Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 01, 1912, Page 10, Image 10

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many adtosmi be SHOWN Car tercar Drives Up tlie
Steps of the City Hall
Exhibition Will Be Conducted Dur
injr Ak-Sar-Een Week.
Samaon'a Gareraors, Toaretner with
Others, Will I'alte to Make
th Fall Exhibition a
- Sixty-three makes of automobiles will
be on exhibition In the salesrooms of
local dealers and agents during the 1913
' model exhibit carnival of the Omaha
Auto Show association, which will hold
the boards in connection with the Ak
Bar-Ben festival September 25 t October
I. Seven Omaha dealers in auto acces
sories will also unite to make the affair
; a success. . t
In addition to the regular corps of lo
cal auto salesmen, special factory repre
sentatives of all machine will be on
hand to present the many merits of the
ltlS models. The Ak-Sar-Ben board of
governors will also assist the auto deal
ers to make the carnival worth' the at
tention of the fall visitors in Omaha, and
special attention will be paid to make the
big auto parade during Samson's time of
activities one of the most elaborate that
has ever been held In the west.
-' All auto men along the "row" and ; In
other parts of the downtown business
district will decorate their talesrooms
with white and apple-green bunting and
pennants, the colors of the Omaha Auto
Show association. Rosstte shields of an
attractive design in the Ak-Sar-Ben
colors, red, green and yellow, will also
be used.
Members of the board of directors of
the show association who have charge of
the preliminary arrangements include the
following: J. J. Ceright, president;
Clarke G. Powell, secretary-treasurer;
J. T. Stewart, second vice president; Guy
X Smith and Denlse Barkalow.
; The following cars, all 1913 moiels, will
be on exhibition; v
'Avery Truck
I Baker Electric
(Cadillac "" -Cartercar
Commerce Trucks
Uetrolt Electric
Little Four
Marmon ',,
m.iah iii? ' I- .
Maxwell iH,.v;-v '
Midland h "kjI
jnucneu ,
Mollne 'ty
Ohio Electric
Packard and Pack
ard Trucks
Firestone-Columbus Plerce-Arrow
Flanders Electric
(General Motor
I Trucks
Great Western
K. C. H.
Rauch & Lang
Stanley Steamer
i iiwiu win j.wjmiiiiiiiiii i mini .lA.'iJJ "umiiiinmu'i i mm
uifAiy, , , r f r
;?kV;y ft fh
In order to Illustrate the ability of a T Lewis made the ascension several times,
Cartercar to take the hllla, Karl Lewis, a
driver employed by Manager Foshler,
local agent for the company, drove a
stock car filled with passengers up the
west side steps of the city hall last week
and hld the car and its load at the top
for fifteen minutes. The car Is a friction
first, three persons In the car and later
with a full load of bystanders. On his
final effort ho discarded chains and made
the ascension on bare tires.
The car used is the regular demon
strator and has been driven ' several
thousand miles. .
L C. H. Trucks and Stearns
Touring Cars Stavens-Duryea
Interstate Btoduavd-Dayton.
Keiley Truck Velle '
Lambert Welch.
, Goody ear. Tires Will .
i Invade Europe Next
After popularlrlntr its nroduet in sverv
jstate of this country the Goodyear Tire
and Rubber company of AkroJv O., man
ufacturers of tho famaus No-Rlm-Cut au
tomobile . tires and .Blue Streak- motqr
cycle tires, -is makimr preparations to
open up branches In several of the coun
tries In continental Europe, in Englan-1
with head offices In London and in South'
Africa and Australia.
On Secptember 5 Mr. L. C. Van Bever
jof Toronto, Canaija, vice president of the
j Canadian company of the Goodyear Tire
and Rubber company, leaves for Eng
land to complete arrangements for the
I opening of the London branch and to es
tablish a complete distributing system
throughout the British Isles. Mr. Van
Bever, who has experienced a successful
career with the Goodyear company, will
form an English company of the Ameri
can house. This will control the British
Interests of the company as well as those
In South Africa and other British pos
sessions. Other companies, It Is under
stood, will be organised under the super
vision of Mr. Van Bever in France and
Germany, and, arrangements are being
made to form a company In Australia to
upervlse the business on that continent
and In New Zealand. The plan la the be
ginning of a world-wide selling organlsa
tiou and distributing system of the Good
year Tire and Rubber company.
I For the present automobile tires and
other products will be manufactured at
tha Canadian plaA of the company and
shipped to the varifus points abroad for
t w ft .. , m JJ-,.'.i.M,.i.M.wij,At:-:g,w..irvvi..w'Aw, jwy.iii..jimjim
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Toronto. Ont.
Gossip -Along
Automobile Row
One of the largest auto, sales ever re
corded in Omaha was brought to a clos
last week by C. J. Corkhlll, western
sales manager for ' the Cole Motor Car
company who Is stationed here. Cork
hlll closed a deal for one hundred and
fifty 1913 "Cole" machines to be shipped
to the ,'Wyeth. Motor Car company at
St. Joseph within the next three weeks.
, About 150 dealers and salesmen from the
principal cities of the United States and
Canada will be guests of the Packard
Motor Car company on a three-day lsJw
emit?, which will constitute the annual
convention of the Packard sales corps.
The steamer City of St lgnace has been
chartered. The routo extends thvough
(Lake St Clair and Lake Huron, then
down Into Lake Erie to Buffalo and re
turn. The boat leaves Detroit Tuesday,
September 8, and will stop in Cievelanl
Xor a theater party the evening of Sep
tember 1
The dealers will be accompanied , by a
number of Packard officials, Including
a. B. Joy, president; S. D. Waldon. vice
president; Alvan Macauley, general man
ager, and II. H. Hltls, sales manager.
. In addition to business discussions there
will be various fo;m of entertainment.
Including concerts by the Packard brass
.band. " .
H. E. Fredrlckson will attend the
Wyoming good roads convention which
will be held at Rawllna under the aus
pices of the Carbon County Good Roads
association September 11 and 11 Fred
rlckson is held In high esteem by Wyo
ming autolsts on . account of 'his recent,
good roads trip across that state on his
way to Salt Lake City. Since the
Omahan'a trip the ranchers and business
men of the southern part of Wyoming
have appropriated large sums for the
improvement of road's, construction of
J Fred W. Haines, vice president and
" general manager of the T.egal Motor Car
company of Detroit, Mich., has Jiwt
scored a signal success in the automobile
business with the estabKrhment of a chain
tof distributers reaching practically around
the world.
" This means that aa automobile built
on tha "underslung" principle will be sold
at a moderate price everywhere. In add I
tlon to other models produced by this en
terprising Detroit concern. .
The growth of the Regal Motor Car
company Is an Indication of the tremen.
Sous strides in the automobile Industry.
The Regal concern produced ITS cars In
1907, and their output for -13 will be ap
proximately 10,0(0 cars.
' Joiaa Stadcbakera,
X. Bates Acklev. asalstant anditnr and
for twenty-seven years in the employ of
the Michigan Central railroad, has Joinel
Ibe Studebaker corporation's automobile
division as assistant treasurer and will
be in charge of the finances of the big
1 Studebaker motor car plants la Detroit
bridges and painting of 'sign, posts even
half mile. August Gr'mm, owner of the
famous Hotel Virginian at Medicine Bow.
which was named in honor of Ower .
Wleter, has forsaken the rearing, plung
ing broncho and the lariat and is chug
ging about in n brand new roadste
supet'ntendlng tho grading of roads be
tween Medicine - Bow and Rawlins.
Frank Fowler, Fremont, of the Nye
Pchnelder-Fowler Grain company, w!H
soon be speeding around In what Is satf
will be the largest auto in Nebraska'
The machine is a "ey Plerce-Arrow
seven-passenger touring car of the 191?.
model and has a 140-Inch wheel base
The car will be shipped from the Fere
Arrow factory to Fowler within the ne
two weeks. It was sold by the Fredrick
son Auto oompany of Omaha. !
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Huff motored to i
Grand' Island last week, spending 8un-f
day with friends at Schimmer lake. Mr
Huff reported the roads between Omahn .
and Grand Island in excellent condition '
W. G. Kysella, sales manager for th
National Carbon company, was a visitor
In Omaha last week. ' j
. . ;- V , !
The following important stops are in
cluded in the published itinerary of th.
Omaha-Wyoming-Salt Lake Pioneer Auto
route which is now being distributed to
What's your "system" of
judging a car? If accomplish
ment counts with you more
than fashion's fickle fancies
you'll throw prejudices to
the winds and judge the
Ford on its merits. It's
the one car that has stood all
the tests.
75,00.0 Foi-d can already gold this season'
one-third of America's product. Five
pas8enger tcuring car $690 three passen
ger roadster $590 torpedo runabout $590
delivery car $700 town car $900 f.
o. b. Detroit, complete with all equipment.
Get catalogue from Ford Motor Company.
1916 Harney St., Omaha, or direct from
the Detroit factory.
dealers and auto owners In Nebraska.
Wyoming and Utah: Omaha, Fremont.
Columbus, Central City, Grand Island,
Kearney, Cosad, North Platte, Ogallala,
Julesburg, Chappell, Sidney, Kimball,
Cheyenne, Laramie, Medicine Bow,
Hanna, Fort Steele, Rawlins, Table Rock,
Point of Rocks. Rock Springs, Green
R'ver, Granger,' Opal, Evanston, Coal
ville and Salt Lake City. Signboards In
orange, black and white have been
painted along the way so that tourists
will have little difficulty in keeping on
the right road.
E. T. Graves of the local Goodyear Tlr
and Rubber agency attended the Iowa
state fair at Des Moines a couple of days
last week.
at Lincoln this week. He will be as
sisted by Lee Huff of Omaha, in demon
strating cars. Sidles had an exhibit of
Bulck machines at the Iowa state fair
at Des Moines last week, which proved
successful in every way.
L. R. Wilson, credit manager for the
Powell Supply company, left for a short
vacation among the northern Iowa lakes
last Wednesday.
In charge of H. E. Sidles, general
manager, the Nebraeka-Buick Auto com
pany will have a full line of 1915 Buick
models on exhibition at the state fair
The Horn Auto. Supply company, re
ported large sales of all accessories last
Seven dealers In auto -accessories will
take part in the auto carnival during
Ak-Sar-Ben week, , SeptTr.ber !T to Oc
tober 6. They will be Baum Iron com
pany, Firestone Tire and Rubber com
pany, Omaha Rubber company, Powell
Supply company, Arthur Storz Auto Sup
ply company, Western Auto Supply com-
pany and the Western Auto Sales and
Manufacturing company.
C. J. Corkhlll, western sales manager
of the Cole Motor Car company, mo
tored from St Joseph to Omaha In a
112. Cole last Tuesday,- leaving St Joe
at 10 o'clock In the morning and arriv
ing here at 8 o'clock the same evening.
A stop' of two hours was made at Mary
vllle, Mo.
R. E. Greene of the motor accessories
department of the Goodyear Tire and
Rubber company, was a visitor in Omaha
H. E. Fredrickson will Join the Path
finder tournlng party, headed by A. L.
Westgaard, representative of the Ameri
can Automobile association, at Salt Lake
City next month, probably about Sep
tember 15. Across Wyoming and Ne
braska, Fredrickson will act as pilot for
the tournists, the route to be over the
territory recently covered in the good
roads trip from Omaha to Salt Lake
City. (
W. H. Ballance, of the Gypp Brewing
company, Peoria, passed through Omaha
last week In a Cole Speedster on fc's
way back to Denver. While in Indian
apolis recently, the car was tested on
the Speedway track there and mado
eighty-four miles an hour.
Local auto dealers are putting in liirge
orders for white and apple green bunting
and pennants, these being the colors - of
the Omaha Automobile Show association,
which will be used to decorate during
the 1913 model Ak-Sar-Ben exhibit
Dr. H. R. Brown of Daykin, Neb.,
purchased one of the snappy six-cylinder,
two-passenger Mitchell roadsters during
the last week.
2. Starting Button. When pressed the electric motor starts the gasoline engine,
3. Switch. With the gasoline engine running, and the starting button released, 1
this switch automatically changes the electric motor into an electric generator
for charging the storage battery.
8. Regulator. Automatically makes rate of charging storage battery same at
any engine speed.
The Cross Country unit gasoline and electric motor showing location of all part
HERE is a car destined for leader
ship in 1913. The new unit
gasoline and electric motor is
bound to give it first place.
The 1912 Cross Country was a pop
ular success. Big sales prove that. One
hundred and five per cent--our increase
. for the year is a record.
Gasoline and Electric Motor
( .Think what this new motor means.
vf It combines two widely used and thor-'
oughly known power principles; one,
in the perfected Cross Country gasoline
engine; the other, in the commonly used
electric motor generator. ,
Now you don't have to get out of
your car to start or to light the lamps.
Press the button you start ,
Press another you light the lamps,
i Read the explanation. Then see this
new motor. The idea is so simple the
results so pleasing you will wonder why
it has not been done before.
This gasoline-electric motor consists
of a single unit, combining a 38-horse
power, four-cylinder gasoline engine with
an electric motor generator.
. There is no need for a separate start
ing device. .
From the instant you press the start -.
ing button this electric motor generator
is creating and storing electric energy
for future use,
The usual cast iron fly wheel of an
ordinary engine is left off.
Noiseless and Simple
The parts forming the electric motor
generator take the place of the fly wheel.
It saves weight, bearings, chains,
gears, complicated wiring, and operates
as silently as any electric motor.
The only wearing parts, other than
those of all gasoline ' engines," are the
motor generator brushes which are six
times the necessary size ample for
many times the life of the car.
Except to put water in the batteries
it requires no attention.
Ten Inch Upholstery
The Cross Country in appearance had
no equal. '
In comfort we thought we had reached
the lirnit but now we have added ten
inch upholstery. Of power it has suffi
cient for every emergency. .
It's so flexible you can travel on high
gear no faster than a man usually walks,
or fifty miles an hour.
To steer is but to touch the wheel.
It guides so easily, you are conscious of
no effort Experienced motorists in
stantly appreciate this advantage.
10,000 Jlile Guarantee
Of its reliability there can be no ques
tion, vouched for by our ten thousand
mile guarantee.
Jeffery service is" a reality. It has
been gradually perfected by twelve-years
of actual field work and is now backed
by an organization of more than four
hundred dealers and branches. One of
them is probably near to you. . -
We make ninety-six per cent of our
parts and now have a half mUlion
dollars invested in duplicate parts for
the benefit of owners.
Ask your banker or consult Dun and
Bradstreet as to the responsibility of
this company.
Four Big Features
Here is what you get in the' Cross
. Country:
Appearance that makes you proud of
your purchase.'
Comfort rare and pleasing.
A gasoline and electric motor in ad
vance of the day.
A guarantee backed by the Jeffery
Company. t
Could you ask for more in a motor car?
38-horse power; ignition, self-generated.
Transmission, selective; three for
ward speeds and reverse. Adjustable
taper roller bearings. Front axle I beam;.
rear axle Rambler type. Springs, front
semi-elliptic; rear, three-quarter elliptic
Wheel base 120 inches; tread 56 inches,
option 60 inches. Wheels 36x4 demount
able. Tires U. S. or Goodyear, 36 x 4.
Body styles: Five-passenger, $1700;
four-passenger, $1700; Roadster, $1650;
Special touring body, five adults and two
children37x4 inch tires, $1900; Sedan,
four passengers all enclosed, $2,500; Goth
am five-passenger limousine with two
extra cab seats 37x4 in. tires, $2750.
Beauty of Finish
Finished in light Brewster Green
with black beading and hair line gold
stripe, with wheels to match. Trimmed
in nickel, with bonnet, fenders and fillers
in black enamel.
Equipment: Two 9 inch electric
head lamps, flush electric dash lamps
and electric tail lamp, tonneau hinged
robe rail, adjustable foot rest, complete
tool equipment; top and envelope, $70;
wind-shield, $30.
Send for Booklet
The Cross Country with the new
unit gasoline and electric motor is now
ready for demonstration. You will want
the booklet describing this remarkable
motor. This coupon will bring it to
you at once.
2052-2054 Farnam St
. Omaha, Nebraska.
Send me a copy of the booklet describ
ing your new gasoline and electric motor
and the Announcement Number of the
Rambler Magazine giving full details of
the 1913 Cross Country.
Name ,
JAddre8S: ' Jj
We Guarantee Every Cross Country for 10,000 Miles
Subject to the conditions of the signed guarantee which we give with each csr.
0sC ; --f'ly.' 1
. ; 2052-2054 Farnam Street
Omaha, ' Nebraska.