THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, AUGUST 17, 1912. " ' '"' " " : mil "" 11- ... , ,,,,,1 u ii"ui..ttWwtPW kVV.t m ; " - - -., ; . A J jjrr"Tr r rr rinMiii ii-irfiiriiim "in inn rrfN-ri1T' -1 ''-wim-r "-"-"vlii-rrnr1a ir:'--ViliMi ni4)--' i 'i mi 'irorl it mT-'iiiiM-Mf r-niin-rrf-'li r y-rKw 1 " ' f r aimnni mm miihbw -! IJT ' '- J --- ' -- - - - . ' " ' - m-m M . . ' . SM . CBE W Ft I i li lif f tie Big ffliijiil'tf wIpjH HORRISON DEMOLISHES CELL Foraer Sanitary Officer Becomes Violently Insane in JriL THREATENS . TO KILL GUARDS He 1 Finally Overcome with Fames ot Ammonia,' bmi Twelve Men Are. Required to Pat Htm In the Straight Jacket. ( Efl F. Morrison, forrner sanitary of ficer, who has been held at the county jail since Wednesday afternoon pending Ms removal to the Insane asylum, be came, violent yesterday, -demolishing everything ih hit cell and threatening to kill the person who dared enter. Deputy Sheriff Tom McClenetthan made several attempts ' to gef ' Mm out of ' the cell and narfowly escaped- serious Injury when the insane man struck at his head with a large iron bar, missing him by a fraction fsl an inch. Morrison said he, would come quietly out' of the cell and be handcuffed If Dr. C. E. McClenaghan was near. When the doctor arrived he' threatened to kill him, cutting him and saying he ought to be In the, next cell to, him. , Spray Hlra with Ammcnla. Tom Bowman,' police ' chauffeur and foreman of the -repair shops, sprayed Morrison with, ammonia, which over came him for a few minutes. While ho was lying on the floor Deputy MeClen eghan. Officer J. Tnger and Tom Bow man rushed Into the cell and pinioned the?! man to the floor. When they took him from the cell it' took twelve men to hold him while A straight jacket was put on 'him. When the danger was all over Sheriff Felix McShane,' Jailor Cahill and tw6 other assistants picked up courage enough to approach Morrison. As soon as he was put Into the straight jacket Morrison became -as tame as a lamb and asked. for a cigar, chatting In a friendly tone t times with Ma captors about different subjects, devoting several minutes to cursing them. Dr. McCleneghan first tried to give Morrison a glass of beer containing mor phlmVwhlch he refused to drink, saying he knew It was "doped." -He will be taken to .Lincoln. hla afternoon. ,,. Demolishes His Cell. Morrison ' demolished the iron cot and other furniture in the U, broke all of the windows and, pulled off the gas and water . Jtpes, , ,.He y would have been asphyxiated bad not the attendants turned off the gas. In the basement. ' i 1 t " Rusmisel Names' Teactiers at High r Commercial School U C. 'Rusmisel, principal of the new Commercial. High school, announces that with the opening; of the school In Sep. tember he will organise the students Into a commercial club, such an organization to take the plaice' of the usual debating society. Principal Rusmisel ' will also arrange vith Omaha business" 'firms to furnish data and information' for the use of the pupils, who will be Riven "a ' "first-hand coihmfcrclaT' education. .;. ,., ' This Is the first venture Into the field of 'commercial education In" so extensive fc" Manner and 'the Board- of Education has provided Principal Rusmisel' with every modern convenience,' and' apparatus necessary to make the school a success! ' The ftculry of this new high school Of commercev,wlIl consist of twenty of the lest commercfai teachers 'In th country. Those who have been elected are: Mabjl Allison, 1. A. Knotts, Alice D. Hoskln, Perth Plxton; Katherlne Cockman, Henrys Clausen, Chester., O, ,Llnn,. LJoyd BertSphl Vboi Wi'etitrnnsferred' from';1th(r High schoDDjNi fC; rvooa, ;Mary BourKe, F. A. .Millets' Heleaf Diumrnndj: ' 1 Crawford, Blanche A Coffman, . H. C. Joy, R, H. Brott, I E. Glfford and L. A. Detrtol.' 1 "-,:.:' y - ,. STOCKTON HETH IS ' ' 't SOME WHEATGRpWER Stockton Heth, YorWrt4ravirer' of the Omaha Water Works company, has just harveikte a Tlch crop of 'wheat on his farmnr Herman.. Mr. Z Heth, reaped l.wo DU"niB oi wom jrum inuiy acres plante to whsat,. or an ayerage'of forty eight' busTiols to tn'e acre!, ;' FT. CROOK SOLDIERS ARE , h f iACK FROM MANEUVERS Two .battalions of the Fourth United States Infantry have returned to Fort Crook after a month's absence at Sparta, Wis., where (her engaged In war muueu irers. 1 .s 'H ,.; Goat ai Pants ToonoEn REDUCED FROM S25 and $30 To keep our tailors busy' and t reduce our stock we offer big cut pricei on all our fine woolens. Every garment well lined and guaranteed perfect in fit and style MacCarthyfWilson ; "Tailoring Cb. " I mi ii " 1 " " ri'i mi i , 1JI t issssJiHi iiiiUiisi1i1issasriiss-amisS ( . ' Out of the ordinary events impress people strongly and they are liable to date happen ings from such occurences. So even now we. hear every now and again people refer to rne uay 01 ine Dig winu in ireianu . mm &u cu&iuincii iui uo iu mmwot some reference to the wonderful sale at : uany 9 O'Closk the Final Sale of Summer Shoes Sixteen lots no single lot large, but, taken alto gether, a very respectable quantity. Low Shoes pumps, colonials, button1 and lace oxfords, formerly sold at $4.00 and $5.00 ft pair-at above hour-$2.50 PAIR. There's white patent leather pumps, white colonial canvas, velooze pumps (gray or brown), tan colonials, also patent, tan ties and tan pumps, suedes too button oxfords, dull and patent leather pumps and a few satin pumps all arranged to end the summer story. Short! Sharp! Quick! Decisive! " ' v $2.50 Pair ' Z There?ll be lots 6f shoes advertised niuch lower than these," but-these shoes are new and high grade, bought for this season's fine trade, and made specially to satisfy those who wear fine shoes. . RATHER AWKWARD if those interested in shoes should be also interested in BAGS. The Bag Sale starts at 9:00 a. m. also-all Leather Bags, leather lined as well as the outside, seal grain seal grain applies to the grain of the leather -r-the bags are not made from seal skin but from cow skin. On Thursday many people were disappointed who came in the afternoon for some of the bargains which went on sale immediately when,the store opened; and while lots were fairly large, demand was so active that by noon some of the lots were sold out. We try awfully hard to make ourselves understood. Note therefore, please, that shoes and bags go -on. sale at. 9:00 a. in., and sale will continue all day-IF THE GOODS LAST. 10:00 A. M. on the Second Floor, Very 1 Special Sales of Waists and Wash Dresses Our buyers are rushing forward from the EASTERN MARKETS AUTUMN MERCHANDISE. We must have the room. We have concluded to put prices on summer wear ables which should see the last of these items by closing time Saturday night. ' ' S : ' 3 prices on three lots of Waists ... . 50c, 75c, $1.50 In the 50c lot waists which were $1.25. In the 75c lot waists which were $2.25 and over. The $1.50 lot is the choice lot. Very many were sold up to $3.50. The thin summer dresses are priced so low as to seem really absurd, and you'll think so, if you have any inter est, if not, they would scarcely be cheap attany price. Three lots, here again 98c, $2.75, '$5.00. Dresses which sold up to $4.50, Saturday '98c Dresses which sold up to $7.50, Saturday . . . ... . $2.75 Dresses which sold up to $20.00, Saturday . . . . . .' $5.00 ' ; ' ' In every lot are a few which were marked even . higher than the stated prices. Not one piece in any of the lots will be ' reservedand no favorites played. Come eaiiy, be good natured, and please do not hold onto any that you do not mean to buy. ; In the excitement attendant upon some of our sales, ladies will sometimes unintentionally get hold of several articles and. thoughtlessly hold them, frequently to the disappointment of those anxious to buy. We make men tion'of this at this time because we desire to make the dis tribution at these sales as general and far-reaching as. possible AND ABOVE ALL ELSE WE WISH 'TO PLEASE AND SATISFY OUR PATRONS. , In practically every family there Is someone with A Sweet Tooth You'll know who'll be pleased wth a box of "Balduff". Saturday all day. Pecan Nut Patties, made from pure, rich cream, crowded full with sweet pecan meats; vanilla, straws Jberry, and maple. One-half pound boxes, on sale Saturday, at 15c. - . Butterscotch "Dee-licious", made from rich cream and creamy butter, each piece wrapped. Pound box, 25 cents. Phone us early If you cannot come down. Mr. and Mrs. Cobb in charge. rv n uuu PC 00 fp5Ef0(Pr a ii i i i ii i i i , i From Our-4 Near Neighbors u ' ''' Mlalr. V Mr. and Mrs. P. 8. Martin are spending a few days In Council Blufls. ( ,; . v Pat Qulnlan left laxt Sunday for a two weeks' stay at Excelsior Springs, Mo. County AsMnsor M. C.Orovw and daughter were In Lincoln. Jat Tuesday. '. Mlsg Carrie KWnian. visited with Mrs. Di:-.C..a. Tekamah last Satur day V '.'' v Mrs.,; Peter Siert, will leaVe for an ax- tended visit with her sister In Toronto. Canada. s . t Born-To Mr. and Mrs. W, J. Kooomon on last Tuesday morning, an eleven-pound caoy girl. Postofflce Inspector I A. Thompson was checking up. the Blair office last Saturday. , i,. - , C. F. Qrlmes of Amherst Neb- is the guttet for a few days at the home ot Henry Wencke. , ... . .. Mrs. George Stafford of Omaha has been visiting her brother. Tom Ooterman of the Blair Democrat. Mrs. J. 8. Roberta? nd son. Howard, are visiting Mra. Roberts' sister. Mrs. Wea ver, at Wendal, Minn. Mlases Hilda Ochmahllng' and Dorette! Arndt i 9 In Chicago visiting their aunt, 1 Mra. M. C. Londeliua. - F. M. Castetter, who Is taking treat ment at a Battle Creek sanitarium, re ports that he is steadily improving, x Miss Edith Bchmahllng was in Fremont (ant Saturday evening and sang at a re-1 cUal given at the Fremont Normal. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Qulnlan and children of Omaha visited Inst week at the home of his,, brother, jack. aquth of, Blair. . Pr, and Mrs. 04car Newell of, Plalnvlew, Neb., have been spending a tweek here visiting theln parents and oter relatives. Mies Brile Frnlayaon. a former teacher In the city schools here, left for her home In Tankton, 8. D., after several weeks visiting friends In Blair. Misees Mary Cook. Fanny Lantry, Fanny Gross and Lena Russell were guests at the home of Mrs. Frank Cam eron In Tekamah 'last Wednesday. . Dr. Langstaff and wife leave this week for a month s trip to their old home In Toronto, Canada. They will visit two sons and a daughter at Winnipeg, Mani toba. - . J. , :,. Rev. C. P. Lang, superintendent Myers and . Principal Gates of the city schools were In attendance at the funeral of C. M. Penney, a former teacher in the Blair schools, at uncoin on weanesaay. tlon here with his uncla'a family and at the N. B. Hull ranch the last six weeks, returned home last Friday. , Mr," and Mrs.' Gilbert Hopper and the little gtrls, who were In Colorado a week or so, returned home Sunday morning. They were In the Costillo region, where Mr. Hopper bought 4W acres of land. Mrs. Jew Cobb and two little girls were here vUitlng her father," R. M. Tuttle, and Other relatives, leaving Monday afternoon for Omaha. The Cobb brothers. Kd and Jens, have sold their restaurant at Schuy ler and Jess and family will visit awhile )n Holt county before settling down again. ..,-' Waterloo. . Mr. and Mr. F. W. Corliss have re turned from their outing !n Vermont. G. H. Hempet went to Iowa Saturday in pacx up ana move nis, lamny to Waterloo. E. A. Coleman brought an aeroplane rrom umana tnia weak ami will trv it out at the C. B. Noyes farm. Ixsale Augustus was over from Arling ton Tuesday night visiting his brother, a. Augustus, ana family. -Rev. and Mrs.. E. Anton went to Wahoo lent week- to visit old friends 'there and sit otnri points a weeX or two.' 1 Mrs. June Madlon of O'Neill, sleter of Mrs. John Graff, was here this week visiting the family of the latter. John Hamilton went) to Dunning, Neb., Monday for a visit there and at bis father's ranch for several weeks. Mrs. T. W. Gamaga of Hooper, mother of Mra C. K. Burkholder, visited over Sunday with her daughter and family. Mrs. H. L. Whitney and her aunt. Mrs. Martin, came from Omaha Wednesday morning. The latter left for Denver on tiie evening train. Ruesell Hopper of Omaha wis the guest of Cullen Traber the last week, coming from the rlt' Thursday last for an outing among oia .mends and scenes;- Mrs. C H. Maynard went to Columbus Saturday evening to visit the relatives or Mrs. je Harris-ana, other mends before getting ready to go north. . - A crowd came from the felty Thursday morning and Joined friends in an outing at King's lake, Johm Foster drove the curryau in aiier me new comer. Mrs. Mary Walker, formerly ot Water loo, .but now of Blair, wag here vlnttlng Mr. ana wn. h. r. uu several dava, returning boms Wednesday, morning. Ray Stewart of Ord, nephew of George Stewart, wno naa oeea UKing a vaca secured sriything. but i not caught. They were pursued Tekamah. F. B. Btirchmore of Omaha was a Te Stamah visitor Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Nesbit left Monday afternoon tor a several weeks' auto tour of , the western part of the state. Henry St. Peters, deputy county clerk, has resigned his position to take up work with the Henry Roberts Grain company. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McLaughlin left Tuesday evening for a ten days inp through the Yellowstone National park. Winter wheat Is coming to market .in inr nnantitW Cattle and hogs sre also finding their way to the stock yards nearly every day. I. P. Hopewell of Bloomlngton, Ind is In Teksmah on a visit to his nepnewe, H. M. Hopewell and our. wopeweu. no will also visit a niece at Decatur. Mr. Wnrth irt Wednesday for a sev eral weeks' visit at her ranch In southern Pni.imdn. Her daughter, Mrs. H. H. Snjlth. accompanied her as far as Omaha, j E. B. Shutt. ons of tne isrge xun county lsnd owners, bufwho now miiei his home at not Bpnnnn. - here the last week looking after the tenanting of his farms. Mr. Arthur Hcnnlg and Miss earan Webber were united m mrr i u Wednesday by Rev. Mr. Bancroft. They will be at home in Acaaman -""" visit In the western part of the state. Fred Titus of this place was united In marriage test week to Mis. Ids. Morgan of Bassett. The ceremony wu Madison ana tne una, "--- spending tneir nonejniuuu v.- . Minn. ' . The Ak-Sar-Ben circus Is going to draw a bVg bunch of Tekamah feUows down to their Monday evening show A train has been J 6"d L"! are piannuia " - Elkhorn. ' ' " ' : ' Julius 8huldt was at, Omaha Tuesday. Mrs. Van Alst is visiting this week at Elk City. Mrs. Molllw Quinn visited at the Callely home Thursday. ' 3. C. Mangold and family visited relatives here Saturday. .. Mrs. Anna McGrew visited last week' with relatives at Hopper. Bam Fry, -sr., and wife of Jackson, Neb., are visiting here this week. Mrs. Cecil Moore of Waterloo visited friends her Monday and Tuesday. James Wldgery Is visiting relatives In. Yuma county, Colorado, this week. Union Pacific Agent Clark and family will occupy the Jeffries' house soon. Tom McCormlck and wife of Omaha visited at the McCormlck home Monday. Henry Meyer, Louis Nelmann and Her man Hansen went to Columbus Wednes day. . Mrs. B. F. Calvert went to Hopper Fri day to visit her daughter, Mrs. Clarence Bendel, and family. The two daughters Of Herman Bull vis ited their grandparents, Mr. ' and Mrs. Jockum Bull, this week, . Mrs. B. B. Baldwin visited this week with her son at Weston, la. Mrs. B. B. Baldwin, Jr., returned Thursday with her. Mrs. J. O. Seefus and son. Dean, vis ited Mrs. Seefus' mother, Mrs. Zweisel, at PapllUon Monday, returning home Tues day noon. Ole Warren and family of Storm Lake, la., are visiting Mrs. Warren's parents, Mr. and Mra. Richard Budnold, ' and their relatives. " Carl Thlessen lost three cows in the storm Sunday night, , the wind blowing the shed in which they were standing down, smothering them. Henry Bruhus, Henry Rolfs. Jr., and Henrv. Mllke went to Cheyenne, Wyo., Wednesday morning to see the Wild West Bhow and visit for a few days. Papllllon. . Miss Gertrude Sipherd of Lincoln Is visiting Papllllon friends this week. Mrs. Myra Withers of Kansas City visited over Sunday with her cousin, Mrs. C. W. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. George Vradennerg, and family were Sunday guests or rs. J. m. tteaaie. Miss Myra Palmer came from- Kansas City for an extended visit with her sister, Mrs. Charles Moore. Mrs. B. Gaddls, nee Mable Wilson, ot Lincoln is vlBltlng with Mrs. Thomas Dooley this week. Mr. and Mrs. Jarnes T. Begley, Mra Corey and family spent several days camping at the Platte river. Miss Grace Clarke accompanied by Miss Marjorie Benson of Omaha left Monday for Lake Okoboji, la. Mrs. J. C. Kilngelman and son, James, have returned from an extended visit with -friends and relatives in Pennsyl-, vanta.. -; v - ;. , .,. , . . Mr. and Mrs. X J. Langdon ,of. Pueblo, Colo., are visiting at the home Of Mrs LangdOn'g sister, Mrs. J. R. Wilson. ' E H.' Koch, superintendent of 'school and his family , ' have returned - from Seward, where, they have been spending' the .summer. Mr. and Mrs. ! I. H. ' Lamb ' left ' "this week for their new 'home at Sargent, Neb., where Mr. Lamb will be superin tendent of 'schools. Woman Mistakes : Acid for Medicine Mrs. Edna Clark,' 1009 South Eleventh street, drank an ounce of carbolic acid, mistaking it for, medicine, at 10 o'clock yetserday morning. " Dr. S. E. ,McClen eghen attended the woman and succeeded in paving her life. , , . j .Mrs. Clark made a preparation of. car bolic acid and gasoline, yesterday, which she used for killing Insects.. .She placed the bottle along side ' one containing medicine which she has been taking. She reached for the bottle and took the one containing the deadly fluid. Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Big Returns. Butler Would Kill , Weight Ordinance .,.,CUy i Commissioner. Butler, head of the department of finances and accounts, has Crafted an ordinance repealing the, ordi nance passed recently requiring all articles to be sold by weight This ordi nance was placed on its first and second readings yesterday and referred . to the committee of the wnble for Monday, Butler believes, the housewife can be "cheated Just the same" if articles are sold by weight Instead of by measure. WOULD FORCE ACCEPTANCE OF BQNDJ3Y MANDAMUS Charles E, Foster to accept a $250 appeal bond in the case . of Minnie Barker, charged, with vagrancy, was started in district court. Hearing will be tad next week. Edward Simon, attorney for the Barker woman, filed the suit 1 i Skinned from Head to Heel was Ben Pool, Threet, Ala., when draggfifl over a rough road, but Bucklen's Arnica Salve healed all his Injuries. .25c . For sale by Beaton Drug Co. 7 T- 'boys' hut time. Th funeral ot A. r. job, one of the iaiiirday, Ellen s S uits 0rth to Jg For Thursday aiior.. . - . a gooa - th, the Grana Arm; . " services at tne cemewjy t v N. E Johnson we"tto Omaha Wednes day to attend the stationers' l"0"' Mrs B F. Smith returned Tuesday from a visit with her mother and Other relatives at Gretna, Mr and Mrs. Harry Corrlngton art hire thl" week packing their household goods! They have located in Benson- Mr. and Mrs C. E. Byarj , Saturday evening fronv their visit at A lance; Neb., and Hot Springs, S. D. Rev B A. Fye will not return until next week and there will be no services St any kind in the. Presbyterial church "S2r.8 Mlra and Mrt. f Zimmerman resDendlng a tew da-s at their tld hotne I? wahow. Tbey win return to Walthlll Friday., ; The regular u.onthly meeting ot the "B.ey Beea" was held In Hubbard's hall Wednesday. Mrs. F. C. Kennedy. Mrs. Fd 1 Bailor; Mrs. Ed Lewis and Mrs. In ra were hostesses and served lunch to mors than 100 members and guests. , The members and friends of th? M'Oj! odist. Eptsoopal church gave a p.cnlo at ?h home of Mrs. Curtis Thursday In Lnnr of Mrs Curtis, who will leav .wL. in Minneapolis about September 1- and Mrs. Roy Byars, ,who will soon move to Omaha, An attempt was made to rob eral mert-handise store of the Egbert Johnm company Wednesday evening. One man pained entrance, but was trlglit eued fway by a passerby before he had I These are the Famous llart, Schaffner i Marx Clothes t And to say that Saturday wUl be a strenuous selling day is putting it mildly Men of Omaha know that Hayden's never carry over clothes from one season to another they also know, that August is the "big discount" months So today we tell you that if it's clothes bargains you want, be at Haydens Clothing Department early Saturday Choice of all Our Fancy ichaffner I larx Suits lold up to $35 Saturday at Many of these Suits are heavy enough for early fall wear. siart, That i August Clearance of Men's and Youth's Trousers Values, from S 1.50 to $6.00 Now $1.00, S1.35, $1.85, $2.45 ' , and $3.45. Hundreds cf our "Special Hade Suits" that Sold up to $2.00 P3ow 10 4 1 1 1 i