Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 27, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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iDinner Menu
land Selected Recipes
Cereal and Cream.
Fish Balls..
Breakfast Rolls.
Tea and Coffee.
v Cold Corned Beef.
' f. Whole Fried Potatoes.
Rolls from Breakfast.
Asparagus a la Vlnlgrette.
: Heated Crackers and Cheese,
j Cake and Jam.
; Ginger Ale and Grape Juice Punch
Julienne Soup.
Roat Lamb -with Mint Sauce.
Green Peas, Young Carrots, mixed.
String Beans with Bacon.
Home Made Ice Cream.
; '- Black Coffee.
Qwlck Nut Loaf.
Mix two-cupful of graham flour (not
sifted), one cupful of pastry flour, two-
thirds cupful of brown, sugar, three
teagpoonfuls of baking powder and one
teaspoonful of salt. When thoroughly
mixed, add two cupfuls of buttermilk.
cne and one-eighth teaspoonfuls of soda
and one cupful of pecan-nut meats, finely
cut Turn Into a buttered breadpan and
bake forty-five minutes In a moderate
oven. The butter used for sandwiches
should be worked until creamy, before
spreading. If you wish them very thin,
it Is , a good Idea to spread the bread
before cutting from the loaf. Sandwiches
which are prepared several hours before
serving time may be kept fresh by
wrapping in paraffin paper, or in an
old napkin wrung as dry as possible out
of hot water. .
Boston Brown Bread.
Mix and sift ope cupful of ryemeal,
one cupful of granulated cornmeal, one
cupful of graham flour, one teaspoonful
of soda: then add three-fourths cupful of
molasses and two cupfuls of sour milk.
Turn into well-buttered molds, adjust
butter covers and steam two hours. Molds
should never, be filled more than two
thirds full. Por sandwiches use one
pound baking-powder boxes. The sand
wiches are then circular in shape, with
out waste in cutting. For steaming, place
(molds on a trivet In kettle containing
boiling; water, allowing the water to coma
half-way around the mold, cover closely
and steam,1, adding more boiling water
as needed. One and three-fourths cupfuls
of sweet milk may be used In place of
the sour milk.
Almond Meringue.
Blanch one-half pound of Jordan al
monds, finely shred one-half of them,
and brown in a slow oven. Put one-halt
cupful of sugar and - one-fourth cupful
of water in a saucepan, and when boiling-point
is reached add remaining al
monds, and cook until the syrup Is of a
golden-brown color, stirring frequently.
Turn into a ' pah, cool and pound in a
mortar. Beat whites of four eggs until
stiff, and add gradually one and one
fourth cupfuls of 'powdered sugar, one-
.. half teaspoon vanilla, and one-fourth
teaspoonful -salt; add powdered almonds.
' Shape by tablespoonfuls on paper placed
over a wet board, sprinkle with shredded
almonds, dust with powdered sugar .and
bake in slow oven twenty-five minutes.
Creole Ice Cream. .
ITse six cupfuls of cream, one of maple
sirup, half a cupful of sugar caramelized,
one of almonds, half teaspoonful of salt
and one ' tablespoonful of vanilla; color
with caramel coloring. Blanch the al
monds, cut crosswise In pieces, and brown
In the oven, then chop fine. Caramelize
the sugar, and add slowly to two cup
fuls of scalded cream. As soon as the
iigar melts, add maple sirup, nuts, salt
and the' remaining cream. Cool, add the
flavoring, color to about the shade of
coffee and freeze.
Saratoga Chips.
. Slice thln Into a bowl of cold water,
medium-sized potatoes. Let stand one
and a half hours, changing water twice.
Drain, .plunge into boiling water, and let
boll one minute. Again drain, and
i plunge into cold water. Dry between
towels. Fry In .hot fat until browned,
keeping in motion with a skimmer. Re
move to dripping pan, lined with brown
paper; sprinkle with salt.
Dreamworld Muffin.
Two cups of flour, one-quarter cup of
sugar, one-half teaspoon of salt, one-half
teaspoon of soda, one cup of sour cream,
: one egge beaten light Mix in the order
given and beat well. Four into well
greased muffin pans and bake thirty
minutes. .
Peas Carrots.
One cup of carrots cut in dice and
cooked, two cups of cooked green peas,
four tablespoon of cream, one table
spoon of butter, salt and pepper, v Put '
the carrots and peas in a stewpan, add
cream, butter and seasoning and heat.
Serve in the center of the crown roast.
Cream Cheese and Cherry Salad.
Make small balls of the cream cheese;
stone the cherries. Cut the cherries in
halves and place a half Cherry on two
sides of the cheese ball. Serve on hearts
of lettuce, with French dressing, highly
seasoned with paprika.
Iced Watermelon. i
Cut the pulp, of watermelon in inch
cubes, sprinkle with sugar and a little
salt and cinnamon. Put In an Ice cream
freezer or pail, surround with ice and
' salt and let it remain forty-five minutes.
Serve In champagne glasses.
Japanese Esse.
Three hard-boiled eggs,. cut lengthwise
and yolks removed; three sardines
minced fine; teaspoon of salt one ta
blespoon of butter, a. few grains of cay
enne, one and one-half cups of hot boiled
rice, one cup of tomato Bauce. Mix the
- egg yolks, sardines, butter and season?
M. ings; form into six balls and place In
; the halves of, whites. Arrange the rice
on a platter and place the eggs on the
; rice. Pour the tomato sauce around the
eggs. .
Crabs a la Somerset.
One pint of crab meat, three table.
. spoons of butter, one-half teaspoon of
;' salt few grains of cayenne,' yolks of
V three eggs, one tablespoon of lemon Juice,
f one-half cup of thin cream. . Cut crab
f meat in small pieces.' Melt the butter,
J add crab meat -seasonings, and lemon
j Juice. Cook five minutes. Add cream.
. Then add the egg yolks slightly beaten.
V Cook until the eggs thicken and serve at
once. .
i ... . Blackberry Jam Cake.
i One-half cup of butter, one cup of
sugar.three eggs, , three tablespoons of
mUk, one and two-thirds cups of flour,
two teaspoons- of baking powder, one
half teaspoon of cinnamon, two-thirds
cups of blackberry Jam. Cream the but
ter, add gradually the " sugar; add the
yolks of eggs well beaten. Sift the flour,
baking powder and cinnamon together
and add with the milk to the other mix
ture; add the jam and the whites of eggs
beaten stiff. Bake in Washington pie
tins. Spread boiled frosting between the
layers of cake and cover the top with
the frosting.
Ginger Pear Chips.
Wipe eight pounds of pears with a
piece of cheesecloth wrung out of cold
water, remove stems, quarter, core and
cut in small piees of uniform size. Put in
a granlteware kettle, add four pounds of
granulated sugar and one-fourth pound
of Canton ginger cut In small pieces.
Cover, and let stand over night. In the
morning add four lemons which have
been wiped, sliced and cut in smalt pieces,
removing all seeds. Bring to the boiling
point and let simmer two and one-half
. Gooseberry Catsup.
Pick over, wash and drain five pounds
of gooseberries. Put in a kettle and add
four pounds of sugar, two cupfuls of
cider vinegar, one and one-half table
spoonful each of cloves and allspice.
Bring to the boiling point and let simmer
two hours. Fill bottles and seal.
Gooseberry RelUh.
Pick over, wash and drain five cupfuls
of gooseberries. Add one and one-third
cupfuls of raisins from which seeds have
been removed and one onion, peeled and
sliced. Chop, or force through a meat
chopper, put In a kettle and add one cup
ful of brown sugar, three tablespoonfuls
each of mustard, ginger and salt, one
fourth teaspoonful of cayenne and one
teaspoonful of turmeric. Pour over one
quart of vinegar, bring slowly to the
boiling point and let simmer forty-five
minutes. Strain through a coarse sieve,
fill bottles with mixture, seal.
Preserved Damsons.
Wipe damsons with a piece of cheese
cloth wrung out of cold water and prick
eacn nve or six times, using a large
needle; then weigh. Put three-fourths
their weight of sugar in a large stewpan
and to each pound of sugar add one cup
ful of boiltng water. As soon as sugar
and water reach the boiling point, add
plums a few at a time, that fruit may
keep In better shape during the cooking.
Cook until plums are soft, which may
easily be determined by piercing with a
small wooden skewer. It Is an excellent
Idea to use two kettles, that the work
may be done more quickly and the syrup
does not cook too long a time.
Wipe five pounds of plums with a
piece of cheesecloth wrung out in cold
water, and prick each five or six times
using a large needle. Put two and pne
half pounds of brown sugar in a sauce
Pan and pour over one quart of vinegar
then add two ounces of cloves, one ounce
cinnamon, broken Into nlee
ounce of allspice berries and one
s 'of mace (all tied in ni
of stick
one ounce
ounce -or mace (all tied In
...-Bun,, cnng mixture to the boiling
point and let boil ten minutes. Pour over
plums, cover, and let stand over night
In the morning drain plums from syrup
again, bring syrup to the boiling point
let boil ten minutes and pour over plums
Cover. let stand over night, drain, and
repeat the process a third time.
Green Beans Jump
High on the Market
Wax and green beans have Jumped
from 35 cents to 1 a basket,, the heat
having dried a considerable portion of
the crop so that it is" practically unfit
ror marketing purposes. Green peas too
have dried up and merchants have' sent
to Colorado for a supply.
Lettuce, radishes, rhubarb, beets, tur
nips and carrots are very plentiful and
are selling at a reasonable figure Let
tuce is sold six bunches for a nickel
radishes, eight bunches; rhubarb, two
bunches of beets, turnips and carrots,
six bunches for 5 cents. v
Corn on the local market Is of verv
vuaiuy, tne ary weather
aone n much damage,
cents a dozen ears.
I 1
Vao Heed
Shirts I Onderwear
Come here today and take advantage of our great re
duction. The largest assormcnt in Omaha to select from. Everything
new and marked below actual cost. Shirts that are pleated and plain styles, cuffs on
or off madras, oxfords, lightly figured or prominently patterned with stripes and
dots, white grounds, pinks, blues, tans.x E.& W. and Manhattans included.
$1.00 now 50c $1.50 now 79c $2.50 now $1.15
Trousers Now
$2.50 and $3. $1.55
$3.50 and $4 .
$4.50 and $5
$6 and $6.50 .
$7.50 to $9 ... $5.55
Straw Hats at reduced prices
See them on display 4
75c Poros-Knit Union Suits, now ...... i.. jW
n la i and Eavntlan Cotton Union Suits, now too
KttlB and Featherweight Lisle Underwear)
11.60 quality, now, per garment "8
Lisle and Fine Balbriggan Underwear. $1.00 quality, now, per
MedUcotV Morgan Sea island' CoVton Underwear. Hi quality. now,f,
per garment '
Poros-Knit Underwear, 11.00 quality, now, per suit TOO
Nainsook Athletic Underwear Special, per garment ;"
26 per cent discount on all our regular lines of high grade
knit union suits.
Sonsatlonal Sale
Begins Saturday Morning, July 27 Over 3,000 pairs of
CtO EC tnis season's styles and patterns, worsteds, cneviots, ocoica
. v goods. Khakis, white serges and cassimere. Made up in Eng-
lish or peg top styles, witn or wuuoui cuus. uigm weigui
and medium weight. A great many suitable for fall wear.
Sizes 29 to 52-inch waists. Come Saturday as this sale will
not last long.
Good Things to Eat for Sunday Dinner
paign, inducing farmers to settle in Utah
and Idaho. Elder Wells says that most
of the work will be prosecuted In the
rural districts and that only men with
some money and those who are willing
to work will be induced to come to the
United States.
It sells for 12
Omaha letter carriers have set the date
for their annual picnic for Saturday
afternoon, August 10. It will be held at
Courtland Beach. The postmaster ass
granted the half , holiday for the picnlo
and the arrangement of the program Is
now In the hands of a committee of five
consisting of E. B. Alexander, 1 Arthur
Asher, D. W. Tillotson, William Bouk
and Ernest Kopald. There are 145 letter
carriers daily delivering mail in Omaha,
and it is the hope of the committee- to
get all these out with their families for
the annual afternoon of frolic.
F. McGivern of Fremont and George U
Seymour of Elgin are in Omaha. Mr.
McGivern is vice president of the Bank
ers Mortgage Loan company and Mr. Sey
mour Is one of the directors. Officers of
this company held a meeting In their
offices on the second floor of the See
building Thursday evening, making ar
rangements for the opening of business
in quarters that probably will occupy the
entire east section on the second floor
of the Bee building. T. B. McPherson,
president, and W. E. Farlow, one of the
directors, were the other officers who at
tended the conference.
Twenty-three Mormons, most of them
young men, all from Utah and In charge
of Elder Wells of Salt Lake City, passed
through Omaha en route to England and
Ireland, where they will carry on a cam.
Better Groceries for Less Money
Why should you pay more for
groceries t- Every day we con
vince more people that we
Give us your next order and we
will convince you.
Large new potatoes, per peck . . 80o
10 bars Beat 'Em All or Swift's
pride soap 85
5 bars Fels Naphtha soap... 300
14 dosen 4-sewed, extra quality
BKOOMS, very special at 39o
Blue enameled WASHBOARDS,
extra special, each . ..83o
We will send these brooms and
boards subject to approval.
Paxton's gas roasted coffee, No. 2,
per can SSo
S bars Elderf lower soap lo
25c Baker's cocoa, for 30c
35c (tt-lb.) Llptons tea 30o
4, 10c rolls toilet paper, good qual
ity, for 85p
Grape Nuts or Shredded Wheat,
per pkg lOo
25c Rubnomore powder for....lSo
25c Rumford or Calumet baking
powder for SOo
Imported oil sardines, can....lOo
Pompeian pure olive oil, pint can
for 48o
Doles' Hawaiian pineapple juice.
pint 25c, quart 45o
Coronet floor, guaranteed, 48-lb.
sack, special $1.40
ROSOMA FLOUR, highest patent,
48-lb. sack ...fl.SO
Rosoma flour la guaranteed to
make better bread and more
bread. It is made from the best
part of the wheat under sanitary
conditions. Make a trial baking
at our risk. We refund money
If not satisfactory.
Phone orders are given our
prompt attention. We deliver
808 Wo. 16th. B-3560, Dong. 6383
No Credit! No Delivery!
Rarely does one find a market
refusing credit and making no de
liveries of orders. The dealer who
does not do this must have a good
reason for breaking away from
this custom. We have; we find
that we can give better service,
better meat and better prices by
making this a strictly cash mar
ket . Order your Sunday meat
here and don't forget our choice
home dressed chickens.
Chickens lOo
Choice Chuck Steak Steak... 130
Round Steak 18o
Sirloin Steak 18o
Choice Rib Roust 15o
Pot Roast lOo and so
Pork Steak 13Ho
Home Made Pork Sausage. .130
Honve Rendered Lard, 15c, 2 lbs.
for ......390
Small Skinned Hams 130
Try our Home Cured Bacon by
the strip 30o
Jos. Bath's Cash Market
Tel. Bong. 6984. 1931 Pamam St.
Plaited Milk Bread
To tell of the n.any qualities contained in Malted Milk Bread would
serve as texts for endless sermons, but Its purity and wholesomeness is
evident due to the ever Increasing demand for it. Look for the label
on every loaf. - At all grocers, fresh every day. Every loaf guaranteed
full weight Made by Sundgren's Bakery. .
You'll enjoy DELMCIA as you will no other. It's
absolutely pure; fresh, pure fruit flavors and rich
cream are used in its making.
A flavor to suit every taste. No worry no bother.
Order it from your druggist or phone us, Doug. 1401.
"-Ma says, look for the Butter-Nut
label, because if it isn't the genuine
Butter-Nut she doesn't want it
"Dad and I like Butter-Nut, too. It taste
like more."
New England Bakery
Bptter-Niit Bread
pleases every member of the family young and old alike.
Tasty, crisp and appetizing, Butter-Nut is a real
addition to any meal
Try it yourself and see. Most good grocers have
it .5 and 10 cents the loaf. 3ut insist on seeing the
Butter-Nut labeL -
Hayden's Meat Dept.
Meat Prices Shot All to Pieces
Spring Chickens,
Each . ;. . . . .
i' , '
Pork Roast .....gC
Hindquarter Lamb, lb. .Ql(S
Forequarters of Mutton, lb 5c
Lamb Chops, 3 lbs. for 25c
Lamb Stew, 10 lbs. for 25c
Sirloin Steak, lb 15c
Round Steak X2ViC
Shoulder Steak 10c
No. 1 Steer Pot Roast, lb .'.8c
Veal Steak, lb. 15c
Veal Chops, lb ..12xkc
No. 1 Hams, lb .....14c
Bacon, lb. ........... .................... 12!c
Z3I Fed Spring Chickens, gQ
Pig Pork Roast 8c
Steer Pot Roast 8c, 7c
Steer Steak iqc
Young Veal Roast .' iqc
Lamb Legs .....lOViC
Pork Butts nc
Sugar Cured Bacon x .'..12c-
No. 1 Bacon . . . . : 1534c
No. 1 Hams . . .12c
Presh Dressed Chickens IOVuC
Grocery Department
rEBW Found Bait With 1 Found of 3So or 40o Coiim,
vane sugar, j pounds ror 1.00 . 3 lba. -Fancy Prunes
in Dars a. a. or u. c soap ror. .3So
Pet MUk, 6c size, 7 for aso
Pet Milk. lOo size, 2 for loo
6 cans of Oil Sardines for . .2So
4 cans of 10c Mustard Sardines 2So
Mason Jars, quarts, per 1oz....48o
Mason Jars of Olives or Pickles ISo
New Dried Apricots, Vb. .150 "
Best Peaches, per lb ion .
Package Creamery Butter, lb...35o
Full Cream Cheese, lb lso
Jell-O, 2 boxes for....... 150
Demonstration Cherry Phosphate
Ice Cold Sample Glass Free.
1 JDJ- Z
Have You Read the Want Ads Yet Today? -
You; Will Find Most Interesting Reading on the
Want Ad Pages.
la the Leading Agricultural Journal of the west Its columns re tilled
with the best thought of the day in matters pertaining to the farm, the
ranch and the orchard, end it la a factor in the development of the great
veatern country. . .
10:30 A. M
and 3 P. M.-
1610 HAR
Douglas 2147
Douglas '2793
Ind. A-2U7
Ind. A-2144
"Silver Blend" Coffee
One pound of Silver Blend '
makes 50 . cups of rich, mild
coffee. Every pound is uni
form in quality strength and
flavor 1 lbs. 50c
Grand Union
Tea Co.
Phone Red 1775 "500 Block.
22 lbs. Best Sugar, SI
1 lb. Best Coffee.. ;. . ; i40c
y2 lb: Tea,-any kind.'.'.35c
1 bottle Pure Extract.. 25c
Quality combination $2.00
Sugar sold only with $1 order
other goods. .
Phones, Dong. 2446; B-2446.
r.ioYuriE TEA CO.
400 North 16th Street.