THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY JULY 29, 1912. WANT ADS Want ads received at any time, bat to Insure proper classification matt be presented before 12 o'clock m. tor the evening edition and before 7:30 p.' m. for morning and Sunday edi tion. Want ad received after ocb home will have their first insertion under the heading "Too Late to UasBify." CASH RATES FOR WANT AM. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION On Insertion 1 Hi cents per word and 1 cent per word for each subsequent consecutive insertion. Each inser tion made on odd days 1 Hi cent per word; $1.50 per Una per month when ad is run without change ot HELP WAXTelD FEMALE Aat td kwvmca. WANTED Neat appearing saleswoman and demonstrator; trained nurse adapted '. for this work; good wages. Call room Stt Bee Bldg. - WANTED At once, ten lady canvass ers for city. Apply Sperry-riutchlnson uo., l7 Harney. r'uetuj-y isS Trades. i. WANTED-Capable, experienced sales '-- women in lacs and euibrji'ltry depart- ment Apply at once, ; superintendent ; Brandels stores. WANTED Flrt class sales women, x , perlenccd In the Selling of high dais i corsets. Apply superintendent Brandels " store. EXPERIENCED tobacco stripper at 1412 Cuming St. - THE SERVANT QIRL PROBLEM SOLVED The Bee will run a Bervani Qlrl Wanted Ad FREE until you get tb oeaired results. This applies to resident! of Omaha, Soutn Oman and Council Bluffs Bring your ad to The Ba oiiiue n tipnune Tyler. 1WA WANTED-Housekeeper; 3 In family; middle agsd while lauy preferred, 4 miles from, town; good wages and permanent position to the right person. Addres 3. S. Reynolds, Loup City, Neb. H. F. D. 1. WANTED A competent girl for gen eral housework; good wages. Telephone Harney 6684. Residence 3040 Cass St. WANTED A glri for general house work; one who Is a good cook; laundress employed. 416 So. JStb St. Telephone Harney 2659. . WANTED Girl for general housework; good references required, 924 S. 23d St. WANTED-Firet-olass cook with good rtference. Apply, Mr. W. H. McCord, 2201 Cass. ' WANTED A cook. Phone Harney 1879. Good wages. W A VTlfl l. A a-lrl tn An B-n,rat hnUM work; must be able to do good, plain cooking; colored preferred. Tel. D. 779. Mrs. Dr. Hostetter, 808 8. 20th. WANTED A cook; good wages. 3819 Famam St. WANTED - Experienced nurse girl with references. Mrs. . H. A. Tukey, 123 8. 87th. Phone Harney 148. !I WANTED-Competent girl for general livunrwursi inimi; , (uiwjivc. , w quired. Mrs. James Richardson, $564 How. i era St. fnont Harney wi. WANTED A reliable girl for general housework; family of 8; refereuce re- quired. Apply at 820 8. Mth Avs. J WANTED A good nurse girl. 426 N. WANTED-A neat housemaid. 424 N. 3$th Bt. Tel. H. 68. YOUNG girl, or woman with baby, fur general housework. W. 2048. ""WXiTTED Girl for general house work, must understand cooking, only three In family. Apply Philip Schwartz, cars Ne braska Clothing Co. WANTED Girl for general housework, must understand cooking, only S in the family. 2321 Harney 8t. WANTED Girl for general housework. E. R. Austin, 21$ 8. SMh Ave. ' Harney 2i25. WANTED A competent girl for gen , eral housework; I In family; good wages. Apply Immediately at 2724 Spalding St. Tsi. Webster 8203. : . GOOD girl for general housework; small family; good wages. 100 So. 86th Avs, Harney 2104. -t JUiaeeilaaeoms. TO UN Q women coming to Omaha a strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian amocuuou uuiMuuy at St. Mary's Ave., and 17 tit. SI, where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look fur r travelers' sruld at the Union station. GIRL to learn halrdresslng.v Oppenhelm parlors, .Id floor. City National. MIDDLE-AGED woman wants work of any kind. 1723 Dodge St. MORE ladles and girls to decorate pil lows st home; experience unnecessary; good pay. can forenoons, im so 13th. . of ass for office position. Good oppor . tunity for right girl. Give phone num- ,i tr. Aaoxees a duo, wee. . HELP WANTKDMALE Agent, talesmen and Solleitura, PERMANENT work with a large com pany for the right kind of a business gel ter; good commissions and a good seller: every man a prospect and every esse should reduce to a sale. If you have real ginger and want to outid a line busi ness for yourself, communicate with Accident Insurance Department, National Fidelity and Casualty company, 12th and Famam Street. Omaha. WAN TED Man with road experience for city work. No door bells. Call 1920 Farnam St., room it. aim want way to take orders. WE want ambitious men of good char acter tn each county of every state to take orders for our high-class groceries of farmers, ranchers, hotels and restau rants; permanent employment: we teach inexpereinoed men; experienced men earn from 26 to $20 per day; we advance com missions. 84l6s Dept., George Meldrum A Co., Chicago. HI. , 20-WANTED-20. Men of good moral character, over th age of 21, to solicit In' Omaha and South Omaha. A good proposition for the right parties; must furnish references. Call at Room 610, Paxton Bldg. Office hours from 9 to 12 a. m., and S to 8 p. m. J, A. Scfcroeder. National Director. WANTED Honest, reliable young man for road work. Salary and expenses. Ad dress at once. K 491, Bee. ; ' AGENTS AGENTS '; You never had a better proposition than vthe one offered by Jaeger Bros. Mfg. Co. ' Call at 807 Brandels Theater Bldg.-lt's i worth while; or write. WAW'ltu-Btigut own Willi a iiin cash to take active interest In esub Itched whuiesale house. ACdres L M, I'LL aend you PREPAID a big set of winning MAIL ORDER PLANS on AP PROVAL; If accepted $3 covers total cost, otherwise return; Include 7c mailing cost EXPERT, box 1616, New York. AGENTS Send for our New Premium Plan and aample; both are free; easy, quick sales; good money tor good men. Th Modern Specialty Co., L. Box 83 La Crosse, Wis. AGENTS wanted for private Christmas cards; anyone; samples book free; large , profit. Chipctase, "Cardex," Darlington, England. , Bars. WANTED A good boy to deliver gro ceries. 922 Douglas. i - Clerical and Otftw. ,, - PULL dresa suits and party dresses for sale; also for rent. 21.90 to $1.60 a night. JOHN FELDMAN, 208 N. 17th. D. 2128. . f'avwrjr sad IraUra. Pwie store nB TCfilrt. n TtHe WANTED An ail around biacksiiuto at once. W. H. Rogers, Hooper, Neb. . TWO wood working machine men. Weir Co, HELP WASTED MALE Kaetorr and 'trades. 75 MEN, 20 to years old. wanted at ones for railroad firemen and brakomen, $30 to 2140 a month; experience unneces sary; no strike. For application blank address T 76. care of Bee. CAR- REPAIRERS WANTED. Liberal niece work schedule. Sheffield Car & Equipment Co., Kansas City, Mo. WANTED Men to learn barber trads; few weeks completes; wages while learn ing: you can Join us with assurance you will succeed; we have received praise from thousands for our beneficial course. Apply from country or city, Moler Barber College, 110 South 14th St., Omaha. Miscellaneous. GOVERNMENT Jobs open. Write for list. Franklin Institute. Dept. 214 R. Rochester. N. T. WANTED FOR U. 8. ARMT Able bodied unmarried men between the ages of 11 and 26; citizens of United States of good character and temperate habits who can speak, read and write the English language. For Information apply to re eruiUnc officer, 12th and Douglas St., Omaha, Neb.; fi07 4th St.. Sioux City, la.; 13u N. 10th St.. Lincoln. Neb. 28s night rooms. Carey Hotel. 422 8. lata, TtELEGRAPH positions guaranteed yea by the Union Psoific and Illinois Cen tral railroads If you gain your training in sur school. Practice oa R. R. wires. Ad dress for particulars, H. B. Boyles, Pre. Boyles College, Omaha, Neb. YOU CAN EARN MORE MONET In the automobile buslnsss; chauffeurs, repairmen, demonstrators, are in big de mand and command 'arge salaries; pre pare yourself in eu large training shops, where you learn how to operate, repslr and sell all makes of cars. National Auto Training1 Assn. 2814 N. 20th It.. Omaha. Neb. two mod cannble men for farm work. 241$ Cuming. ' . WANTED A good live agent to or- ?ranlz a community of at least ten fam Ues for our commercial orchard In east Tennessee. A first class proposition to the right man. No real estate agents wanted. Addres R. H. Ward, Oliver Springs, Tenn. - . HELP WANTED MALE AJID FEMALE. MEN snd women wsnted for govern ment positions, 280 month. Writ for list of positions open. Franklin Institute, Dept. 217 R. Rochester, N. If. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED a situation as chauffeur by young man. have had three years ex perience in machine shop. Wm. F. Bas- ham, Hotel Mowarq. umana, wso. mrTKirif 9 waattlna. as lunii a rougn cry, m cents a ooien- vy. uq. Bundle' family wash. Guaranteed. WI677. Bundle or day work. W. 3437. (Colored.) DAY work wanted. MS N. 24th St. WANTED-Posltlon as housekeeper or washing and ironing. 2S19 80. 26th. SITUATION wanted by an all around tlrat class Cook, country hotel. Address B 484, care of Bee office. - FIREMAN wants steady position; sober, Industrious. W. W. Wilson, 2411 Castellar. PAINTING and grain work. Tel. Doug- las 691o. COLORED lady wania position at house work or Janltress. Pholne H. 1678. DRAFTSMAN, aquarellist and designer for artlstlo work, 12 years experience. Wages expected $125 per month. N 488 Bee. MECHANICAL draftsman, temporary or permanent; nominal wages. Write L-490, Bee. 1 ' ; . EXPERIENCED launderer for work to go out by day. 4212 8. 10th t. GOOD colored laundress wsnts work by the day. W. 2000. . - . ANNOUNCEMENTS Walhalla for vacation. Ask Seal. D. 4171. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 44. GET your diamonds at Brodegaard's. D. B. Grltflth, wig mfr.. 12 Frertser Wk. Pl.,Tno PfiroiT-ol Hoom Paxton i. iuiu(s .tv(uuvu gl Doug. 83114. Btevenxon. carpenter! ront. Both 'phones. OMAHA TENT CO. Tel Douglaa 882. Twenty per cent less than Omaha prices HOME FURNITURE CO.. Twenty-foiirli. and L 8ts., South Omaha. Estimates turniahed free on house paint lug. Oliver Cole, l'ouff, 2788. itt Parker. " ALL will be forgiven, Mary, If you will meet me at the Sign of the Crown and the Golden Stairs on 16th and Douglas streets,. That Is where BRODEUAARD mils those lucky wedding rings. fe. H. Cole ttlgn Co. D. 2702, 13U Famam. Omaha Bill Posting Co., 1916 Hsr. D. 2084. Guarantee Laundry. Fine work. D. 8378. MONEY TO LOAN -LOW rate, in sums to suit. 110 Bee Bldg. ink... r,A., 'x. u ,1 "!' UNION LvAN UU. "THY our lOo cream bread, always fresh, Leaven worinBi. gasnry. swi teav. Wedding announcements.' Doug. Ptg. Co. UplioitterlnK. plana, furn. rep. 3804 Far. M. E. Morrill, china paint. 832 Brandeis la Box 60, postpaid. $2.76; try half dosen; if not mt 'sf actor y money refunded. BEA TON DRUG CO.. 1608 Famam. Omaha. THRESHING wanted, new outfit, pur chared this year; 40x62 separator; 26-h. p. engine; can ship any time; enough work must be guaranteed to cover expense of shipment Address George W. B. Scott, Ashland. Nob. R. F, D. 2. ' NORTHRUP LETTER DUPLICATING Co., 60S Paxton Blk.; circular letters, any quantity; oldest established company; ex perts of Multlgraph and Neoatvle. swimSSnq Learn now at the Metropolitan. No bet ter poo! in United States. Filtered run ning water. Classes and swimming par ties for men, women and children. Tele pone Douglas 417. irnfl ATvSl Eastern goods, complete IVUDAJVO tock Latest finishing department In the west. THE ROBERT DEMPSTER CO.. 1818 Farna.n St and 808 8. 15th St. Flour is Down The best in the market. Satisfac tion guaranteed of money refunded. Forty-eight-pound sack,- 11.25 . WAGNER 801 North 16th St. Cellar dlgKlng and grading. Call W. Mi. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. ARKINS. M S. 16TH. UPSTAIRS. ANCHOR FENCE CO. Iron and wire fences cheaper: than wood; last a lifetime. 207 N. 17th. Phone Red 814. , GRANDMA'S WUd Chsrry " Phosphate, cheaper than lemonade; all grocers ATTRACTIONS OMAHA FILM EX. Dughu.. aBd Motion picture machine and film bargains CLAN GORDON picnic. Krug Park, Saturday, August 8. WANTED for Firemen's Tournament and Carnival, Aug. 22-23, attractions, free acts and concessions. Address Edw.- A. Roienbaum, Sec Amusement Com., Har bard. Neb. 6HELTON, NEB , will hold a race meet and harvest festival August 27, 29 and 20, and wish to get tn touch with race horse men. concessionaires and those having attractions. Write or wire V. L, Johnson. ACQ. SO AND 21. 1912, WANTED At tractions, merry-go-round and conces sions for the celebration of the 25th anni versary of Brum, Neb. For further in formation write J, A. Proskovec, Sec. AUTOMOBILES DRUMMOND 2 White Steam cars, late models, fins condition. $f00 and $650. O'DONOVAN PEA.SE. garage, re pairing, livery and storage. 7JV-7SS N. 21th, south Omaha. Phone South 163. AUTOMOBILES Murphy Did It Industrial Garage REPAIRING AND STORAGE. On 20th between Harney and Howard Sta. OMAHA TIRE REPAIR CO., Omaha's Exclusive Tire Repair House, 2201 Famam. 'Phone Tyler 1K2. TIRE REPAIRINGP?!?vt tires. We make them almost as good as new. Nothing but highest priced and new materials used. All work guaranteed. Arthur Siors Auto Supply Co.. 2020 Far nam. FOR SALE "Welch" 60-horaepower 7-passenger touring car with the follow ing equipment: Mohair top, windshield, Jones' speedometer, demountable rims. Klaxon norn and Presto-O-Llte una. The car Is in first-class condition and a bar gain. First cash fler of $1,200 takes it Address, Van Brunt Auto Co., Council Bluffs, la. Your TIRE EXPENSES cut in two. Expert tire repairing; work guaranteed. AUTO TIRf REPAIR CO., 1922 Farnam. SECOND HAND AUTOMOBILES RUNABOUT. 200. F. L. Hatteroth. 4212 Burdette FOR SALE. 1912 Automobile, 43 horse power, new. used two months, best make, fully equipped; cost $1,900. Owner going abroad and will take $1,600 cash or good secur itles. Phone Harney 807. 2176-Buys 1911' Mets runabout, mddern equipment, 12 H. P.; Bosh magneto; tires good. 3. Rickford, 4901 Grant FDTTR LMiunr.i- iitnmnhll.. n. ..I. nuwiinn proa., poutn vjmana. mn fiAT.Tr.Flv.naaar,a Tl,,ll, msiriAl "1A ' ' la 4a Ih muU., . u -' Call Harney 404. A, a Griffith, owner, farn ina uewey avci. lotorcyelea. ( WRITE for list of used mntnrrvdai. We carry a full line of Thor and Excelsior parts. Any make of motorcycle repaired. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. Omaha. Yale. Harley-Davidson and used motor cycles. Victor H. Boos, 2708 Leavenworth, HU81NK33 CHANCES , TO set in or out of business call on GANGESTAD, 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. $477. BUTCHER"'! lea box and natent oil tank for sale. 1 See Omaha Fixture and SuddIv Co.. 12th and Howard. Douglaa 2724. RESTAURANT outfit for sale cheap. Inquire 228 Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. , ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A BUSINESS LOCATION? Ralston is Omaha's manufacturing sub urb, conneoted with Omaha and South Omaha by electric car line and macadam road. Ralston Is on the Burlington and Mis sourl Pacific railroads. , Ralston has three going manufacturing filants and two other large factories are n course of construction. The five fac tories will furnish employment for a town of 2,000 people. Ralston has a two-story pressed brick school building, a number of store rooms and a country club of nearly 200 members, who have Ju( completed a $li,0w club home. RALSTON offers an especially good opening for A Bank. Newaoaner. Bakery. Drug Store and Physician, Boarding House, Restaurant, Furniture and Hard ware Store, Blacksmith Shop, Carpenter Shop, Elevator and a Flour mm. Full information for the aaklng. , RALSTON TOWNS1TE COMPANY, 209 8. 17th St. 'Phones 8867. Ed Rothery. Bualneas and Real Eatats Exchange Co., Room 219 MoCague Bldg. GROCERY and meat fixtures must be sold; no room for them; dirt cheap; R. Tiaara, 220 N. 23d St. ELDERLY couple wants work in the country or city, 2009 Cass St. Rothe. RELIABLE party with capital can se cure permanent poiitlon. Franklin, 681 Brandels Bldg. $10,000. stock of merchandise at auction. I will sol) to the highest bidder tor cash, Saturday Aug. 2, 1812, at 2 p. m a stock of merchandise owned by Hunter Bros., two doors south of th nostoftlc. Hiawatha, Kan. Sale will be held at the store, parties Interssted tn the pur chase of this atock may inspect same Jrlor to the date of sale by seeing Mr. . M. Crouch. 628 Oregon. Colonel N. T. Moore, Auctioneer. CONFECTIONARY and lea cream par lor; bargain for thirty days. Box 364. Wahoo, Neb. BARGAIN in Colorado fruit land; miAt sell. Franklin, 681 Brandels Bldg. DRUG store for sale; elegant store room; good town; clean stock; doing good buslnesii at a bargain; no trade. Addrees Y 108, Omsha Bee. - FOR SALE Lease and furnishing of modern 50-room hotel; only hotel in town; all commercial trade; rates $2 and $2.25 Ser day; house always full. Th Turner, entervtlle, 8. D. BUSINESS PERSONALS Bag Maaafaotarers. BEMIS OMAHA BAG CO., Omaha. Neb. Chiropodists. r. DR. ROT, 1606 Farnam. Douglaa 6497. Clothing Manufacturer. Wear ideal drts shirts. M. E. Smith Co. Creameries, Dairies and Supplies. Fairmont's Diadem butter. Alwaya good. DAVID COLE CREA MERIT COMPANY ! Cornice aud Steel Celling. CARTER Sheet Metal Works. Omaha. Detective. ; JAMES ALLAN 312 NviH Blk r Ev. dence secured In all case. Tyler 1136. L W, LONGNECKER. 617 Karbach B Omaha Secret Ser v. 42$ Paxton Blk. D. 1319" Oeatlata. Bailey, th dentist. City Nat'l. D. 236. Mach A Mach, 3d floor Paxton. ' D. 10S6. faft'a dental room. 1617 Doug. D. 3l8tT Oreasmattlac DRESSMAKING. Tel. Harney 2991. Terry' Dresamaklng college, 20th eV Far. Everything Ulectrleal. Electric lighting tlx., wholesale and retail. Burgeea-Granden Co., 1H1 Howard. D. 481. reed Mill aa Stare. Feed, all kind. Olencoe Mill. 2332 Isard. Flariat. A. Donaghu. 1(07 Fr. b. 1001: A-100) HESS 8WOBODA, 1418 Farpam St L. HENDERSON. ltil Farnam. D. 126S. Heapltal. PRESBYTERIAN Hospital. 1240 So. 10th 8t. ' .F.-IH.a. . McDonald bras and brans foundry, aluminum, tin, lead castings. 1407 Jackson. Having, Store ire sad tleaatae Gordon Fireproof Warehouse and Van Co. FurnJtura packing, piano moving. Otflc ll 8. 17th St. Doug. 394. Fum. Moving; 2 men. 81 per hr. W. 2748. McLaud & Son Van A 8., 2-hors van. 2 men. $1.26 hr.; 2 hr, $1 hr, D 4336. W 64S. PIANO mftvln PnU'. !.. mnA a. presa, 1616 Capitol Ave. D. 470, A-2937. Maalo, Art aaS Langaagea. 'ALVIN POOLE; violin lessonst 2219 Cat. PIANO LESSONS reasonable. Doug. 4S6L Xaraarte and Seeds. ' TEWART'8 SEE DMA N, 119 N. lh. j ' v Patrat. - HA. STURGI8 rgltered attorney. United State and foreign patents, til Brands! Theater Bldg, Phone D. 2489. Willard Eddy, 16W City Natl Ba Bldg. BUSINESS PERSONALS Paten ta. . D. O. Barnell, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red T117. ' Uptlcians. B. F. Wum. fitting and rep'g. 448 Brandels. Printing. Lew W. Raber, Printer, V$ BEE BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COURT. Lyngstad Printing Co., 1Mb and Capitol Ave. Tel. Ind. A -2620 for good printing. Rela-Hall P. Co.. M A. Hta. Ind. A-3524. i'uulvtriiicr. Rinehart. photographer. 18th tc Farnam. Teats and Awnings. OMAHA TENT CO.. Tel. Douglas 821 Tranka and Salt Case. Freling & Stelnle. 118 Farnam St. Oiteopattay. Alice Johnson, 308-9 Brandels The. Bldg. Katheryn Nickolas, 634-6 Xrandels Th. Stenographers and Court Reporter. Myrtle A. Kelly. 7 Bran. The. D. 6482. Steel Tank and Calvert Companies. NEBRASKA and Iowa Steel Tank Com pany, 14th and Nicholas. Doug. 3339. Store gad Office fix tare. WE BUT and sell anything, everything In fixtures. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co.. 414-16-18 8. 12th, near Howard. D. 2724. tVlne and Lienor. sandwiches. Alex Jetes, 601-3 8.' 13th St VinnrVTA niCr wtna i a l.r.. hnt. tie. Klein Liquor House 622 N. 16th St EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL THE YEAR Complete courses In Business, Book keeping, Stenography, Telegraphy. Civil Service or Salesmanship. The catalogue 1 free for th asking. Call, write or phone tor it at once. Address H. B. Boyle, President,' Boyles College, Omaha. Nebraska TUTORING 8th grade; high school. Address B 481, Bee. ' LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horse and Vehicle. Snaps in Buggies t delivery wagon and several cholc iggy and carriage bargain. DRUMMOND 18th and Harney St. DON'T forget I. C. Gallup special range nors sale next Thursday, Aug tst 1. St Union 8tock Yards. K,-vnrh Omaha Neb. W nav4 o'er 1.E0O hiaa of .-tuice rang hort, cou.irtlns of ail 1,'nds usually fo md i t a rang horse sale Among this consignment will be found 12 choice halter-broke mare from 3 to 6 yar old, weighting from l.iOO to l.WO pound each, with a great oig unbrmidcJ suckling colt by their sides. Thes mares and colts will be sold single and In ialr to suit tne prucnaser. Tney are from tne well-known Campbell Bro. Stock farm. Malu, Mont Also about 200 natlvi broke horse, consisting of all kinds, heavy a ran ana general purposes. I. C. GAL'.UP Buggies, surrle and runabout at 1 than wholesale price to close out JOHNSON-DANFORTH CO., 10th and Jonea St. 1ST class livery. Sherman, 24th A Clark. YOUNG family horse, -will sell cheau Call Webster 2138 or see horse at 2410 Amea Av. Bird and Other Pet Stock. YOUNG canary birds; good lngers. Lena Scholtlng, 2385 Monro, South Omaha. South 2582. . LOST AMD FOUND PERSONS having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left it In the strbet car. Many articles each day are turned in and the company Is anxlou to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug las 48. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. MEDICAL. Dr. Babcock, specialist; .both aexes; 302 Wlthncll Bldg., loth and Harney Sts. SPECIALIST for WOMEN. 42 Doug. blk. Piles, Fistula. Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry curt Piles, Fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cur guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. K. TARRY. Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Ladies guaranteed remedies. 401 Ware blk. SOY JEE HONO HERB CO. Chines herb and herbal remedies for all trouble of the human system; cures rheumatism, kidney trouble, heart, dropsy and female trouble. Tel. D A793. 202 N. 19th. Dr. Race, epedallst, 2328 Harney. D. 8948. MONEY TO LOAN Salary and Chattel: Mon on furniture, danoa and PV real estate at a very low w rate of Interest. Nebraska Loan Co., ftoug. 1866. 220 Be Bldg. A-1356. NOTICE ... . Loan negotiated on real estate, furni ture, pianos, salaries, etc. Very low rate and confidential. We will appre ciate your call. BIGGEST. BEST AND CHEAPEST. RELIABB CREDIT CO.. 80 Paxton Block. - 217 S. Kth 8t Tel. Doug 1411 or Ind. A-1411. NOTICE Anyone wishing a squar deal on salary or household loans m. . C. R, Fahringer, , 160$ FARNAM STREET. Room 215. Tels. Doug, 229$. Ind. A-1071. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEO PLE and other on their own name; cheap rates, easy payment; confidential. D. H. Tolmen, 608 New Omsha Nat'l Bank Bldg. DIAMOND LOANS at 2fc and 6 per cent. FLATAU. 1314 Dodge St. Tel. Red 6619. CHATTEL LOANS, $5 to $100. 8 ALAR V LOANS. You can get it today of STAR LOAN CO.. 601 Paxton Block. OFFERED FOR RENT Board and Room. O. M. E. hauls trunks. D. 1I. a-2611. WANTED Two gentlemen to room and board in private family; close In; mod ern conveniences. Phone Web. 432i. "NICE large cool room for I wlthlneala 2202 Howard. 123 SOUTH 25TH AVE. Leelrabi fur- nished rooms with board. - Famished Hoonss. R Af"JO AfTR messenger service and DAUUAUIi ij-ht haullnr: oromnt service; reasonable rates. Auto P1.& Mes. CO.. 1714 Douglas St. TeiW. D. 3M; A-34M. 30$ N. 25TH 2 suites of modern rooms. 2503 ST. MARY& strictly modem; prt vate family; walking distance. Red 2977. 314 N 1STH. Modern, cool furn ished room for two gentlemen, reasonable. "FURNISHED rooms, for I up. 4t7 N. lJih. FURNISHED ROOMS. 405 P. 25th Av 211 SOUTH 20TH Two modern rooms for rent - SO. S6TH St. 911-Furnlahed room with board, for men and wife or two gentle men. Convenient to car. Har. 42SS. FIXE, lac5, ccul room. "il Eaxc&m. OFFERED FOR RENT . Famished Room. - LARGE aoutheast room, newly fur nished in new bouse, sleeping porch con nected; ln a private family; suitable for nan and wife or two gentlemen. Board if desired. Phone Webster 1819. ROOM8,-cheap. Harney 6610. THREE furnished rooms In private modern home. 502 8. 2Sth St. 221914 LATHROP, cool room, very rea sonable. NEATLY furnished room. 2616 Chicago St.; modern house; fin shads and porch. LARGE, cool furnished outside room for rent very reasonable. 717 No. 20th. D. 7666. Faralaaed Hoaaekeeplag Room. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms. 2018 Davenport. rr.rr.iX'T front D&rlnr. also small room, modern, close In. - 1M N. 2bth. THREE plain rooms, furnished or un furnished; cheap rent 2519 S. 26th. THREE handsomely furnished rooms, all conveniences, shady lawn; walking distance; $5 per week. 000 Bo. 28th. Hotels and Apartaaeats. OXFORD and Aroad. special wkly rata, L DODGE HOTEL, all requirements of a first-class hotel, at -reasonable price. Furnished Hen. FURNISHED or unfurniahed modern house, west Farnam district, rent reason, able, owner going to California. Phone evenings or Sunday to. H. 4113 and any day to D. 297. Apartments and Flats. 4-ROOM, modern apartment Web. 5975. Large moving vans, $1.26 per hour. D. 394. TWO new flats, nicely decorated, sinks, gas. toilet and water. 241 Tavenworth, J. I. Kemp, 2612 Leavenworth. Doug. 988, Ind. A-19S8. DESIRABLE FIVE-ROOM APART MENT in th California. Sea janitor. Phone Douglaa 6237. NICE, modern 7-room flat Lawn and shade, at 536 So. 30th. St. $20. H. 1592. NEW LORRAINE, 3 and 6-room, all modern, with Janitor ervlce. 17 Maple. Doug. 3402. MENGEPOHT. Web. 3713. 8-Room modern flat, Hanscom park district, only $30. WRIGHT & LASBURY, Phorfe Doug. 162. (-ROOM flat for rent and part of fur niture for sale, very choice; lawn and shade, large porch; house all modern; rent $20. Call Doug. $482 week days be tween 9:80 a. m. and 4:00 p. m. 4212 FARNAM 2 or $ furnished or un furnished housekeeping rooms; nice lawn and shade. Harney 6742. ENTIRE 2d floor $011 Webster, $11. Three and 4-r. mod. apartsment. 816 S. 22d. - House and Cottage. WEST Farnam, 7 roomsl UT Dodge. $40. Preston. Douglaa 776. 17th St.; cement basement; will be for rent August 1, at $46 per month. Apply Conrad H. Young, 323 Brandels Theater Bids. MOVING, packing and storing of house hold goods and pianos is our business. Omaha Van and Storage Co., fireproof storage.. 806 S. 16th, by the viaduct. Branch office, 309 8. 17th Et Tel. D. 4163; A-1569, ... WEST FARNAM New brick, 5 bed. room and 3 bath. 316 N, 38th Ave. FOR RENT, N. 138 North 87th St., nearly now, mod ern six-room dwelling, $30.00. No. 2018 Grace St., modern sven-rooro house, hot water heat, $26.00. . No. 1521 South 29th St., ilx-room house, modern, except furnace, larg yard, $25.00. No, 1102 South 3-d St., large modern house, corner lot, both streets paved, barn, $46.00. No. 1122 South 22d St, larg modern house, east front, paved street, car line, $50.00. - ALFRED C. KENNEDY. 209 First National aBnk Bldg. Telephone Douglas 7ZZ. LARGE 6-room cottage at 4109 Lake St., $16. $77 Brandels Bldg. - WEST DAVENPORT ' -r., 6 bedrooms, hot water heat, $40. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. MODERN 5 and 6-room cottages, lawn, shade, garag. 'Phone Web. 1122. 2124 Miami St. MAGGARD VAN AND STORAGE CO., park, move, store and ship H. H. goods and pianos; no charge lor return drive to office. Doug, 1496 or B-2428. ElGHT-ROOM house, new. 2316 Ogden. block from boulevard and block from Fort GOOD HOUSES LOW RENT. $20.00 7-room modern, 4201 California. $2O.O08-r., part mod., 3861 Charles. $18.00 -r., part mod., 26th and Franklin. J9.00-S-r., part mod., 19th and Vinton. PHONE HARNEY 486, EVENINGS. t-ROOM house, all 'modern Improve ments, steam heat, good location, close ln, nice yard and shad. 1040 8. 22d. Doug. 6422. FIVE-ROOM modern house, 823 Hickory St. Phn, Tyler 1279. NEW house 2318 8. 14th St., strictly mod ern; cement basement Inquire 2325 S. 11th St Douglaa 748$. NEW, modern, $-room house, nicely decorated; sleeping porch; one block from Hanscom Park. 2307 South 33d. Telephone Harney 2931. EIGHT-ROOM house at 1823 Locust. Inquire 2812 N. 15th. Phone B-5265. EIGHT-room all modern house, newly painted and decorated. 922 S. 26th. In quire 2810 Piere St- WILL rent my completely furnlsiad 6-room fiat, creep ior balance ot um mer. Beet resldenc district of Orr.ahi Call, Douglas 6439 any time Monday or address 8-46, care Bee. 8-ROOM apartments on ground floor. Fin places. $8.60 par month. W. 8. Frank, Phon Doug. 8SO0. 1025 City Natl. Rear. 1537 N. 19th, to man and wife. 4-r. cottage, gas. closet and water. $10. 1609 Graca, 7-r., modern except furnace, house, $20. ' 2016 N. 22d St, 7-r.,- strictly modern. $30. 8223 N. 26th Av., 6-r., dwelling, city watsr. $19. W. O. BHRIVER, 1(H7 Omaha National Bank Bldg. . FIVE-ROOM cottage. 829 8. 24th 8t. 67! S. 28th St $ rooms, completely modern; $3150. Hall. ivn Patrick nrrtatlv mad.. 122.50. Bemls- Carlberg, Brandeis Theater. - ' 1615 HALL AVE., $30.00; 7 rooms, med ern. Tho. F. Hall. t?3 Hamge. Both phon- room all modern house: walking dis tance. .'? ana Central BlvO 130. Donglas 1036. Tunrir.nrifiM hmm at fS Martha. Inqulr i813 N. 15th. Phone B-5266. $6 per mo. 2 to 4 rooms. Tel. D. 2107.' LARGE modern residence. 17 rooms, in cluding the basement, with good barn located near high school and Creighton college. No. J519 Chicago St. Inquire of w. M. uniiun, a viu-ae Hnnccn In Parts ot the city. ousesCrelgh Bon & Co.. Bee Bldg. A faal htma nrarlw leave a Ihj-t i ! fh I A J Coll llVUIt't Wfc J a,vU( i.viiv iQ , vry mod. convenience. 9 r., $45. 726 So. $7th. W. 2590. . - -? ' HOUSEHOLD OOODS packed and for warded; cheap fra'ght rate; Gordon Fireproof Warehouse and Van Co. Tel. Doug. KM,-office 216 C. 17th St SIX-ROOM hous. all modern except heat, lies N. d St, South Omaha. Phone Dougla 4664. MODERN 7-room cottaa. steel rang. 5703 N. 24th St Tel Doug. 8483. kttt ivn TAWVaM airlft! mnrlarn. pew 8-room hous. Phone Harney 47 TWO lota and new four-room hous with lectrio lights; good well nd chicken b,)use, two diock irpm oouievara ana half block from prom teed cai lln ex- i...U. 1.. w !, Mil will aall fftr SttM .vnaivu, (i?.viiia - ' " Terms If desired. 3SJ2 Wirt St. Telephone coca TV voeier iwu. . . Stori and Off Veea. M'CAGUE BLDG. 15TH AND DODGE. Attractive office; moderate prices. APPLY OMAHA LOAN AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION- OFFERED FOR RENT tore and Office. 1825-27 Famam it., corner. Dougla 1591 PRIVATE office, furnished with tele phone, for same cost as rent of office. inquire 658 umana tisauonai mog. fHFAPFST rant in Omaha. Northeast comer of 20th and Burdette. Owner, 2211 N.. 20th. ' FINE office room with us of phone and stenographer. Best location in city. Call D. 8288. 1606 Davenport U. B. Balcombe. OFFERED FOR SALE Furniture. FOR SALE A Brigham range,' good si new, and a kitcnen cupboard, glass doors; cheap. Call 2407 Jonea Ice Box, gaa atov. also 6-r., furniture, nearly now. Cheap. 2209 Cuming, upstair. NEW ga stgv for sale, cheap. 1919 uiarK street. nOTTKRH"t.r modm tor sale: Darty leaving city. 2412 Caldwell. W. 3921. Mnsloal Instrument.. FOR SALE A new $200 Victrola; has never been used. If Interested ask for price. M 257, Bee office. FOR SALE A $24 guitar, very near new; will take a typewriter or a camera in exchange and will pay cash th dif ference. Address J 500, Bee. COLUMBIA phonograph, very reason able; it's a bargain. Phone Harney 2902, residence at 2754 Harney 8t. Typewriters. RENT from the manufacturer direct No. 3 Oliver typewriter. 3 month. $4.00. Phon Douglaa 2919. The Oliver Type writer Company. Miscellaneous. SAFES Overstocked with second-hand safes; all lzex and makes; bargains. American Supply Co., U10 Farnam St FOR SALE New and second-hand carom -and pocket billiard tables and bowling alley and accessories; bar fix tures of all kinds; easy payments. Tne Brnnwlck-Balke-Collendr Co., . 407-4D8 8. Kth street POOL table, store, restaurant fixtures bought, sold. Levy. 2510 N., So. Omaha. OLD SAFES, DERIGHT. 1818 Farnam St $300 will buy an up to date dry celaning works, good as new. Canadian office, 113 So. 15tR. chairs, rugs, etc., for sale cheap at, 619 Bee Bldg.. Dougla 3402. DESKS, safe, scales, show cases, eto.; see us first. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., 414-16-18 8. 12th. Doug, zm. PTANTn A1 condition, fir suburban lot or acres. Call F-195S or South 1385 80-horse power roadster, practically new. Call D. 2978. After 6 p. m., Webster 6201. THREE auto tops for touring cars: In good condition. Call Doug. 3482 eek day between :30 a. m. ano :w p. m. MOTOR boat for sale. See Cleda at Larson's landing.. Cutoff lake, or phone Harney 4726. . for SALE Ladv's wtiite serge suit. size 36, perfect condition, and English tweed, Winter. coat, size a. very cneap. Phone Harney 8587. . FOUR-HOLE steel range and 5 lengths pipe, used less than two years, $16; cost $35. can Marney BURGLAR proof key fastener. Fits any door that has a knob, 10c each, postpaid. Chabot Mfg. Co., Providence, k. FOR SALE New express harness. Call vveDster enza. FOR SALE Freeh milk goats. Box 6, South Omaha. PERSONAL 63-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Bexten Pharmacy, 12th and Dodge. VITAL massage, vital bath. Dr. Anna D. Fisher, 401 Ware block. 809 S. loth. Maaaag. Mr. Rlttenhouwe. 3U8 Boston Bid THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast off clothing; in fact anything you do not need. W collect, repair and sell at lo4 N. llth St., for cost of collection, to the worthy poor. "Phone Douglas 4126 and wagon will call MASSEOTlffiKPYsalrMn Allen of Chicago. 109 8. 17th, 1st ft i. 7tw, VrttTMfl nn-iman rtrtwiintr in Hmo h H ft A stranger are Invited to visit the Young Women' Christian association building at 17th and St. Mary's Ave., where they ...mi i- - jiu..! a aiittohla hnnrninff Will U1ICVIVU iw places, or otherwise assisted. Look lor our travelers aia at tn uma ww ..,9 nrwT ,.n.l, all L-i n H . ttt VY lift., a.w ''Jr"" - , - ...... Ing machines. Ind. A-1663; Douglas lw NEBRASKA CYCLE CO:. 16th and Harney 6t. Body Massage, 222-3 Nfevllle Blk. P. 776L w i do a n.V Swedish movement. Ap't MAftoAuri 2. 1802 Farnam. D, 6240. MASSAGE B?eXWl3mlM: lif A fTW KlTTf! treatment E. Brott, 710 JMAUiIiillUSi 16th- ga floor. D. 5289. ANNA H. MARKS f age? 1802 f"" nam. Davldge Blk. Ap't, 3. Red 7529. BATHS, Swedish massage. Mrs. Snyder. No. 3, The Dunsany. 10th A Pierce. D. 43SO. CORNS REMOVED-25c. Mrs. Haynes. 707 So. 16th St. Dougla 4492. To Whom It May Concern That I am not, and have not been, conneoted in any way with "Th Nebraska De tective agency" for the last three months. Bald agency at time of forma tion comprised James Bue.ll, chief; Ar thur Pew, treasurer, and F. J. Gal lagher, corresponding secretary. Any mention of my nam in connection with same is unauthorized. Signed, F. J. Gal lagher, 813 Brown Blk. POULTRY AND PET STOCK t ' FIVE Boston terrier pups, - 2 month old, beautifully marked, pedigree with each. Cheap. Must be sold at onca 644 8. 24th Ave. Tel. D. 7477. REAL ESTATE LOANS WANTED City loans and warranta W. Farnam SmltH & Co.. 1320 Farnam St OMAHA property and Nebraska lands, O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 New Omaha Nat'l Bank Building.' 6 city LOANS. Bemls-Carlbers O Co. 310-312 Brandels Theater Bldg. $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F D. Wead. Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam. LARGE loana our specialty. Stull Bros. GABVIN BROS.-4S& !&r& MONEY to loan on business or resi dence properties, $1,000 to $500,00. W. H. THOMAS. 603 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. WANTED City loan, liters Trust Co. LOANS Farm and city property, t. H. Dumont St Son. 1602 Farnam St WANTEDTO BUY. Household gds. clothes & shoes. D3971 BISii BEST prices for scrap iron, brass, rag, bottle. Call Finkalstein. Doug. 7610. Bachman buys, sells furn't're. .2108 Cuming Highest price paid for mens cast-oft clothing. 621 No. 16th. Douglas 7726. BOTTLES Buy, sen and exchange. N. Steinberg. WANTEDTO BORROW First Mortgage fop Sale first mortgage on new buildings flTt-Ly built for home are the latest v4 tsecurltle in the world. These securities have been our spe cialty for 12 years without th loss of a dollar to ourselves or Investors. A list of mortgages, $3W) up to $3,500 mailed on request with highest reference. American Security Company 0 So 17th St. Omaha, Neb. HAVE $12,000 worth first clasa western securities, averaging about 40 per cent valuation, given by responsible Iowa and Kansas farmers. Must sell at once. Lib eral discount Safe Investment Closest Investigation Invited at my expense. 208 Paxton Hotel, City.' The Persistent and Judicious .Use ot Newspaper Advertising is the Road to Business Success FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE I HAVE about ten thousand acres of land In the most favored locality of Mon tana, the great crop growing district I will exchange this land tn lots of 160 acres up, for Omaha Income property. 220 acres cf clear land in Mills county, Iowa, 8-room house, barn and other out buildings. Will exchange tor Income property ln Omaha. 640 acres of land ln the famoua San Lute Valley, Colo., fair improvements, highly Irrigated; will exchange in part or as a whole for Income property in Omaha. 160 acres of well improved land in Phelp county. Neb., for Income property ln Omaha. 240 acre ct land in Perkins county. Neb., free of Incumbrance, for Omaha income property. 160 acre in Banner county. Neb., for Omaha income property. All land frea of incumbrance. Call on or address the owner. 724 Omaha National Bank Building. Telephone Douglaa 4040. ' FOR SALE Cheaply, or trade, lots at ltth and Q 8ts., and 84th and Z Sts., So. ' Omaha. J. G. Loo. 615 Bee Bldg. Doug. 3402. GRANT. 211 Brandeis Theater. D. 8380. WE BUY, WE SELL, WE TRADE, City, acre and farm property. We hava; a few good bargain for the right party.) Get our list. A. W. Jones Co., 513 N. 24th, South Omaha - FOR SALE or trade, a new, J10.000 stock of general merchandise, in a good1 town. Must be one-half cash and will conEider land trade on the balance. Only those wanting to di business need answer. Write Dr call on H. E. Ayls worth, Aurora, Nej., at once. FOR Sale or Exchange Paint and wall paper store. Phone Webster 5264. REAL ESTATE AUsTHACTg OF TITLE. Reed Abstract Co.. oldest abstract of fice in Nebraska. SOU Brnndeie Theater. BUILDERS' INFORMATION. Ideal Cement Co.. Kth and Cuming Sta. Fuchs. Son h Blind, palntlna.decoratlng. .4 CUE AG; Mlk MALE. ACREAGE BARGAINS near Omaha. Orin S. Merrill. 1219 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Acreage Bargain ISO-acre ' farm Just adjoining th city, suitable for subdivision. Must be sold to settle an estate. Price tor a few days only. $166 per acre. About one-third only cash, balance on mortgage. . THOMAS BRENNAN. E. W. Gannett, Mgr., Real Estate Dept. S06-810 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tel. Doug. 1264. 20 ACRES of land, 14 acre ln pasture, 4 acres in alfalfa and 2 under cultivation. 1 mile west Leavenworth St car Una, Doug. T983L CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE 7 ROOMS AND 4 LOTS. $1,600; easy terms; a comfortable bousa ln excellent repair and with four, fin south front lots 44x120 ft each, on corner 2d Ave. and 13th St., near both Omaha and 6th Ave. car lines; good barn and a lot of young fruit on the lots. Death in owner' family compels him to leave the city. You can get this property at a price that will make you money. Before buying ln Omaha, see this Council Bluff bargain. McGee Real Estate Co., 1G6 Pearl St., Council Bluff. TO BOY, SELL OR RENT, FIRST 8E9 JOHN W. ROBBINS. 1802 FARNAM ST. LARGE 6-room cottage, at 4209 Lake, $150 down, balance 118.20 per mo. Sol owner, 877 Brandeis Bilg. LARGE modern residence, 17 rooms, in cluding the basement, with good barn located near high school and Creighton college; No. 2619 Chicago St. Inquire of W. H. Griffith, 2523 Chicago St. A BARGAIN. Lot 15, block ISO,-First add. to South Omaha, 22d and I streets. For price and terms see R. J. Watts, 323 N. 37th St., Omaha. TWO-ROOM house, barn and other outbuildings; good well; two lots, on cor ner; $350 cash, balance monthly. , Phon Webster 6058. 2901 N. 47th Ave. Bargain South 16th St. Only 50 feet left put of 264; all paving paid; sewer, watev and gas; two new houses now being erected adjoining this property, situated between Martha and Dorcas Sts.. on east, side of 16th St The price is only $1,600; can make terms. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1820 Farnam St. D." 1064; Ind. A-1064. A Big Bargain Offering Corner lot 55x140 feet. Paved street. 7 room house, all modern. Room for double' flat. Owner 2403 No. 18th St JUST completed, sell on easy terms; $400 down, balance same a rent Six rooms, strictly modern. 2707 Woolworth. A. E. O lander, 1309 So. 25th. Ave. A-1434. REAL ESTATE FARM A RANCH LANDS FOR 8ALB California. CALIFORNIA ranch, 300 aore midway between Sacramento and Stockton, finest grape and fruit section, 30 acres ln full bearing wine grape, fine house, barn, wells, etc., four mile to R. R. town; $60 per acre; one-quarter cash, balance ta suit buyer. Best land bargain ln state. Ettelson & Nathan, 610 K St., Sacra mento, Cal. Colorado. IF you want a Colorado stock ranch that will make you money, writs me your wants and I will supply them. C. W. Reed, Elisabeth. Colo. Georgia. GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA ' Traversed by th ATLANTIC, BIRMINGHAM ATLANTIC) RAILROAD. Lands adapted to the widest range of crops. All the money crop of the south plentifully produced. For literature treat ing with thin eomlna cnuntrv it anil. climate, church and school advantages. wnis W. R LEAHY, DEPT. K. General Passenger Agent ATLANTA. GA. THE! easiest way to fl!td a buyer for your farm la to insert small want ad, in the Des Moines Capital. Largest cir culation in the state of Iowa, 4&uu0 dally. Th Capital i read by and believed to by the standpatter ct Iowa, who simply re fuse to permit any other paper lu tneir hemes. Raise, 1 cnt a word a day: ti-ii per ilne per montn; count nut oidlaary werus ui the line. Addrea Dm Muius ' Juiiiut'i. Gea Moines, lav Improved Iowa Farm, Price 25 Per Acre Must Be Sold at Once to Satisfy Creditors I offer for quick sale fur cash, 320 acres Improved farm in Monona, la. Price, $2S per acre. Can arrange for loan for one third purchase price. Traders and those without money save stamps. , James L. Dowd, Trustee, 1317 8. ttA St.. Omaba. Neb. Montana. RANCHES-430.00O to $100,000. Send for list Shopea & Co., Ranch Dealora, . maha Neb. A'ebraska. FOUR HUNDRED ACRES for $1,200 ln Cherry county, Nebraska. Fronts on th beet Hunting ana nsnin lake ln state. First man with th cash gets it v W. 8 FRANK 102S City National Bank. Omaha, Neb. CHEYENNE COUNTY. Fine 14 section. . level, good toll, sit miles of R. R.; covered with grama grass : reasonable terms. .JEWELL THE LAND MAN, ' 220 Board of Trade.