Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 24, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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Women's and Misses'
Scores of lingerie,
sffk, linen, tissue
cloth and other
dainty wash fab
ric dresses, worth
to 120. pec, at
Ik 4 : I
tfttfiMM taMMA jP'V1' " """W yU'lrfl'
Light Weight Coats
and Tailored Suits
Hundreds of dressy, new silk pongee, black and colored
silk, and many wool mixtures as well as white serges-
new sailor collars or notch collars two
tone wool and silk combinations. Many
from a new special purchase and some from
our own stock $20.00 and $25.00 coats, at.
Hundreds of Good, Practical Tailored Suits
Medium and light weight practical for later use-the
favorite navies, tans, browns, blacks, white
serges and various popular mixtures. Up-to-date
suits, positively made to sell up to
$25.00, at....
Women's Misses & Juniors'
New iota of
'these practical
frocks, worth
up to Jl
ana k't Ci-a
So1e Children's Dresses
iWorth Up to $3 at $1
M Hundreds of pretty, new dresses that are prac
tical for school and every day wear made of dainty,
lawns, French ginghams and white lingerie cloths
ages 6 to 1 4 years. ; V
never offered such a splendid value
in children's wash'dresses at. .... . . .
For Fall School Wear.
. Light and Medium Weights,
worth up to $4 and $5.50,
$1.93 and $2.98
That Have Been Selling
Up to $3.59.
All sizes, up-to-date pat
terns, on sale $ 39
Final Clean-Up of All Broken Lots
Leather Bags
Also leather, lined bags, . German silver .
v frame; worth $2 and $2.50,,8pe- - WTJ
:tcUi at.;.:.
Crenuine Goat Seal Bagsworth $2 and
i$2v50, -at;-.. $1.69
Leather Bags German silver frame, worth
79o- ''at . v., V. ? .. -: . V; ; . ..50c
German Silver Mesh Bags Un
breakable meshy worth to $5, $2.98
German Silver Mesh Bags-Kid
lined; worth up to $3.50, at $1.98
Closing out -all this Season's1 Silk and Linen Parasols at 'Off
All Our.Children's 75c and $1 Paraaofs (manyVre silk) at 50c Each
New wash belt-
solid Gold Rings
all color stone
and ;.fancy'( mount
ing!, worth up n .
U. tt ...M.lM9
ing spepial at,
per inch' . ..y2c
i -
Imported La Val- Fine gold filled
Hers, in gold and bar pins, 'worth
diver F finish rspV I up to $2.00
cial at ...'..".80c I at . . , . . , , . . .$1
Art Needlework Dept.
Main Floor New" Store
Ecru Colored Fringe for finishing
otarn nuu center- e
pieces at, per yard
only. ',
Scrim Raffles in all color combina
tions 4-yard lengths, with draw
' string our regular 25c and 4
35c values, at, per 1 k
-boit .....IwL
Cotton Pillow Cords three-yard
lengths, finished with tassel a m
. ends all colors 2 Cc val- Zaf
ues, at 2 for. . Oti,'
Soiled Pennants at Ralf-Pricp Ipen-'
nants for states,. colleges and cities,
In air sizes. These pennants are
slightly soiled and will go on sale ,
at half-price. While they last, ea. ...
25c to $1.25
en s Bum
. 7
At the Most Extraordinary Bar
gains Ever Offered in Such High
Glass Clothes by Any. Store in America
All Men's Suits in Our Stock
That Have Been Selling up to $25
24 th
In this sale are the
most famous makes of
men's clothes in Amer
ica, The, names inside
the lapel are known to
well dressed men every
where. Light and med
ium weight suits-rmany
blue serges.
LOT. AT. ......
x ? era m - . -. . . . . mm
S Men's Suits '
That Have Been Selling Up To $15.09, at
These are all fancy mixtures and light
shades. They are practical, well made
suits in new styles.
er Suits
Samples of Boys
$1 Quality Pongee
and Soisette
Plonse yvJ8ts :
2d floor, old store,
Boys $8.30 and
$10 Quality Long
Pants Suits Clev
er new styles, 2d
floor, old Btore.
at S5
New Season's Cleverest Hat Styles for Men
Brandels Stores are always first to show the new season's styles. Many new styles for
" fall are here In Stetson Hats a hat for every face a hat for every taste, at ,
- Mn'ft MOO Sample Hate t$1.00 New fall styles in silk stitched hats, Imported wool
felt stitched hats, also sort ana Km.nats t.u una .v vatues ap, ,.s .
, Stetson Telonr Hats rau styles ax. i . o.VU
Tonr choice of any man's stiraw hat In onr entire
stock at ........... . . ' 35
. All the Cnlldren's Straw Hats, values up lo 50c,
in one lot ax 10
All the Children's Fine MUan Braid Hats, worth
up to 3.00, at 50
Boys'i Early Tall Hats for school wear '
at- --25 49 mt and St.50
Boys' School Caps plain, and fancy colors
atv -.25 and 404
$8.50 Leather Suit Cases at $4.98 8 Inches
deep, "linen lined with shirt folds, solid brass
lock and catches. '
From Our Near Neighbors
visit her
, ; Waterloo. . ' '
Fred l)e Iong went to Fremont Thurg
iy on buslnens.
Mr. Cecil Moore left Thurdday tor
6rtbner,. where she will teaeh thl yesr.
Mr. and MrB.rtiert Hall and the boy
went to Omaha, Monday morning.
Mrs. 8f'A.,Te0 MdtMlM Kancy Mor'rla
went to Omaha Monday f6r the day. 1
'John Mohutt, Lyal Shannon and Tony
Rlmmerli were among' the Omsha vlaltore
Thursday. . ,
Mlie Katherlne Herrlnglon and ! Mrs.
Woyee Herrlnston went to vHy Wednes-'
day for th day. ,.. r .
iMri. Fred Khrhardt returniwl Tuesday
evening from a visit of several days with
frienda at Seward.
I Fred Myers Is driving the mall wagon
While the regular carrier, John Todd, Is
taking a vacation.
I Mrs. Jay Herrington and children went
Coatand Pants
; .This is! the windup
of our great summer
reduction sale.
Every garment care
fully tailored and gua
ranteed perfect in fit
and style.
to Grand, Island : Sunday to
parents and other relatives. . ;,
Mis. C. Kiel, who ha been visiting
here and at Valley for some time pant,
returned to Omaha Tuesday. ;
The carpenters' have finished the inside
work at the J. Q. Herrington home and
the..p&intera .are doing' the decorating. .
Miss Trees Tami'elea of Omaha, who
was visiting hrr Waterloo relative dur
ing her vacation, returned home Friday.
Mrs. H. H. Morris and two daughters,
Mary and Eva, went to Fremont and'
Wlnalow Wednesday for. a visit of a tew
days, . .
Miss May Rosenbaum of Omaha, who
was here tne last weeU vl.iltlng Miss May
Myers and family, left Thcrsdi.y morning
tor. home.
Mrs. Herbert Bell, ' who has been In
Boyd county the last three weeks visit
ing her mother, returned home Wednes
day morning. , '
Mr. and, Mrs. 'Earl Hall, Mrs. FranK
Slavin, ,F.'A, Carmony and Sam Chrle
tensen were ttnong the Omaha visltore
Wednesday. . ;
Mrs, T. W. Canada '.visited again over
Sunday with her daughter. Mrs. C. K.
Burkholder, returning Monday to her
home at Hooper. -; ,
Charles Rhoadea and his mother went
to Petersburg Wednesday to assist a sis
ter, who live near there, In moving from
the farm to town. - ,(j
Marcla RISKS and - Mildred Waldron
went to Fremont Thursday to meet Kath
erlna Mendenhall. wno came from Tllden
for a visit with friends here. v .
' William Corburn. who ha been home on
a furlough the last month and working
In the country near Elk City, was here
visiting at the C. Ooodwln home over
Sunday I
Mrs. Maude feooln, who has been visit
ing her brother, Q. A. Neafus; and fam
ily, went to Fremont Wedneuday to visit
other relatives. Khe was accompanied .by
her little daughter.
Dr. I Richardson and family are tak
ing an outing on the river north of tovn,
going Into camp Thursday. Ruth Bell
Is taking a vacation from the store and
enjoying camp life with the family.
home in eastern Canada Monday by the
death of a sister.
Joe Qulnn was kicked by a mule Satur
day morning. A doctor was called and
he is getting on all right. , ,
Jamea Calvert and bride of Clearwater.
Neb., came Sunday for a visit with his
mother and other relatives..-
Mrs. T. Baumgardner returned home
from Omaha. Wwln.w(.tt V. i
been with her daughter at a hospital.
The three Henrys, Bruhn, MUke and
Rolf, Jr., returned Thursday morning
from a week at Cheyenne and Denver.,
Dr. Filckey and family of BennlnKton
also went to Forest Cltv In visit ha nur.
Jnhn Cirmareturmnn mrm I tA . a
trw christening of the young child or Mr.
And Mrs. William Rial at 4h.i. kM.
- uiuunm sja-siu ituno ivuri nor
went to WMton. la., to visit Dr. Baldwin
and wife. Mrs. R B. Baldwin, jr.. re
turned with them. . ,
f x si rA 1tM. TAU ir...U.. - a a.
n i . .ivuoicf vein, ai vi II
there to Weeping Water to viBlt her
K, I t I
' MacGaiihy-Vilson
. Tailoring Co,
304-806 South 16th St.
J. P. Rpearman of Papllllon was here
Tuesday.. .;i 'ji '
Miss Vera Qulnn called on friends here
Tuesday.'. t- ,
The Royal Neighbors lodge met' Tuesday
afternoon. . .
Mrs.' Betts of Benson called on friends
here Sunday.
' William Morrison, sr., is on the sick
list this week, .
Miss Bertha Lin berg is in Omaha at
tending school.
.' Pencon Pollock is visiting his parents
in Iowa thla week.
Mr. Baumgardner went to Butte, Mont.,
Friday on business. ? v
A doctor was called to see John
Blanchl, wtvo had his head injured.
Mrs. J. Gibbons of Waterloo is visiting
her son and family ihla week.
Mies Anna McGrew Is visiting Mr. A.
P. Knapp at Elk City: thja week. .
Fred Martens and family visited Sunday
with his sister, Mrs. Julius Shuldt. and
family. -; . . ,
Mr. F. Martene and daughter, Magitfe,
visited last week at Davenport, la., with
a brother. .v 'i-
" -D. - D. ' McLean - was called 4e . his eld
Herman Aye of Omaha was
visitor over last Sunday.
;W. F. Burdlrk of South Omaha was
here en a buslnrss trip last Thursday.
B. Arndt has returned from an ex
tended visit with his daughter in Chicago.
i Judge I. C. Eller and daughter, Pauline,
returned from a vacation trip in eastern
Miss Gertrude Kelly is attending tha
institute at Schuyler and will teach at
Leigh this year.
George McKeen was here visiting his
brothers, John and Will. They had not
seen him for thirty-five years.
Miss Marie Fowler, daughter of former
State Superintendent W. K. Fowler, is
visiting her many friends here.
The bunch of "boys" who spent last
Monday evening with the Ak-Sar-Ben re
port the best time of'thelr lives. ' '
Jonas and John Burcham went to De
fiance, la., last Monday to see their
father, who Is dangerously 111.
Miss Mary Christenaen, clerk In County
Judge Kller's office, was cal cd to Mason
City to see her mother', who is' very 111.
An eleven-pound boy arrived last Sun
day morning to mike his home with Rev.
and Mrs. George R. McKeith of the Con
gregational church.
Gus Rathman and Asa Dixon, Jr., re
turned with their families from Cherry
county, where they went by automobile
to visit Chester Fink.
Mrs. William Halter and children left
this week to Join her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. A. P. Howes, who are on an ex
tended vis t in the east
Frank Jackson, an architect in the era-
y or tne government at Washington,
C HDent a faw daVa With Ma hrnth.r
E. C. Jackson, and- family.
' , . Seaawk.
V. P. Sheldon was in Lincoln on busi
ness Thursday.
Mrs. Klrkpatrlck spent Thursday in
Weeping Water.
F. P. Sheldon was In Omaha on business
Monday and Tuesday. ,','.
E. Hadley and H. U: Pollard wr Urn
coin yisitora this week. w T .
iira.)Eli Pittman of York is visiting Ne
hawka. relatives thla week.' vj , , .,
Bennet Chrlstmlseer of Platlsmouth was
in. town ph t business t"ednesday.
Mrs, Annie Pittman of York is vlsiuhg
with her motlier, Mrs. Carper, this week.
Blair ba!eof Kearney, but formerly of
Nehawka, is here, and will bring his
family back ahortly
Mrs. Kate Townsley 'and children ' left
Tuesday to Join her husband In Florida.
where they will make their future home,
Mr. and Mrs. B. Wolpft and daughter
Kmlly left Saturday for a few weeks' sp
Journ with relatives in New York and
Vermont. '
Alois El well returned from St. Ed
ward, Friday. '
Mr. and Mrs. Z. T. Jarman have moved
to Springfield... -4
Ralph Glover of, Butte, Neb., is the
guest of his brother, Perry.
Mrs'. I A. Bates visited her mother in
Peru the fore part of the week.
Margaret Haney returned from an ex
tended visit to points In Michigan, f
Archie Cocerlll left last week for Eng;
land. He will be gone three months..
W. H. . Davidson and family .left for
Bozenman. Mont., ror a montn s visit.
Mrs. J. A. Bailey was called to
Jamacla, la., by the death of her mother.
C. E. Keyes was re-elected president of
the Barpy county Old Settlers associa
tion. ... , . ,
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Swain of Chi
cago are islttng the home of W. E.
Bates. .'
Miss Ruby Coleman of Melia is here
visiting. She will teach In Ciearwater
this year. '
Oecar Taylor will go to Modale, la., to
erect a residence for Mr. Evers, who was
tatallately burned out.
The Baptist church Is undergoing re
pairs and will be used as the primary
department of the public school .
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Evers stopped
oft a day this week. They were going
from Modale, Ia., to Avoca, Neb.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Graham are in
Kansas City, where Mr. Graham Is tak
ing a course in an auctioneer school. "
Next Thursday " the old' settlers will
hold a picnic here. Extensive prepara
tions are made and a big crowd expected.
George Payne returned from a trip
around the world. He has been with the
United States .navy a, part of the time.
Mrs. F. B. Hosford and daughter, who
are to teach, in the public school here,
are occupying ,thp. Ad ventlst parsonage.
L. A. Bates returned from Red Willow
county, where he owns a farm near Mc
Cook. He reports the best crop In the
Republican valley for several years. , .
"., Tekamah. ' . ... . . '. . ,,
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Chatt are th
happy parents of a baby boy born last
Mr. an MrS. ChaWes Gates are rejoic
ing over vhe arrival of a son at their
home -on Monday morning.
Burt County old settlers will picnic at
Tekamalt on the 30th Inst Gov. A Id rich
is to address them In the afternoon.
Mrs. George Peterson went to College
View Thursday evening to attend the an
nual camp meeting et the Seventh Day
Adventists. v.. , , ... -,
The Owl club at Xekaman and Decatur,
were raided by the sheriff on Wednesday
afternoon and the bartenders arrested.
They will tiave their hearing : next
Wednesday. .- . ,
The fellows who took In the Ak-Sar-Ben
circus at Omaha on Monday evening
are loud In their praises of that-snow.
Thev think it approaches Rarnwn's In the
variety of stunts given for the -entertainment
of guests.
Cashier Ed Latta. end . family of the
First National bank arrived home from
thrtr eastern trip last Saturday. Tney
left their autdmobll at Ft Dodge, la.,
on account ot the heavy rains overtaking
them. '...", .
Mrs. H. H. Basler and 'daughter Uldah
and son Roosevelt arrived in ;Tekamah
Thursday afternoon, :frora .J Indianola-
la.; .where tney nave . oeen yl?
'.nrarif's Pass.' Ore
Mrs. Basler was ' formerly a president" of
Tekamah. tier huaband Y haying been
county Judge here lor. a-nunver 01 rr.
-'.; - f- valley';': :.
Mrs. Noyes is .visiting at' theGardlner
home with Mrs. Isaac Noyes thla .week.
H. p. Ferris made a business - trip to
Chicago last week. , . V .'.'.'y:.
11.. n.i.i, K,i hmin thp erection
of a fine new barn for E. P. Noyes. ': . .
H. M. 'Puffer of Minneapolis, Minn., was
visiting relatives Saturday and Sunday.
Regular service Will be resumed' Sunw
day morning at the Presbyterian church.
w r r. . r.mtlv . wntr to
Omaha Wednesday afternoon In .their
aui . .' "
Mrs. .Tennle Gibson and HHdreth Eddy
were In Fremont Tuesday and Wednes
day. ' .';';.
Mrs. J. 8. Kennedy and . children ret
turnod Saturday evening from a visit at
Boone, la. , '.'
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Weekly and Miss
svtn. waeklv will -retdrrt rfron! Denver
Saturday. , ':' c ; , -V? :
Mr. Iac Noyes. spent Thursdaj, in
Omaha, meeting Mr. and Mrs. Gerhai-d
Po..ocit of Tllden, Neb. ; .
w r-..,t. KattA a aula,.' at ' har
home Patdrday, She haa rented her house
to .'ames Allen ana win go vt jinucii"""
to live.
Mrs. John Monahan, Berrrice and Rosa
mond went to Benson Sunday to be th
ruoRts of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Corrlngton
several days.
M. M. Kerr of Elmore. Minn., who, with
Mrs. Kerr and children are vl-ltlng at
TJnonin Nb.. eame u to Valley Tues
day to visit friends.
F. F. Adams, who was elected superin-
. jk . ValUu arhrwl anil wlfa ar-
rived Friday. Mrs.. Adams will teach the
Byarsvllie scnooi, aisirici o. , ie
coming year.
a t iLfrk.noU4 iatiirnf1 liVldav from
Norfolk, where he had been getting ac
quainted Wltn nis frranuson, ueu ou:i
McDonald, born to Mr. and Mrs. George
McDonald. August IS.
x' - trimr tl VAMnffaat nhiM tif Mr.
w "la "Bi v ' . . . . , .
and Mrs. F.. Swan King, died Thursday
. T, .... X n0,An nf wafarlnn
conducted the funeral services at the
home Saturday morning.
m m nrkUmnM pMittlv annnintad
yos l ilia? i u,; w ... v. . -
ohnson. who resigned, expects to take
the olce this week. Mlsa May Caldwell
.m mm .tamitv trt aiirraad M-isa Gar-
trude Ingram, who also resigned.
" Paplllloa.
.Tna Whltted has returned from a sev
eral months' trip to Washington.
Ml sees Nell and Nora Dooley have gone -to
Cheyenne, Wyo., for a ten days' va-j
Miss Spethman of Gretna. Mrs. Mitchell
and Miss Nannie Mitchell of Omaha, were
6unday guest or Mr. iuis iesieur.
Mis Tea Slattery. J. B. Slattery and
Will . Rlatterv from Shreveoort. La.,
visited with Mrs. J. R. Wilson the first
of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Salsbury came up
from Lincoln for the old settlers' iilrrnle
and spant several day with former Papll
llon frlenda
Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Yates. Mlsties Anna
MeCormick and Marlon Brown, were
camping at a Chautauqua at Missouri
Valley this last week. .
Mrs. Linger and Miss Linger from
Tower's cottages. MIss.Linger will teach
in the schools here the coming- year.
Willia m T-TllvhnM Atfn Cla mlUr .... rl T
; R. Wilson, left Friday for Winner, H.
. u. iiey eci 10 mane tne return trip
with a team camping along tho way.
Mrs. West and Mrs. Lesleui .gave a
dancing party at the opera house
Wednesday evening for tnelr guests. Miss
Doud of Denver and. Miss -.Balch . of
Chicago. '
Mrs. J. C TClfncoman an4 Tama T?nl.
insoh went to Fremont Tuesday, where
mcy . were marnea. a reception was
given mem upon tneir return wednes
day .-evening. , . . . .
Rev. and Mrs. Will Daup. who were
re,cemiy marnea at Fort Wayne, Ind.,
are visiting PapU lion relatives. From
here they will go to Brown, Tex., where
Rev. Daup 1b aator of the St. Andrew's
church, '.....,'..
.' flunlnaas Changes in Tecanuseh.
iTECCMSEH. Neb.,. Aug. 22.-Speclal.)
After the first of October Tecumseh will
have one less drug store. The drug firms
of :Dafoe,& Son,, Smith Drug company
and 'J. ".K.v' McDowell. 'have, hni'-h- t'-r,
stock, of Power & Douglas, and will divide
the. stock and add to the Beveral stores.
discontinuing the Pover iiUowslas store
Ocober' I. -The room .occupied. "by the
Power & Douglas stock has been leased
to,' Duff & Moulton, the clothiers, who
win 'move into tne name at som:; as pos
sible. -'"i---.r
Key to the Situation Bee Advertising.
Blackberry Balsam
Quickly stops-. Diarrhoea, Dysen
tery, Cholera Infantum and all bowel
troubles without constipating. No
opium nor other habit forming
drugs. Accept only Wakefield'?. It
cures after other remedies foil. 35c
pr 3 bottles for $1.00.' Everywhere.
Mi Wi-stow's Syrup ho9 been
tseil fnr Mvsv U? VTV I' U A tC La ttir f frtiu
MOTHEltft for their CHILDKBN VHtLS
is the best remajly for DIARRHCiA. It it ib
!o!utly hsnnleaa. Be sure and ak for .' Mm.,. aAH,(.tM c.M.H h m. a . -,- - ..
i lUBiwr- r nwmuiuK ojiu., ton HUbV BO Otaef
Utid Twenty-five cents a bottle. -
Humors get into tbe blood usually because of an inactive condition ol
the system. Those members whose duty it ia to expel all refuse matter
At. e4 rvaxyl ? raVi r4r& ttiAi ' ai4 1. - 1 a-1 a.r ! . 1
UViiUb liv-A-u pcAAVif,uv fcMCU BOw ttlft UUUCiliLUY clUlJlUiaU,Oll IS ftO-
corbed into the blbod. Then Instead of performing its natural function oi
;u a i .1 , . -. . .
uwuuoMiug ius o.iu uic uicuittiiua utiuiics ana in
flames it because of its impure condition. A thorough
cleansing- of the blood is the only certain cure for any
skin disease; external applications can only give tem
porary relief. S. S. S. goes into the circulation and
drives all humors from .the blood, and in this way
siaas a permanent and complete cure ia every form
of akin trouble. S. S. S. supplies the blood with the
nutritive qualities necessary to sustain th skin and
preserve its natural texture and oerfect armearance.
8. S. S. cures Eczema, -Acne, Tetter, Salt Rheum, and all other skin erup
tions or diseases. Book on Skin Diseases and any medical advice free.
lill If H 111 VsL D
via Rock Island Lines
Electric lighted drawing-room sleeping car Omaha
to Fort Worth connections for. Oklahoma City.
Tickets and reservations
14th and Farnam Streets
ii ; PSeneat foaflaa abraak.; AiaS-Iadeaendnt1 '.i;
. u t