THE BEE: OMAHA. VTEDXESDAT, JOLT 24, 1912. ( I REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE Walking Distance Five-room strictly modem cottage in 3ice neighborhood, on paved street, handy to school, stores and car ilne. . Owner anxious to- sell and has reduced : the price from $3,300 to 92.900. Part cash, ; balance Ilka rent. Near 16th and Lake Sts. For further information call up SCOTT & HILL, Both Phones. 307 McCague Bldg. 2 Fenced Lots Corner Southwest corner 36th and Spaulding its., 80x127 ft., on hill, six blocks west of nd of Dodge line; ISO cash, balance runs $6 per month; includes Interest. O'Keefe Real Estate Co. Douglaa Or A-2152. 1016 Omaha National. Evenings, H. 2S42 or H. 8134. At 31st and Webster Close-In Bungalow with large lot, 56x160; fin shade trees, lawn sodded, cement walks and steps; .modern in every respect. Six rooms, large 'living room, S4xl; dining room, 17x12; 3 ;nice bed rooms and bath on second floor. I Beamed ceilings, panelled walls. Sand finish and tinting on walls. Owner' needs (the money. Buy direct and save com 'mission. Brand new, just completed. 14,000 jtakes it. Call owner, Webster 8620. Show lyou through anytime. - NEW HOME TRADE FOR LOT Six-room house, just being completed, all modern except heat. Will take in good 'lot as part payment. GALLAGHER & NELSON. ;483 Brandela Bldg. Omaha, Neb. NEW six-room house and two full size 'lots, by owner; leaving city. Call Web 's tor 1261. ; EIGHTH and Forest Ave., 60x120, across 'street from St Catherine's; beautiful ip.ace. South 2703. TO BUY, SELL OR KENT, FIRST. SEtf JOHN W. ROBBINA. 1802 FARM AM ttf. KKAXi INSTATE FARM & RANCH LANDS FOR SALE Colorado. ' FOR SALE At a bargain if taken at ionce; ISO acres of gooa IanS in Lincoln county Colorado. King Hardware Co., 2109 Cuming St. Georgia. i GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA Traversed by the (ATLANTIC. BIRMINGHAM ATLANTIC RAILROAD. Lands adapted to the widest range o' crops. All the money crops of the soutfc plentifully produced. For literature treat ing with this coming country, its soil, climate, church and school advantages, wrltA W. B. LEAHY, DEPT. K. General passenger Agent, ATLANTA, QA. FOR 6ALE-120 ACRES IRRIGATED Hand, three mile from town, for 17,000, land will take 4,0u cash and will give 1 l.vears on the balance, For iiiformatloa write henry Mapies. Richfield, Idaho. : FOR SALE The best 640-acre irrigated tract in Idaho; owner too feeble; for par. jiiculara write W. S. Kodgman, Riverside, THE easiest way to find a buyer tot your farm U to insert a small want 4 in the JJes Moines capital. Largest cir culation in the atate of Iowa, ,uuO dally. The Capital m read oy anu beiiavtui in by the sundpattas of iowa, who siinpiy r. fuse to penult any other paper lu their 'hurne. Rates, I cunt a word a day; il.U lpr line pei nionut; count nut OiOiaary jwords to ine line. AddrtM aiuuic CuiHtal. Moines, lav 660 ACRES, good upland, in Missouri; $3. a per acre. J?. L. riayaiett, Maxthall jtown. la. Iora. Improved Iowa Farm, Price J 25 Per Acre Must Be Sold at Once to Satisfy Creditors I oiler for quie saio lor cash, 320 acres 'Improved laim in Monona, la. Price, $25 per acre. Can arrange ior loan for one jtnird purchase price. Traders and those without money save stamps. ' James L. Dowd, Trustee, 1317 S. 32d St., uniaixi. Nab. Muaiuuu. RANCHES-32,000 to $100,000. Send for 31st. Shopen & Co., Ranch Dealer, jumaha. Neb. Aebrnaka. '40-BUSHEL WHEAT LAND, 23 TO $33 PER ACRE. . We have for sale over 20,000 acres it 'Cheyenne county, Nebraska's choicest Ifarin land, where the crop yields for 12 years, ..eluding 1910 and 1911, average Pith the aeiet in the state. Alialfa, also leading tirop. Better soil, water and (Climate cannot be found. Write for full information. Agents 'Wanted everywhere. S"UN DIN G3LAN D INVESTMENT CO., SIDNE. NEB. Sooth Dakota. t HAVING decided to go to Germany to Ive, will sell my farm, 160 acres, im iroved, 7 miles from Winner, 8. D.; one third crop to purchaser if-sold by Sept 1; will show land. Address George Koch, I)exter, la. OWNER MUST RAISE MONET. 320 acres. Hand county, S. D., land, all tillable; 135 acres under cultivation;, all k'enced, small buildings, good well with wlndmil; encumbrance $3.3j0, due 1917; 320 hn acre will purchase same and obtain landlord's share 1912 crop, which is good. Address C. N. Mcllvalne. Huron, S. D. UVK STOCK MARKET OF WEST Ship live stock to South Omaha. Save Intieage and shrinkage. Tour consign ments receive prompt and careful atten tion. Live Stock CommlMion Merchants IByers Bros. & Co. Strong and responsible. WOOD BROS.. 234-38 Exchange Bldg. Great West. Com. Co,. Omaha & Denver. hay. Kobison Ac Co.. 200 Exchange Bldg. "CLJFTON"Carn. Co., 822 Exchange Bldg. '"Martin Bros. A Co., Exca. Bldg! TAGG BROS., handle cattle, hogs, sheep. LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received by the board of Education of the city of Dodge, pf the state of Nebraska, up to 2 p. m. August 6, 1812, for the furnishing of all hiaterlals and labo rneeessary to con struct a high school building, including the installation of ehating, plumbing and Ventilating; all In accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by J. H Felt & Co., architects, Kansas City, Mo. Said plans and specifications are on file with the Board of Education of the city of Dodge, state of Nebraska, and H.lso at the office of the archltcts. Full instructions to bidders will be found In the specifications and all pro osals must comply with the condition herein. Said board and architects reserve the fright to reject any or all proposals. ecayed Porch Rail Causes Bad Fall While leaning against a rail on the torch outside her room at 707 North Eighteenth street at o'clock last night, Bertha St. Clair fell fifteen feet to the pasement below when the decayed wood kave way under her weight. She suffered k badly wrenched back and bruises about he (ace and body. Police Surgeon Van-fi--iuiof attended the woman. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Weather is Favorable and Cash De mand for Wheat is Better. CORN IS BUNGING GOOD PRICES Catting; of Oats Has ttarted in Some Places aid Experts Look for Bt Yield Fikktnres of Day's Tracing. OMAHA, July 23. Mil Liverpool wheat ! A higher Chicago receipts are 24 cars, against 1.071 cars ior me corresponding day last year, me weather is favorable as a rule. The cash demand waa much Better yesterday and there were sales of 135,000 bushels, in cluding a cargo of No. 2 red to go to Toledo. The export business 'continues good, wltn prospects for heavy sales on the dips. Burlington railroad report gives a favorable account of conditions along its lines, but many conservative people in the trade regard present prices as low enough to discount the bearish factors. Traders said last night that while the market is feeling the etfecu of the winter wheat movement at present the latter will be over by the time spring whtat begins to move, which will be about thirty days. Many commission houses who have been besarish of lata are advising caution on short bide. It is expected tii&t cables from now on wiw cut more figure in the wheat than they have for the last six months because of the close approximation of price here to an export level. Cash wheat was ViS'le lower. Liverpool corn opened higher. T' cash demand is fair and cash prices are relatively much firmer than futures, which helps to minimise the speculative lniiuences oi tne gooa crop prospects. All grades ot cash corn are bringing July prices or better. A crop expert irom eastern lowa yesteraay saia tne crop prospects were the best since 1895. It is general belief that Oklahoma will have the largest crop of corn ever raited there. The color of the Oklahoma corn is very good. Unchanged to 4c higher. The cutting of oats has started in some places. Experts look ior a Dig yieia. Few cars of new oats are being received here. The caan demand continue good. Strength in the cash coupled with bmali offerings is giving the market a very steady undertone and prices are apt to work some higher. Oats ZtGfSc higher. Clearances oi corn were s.wo busnels. oats, 3.000 bushels and wheat and flour equal to 47.000 bushels. Liverpool closed with wheat d higher and corn d higher. Primary wheat receipt were 1,096,000 bu. and shipments 620,000 bu., against receipt last year of 1.290,000 bu.. and shipments of o4",00o bu. Corn receipts were 421,000 bu. and ship menu 464,000 bu., against receipts last year of 369,000 bu, and shipments 602,000 bu. Receipts of oats were 32B.000 bu. and shipments 2SS.000 bu. against receipts last year of 713,000 bu. and shipments, 610,000 bu. Omaha Cash Price. WHEAT No. S hard, r90c; No. 3 hard, s469ttc. i CORN-O. 2 white, 67tt774c; No. 3 white, 7677o; No. 4 white, 7374c; No. S color, 76c; No. 2 yellow, 70c; No. 8 yellow, 6870c; No. yellow, 6667c; No. 2, 7V4 70ttc; No. S, 67070c; No. 4, 6&fe66c; no grade, 6762c. OATS No. 2 white, H 4544c: standard, 43K46Hc; No. 3 white, 4345Hc; No. 4 No. 4 white, 4248c. BARLEY Malting, 6075c; No. 1 feed, 4050c. RYE No. 2, 6062c; No. 3, 6760c. The following caah sales were reported: Wheat: No. 2 hard, winter, new, 1 car turkey. 90Ho; 38 cars, 87Hc; No. 2 hard, winter, old, 1 car, 90c; No. 3 hard, win ter, new, l car, dark, 89V4c;,l car, 87Hc; 1 car, 87c; No. 3 hard, winter, old, 1 car. smutty, 89c; No. 4 hard, winter, new, 1 oar, 84c. Oats: No. 3 white, 1 car, 43c; No. 4 white, 1 car, 42c,;. 1 car, 45c; no grade, 1 car, 39c. Corn: No. 3 white, 8 cars, 77c; 1 car, 76c; No. 4 white, 1 car, 74c; No. 3 color, 1 car, 75c; No. 2 yellow, 1 car, 70c; No. 3 yellow, 1 car, 70o; 1 oar, 89Hc; 2 cars, 69c; 1 car, 68; No. 4 yellow, 2 cars, 67c; 1 car, 66c; No. 3 mixed, cars. 70c; 1 car, 67c; No. 4 mixed, 2 cara. 66t4c; 2 oars, 66c; 1 car, 63c; no grade, 1 ar, 2c; l car, poor, sto. Carlot Receipt. Wheat. Com, Oats. Chicago 246 161 134 Minneapolis 99 Duluth 80 Omaha 58 24 6 St. Louis 214 6S la Kansas City 256 27 4 CHICAGO GRAIN A.D PROVISIONS Feature of the Trading and Closing; Price on Board of Trade. CHICAGO, July 23. Anxiety on the part of shorts in grain, especially those whose contracts call for July delivery, brought about a rapid advance in that option today amounting at one tme to 3c for wheat, 3c for corn and 4c for oats. Black rust spreading and the scantiness of the supply of fodder in store hero were responsible. The close in all was nervous, with wheat up lHc to ZvfcC net, corn lylc to 2c and oats 'Ac to 4tt, The outcome in provisions varied from 16c down to 7c up. Muggy, warm weather over the entire spring crop country was what chiefly stirred uo, the wheat trade.- Despite wide fluctuation the volume of business in the pit did not exceed that of a good general average. Highest prices were scored Just before the finish. Sep tember, the most active month, ranged from 93c to 94Tc, with the last sales 9ic, an advance of 24o compared with twenty-four houra before. Persistent bidding for July on the part of a few of the larger elevator and com mission concerns put corn shorts on the defensive from the outset. The price was swiftly marked up, almost a cent' at a time, offerings being of the most meager sort. The fright extendnd to the Sep tember option at the last and It fluctuated from 64c to 66c, closing strong 24c up at 66H66c. Cash grades were firm. No. 2 yellow wad quoted at 7154(ff,721i4c- Oversold conditions In the oats trade led to a scramble In which July was run up 6VsC above yesterday's low point. Storm damage reports from Iowa and elsewhere helped the flurry. Outside limits touched for September were SSve and 34c. with the close 34c up at 34'ic Provisions rose on account of the grain strength, and owing to a lighter run of hogs. December lard showed a backset, but otherwise the market In the end averaged from 2c to 7c above last night. Closing quotations on futures were: Article! Open. ) High. Low. Close. Wheat! 1 July. 97' - 99H ' 96 , 98'4 Sept. 93H 84 S3 94 Dec. 95f98 97 85 May. IW lOlfc 1 00 1 a Corn- I July. 6M4 72 68 71 Septl644'4 6i 64m66ttH Dec. 664H1 574 6667!h4 May.l574i 58 67 58 Oatb July. 444S 48 44 48 Sept. S3f 34 88 34 Dec. SiH35 34 35 May. 37 37 3737 Pork.. Sept. 17 70 17 76 17 62 17 65 Oct.. 17 77 17 77- 17 72- 17 80 17 70 17 75 Jan., 17 93 18 05 17 92 18 00 Lard- July. 10 55 10 67. 10 57 10 50 10 SO Sept. 10 65 10 67 10 60 lu 60 Oct.. 10 70 10 70 10 65 10 65 Jan.. 1017- 10 20 10 22 1017 10 20 Ribs July. 10 42 10 45 10 35 10 40 jjept. 10 50 ;0 52 10 45 10 45 Oct.. 10 18 10 45 10 40 10 40(9 10 42 92 4 99 63rf4 66U 67&' 44 87 17 80 17 67 17 82 Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Easy; winter patents, $4.6091 170; straights, $41594.60; spring patents, $4.8596.10; straights, $4.6094.85; bakers, $4.25 9145. RTE No. 2, 74e. SEEDS-Tlmothy, 85.5097.50. Clover, $14 0017.OO. PROVISIONS-Mess pork, $17 27917.50. Lard (in tierces), $10.50. Short ribs (loose), $10.40. Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 67,000 bu. Primary receipts were 1,096.000 bu., compared with 1,296,0U0 bu. the corresponding day a year ago. The world's visible supply, as shown by Bradstreet's, decreased 6,891.000 bu. Esti mated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. 832 cars; corn, 103 cars; oats, 80 cars; hogs, 27,000 head. WUEIT-Ka. xad. 97Uftl.iW: No. 10o7 10 to 1010 1A 10 10 87 I 1 red. 95696c; No. 3 hard. 97Ueff$l.fjO: No. 3 hard. 95S8c; No. 1 northern, $1.06 Cl.12; No. 2 northern, 11. 041.09; No. 3 northern. $1.031.07: No. 1 spring, $1.00 l og; is'o. 3 spring, wi.w; no. 4 spring, 96c$ 41.06; velvet chaff, 31.00(81.08; durum, H.ooei.08. CORN-No. 2, 707lc; No. 2 white. 7777c; No. 2 yellow. 7172c; No. 3, 69S70c; No. 3 white. 7&76c; No. 3 yellow. 70s,71e; No. 4, 676$e; No. 4 white. TStKSHc; No. 4 yellow, i&S70c. OATS New, 4547e; No. 2, 4ij4e; No. 2 white. MfffiWHc; No. 3 white. 53 55c: No. 4 white. 503o3o; standard, 64 C66U.C. RTE No. 2. 74o. BARLET-608Co. - SEEDS-Tlraothy. $5.607.50; clover, $14.0017.0a BUTTER Steady; creameries. 2S325c; dairies. 21224c. EGGS Steady; receipts. 11,428 cases; at mark, cases included, 1516c; ordinary firsts, lemic. CHEESE Steady: daisies. I515c; twins, 15$15c; young Americas, li 15c; long horns, 16($15c. POTATOES -Unchanged; receipts, 43 cars: Illinois, 7072c: Missouri and Kan sas, 75377c; Virginia, barreled, 32.9003.00. POULTRT Alive, oasy: turkeys. 18o; chickens, 14c; springs. lS23c. VEAL-Steady at 8llc. NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET Quotation of the Day on Varton Commodities. NEW TORK, July 23.-FLOUR-Firm; pring patents, $5.2506.45; winter straights, $4 604.75; winter patents, $4 909 35; spring clears, $4.504.8O; winter extras, No. 1, $4.20(4.30; winter extras. No. 2. $4.00(34.10; Kansas straights, $4.60(4.76. Rye flour, steady: choice to fancy, $4.76B;6.05. CORNMEAL Easy; fine white and yel low,. $1.70f 1.78: coarse, $l-65f 1.70; kiln dried. $4.05. BARLET Quiet; malting, $1.1291.25 c. 1. f. Buffalo. WHEAT-Spot market strong; No. 3 red, $1.091.11, export basis, and $1.10 f. o. b. afloat to arrive; No. 1 northern Duluth, $1.16 f. o. b. afloat. Futures market closed U2c net higher. July closed $1.08; September,, 1.OO01.O1V. closed, $1.01; December closed $1.03. CORN Spot market, strong; export, 80o f. o. b. afloat. OATS-Spot. market firm; Etandard white, 59c; No. 2, 69c; No. 3, 6Sc; No. 4. 68c; natural white and white clipped, 5863c on track. Receipts. 30,500 bushels. HAT-Dull; prime, $1.S61.40; No. 1. $1.3061.35; No. 2, $1.101.20; No, 3, 809 97c. HIDES-Stesdy; Central America, 24c; Bojrota, 2425c. - LEATHER Firm; hemlock firsts, 25 27c; seconds, 2426c; thirds, 2122c; re jects, 15c. PROVISIONS Pork, steady; mess, $20.00920.50; family, $20.0ftg21.00; short clear, $19.25920.75. Beef, steady; mess, $15.00915.50; family, $13.0091860; beef hams, $28.00931.00. Cut meats, quiet; pickled bellies, (10 to 14 lbs.), $11.00911.76; pickled hams, $12.50913.00. Lard, steady; middle west prime, $10.4010.60; refined, quiet; continent, $10 90; South America, $11.70: compound, $8.50. BUTTER Irregular; receipts, 8,331 tubs; creamery extras, 2727c; firsts, 26926c; seconds, 259$6c. EGGS Irregular; receipts, 17,688 cases; fresh gathered extras. 23924c: extra first, 20922c; first, 18919c; seconds, 17918c; western gathered whites, 19924a. CHEESE Steady; receipts, 6,799 boxes; state, whole milk, white, specials, 159 15c; skims. 3912c. POULTRT Dressed irregular; fresh killed western broilers, 24927c; fowls, IS 917c; turkeys, 16917c. St. Lool General Market. ST. LOUIS, July 23. WHEAT Higher; track, No. 2, $1.0191.02; No. 8 hard, trf CORN-Hlaher: track. No. 2. 73V4(73c: No. 2 white, 75c. OATS-Higher; track, No. 2, 48960c; No. 2 white, 55959c. . Closing prices of futures: WHEAT-Higher; September. 849 94c; December, 86c. CORN-Higher; September, 66c; De cember, 55c. OATS-Higher; September, 83c; De cember, 34c. RTE Lower, at 72c FLOUR-Weak; red winter patents. $5.00 95.40; extra fancy and straights. $4,259 4.80; winter clears, $3.5094.80. SEED-Timothy, $10.0014.50. CORNMEAL-83.60. - BRAN Weak; sacked (east track), $1.05 HAT Firm; timothy. $20.00924.00; prai rie, $11.00913.00. PROVISIONS Pork, unchanged; job bing, $16.25. Lard, unchanged; prime steam, $9.77f9.87. Dry salt meats, higher; boxed extra shorts, $10.75; clear ribs, $10.75; short clears, $11.00. Bacon, higher; boxed, extra shorts, $11.75; clear ribs, $11.75; short clears, $12.00. POULTRY Firm; chickens, 13c; springs, 1619c; turkeys, . 1430c; ducks. 8912c; geese, 5llc. BUTTER Lower; creamery, 2226c. EGGS Higher at 15c. Kansas City Grain and Provision. KANSAS CITT. July 23. WHEAT Cash, lc higher; No. 2 hard, 80S92c; No. 3. SS91c; No. 2 red, 94996c; No. 8, 91 83c. CORN-Steady to c higher; No. 2 mixed, 7272c; No. 3, 7172c; No. 2 white, 79&80c; No. 3, 78c. OATS Unchanged ; No. 2 wmte, 45 45c; No. 2 mixed, 4142c. Wiosine prices or luturee. WHEAT-July. 89c; September, 899S3c; December, 91(91c. CORN July, 72c; September, 659S5c; Decembr, Jo55c. OATS September, 24c. RTE-61962C. HAY Steady; choice timothy. $15.00 16.00; choice prairie, $9.50910.00. tsu i ictt creamery, mc; ttrsts, sic; seconds, 2uc; packing stock, 2020o. iXius iiXtras, iyc; firsts, i,c; seconds. 13c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 256,000 173,000 Corn, bu 27.000 19,000 Oats, bu 45,000 3,006 Visible Supply of Grain. NEW YORK, July 2S.-Special cable and telegraphic communications re ceived by Bradstreet's show the follow ing changes In available supplies as com pared with previous account: Available supplies: Wheat, United States, east Rockies, decreased 1,771,000 bushels. United States, west Rockies, increased 9,00u bushels. Canada, decreased 1,028.000 bushels. Total United States and Can ada, decreased 2,791,000 bushels. Afloat for and In Europe, decreased, 3.100,000 bushels. Total American and European supply, decreased, 6,891,000 bushels. Corn, United States and Canada, de creased 1,738,000 bushels. Oats, United States and Canada, decreased 1,274,000 bushels. The leading increases and de creases reported this week, follow: In creases: Fort Worth, S96.000 bushels: St. Joseph, 112,000 bushels; Nashville, 81,000 bushels. Decreases: Manitoba, 422,000 bushels; Lincoln and vicinity, 82,000 bushels. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. July 23. -WHEAT- July, $1.06; September, 86996c: Decem ber, 87e; cash, No. 1 hard, $1.07; No. 1 northern, $1.06; No. 2 northern, $1.04; NO. 8, $1.(H91.02. CORN No. I yellow, 74975c. OATS-No. 3 white, 46fi4tic. RYE No. 2, 70c. BRAN In 100-lb. sacks, . $20.00921.00. FLAX-$1.95. BARLEP-469S6C FLOUR First patents. $5.1025 35: second patents, $4 8095.08; first clears, $3.5090.75; second clears, $2.4092.70. Mtlivuukrc Grain .Market. MILWAUKEE. July 23.-WHEAT-No. 1 northern, $1.1191.12; No. 2 northern, $1.08 91-10: No. 2 hard winter, 8799$c; September, 94o; December, 97c. CORN-No. 3 yellow, 70972c; No. I white. 76c: No. 8, 6970o; September. 66c; December, 67c. OATS Standard, 65c. RTE No. 1. 74c. BARLET Malting, 70990c Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL, July 23 -WHEAT-pot, steady; No. 2 red western winter, 8a 7d; No. 3 Manitoba, 7s lid; futures, firm; July, 7s 7d; October, 7s 3d; December, 7 ld. CORN Spot American mixed, old, lrm. 7s; new American, kiln dried, quiet, s lOd; futures, firm; July, 4s 9d. Omaha Hor Market. OMAHA' July 23-HAT-New No. 1, $12,004(12 50; No. 2, $10.0S18.00; No. 3, $8.00 910.0U; No. 1 midland. $11.00912.00; No. 2, I10.00ll.00; No. 8, $8.00910.01); No. 1 low land, $10.00811.00; No. 2, $3.00810.00; No. 3, $t.C09S.OO. Key to the Situation Be Advertising. HEW YORK JiTOGK MARKET Further Seaction Observed in Move ment for Day. STANLEY REPORT HAS EFFECT Steel lae Again Moat Attire of Specalative Stock and the Special Target of Attack by Bear. NEW YORK. July 23.-Further hsaction was observed in the movement of stocks today. Prices showed an irregular trend at the outset, but actual heaviness was not manifested until quite late in the session, when many ot the leaders were materially under the preceding day's close. The foremost factor today was the feel ing of pessimism caused by published forecasts of the Stanley committee' re port on the United States Steel corpora tion. Some of the reported recommenda tions of the committee are more com plex than were expected, as a result of which Wall street looks for a continu ance of the agitation against the trusts. Steel was again the most active ot the speculative issues and the special target of bear attack, although it yielded less than some other stocks In the same group. Pressure against Reading and Union Pacific was persistent, but the shorts seemed to lack courage to carry thlr advantage very far. About the only stoeks to display strength were those of the electrical companies, General Electrlo advancing to its best figure in some years on circumstantial report of an ap proaching extra stock dividend. Central Leather and American Hide and Letaher submitted financial statements, the lat ter company reporting marked gains tor the last quarter, but In neither case did the securities of these companies make appreciable response. Money on time worked towards greater ease, but chiefly in the shorter matur ities. Local banks report a moderate loss of cash to the subtreasury thus tar this week, but the dullness of the stock mar ket is calculated to further reduce loans. Bonds were unchanged. Total sales, $1,445,000. United States government bonds were unchanged. Numbr ot aie ana :eaair.g quotation on stock j were as follows: Sties. Hl(h. Low. Clot. AUU-Chalmr p(d 14 Amalgamated Copper ... 10,7110 83V S3 Uti American Agricultural 61 American Beet Sugar.... 1.100 734 784 Hi American Can 700 34 It U American CAT 300 68 H 874 American Cotton Oil 20- U U (t American H. A I pfd i Am. Ice Securitlea it. American Llneeed 13(4 American Locomotive 424 American 6. a R 1,100 81 il il Am. S. & ft. pfd Am. Steel Foundries 15 Am. Socar Refining 1S84 American T. T 800 1484 MS 1484 America Tobacco p(d 1U74 American Woolen it Anaconda Mining Co.... 7M 414 414 41 Atchleon i,Mu 18 II 184 Atchteon pfd , 101l Atlantic Coatt Une Ill Baltimore 4 Ohio 1,200 lol W4 104 Bethlehem steel 400 384 H Brooklyn Rapid. Tr 1.700 8K, 114 H1i Canadian Pacific I.too 264 H44 2644 Central Leather 1,800 374 17 17 Central Leather pfd 100 M M M4 Cmtrtl ot New Jerter 8U ChettBMk Ohio 1,400 SO 10 to Chicago & Alton II Chicago O. W .'. 17 Chicago O. Vr. pfd 114 Chicago N. W 200 Ml 1384 1884 Chicago, M. 4 St. P.... 2,800 IDS 4 10 10 c. c. a t: l si Colorado r. t KM 31 304 Colorado at Southern 41 Cenaoildated Oas 1,100 1454 1444 148 Cora Product 20u 134 It Delaware 4V Hudson 167 Denver A Rio Grande 11 D. V ft. G. pfd 854 Di Killer' Securitlea 314 Erie , 4,700 184 314 Erie lu pfd TOO 84 834 834 Erie d pfd 48 General Electric 1,800 18) 1714 1S1 Great Northern pfd 1,200 13744 137 1114 Great Northern Ore ctfa.. 100 42 41 l Illinois Central 100 1114 1314 HI Interborough Met 8, HO 204 184 104 Inter. Met. pfd 1,100 18 684 8S4 International Harvester .. 100 1204 1104 IK). Inter-Marin ptd n international Paper 184 International Pump 264 Iowa Central II Kanaaa City Southern 3444 K. C. So. pfd 84 Laclede Oaa 104) Uniterm A Nathvlll... 600 1874 1ST 1ST Minn, a St. Loula 18 M.. St. P. & S. S. M....'. 400 1464 14(1 14 146 Mleaourl, K. A T 100 274 274 374 M . K. A T. pfd 100 604 6O4 60 Mlnourl Pacific 600 364 364 31 National Biacult 2,100 142 1311 140 National Lead 300 o4 88 814 N. R. R. of M. 2d pfd..' 304 New York Central 200 11&4 11S4 1184 N. Y.. O. A W 124 Norfolk A Western 700 1164 1164 II64 North American .., 400 824 814 12 Northern Pacific 1,800 1214 1204 1204 Pacific Mall 100 314 314 31 Pennsylvania 600 U34 1234 US 4 People's Gaa 400 1164 1184 U64 P., C, C. A St. L 106 Pittsburgh Coal 100 21 21 204 Presaed Steel Car 844 Pullman Palace Car 100 162 162 1614 Railway Steel Spring.... 100 34 S 344 344 Reading, ex-dlv 20,600 164 1624 1634 Republic Steel 284 Republic Steel pfd 844 Rook laland Co 200 244 244 244 Kock lind Co. pfd 100 484 464 St. L. & f. T. Id pfd.... 600 36 38 4 ' 364 St. Loula t. W 11 St. L. S. W. ptd 73 Sioaa-Shalfleld S. A I Is Southern Paclflo 800 110 1084 1084 Southern Railway 800 28 284 284 So. Railway pfd 800 774 774 77 Tenneau Copper 200 424 434 424 Ttxaa A Paelfio 22 T., St. L. A W it T St. L. A W. ptd 200 314 1H 11 Union Pacific 16.200 1684 1674 1674 t'nlon Pad f lo pfd 804: United State! Realty 14 United Sunt Rubber.... son St 624 124 United state Steel as, 100 704 684 684 V. B. Steel pfd 800 1124 U34 111 Utah Copper MW 62 114 114 Va.-Carollnt Chemical .. 3uO 494 484 484 Wabaah 4 Wabash pfd 100 184 184 1U Wettern Maryland 100 68 68 61 Weatlnghouae Electric .. 10,300 78 4 77 774 Wcetern Union 824 Wheeling A U E 64 Lehigh Valley 4,800 167 1664 1664 Chlno Copper 8O0 814 814 31 Ray Conaoltdated 1,600 11 304 104 American Tobacco 800 103 3014 1014 Seaboord Air Line 200 214 334 234 Seaboard A. L. pfd 400 34 634 tS Total talea tor the day, 197,400 aharea. Boston Stock Market. BOSTON. July 23.-Closlng quotations on ftocks were as follows: Allouer 44 Mohawk 68 Amal. Copper ...... M4 Nevada Cen 204 A. Z. U & 8 314N!pleeln( Mlnea .... 74 Arizona Com. 4 North Butte 304 B. . C. C. A 8. M. 74 North Lake 54 Cal. aV Arizona 75 Old Dominion tt Cal. Heels 52S Osceola n Centennial 24 Quincy ....t SOU r, f ' r.. up. nanao v.. v... oi enannon JB4 Beat Butt O. M ... 134 Superior 474 Franklin 114 Superior 4t B. M... 14 Olrouk Con 44 Tamarack 404 Orasbr Con S34U. B, 8. R. t M... 4f4 Oreene Cananea 4 do pfd 494 Tale Kerala Copper.. 34 Utah Coir. 11 Kerr Lake 24 Utah Copper Co (4 Lake Copper 34 Winona 64 La tall Copper..... 44 Wolverine U0 Miami Copper t4 Sexw York Mlntn; Stocks NEW YORK, July .23.-Closlng tion on mining stock were: Alle 280 Utile Chief Com. Tunnel fleet it Mexican io bonda 17 Ontario Con. Cal. ft V 16 Ophlr Iron Silver 160 Standard ........ Leadvllle Con a Yellew Jacket...., Offered. quota .... 1 ....276 ...160 ....106 .... 36 .... (0 Condition of Treaaory. , WASHINGTON, July 23 -At the begin nlng of business today the condition of the United States treasury was: Working balance in treasury, 395,436,428; In banks and Philippine treasury, $35,790.(91; total A K. ..n.r, I ttr.A - - 1 1 1 lie 1M ) celpts yesterday were $1,120,006; disburse ments were (71,480. The deflcitto date this rincai year is i,m.,oi, a agamst a deficit of $14,324,728 at this time last year. These figure exclude Panama canal and publlo debt transactions. ' London Stock Market. LONDON, July 23.-Amertcan securities were quiet and featureless during the early trading today. At noen prices ranged from M above to hi below yester day s New Tork closing. Bank Clearings. OMAHA, July 23. Bank clearings for today were $3.67tU3S.s3 and for the corre- aauMultnar imjr Uat jraar 12-430. 622-&Z. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Little or No Change for Prevailing- Prices for Cattle. HOGS SELL GENERALLY STEADY Both Sheep an 4 Lamb In Very Light Supply, While Price Ar Steady, bat Trade Mot Very- Active. SOUTH OMAHA. July 2S. 1918. Receipts were: Cattle. Hoes. Sheep Official Mondav 4.07. 4. tie .068 Estimate Tuesday 3.400 10,000 J.600 Two days this week.. 7.475 14,S 12,566 Same dav last week.. 6 374 17.119 li.i Same days 2 w'ks. ao 3,640 16.63$ lS.'.sS Same days 3 w'ka. aso .S14 .tC0 9 $91 Same days 4 w'ks. ago 7.T2 25.3.3 .T&? Same days last year.. 11,652 1&.637 81,052 The following- table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha tor tne year to date as compared wun last year; 1912. 1911. inc. pec. Cattle 4SS.8I5 545.438 16,591 Hogs 1,015.115 l,5t." 4f3,451 ... Sheep 96,9tW S34.331 162.635 ... The following table shows the range of prices for hogs at South Omaha for the last lew aays, wun comparisons; Date. I 1912. lU . j 910. 1 1 909 . 1 13 . 1 1W . 11906. July 16. 7 141' C Mi S Sil 7 S'2l 311 & 71 July 16. July 17. July 18. July 19. July 20. July 31. July 22. July 23. 7 14V 18 a 7 83 37 1 6 76 60 T 14-4,1 6 30, I 7 74 6 44 6 73 61 7 17141 S4 3&I I 6 401 8 61 6 63 7 19A4 85l 8 35 7 76 6 74 61 7 23 6 33 s 28 7 75 S 331 5 80, 6 74 I I 27 8 81 7 70 V 37 ' I 7 24U tt S3i 8 431 7 691 33! 5 381 I 8 S8l7 67 S4 6 92 K Sunday. CATTLE Cattle receipts were moder ate thta morning, only 136 car being re ported In. The quality as a whole wss not very entlcina from a buyer's stand point and the market started out a little low. Still there was a fair demand and pretty much everything had changed hands in good season. Beef steers ot desirable quality were generally free sellers in about the same notches as yesterday. While there was nothing choice to compare with yester day's best sales, there were yearlings good enough to bring $9.00. Cow and heifers looked a little slow on the start and medium stuff was in clined to drag a little, still everything sold in the end without any material change In prices. Stock catte and feeders, especially the more desirable grades of feeders, were in good request, and the market was generally steady and possibly strong in spots. It did not take buyers very long to olean up everything in sight Quotations on native cattle: Good to choice beef steers, ttt.60S9.50; fair to good beef steers, t$.ooi8.60; common to fair beef steers, fo.OOiffS.OO; good to choice heif ers, $8.25017.26; good to choice cows, $5,600 (.26; fair to good cow, I4.50ff4.50; com mon to fair cows, 12.SO3J4.50; good to choice stockers and feeders, 15.00f?jv 60, fair to good stockers and feeders. $460$ 6.00; common to fair stockers and feed ers, $3.80(314.60;, stock cows and heifers, $3.26$4.7$; vesl ealves, $4.588.00; bulls, stags, etc, $3.758.00. Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock Yards, South Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at 3 p. m. yesterday; RECEIPTS CARS. Cattle. HogB. Sheep. H'ses, C. M. 4 St. P I Wabash R. R 4 Mo. Pac. Ry Union Pacific 2 C. ft N. W east.. 1 C. N. W., west... 66 C. 8t. P. M. 4 O.... C. B. ft Ci., east... 9 C. B. ft Q., west... 26 C. R. I. & P., east. 3 C. R. I. ft P., west.. 1 Illinois Central C, Q. W. Ry 3 Total receipt ....135 4 .. .. "3 36 1 6 45 12 3 26 .. 7 1 .. i 142 14 1 DISPOSITION-HEAD, Cattle. Hogs. Sheep Omaha Packing Co m 654 1.464 7 swift & Co Cudahy Packing Co.... Armour ft Co Schwartz ft Co Murphy Morrell Omaha Packing Co. from Kansas City.... Armour from K. C W. B. Vansant Co Hill & Son F. B. Lewis J.... Huston & Co 2.431 2,905 2,749 307 86 (US 1,837 437 629 462 34 66 38 152 66 28 28 J. B. Root & Co J. H. Bulla 23 h. F. Hubs..... 21 McCreary ft Kellogg... 132 Werthelmer ft Degen.. 142 H. F. Hamilton 99 Sullivan Bros 70 Lee Rothschild 74 Mo. ft Kans. Calf Co.. 77 Other buyers 686 2,133 Totals 3,810 10,642 6,326 Representative salts: BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. Kb. Av. Fr. 14 104 6 10 10 704 7 30 It W0 6 6f 30 1819 7 71 44 1005 ( 34 11 95 1 00 11 ...1017 t 40 41 1104 1 15 7 ...1226 7B 17 1301 lit STEERS AND HEIFERS- 17 711 7 40 It 120 00 COWS. 4 70 1 10 7 114 4 40 11 7SO 1 15 1 lojo 4 M 1 146 I 3 ( ior, 4 60 1 11B lli 12 lit i 40 6 lilt 8 60 13 867 4 W 7 877 8 65 I W 4 96 12 81 3 90 t 170 4 66 1 114 2 26 3 1060 4 15 1 3 4 00 17 844 4 78 20 010 4 00 26 921 4 M Ml 4 1 0 24 883 4 85 I 73 4 10 4 1007 4 M 723 4 10 4 300 I 36 11 1028 4 80 1 1283 t 35 10 120 4 60 HEIFERS. 4 37 4 00 10, 16 (41 4 00 17. 4 660 4 26 29. 7 611 4 10 18 1 627 4 86 1. 687 4 60 410 4 76 737 4 36 690 t 10 728 I 15 BULLS. 1 1060 4 00 1 806 4 X 1 1620 4 26 1 1224 4 18 1 1610 4 15 1 1480 4 40 8 6U 4 60 2 726 4 60 1 1100 I 71 1 1330 4 76 1 480 4 75 1 1630 4 80 1 1370 4 W 1 1630 6 16 1 1610 6 76 CALVES 4 180 6 00 11 192 7 00 11 306 6 80 1 195 7 00 6 803 6 60 1 170 7 00 10 274 8 00 1 140 7 26 1 240 6 00 1 1M 7 25 i 161 I Oft J74 7 II I 140 ( T6 1 184 7 3 293 1 75 1 180 7 10 6 191 7 00 1 193 7 60 1 1S8 7 00 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 4 6M 4 10 12 730 t V) 12 478 4 40 701 I 25 12 420 4 40 27 768 I 34 1 431 4 71 14 660 I M ttO 4 4 161 I 60 11 SOI 4 II Ml t 40 14 151 I 00 11 784 1 40 10 641 I 00 11 787 I 60 6 6TI t 00 I S08 I 66 698 I 10 10 ,. 172 6 75 6 m 6 16 tot (15 WESTERNS. H. C. Council, Nb. 3 bulls 1390 4 45 84 steers.. ..1195 (75 2 stags... .1126 4 76 NEBRASKA. 27 cows 803 6 10 17 cows V t 50 14 cows.... 892 4 35 7 calves... 95 ( 50 9 calves... 165 7 25 34 heifers.. 889 ( 00 45 steers . ..1033 ( 20 11 steer. ...1060 ( 45 23 steers.. ..1082 6 45 5 feeders.. 613 6 25 10 feeders. .1112 B 35 20 steers.... 937 S 80 30 steers.. ..1049 ( 45 52 cows 983 5 16 30 steers.. ..VITi t 45 (2 steers. ...1344 7 30 33 cows 321 4 60 9 feeders.. 86$ 4 85 H008 With only a moderate supply of hogs on sale the market opened this morning with Shippers and packer buy ing good lights and butchers wherever they could at prices generally steady with yesterday. Unlike a few days back pack ers were the biggest buyers early In the morning, snippers ana speculators Buy ing lees freely than recently. In almost all other respeots the market was Just a repetition of what has taken place during the last coupie ot weexa or so, wun an buyers wanting the good hogs. There IS a good demand for desirable killers, and this I becomins; more noticeable every day, a the average quality of the re ceipts Is getting worse. As usual com mon heavies and rough packers sold at or near the close and at prices steady and in spots weak when compared . witti yesterday. Trade waa a little slow all morning, but got some better, a complete clearance beiig mado fairly early in the morning Good lights and butchers mad a top at $7.45, Identical with yeaterday's best prloe. No. II... 41... 14... i;... u... 24... 14... 66... it .. 7... 14... It... 14... 61... 84... 17... 41... II... 24... 0... 63... 73... 60... 61... Tl... 67... 33... 71... 69... 47... 61... 61... 61... 11... 43... 47... 76... 71... 76... 66... 69... 71... to... 64. .. ... 77... Av ...157 ....3S6 ....823 ....237 ....1M ....Ml ...Mi ....iH ...233 ....305 ,...1!7 ...173 . . . Ill ....147 ....174 8h. Pr. 14 I 60 80 7 00 ... 7 00 ... 7 00 ... 7 00 ... 7 00 100 7 06 10 7 06 40 T 06 ... ; 0 80 7 06 ... 7 10 ... 7 10 ... 7 10 No. C4 . 46.. 49.. 11 . 69,. 17.. 74.. 13 . 71.. 44-. 60.. 63 . 72.. 34.. 14.. 3.. 6 . 7;.. 61.. 6.. 74.. 71.. 69.. 68.. 56 . 6.. 61.. 61.. 67.. At. .261 .226 .230 .231 223 .188 Kit 224 227 .260 .284 .231 .142 .23 .131 .1M 167 Sh. Pr. ... 7 30 ... 7 20 80 7 20 360 7 20 160 7 20 40 7 25 120 7 25 ... 7 26 ... 7 25 ... 7 28 ... 7 35 ... 1 35 ... 721 SO 7 15 ... 7 35 80 7 IS ... 7 15 ... 7 It ... T IS 7 10 ....241 130 7 10 ....131 80 7 10 ...170 ..241 ...31 ...23 .331 ...381 .. tH . . .268 ...247 ...231 ...242 ...244 ..171 ...368 ...271 ...119 ...121 ...241 ...251 ...181 ...J21 ...2S M t 10 10 7 10 10 7 13 ... 7 15 ... 7 16 80 7 15 ... 7 15 ... 7 15 ... 7 15 40 7 16 ,.. 7 16 .314 .141 111 U0 7 21 ISO 40 7 24 .314 40 7 36 .. 7 25 ..7 1 .260 .260 .184 tit .274 .209 .213 40 40 40 120 7 174 7 30 7 30 7 10 7 10 7 tO 7 30 40 110 120 7 16 7 16 7 15 7 13 7 174 7 30 7 10 T 10 7 W 7 10 7 10 7 10 78 210 160 78 227 ... 12 335 63 171 63 306 .. 7 80 40 7 80 .. 7 30 60.. ,0.. It.. ..193 ..330 .310 .314 40 7 10 7 30 7 80 7 31 7 15 7 16 7 86 7 38 7 36 7 33 7 35 7 35 7 31 7 35 7 36 120 120 to 74 223 83 w: 71 10 89 181 II 110 46 138 65 15 1 .15 14 in 40 ...321 80 7 100 140 7 10 141 ... 7 20 ... 7 10 ... 7 160 7 10 40 7 M ... 7 ... 7 tO 80 40 130 80 160 80 ...143 ...141 ....238 .... ,...143 61.. (6.. .. 77., M.. 71.. 66. . 11.. 71.. 16.. 77 . II.. 14.. It . 17.. IS 60.. I . 43.. 10.. 81 . 203 .117 .188 111 ....141 131 10 7 10 40 7 10 34S ... 7 20 2l ... 7 20 171 ... T 20 141 10 7 10 371 160 7 10 ... 7 40 ... 7 40 40 7 (0 ... 7 40 10 7 44 10 7 44 .. 7 41 ... 7 41 40 7 41 10 7 41 131 .209 .187 .166 101 106 .171 61... 61 147 ... 7 10 It 141 ... 7 M It 137 110 7 10 41 1U ... I SO SHEEP-Only a small run of sheep and lambs arrived on the msrket this morn ing as no more than fourteen loads were reported in, being the smallest supply for a Tuesday for five or six weeks back. Shipments were received from Wyoming. Idaho, Montana and western Nebraska, consisting, as of late, chiefly of fat ewes and wethers. A small sprinkling of yearlings and Iambs showed up In the meager supply. The general quality was about the same as on yesterday, not very much real good stuff being among the offerings. There ware, however, somo fairly good wethers on the market. Trade this morning was pretty much the same ss yesterday, as the market was a little late in opening and few sales were made early In the morning. There continues a bearish influence on account of the weak condition Of the eastern mutton market and also because of un favorable advices from Chicago and other live stock centers. A good demand tor anything showing quality still remains and as recently all common to medium stuff sells slowly and at a disadvantage when compared with the better grades. Among the early sales was a three-car consignment of Wyoming ewes that sold for $3 86. 1 Later In the morning buyers ant) seller got together and disposed ot the bulk of the receipts In fairly good season. Two loads of spring lambs from western Ne braska sold at $460, with about a deck out that went as feeders at 35.30. Prloe paid for lambs were fully steady with yesterday and the close of last week. Four cars of Montana withers changed hands at $4.35. It Is sate to call the fat sheep market as anywtire from steady to lOo lower. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs good to choice. $4.$of7.3; (air to good. $s.003tf.S5; feeders, $4.7S$5.36; yearlings, good to choice light, $4 76(95.16; good to oholce heavy, $4.50fc4.M; feeders. $.170( 4 35; wethers, good to choice, $4.26(54 66; fair to good, $3.754.25; feeders, $3.&fl$S.T6; erves, good to choice. $3.75(34.00; fair to good, $3.25tf$.C0;; fc-ders, $2.0Of.O0. Representative sales: No. ' Av. Pr. 221 Wyoming ewes, feeders 03 i 80 427 Montana wethers 101 4 0 91 native ewes 89 $ M native yearlings 7B t 00 238 Idaho ewes.... 33 I 33 35.Idaho ewe, culls.. 81 S 50 (07 Idaho lamb 63 (50 978 Idaho lambs, feeders 64 $25 112 Idaho lambs, feeders 41 4 60 427 native lambs 67 (60 176 native lambs, feeders R0 6 80 589 Montana wethers W 4 45 231 Montana wethers 107 4 45 25 Montana wethers, culls 107 3 25 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. MARKET Detnoud tor Iheep Steady-Hog and Cattle Higher. CHICAGO, July IS. CATTLE Receipts, 3,000 head; market, steady to 10c up; beeves, $o.50S9.60; Texas steers, $4 97.oO, western steers, 16.S04J7.S0; etockers and feeders. 4.00atl.9O; cows and heifers, $2.40 7.S0; calves. $5.76(38.35. HOGS Receipts, io,uw neaa; marnst, active, 6IIO0 up: light, $7.43a7.P5; mixed, $7.86tj7.97'i; heavy, $7.15(87.90; rough, $7,189 7.3$; Digs, M.10(37.60; bulk of sales, $7.(0$ t an SHEEP AND LAMBSRooeipts, 20,000 head; market, steady, 10c off; native, 83.2fl36.10: western. $3.3024.00; yearlings, $4.00ft.50; native lambs, $4.2657.50,; west ern, $4.2507.50. - St. Loots Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. July 23.-CATTLS Re celpts, 4,300 head, Including 1,000 Texan. market steady; native snipping ana ex port steers, $6.&08.2o; dressed and butcher steers. $6.COft$.6o; stockers and feeders, $3.602ti.76; cows and heifers, $3.50(33.25, canners, Hto&; tun is, 11.zatjjw.70; caivea, $.009.24;, Texas and Oklahoma steers, $4.00(fr6.50; bulls, $426.75; calves, $6.M3j 3.24; Texas and Oklahoma steers, 4.uo 8.76; cows and heifers, $3.507.50. HOGS Receipts, 8,000 head; market, steady; pigs and lights, $6.&O7.50; mixed and butchers, $7.85(&7.66; good heavy, $7.70 7.95. SHEEP AND LAMBS-RecetptS, 3,500 head; market steady; muttons, $3.75g5.0o, lambs, $4.7i6.26; culls and bucks, $1.60 63.60; stockers, $3,6S-3.. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. July 23. CATTLE Receipts, 3,500 head, including 1,100 head southerns: msrket steady to 10c lower, southern steady to 10c higher; dressed beef and export steers, $8.251 a. 40; fair to good, $6.258.10; western steers, $5.$fxg8.75, stockers and feeders. $4,26j..'.Oi;, soutnern Steer, $t.256.50; southern cow, $4.23$, 5.50; native cows, $3.2.vjj6.75; native heifers, $5.0$8.2d; bulls, $4.00&5.00; calves, $4.0031 g.25, HOGS Receipts, 10,000 head; market strong to 6c higher; bulk of sates, $7,603, 7.65; heavy, $7. 407.60; packers and butchers, $7 5CK&7.f; lights, $7.60r$7.65V. pigs, W.008.6O. SHEEP AND LAMES Receipts. 10.00C head; market steady to lOo lower: lambs. $6.606.85; yearlings, $4.405.00; wethers, J4.0O&4.5O; ew, $8.6&4.40; stockers ana feeders, $2.608.25. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. RT. JOSEPH. July 23. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1.600 head: market steady; steers, 36.5Xp.25; cows and heifers, $3.0t&9.flu; calves. 34.bis.w. HOGS-Reoelpts, 3,500 head; market steady to strong; top, $7.65; bulk of sales, $TrW7.0. . . 8HEEP AND LAMBfi-ReceiPtS, 3,500 head; market steady; lambs, $625S7.15. Stock In Sight. Receipts of live stock at the five prin cipal wettern markets yesterday: cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Couth Omaha ftt. Joseph .. Kansas City . $t. Louis ... 8.400 JO.000 3.600 ... 1,600 ... 3,500 ... 4,300 ... 8.000 3.500 10,000 $.000 15,000 3,500 10,000 3,600 20.000 Chicago Totals 21,800 $2,500 40,300 t)ry Uod Market. NEW YORK, July 23.-DRT GOODS The cotton goods markets are firm, tales of about 2.000 bales of drills for India shipments are reported. Cotton yarn are steadier with a firm trend. Silks are In better demand. Jobbers are having a light house trade. Men's wear agencies report fair volume of business. JAPAN WILL SPEND MILLION ON EXHIBIT AT EXPOSITION SAN FRANCISCO. July 23-Japan ex pects to spend nearly $1,000,000 for Its ex hibit at the Panama Pacific International exposition In 1915. Its Intentions were made known here today by Haruki, Yamawaki, chairman of the Japanese commission, which will tomorrow select ' a dte tor the Japanese pavilion, the first site chosen by a foreign nation. Yamawaki and his fellow commissioner, GoUhlto Takeda, arrived on the liner hlno Maru today. "The commercial relations between America and Japan are becoming in creasingly Important every year," said trie commissioner. "We must catch every possible occasion to encourage these rolations for the benefit of both peoples. This is the best assurance we have ot that mutual understanding which render, the peace of- the world more effective." Nrn York Money Market. NEW YORK. July 23-MONEY-On call, steady, at 23 per cent; ruling rate, l per Cent; closing bid. 2i per cent; of fered at 2" per cent. Time loans, easy; sixty days, SCi1 per cent; ninety days, 3411 Pr cent; six months, 444 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Firm, with actual business in bankers' bills at 34.847a for sixty-day bills and at 34.8770 for de mand; commercial bills, 34. S4. SILVER Bar, OOHo; Mexican dollars,' 8c. ; BONDS Government, steady; railroad stsady. Closing quotations on bonds today werj as folio v.-s: O. I. ral. M. re. ..100H 'Japan 4a ifS 4 eoupoa 1004 do 4Ha lli V. t. la, m 101 K. C. So. lrt la.... 734 to coupon 103 U e. deb. la 1131.. 9S4 V. S. 41. ret U"t U 4 N. unl. 4a.... ts to coupon 1184 M. K. & T. lat 4S .14' AllU-Ctial. lrt U.. 61 do gen. 4a 871 Amer. A. 6a lelH'Mo. Pacific 4a 71 A. T. T. ev. 4...U4He.v ft ft of M 4) 30 ; Am. Tobteee 4a.... UH. Y. C. (. .... S7 , do la ltO'i do deb. 4a IS - Armour A Co. 4He K. y, N". M. 4 H. Atrblaoo (. 41... 17H ct. 4 IU do ev. ea 107fcK. W. lat 0. 4.. K no ev. (a 107Vj j0 rv. 4a 116" A. C. L. lat 4a W,No. Pacttlo 4a 184 Bll. A Ohio 41 37. do 3a I8W do iH 31t0. 3. U rfdg. 4a.. MS do 8. W. 4Hi MSPann. cv. 3Ha 111.. 7ia Brook Tr. cv. 4a.. 91", do con. 4s 1034i can. ot da. 6a 10' Reading ten. 4t.... T Cen. Leather la H. U S. T. tt 4a 7 : C. ot rv J. f...l!04 do tn. la 16H Chea. 4t Ohio 4Ha..l0d gt. U S. W. e. to.. 11 do ref. la IIS do Ut old 4a It ChlctfO A A. tVa. 46 6. A. U 4a It C B. A Q. ). 4a... MU8o. Par. col, 4a tOli do ten. 4a... K cv. 4a I4H C. M. A 3. T. 4a M to lat ret. 4a. 34 C. ft, I. A F. e. 4a, MH So. lUilwar la 107. do rf. 4a UM do gen. 4a 71 Colo. Ind. 6a 10 t)nlon Pielflft !.... 100V Colo. Hid. 4t 4H do v. 44 lOli C. A S. r. A 4H 6T4 do lat A rat. to.. 7l D. A H. ev. 4a 11 If. S. Rubber ....1044' P. A It. O. to...... ttU. Steel Id 6a...lOIVt do ret. 6 14 Va .Car. Chem. It., lit, Clattlltrt' Sa T44tWabaik lit to 107S Erie p. I. 4a II do lat A ei 4a... ! do (Ml. 4 71 Wettern Md. 4a 84!, ae ov. to, aer, A. 8ttWeat. Bleo. ev. St.. S3 do terlw B .71 Wa. Central to.... m III. Cen. lat r. 4a.. 16(4 Mo. Pac. av. la.... II Mi Inter. Met. 4e 85V, 'Panama to 101 Inter. M. M. 4til.. 4Vi Bid. Ottered. Wool Market. BOSTON; Mass., July 2S.-W60L-Te market for, domestic wool continue strong, but a trifle less active. AH grades continue at their best figures with de mand running to medium. The new clip is nearly cleaned up In all the western states and buyers are returning east. New Texas wools are moving freely with twelve months' selling at 22ff23o and eights months' selling from 13932c. Sale ot territory In original bags continue at 20',iO for Utah, 21c for Idaho and 2022o for Wyoming. Fleeces are reported fo be relatively stronger than territory and fine washed delaines bring 34o, whlla Michigan one-quarter blood fleeces sell for 30c. ST. LOUIS, July 33.-WOOlStady; territory and western mediums, ZOtSidCj,, fine mediums, 18ff:!0c; tine. 1317c. Evaporated Apples and Dried Frnlt- NEW YORK, July 23. EVAPORATED APPLES Quiet and unchanged; fancy, HWo; choice, 8(&8c; prime, 77c. ' DRIED FRUITS-Prunee Steaay to firm; Callfornas up to S0-40s. 3i'g94c; Oregon, 6(9c. Apricots, quiet; choice, HHB12c; extra choice, 1212c; fancy, 13 Hc. Peaches, dull; choice, t)Htc; ex tra choice, 7&74c; fancy, 7(8.90. Rai sins, barely steady; loose muscatels, Wtye; choice to fancy Becded, 6t6Hc; seedless, &hi26hic; London layers, $1.40 (&1.46. ' - . Metal Market. NEW YORK. July 23,-METALS-Cop-per, firm; standard, spot and July, $17.25 q 17.60; August, $17.3017.65; September and October, $17.30017.60; electrolytic, $17.76; lake, $17.76; casting. $17.00917.36. Tin, quiet; spot, $43.60(343.90; July and August, $43.60 43.90. Lead, .firm; $i. (504.75. Spelter, firm; $7.1S7.30. Antimony, dull; Cookson's, $3.26. Iron, quiet; No. 1 northern, $16.76318.26; No. 2 northern. $15.2o16.75; southern grades, unchanged. ST. LOUIS. July 23. METALS Lead, dull at $4.60. Spelter, strong at $7.20. Coffee Market. NEW YORK, July 23.-COFFEE Mar ket closed steady at a net decline of 4:J-7 points; sales, 71.760 bags; July, 12.79c; Au gust, 12.86c ; September, 12.92c; October, 13c; November, 13.06c; December, 13.11c; January, 13.12c; February, 13.10c; March, 13.23c; April, 13.24c; May, 13.26c; June,, 13.35c. Spot, quiet: Rio No. 7, 14c; fUn-' tot No. 4. ifto. Mild, quiet; Cordova, lrt; 18i4c, nominal. : Cotton Market. 1 NEW YORK. July 2S.-COTTON-Spot' cloted quiet; middling uplands, 12.30c; mid dling gulf, 13.10c. iNo tales. Futures cloted steady; closing bids: July, 12.20c; August, 12.20c; September, . 12.26c; October, 12.40c; November, I2.36c; December, 12.4flc; January, 12.39c; Febru ary, 12.41c; March, 12.48c; May, 12.670. , . , ; - Peoria Market. PEORIA, July $3.-CORN-l8te higher; No. 3 yellow, 71c; No. 4 yellow, b9c; No. 8 mixed, 71e; sample, 60c. OATS-2H3Hc higher; No. 2 white,' 62e; standard, 51Hc; No. 3 white, 61c. ? Sugar Market. NEW YORK, July 23.-STJGAR-Raw, firm: mimrovailn KP, tnt aiS ugal, 96 test. 3.98c; nylasses, S9 test, 3.23c' Key to th 6!tuatlon-Bee Advertising., 10,000 TO 20,000 ACRES" : UBIBRIOATBD HAITD $13.00. $0,0oo acres pasture land under pro posed irrigation $7.60. Cash and term. Ner Denver and Pueblo On railroad. Wm. IV. Cornett Bt Co., Sit 17th Street. Denver, Colo. HAY HRESS Ask for The Aute-Vedaa Self Peed. Ante Fedaa Beit Power Preta, t-atroke Koree I:cre and one hone p.... Contltit your hay to tie. Th Anto-Aouan Kay Vress Company, gap City, Wo.. 1338 W. 18th 3H. Goitre, Swollen Glands, ftts, Varleps Vein, Varleoeltle anywhere. Itallavapatnaodtafcc ou inflammation promptl. Aeafe. sjittinng, looming, tnttiepue. Pleas lanttouse qutckljabsorbedlntoakin. " Powerfully penetrating but does not blister under bandaae Dor eauaa dt anpleaetiatnega. Few drops on It ream red at recti application. ABSORB! i'E.Ja., fl.OOand S.OO a Settle l drnggista or deH ered. Book is free). W.r.VOUNQ.P.S.F.. !'.' l.ia.neDi., bjnr.jf e!d. Maaa. r H fL-aW Jim 1 111 t. I livwabV -AV 4