no beef, no fried dishes, no ragouts nor hashes, neither tur key nor duck nor goose, no ome lettes and no salt fish and no desserts-except fruits. - If you drink tea Or coffee let it be weak. Buttermilk is better for you, and you more than any other class ot person, should drink water In large quantities. . If you are liverish or are troubled by bilious attacks eat less heavily than you have been doing. Choose white meats and fish, and eat no fat part of the meat Of vegetables eat much watercress and lettuce and splnlch. Drink skjmmed milk and that very slowly, and eat only raw or poached eggs. Cornbread or bread made from whole wheat flour and hot water in which you have squeezed the juice of a lemon or orange will help you back to a state of health. Eat neither cheese nor potatoes, oatmeal nor dried vegetables. , If you are neurasthenic never at tempt the no-breakfast plan. It Is better for you if you can have your breakfast in bed. The diet should be light Meats, fish, eggs, green vegetables and fruits are a help ful diet. Milk can be taken If the stomach does not reject it Tea, coffee, tobacco and alcoholic drinks are forbidden to you. Beauty Questions Answered " P. C. writes: "I have read your beauty hints in the newspapers every Sunday for years and have been greatly profited by them. I would like very much 'to slearn from you how to remove a red spot ' that has settled in my eye, marring the white, and close to the iris. I have tried a number of .things but nothing seems to do it any good." The red spot' Is a sign of Inflam mation and that Indicates some strain of the eye. First remove the strain. Give the eyes all the rest possible. Sleep more than usual. Give up sewing and reading for a time. Take a midday nap if you can. If not close the eyes as often as circumstances will permit for a few seconds at a time. Keep them closed while on a train. Study how' to get the best light you can on your task. Avoid the direct light , upon the eye. , Bathe the eyes with an eyecup n a mixture of .'Joraclc acid . 1 oa. ' Rose water 6 ozs. Keep cool bandages aa cold tea leaves or fir ' c . ked lea on the eyes. Rest rest rest, the eyes. If a few weeks of this care does not clear the spot from ths eye consult an oculist for t he trouble may be a vieepseated one., - -1 3. S. cends a plea for advice as 1 how to gain flesh. "I am eigh teen years old and painfully thin,' alje cays. . rest more, sleep longer, worry lejs, and eat moro and more slowly. Drink milk with and between your mcala . . , Use Your Roofs for Your Your Health's Sake By ADA PATTERSON THIS ,1s the time when, every day, we meet persons who have re .. newed their youth. With a new brownness of cheek and bright ness of eye they smile their gratitude when we say, "How well you look," and they answer, "I have had such a delightful vacation." What element of that vacation has made them over from pale, tired, irritable persons who slept little and ate capriciously, into rosy, springy, steady-nerved folk, who slept dreamlessly for eight or nine hours and en Joyed their food without question? It was air fresh, clean, pure air. This, the one essential, indisputable element of a true vacation, might have been found at home. Instead of climbing mountains or sailing across seas for it we could have reached it by taking the elevators or the stairs to our own roofs. "When you get above the sixth story of a city building the air is practically as fresh as in the country," said a missionary of health, a physician who could carry all the drugs he ever uses In his glove, but who carries with him always a heavy cargo of common sense. The higher the purer is a proverb concerning air. The further above the disease clouds that swirl about the streets in almost invisible veils of dust the safer. An Inspector of the Health Department of New York says she is satisfied that there would be one-third less deaths in every large city if its dwellers adopted the roof habit. It is a habit easily formed if one is once convinced of its need and its benefits. There is, for example, the value that the roof has been cleansed for us by Nature's chief house-cleaner sunshine. The sun light has penetrated the corners ot the roof. It has destroyed by its power the menace of the disease germs that lurk in dust And if we go to the roof while the sun is still shining it performs the same office for our bodies. Knowing this the management of city hospitals are moving their patients to the roofs for daily and sun baths, and architects are planning porches to be screened for out of door sleeping apartments in Summer and glass covered for sun parlors in Winter. k Sun, the great purifier, does his work as effectively on the roofs of cities as on the country roads. In midsummer roofs have the value of furnishing a lower temperature. It is, so tests have proven, at least ten degrees cooler on the roofs than on the streets below. Many a sickly infant's life has been saved by carry ing it each day to the cooler roof. The roof Is a refuge for tired nerves, for there the multiple of sounds ol a city die away Into a distant chorus, and instead of the distracting sights of the streets there are the stretch of sky and the calm of sun and stars with their suggestion of endless quiet to the Jangled nervous system. There Is a moral value, too, in the going to the roof habit. Grown-ups find there what the city dweller needs time and chance to take stock of himself to find whither he is drifting and in what direction he should Children Thrive on the Roof. Many a Sickly Infant's Life Has Been Saved by Taking It Daily to the Roof steer. Children are spared the demoralizing influences of many street scenes. The danger of falling from the roof, fear of which besets the timid and those of unsteady nerves, can be removed by railing In the roof space when high brick or stono protection is missing, x 1th a rough board fence The menace of the too tt -ong -ye of the sua Cjc- not r .iT cheap a,T,t g or a.sheet be Wretched alv-r i " Bmf1L by the hePlth seettor on the heights. U th rf """'"ied The extension roofs bo common in city dwellings a few thoughtful housewives are transforming into out-of-door dining rooms. Here break fast is served. Here some of them entertain their friends at luncheon or at, tea. Ingenuity triumphs easily over the small obstacle of distance from the kitchen and a narrow staircase.- One clever housekeeper drew her tea things up in a small flat basket through the big clean chimney of a fireplace to the roof: Another asked each person going to the roof to carry a few articles when he would otherwise go empty banded, and these were placed upon a table behind the largest chimney awaiting the cou venience of the mistress of the house for arranging them. Those who have' made the most of the opportunities offered by the roof as a health preserver have contrived to supply that part of the home with water. At a slight expense the water pipes have been carried a story higher and fixtures have been added for turning the water on at pleas- A Hammock on the Roof Is as good as One in the Country. ure. In this way the roof can be sprayed, adding to its coolness and that of the atmosphere. A rough table one that has -grown too shabby for use below a few chairs that are no longer smart, and a hammock or a couch from which the splendors have departed, will furnish the roof with all that is needed. If the sense of beauty clamors for satisfaction and the purse permits there can be finer furnishings, especially if there be some one of the house hold vigilant and thoughtful enough and watchful enough to put them in a safe place when it rains. But, howeyer shabby the roof furniture, tae sense of beauty can be pleased and that sense cultivated by growing plants.' Rough boxes from the grocer's, filled with earth, and ten cents saved by self-denial when you pasa an ice cream parlor, spent for flower seeds, plus attention from the grower, will make a corner of the roof a beauty spot. - Such an experiment has made of what was a year ago a surface of blazing red tin an eye rest and inspiration to a' hundred neighbors in the dusty Forties in New York. The plants that, have been grown are tall ones. From the neighboring windows searching eyes see-the wind stirring hollyhocks and cool vines of morning glories. The vines creep about the uprights of a rough six-pillared frame, over which is stretched a green awning. The once eye-assaulting red of the roof has vanished Into the coolest of colors green. One descries among the vines and tall, flowering plants the outline of green wicker chairs. Some sensitive souls complain that they cannot endure the vista of roofs and chimneys. But in Summer most of the chimneys are inactive. And beyond the roofs is the horizon, and further on perhaps a glimpse of the river or plain or hill or sea, and certainly the friendly stretch of the most beautiful roof in the world the sky. J