V- THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, AUGUST 31, 1912. BOOTH'S BODY LAID TO REST i - Outpouring; of Populace Seldom Si- ' valed in English City. ; CEIKSON BANNERS BORNE ALOFT Service Takes Two Honrs, Thoagh y. Portion 1 Left Oat Eulogy by of the Will. 1 LONDON. Aug. 30.-The body of the founder, of the. Salvation army. General William Booth was burled beside that of hl wife yesterday In the old cemetery of Abney park, in the heart of the east end of London, where " the great evangelist began the work that spread over the entire world. ; No such gather ings of the populace on a funeral occas ion have been witnessed here except upon the deaths of Queen Victoria and King Edward VII. Sveral thousand Salvationists, the men and women composing- the forty eight divisions of the army from the London provinces; ' carrying their ban ners of "blood and fire" and keeping step to well know Salvationist tunes Played by forty bands, marched over the five miles from the army headquarters In Queen Victoria street to the burial ground, through muddy streets, after be ing drenched by a-downpour of rain a It was more in the nature of a trium phal progress; than an occasion of mourn ing. In the same streets only a few years ago not a few of those who marched today had been mobbed and Jeered. No one could estimate" the numbers who had assembled everywhere, gathered to wit ness the passing of the funeral of the lata commandei-i-in-chief.- All the. win dows and streets along the line of march were crowded. 'Flags along the route drooped, rain-soaked at half mast and many of the business houses were 'closed.' Fifty 'lhonminl nt Cemetery. " ' The multitude, in and about the ceme tery numbered not less than 50.000. The .new commander, Bramwell Booth; him-j self pronounced a long eulogy and read the committal service, ' when his father's body was lowered , Into the grave. . As, Bramwell Booth ". was approaching the grave, Herbert Booth, dressed ln civilian1 clothes, stepped forward and kissed the new general on the check. . " ' The mayor of Stoke-Newlngton and '.he mayor of Hackney, in their robes of office, were seated on the platform with the Booth family. Mrs. Catherine Booth Cllbborn,' the late general's eldest daugh ter who had for1 years ben estranged from the army with her husband and -their twelve children, sat among the mourners. . '.. ' , y Miss Eva Booth, commander of the army In the United States, who arrived in London Just in time to walk behind her father's coffin, broke down with , grief and fatigue. Mrs. Booth-Hellberg begged the audience to excuse her sister from speaking, but the army was anxious to hear the American leader and she came forward, Bramwell Booth and Mrs. , Hellberg" supporting her. - Miss Booth said : Short Speech liy Evn Booth. "I am "worn out with travel and with grief, but I must ' deliver my" message from the army across the water. My beloved father never lost the hold which ho established there so long ago and we feel his loss as. keenly as the English corps. He looked forward with so much Joy to the visit" which he had planned ;,to, tnake4o ( America this yeaiv ,,ButGod 1 is ! with us and the work will go on." ', With the exclamation of "Oh, beloved father," Miss' Booth broke down and was assisted to her seat : Provisions of Will. A summary of the will left by the late General Booth, was made public today. ,: All the properties held by him as gen eral of the Salvation Army and all like ' public trusts, xel and rersonal, Including copyrights, are vested In his successor as "general for the time being of the Salva tion Army," to be held by him "upon trusts affecting the same." , By a codicil his small private property, having a net value of 487 19 shillings (approximately $2,440), he gives to the Sal vation Army,- with the exception of cer tain private papers and memoranda, ' which are given to his eldest son,. Bram well, and a few articles chosen by him self,' which are given as mementoes to each of his children and chlldren-ln-law. Another codicil deals with property es timated lh value at' $26,475, representing moneys settled on him many years ago by ,the late Henry Reed for private use. It was this' provision which enabled him to draw no stipend nor remuneration of any kind from the" funds of the army.'. This property -is divided among his children, Bramwell, Catherine, Marian, Herbert, Eva and Lucy, His successor, Bramwell Booth, is appointed -executor of the will. Insurgents Besiege ; ; an American Mine DOUGLAS, Aria., Aug.' 30.-A force of 300 rebels has demanded the surrender of the Kl Tigre. mining camp, American property; located sixty-five miles- south east of here. Forty .Americans fully armed Intend to fight if neoessary to protect their women and children. Also about seventy federal soldiers are de fending the town. El Tigre Is one of the richest gold' mines in Mexico, con trolled by ICansa.. City capital, ,, and. If captured ' by rebels could finance the revolution. ... H. C. Beaucamp, general manager of the Transvaal mine, 'an American prop erty, reports that the mine has been looted by rebels. J. S. Hunter, the store manager, was held for ransom, which was paid. ' ,- Late reports say the Americans at the El Tigre property have , arranged an armistice with the rebels, in an effort to compromise.. - WASHINGTON, Aug. 29.-The Mexican government has ordered federal troops to hasten to a point between Hermoslllo . and Nogales In the state of Sonora for the protection of two,. Americans, Frank B. Curtis and Arthur Cunningham', .who are beset by rebels thirsting for.' revenge. FATHER AND SON KILLED BY ROCK ISLAND TRAIN KELLOGG, la.. Aug. 30.-N. Keetop, 30 years old, and his 7-year-old son were In stantly killed and another young son fa tally Injured when an easibound passen ger train on the Rock Island -struck.- e buggy lh which they were riding late to day.' The accident occuned at a railroad crossing. Military Discipline in Prison Called Off (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Aug. Su.-(Speclal.) Deputy Warden Antles of the state penitentiary has been called on the carpet by War den Mellck for punishing convicts who refused to salute him in military style whenevery he passed. , , Such convicts were strung up by the wrists until in a more humble frame of mind, it Is the charge for which the Warden consured his deputy. Deputy Antles was a National Guard officer when he took the position at the penitentiary and his military Ideas did not prove entirely acceptable. ORIENTAL TREATMENT FATAL Noted Sculptor Dies in Great Agony in Seattle. UNDER CASE OF CHINESE DOCTOR Operation Something Like. Vaccina tion for Skin Disease Cannes Death Woman Companion la Prostrated. SEATTLE, Wash., Aug. SQ.-Louls Pot ter, 39 years old of New York, a noted American sculptor, died In great agony In an obscure hotel on Sixth avenue here today after undergoing ten days', treat ment at the hands of a Chinese physi cian for a skin disease with .which he had been afflicted almost since birth. The exact cause of Potter's death has not been determined, although Coroner Snyder Is convinced that it was not blood poisoning as at first believed. An autopsy was held tonight but nothing was found to indicate the nature of the final aliment. A chemical analysis of the stomach will ba made tomorrow. Mr. Potter, who came to Seattle ten days ago with a woman companion and registered at the hotel as "Dr. "Percy and wife," told a few friends -to whom he made himself known that he was seeking relief from 'the dermal malady which American and European physicians, had told him was not serious but was incur able. .'." ' '. '' Mr. Potter had met a woman tourist who had been treated for a similar ali ment by , a Chinese physician In Califor nia with satisfactory results and she ad vised him to consult a Chinese , doctor When he came to Seattle.- With this In view, Mr. Potter regis tered under an assumed name. The Chi nese physician performed an operation similar to vaccination on Potter's ab domen last Friday, lacerating the skin and applying a strong oriental plaster. Potter complained' that the treatment was severe but was hopeful that it would be successful. The woman, who was known at the hotel as Potter's wife, was taken to another hotel and placed under the care f a physician who said she was suffering from nervous prostration. All efforts to communicate with her wer futile and the attending physician declined to discuss her case or give out . any Information concerning her, finally refusing . to answer the door or the ttlephone. At the home 'on Sixth avenue, where Potter died, it was said that the woman claimed to have worked formerly on New " York newspapers. At no time did she enter into details of her identity. - - " ' Had' International Fame. - NEW YORK, Aug. SO.-Louls Potter was not quite 39 years old, but he had attained international fame as a sculp tor. Several years ago he attracted at tention by executing a remarkable bust of Mark Twain, although he had jiever seen the .great humorist and forked solely, by .the aid of pictures, A group entitled "Earth Bound"- exhibited here lost year was another of his noteworthy productions. Mr. 'Potter was born In Troy. N. Y and studied in this country and abroad. Perhaps his best known works- are groups ( of American and Alaskan In dians. It was said here that he was not married. Marines Fired on:. Escape Uninjured BLUEFIT5LD, Nicaraugua, Aug. 30.- Offlcial information has reached here that fifty marines, fired on Saturday by rebels while repairing the railroad be tween Managua and Leon, escaped with out injury. Though forced temporarily to retreat they resumed and completed their repair work Sunday and then re turned safely to Managua, SONS OF VETERANS ELECT GRANT COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF ST. LOUIS, Aug. 30.-Robert M. Grant of Hartford, Conn., today was elected commander-in-chief of the Song of. Vet erans to succeed Colonel Newton J. ..Mc Gulre of Indianapolis, and Miss Frances M." Fox of Rochester, "N. Y., was elected president of the Ladles' auxiliary to suc ceed Mrs. Flora Staples Whitney ; of Worcester, , Mass. The choice of a city for the annual ' encampment next -year was left to -the encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic, wnich takes place next month at Los Angeles, Cal. . The or dars next -year again will .have . a joint meeting, as heretofore has been the case. Other officers for the Sons of Veterans are:. Senior .vice commander, Charles Martin, Parsons, Kan.: junior vice com mander, C. H. Hudson, Madison, Wis.: counell-ln-chief, H. F,; Weller, -Boston, Mass.; Arthur J. Vescelius, Pater?on, N. J., and W. B. Moynihan, Rochester, N. Y. BERNSTEIN ACCUSES WARD . WITH SELLING MINOR BEER Patrick Ward, a habitue of the Burke saloon at Ninth and Capitol avenue, was arrested yesterday afternoon by Juvenile Officer Bernstein, who charges h!m'wlth aiding and abetting the delinquency of a minor. War is alleged to have sold beer in a can to : the children of Pat Haley, Seventh and Webster streets. .. '".-Cnaaht In the Aet and arrested by Dr. King's Kw Life Pills, bilious headache quits and liver, stomach and bowels act right. Only 25c. For vale by Beaton Drug Co. Key to the Situation Bea Advertising. Culls from the Wire The business portion of Malstone, a town in Fergus county, Montana, was de. stioyed by fire. Great Britain's policy regarding Tibet is severely citlcUed in this morning's liberal newspapers. The bal'oon Kaoss City II, John WatU, muia wun me uniiwn isL-e n;r me Ant lers' trophy which started from Oo'.oialo Springs. September 16 Is the date- set for the healing before the supreme court on the application of the democ atlc state com mittee of South Diko a f r a manda-rus to compel the secreta-y of state to place the name of R be-t P. Siewart of D.ad wood on the regular democrats ticket as a candidate for supreme court Judge from the First district - WhatEverv M 16th and Harney St. IN ALL THE WORLD. NO STORE WILL STRIVE TO SERVE YOU BETTER liUaWPU-Mi1iii li I mii I iimiuiiM imp mky 16th and Harney St. SUCCESSORS TO THE BENNETT COMPANY Feat i ' Iterata OMAHA. THE MASTERKEY TO THE GREAT WEST Orkin Brothers, the Fastest Growing Retail Organization in the Middle West MAHA has many wonderful successes to her credit. Inall commercial pursuits, Omaha points with glowing pride to many remarkable achievements. But in all the history of this great city NO OTIIER ORGANI ZATION" haa had such a meteoric rise into public favor. We've gained the confidence of thousands of intelli gent people by our consistent adherence to the square deal. WE'LL CONTINUE TO HOLD YOUR CONFI DENCE in the same golden rule way at i our greater new store. . - Gradually we are transforming this beautiful building into Omaha's . greatest, retail establishment. We've pinned our faith to Omaha. "OMAHA HAS BEEN GOOD, TO US" and we'll reciprocate. .There is nothing too good for Omaha. - , The proof of the pudding is in the eating thereof -here's still greater proof of this store's. determination to serve you better. v as (f (0) Opening new fall tailored suits, smartly J styled, man tailored serges, English diag onals, peau de cyne and satin lined, 32 to 34-inch jackets longer, new Bide plaited skirts; wide color range, $22.50. Smart new -length coats. Very new Jaunty effects for young women. Lined and unlined coats. Unusually wide assort ment. Broad range of prices, 13.50 to $35.00. Beautiful new fancy mixture coats, di agonals . and stripes. Wide collars and cuffs. Empire models, also wide fold back efects. AH colors, special, $25.00. A Most Tremendous Sale of Fine Dresses D Aj . A I 1 V tl101111 fine lingerie and colored wash dresses. rrOQf liy at V U ClOCk ( Our beautiful $5.00, $7.50 and $10.00 dresses at . .'. .'. . Think of it, three, four, five fine dresses for the price of one. , One thousand high-grade lingerie and colored wash dresses all in one lot at this ridiculously low price. ' Every imaginable new model. Splendid colorings and styles. Norfolk, tunic and tailored effects. All sizes. Our final last call clean-up. ' All Our Smart Pique Dresses All Our Fine French Linen Dresses All Our Clever Tissue Dresses A11. Pur lAwn, Penale. Cambric Dresses Our Regular $5 00, $7.50 and $10 OOi Dresses SATURDAY PROMPTLY AT 9 A. ML, CHOICE OF THE HOUSE,' Second Floor, . . . . . 1'icu s piu, mm f&o uuiid, pu. u C A TITPTI A V the P"eat fmi8h :of s Oil I UiVliii 1 the greatesVsale of men's clothing Omaha has ever knovfi. Tou must act quick to get the full bene fit of this mighty sale. It's a radical, unreserved, clean-up. Be here early' in the day. - They'll go mighty 'fasti" All our men's and young men's suits! that have been selling regularly at $15, $18, $20 and $25 An go ctfuuraay at, oniy See Our Great , Window Display W oman Wants to Know Daily Arrivals From the World's Fore most Fashion Sources, Fall 1912 Practical avy and black serge coats, a genuine utility coat. Extreme values aiv 113.50 and' (16.50. . - , . Handsome new silk dresses, rich Cbarm euse silks, Robespierre , collar, wide fold button through front effects. Fancy gtrdlw with streamer. Collar and cuffs lace trim med. All colors, $19.50. ' ' " Pannier model silk and charmeuse silk dresses.. Also more severe effects; braid, lace and. embroidery trimmed. A clever style has white piped front, and sleeves. White frontvand sleeves, white ball but tons; patent leather belt, $25.00. ' Saturday in Our ..... . '-. , r.. : i V?1 ;j " Corset Section Occurs Our Great Dollar Day The last day of each month has been set apart by this store as Dollar Day to offer women the greatest value in corsets known : at "$1.00.. - ' ' ? ' Saturday we will have ready for you hundreds of different modes in the very newest style corsets to choose from at $1.00. . . Majority of these cor sets are worth $1.50, but Saturday being Dollar Day, we offer you these fine coutil-and batiste" corsets, beautifully trimmed with laces and em broidery, three pairs of excellent hose supporters 1 attached; $1.50 values,. Dollar Day, $1.00. ' $6.25 Baby Crib Specials $6.60 steel cribs, drop sides, white enamel, heavy link ' fabric springs. Bize, 2-6x4-6 - OE Special at . . ...... .". . ,j3iiXs!tD $8.00 steel cribs, drop sides, Vernis Martin color, size 2-6x4-6 dfjf CA heavy link fabric; $8 valuepOOl $9.25 steel crib, heavy cast with brass mounts, white enamel, full drop sides, heavy link springs, at each Hope Portier Sale Rope ' Portieres, allg-htly soiled - from handling. On sale Saturday at a mere fraction of their , value. $6.50 full size, heavy rope, wide bands, colors red and green, $5.60 AA ap value at ...,,..V4iiO $5.00 full size, In velour cord, mixed colors, handsome overdrapes; A I AO $5.00 values at 9 1 190 .$3.50 full size, heavy overdrape. large tassels. $3.60 value I 7 K Saturday at ...... . . ,V 1 1 1 v $:.25 heavy rope valance with overdrape. red and green shades no. 9WU SHOE ; S ALE-" Men's $3.10 and $4.00 shoes and most leathers, all sizes and styles, - Saturday at ...... Girls' $2.60 and $2.75 shoes. Spe- SaturdayS 1 148 Girls $1.60 and $1.76 shoes Saturday . oxfords, $1.95 $1 Boys' $1.60 and $3 - shoes (I OA Saturday O I ip9 Boys' . $2 - shoes Saturday and $1.26 $1.39 Saturday at : TXIBO JFZ.OO. Real Hosiery Bargains Alteration sale specials of. great import ance' to you. Women's fine black gauze lisle, full regular made hose, 60c quality; 1 for $1.00, QC or per pair OOVl Women's 26c black or white gauze lisle C seamless hose, 25c values, Saturday at I WW Women's black or white pure thread silk hose. Best values on earth. The great Orkia special Men's black, oxford or natural- fine cashmere hose: special at Men's 86c, 60o black and colored' pure thread silk hose; special Men's fine ribbed balbrlggan union suits, long or short sleeves, 89c values; , 4Qa Saturday . Men's $1.60 natural coler Fltwell light weight worsted shirts and drawers; Oil a ...... t A i: . .i ......... . WWW This" sale includes the , best models from imany of the Jsest, clothes.makers in America. 1 : The t price": hardly; : covers ttie cost of the material. : ' : UP TO $6 TROUSERS, SATURDAY at $2.09 Every pair of men's aid young men's fine trousers in'the house. All are. from 4Vi fummnof trnnflors. mnVprs in :Amfirica.lw' IUQ XV V. t -TrMttil . .... 1 ill il iJ i. ' 1 Over 7oU pairs to , ciioose)irom.r 'Aiifine wuxiceu luttterittia. f SATURDAY OEOIOE OF ANY PAIR OF MEN'S J fl6 and. -YOUNG MEN'S up to $6.00TROUSERS.:. .-. ;t'v7 -, BUY A. RAINCOAT NOW, . while. the prices are down to the lowest you will ever know!;Mo8t reliable makes, the most 'popular styles ' $5.00 Raincoats.at : . . . S2.45 1 $12.50 Raincoats at . . $6.75 , $7.50 Raincoats at i . .$3.95 1 $15.00 Raincoats 4 :. . .$9.75 ..linn nnrojiAAAnAflwvwwwvMVMVrviriYriv - ----------'''-"---"'' AA A El J Ail win if mmiMMB 3llk hose. ;i.oo 25o 25o special - ' mil m I I ' 1 Great Hardware Specials Special . sale on galvan ized tubs like 'out 66c small size ' galvanized 1 tubs 45c 76c medium sized galvan ized tubs .89c 85c large size galvanized tubs .. ...Wo AJmnlsnm sjpooa lale. ' 10c tea spoons, Saturday special.. So 12c dessert spoon, Saturday special... 7o 16c table spoon, Saturday special .'...to 26c mixing spoon, Saturday special 15o 25c mixing spoon. Saturday special. ...... .tSo 60c aluminum strainer, Saturday .990 Our Grocery, Fruit and Meat Departments Joined in a triple alliance-to cut down. your cost ofjtving. Mane the n.wit of the wonderful values we offer you. The most courteous service the most careful attention. The'best aual- ... r umau ............... HOQ California prunes, 8 lbs. ..85o1 Fancy table grapes,: basket. aoe irLnj-un-Tjnjn-njTj-rirL'rL'UuuiJiryu-irrvv-r-i-i- -1-1 .. ------- -"- -' ............... Outfit Your Boys Here Great SALE OF BOYS' SCHOOL SUITS Every boy's suit In the house is from a maker of national reputation. . . Every boy's suit 'In the house goes Saturday, at a ridiculously low prices. Every boy in town should get in on this great sale. ' '- 4 ' . " ALL UP TO $12.80 BOY8V SUITS at fS.75 and $4.75 350 boyB high grade worsted and cassimere suits; many with two pairs of pants, all up to $120 boys' suits Saturday. .$5.75 and $4.75 ALL UP TO $10.00 BOYS' SUITS, $3.49 00 boys' high quality all wool suits, good pattern,, medium and light weights, cracker Jack school suits; all slies, up to flO.OO values, Saturday $3.49 ALL UP TO $6.00 BOYS' SUITS, $2.75 and $1.05 276 boys' suits in, an extraordinary clean-up of all odd lots from a season of heavy selling. Positively worth up to $6.00, all In two. lots Saturday at . . . . . -. $2.75 d $1.05 BOYS' $1JJ0 PANTS, 79c Odd knicker pants; Great variety of all wanted fabrics, up to $1.50 values, Saturday. ........ .79( All children's top coats at radical reductions; , all children's wash suits going at half price; 50c rompers, 89c; 60c overalls, 80c. . ooad rioov. UUWLX-J-- .- -.-i.r -i- - 1 itv guaranteed Grocery Special Saturday. 10 bars. Beat "Em AH or Dla- mond C soap-.".'. . . . So 19 lbs. granulated sugar . .$1.00 Elba sifted early June peas, two cans ............ 9Bo Yacht Club, salad dressing, pint bottle ....... ...V Cracker Jack salmon, tall can, for 12o S cans oil or mustard sardines for 10c Toasted corn flakes, pkgs.86e Fweet corn, 3 cans. . . .8o Snlders' catsup, pint bottle SOo Chipped beef, can lOe Gibson soap polish, 4 10c cans for .... -25c Fresh seeded raisins, A pkf?a for .. ...86c Whole Japan rice, 4 lbs.... 85c Small sweet pickles, quart. SOo Bennett's Best coffee; 35c quality, lb. .- ...30o Ideal coffee, lb. .350 Assorted teas,, any 68c tea, special ,. 480 - Batter Bennett's Capitol butter, lb.- ....... ,...88o Fresh country butter, per lb. 33o, 84o and SSo Lemon cookies, special, lb,13e Oatmeal or graham crackers, 3 pkgs. ... SSo Full cream cheese, lb.., ..80o Fancy brick cheese, ll.....81o Trait Specials Saturday, Fancy lemons, doz.83o and 30o; Smyrna rigs U913 crop), per Fancy Italian prunes, haak.asa Texas, sweet watermelons.. iOo Hubbard squash. . .ISo and 90e Cooking eating apples. pk..80o ' - Keat Specials Saturday. ' Lamb leg 1040 Pork butts lSVie Pork shoulder .......... .V4o 1'ot roast ....... lOo and 184e flanterffer steak, 3 lbs for 8Se 8-lbs. pkg. leaf lard 914)0 No. 1 bacon. .......... ...18740 rare Candles. Fluffeata chocolates, regular 50c; special, lb SSo Frosted Brazil rut glace, 6c " regular; special, lb 40e Royal Spearmint gum, 3 pkg. for .fe Alteration in Men Y Furnishings Section Forces a BIG SALE OF MEN'S SHIRTS And all other furnishings go at a marked price concession. Reductions. have reached a level far below cost. All sum mer goods must go. . i All men's $1.25 shirts Satur day at 59 All men's $2.00 shirts Satur day at ........ 98, All men's $1.00 night robe at .401 All men's $1.50 shirts Satur day at . .-70 All men's $3.00 silk, shin go at .......... $1.39 All men's $4.00 and $4.50 silk shirts go at. $1.0S All men's fine, pajamas cut to 984. $1.49 & 82.15 All . 76c suspenders go at 39e All 35c suspenders , go at 21 All 35c belU go at; . . . 193 All 75c belts go at. . . .39, m. ManSaTe 30 to .40m Your Fall Hit 'B2 most unusual reduction. A ,real Jobber's entire fall stock bought 'by us at a Now on sale nere at a great reaucuon. All men's $3.00 and $3.50 Fall, 1912, hats go at .$1.95 All men's $2.00 and $2.50 felt hat- go at v.,...:......,. ........OS JiUe-J candles, lb. . . . .-.10o Out thev go all straw hats np to $4.00 "values go Saturday at only. . . . . -50t Panama hats up to - $10.00 values go at $1.95 ORKIN BROTHERS. SUCCESSORS TO THE BENNETT CO;; 16TH AND HARNEY STREETS