Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 10, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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7-161 'oi jgnofiv 'Avaafiivs Vhvko aag am
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Big Kid Glove Purchase Enables Us tc Have a Very
"And a Little Child Shall Lead Them"
v' ...... - . ; .i
i f
s r,
5 l'
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S&TURDAY..:AUeildT: 10
Several months ago, died one of the largest and oldest kii glove .importers in this country. His
leading makes were those, which we have handled for years. Upon his demise the accounts were placed
in other hands and the stock was offered to old customers at very Special Prices. We have ordered
from the new agents large quantities for Autumn trade. The goods are now on the ocean.
To uake lioom ue Offer on Saturday About Cy
2,000 Pairs at the One Price, the Pair . . u
i Later you must pay $1.75 and $2.00 the pair for the same makes. We fully appreciate that this
is hardly KID time, but time is speeding and yoirwill want kid gloves soon. Every pair covered by our
Indeed so rare is it to have a cbtiiplalnt regarding wear or fit of these splendid makes that we have
no hesitation in offering any purchaser .. f ,
A New Pair for Any of These Which Fail to Give Satisfaction
We cannot fit on day of sale, but want to fit after wards. No limit as to QUANTITY.
A few days ago a little child said, "Mother, when does Santa Glaus ' coiner 'this started us
thinking and we found that in nineteen weeks the children's friend wojuld be here again. , We remem
bered a doll purchase, and decided hot to hold rtne dolls till Christmas, -but to -make the little tots
happy now. SATURDAY, therefore, starting y ... , .
t '
At 8 A. I, There Will Be a Sale of Paper Dolls
Made b BAPHAEL TUCK & CO., the greatest artists in their line in the world. : '
Crawford Children, "Jack and Jennie," "Dolly Delight," "Lady Betty," "Lady Edith" "Gentle
Gladys, " " Maidens Fair, " " Fanny Farleigh, ' " Little Darlings' ' ' Dainty Dorothy, " " Playful Polly, ' ' .
"Fair Frances," "Handsome Helen," " Merry ? Mabel," "Serene Sybil," Marion Manners," '.'Dorpthy :
Dimples" and many others. "Home, Sweet Home" Trunks, suit cases and bags for dollies' travel?, a
Four hats, four dresses in box; the most attractive lot of . paper dolls which we have ever bought. ,r
"Absolutely Irresistible9' if Your Child Sees Iliem
All to be. sold Saturday at 10c, 15c and 19c the box; worth very much more and will be much higher '
tnree monins irom now, mereiore, - -j - .
A lot of really, truly doll$ will be sold as well jointed, kid bodies; with .very .attractive', heads
"Hans," "Fritz'! and "Gretchen." HALF PRICE OR LESS SATURDAY.
' - - ...
li'ieHF uvyu M-j-5F
STATIONERY 00 sheets and 50 ' envelopes,
were 39c; buy them to lay away at, box J. . . .19c
Part of a lot contracted for some time ago; in-.
tended to be sold at 75c; we had them on sale at
50c; excellent4 quality-paper, 100 sheets and 75
envelopes; just to add to the excitement Satur
day, the box ... . .;. . . ........ , i ... .37c
These items go on sale the same time as paper
dolls;' 8 a. m.. The glove sale starts at 10 a. m.
A little lot-of union suits only about 15 dozen;
ecru color; long or short sleeves, Sat., ' ea. 39c
They're worth twice that.
Soft shirts for men with or without collars at
; tached; $1.50 qualities, $1.29; $2.00 grades, $1.50;
- worth up to $3.00, at .$1.95
4 - -.-Vf- . '
Still. selling lots of the 25c four-in-hand ties, at
each . f. ; ; ioc;
Hat pins, which were 25c, 1,... .......5c
Bar pins and brooches, which sold up to 50c, 10c
Umbrellas for men and women'; some were sold
at $1.75,. now. ', .'. .... ;98c
Ricksecker's skin'soap, 25c cake; box of'3 fdr65c ?
Ricksecker's Attar Tropical talcum powder,' 25c:'
and ............ ... . ..... . ........... .50c :
Lot of tooth brushes worth to 25c; one price, 10c
Rubber Cushion Hair Brushes, each .. . . . . .39c
Special Undermuslin Sale Second Floor.
Three silk hosiery specials for women on sale
Saturday at, pair. :, 25c, 50c and 75c ,
I r , . , ,,t ;, .. . TT ; : : ; : J
Sunday ' '
Menuand ;
Some Tested Recipes
. Nutmeg Melons. :
Corned Beef, w4.,GrenPetfper Hash.
-..v..,".'T,rie,d MuBh.'t'V:;-- Oj
Waf flei.t ' Honey." ' Coffee
Roast Guinea Fowl.
jLate Green Peas. Egg Plant Fritters
Peach' Cobbler, Whipped Cream
' Blact:"Coffeei,
-.: sxtpper;7;,;. 'a
Tongue Sandwiches. "
Apple 'Sauce.''" ' Iced Tea.
Sliced .Peaches with Cream,
' ' r 'Coooanut ! Cake... ,,.
J" Ortait trt Cke. : . i
1 Rub to a cream one cupful of .butter
with two 'cuptulg of iugar; sift thr
jcupfuU xf' flour with a, heaplnf tea
spoonful' of; baking powder; four egga,
jwbttes and' yolks beaten separately, and
one cupful of ' milk. Use any desired
'flavoring and bake In layer Una Any
jref erred filling may be used with this
'cake, but orange Is suggested.
Orange Mtlk Sherbet.
Two ' oranges, Jwo lemons, one and
three-quarters cupfuls sugar, two pints
.milk. Dissolve sugar' in mtlk, chill In
'freeier, add the friljt -Juice and pulp
.and freeie.
. .. ... - A' - r.f i
C'tam nnd hicUen Broth Frap.
Wash two quarts of clams in several
waters, scrubbing shells with brush. Put
in kettle, cover with half a cup of cold
water, cover and steam until shells' are
well opened. Remore clams from shells,
strain liquor through cheese cloth. To
two and two-thirds cups clam broth add
two and . one-half cups : chicken broth
made from the chicken earcssses, season
highly, cool and fre'&ze to a fflush;-JSryfe
in frappe glasses and garnish with raited
whipped, creara... .. , ,-.-. .-.
. - Spice . t'ake..f:..,..-..'i,':-:. ', '.
Cream together1 one-half cup each of
,' butter and " sugar , and ; molnssea. : then
'etlr In four yolk or two' whole egga and
beat well. Add alternately one , cup' of
sour milk and two cups of flour which
has beeft Sifted, with a level teaspoon
t ul each of soda, clnoamon,' ginger a'hd
. half -as much of salt and cloves. Place
, tn muffin tins,' sprinkle thickly with
chopped nuts aod bake.
.... F-a with Knffed Kuan.
Put a pint of shelled peas Into' jjlenty
.'fast boiling waUr,; with a sprlg ofmlnt.
j little alt . arid lump; of sugar. v Boil
' quickly till tender1, drain, add tablespoon
ful of butter, season with salt and pepper
I iid keep hot. Shell three bard boiled
eggs, cut them in halves across, not
lengthways! put yolks In a basin, add
tablespoonful of butter, one tablespoonful
grated cheese, one teaspoonful chopped
parsley, salt and pepper to season highly.
Mix and fill white of egg with this mix
ture. Brush each piece over with beaten
egg, roll in bread crumbs, fry In smoking
hot fat. Heap peas tn a hot dish and
arrange eggs around.
,.1 , ii. - ' f- .
, I- Jr. J-kew:. . ;
-Scald one pint of mtlk in a double
boiler.'Sift In two-thirds of a cupful of
cornmeal' which has been mixed with on i
teaspoonful and a half of salt Btlr until
Just thick enough to be .creamy, not at
an mica or sun,, men itu on quicaiy.
Drop in the beaten yolks of four eggs,
beating , hard. Add the stiffly beaten
whites, turn Instantly Into a shallow, wall
greased pan and bake about half an
hour in a hot oven. v'
Huckleberry Pie.
Pick the berries and wash in a colander.
Drain, Line a pie plate with good pasta
and put a rim of the crust about the
edge. Allow a quarter cup of sugar for
each pint blueberries and a halt cup for
the huckleberries, which are not as sweet.
Mix the sugar with a tablespoonful of
flour and 'sift halt over -the lower crust
Dot with bits Of butter. Add the rest
of the sugar and flour to .the berries and
heap up in the center. Wet the edge of
the crust, cover with an upper crust,
pressing closely together, and bake about
thirty minutes in a medium oven.
. : ., . .. ..."
"''-' Pineapple Cocktail.
First thorOUBhlV Vtlh tha nln.annl.
Cut In slices; Preserve the nutsM and
n? sjloes thatjjre not. good for the table.
Put iiia porcelain kettle, 'add cold water
and boil twenty minutes. Strain and cool
Add to thU. the Juice of 'a lemon and
some of Jthe Juice from the fresh pine
apple. Pour this over some fresh pine
apple In the glasses. Do not make too
sweet, and serve with a fine strawberry
floating on the top.
Cfclrkea Southern.
Cut in ulx.01 eight pieces. , duet them
lightly with. palatable scaaonina- r
salt and pepper, then dredee thom with
flour, shaking off all that is superflu
ous... The frying pan should be half full
of fresh sweet lard which is smoking
hot when the chicken Is put In. Cover
and cook slowly for one-half hour, turn
ing It frequently. . '
, When It Is done remove the chicken to
a heated ptatter, pour the fat from the
pan, put in a generous lump of butter
and let it brown, then stir In a pint of
thin cream, season palatably with pepper
and salt and cook until creamy. Serve
the sauce in the gravy boat. x
t . (. v "... 1 I
Jellied Chicken.
Boil a tender fowl In as little water as
possible until very tender. Then transfer
the fowl to a dish and continue the boiling
of the broth rapidly to reduce It to about
,one-half.- A cupful of the broth must be
cooled and a, large tablespoonful of gelatin
steeped in It for ten minutes. When the
fowl is cool enough to handle, remove all
the skin. Then strip off alt the meat,
using a knife to scrape it off the bones.
If the broth has reduced to the quantity
directed, add the gelatin to it and stir
until quite dissolved. Arrange the chicken
In a suitable mold or bowl, strain the
broth, skim off all the fat carefully and
pour it over the chicken in the mold.
When it la cold put in the refrigerator to
chill. The next day It may be turned out
of the mold on a very cold platter, gar
nished with heart lettuce and lemon and
sent to the table.
lied Rnepberry Shortcake.
Rub Into one quart ot flour five ounces
of laid, a pinch of salt and three tea
spoonfuls of baking powder; add gradu
ally enough milk, to make a soft dough
and divide It into four parts. Roll one
part out lightly and. cover a straight
sided pie plate with It Roll out another
and lay it on top of the first; proceed the
same way with the other two parts, using
another tin for them. Bake quickly, and
when done, while hot. lift the upper part
from the. pan. Butter the inner surface
and place between them a layer of fresh
red raspberrles, sweetened one Inch thick.
Serve with cream. ' ' ' : )
Cooked Cream Dressing.'
One cupful of vinegar. Bring to a boll
and add a good sized Jump ot butter.
Wit one tablespoonful of mustard with
three ot cream. Beat two eggs with two
thirds of a cupful of sugar. Boll all to
gether until thickened smoothly..
Your MeQt BUI Can Be Reduced One
Half By Ordering Your Meats of Us
MILK FED BROILERS, per lb...20c
Prime Rib Roast, rolled, lb.ljo, lSHo
Pteer sirloin 8 teak, per lb.......l5o
Kail Lamb-Legs, per lb ...SHo
Lamb HhooMer Roast, par. lb.... 7m
-Calumet Belly Bacon, per lb. .,..180
Wen's Meat Dept.
Buy Your Meats at ilayden's and Avoid
; tlii High Prices of heats
Boneless Bib .Boast, lb. . . ... . . ..'.12V2C
Sarlpin-Steaklb'. .......................:...12c'
Porterhouse Steak, lb, 15c
, Boiluig Beef, ,1b, ........................ .7c
Hindquarters Mutton, lb. .... ................ 6 VzC
Mutton Boast, lb. 5c
rMutton'Chbps,;3 lbs. for .25c
Mutton Stew, 12 lbs. for 25c
Pork Roast, lb.". .lOVC
No.' 1 "Hams, Ibl' 15c
Picnic Hamslb. lie
Corn Beef, lb. ................. .......;i......6c
,10 lbs. Ground Bone for .25?
At All Leading Soda Foun
tains and Confectioners. -
"' f Made by '.
22 lbs. Best Sugar, SI
I lb. Best Coffee.. ; ... . .40c
Ms lb. Tea, any kind ; . . 35c
1 bottle Pure Extract. .25c
Quality combination $2.00
; Sugar sold only with $1 order
other goods. . . ,
Phones, Doug. 8446; B-2446.
400 North 16th Street.
Take a good look at It then the
name, and He next time you want
bread, don't say "a loaf of bread"
ay, -
rums wzolesoxb delicious
And get the rtoh, golden brown loaf
with the blue label on It It better
try It and see. At all grocers,
fresh every day. Made by .
'-,.' sinrsasxara , baxsbt : ;r
Lot Us Beat the Burden
of Baking
There's no need, now, for any woman to do her own
batm. For here at last is. a bread which the utmost skill of
the housewife cannot improve on.
Made ot the trery purest ingredients, scientifically mixed by an '
elusive process, and baked to just the riehtturn in modern ovens.
New England Bakery
stands as the crowning achievement of the baker's art.
Thousands of women know this. You will know it
If you'll try lust one loaf.
For your own sake, make the trial today. '
. good grocers sell Butter-Nut $ and 10 cents the
lost The Butter-Nut label is on tfc-
.: . . 0 jj.
at '
Try Bath
: Way
. We sell for cash only and make
no deliveries and give you the
benefit of the saying. . We make a
special effort to secure the very
choicest of native corn fed beef,
mutton, pork and choice lamb and
veal. One of our specialties is our
own home dressed chickens.
Lamb Chops
Pork' steak
Fresh Sliced Ham
Rib Roast .......
Pot Roast
Bacon Backs
Choice Lean Bacon
lOe aad s
........ 14Vie
Home Rendered Iard. 15c, or two
pounas lor . . .. 96e
Hone Made Pork Sausage.. lSVie
Home made Hanvberger ISVbo
Jos, Bath's Cash Market
TeL Doug. 8984. 1981 Faixo.n St.
XXXmmW Hw te Beats
i h.V- J'f1, uaranteed. sack, .fl.19
10 bars bwlft's Pride soap for......85o
B bars Ivory soap for.,.;.... ill
35c oow Dust for .?..:::::::::::::aoo
der for0r1 F Calumet bakn" Pw
25c Baker's Cocoa 'for ! '. ! i ! gOo
Pure cider vinegar, large botUe ....10o
Queen olives, quart Jar. ase
Good brooms, worth SSc. only. 390
ceived fron.1 Oakland. Neb., lb S9e
Campbell's tomato soup, S cans for. .95o
7 boxes Blrdseye matches for ..860
ROSOMA FLOUR, the best flour made,
ack ,....$1.60
Grape Nuts or shredded wheat 10o
Old Dutch Cleanser, i cans for. .I8e
L Rosenblum, 808 N. 16th St.
Douglas 382; B-aseo.