1 ! f ,' 4 ?' 'I I $ i I 1 ii t: ! I ! i- : 11 1 J t 1 ft - I tt I I ii WANT ADS Want ads received at any tuna, bat . to Insure proper classification moat . be presented before 1Z o ciooc m. ror , the evening edition and before 7:80 p. m. for morning and Sunday ear tion. Want ad receired after such hoar will bare their first Insertion under the heading "Too Late to ? Classify." " ' CASH RATES FOR WANT ADS. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION One Insertion 14 cenU per word and 1 cent per word for each subsequent consecutive Insertion. Each Inser r tion made on odd days ltt cent per word; 91.30 per una per nwniu when ad is ran without change uf copy. - HEATHS AND FtlNEWAL NOTICES rrTciTiT TnM V j crfA S years. Funeral Friday morning, August 9, 1912, at 8:30 a. m., from residence, 812 North Thirty-fifth street, to fct t,ecuis.i church at a a. in. Interment Holy Sepul cher cemeterj'. ' MARRIAGE LICENSES. Marriage licenses were granted to the following couples up to noon tooay: Kama and Residence John Render, Council Bluffs Keva McKendrlck, Council Bluffs .... 30 .... 22 Clyde H. Matheson. Weston. I.. 30 Sarah Ely, Council tsiuns... Ph..).. PnrtAI MllHpTI. Nab. fiylvla Nelson, Honey Creek, la 20 Larnr F. Herbert. Dea Moines 29 Lola B. Bates, Pes Moines ' Gladstone Derby. Omaha...... mm....... 24 Alice Chandler. Omaha..... 20 ' Lewis C. Williamson, 'Omaha Clara E. Parker, Omaha...,......;....... 22 Clarence W. Tompkins,' Omaha...'....... 36 Vlcena Naber,; Lincoln.. e MavMn'TO 't Pluah nmsbai. .. ........ 2 Zoo M. Fries, Omaha...i..... ....... . 32 Rudolph o. wamn, eianton, ia...,. May. Roll.. Stanton, la...; 24 18 ' TTarl'H -TawlV. WlMdMn. 7a ...... w . Clara M. Adams. .Woodbine, la 1 Ta. Tb nil tmnla 0titth & ft Elisabeth vykssnalti. South Omaha.... zz Carl Wledeman, Greenwood, Neb... 25 Geneva E. Roberts, Geneva. Neb 22 BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Thomas and Stella De Vault, ,222S California, boy; I and Edith Mc- Pavtd, hospital, girl:, Willis and Flor ) ence fielleck, 642 South Twenty-fifth avenue, boy; Bert and Laura Turpln, ! S012 Leavenworth, girl; Frank and Han Vnah Vard, West Leavenworth, boy. ; ' Deaths Albert Coroo, K days, 133S ; ISouth Twenty-fourth street; JR. R. ; Brown, 24 years, hospital; Peter Whitney, , SO years, 1078 South Thirty-second street; Anna Carlentins, 1 year, 19 Woolworth avenue, BUILDING TBRMITS. ,' - Frank Blank, Thirtieth and Vinton, i frame dwelling, 11,600; Payne & Stater, 4403 South Nineteenth street, frame ! dwelling, $2,200; Thomas Sullivan, 4U7 ' North Twentieth, frame dwelling, $2,309. HELP WANTED FEMALE Factory .Trades. 'I APPRENTICE! girl to learn halrdresitng. Oppenhelm parlors, 2d Fl., City National. ; Girls to learn millinery trade. 627 Paxton. Housekeepers and Domestics. '" THE SERVANT GIRL, PROBLEM EOLVEDThe Bee will run a Servant Curl Wanted Ad FKEfcl until you get the oeaired results. This applies to residents , ef Omaha, South Oinsua and Council bluffs Bring your ad to The Bee ofltce r tetepnone Tyler, 1UU0. - , YOUNG lady desires position as cham bermaid. 1723 Dodge. Tel. D. 2579.- . WANTED A cook and laundress. Small , family; good wages. 403 South 8th Avo. ' WANTED A good girl for general housework. 1822 lotbrop St. GOOD girl for general housework; three tn family; wages $5. Tel. II. 19S4. GIRL, for general housework; must be neat and good cook; no washing or Iron ing; $25 per month, lis N. Sitth. ( ' WANTED A cook; no washing. Mrs. Joseph Barker, IMS 8. s St. Douglas 8260. board, can either take china painting or piano lesions nesr Omsha. W.-3604. NEAT girl for general houework; no washing. Apply 430 S. 42d St. Harney 6210. WANTED Toung girl for general houie work. 114 N. 30. H. 3u56. Mrs. J. H. Cane. housework; no laundry. H. 4S3. 534 S. 40. work. 116 8. 34th St II. 21. WANTED-GIrl for general housework. appiy aw w. autn. Harney aas. work; good wages to right party. Tel. Webster 6778. WANTED Girl for housework, per menant place. 1185, Georgia Ave. GIRL wanted for general housework; apply at 116 Bo. 424 St. COMPETENT girl for general house work; no washing; 3611 Jackson St. A GIRL for general housework and who can cook; no, laundry and no general sweeping. 63 Harney. Mrs. E. D. Simp son. GOOD girt for general housework; a Swedish or Danish preferred. Webster 672. 2119 Iothrop. . WANTED Experienced girl for general housework where second girl Is kept. 3910 Dewey Ave. TOUNG girl to help with housework In exchange for piano lessons and tl per week; good home near Omaha. W. 3o4. "POSITION as chambermaldln good re? spectable place, where I can come nights. X). 257. Miscellaneous. TOUNG women eommg to Omnha as Strangers srs Invited to visit the Toting .Women's Christian association building at St. Mary's Ave., and 17th. St.. whsre : they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for ur travelers' gulUe at the Union nation. HELP WANTED MALE : Aeais, Sulcata n and Itottrito. WANTED Ladles and men to demon (t ate; excellent pay; experience not nee e tary im Farnam. Room 14. 28 W ANTE D 20; ; ' Men of good moral character, over th age of 1, to solicit In Omaha and fouih Omaha. A good proposition for the rlj:h parties; must furnish references. Call at Room 610, Paxton B!dg. Office hours irora to 12 a. m., end 6 to t p. m. J. A. Schioeder. National Director. - AGENTS wanted to make a household canvass for a gasoline- stove reservoir which is an absolute protection to llfo and property against explosions and fires. A ready seller and big profit to the agent. U W. Otis & Son, LI7 Pearl. Bt., Council ttlufts. la. - . . ' . BOTTLE beer traveling salesman by large brewing concern absolute hi! fc-raue products only, to travel In west ern Iowa and eastern Nebraska. Ad dress T 121. Omsha Bee. WAiit-Mim uiau urim a II tele casii to uu active interest in estao .l:snud vthiuie house. Ac-dica L M, Kse. HARDWARE SALESMEN Wholesale hardware huose in Des Moines, la., wants reliable and experienced salesmen for road work. Must be thoroughly posted and well informed on prices. None wanted .-kcept successful men. Address in own handwriting, giving time of service pre viously rendered and for whom. State age, whether married or single and salary expected. Iowa territory. Address P. O. Box 8, Des Moines, la. - I'LL send you PREPAID a big set of winning MAIL ORDER PLANS on AP PROVAL; if accepted $3 covers total cost, otherwise return; Include 7c mailing coat. EXPERT, box WIS, New Tork, HELP WANTED MALK Agents, Salesmen. and Solicitors. Salesmen, Solictors, Agents Does S3 to 310 a day and a sausre deal Interest you? If so call or write Jaeger tiros, urg. Co.. t7 Brandols theater. IP YOU DON'T CALL WE BOTH LOSE, AGENTS Send for free sample. New srtirle. Bound to sell. Write today for attractive summer proposition. Ola Novelty Co., L. B. 117, Lake Charles, La WANTED A reliable man to represent the states of Iowa and Nebraska for a manufacturing company; good money maker; see for yourself. Room 22, Schliti Hotel. J.-W. McClure. WANTED Sales managers; we have an attractive proposition to offtr competent men who can handle general veiling agency for new automatic wrapping papr printer, needed by all merchants. See U. C. VAKNUM, room 318 Hensnaw Hotel. Ladles or gents, for each town or county in the state; best seller on the market; needed In every home; large profits. Phone or write E. M. Eaton, iitii N. 26th St., Omaha, Neb. Phone Harney 4J63." AGENT wanted to sell automobile tire filler In Omaha and district; references will be required. Apply M. T. Bell, Traveling Representative. Pembertun Block, Victoria, B. C. WANTED Experienced salesmen in the harness and saddlery line to travel In Northern Nebraska and part of So'Hh Dakota. Address T 122, Bee. Boarding Cooks. WANTED Reliable party (must be a good cook) to take Interest In and man age established rooming and boarding house location Ideal, No capital, rare op portunity for right party. Address tWi Bee. Clerical nnd office. WE CAN U8E several first-class book keepers, stenographers, salesmen and clerks. Call' or write If you are look Ins for a position. WEST'N REKERENCE b BOND ASS'N, isnginaiors oi me Kererence iiuslness. 752 Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. FULL dress suits and party dresses tar sale: also for rent. 11.00 to 11.60 a nlcht. JOHN FELDMAN, 208 N. 17th. D. 3128. i'aciury and Trnaea. Drug store (snap) Jobs. Knlest. Bee Bldg. WANTED Experienced cook. 18 South 25th Ave. Douglas 217. Mm. Geo. Prlns. WANTED A paper hanaer. call liar. ney 4853. Mlseeliaaeone. GOVERNMENT lobs open. Writ, for list. Franklin Institute. DeDL 214 it- Rochester, N. T. v 1 wivn - ,iniiM .i j m ..v.ii. yiasi mm can reaa and play dances; $30 a week guaranteed. Address T' 130. Bee. NEED unincumbered vounv man n.niw graphor; furnish own machine If possible; travel with me through Iowa: private secretary and general correspondence; rapid promotion; $16 a week start; real estate. 8. R. Field, Red Oak. Ia. TOU CAN BARN MORIS MONET In the automobile business; chauffeurs, repairmen, demonstrators, are In big de mand ana command 'arge salaries; pre pare yourself In our large training shops, where you learn how to operate, repair and sell all makes of care. National Auto Training Assn. 2814 N. 20th 8t. Omaha. Neb. TELEGRAPH noslttons auaranteed von by the Union Paclflo and Illinois Cen tral railroads It you gain your training la eur school. Practice on R. R. wires. Ad dress for particulars, 11. B. Boyles, Pres. Boyles College, Oiowhs, Neb. 600 men. 20 to 40 years old. wanted at once for electric railway motormen and conductors; $WI to tiOO a month; no ex perience necessary; tine opportunity; no strike; write Immediately for application blank. Address Y 114, Bee. 26o night rooms. Carey Hotel. 42a B. 18th, WANTED Bright,- energetic men and women to take orders and collect from professional men In Nebraska and adjoin ing states. New, high-class, novel propo sition, very successful In east. All or part time. J) a week and expenses easily made. Young attorneys and school teach ers eligible. Experience not absolutely essential. $5,-$7 and $8.60 on each order. tow property bond required, oive full particulars first letter. , Box 34, Grand siana, men, HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE. MEN . and women wanted for aovarn. ment nosltlons. ISO month. Wrltn for list of positions open. Franklin Institute. Dept 217 R. Rochester. N. I. 1 WANTED SITUATIONS. Pt'Vni H"" eZl.KIn ' an a arufiss yii sxs vwma m uusvaj, TVVUi -103. Bundle or day work. W. 3427. (Colored.) Bundle tt family wash. Guaranteed. W3677. Washing end lace curtain done. II. SC3i. WANTED YounK couole wants work: piefer farm or ranch; have child 4 years cm. Aouregs x m, un. FAMILY and Bundle washing W.6422. SITUATION wanted by. neat colored. cooking only. In private family; good wages, w. bioa. POSITION, to sell tickets in moving picture show. Address A f99. Bee. YOUNG man with one year's experi ence as bookkeeper and stenographer wishes position; will bvgtn with $12 per week. Address D iuO, Bee. porter, belt boy or elevator boy. 28H Miami. , ANNOUNCEMENTS MONEYlm rtO LOAN LOW eiums to 'PKah. TVrt i l ir . 'KM Li UNION LOAN CO. Wslhalla for vacation. Ask Beal. V. 4171, DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 6R GET your diamonds at Brodecanrd'a. D. S. UrUflth. wig mfr., 12 FreT er Blk. Plumes Renovated S""" felc.onsDii, wijK-ninr, ront. Both 'phones. OMAHA TENT CO.. Tel Douglas 8S2. 'iwenty ier cent les than Omaha prices, HflMFl ICITRMITITRM H Twenty, fourth and L Sts., South'omaha. S. H. Cole iSIgn Co. D. 8V3. 1311 Farnam. ALL will be forgiven. Mary. It you will meet' me at the Sign of the Crown and the Golden Stair on Mh and Dourlas streets. That Is where BROUEUAAKU sens tiioe lucKy wedding rings. Y. W. C. A. swimming'pool " EIGHT IJCSSONS FOR $2. . TUKSUAYS AND FRIDAYS. Morning, Afternoon and Evening. ' JOIN NOW And Enjoy a Cool Plunge Duiing These Hot Days. tuara:nee lunury. Una woik. 1. 3371 TRY oi:r liic l-h-iiiii l,ra.i .i.,.. r . k - - ' ... . , . n J B . CBH. i.civinuua at. uaitery. s,ui Lea v. v eddlns; antiuuncemnt. Doug. Ptg. jCo. Uptioiatering. piano, turn, rep, 2au4 Far. K.I. f (ftMTI'N.'rti .l.iiAV. ...ii Box 5I. rot!al(l -V?ii IFV half n . T not satittax'tury ff.one.v refunded. BEA-TON-DKUG CO.. t:M irarnam. Omaha. OMAHA POSTIKR SKBVirS" Advertising "What Is Sunshine?" NORTHRUP LETTER DUPLICATING Co., WW psxton But.; circular letters, any quantity; oldest established company; ex- yriim ui .t-.Ligrapn ana jneos'vie. Wstrhps. Clnrka AnM..Alu i Brush. 1617 Cum. Flour is Down The best In the market Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Forty eight pound tack, $1.26. . WAGNER 801 North Sixteenth St. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. ARKIN3. W B. 14TH. UPSTAIRS. ANNOUNCEMENTS SWIMMING Learn now at the Metropolitan. No bet ter pool In United States. Filtered run ning water. Classes and swimming par ties for men, women and children. Tele pone Douglas 417. M. E. Morrill, china paint 833 Brandels in KIDATCK Eastern goods, complete AXViwYO stock. Largest finishing department In the west. THE ROBERT DEMPSTER CO.. 1S13 Farnam St. and 308 8. l.'.th St. Cellar digging and grading. Call W. MW. ANCHOR FENCE CO. Iron and wire fences cheaper than wood; last a lifetime. 207 N. 17th. Phone Red 814. GRANDMA S Wild r-han-v Phn.ih.lK cheaper than lemonade; all grocers. DELIGHTFULLY cool, downstairs soda water rooms. "SODOA8IS," 10th and Dodge; "Oivi's Nest." 10th and Harney. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., props. General contracting, painting and pa- perhanging. Baker 2107 Clark. Web. 6638. Alfred C.Kennedy ance. 209 First Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 721. ATTRACTIONS ff ATTA PTLM F.Y lth and vs'isaaaaa a -m max Aaat Tlul Motion picture machine and film bargains AUTOMOBILES DRUMMOND 2 White Steam cars, late models, fine condition. trfOU and 8660. Murphy Did It? Industrial Garage - VA.nvTUa On 20th between Harney and Howard Sts OMAHA TLRE REPAIR CO.. Omaha's Exclusive Tire Repair House vi t.rjjiin. riione Tyler lSi. Your TIRE EXPENSES cut In two. Expert tire repairing; work guaranteed. AUTO TIRE REPAIR CO., 1922 Farnam. TlKKREI'AlRINGyotbraw tires. We make them almost as good as new. Nothing but highest priced and new materials used. All work guaranteed. Arthur Stors Auto Supply Co., 3020 Far nam. . "FOR" 8ALE-"Welch" a4-horsepower "passenger touring car with the follow ing equipment: Mohair top. windshield, Jones' speedometer, demountable rims, Klaxon horn and Fresto-O-LIte tank. The car la In first-class condition aud a bar gain. First cash ofler of $1,200 takes It Address, Van Brunt Auto Co., Council Bluffs, la. ' r TWO-CYLINDER Bulck, four-passenger; good running condition, $123. L. R. Taylor, Tarklo, Mo. SNTV HAVfJ AITTvunmi tto v. and sold. Morrison & Martls, auto repair shop, 4004 N. 24th St. Phone Webster 3011 FOR 8ALE-19U Velle 40 five-passenger fully equipped, excellent condition. One of the most powerful, smoothest running fourrcyllnder csrs In Omahs. Don't de lay Investigating. A bargain. Address Y 118, Bee. . Motorcycles. Tata TTarlAv.navtriasin n.t .laAa cycles. Victor 11. Roos, 2703 Leavenworth. BUSINESS CHANCES Ed Rothery, Business and Real Estate Exchange Co.. Room 319 McCague Bldg. TO get in or out of business call on OANGKSTAD, 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. $477. RESTAURANT and confeotlonery for sale cheap. 2410 Cuming St. B-2121. $16,000 WILL buy a well established meat business, thd only market In an oil town of about 3,500 located In Califor nia. Up-to-date market, well equipped slaughter house, auto, horses and wagons, also 2 small houses. This Is a money maker. Address T 112, Omaha Bee. BUSINESS PERSONALS Bag Manufacturers, BEM1S OMAHA BAG CO., Omaha, Neb. Chiropodists. DR. ROT, 1505 Farnam. Douglas (497. Clothing Manufacturers. Wear Ideal dreis shirts. M. E. Smith Co. Creameries, Dairies nnd Hupullee. Fairmont's Diadem butter. Always good. DAVID COLE CREAMER I' COMPANY Cornice nnd Steel Ceilings. CARTER Sheet Metal Works. Omaha. Deteetlvra. f iUFa III Jm !... in. nil- t..i u..... . . .lu.&.i ui. limine ui., r.,i dence secured in all cases. Tyler 1136. L. W. LONGNECKER. 617 Karbach Blk. Omalia Secret Serv. 4:8 Paxton Blk. Ii. 131. Dentists. Bailey the dentist. City Nat l. D. 2566. Mach & Mad;. 3d floor Paxton. D. 108&. Taft's dental rooms. 1417 Doug. D. 2W. Dressmaking. DRESSMAKING. Tel. Harney S9. Terry's Dressmaking college. 20th 4k Far. 1-plece dress special; reasonable. H 6329. Kverythlag for tVonim. LADIES ; , Invited to coll on the Western Millinery school. Inspect our work and get our prices. 27 Paxton block. ' WILLOW plumes made from' old and new feathers. 2326 South 12th St. Doug. lCrerythlng Eleetrlcal. Electric lighting fix.,' wholesale and retail. Burgese-Qranden o. lill Howard. D. fell. Feed Mills and Stores. Feed, all kinds. Glencoe Mill. ISM liard. Florists. A. Donaghue, 1607 Far. D. 1001; A-1001 HESS 4t SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam St L. HENDERSON. 1U19 Farnam. D. 125S. - . Foundries. McDonald brass and hronse foundrv, aluminum, tin, lead castings. 1407 Jackson. ' Furnaces and Repairs. REPAIRS for- every make of Stove. Range, Furnace. Steam and Hot.Watei Heaters. New Furnaces and Tank Heat ers. Omaha Stove Repair Works, 1200-8 Douglas St., Omaha, Neb. 'Phone Tyler Hospitals, PRESBYTERIAN Hospital. 1240 So. 10th St. Moving, Storage una limning. Gordon Firenroof Wihnn anA Van Co. Furniture packing, piano moving. Uftice 216 S. 17th St. Doug. 394. McLaud A Son Van ft S., 2-hors van, 2 men. 1.I5 hr.; 2 hrs, $1 hr. D 4S3S. W Hi. PIANO moving. Cole's storage aud ex press. 161ii Csyuol Ave. D ;0. A-3937. Furn. Moving; 2 men, $1 per hr. W. 2748. Music, Art and Languages. PIANO LESSONS reasonable. Doug. 43SL Nurseries and Seeds. STEWART'S SERDMAN. 119 N. ISth. . Patents, . 11 A. STURGIS registered '. attorney. United States and ' foreign patents. . 61$ Brandels Theater Bldg. Phone D. I4C9, D. O. Barnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red UU, Opticians, . . ,. B. T. Wurn. fitting and rep'g. 443 Brandels. Photographers. -RlneharL photographer. 13th A Farnam. BUSINESS PERSONALS Printing. Lew W. Raber, Printer, hZ BEE BLDQ. ENTRANCE ON COURT. Rels-Hall Ptg. Co., im 8. Hth.Tnd. A-'Jaii. 'fente and Awuinas. OMAHA TENT CO.. Tel. Douglas 822. Traaks and Watt ics. -Freling & Steinle. lti Farnam St. Osteopatny. Alice Johnson, J08-9 Brsnde! The. Bldg. Kati.jryn Nlckolas, tW4-.i HranUcts The. Stenograpbers and Couri iu-portvrs. Myrtle A. Kelly. 748 Brsn. The. P. ES82. Steel Tank and Calvert Companies, NEBRASKA and Iowa Steel Tank Com rany, 14th and Nicholas Doug. 3369. Store and Office Fixtures. WE BUY and sell anything, everything In fixtures. Omaha. Fixture and Supply Co.. 12th & Howard. D. 2724. See us first. Wines nnd Liquors. WILLOW Springs be, quor, cigars, sandwiches. Alex Jetes. 601-3 8. 13th St. VIRGINIA DARE wine, 65c a large bot tle. Klein Liquor House. 622 N. 16th St. EDUCATIONAL THE VAN SANT SCHOOL TRAINS STENOGRAPHERS only, Founded IS91. Enjoys the patronage of the best-educated and most desirable pupils. For information you are referred to any one of 2,000 graduates or to any man who employes stenographers. Write for catalog. Wead Building, Omaha, Neb, BOYLES COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL THE YEAR Complete courses In Business, Book keeping, Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil Service or Salesmanship. The catalogue Is free for the asking. Call, write or phone for it at once. Address H. B. Boyles, President, Boyles College, Omaha. Nebraska. LIVE STOCK. FOR SALE Horses and Vehicles. Snaps in Buggies 2 delivery waeons and aoveral cholca buggy and carriage bargains. DRUMMOND 18th and Harney Sts. Buggies, surries and runabouts at less than wholesale price to close out JOHNSON -DANFORTH CO., 10th and Jones Sts. 1ST class livery, siierman. 24th &. Clark. WILL furnish a number of good milch cows to dairy men to produce milk for us. Aiamito Dairy. 1S12 Farnam. LOST AND FOUND would do well to call up the office of the nmati. B. f 'n 1 1 nt I u 1 . - ... a. .... , i . . w. .vu,w. Aj.u.ta Ditcci naiinajr company to ascertain whether they leu nt mo an vet uars. Many Srtk'laa lauolt Hair .r. Inrnl In and the company la anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug las 48. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. MEDICAL. SOY J EE HONG HERB CO. Chines;) herbs and herbal remedies for all troubles of the human system; cures rheumatism, kidney trouble, heart, drorjsv and female trouble. Tel. D. (i7S3. 202 N. 19th. Dr. Rahmru. Kiismailaf. h..th - mvi Wlthnell Blag., lith and Harney Sts. SPECIALIST for WOMEN. 42 Doug. blk. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures Piles, Fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and uo money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R. TAKRY. Bee Bldg., Omaha. Dr. Race, Bpeclallst, 2X'3 Harney. D. 3943. Ladles guaranteed remedies. 401 Ware blk. DE MARS' whirling spray syringe, the most sanitary and practical on the mar ket, $3; postage prepaid. Beaton Drug Co., 1603 Farnam St., Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN Salary aud Chattels. YOU have long desired to obtain ready money for the sake of your wife, your children, yourself. Here Is your chance to obtain it; . ' In An Easy Way on furniture, pianos, warehouse receipts In fact anything of value or on your plain note, If steadily employed. Terms to suit. Confidential. Reliable Credit Co. Third" floor- 308 Paxton Block, 217 So. 16th. Phone Douglas 1411 and A 1416. a on furniture, pianos and Art fit! PV real estate at a very low avuwj rate of interest. ; Nebraska Loan Co., Doug. 1366. 220 Bee Bldg. A-1356. MONEY loaned salaried people and oth ers on their own name; cheap rates, easy payments; confidential. D. II. Tolman, 603 New Omaha National Bank Bldg. HOME LOAN CO. Most reasonable tates In the city. Write l- 'phone D. 1235. 1623 Farnam St. R. 8, Patterson Blk. CHATTEL LOANS, $5 to $100. SAUA.rU' LOANS. You can get it today of STAR LOAN CO., 601 Paxton Block. DIAMOND LOANS at 2Vk and 6 per cent FLAT A U. 1614 Dodge St Tel. Red 5619. OFFERED FOR RENT Board and Rooms. O. M. K. hauls trunks. D. 611. A-2Slt. BEAUTIFUL suite; excellent board; west- Farnam; private; call Harney 45. . , , i . I, CAN - accommodate a few mure table boarders; meal tickets If desired. 709 Georgia Ave. Phone Harney 3239. LARGE southeast room in private fam ily; large closet; screened In sleeping porch; connecting! new house; strictly modern throughout; suitable for two gen tlemen; board if desired; no other board ers; north part of city.; 20 minutes" ride from down town. 'Phone Webster 1819. Furnished Rooms. R A fi Ci A (IF. messenger serv ice and UAUUAVHj light hauling; prompt rrv;ce:resKonble rates. Auto Del. & Mes. Co.. 1715 Douglas St. Tela. D. 89l6r A-SMT. 1059 Park avenue, furnished room foi gentlemen, modern bouse, on car line, f?.M per month. II. 3.V2. ' Furnished Housekeeping Ilooms, TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, facing Hanscom park; no children. 296$ Woolworth avenue. II. 2697. SUITE of nicely furnished hourekeeplng rooms, also two unfurnished for house keeping; on ground floor;, large hall; sink In kitchen. D. 4690." 1232 So. 13 Furnished or unfurnished rooms. Housekeeping. Hotels aud Apartments. OXFORD and Arcad. special wkly rate. DODGE HOTEL, all requirements of a first-class hotel, at reasonable priors. ROOMS, cheap. Harney 6610. Apartments nnd Flats., 4-ROOM, model1 n apartment Web. 6375. Large moving vans, $1.25 per hour. D. 891 three and 4-r. raid. apartments. 816 S. 23d. OFFERED FOR RENT Apartments nnd Flats. TWO new flats, nicely decorated, sinks, gas, toilet and water. 2418 Leavenworth, J. I. Kemp, 2512 Leavenworth. Doug. 983, Ind. A-1988. NEW LORRAINE, 3 and 6-room, all modern, with Janitor service. 17 4 Maple. Doug. 3402. MENGEDOHT. Web. 87l3. TWO 6-rooms each, corner 15th and Chicago Sts.; one 4-room steam-heated apartment, gas range i.i kitchen, $U; 6-room modern. 1320 N. 24. Chas. A. Hazen. 207 McCague. D. 1300 5-ROOAI apart. In the California. See Janitor. D. 6327. MODERN 4-room new apartment, ex cept heat, in one-story pressed brick, elec tric light, gas and gas heater; elegant bath room, lawn, car.. 2744 S. 9th. Keys at 2752 S. 10th. $20. Furnished Houses. FURNISHED or unfurnished house for rent or for sale. Webster 4877. 14U Plnck- ncy St. Houses and Cottages, MOVING, packing and storing of house hold goods and pianos Is our business. Omaha Van and Storage Co.. fireproof storage, fcOti S. 16th, by the viaduct Branch effice. 309 S. 17th St. Tel. U. 4163; A-1669.. BOARD and room, 1902 Cass St. WEST F AK N A M N e v brick, 6 bed rooms and i batns. 316 N. 28th Ave. MAGGARD VAN AND STORAGE CO.. pack, move, store and ship H. H. goods and pianos; no charge for return drivs to office. Doug. 143 or B-242S. HniiQAQ 1 all parts of the city. Warded: rhpnn fralirht intra. Rrrrinn Fireproof Warehouse and Van Co. Tel JJUUg. jji; oiiico, zit a. inn SL FOR RENT An all modern new 6-room cottage, floors and wood work oiled and varnished, $22.00 per month. Owner pays water rent. 1418 Ohio St. Apply 1818 Loth- rop st. CHEAP RENT. $8.50 per month. 3-room. brick flat, on first floor, in good condition, nice shade, 8034 So. 18th St. Go and see it. f. S. FRANK, Phone Doug. S600. 1026 City Nat'I. SIX-ROOM house, modern. Harney 647. SEE 5-rcom bungalow, 41st and Hamil ton;, bath, gas and pavement, $18.00. Phone Douglas 419. fi-rnnm hotiaa. randprn .vi.nt hout wt 8. 21. $22.50. Har. 2705. A real home, pretty lawn, electric light. all modern, 9-r., $45. 726 S. 37th. W. 2690. 8-ROOM modern house; $25.00 per month. 3527 Charles St. Also "-room cot tage, 3532 Hamilton St., $10 per month. Tel. D. 776 or D. 1017. IF you want your house rented list it with Creigh, Sons & Co.. 608 Bee Bldg. FIVE-ROOM cottage. 829 S. 24th St. 672 S. 2Sth St. 8 rooms, completely modern; $32.50. Hall. 433 Ramge. D..7406; A-4406. ONE 6-room cottage; modern except heat; 33d and Webster. Phone Harney 2362." 6-room, modern, close, 1304 N. 31st, $17. 6- room, modern, close, 1512 N. 31st, $16. 12-room, modern, close, 1151 N. 18th, $35. 7- room, modern, 1421 Vinton, $16. 9-room, mod., 2712 Caldwell, bargain, $22. 1621 N. S. Omaha, new store room, $10. RUSSELL & McKITRICK CO.. 432 Ramge Bldg., 15th and Harney. D. 857. 2618 Davenport, 3 rooms, close in $10. 649 So. 25th Ave., 4, rooms, close in, $ll. 661 So. 25th Ave., 4' rooms, close In, $11. 432 So. 24th.. 6 rooms, part modern. $16.50. - 3407 Jackson, 7 rooms, all modern, $25.00. 2S23 No. 16th.. 8 rooms, mod. ex. heat. $20. 31)4 No. 41st., 9 rooms, all modern tfur- nlshed), $50. 117 So. 2ath Ave.; 9-r. all modern. $50.00. 417 No. 18th.. 6-r. all modern. $35.00. TH7 BYRON REED COMPANY. Doug. 297 A -3X34. 212 So. 17th St. $16.00-6-r. 412 So, 27th Ave. . $25.00-6-r., 3714 No. 30th St., modern- garage. $27.60-6-r. flat, 1015 Howard St., mod ern except heat. . 1 $25.00-8-r. 2673 Fort St., new modern. $27.50--r. 4518 Florence Blvd. modern. 30.00-7-r. 211 So. 42nd St., modern. $37.50-7-r. flat, 619 So. 16th St., modern except heat. $37.60 5-r. modern apmt. 528 Park Ave. $45.00 7-r. 414 No. 39th St., modern. $47.50-7-r. flat, 620 So. 10th St., modern, heat furnished. 65.00-7-r. 524 So. Kth St., modern, heat furnished. GEORGE & COMPANY. 'Phone D-756. 902-12 City Nat l. Bank Bldg Five-room modern house In brick hlook 1 mile from postoffice, 1 blocks from street car, $25. This house has hardwood finish, floors polished for rugs, and is almost new. J. H. DUMONT & SON. Phone Douglas (0. 1603 Farnam Si. FOR RENT Dundee, strictly modern 7-room house, east front. Phone Benson OKS W. Stores and Offices. M'CAGUE BLDG. 15TH AND DODGE. Attractive offices; , moderate Drices. APPLY OMAHA LOAN AND BUILDING ABSUCIATION. 1606 Davenport. U. B. Balcombe. Moving Picture Show Building Nicely located on the corner of 13th and Vinton street?, fine, location, first-class condition, up-to-date In every way; size 24xioo; rent. . , B1HKETT & TEBBENS, 423 Bee Bldg. Doug. 4754. Warehouses. 'THREE-STORY warehouse with ele vator. 14th and iMcnoias Sts. Call Ben son 152. . OFFERED FOR SALE Furniture. Am leaving town; must sell out our en tire stock furniture, carpets. 2209 Cuming. . Musical Instruments. , FOR SALE A new $200 Victrola; hu .lever been used. If interested ask for price. M 257. Bee office, and . repair charges. Thatcher Piano I . . . .AAA TT .. ... r uctory, namey. . Typewriters. RENT from the manufacturers direct No. 3 Oliver typewriter, 3 months, $4.00. Phone Douglas 2919. The Oliver Type writer company. TYPEWRITERS for rent, 3 months $5. Central Typewriter Exchange. Miscellaneous. OLD SAFES. DERIGHT. 181S Farnam St FOR SALE Two pool and one bllllsrd tables, cues and balls, two bowling a leys. These are snaps. L. B. 182. Lohr vllle. I a. SAFES Overstocked with second-hand tates; all sizes and makes; bargains. American Supply Co.. Ill Farr.am St. FOR SALE 3 Latham Monitor wire pamphlet stitchers, No. 2, in first class condition; power pulleys attached. Apply to the Omaha Bee. FOR SALE New and . second-hanu carom . and pocket billiard tables . and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix tures of all kinds; easy payments. - 'i'ne Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co.. 407-4U S. 10th street POOL tables, store, restaurant fixtures, bought, sold.. Levy, 2610 N. So.. Omaha. DESKS, safes, scales, show cases, shelv ing, etc; see us first. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., 414-16-15 s. mn. uoug. ziae. . FOR SALE Fancy Pouter pigeons at reasonable prices. Call at 237 N. 23d St, South Omaha. . PERSONAL tB-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Bcxten Pharmacy, l!tn and Dodge. Af ASSAGE Expert treatment, I Mrs. 325. MASSEOTHERPYVmd Allen of Chicago, 109 S. 17th, let fl. D. 75. v a a iiimuwvMisjsja- stuu vtiu. ir, JUUia D. Fisher, 401 War block, S. 15th. vu TfTI A f . massaaa. m4 I luth 1. a . PERSONAL Children to board in country. D. 79834. Massage. Mrs. Rlttenhouse, 308 Boston Bid M A(WTCTTP! treatment. E. Brott. 710 J3tmIVUhj 8 i6tn 2d floor. D.5829. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast off clothing; In fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at 134 N. 11th bu, for cost of collection, to the rtvnay poor, rnone uougias 412a and ANNA H. MARKS Sc,entlc nam. Davldge Block. Apt. 3. Red 7529. DRTTfJT.ttsa ' uirii ivn 772 ... lnpiirohlca " OiiIaU ..... Particulars, see Mrs. Cooper, 1617 Dodge. vnriK'n . . women a Christian assoeiaUon building nimJ? and st- UW Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding Dlaces. fir Ath.rwie. ...i.. i l. .... na.ciera aiq at me union station. MASSAGE Wa,B ". apT 2. 1802 Farnam. D. 62K. ANNA H. MARKS ??eeentl"c, "J nam. Davldge Blk. Ai t- 3. Red 7i29, Body Massage. 222-3 Neville Rlk. U j.ki Uirruj a. . r r : v"'"tu ?""n massage. Mrs. Snyder. JSQ. 3, The Dunsany. 10th &. Pierce. D. 4380. POULTRY AND PET STOCK COLLIE. C.nxru nnnc.ii..,! stamp, k. Wood. Glenhaven. Wis. REAL ESTATE LOANS ,WANTJIXCU' loans aud warranta W. Farnam Smith A Cs., 1320 Farnam St 0M.1?AprPrtr aDd Nebraska lands. y aawi, HCjAU .01 ATE CO, 1018 New Omaha Nat'l Bank Building. 6 1TI LOANS. Bemis-cariberg Co. 310-312 Brandels Theater B.dg. $100 to $10,00 made promptly. F.U Wend. Wead Bldg.. isth and Farnam. LARGE loans our specialty, stuil Br ox. QARviN BBo&aa. iif MONMY 1 1 a ia..,. 1HOMAS. 603 First Vnt i anL- i.... I WANTED City loans, l ettis Trust Co. LOANti barm unri ...... ..""""r" . Dumont oc Son. 1602 Farnam si WANTED TO RENT WANT LD Board and room by man and wife with private family o.- f uinished house or rooms. Address J. L. Bills care of Grahams cigar store. WANTED TO BUI. WAN1ED To buy pool hall; give full particulars in first letter. P. O. box 212 Grand Junction, la. Household gds. clothes & shoes. Doii;i B19M Bachman buys, sella furn't're. 2lus Cuming BEb'i' prices tor scrap Iron, brass, rags, bottles. Call Flnkelatein. Doug. JbiO. BOTTLES Buy, sell and exchangs N. Steinbe.-g. H'ld goods, clothes, shoes. 2520 Cum. D.7IW2. WANTED Good second hand single harness; give price and condition of same. Address B 553, Bee. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE UKAN'i 211 Brandeis Theater. U. iM. I FOR SALE OR TRADE-A fine 320-acre farm in the San Luis valley; excellent soil; excellent water rights; fair Improve ments. A. V. Nelson, Monte Vista, Colo. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE An estab lished paying business in Council Blutfs. Will lienr InvHtlpatlnn fltv or land. Address D, Omaha Bee, Council D1UUI. For Sale or Exchange One of the finp. .larirp. rnmnirtrllniia homes In Hanscom Park district; 12 rooms and 2 storerooms above basement;- hard wood finish; oak floors; hot water heat and all modern conveniences; large garage; lot 50x140 rt.; paved street and paved alley. Price $8,600. -The price is less than 60 per cent of the original cost of the Improvements. The property has been occupied oy a weaitny family ror the last ten years and is in excellent condi tion. Owner will take In exchange one half of price In good real estate at its fair cash value. Give full description of property offered in first letter. J. H. Dumont & Son 'tel. uougias 6m lt;03 I'arntim c. 3.2Cfl-acre Blaine county stock ranch close to town; 150 acres hay, running water. For Omaha or So. Omaha income. W. W. MITCHELL, 414 Bee Bldg. REAL ESTATE AMStliaCTS OF l'ilLK. Reed Abstract Co., oldest abstract of. nee in .-Mcorassa. zwi BiRndels Theater. MULDERS' IXFOIIMA'UOX. Ideal fetnent, ".. 17th and Cumlne Sts Fuchs, Son A Blind. Dainttng.decnrKtlng. ACKEAGR FOIL HALE. ACRE AGP! BAKGaiNS near Omaha. unn Merrill. ii';i Lity Nat. uann mat. till 1'SUl'k.lti t I'OH SALE Near Bemis Park Two Ideal Bungalows One has 6-room strictly modern hall, living room with built-in bookcase- and beamed ceilings, dining room, has built-in buffet and china closet, plate rail, pan eled walls, beamed celling, nice den;, all these .rooms finished , in oak; roomy kitchen. Two nice bedrooms and bath with tiled . walls, plenty of closets and storeroom, upstairs; fine cemented base ment with guaranteed furnace and laun dry sink. Corner lot, among nice, shade trees, east front, paved street. rice. $3,500, with small payment down, balance like rent. . The other Is a 5-room strictly modern bungalow, large living room, dining room, has -window seat, paneled walls and nice plate rail. These rooms -finished in oak. two large bedrooms and bath with tiled walls, fine kitchen with large pantry and built-in china closet. Cemented base ment, Fox furnace with tank connected, also laundry sink, ea3t front, paved street Price,- $3,100 on easy terms. For further Information see. SCOTT & HILL. Both Phones. 807 McCague Bldg." Moving Picture Show Building Nicely located on the corner of 13th and Vinton Sts., fine location, first-class condition, up-to-date in every way, size 24x100 ft. Rent $50. BIRKETT & TEBBENS, 423 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 4754. MUST SELL Eight-room mod?rn house, 4930 Daven port St. Owner leaving city and wants qpick sale. Price. S3.500. Eight rooms, modern, large corner lot 3502 Reward St, $250 cash, balance $20 per month. Price, $2,600. Five-room new bungalow, $250 cash. balance $17 per month. Six . rooms, 3034 Evans St., 2W casn, balance $17 per month. Price, $1,800. WESTERN REAL ESTATE CO., - 411-12 Karbach Block. A DANDf HOME. ' -ROOM MODERN HOUSE. LOT 79x340 FT. FINE LAWN. LARGE SHADE TREES.' CEMENT WALKS. ETC. ONE BLOCK TO CAR. PRICE, $3,000. TERMS. P. O. NIELSEN. 945 OMAHA NATL BANK. D. 7497. MY HOME FOR SALE. 1133 S. 31st St.: 7 rooms, oak down stairs, cement basement, electric light, gas, a good cistern; easy terms; must be sold. S, W. Lindsay. Tel. Harney 2003. TO BUY. SELL OR RENT, FIRST SES JOHN W. R0BBLN3. 1X8 FARNAM ST. REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR SALB Why Pay Rent When You Can Get This Home For $400 Down? 3317 N. 14th Ave., in Sulphur Springs addition, strictly modern, new, just com pleted; ready to move Into. Large living room, dlnlnsr room and kitchen on first floor; three nice bedrooms, bath and en-1 closed sleeping porch on- second floor.! Downstairs Is finished In oak, except' kitchen. Built-in bookcases, panel walls,! nicely decorated; full , basement, ce- mented, arranged for laundry. Full seti of screens. In fact everything that makes a new home complete and ready for oc cupancy. Why pay rent when you can! buy a home of this class In a locality of this kind? $4,000 Is the price. Best bar-, gain ever sold In this locality. Go out: and look this over or call up and we will take you out. Hastings & Heyden, 1614 Harney St ! Dundee Bungalows ' $6,000 for a well built, 7-room modern I bungalow with 100 ft of south frontage,, on paved road, having a screened-ln I porch; living room with brick fireplace; dining room, kitchen, with large pantry: two large bedrooms and bath room; all' finished in birch on first floor; two large rooms and four closets on second! flour, with plenty of storage room; good basement with laundry room and furnace room, partitioned by stone wall with cement floor. This house is in first-class condition, It being offered at a right' price for this class of property. Immedi ate possession. Key at our office. Easy, terms. $4.5C0 for an attractive 5-room modern bungalow, having large living room across the entire front of house, dining room, kitchen and two good-sized bedrooms and i bath room, finished oak with white enamel: sand finished walls decorated in flat oils. Living room 12x28 ft.; stairway to flooied attic; full cemented basement: 'with laundry connections. This house is 26x40 ft. in size, is in first-class condition throughout and located on south front1 lot, 50x135 ft, only . block from car line.' Reasonable terms. Investigate. George & Company S02t12 City National Bank Bldg.' Phone Douglas 756. Nine-Room House 1 For Sale Located In St. John's parish on Cali fornia street near 27th, large south front lot, 50x150 ft., with 16-foot alley In rear. House has 4 bedrooms on second floor; Is flnlshrd in oak and exceptionally well built. Fireplace in living room, combina tion electric light and gas fixtures; fur-: nace heat. Price, $0,500. Paving all paid paid in full. George & Company Phone D. 756. 920-12 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. South Side Special Bargain On S. 24th St.. near Elm., a strictly modern, 5-room cottage in fine condition to be sold cheap; nonresident owner must close this property out within ten days. Price, $2,650. Don't fall to see It For further particulars call on S. Pa Bostwick Sole Agent. 218 S. 17th St. $300 down, balance easy terms, will take a 5-room cottage, modern except heat, lo cated near 36th and Ames, east front lot, 50xU4; lies high and sightly; good neighborhood, close to car. Price has been reduced to $2,300 for quick sale. BEMIS-CARLBERG CO. 310-12 Brandeis Theater. A Beautiful New Home Seven, room, modern, hot water heat, full cemented basement, reception room, parlor, dining room oak finish. Mirror door in reception room and mirror door in bedroom. '1 his house was built for a home and nothing but the host uf material used. All double floors. Weather quilting used under the siding, making it warm in winter and cool in summer. One block to car line. Eoth streets paved and all specials paid. Have personal rea son tor selling my home and will sell it for $5,000. Full particulars, address N 557, care of Bee. West Dodge St. Country Home $9,500 for a practically new, 7-room, all modern plaster house, with all neces sary outbuildings, located on 3 acres of ground. This house Is fin ished in hard woods, with comblna-, tion electric light and gas fixtures and first-class hot water heating plant. The attic has ample space for 2 or 3 rooms. Present price is less than the property is actually worth, as the property is so located that It-will increase In value ma terially In the next few years. In vestigate at once. George & Company 902-12 city National Bank Bldg. Phone Douglas 756. Receiver's Sale The Farmers' & Merchants' Building and the adjoining building, located at the south east corner of 15th and O Sts, will be offered for sale at pub lic auction, at the office of the Receiver in the Farmers" & Merchants' Bldg., at 2 o'clock ' P. M. Saturday, August 10, 1912. The property has a frontage of 50 feet on O St and 142 feet on lth St. Here is a splendid opportunity for the investor to acquire one ' of the most desirable pieces of business property in Lincoln. A full statement of the income from said property' can be had by applying to the Receiver any time prior to the sale. The sale will be for cash to the highest bidder, subject to the confirmation of the court The right to reject any bid Is : reserved. For additional in formation apply to CHAS. T. KNAPP. Receiver of Farmers' & Mer chants Insurance Co., Farmers' & Merchants' Bldg., Lincoln Neb. For Sale; $700 Snap S-room cottage within one block nf oar- city water; cement walks; lot 40 x 12o' Owner lives in Denver and does not wish to bother with this small property so is offering it at a bargain. American feecruity Company, Formerly SIIIMER & CHASE CO.. S09 So. 17th St. . Phone 3867. Dundee Lot $900 South front, 60x135, high ground; best value In Dundee today; terms easy. GLOVER REALTY SYNDICATE, 1219-22 City Nat l Bank. D. 3963. THREE cottages on 99x133 level around. ' $1,600; $600 down, balance any time; two ; two-story houses on S. 16th, close In, $4,509; rent $50 per month; $1,600 down, bal ance any time: lovely Cottage, large lot 1 one-half block car and school. $1,000; one- (-half cash, balance time. . F. R. S1LTZ. 2443 S. 19UL I FOR SALE cheap 6-room house, partly modern. Phone Webster 29970. Sleeping Porch Nice LAwn $2,300 Good 6-room, modern, steam-heat. laundry, lawn, cement walks. 1706 N. 36ta St Phone owner, Web. 6266, B-1771. , 1