Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 26, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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    .4 .
Charities Secretary Says Condition!
SzceUeataf Hastings. ,
Beatrice Iaatitate tor Feeble' Minded
:Y-" '-Vf,' .
', ; M ..- :
(From a $taf Oty'regpondent.) .
LIXC6LK. ?JnViS4 jftiaT 25. Upecial.)-
3.' A. PiPrtf thtr;lat koeN Of thar
lttes fcnd.aorrfietkfhiiMi recently visited
tha bosplvfelpc 0.irifat,&t Hastings,
end the '.feeble J. minded . institute at
Beatrice. ,
At the forrherhd syg there were 1,172
patient n-th datot fail arlslt, of whom
744 were males, and ,42 females, that the
conditions which ' soak ' this institution
on of tha. best of 1U kind 'in ,tl)e .coun
try prevail: -A. first-daw, f&enu tunnel
connecting the different cottages with
th malii kitchen WM nee ring completion.
This underground passage way fur con
veying the food to thd Various ward
I dining rooms will add greatly to the good
condition In whleh It will be received
1 he quarter for the male are not so
crowded ss these occupied by the females.
Under Dr." Mftul, the pathologist, "an In
teresting 'laboratory la accumulating,
whlchcannot but hljl In being of great
advantage (A the treatment of other
patients. ., ,
In the afternoon of the day be was
there a match game of ball wm played
between the employes or the Institution
and the Ord club, which was witnessed
by nearly 1,000 of. the patients, who
seemed to enjoy it white occupying seats
1j the amphitheater.
He sued for the above amount which
was given him In full. The Injuries were
received April U. 1911. , -
William F.einoehl, a convict In the peni
tentiary, sent up from Boyd county on
an assault charge and given seventeen
years, will be released September 7, hiv
ing received 'a deduction from his time
of five years and three months for good
behavior, -
Baltimore Kid Cornea Bark.
Baltimore Kid, who has been working
for an Omaha, transfer company on a
parole from the state penitentiary, has
returned to the pen to serve the re
mainder of his term. Qus Chlyers is his
right name and he was sent up from
Omaha on the charge of killing a colored
mart. Before entering the pen be was a
boxer and prizefighter. His time will
be out May 3G, 1913.
Phone ptooW Issue.
The Cheney Telephone -company has
been given permission by the railway
commission to issue' $1,500 in stock. The
company, asks leave to Issue $275 In new
stock for the purposes of construction
and wants the corffmisslon to approve
former Issue of $1,228 which had been
issued without authority of the com
mission, the officials of the ctmpany not
knowing that it was necessary to get the
content of the commission. The valua
tion of the plant had been placed at
$1,700 by the physical department of the
Approaching Coatrentioa Brings
With it Some Old Problems.
Attltade of Kenyan la Renalninar
la Party Clarifies Bltaatlea front
Viewpoint of Candidates for
the Legislature. - ' '
(From a Staff Correspondent.!
DES MOItffiS. la., Aug. 25.-(Speclal.L
Thare is open prediction that the Bull
Moose party Is suing on the rocks In
Iowa, That there is serious trouble in
the ranks is not denied, by the leaders.
They are a great deal worried over what
IS going to .happen this week. : '
They have Issued a call for a state
Nesrleet by Assessors.
Some of the county assessors neglected
to report natlona banks, telephone stock
and express companies to the state
board. This neglect was discovered by
Secretary Seymour yesterday and has
called the attention of the assessors to
the discrepancy, When he hears from
them he will then be able to complete
the reports. '
. . Inoculation gaeeraafal.
At the feeble minded institute he found
30 inmates, of 'whom 226 were boys and
20 girls. The cottages as this Institution
are In better sanitary condition than they
haVe beert foir year,' Which is especially
noticeable" In the cottage for low grad
beys, Being almost free of offensive odofs
Dr. Thomas, the superintendent. Is mak
ing great effort to constantly Improve
condition at this Institution, it wm his
opinion that some of the plumbing In the
two buildings most recently built at the
institution would heed to be overhauled.
Tf institute htos buffered from a light
epldenle Of typhoid fever this summer,
proving" fatal wtUr only a' few" patients
and one employe, all of those sick with
the disease this feat having been re
' reived Of employed since the general bac
teria Inoculation.-? Seven of the Inmates
wr stilt in bed In the hospital, but all
Vf convalescing.
' 'f ,J the afternoon of the day he visited
th!e institution sixty-eight of th higher
claea Inmates of boy wr permitted to
'ga with a number tt attendant! to see a
gam of bass ball In the lty.
' " """ rndnhy Arnteats Casey
Th Cudahy Fadki ng eompanf of South
Omaha has appealed to the supreme
court from a Judgment of H,6? secured
against them In th district court of
Dsuglaa . county, la favor of John Dolak
i who was Injured while working for the
, packing tympany by being trampled un
j der the feet of a team of horee and one
I ear torn off and. other, Injuries sustained.
WEST POINT, Neb., Aug. 25.-(Speoial.)
Emanuel Hubenka, a well known pin
hecr settler, living west of the city, Is
Very dangerously ill. Mr. Hubenka is a
prominent member of the Bohemian col
on In Cuming county. :
Word has been received of the mar
riage, at Kola, Holt county, of. Charles
Wood to Miss, Lily B. Monroe, which
Was solemnized by the pastor of the
Christian church. Miss Monroe Is the
daughter of Mrs. Phoneta Monroe, for
merly of West Point, and Is a grand
child of the late Uriah Bruner, a mem
ber of the first colony to settle In Cum
ing county. The groom Is a ranchman
6f Holt county, where the couple will
reside In the future.
' Carl Will, a farmer living northeast
Of the cfly, was the owner of the load
Of hogs which sold in the South Omaha
market Thursday at IS 33, the top of the
market, t ; ; u
i City Superintendent of Schools O. R.
Bowwn, has returned from Boston, where
he took special studies at Harvard unit
verstty. : ,
Ths delegates from, ths local Evan
gelical i association church to the state
conference at Elm wood are! Rev. H.
Wichelt, pastor; Mrs, William Oraunke,
Miss Mabel Graunke, Mrs. Samuel Beck-
enhauef, Miss Carlotta Kraua, MIhs
Grace Sexton, Mrs. Al Hartllne, William
Ackcrman and Poilph Rich.
Key to the Situation Bee Advertising.
rfJi"VodJniii att fivsllUi Farnam. itraei wlrt'n"offaVa
'.alat wbltonwctton, ttJiU P, M, Taaaday, August 2?th, 1 hi, to
tua,i.ei!rt v nio. f. rjnr jt iwereaanui inturanca uo. Bald gala
VUI be hld on tbo Drtmieea afid will ba for eaah ta tha htirh hirf.
SI def jubject W lha cdnhrfio4UOtt of th Court, th right to reject any
u peiuf axpreesiy reserrea.
t Th property to fe offered 1 a thr-tory brick building lo
cfctedoa thfl Wert Oftevthifd of Lot six () In Blook one hundred
twenty-one (Hi) in th Cltj of Omha, Neb., haying a frontag on
"arnam itreot of twenty-two (ii) feet and a depth of ea hundred
thirty-two (ltS) feet.
A tatmnt ot th Income from thl property will be furnished
upon application to the Receiver, ,
Thla-sala effer an oppertunhy to the Inwetor to acaulr a
blinly desirable piece of business property oa Farnam atreet la th
retail district.' For any additional information desired addresa .
; 1 ; CHA8. T, KNApP
Receiver ( the Farmer A merchant In. Co.
AMV A t Til M i
' -1.1 - n r r m. iiiiju..iii...i.i
1 1 - ilitinrrrnifimmMKjiiii'iliiawMriiiiMiiil'iiii'iiii rntm'kn'-'- ' ' ' ' - -iil"" rTiii?!
(Continued from ITlrst . Pajie.)
cannot be persuaded to play
ialil O
In Section 13 of tKo LonLost Original
Brady War Photogra
Only 10c and Coupon
convention to consider a state ticket and
senatorial nomination to be held next
week, and on Saturday county; conven
tions will ba held. Some of the leaders
hoped for a eafl to bring back the already
elected delegates because they realize
that If new county conventions art held
there la danger of a bad division on tha
question of opening the door" to tha horde
of office seekers who have flocked to the
party to take charge of its affairs.
The new party 'has received encourage
ment, to a large extent, from politicians
and newspapers that were losers in the
primary, Oght last Spring, There has
been much local sentiment here for It be
cause of disappointments.
The county conventions are to be held
next Saturday and the state convention
on the Wednesday following, when Col
onel Roosevelt will be here. The question
of whether Independent ' candidates for
state office are to be given support of
the state committee will be decided at
that time. The convention cannot mak
a legal nomination, but If there are to be
candidates for office any and all who de
sire to go on the ticket are at liberty to
secure the names to petitions and have
their names on tha ballot under the
Roosevelt name.
FiCht for the Seaatovahlp.
The main fight this year Is to be on
United States senator and there is much
pleasure because of the fact that Senator
Kenyon has come out in a fair declaration
that he Is a republican and will support
the ticket generally and not encourage
the third party movement This fixes
the attitude of the candidates for the
legislature. There will be no occasion
for apologising or hedging. Senator Ken
yon Is a progressive and will speak for
progressive, principles within the repub
lican party, but lie will not divide his
Strength. It Is expected that Senator
Cummins will take a little diferent atti
tude, since he probably will make it plain
that for personal reasons be cannot sup
port President Taft or speak for htm, but
he will not leave the republican party.
Bryan. Expresses Confidence.
W. J. Bryan, Who Is still doing Chau
tauqua work, paused here long enough
one night last week to say that he is
mightily encouraged A to WoodrOW Wil
son and to predict that he Is rapidly
gaining. He also declared his belief that
Roosevelt Is losing and that he will lose
stlllm ore as the days go by and greater
revelations are made as to campaign con
tributions. "The democratic state commit
tee baa taken action early and 10 already
at work ' organizing Iowa. .Aside front
making the fight tor the legislature to
get a United States senator the democrats
will devote most ot their time ( to , the
national Issue. It Is confessed that they
have a comparatively , weak J"" ucaet
and wlif net be able to tnaft much head-
Way there.
Gas Case Proves Interesting.
It Is expected that tha Pes Moines gas
case will oe appeaiea rom juu
Pherson. and In fact, the city has littls
objection to this, lnc it wouiA Hi an
exoellent ease cn whioh tb set prece
dent as to the true basis for the fix
ing of rates. It is asserted by the lawy
ers In the ease that the Pe Moines sui$,
which was tried out leisurely before a
master, was about as eompletely tried as
ny case Involving a public service busi
ness. The decision 01 ta roasisr ana me
Nederal Judge that the value of the plant
doe not Include good wilt nor Is meas
ured by Ine "cost of reproduction" I re
garded a a very interesting one for all
similar cases, . ...
Stock Industry Not Boomina.
The fact Is revealed at the state fair
now iti progress that tnero tins seen
some decline in tne live stocK industry in
Iowa and that things are not booming
as much as they have been In the past.
The stock men say that this Is because
of th high price of land and the higher
price ot grain. If the farmers are able
tc sell their grain and hay at fancy
prices thy Will neglect the live stock4-
business. That is what is shsppening in
Iowa Just now. The number of horse and
cattle entrls at the state fair is not a
Urge as in the past, but all of fine
quality. ' y ,
that he
"The achievements of the Taft admin
istratlon are phenomenal.' No president
in the. ftrst .faur..yeara. of his service
has ever reached such exceptional re-
tUits in the way of useful legislation, or
important administrative acta The seven
veare pyroUohnie pwfeHott-tmroodi-
ately preceding March , 1909. somewhat
dim and becloud the definite actual re
sults quietly brought about since , that
data A rental of these thins; include
the following; The corporation tax, free
trade with the Philippines, the adoption
of the doctrine of 'maximum and mini
mum tariff;' creation of the tariff board
Strengthening of the interstate Commerce
commission; enforcement of the Sherman
act tor the first time;, additions to forest
and water ' reserves upon an intelligent,
pratical plan;, tho creation of the com
merce court and court of customs ap
peals; the employes liability set; the Im
provement of the business' method of the
public departments; the development of
sufficient revenue, to conduct the effalrs
of the government; the disappearance of
the anti-Japanese sentiment, , , which
threatened , waf ; the- firmness and for
bearance with which Mexican' and Cen
tral American conditions have been met;
th progress toward comhefltion of the
Panama canal; the negotiation of Inter
national peace treaties! th enactment of
the CanAdlanrreClproelty measurer the
flisointttm-ot-areat trusts; the-prosecution
Of individuals, corporations and
oomoing ror violation of the laws the
development of a working administration
in every department and the topping off
oi sinecures; tWe intervantton of the
veto power to prevent the breaking down
of the dvil service regulations and th
distinction of the tariff commission, and
the rebuke administration . to congress
for Its attempt to re-establish the in
quistlons system of forcing legislation
through rider on necessary appropria
tion measures.. There, are many other
things incidental to a good administration
of public affairs, which might bo' men
tioned, but nq on pretends that the presj
dent has Hot been alert All agree that
his cabinet Is capable and that the great
business of government Has beeh-
uireciea ana most carefully and efficiently
admtnstered. ' r
Capital, for West
making it known as his own. He might vr1- 1 ' T '
more attractive to the anthlnkln i IN BDrftSKHJlS ll6aVe
j multitude if this were his constant course, !
out ine considerate patriot oC whatsoever :
political faith admires constancy, becom
ing modesty and sterling integrity whan
they are coupled with surpassing ability.
The future will give William Howard
Taft a high place among American presi
dents whether his party succeeds of falls
ttext November." '. ,
.(Continued from First Page.)
should the rank and file . of the party
worry over Its birth. . -. . -Bzeeatlva
Committee Meets.
The executw committee of the regular
republican state organisation will meet at
tiie Lincoln hotel' tomorrow night.. The
object of the meeting is ifo select a chair
man and secretary and looata hea&quar.
ters. There will be-other-business of im
portance Come before the committee.
; It is announced that Theodore Roof e-
veit win invade' Nebraska" September 20
an his way back 'front' the Pacific coait
and will apeak in Hastings,. Fairmont.
Crete and . Lincoln. He -will also make
one addresa In OmahaspcaJting either en
tne evening of September 20 or the iext
day. '-' .i- -' --
(Continued from First Page.) "
Insurance nrooerty which1 Anthea uvi
te taxable for schools only, $136,132.
j Total, 35,064,9S9 - - ,J:
Deputy County Attorney nir A
Magney was called in for advice ahd
after considering th' terhithar taxation
statute sliowa him by Mr.' Anthes said
he oould not sustain Mr. Anthes' position;
neither would he aay Mr. Anthes was in
error. He advised ' that it was Mr.
Shrtver- duty to 'certify, tfie -ffgurea la
the board and the" board's' duty to accept
them, right or wrong,' the assessor belnir
responsible for any future tfoubl that
might arise should hi fflgure prove
erroneous. . .. .','.'.' "; , .y
It to be successful as president means
only that the acts of the administration
are viciferoUsly applauded by the public
ot that a fire cracker must be set off
with each signature of an official pen,
then Indeed. President Taft has been a
failure. His admitted fault ought to be
W highest commendation. for. he makes
no big ndsa when he does things, and he
is exceedingly, oandld. and hortcst with
associates, opponents and the people. If
he were built upon the plan of another
man he might conceal his real purpose,
shout his own praises and wait to see
how the public takes a sentiment before
(From a Staff Correspondent)
WASHINGTON, Aug. 2G.-The Adams
egram.) Most of the Nebraskans In con
gress left Washington tonight intending
to go directly to their homes. Mr. Ma
guire Is to stay ever for a day or twO
because of matters pertaining to ths
oharges against Judge Daniel Thew
Wright, Whose impeachment as called
for by the democratic state convention
Sine the Nebraska democrat started
their Investigation they . have . been re
ceiving much material ihaLmay be, used
as evidence. If tbe.charges alleged can
be proven it is said there wiU ba grounds
for impeachment oj Judge., Wright
Mr. Maguire, however, who has received
most of the communications, Is not at
liberty to disclose, the character" 'of tha
information he' has received. . What he
has will be laid before the house judiciary
committee next' fall . to. see whether that
body, acting virtually In the capacity of
a grand Jury, will indict the accused. Mr.
Maguire does not believe It will be heces
tary to return to Washington on this
in Chicago and Michigan have been asked!
to search for tilm.
Nothing hs been heard from -De LeoiU,
since he left his brother's home in CM-,-cago,
August 9, saying that he was going I
to Saginaw, Mich., and from, there into;
the northern woods for a fishing trip. !
He. Is said - to- -have had. considerable'
money with htm.
E.' W. De Leon of Chicago, brother of;
the missing man and president of ar
casualty company, today .notified re la-.
tlves here that the Saginaw' police had
been unable to discover If the contractor
over arrived there. '
matter before
December. ''
this session convenes lrt
Suspeot Held: May V,
Be Gyp the Blood
; MILFORD, ' Pa; Aug. 2al-A man be
lieved td b'"Gyp the Blood," wanted In
New York in connection with the murder
of Herman Rosenthal, is reported ar
rested at Greeley," fourteen miles' rlotth
of here, tonight. It was said at midnight
that the prisoner was being" brought here
in custody of Constable" Rosenkrance Of
Greeley and Sheriff Crudeback -'Of ' tlil '
place. Np other detaiia. are available.
... .... i
Charles H. Miner.
YORK, Neb.. Aug. 2o.-()eclal.)-Charles
H. Miner of Tamora, . who had ,:
been, visiting his sister, Mrs. William '
Slonecker since July 1, died yesterday '
morning of valvular .heart trouble. The
body will be burled at Tamora. .
Wditr of ivovo" Vrcmya Head.
ST. , P.ETE.FiSBURG. Aug. 25.-The
ijeath occurred today of Alexis SuvoHn. '
editor and proprietor of the Novoe
Ytepil.a at the ase.of 7S. ... '
- John KdTrard Lambert.
; AUBI.'RN,- Neb., Aug, 25.-SpecIal.)-John
Edward Lambert, died at his home
near. Nemaha, Pity .this noon .after a
llngerllng illlness , from., heart trouble, i
The deceased came to this county from
Virginia In 1870, without afly thlfig ex-f
c?pt willing hands, ahd at the time of his
death was Worth something like $75,000.
He s. 1 hlsseyenty-flfth'year. and Is
survived by a widow, and two children. 1
. J. B. Templin.
CENTRAL CITY, Neb., Aug. SS.Spe'-
pial.)-J. B. Templin, an old and influen
tial resident pf Merrick county, died, at
his home at Archer Saturday.' 'He "had
hrn failing' for a long tlnii, being af-'
fllcted with a complication of diseases
which affected "his heart 'The deceased
' TEKOA, Wash., Aug. 25.-Four . men
were killed here today tollowiog an argu
ment over a saloon card game. During
a gam of poker Patrick Collins drew
tw,0 Cards. On the "showdown" he
placed a royal flush upon the table. A
dispute followed, during' which 'Curhsv
Gardner struck Collins on the head' with
a revolver killing him. Deputy Sheriff
William Eatep of Colfax and Grant Dick
son, town- marshal, went to the saloon
to summon witnesses. As they entered
the door, ipalOua Gardner,; eurley's
brother, shot both' officers to death. Then
he fired a bullet into his own brain.
WA)3HlNaT0II. :,;.At;gv'i. .Tales of
poverty, sickness and. threatened starva-'
tlon came to the. American Red .Cross
headquarters here today from tha. relief
committee at Natohes, Miss. The com
munication made an urgent' request for J
JiO.OOQ to be used in; alleviating, the isuf-1
fering on account of the reeent, f loo 1
in the Mieslsslppi valley. . The appeal was
promptly . telegraphed to Miss Mabel
Board man at Manchester, yt., for action.
It 1 probable that-a preliminary dona
tion will be telegraphed to Natche by
tomorrow. .
' -i was ofle of the early m settlers of thl
ATLANTA, 'Ga., Aug. 2.-MoIs De
Leon, prominent Atlanta contractor, Is
believed by his relatives here today to
be either lost in the Michigan woods Or
to have met a more tragic fate. Police
. ' "
Thfs great stton--OQt mm eeataln
a cemptese and tbrllling narrative of Boer
man's advance m Atlanta wf t b 10,00 ssea
and taa final captors o tkity. .
Daring the (our metb'. campaign th
Union Arny participated la 10 pushaa
battles and soars at losser eagageonwts,
II of which are vivtdlr described in thai
eotiea, and illaMraU4 with photographs
vt tae ground over which the battles were
faucbt. the general who lead both armies
ana over a score more among which are
the fol lowing s
Reaaea, Field af tbeFisst Heavy FightJsg.
Pin Mountain, Whar Polk, tha righting
, BUhop of ta Confederacy. Was Killed.
Federal Entrenchments at th Foot of
Kenesaw Menntaln.
Thomas Headqasrters near Marietta Dur
ing the Fighting ef th Feurth of July,
Palisade nd Clievux-de-7rlse guarding
" Atlanta. i, , ,:-
Peaott-Tree Cniek. Where Hood Hit Hard '
The Final Blew t the Coatedaracy'
Sautkera &Knf lxsld.
Theltalnol Hood's Retreat, Demallshed.
, Cars and Roilla-MiUaa4 many Mure
Includiog .
A Colored Frontispiece
Ready for Framing
srcciAL Morncs -.y
V The series aatarany begloa with Ball Mna, that Aral jmat sacBr anmed
trets of tba aorta ao SovtV It rea ttnvaa't rwlvH tat Keotioa, or any o Um eUfcrs
that taikirit.aatatBoM bk ndi aa n will mw9r T wllk eitlMr ar ail of
M MS Bartaaa SaetSoas sot 10 Mfe sM aa oa
. COU?Cet ''
&; .( -a
Tts Cri! War Thrcsgti &z Cssisra
"-t .... .. yoeiaatnwf
Bmety Fmneta CiwQ Wv Fhoto(ra$Ml
' iTmUUh PMwflm mf A U X rVW Pia.wtaa.iaf)
And rvf mot ELMma Nawly Written
, Hiatory of th Ckril War
vHsl .am. '
keaaadoah Woaaaa Badlr Hart.
SHENANDOAH, la., Aug. M8poial.)
Mr. John Dickey, who Uvea south of
town, was seriously, perhaps fatally, In
jured in (a runaway accident Friday
evening on the Alvln Booth hill south
vt town, Just a tew rods from the spot
where Walter U. Scott, the suicide
printer, was breathing his last. The j
horse became frightened at an auto
mobile and overturned tha buggy. The
occupant were thrown out, and ,the
vehicle felt on Mrs. Dickey, badly In
luring her back,
WW beer in ligKt Lotties is expose-to
igKt, tne beer develops a disagreeable odor and
y taste.,
Notes from Blxnaln-ton.
BLOOMFlELD, Neb.. Aug. ft. -(Special.
) W. Barber, one of the oldest
settlers of this county and at one time
a teacher ta Franklin ' Academy, died
In Los Aar.gelea, CaL, on August Is.
The member ot th Congregational
church of Franklin bav called tha Rev.
J. J. G. Graham ot Bastings to their
church. He will receive a salary ot tl.100
per year. -,
Benjamin II. Grove ot Superior, has
been elected assistant principal of tha
Franklin academy. Mr. Groves Is a
graduate of tha Nebraska Stat univer
sity and la a school mn of experience.
Mr. W. H. Robe rs of Smith Center,
Kan.', Is planning to establish a flour
mill at Franklin. This will be the fourth
flout mill in this county.
Mrs. Edward Moffett of . Woodruff.
Kon., formerly of Lincoln, Neb., died
suddenly Thursday morning. Th body
will be taken to IJncoln for interment.
Mr. Moffett is the son of C. 6. Moffeft
ot Bloomfleld.
Politioal Notes
Governor Wood row Wilson went to a
club In New Yn.-lr nt
Candidates on tha OMn
State ticket dacllniul e... .v.-
of Harry M. Daughecty. ohalrman of the
mate executive committee, that they run
on a straight republican ticket and de
cline to accept nominations on the oro
gresslv ticket "
All brewers even cover tbe Kand-Koles of
tke casa before skiving, to tee out tbe ligkt.
Scblitz in Brown Bottles wont Bjoil after
tbe case is ojn. ' V
Pure beer, properly aged, will not causa"
biKousnes3. '
' j."' : V" .
Physicians and 'surgeons prescribe Scblitz, ;
instead of malt tonics, os a builder of bealtb.
Sfe that crown or cork
ii branded '"ScMtz."
Omaha Distributor
nones, D. 1537 i lad. A-aeaa
Sohlitt Bottled Beer Depot.
Coaacdl Bloffs OlstrlbaVc,
Bty Oarbet,1
101 to. abla at. Pkoae J4.
county,' and took an active part In ' It
early history.' ' ' '
A Beautiful Complexion
May St Youn'
In Ttn Dap
The Complexloq
Uitd and Endorsed
By Thousands
NADINOLA banishes tan, tallowness,
freckles, pimples, liver-spots, etc. Extreme
cases twenty davs. Rids bores end tissues
of impurities, leaves the skin clear, soft,
healthy. Directions and ' guarantee in
package. By toilet counters or mail." Two
sizes, 50 Cents and $1.00. r -
Sold ky 8hrihaa-UeCkBnil utiit O., -01 brag.
Ci Lort Fbarmaor, Hrrara PbtrraC7. otbr.
Clean Your, -Z-r
Water-Clpset Bowls
The Easiest Way
5 -Wr ,,
-' No tcrpbbing or teouring or v
. foticAtng thtsbawl with tho
vhandn. tit, Sard Flutha ,
pewdertd chemical compound
. disinfectant emd deodorant
harmiet to bowl and j
Cleans Water-Clotet Bowh
tnoke them uthito as now no ; '
matter, how badly discolored. ';
It workt..lik.,Jnagic oaey,
quick.: wr. '
2p.eM a ean
at ybw grocor't
- ' or drmggiet'o
W lUKNai
s ' lM'-'.U,
That Made.Milwaite fiiiDM;
am j
"J Klaates from Osuilia"-
BATHirlG 4
And Many Otter Attraction.
Matinee Dally 2:15 Every Night 8;1S.
This Week Bert Leslie & Co The
Sayton Trio, McKay Cantwell, David
Kidd, The Paulhan Team, Tyson &
Brown. Snoozer" & Ed Meredith and
Timely Animated Photography.
FMcesi Bight, 10a, 5c, Oo, TSoc Stat.
Oat .l.Oo. Best swata aSo, ex. gat. Baa.
London Parle Bambarg
tK. Aus. Vl Au tS.'H I. m.Clmland ' . Smt I
rw Uneoln :..Au. JlPtrlclr '.Sept ' J
8cond Ctbln nlj. Hamburg dirt ,
tRiU-Ctrlion a u Cart fttauurant.
BCamhurg-Americaa bias. 150 West Ban.
aelpa at, Ohloago, lU.'or local gaafc