Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 29, 1912, Image 1

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Right in The Bee day by day.
Full box scores of all big leagues.
Sport cartoons that hit the bullseye.
Fair; Cooler
VOL. LII-NO. 62.
Pennsylvania Leader Agrees to Have
State Committee Put Taft Elec
tors in Republican Column.
He Says He Will Pat Them on Slate
by Petition.
Many Speakers Will Make Extended
Trips Across the Country.
It la Announced That Roosevelt Will
Hake Foor Speeches in I1U-
sola on Way to St. Lost
Next Week.
NEW YORK, Aug. 28.-Charle P.
Hllles, chairman of the republican na
tional committee, Issued a statement to
day covering the alleged agreement be
tween -Taft representatives and William
ninn, representing Colonel Roosevelt to
Pennsylvania. Mr. Hllles said: -
"We have received a proposition from
Mr. Fllnn In which be has offered to
withdraw the electors from the republi
can ticket and substitute Taft electors in
their plaoes. The offer waa made by Mr.
PUnn in Philadelphia last Wednesday to
Henry G. Wesson; republican state chair
man, and William T. .Tilden, president of
the Union League club of Philadelphia."
Mr. Hllles goes on to say that; accord
ing to Mr. Wesson, "Mr. Fllnn said that
Colonel Roosevelt at-Chicago had placed
him In charge of matters in Pennsylvania
and that he was willing to erase the
Roosevelt electors' names and replace
them with representative republicans who
would vote for President Taft.' He said
that before be 'could lo this he must
obtain signatures to a petition naming
Roosevelt electors on a Washington
ticket. As the state law requires S per
cent oi the total vote, Mr. Fllnn said that
it would lake nearly the whole month of
September to prepare the
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VER. , : ' '
Lincoln Man, Rejected by Aldrich,
Will Manage Campaign of. :
Colonel in Nebraska. ,
Secret Decision Reached by
Executive Committee.
Very Much Pleased at Decision Orer
, ruling State Workers.
Executive Committee Takes Action
at. Meeting- Tuesday Mht In
, Obedience to Directions from
National Committee.
Borden Refuses to
Meet Demands Made .
- by Suffragettes
After he has submitted these petitions to
the Secretary of the commonwealth, he
offered to call the state committee to
gether and name Taft electors in place
of The Roosevelt men.
T assume that Mr. Fllnn is able to do
this and that he will do it in good faith.
There waa absolutely no deal made on
the state ticket. Our only objection to
Fllnn's republican state ticket now is that
it has names of Roosevelt men on it as
electors, with those removed we would
not oppose any of the rest of the ticket.
All that we aslttasthM TepuDllcan elec
t6rs vote for Taft and Sherman C-rlre;
We have Rafted no action oil Mr. FllrfrTs
proposal and, will wait .for .-him to carry
out his plan." - i.
. .... V.. . -.-Vv
Mooser Plan Stamping; Tours.
CHICAGO, Aug. 28,-Senator' DIXon of
Montana, director of the progieslve cam
paign, today made public a partial list of
speakers who will carry the new party'!
propaganda through the country on ex
tended stumping tours. Numerous addi
tions to this list will be made from tlnw
to time, and it is said the progressive
campaign would be one of the most ex
tensive ever taken in American political
annals. 0 ;.: : . ... -':
The names of progressive speakers an
nounced today" were: '.Former Senator
Beveridge of Indiana, Senator Clapp of
Minnesota, Senator Polndexter of Wash
ington, Senator Crawford of Sayth Da
kota; Senator Brlstow of Kansas, Con
gressman Korrls Of Nebraska,' Hamlin
Garland, the writer, and William Allen
White, Kansas editor. '
Among former democrats who Will tak
Bourke Cochran of New York and former
Governor Garvin of Rhode Island.
Preparatory to a trip into MUsourl an.
Iowa Senator Dixon today held a confer
ence with Judge Undsey of Denver, who
has just returned Irom campaigning in
Vermont; Colonel Cecil Lyon of Texas,
who is on his way to take charge of
Colonel Roosevelt's special train, and
Frank Knox of Michigan. - . . V
It was said that Colonel Roosevelt will
make four flve-mlnute speeches while'
crossing southern Illinois on his way to
8t. Louis September 4. ' "These speeches
will be made at Paiis, Shelbyville, Pana
and Hillsboro. . - -.
purpose of his trip to Missouri, but it was
Bald that he would meet several Mis
souri democrats while In that state. -
'' ' Dixon Will Go to Denver.
DENVER, Colo., Aug. 28.-Senator 3. M,
Dixon, Roosevelt's v campaign manager,
will meet Governor Hiram Johnsoif, cau
didate for vice president on the progres
sive ticket, in Denver next Saturday and
then will attempt, it is said, for the last
time, a reconcllation between the Phil
Stewart state faction of the republican
party and the progressive party leaders
of this state.
Judge Ben B. Lindsey will return to
Denver Friday anoVwJU participate in the
conference. ' ''
LONDON, Aug. 28.-The Canadian Pre
mier, , Robert L. Borden, when he faced
the suffragettes for the first time today,
told them emphatically he had no powpi;
to Introduce a general measure Of suf
frage ; for women in the Pomlnlon pf
Canada and that no threats of the em
ployment of militant methods would have
any influence on him. .- r
The delegation of the Women's 8oclal
and Political union was Introduced by
Miss BarratU She stated that their chief
petition, (object was to ask the Canadian Premier
it he Intended on his return to the dom
inlon to introduce a government measure
for the enfranchlsemept of women. She
declared that the Women's Social and
Political union was considering a cam
paign to advise Intending immigrants to
go to Australia and New Zealand rather
than to Canada. -
On Mr. Borden's reply, she said, would
depend the advice the Women's - Social
and Political union gave its Csnadlan
members and also the possibility of a
militant agitation in , Canada. "
Mr. Borden was very explfalt n stating
that he Jiad no .power no no Jjtendo
of introducing iniovine oommiuu yiiriiu
ment, a MU tor, the eftfraohlsement of
the women,'- TAi4&$- ot .the fran
chise, he eaidrf'devotvai.lntirely on the
nine proVislohal leglslattires fttid the dom
inion parliament had no warrant to pasd
such legislation.' ..'1;.'" ' '
. Mr. BoUen concluded:
"I , B'hj)ul& like to say with all respect
I think thf'tSanadlan women. are capable
of judg'ng for themselves In this matter.
No suggestion dfj the employment of
methods pf afty kmd will have the slight
est influence." r'-ff-r''"' " ' ' ' " '
Two Bora Killed by Train.
BLOOMINGTON, . 111., .Aug. 2S.-Ray-mond
Miller, aged 18 years, and Eddie Mo
Ewan, aged 17 years, both of Chenoa,- IU.,
were instantly killed at noon when their
automobile was struck by a T. P. & W.
train at Weston. i
The Weather
f ... . s
For Nebraska Generally fair; cooler.
For Iowa-GeneraIly fair; cooler.
Temperatare - at Omaha Yesterday.
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England Renews .
Protest Against
Canal Tolls Bill
WASHINGTON, Aug. 28.-Great Britain
has reaffirmed its protest ajfainst ! the
Panama canal bill.- In a note -filed today
with the; State department by A. Mitchell
Ines, charge of "the British 'embassy here,
It was stated that If a satisfactory agree
ment could not be reached Great Britain
would appeal to the Hague tribunal foH
arbitration. . , ;"
The note submitted today says Great
Britain will give careful consideration
to .both the bill and the message Presii
dent Taft sent to congress relating" o
discrimination In favor of coastwise, shipi
ping In the canal.. If after due consider
ation it Is found that no satisfactory
agreement can be reached In the "matter
Grtat Britain declares that it will be
necessary to appeal to arbitration.- ' ':
NEW' YORK, Aug. 28.-President Ban
Johnson of the American- league . rules
that Pitcher ' Walter Johnson's wiuning
streak was broken in the . secnd St.
Louis-Washington game Monday. Mr.
Johnson, Who is here on his way to Chi
cago, said:' ; !;V-t.". - -
"The winning run; was '.raadei by St.
Louis when Johnson wad In the box and
the game will be recorded as a defeat for
him. Johnson made a wllft pitch' and a
St. Louis batsman hit him for a -single
that Sent home' the deciding tally. - -
John A. Heydler, secretary of the Na
tional league, states that in his opinion
Johnson should not be chaj-ged with the
defeat.; ,'-,; ? .-'',
''The rule invariably followed by me,"
said Mr. ' Heydler, ' "holds the pitcher
nrsiKinsible for all runners on bases when
he retires from' the game and the first
pitcher,' therefore, must be charged with
the defeat. It is an unfair proposition,
under such conditions, to expect the' sec
ond pitcher to prevent run;.",.
JEWEL! in,,'?' Aug. ' M.-(Speclal)-4
While racing In an automobllo along . a
highway with a Northwestern train be?
tween here and Ellsworth Chris Petersen
and Theodore Wicks, two farmers,wer
motor tar tbey skidded and went
off a b idgej The cir, turned over twice
when it plunged off the bridge and both
men were burled out . The. car landed
thirty-elx feet from the bridge and was
completely wrecked.'- Englnemen of the
train saw the car crash through the rail
ing of the bridge In' lta' wild" 'pluhg'e'. ' '
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Aug. 28.-(Speclal Telegram.)
At a meeting of the bull moose execu
tive committee, carefully enveloped ' In
the utmost secrecy, Frank P. Corrlck of
Lincoln was chosen to manage ' the
Roosevelt campaign In' this state, and
headquarters established here at the Lln
dell hotel. i '
It is reported that the Installation of
Mr. Corrlck was done In obedience to an
order to that affect coming from the na
tional Roosevelt campaign managers
through Nathan Merrlam, supposed to
represent this state on the bull moose
national committee. The . people-rule
party is thus provided from above with
a boss without waiting for the ' state
convention, .called to meet next week,
for the purpose of organising the party.
" Mr. Corrlck was, onoe secretary of
the republican state committee, and has
had aspirations to head a campaign com
mittee ever since. He wanted to be re
publican state chairman two years ago,
and again last year, , and this year was
Crowded out-of the coveted position by
Governor Aldrlch favoring Judge Epper
son out of distrust of Corrick's loyalty
to himself. Corrlck In the primary was
actively identified . with the . LaFollette
propaganda. .-...-
Tonsorial Possibilities Should Sideboards Become the Fashion Again. '
From the Philadelphia Inquirer. . ' .
Italian . Squadron ' Anchors Near
Svrian Port Wednesday.
Rivals Charge Each
Other, of Violating
Decree of the Court
WASHINGTON, Aug. 28,-The AmeMcan
Press association and the Western Newi-paper-
Union, recently - enjoined by ' an
agreed decree under 'the Sherman antl
trust law from engaging in any unfair
business methods, have filed 'with Attor
ney General Wickersham Charges that
the other Is y(qayn h flerte. If su-
t&lned the eamnlalnts iiould lavolva "nnn.
..i.f.nt ..attMa h iuif.a rep tlon of the bombardment o
built up the case that; resulted in . the'
agreed decree, will investigate. , ' . :-; ; .'
The original rtove of .(he Departmt iot
Justice was the dtttcome, of a tMtter trk4e J
war between the concerns, Which furnlh
"boiler plate" arid '"feady pHht''. to Jm
aggregate jot a,bout100D Wl papers.
The suit was filed 's,nd the decree en
tered, the Department of Justice an
nounced, to' prevent the companies from
waging Unfair competition thatwould
drive one or the 'other vt6 the wailf equip
ping the survivor with power of control
ling the thought of millions of readers.
Colonel Roosevelt ; ; :
; Says Senate Should
Expel Mr, Penrose
OYSTER BAT. N. ST. Aug. a.-Col-onel
Roosevelt declared today that Sen
ator ! Penrose, on hls own testimony,
should be expelled from the senate. Col
onel Roosevelt had taken this position
he said In the letter to Senator Clapp,
chairman of the senate Investigation of
contributions, which he Is preparing.
'The colonel made this statement after
he .had read from what purported to
be an extract from Mr. Penrose's testi:
monjr before the senate committee to
the effect that he had . advised John D.
Archbold of the Standard Oil company
to , make a second contribution to the
J904 cfimpalgn, lest the company en
counter difficulties' In certain quarters.
Colonel itooseVelt aald that In his opin
ion this was an offer of protection from
the government, in return for a contrl
butlon.'and that It did not 'differ essen
tially from the sale of police protection
in New Tork.
Taft Will Not Make
Political Speeches
SPRINGFIELD, Mass., Aug. 28.-Prcl-dent
Taft In a speech from the rear plat
form of his private car here today de
clared that he did not Intend to take any
further part In active politics. ,
, "I am not here to make a political
speech," said the president. "I have given
that up. , I believe that there are some
politics going, but I "am not going to
take part In it So far as I am concerned,
you will have. to make up your minds
without hearing mo further," -
BOSTON, Aug. ii-PresJdent .Teft, 'ac
companied by bis military aide. Major
Rhoades, loft here at 10 a. m. to attend
the centennial celebration at Columbus,
Oi His private Secretary, Carml a.
Thompson, will join him In Ohio. The
prcs dent motored from his summer hdme'
In Beverly and was greeted by cheer
ing crowd "when he Iwarded his' private
car at the south station. ' w; .
, PARIS, Aug: 2S.-The papal secretary is
fatally Injured this morning when . taet0 create American cardinal, who
Is to reside In Rome.; according tf a spe
cial aispaicn received here. v . , - : ,
The Amerioan cardinal will occupy a
similar position to that of the prelates
representing France and Spain In Rome.
It Is also stated that the pope will later
create a cardinal . In Central America,
probably la Mexico,' .
' " t -
Vessels - Prcvloaaly Reconnoltered
' Harbors of Jaffa, Haifa and
Acre Inhabltants Fear An
other Bombardment,
BEIRUT, Syria, Aug. 28. -A squadron
of Italian warships, comprising six ves
sels, anchored oft this port this morning.
Their object is unknown.
The city is well patrolled by the Turk
ish garrison and all Is quiet. -
The war vessels had previously recon
noltered the port -of Jaffa, In Palestine,
and also the Syrian seaports ot Haifa and
Acre, but had : not attempted a landing
nor fired any shpts, , , '
The population of tha coast towns,, 1qw-
rebru4ry when sixty-two non-combat-
ahta' were ' killed and many wbunded tn
the. street of Beirut by the; Italian ;flre.
At. that -time, a number of old Turkish
gunboats,' as well as cruisers and a'
torpedo ' boat, were sunk while lying at
anchor In the port ,
Negro Member 1
; of Bar Association :
Sends Resignation
MILWAUCEE Aug." 28. The race ques
tion again came up before the American
Bar association today.' William R. Morris
of Minneapolis, one of the three negro
lawyers who had been, unseated by the
executive ' committee, but which action
was reversed by the association,' sent a
telegram announcing his resignation, say
ing It was based on "an entirely unselfish
consideration of the best Interests of the
' On motion of Joseph Merrill of Thomas
vllle, Ga.," the resignation was accepted.
"I am opposed to the admission of
negroes to this organization,'; sa,!d Mr.
Merrill, "but I want to express our ap
preciation of his dignified attitude In re
signing." - "'' 'r '
One of th others on the executive com
mittee was W. H. Lewis, a United States !
assistant attorney general who still re
tains his membership.
The recall of Judges waa formally de
nounced by the association as "fallacy"
and as "tending to deprive the public of
judge's of 'ability and high character."
It was stated" that the adoption of the
report of the committee headed by Frank
B. Kellogg of St Paul, denouncing the
judicial recall movement, expressed the
sentiment of the association's '5,200 'mem
bers and the attitude of attorneys gen
erally throughout the country.
French Army Aviator
is Burned to Death
When Tank Explodes
POUAI, ' France, Aug. 28. Lieutenant
Felix M. Chandenter of the aviation
corps was burned to death while flying in
bis areoplane todays , ' '
He started from, this city for cfalons
on the test necessary; for the acquisition
of th pilot's certificate. When ' he
reached Crecy-Bur-Belne, about half the
distance, his petrol tank burst - into
flames and the machine crashed to the
earth. ''. - ": '; ' '. A
The young officer's body waa completely
consumed by the fire. He belonged to the
Eighth Infantry regiment and Had been
attached only a short time to the avia
tion section'., ' ; , ' ' '": : " -t
NEW TORK,,; Aug. 28.-William , -H.
Cooper, a: former vice president of the
SelgeliCooper company! and ex-presldent
of the New. Tork 'Central Realty com
pany, and Ernest Sharp, an officer of Jhe
realty company, who were Indicted by the
federal grand Jury recently charged with
using the malls to defraud, surrendered
themselves today and were released on
bail. . Claude J. Van Slyke, president,
and James A. -Robinson, treasurer of the
realty company,' had' been irreeted,' ' '
New Form of Graf t is
Discovered by State's
Attorney Whitman
NEW TORK, Aug. 2S.-Searchlng along
the trail of police blackmail that led up
to the murder ot the Gambler Herman
Rosenthal, the state's attorney now re
ports a form of social evil from which
collossal graft Is obtained. This black
mail, he says, was obtained from about
a dozen houses In this city, each ot which
bald from 11,500 to $2,000 a month for
police protection. '
. District Attorney Whitman has learned
that these houses paid high protection
not because of ' their great income, but
because protection was an essential to
their existence. These houses were1 ex
pensively furnished and decorated. Only
the proprietor and a few servants lived tn
them. Callers were shown a list of names
of g!rlswh oould be called tjlpon to eome
to the 'house when wanted.' Osooetta the
naffftlf of'tnf"fttrt wWefhe gs, ah 'i2u,-7'
torney show that these girls cue; from IS
toUyeam , ''." !v "V;
Asalstatxt Districts Attorney Smith' has
been Investigating this form of disorderly
house graft for several weeks and the re
sults of his Investigation probably "will
produce a sensation. r.'
Assistant District Attorney Robin re
cetved a message from Postmaster Fred
erick Eu Johnson of Hot Springs, Ark.,
who took Schepps Into custocl, dating
that he had -under ai ro.-il there tn'o men
whose description gcnorallv.flu that rent
out ' for "Gyp t!ie Bio d" ' and , ' Irftly
Louie" by the New Tork police. "
The message says that one of the men
is taller than the other and that the tall
one la left-handed. , When questioned ty
the sheriff, according to the ma ami', the
men said they were traveling . salesmen
from Atlanta, Ga., and that t.iey were In
Hot Springs on business.-
Havana Reporter Who
Attacked Diplomat is
Released from Jail
HAVANA, Aug. 28.-A sharp note ad
dressed to Cuban Secretary of State 8an
gullly by American Charge d' Affaires
Hugh S. Gibson was followed today by
notice from the Cuban Department of
Justice that the case against Enrique
Masa, the reporter said to have attacked
the charge last night,' would be laid be
fore - the prosecuting attorney. In spite
of official request last night by Mr. Gib
son that Masa be held he was released
soon after his arrest. His release fol
lowed his telling the magistrate that he
had been overwhelmed with "patriotic
fury" In consequence of the ; Insult
"heaped upon" his country by Mr.' Gib
son's. Insisting upon the government's
payment- of a claim tor 1557,000 made by
Hugh Reilley, an -American contractor
43HEYENNE, Wyo., Aug. 28.-8peclai.)
At the "bull moose" meeting at Casper
yesterday the following presidential elec
tors were named to head the Roosevelt
ticket In Wyoming: Thomas Selw'ay of
Sheridan,' Mrs. ' M. N. Grant of La'ramlo
and Thomis, Blythe of Evanston."' "'""
The "bull moose" selected "state Com
mittee of three or four, also named county
committeemen and made plans for an ac
tive Campaign. ' Governor Johnson of Cal
ifornia, Roosevelt's running, mate, will.
enter the state Thursday and will make.
addresses at Evanston, v Rook Springs,,
Rawlins and Cheyenne, appearing here
Friday night.- -. Later Colonel , Roosevelt
will probably stump the state. .
ST. PAUL. Minn., Aug, 2S,-The Taft
Vlncent.. party, Including Mlea , Helen
Taf t,: Robert Taft and President Vincent
of the University of Minnesota and his
wife, son and daughter, will leave Glacier
National' park ' tomorrow ' for Billings,
Mont., according to a telegram received
here today. From Billings the party 'will
go to Sheridan, Wyo., where It will divide.
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent and family will
leave there for Minneapolis and Helen
and Robert Taf t will go to Beverly, Mass.
Accounted for At! Interest as Treas
urer of Custer County.
First Official to Giro Surety Bond
Saowa How Condltlona Differed
, v Ten Yeara Ago from Those
Hon Prevailing;. '
1 (From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Aug. 28.-(peclal.)-State
Treasurer W. A. George has Issued the
following statement regarding the charge
that he did not turn over interest money
during his term of office as county treas
urer of puster county; -
My attention - has been " called to tan
article appearing in one of the democratic
papera of August 27, regardlng'my admin
istration as county treasurer Of. Custer
county, The article in question is mislead-
ing., it swtes tnav i-enirea irora the
of flee 1 IW0. The facts are that I served
1908, to January, 1W6,
ear ago.
Aft Indirect charge la made that I did
not . account-in full for interest resolved
rrom the banks from county deposits.
That charge Is not true. Bering the years
of my adminlstratton''and years preceding
It was the custom of the banks desiring
county funds for deposit under the law
then m; force- to lite Wtlh the county
board a bid for specified amounts and
with suoh bid a bond to protect same,
and such banka designated by the county
board as county depositaries. During my
administration the bids and bonds as
filed were not sufficient to cover more
than a minor portion o f the funds on
hand, and In the office, and the balance
of funds, were left In - the treasurer's
hands, for which he was personally . re
sponsible. Numerous requests were made
by me to the county board to relieve the
situation by furnishing additional legal
depositories or providing a burglar-proof
safe and put on a night watch, but with
out Success.
All Interest received from the legally
constituted depositories has been . ac
counted for, and no Interest was received
that was not accounted i for.. other than
the legal deposits., I do not owe Custer
county one cent for interest.
X was the first county treasurer of
Custer county to give surety bond, which
was given at a cost of 1386, and by so
doing relieved myself from obligation to
any Individual or banks, such as would
huve arisen through my request as sign?
era as security on my bond.
The legislature, session of 1905, amended
a depository law so as to provide for the
safe keeping of all county and state
funds, relieving the treasurer from peri
sonal liability. The law . was again
amended in 1907 and again in 1909 and
this leaves conditions entirely radically
different from what they were ten year
ago. Another noticeable change in con
ditions as to what they were ten years
ago, the county treasurer : received a
salary fit 12,000. provided the fees of the
office ware sufficient to pay the same,
and the provisions for. clerk hire were not
sufficient, squiring- the office force to
work days, nights and Sundays to keep
up the work.whllencw the treasurer re
ceives a straight salary ot li,aXr with, no
restriction aneV-is aliowed ail clerical
help needed to pwformr thaf-worlti..
Under the law onw In force all. counties
receive not lass than 2 per cent on their
dully balancea "and the state treasurer
fets 3 "Per cent on such daily balancea.
tader the guarantee law all state banks
may be made county or state depoattoriea
without the necessity ot Blvtmc bond.-. .
The examiner who ihecke up- the rec
ords of Custer county for the- uiat-alx-teen
years states In his 'report to the
county board that my accounts are ab
solutely correct, that he found no altera
tions or' errors 'therein, and In said re
port Is embodied as I take- It a strong
compliment for efficiency with which the
work In the office was done during my
four yeara as county treasurer.-
Thomas Has; Offer
i: f of;Arkausas;Place
. . . . T - '.'--
.Prompted by the order sending Infantry
to Nicaragua, the revolutionary ; Junta
here today made-an effort to open nego
tiations with the State department with
the 'object of ending hostilities. AAgel
Ugarte of the junta sought an -Interview
with William T. S. Doyle, chief of the
division of Latin-American affairs in the
department, to submit a proposition for
the withdrawal; of American troops and
the submission of the Issues of the revo
lution to an election.. Mr. Doyle declined
to receive Ugarte officially and advised
lilm to submit any of his proposals
through Senor Castrillo, the Nlcaraguan
minister. ' , ,
'The salary paid by the state to Dr.
Thomas as superintendent of the Kearney
normal Is X3.000,' while that paid by the
stato of Arkansas to Its chancellor is
r.. . .:'; '; .
The claim of Hugh Reilly, an American
contractor, against the government of
Cuba for I"i6?,000. representing the final
settlement of the Clenfuegos water works
rontract, was paid, -, -
Fears Expressed Following Sending
. of Tenth Infantry to Unset
tled Republic.
Americans in Danger Send Telegram
Asking for Protection.
Three Thousand Five Hundred
Troops and Sailors Sent.
Itaatlon la So Acute that Big Force
Is Needed to Protect Ameri
can Life and Prop
erty. WASHINGTON, Aug. 2S.-Grave con
cern over the situation In Nicaragua waa
expressed at the State department today,
following the ordering of the Tenth in
fantry to the unsettled Central Amertcaa
A single direct dispatch from Nicaragua
told ot a serious situation in Matagalpas.
The dispatch was sent by 125 Americans
and told of the kHIIng of a German
named Nellson and appealed to the State
department . for Immediate protection.
Lack ot further dispatches from Nicar
agua waa a source ot anxiety.
Under the ' present orders when the
Tenth Infantry arrives In Nicaragua the.
United States will have S.50O soldfers, sail-!
ors and marines ashore. This force, the
State department believes, will lie ample1
to protect American Uves'and Interests..
Colonel Henry A. Green of he Tenth will'
command the land forces and Rear Ad
miral Sutherland will be In charge of the
naval operations. , - - : ,
Rebel Jnnta Active.
LINCOLN, Neb., Aug. 2S.-Prof. A. O;
Thomas, head of the eKarney State Nor
mal school of this state, will tomorrow
be formally tendered the chancellorship
of Arkansas state university.
Four member of the board of regents
of the Fayettevllle university were In the
city today consulting Nebraska regents
regarding, Mr. Thomas. They will arrive
In Kearney tomorrow to tender him the
position. Professor Thomas has so fan
remained silent whether he' will accept
the position. , . " - '
Allegations ot 'conditions bordering on
barbarism and acta even worse than those
which toot the troops of the united pow
era Into China to quell the Boxer rebel
Hon have heen received at the State de
partment . within t the last twejity-four
hour. - ' " ' - . '
The "deliberate" murder' of two' Ameri
cans, Dodd and Philippe, after tliey had
been, wounded and were helpless follow
ing the massacred ft Leon on August 19.
focussed attention on ' the previous re-,
ports of barbaric "warfare."
. The United States marines now belna
rushed south' on the Prairie, aftor being)
landed at Colon, will have to be trans
ported aoross ' the Isthmus ' by railroad
and taken on the cruiser California, on
the Paclflo side. for transportation to
Corlnto. That would mean a delay of at
least a week. , .
' Will Move a Once.
The Tenth regiment, recruited to full
war strength and fully equipped for cam.,
palgnlng in the tropics. Is to be takeni
aboard merchant ships tn the harbor of
Panama and rushed. They will be on the
ground In Corlnto in less than two days.
The soldiers Will be dispatched along the
line of the railway from Corlnto to Man
agua, the capital,: at point where Xraeri.
can Minister Weltel and Commander Ter
hune of the gunboat Annapolla believe
they will afford most protection. Colonell
Henry A. Greene commands tha regi
ment. ' s .
The Pacific mall ship now at Panama,
will sail tomorrow with one batalllon,
leaving the' remainder of the regiment ttfj
be brought up to Corlnto on other ships. '
' With the arrival of the Tenth and thai
marines now on the way, United States'
forces actually landed tn Nicaragua andj
on American warships available for land
ing will be Increased to about 1,600 men.
Further Improvement in the situation will;
be made probable late today or tomorrow!
when the gunboat Denver arrives at San
Juan Del Sur, the cable station.
'Will Keen Lino Open.
By the operation of the wireless equip-!
ment of the ship at the cable station and
that of the collier Justin, lying at Corlnto!
with women ' and ! children' aboard, the
State department at Washington prac
tically - will ' be in communication with
American- Minister Welt net at Managua.
The-American troops will be expeoted to
keep free from Interruption the telegraph'
lines along the, railroad from Managua to
Corlnto. . .
.These lines have been." frequently irw
terrupted by small hands of rebels taking
stations along the route, and the Ameri
can force of marines has been Inadequate
4a kun tl.a milt nlutn frtmmo nAal Tr.
hune recently made one attempt to clear
'.'''-."-'- 1 ; . I
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