Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 24, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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Those Arnold Knit Goods
The Arnold Knit Goods have a nation-wide reputa
tion, they're n special feature in the - '
Ask for Arnold booklet of women's and children's knit
Arnold light weight Cotton
Vests,' sizes to 3 years
each ......35c
Arnold Woolen Gauze Vests
for . summer wear, accord
to size; 05c to : . . : . : : 90c
Arnold Pinning Bands 30C
Arnold" Wash Cloths. .-. .6c
'.Children's Hose and
Childres-Sox and Hose, 50o I
grades:at pair 29c I
25c and 35e grades at. .19c
Senator Arraigns -
America for Policy t;
WASHINGTON, July, &-In ttroag
arrait nznent of (to, United 8(itr gov.
eminent for lu failure to our redress
for ' injuries to American oltlserta and
property resulttnf from the Mexican la
surrectlone ' and '! revolution. ' Senator
Albert B. Fall of Jlew Mexico declared
in iJv, senate today ;tfat this country
would. .not regajr, ls prestige, in Mexico
In fifty yeara...
Ha declared that- China, Oermany and
cither countries had forced .Mexico, to
mafce restitution for the 4amagee, la
flicted en- their clUiana., Tnua far, ha
said, tha United Etataa ha4 dona nothing.
Ha addad ,that becauee of, the. course of
tha State 4epartment tfce paopla of
Mexieo. kelleve that thla country la be
hind tha Madero gbverumen, and that
it waa responsible for the overthrow of
Pfeeldent fla, In the interest of MederO.
"Jf the people , of tha United States
knew all tha facta," . declared ' Senator
Fall, "not'all . tha' aoldlere In the country
would be able to prevent tha croeelng
of tha border, because of tha Indigna
tion that would ' be, arouied. And yet
nothing haa. been .done to' relieve tba
moat Intolerable condition thai Ameri
can citizens ; were ; aver compelled to
undergo." " ''
, Senator rail urged tha adoption of the
. resolution Inatructtng the War depart-
! mant to ascertain the extent of the dam
age caused ' by Mexican bulleti fired
" acroei the,' American Una during the
engagements laat(.yeaif,M ouglaa, Arl,t
and Si faeo. Tex. He declared the resolu
tion dld,t ?go'tar,rioug)vi,, He. said
there had been no word of pro'teit from
tba American government although "Its
cithtaoa bad been killed women outraged
, a ad a vast amount of property destroyed
by Mesloana. ,.,
Tba New Wexfco aenator further da
dared intervention on tha part ef the
United State waa not needed and that
this country could' control tba situation
bjr;V'flrm etertd." , '-.
EL. PA80 Te"July 'J2.Sinual MiK
Ur.S aft - American : farmer .! Cte&e
Grandee, Mexico, today complained to
American Consul Edwards in Juares
ttbat he bad been robbed and threatened
by -Mexican rebels, and prevented from!
., -:i .... ja ' ' . . . . . . r
leaving lor ma nortn to aeeit protection.
' The train bearing American refugees
from Madera arrived bare at noon. One
. X ,1,: . . '-. v - .W I t
The Scientific
Reading Rang
. ' for tha -normal eye it 14
to ,16; Jcchea. This die- !
. tMcevlltnlnaitai eye''
ftrtlv iacraaiet -tffloeqejv t
' la" 'he" iurjougEs Vfsl
. bla addlDf maohloe, ' avll
, working -polata are with
In easy paadlngf range and
1 bt an ngle most conven-; f
lent to mL
Th Buirpushr product :
, i backed by a double
guarantae; Tb Biir- ' -roughi
reputation la be- !'
' bind the mecbanlcal coo-
' strnctlon'; B u r r o u g a
. Servica meaaa . constant
jUt' na ahow . you this :
"ttaehinev . No ' colt or- 6-b
, rJlgatIon.
Barrough$ Adding Machin Co.
r. iPALBWO. setae Mr. '
0t leucb Utk Suntt. -
1 s' '
TEa 'CM War Thrpiigh tie Camera
h-:V ' ., . CocitaJnlng '.!: '
s.j, Bradjr Famotta Chril War Photogr&pha "! 1
;-V;.V, And Profeawor jan'ai'Newly Writteni'' ?
Kictory af the Civil Waur-
1 J i 1
i (
j t.tiig Coajjon Good for Section
Arnold Bath Towels.. .30c
Arnold; Baby Bands, ' light
weight of . fine ..wool ; ac
cording to;8ize, 50c to 80c
Silk and wool, 80c to $1.25
Arnold ; light weight Night
Gowns,' 60a. toV; : . .75c
Arnold j.Bath; Atdns. ,90c
Shoe Bargains
Children 's Slippers' and Ox-
: fords, . sizes 5to. 8 from
J $1.75. to $2 lines, pr. $1.35
hundred nd; foty-f lva Amarlcan-rwomTr
na cnuaren and tan man were aboaVd;
Has Narrow Escape
; as Auto Turns Over
BLAIR, . Neb., July ffl.SpialVT-grem.)-rWalter
Hopewell, . f.".. wealthy
young lawyer, of .f ekamah;,; a', young
woman companion frgni OTmaha, ndhls
drlva'r, K. W. Buck, wb(Je returning from
Omaha to Tekamab jn KppeweillD jortyi.
borfa power touring car . this morning at
I o'olock narrowly escaped death when
the driver lost control of the car coming
down a small hill about three miles south
ef flair. " . ;
Tba road , shows that the car lunge
back and forth and then , turned, over
acroas tba narrow fill at the 'bottom of
the Mil, with a sixty-foot embankment
On either Side.., ; 4. . , v '
Hopewell WM thrown acroee a- fence
timber and is suffering with i' badly In
jured back. The driver ;wa' badly,
bruised, but was able to be a'ent by train
teddy 'to Omaha.' The young woman wa
Injured but little and 'also left tor Omaha.
Mr.. Jeep, also Of Tekamah, was ahead
in another car and on arriving in -(Blair
found that-Hopewell's , car did not comei
to returned and found tne'occubents lying
on thr ground; Tha Iwured'wej'e bfought
to the Blair hospital, where Hopewell '!
tonight, . 1
' ..
Call for Nebraska: :
Bull Moose Partv
Convention ikOuf
lit iAJIt V-J
Judge Arthur Wray of Bradshaw; wjui'
coming null moose convention in Chi
cago, baa Issued an Invitation to the fol
lower! ef Theodore Rooaevelt of .Ne-,
braska tp gather. in .mass . convention at
Lincoln on Wednesday, July 81, follbw.
Ing the state republican convention.
Judge Wray points out what he deems
a necessity for a new aprty in Nebraska.
He invitee all Roosevelttane to Jom witb
him at Lincoln on Wedensday next,
WASHINGTON," July, a-The -die-'
tlngulshed diplomat and 1 publicist, Dr.
Andrew P. White, has bean reappointed
by Joint resolution of congreas ga a rev
gent of the Smlttuonlaa InsUtuthiai for
six years. Dr.: White received his first
appointment to- this offlca-.'n-tiie year
USS and, upon -the eomplatlon . of ' the
present term he will have served the
institution for thirty years;
Tba vacancy In the board taused by the
resignation of Dr. James' B. Anffell,' ex.
president at tbe .UaWeraltyef Michigan,
who-waa regent from January 1 1887,
to January 15, ma. has bean filled by
ctmgrese "by, the appdntment'of Cbarfea
W. Talrbaaka Dr.- Ahgell, 'welrknbwn
aa an educator kM diplon4at,;'wgs tha
oldest member' of 'the bo4rd; In '$ofnt of
ervlei-- '' ".' ,
' 'MK ralrbinhe wae a. Vefei fro'mWN
to WO by virtue of hliefflgS as; vie
preaiaent or tne united Btltee. He Ts now
appointed aa'a dtiseia ef Indiana. '
With the appointment!, raentlonedt.tne'
m . -- . . .' .1 ( ' '. .
nwi regents is now complete. .. Jt ) as
tollowst- James' 8. Sherman,,, ?yice, p'resU:
dent er -the United SWealbhanceilbrr
Edward D. White .chief of Justice 0' the
United States; Shelby k. Cullori.' 19'aniber
of the senate; Henry Cabot Lodged rneiii
ber of'the, senate;; Auguatua ; Bacon;
mamberbf the senate: John DaellrVjiieni
ber. of , the house of .repreaentayves'; Scott
rtrrl, 'rnanber ef the -house of'reprJsen
tatlveai Irvln S. Pepper, menjb,et; of.the
house of repreeentativesj, Andrew D.
j White, e! titan ot New'Tork; Alexander
;Oraham rBelU eiasen ef : Washing ibU
P'C.- Qeerge- Oiray; ' cmien' Of Pel-WW-
Chart. " Cboktel' Jr.rtt
laca ef Xaaeachusettsr: John B. Mender-
boo, jr., tntnen 1 Washington. D. C,
and Charle. W. , rajrnbnki. 'cltiien' of
Indiana .-,;-, - " ; .. "
Bailee Threatened ...;'''-:'
by' croup, coughs or cold or ioon re
lleved by the usej of Drn King's New
Discovery. . 60c . and Ji-OO. . For sl by
Beaton Drug Co. '- : ,'''. -,
or for Any Section Prerioaaly -IssucxL
Delegates to Iowa Convention
Gathering at Sea Moinei."
Democrat of Folk County Go on
' Record In Favor of Government
ptarklp,( Expreea twl -
j'.. -Telegraph Companies.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DBS MOINES, la., July. 23.-(Speelal
i Telegram.) Several hundred .delegates to
the -"T. R. progressive" party-convention
to be 'held here tomorrow - arrived
during the evening and the managers
predict that-they will have aV leaet one
thousand delegates present In the .con
vention., representing probably three
fourths .of the counties "of . the state. out 0f five of , the delegates
selected ire the same delegates that at
tended the republican state conyetitlon
early ntthe month. ; :.;;.:.';''..' '
"At' an Informal conference. held this
aftem9on It was decided the reaqluflonl
shouidjfbe general In terme. ana. aave.
Raiting for the pronouncement othe
Chicago convention. DejeRatesito Chi
cago .Ml be named and' the candidates
: for jaidenwlleetoraj .Zi;.:-.t
Democrats Get Ready.
"At meating of the Polk county dele
gation -to the democratic ; state conven
tion to be held .Thursday In Cedar
Rapld it . was , decided . the delegation
would present resolutions Indorsing gov
ernment ownership of express companies,
telegraph and telephone lines, and mak-
inw all a "part -of a postal system; aiao
1 ' - ' . - m - . I .
a resolution aemenaina iiuim m
manner 'ft lectlnK a,nd handling Juries
li'iowei'''' "" - "";
, .' rei,ileei' W'lli.T' '
The operation "of the national crop
bureau with , newly,, formed organlv
tlon bare to carry on a system of gather
log crop statlsUcs and advancing crop
values, la, assured, The local , organisa
tions have beeir assured that the or
ganisation at Chicago, will contribute half
as much, at that placed in any local fund
for carrying on the work. This, will ln
aure a large fund for crop work In Iowa
and education of the farmers.
Direct Election of
Jurors is Proposed
CEDAR RAPIDS, la., July 23.-Thf
democratic state convention whloh opens
bere Thuraday will be aaked to Incor
porate In Us platform, a plank providing
for the election of grand and petit Jurore
by direct vote of the. people. '
.The plank Is offered by C. M. ' Holly
of the Polk county delegaUon, who ar.
rived- here today and provided for th
eieetlon'f of 'the grand iury at large by
the people of each county, and thatf petit
Jurors ' should - be Chosen by vote In
precincts. ' , - -
Advance guards of democrats leaders
arrived her today. BioMX City, Council
Bluffs. Pea Moines and Davenport being
represented. V. R. MeOinnls of Leon,
temporary chairman, , will president at
the Initial session. . 1 -
t lowe, Jew. No'tee.'
TRAER W. H. Spencer.,, a well to do
farmer, committed suicide by . hanging
hftnself1 Monday. He -was 70 years old
and it .ls, wppd,lU health unbalanced
MAR3H'AlW.TOWNi-WUh a population
iSf Wl 0, "SllnMtn, ' tHis county, today
'bearfie' the bomfl of Its third bank when
ItheY Farmers' State bana, with a capital
6f ,a6,000 was organised. ;
SHENANDOAH D. 8. Lake and son.
Ralph, leave. Tuesday for a six weeks
European trtpv They will go directly to
Paris, where D. 8.' Lake owns a nursery,
to look after business Interests and will
spend the balance of the time visiting
Che European capitals.
SHENANDOAH1 Dr. J. M." Hamblliw' a
Shenandoah phyalclin. well known rln
southwest Iowa and northwest Missouri,
died Sunday morning at Burlington
Junction. Ha started to tha Springs
Saturday night for treatment, was taken
sick with heart trouble on the train and
never regained consciousness.
BOONE Prof. R. ,H. Fernald, the son-in-law
of Mr. and Mrs. C S.' Mason of
this city. has. Just been appointed head
of the department of engineers in tha
University of Pennaylyania and in the
near future goea to the Case School of
Applied Science of Cleveland to his new
work. He will' have nearly fifty instruct
ors under him In thla new department.
Mrs. Fernald was formerly Miss Cather
ine Mason of this city. . . ;
Ohurcliill Warns V
England of Peril
in Germany 's'Navy
LONDON, July 3J.-The speech of Win- I
ston Spencer Churchill, first lord of the
admiralty. In Introducing the auppie-
mentary naval appropriation of $6,000,000
in th House Of Commona thla afternoon,
fuiryndoreed ee . It was b the prime
mlnleter, will cauae iraver ceneern to
the country than " any warnings which
irare gone efora. Without the least ot
feflalveneae the first lord ct the ad-'
rnlralty sketohed the ."unprecedented" rise
of the German fleet, wnicb ne described
aa'eatremaly tormldasle."
In order to bring, home Its els to his
hearers jMr.;'Churhia "iikened It to. the
great floet ehlch. ail aaw at 8 pithead a
sftoff: time eg . 'Hie teat we Bulld.
build untiringly" through successive years
as the only means t. meeting the menace
hv the North sea. f Aa If that were , not
enough Mr. ChUrchill told the house that
if tlte InformatioB received y. tb . ad
miralty .- that a .Mediterranean, power-
meaning Austria wae contemplating another-
considerable naval program proved
to be true, "It will constitute a naval
factor requiring our . prompt attention
and not Included In any forecast I have
given of future naval construction."
Mr. Balfour, the former leader of the
opposition, waa prompt In his support of
the government .program.. . , ,. ... .
WASHINGTON, July B.-Un examina
tion today -of the general ecope of the
packers' plan for the dissolution of the
National Packing company led officials
of tb Department of Justice to believe
that the meat interests bad made a real
attempt to disintegrate the corporation
whloh the government- has " nalauined
existed tn violation of the Sherman anti
trust law. The question, however, can
not be definitely determined until the
packers submit details. , Attorney Gen
eral Wickarsbam will Insist, It was de
clared, that the dissolution shall . be
aotual with a distinct unconnected
division of the eaeeta of .the company in
harmony with the law.
Persistent Advertising ia tb Road, to
Blg-Returna. v K '
in 1 . 1 1 1 11
(Continued from .First Page.) .
ment of a new party, This course, it was
said, opposed the view of Colonel Roose
velt,, whose personal representative at.
tended the meeting. '
Doll Mooaers Gather at IK-s Molnee
DES MOINES, July U.-DelegaUont to
the Roosevelt progressive party's state
convention, which opens tomorrow, began
arriving here this afternoon. It waa ex
pected tbat by night fully (0 per cent of
the delegates would be. present to par
tlclpate in the caucuses and conferences
which are scheduled to be held.'
Enthusiasts ln'the movement were early
cn the scene at headquarters today.
Judge John L. ' Stevens of Boone, pro
visional national committeeman in the
new party, ' and John MacVlcar, pro
visional secretary, held conferences with
arriving leaders. ' '
It waa stated today to be practically
certain that no third party ticket wquld
be placed in the field by tomorrow's con
vention. Resolutions are expected to be
adopted criticising the Chicago conven
tion, the national committee and Presi
dent TaTt and eulogising Colonel Roose
velt. Frank Randall of Cedar Rapids, as tem
porary chairman, will preside at the
Initial session of tomorrow's convention.
Foil Ticket In Vermont. ,'
BURLINGTON. Vt, July 23.-The first
state convention of the Vermont pro.
gresslve party was held here today with
seventy delegates present; A platform
was adopted and presidential electors and
delegates to the national progressive
convention, at Chicago was elected. . .
The electors-chosen are:,,
Alexander J. Cooper, Bennington; M.
L. Aseltine, St. Albans; Johft H. Blodgetl,
Bellows Falls; .Richard R. Hoard, Barre.
There was eome argument over the
qnestlon of placing a state ticket in the
field. A motion too lay tbat proposition
on ' the .table waa defeated; 6 to 11. .
The .following state ticket,.; was nomj-
natea: ....
Francis Metskr,' Ran-
Lieutenant Governor Mi
L. Azeltlne,
St. Albans. ' "7, ', "
Secretary of . State Dr. r J.
W. : Blake,
Barton. :
Treasurer H, 6- Howard, Burlington.
Auditor E. W. Gibson. Brattleboro.
Attorney General-Richard R. Hoar,
The platform favored equal suffrage,
direct election of United States senators,
establishment of a -parcels post,' govern
ment .ownership of express and telegraph
companies, publicity , of campaign ex
penses and free paasage of ships through
tha Panama canal.
ST. PAUL, Minn., July 23There will
be a meeting of fhe presidential electora
aclected at the Minneapolis convention,
May 16, bere on. the night of July 29 to
decjde what they , will do relative to
going on the ballot with the Taft designa
tion. . ,
I. A. Caeewell, national . republican
committeeman, said today he would ad
dress a letter to each elector asking him
either to attend that meeting or to send
a letter stating just wnat his attitude
la toward the Taft-Roosevelt controversy.
The meeting la called the night before
tha mass convention of Roosevelt sup
WASHINGTON. ".July 23. -Although It
resorted to the extreme of arresting ab
sent members, the bouse today was
forced to adjourn becauae of its Inability
to keep a working quorum of members
in their seats. Two roll calls marked
the proceedings. The first disclosed a
quorum only after a long ana weary
delay, during which the , truants were
escorted.- one by one. Into the bouse by
the eeargeant-at-arms and his assist
ants. The ' second, an hour later, re
vealed such a scarcity of members that
In despair adjournment was taken,
The mldkammcf heat also operated to
Mock business in the senate.-. Although
the. ealendart..we -pfled.. with business
two 'roll ' ealla ' and aV : long wait inter
vened "before, that body could 'command
enongh senators to proceed legally with
legislation. -There were n arrest a' of
senators, but there was much telephon.
Ing of requests that; they appear in the
chamber forthwith..-.. . .".'):.'
Majority Leader Underwood, . because
of the Ustleae attitude of the house mem
ber lonight, announced bis Intention . of
bringing the matter of absentees to the
attention " of the democratic cauoua
Wednesday. The .result, It la aald, will
be " the ; issuance, of a ... eeramand by the
democratio majority that all truant
member return to the capltol at once
and attend to business.
SUTHERLAND. . Neb., July U-Spe-elal.V-The
montne-old eon Of W.; A.
Hayes, living north of town, waa burned
to death Monday. - The child crawled up
to an incubator and upset the burning
lamp',' setting It clothea on fire. ' Medical
aid was summoned from town, but death
reaulted within a few mlnutea.
It la estimated that .a portion of the
wheat harvested will thresh about twenty
bushels per acre. The greater part of the
crop will likely go lea than thav Com
la doing verr vail but U late. 1 '
Harry Vallon, Implicated in Eosen
thai Case, Surrendera.
District Attorner Says that He Us
Sore follcemen Inetigated
t the Crime Will Get
, ' ' the Evidence.
NEW; YORK, July 23. The gun men
wanted for thes killing of the gambler,
Herman Rosenthal, are beginning to fall
into the nets. Harry Vallon, one of the
five notorious gangsters, who ,wete In
the "murder car" the night Rosenthal
was shot, ' surrendered himself - to the
police, this morning and within ,ten days
Deputy Police Commissioner Dougherty round up the whole gang. : '
c With; the men who actually did the
shooting in the tolls, the main 'work of
District Attorney Whitman and Deputy
Police Commissioner Dougherty ,will
commence t'nat of trying .'to learn the
Identity, of the conspirators who so
greatly desired that Rosenthal be-done
away 'with' before he could "make further
revelations of the relations between the
: police and 'gambler. '
, Several of New York's prominent cltl
ten have offered to pay for A private
investigation into the question of whether
police. partnership. with gamblers led. to
the slaying of Rosenthal.
-.' Police Are "Sot Actlre."
Commissioner Dougherty remarked sig
nificantly to District Attorney- .Whitman
that "I guess we agree as to who Is back
of this killing," but the public prosecutor
does Pot feel that Commltfefoner Dough
erty van swng the .Investlgatioh of the
killing alone, as be ir Qf belief that
the police department will- givao real
aid. - " r-.'. -;v'- :. - :i
The eurrender of Vallon may be fol
lowed by the voluntary appearance of the
other gangatara known to have been In
the "murder car" the night of the killing.
Besides Vallon there were Harry Hor
wtta, best known under' his gang name
of ."Gib, Tha Blood"; "Dago Frank,", an
East Side gangster;" "Lefty" Louis and
"Whltey" Lewis. :
Valloa Sorprlses Officers.
Vallon has nothing of the appearance
of a gangster of the meaner sort - His
appearance at police headquarters dfim-
fouhded the desk sergeant and he had to
convince the detectives as to his identity
before they locked him up.
Vallon drew up at headquarters ' in a
taxlcab and. -loungers saw a fastidiously
dressed, dapper, little chap step lightly
out from tha car and, swinging a cane
from a gloved hand, mount the steps of
the building. .
"Kindly tell me. where the detective
bureau la," he asked. . Then Vallon ap
peared before Lieutenant McNally and
gave himself up and Was locked up after
that astonished official could summon an
Commissioner Dougherty prepared to
give Vallon the "third degree" to learn
further of those who hired the gun men
to kill Rosenthal. That some of the gun
men have fled the city Is believed by
Will Protect Witnesses.
District Attorney Whitman when told
tbat counsel for , Shapiro was ready tu
have the chauffeur of the "murder car"
turn state's evidence If he wouid;.be pro
tected, .said:'-. .'.',. -'..,"'j"v'i ';V'."
t will protect every man . in thig-cflse,
if I can get the, evidence . I wantaagainst
policemen evidence I know- exists.- 1
will let Shapjro and Llbby turn state's'
witnesses If I can get the police con
spirators." Young Boys Steal
$500 and Start to :
' Be Real Sports
With $500 ne had stolen from bis
mother. Willie Kouma, aged 6 years, and
Mldg Babcock, 8 yeara old, started out
yesterday morning to paint the town red.
Thinking their attire did not befit young
men of wealth, they vUlted aeveral
clothing atOre and bought new suits and
shoes, two Panama hats and several silk
shirts and various other expensive articles
of wearing apparel.
They gave Carl Noclta, a bootblack em
ployed by 6abaetino Carbaretta at 1102
South Thirteenth atreet, a $60 bill, asking
hlmi If it wa real money. He answered
In the affirmative and turned the bill
over to hla employer, who later gave It to
the police. , Later on they returned to
the barber shop and threatened to throw
brloks through the window If Carbaretta
did not return the money. They, failed
to carry out their threat. "
One of the mercnants, who sold the two
lads aeveral articles, called up the police'
and told about the two youthful spend
thrifts. After working all afternoon the
police , arrested the. two boys last even-
It 'was decided that the late Dr. -M.
Gardner, at that time Surgeon General
of the Southern Pacifio Railroad Com
pany, should be asked to select a theoret
ically Incurable case 'of ehrorttc Bright's
Disease. He picked out an employee .in
Arliona whose case' had een passed on
ny tnree B- tr. k, tk. pnyaicians. case
involved albumen, - casts, i dropsy, artd
patient waa so weak he was in night
sweats. Dr. Gardner -did not believe he
could live elxty aays."
He wae put on Fulton a Banal Com
pound .and waited.. In thirty -day Im
provement waa reported and less than
six months later patient waa recommend
ed for light employment, t teat by the
local physicians whom wa never saw re
porting disappearance or . the aioumen
and cata. Dr. Gardner'a favorable re
port ou thirty-fourth test caae) cauaed
tha cloaure of the negotiations and the
determination to announce the results
Fulton e Renal Compound 'is getting; in
kidney disease. ,. - -
It can be had at Sherman 4 McConnell
Drug Co.. Cor. 18th and Dodge, , 16th and
Harney, Cor. 21th and Farnam. 207-9 No.
lsth St. Loyal Hotel.
Ask for pamphlet or write to John X
Fulton Company, San Francisco.
f all varieties cured in
1 a tew day without
' aln or losa of time. Wo
ay will be accepted uu-
J the patient la cured.
Write or call.
fidelity" Rupture Cure
Prank rf.Wnty, M.O.
aleelulWlaa, Oataka
w imii t, - . r v a
vvti iivviiE. :
'.',... HERE .:;.-v"
This is as . uWIttttoa tbat oo thla maa or wo
mta ean ilfort to itnora. Wt'll tU you why.
We are folnv to fire 70a a wonderful dltcory
tht bclpt digest the (ood joa Mt that put
too. . oilai.tlwh oa popl who ore this and
underweight no inatter ,w hat the cause may be
that siakes braiD in' -flee heart and blood ia
four that puts, the '-red eorpuicls in the Mood
which Try thfn man or woman to tadlr Btedt.
How can we do thla? W will tell you. Science
has discovered remarkable concentrated treat
ment which Increuet cetli growth, the rerr Sub
tanc of which our bodies are made e treat
ment that make Indigestion snd other stomach
troubles disappear as,, . if, bat msfla and makes an
old dyspeptic er s sufferer-from weak nerres or
lack of Tttality-feel Hk a -year-old. This sew
treatment, whl-i'hts - proved a boon to every
thin person Ijt ; called 'Bargol. Don't forget the
name "8-A-rMr-p-U.'V; Sothlng like It has ever
beaa produoed lfore, ':!:It ia a rttelatlon to wo
men who have; wif'bie able to appear stylish
In anything they' were beckuee of their thinness.
It is a godsend. ' irV' avery man who is under
weight or ti lskln.'1 serve feme or energy. If
you want a bautifl aad 'well-rounded figure of
symmetrical projjerttons of which you can feel
Justly proud-df, yoaiwaeti a body full of throb,
blng life and aeergyvwrUe The Bsrgol Company,
74-U, ' Herald -Wdg,,-;BingiamtoB. N. T., today
and wt will tand yotf.vsbaolutely free, Oo box
of Bargot that win pforsr'aJl we claim. Take one
with every meal, and lb" Hve "minuU's" after you
tske the first eoBceatratad UMet of this prec
ious, product it will commence to-unfold (U vir
tues,' and It has by actual demonstration: nen
lnreasd tha weight at' ;Mia rat of ,6b pound
day. But you say you want proof! Well, here
you are. Hers la the statement of those who
hsve tried who have been convinced and who
will swear to the virtue of this marvelous "pre
paration. BET. GEORGE W. DAVIB, aaya:
"I have made a faithful trie of the targel
treatment and must ms, it .has brought to- me
new life and vigor, I . have . gained twenty
pounds and now weigh 179 ppuuds, and, what
is better, I. have 'gained the days of mr,' boy
hood. It has been the turning point of my
lite, i&t health is now fine. I don't have to
; take any medJcdBe at all and never want to
again." ....... : .
KXS. A. X. BODESTHXisEa write:
"I have gained immensely sines I took Str
gol, tor I only weighed lll pounds when I bf
gaa using It and now I weigh 189 pounds, so
really this makes twenty-four pouhds. I feel
atrongtr and am looking better than ever before
and how I carry rosy eheaks which is some-
Tills coupon entitles, any this person to ens 6O0 package of Sargol. th concentrated. Dean
Builder (provided you have never tried It), aud that lc is enclosed to cover postage, pack.',
ing, etc. Read our advertisement printed above, and then put 10c In stamp in letter today.',
with: this, coupon, and th full Me packag will b sent to you by return of poet. Address. '
The Sargol Company. 74-U, Herald Bldg., Blnghamton. N. V. Writ your nam and address
reg7T5ey .had but tSaTof the oBiTIefE'
The remaining $148 they spent for clothes
and other luxuries that.ftruck their fancy.
The Kouma boy lives at Thirteenth and
Pacifio streets. Fred Kouma, 11 years
old, ' secured . several dollars from th
Babcock boy, which young Kouma had
given him for spending money. ' This was
the first inkling Mrs. Kouma -had that
her money was -gonei She hastily called
up the police !':ation and-;. told of Tier
lose. The arrest' of the two" youths fol
lowed shortly afterward.' ,,
The boys will be turned over to the
Juvenile authdrltlee today.
Felrbury Tax Levy Rednced.
FAIRBtfRY. Neb., July 23.-Speclal.)-At
a recent meeting of the city council
the matter of making the tax levy came
up and waa acted upon by that body. The
city5 of Falrbury, oTurlhg fh' last year,
has paid off all of it's registered warrants
and has afbout '.113,600 in the i4rea.sum.Jt
was; found that the tx- leVy r601d 'be
redticed p' thS';.flgtiri ?ililei
year go" it waa iiecessary jto"7naka';'a;
levy of 37 mills' to- provide for taking up
the registered warrants. This extra Jevy
resulted in bringing In sufficient' money
to entirely wipe, out the debt and create
asuEplua.. - u-:i,'.- ,'...i , V';."
The Persistent end Judicious X'Se of
Newspaper Advertlslng; '14-the Road to
Business, Success.. " ' " '.'
Two Beauty Secrets
: - for Summer Months
Hair requlrea frequent shamnooing in
summer because of the great amount of
dust and soot In -the -alrt, and If you dis
solve a teaspoonful of canthrox in. a qup
of hot water you wilHiave ample mixture
for a cleansing. Invigorating and wonder
fully Satisfying shampoo. ' After using
canthrox. the hair dries Quickly .and
evenly, and will be ever so soft and bril
liant even tn the hottest weather. Then
you can do your hair up in any atyle with
Had effort. -.i .- ...
A apurmax lotion la Ideal for hot wea
ther, because it permits the pores to do
their work promptly, and when this Is
done pimples, blackheads, .olllnesa , and
fine lines vanish. To make, dd i ta.
spoonfuls glycerine to H pint witch haael
(or hot water), then" put in 4 ounces spgrT
max. After the apurmax lotion la applied
to the face it la Invisible and Imparts a
youthful charm and. tint to any. complex
ion. Adv. -
Show Grounds, 21st
Greater America's Representative Show
Distinctively otiginal sad '-
An tlecttifvlni revelstien of
' vividly perfect prodmkw of
Wild, Wil4. West. Ptegressmg
beighta of worla-fam, ,aoT now
ti 't 7 a,,M.w - mffln
J living paae from pivnn, u..v.,. --
and aarinr. !U prestige, snd pre-snunenc n; .
geeitioiied, nd Its reputstien ferever irtt d X
A uuM,i.ri is mdrtmrm a, ..all
otliett. Its sppesl as wide at ,the amuse- ;
nwBt-lovinf public.
Free A fromAtt Great Tri;
umph in New York Ctty,
when it ehattered au
records in attendance,
. . a .a
popularity and lengtn
of etay. . ia iva-
tion trnde ana
ever the
. tit
. . atery
y yAivtf-7
af m jm m r. w m
' CTlr
m ' r vr am i t
1 rr
O AtVjfl r)r tv. iMr. vjm-mTm.
Twe Daily P.rf.rm.neea
. r. as.o
I ? f ial J- aiA F0REH00M ' . V'rrT! f.
I .r - T JY. KimmU 50 Oa. , Childrea, Z5 Cts. asJV M B ' 0
. AaWoa, 50 Cts.. Cilldrem, 25 Cts.
Y ScwrwS tM ersmt turn fl.. L.tWlag KlMleai S& " '
Beasrvad tad Cnnl Stead (Vlr. iMradrag
- - . Iaaalie
Advanei Salt of Tickets at Myr-Di!Ion Drug 5 tort 18th 'and Farnam Sts.
Poiitively bo advan W io prist for early reservatio". - -
thing J could never say before.. '
"My old friends who have been used to tee
ing me with a thin, long fsos, say that I am
looking better than they have ever seen me
before, and father and mother art to pleased
to think that I have got to look go well and
weigh so heavy 'for ma'"' r, : .
(T&AV iOXSBQS aayr. .:-
' "Please send me another ten -day treatment. I
am well pleased with Sargol. It has been the
n light of my life. 1 am getting bacg U my
proper weight again. When I began to' take
Sdrgol I only weighed 131 pounds, ,.aod now.
four weeks later, I am weighing iU pound
and feeling fin. -1 don't saw-that 'stupid feel
ing, every mom tag that I. used to have. I feel
good. all the .time. I want "to put on about
'tlvf pounds of flesh and that , will be all I
'wantr- ,'; -, ;
V. GAavOV wrlteat
.- "Here it my report tiae .the' Sargol treaU
ment. I am a man a years of age and was
nil ru.11 down to to vary utttoni. ', I. had Co quit
work, at I was so weak. Now, thanks 'to Sar
gol, jl look like a new nun, , I gained It
pounds with 2B days' treatment: I cannot tell
you how happy I feel. All' my ,-clothee' are
gottiag too tight My face has a good color
ui j never was so happy m ,mj( Iff-", t
KB3..-VERHIS OUSR ayl ;'-?.;!Tt?
"Sargol1 it otrtaihly tie grandest treatment
I ever utd. It has helped m greatly. I
couid hardly eat anything and waa not able to
ait up tara days out of week, with stomach
trouble. 1 took only two boxes of Sargol and
n mi anvthine and It don't hurt me and I
hare no . mora' headache. My weight waOa.
pounds and .now 1 weigh 140 and, feel better
than I have for fir. years. 'I am now a tltthr
as I want to be, and shall certainly recom
mend. Sargol, tor it, does Just exactly what you
say It will do." ,. v, . ..,
Tou may know some -of these people or know
somebody who. .know them. We will sand you
thslr full address ti you wish, to that yon can
find out all about .Sargol .tad the wonder 4( .has
Probably- you art-now thinking .whether all
this esa be true. Stop It Write at once and)
ws will tend you absolutely free, a 50c package
of the most wonderful tablsts you have ever
sun. No matter what the cause of your thin
ness ia from, sargol .makes thin folk lat.' but
we don't ask you to take our word for it- 81m.
ply cut the coupon below and inclose 10c stamp
to help cover the distribution xpnset and XJncle
Barn's mall will bring you tb moat valuable
package you ever received.
Toothache Gum
Oeanee tV eavitjrKPrevwnts dec". , ,
All drug stores 01 by mail. 1 Jc ...
. 0. DtNV Co., Drrtjorr, Mich,
Take m Car Kide to
HO Minutes from Omaha,' ' '
' It has many attraction
in the Orand, Spaoiooa Bail soon
every afternoon and evening con
tinue to b a big attraotion.
Muslo by Arthur S. Smith's
VATJDXTH.I.B Includes! Three Dlerickx
Bros., Herculean Athletes;. "Old Black
Joe" Burton, Plantatfon Melodlat; Ward
St Barton, Musical Entertainera; Happy
Jackepn, Hobo Comicker. Pfcturea '
changed daily'. New vaudeville. Thurs
day. Hours f: to B, AMY "AT lit,
7 to U p. m. ' . I TISCB 1 UCr .
and Paul Streets
ladeHndentlr Isdividjial:
ictlitis. , A literal sod
th passing of th
t three years to
snasaiasty tn
Girls, Vac,
imes, tenor
.flat. GiMrdiai
Ruralea, Chara-
w -v.
plon Met snd
w m
Women Shsrsihooters,
experts of th Lstist,
Bucking Horses,. Roart-
rlders. Line ftide.'s, Ring.
Riders. Pony Evprcit Vet
erans, Pioneers, rismsmen, Old
Timet snd Heroes of the Wilder-
8te- Threwecer-Baffsiees,
Long-horned . Steers, .Cow. Ponies,
Indian Ponies, snd all the otoer real,
actual, genain. simon-p.tre denizens of.
the cow tamp and csttle range. ReprodiMini
the Sports, Fralics.Csmes.Gsllinuies.Hsrdihips,
Perils, Ceaabsts-tod'Advetitarct aad KoniKitk
tad (pecttcaia; Dsily Happening! of their Lives..
Indiana frtih from camsftre and coancIl,skif their
arst acquaintance wun paierace civurxuion, i ranrst-
a stive tuoatraswna sad paint.- SSd (xluhiling
War Dance and other Weird Rites sad Cnetwrtles,
Ssvateries, Horsemssship, Bow and Arrow Skill.
."..,1 J ...
X-VTi . . ar .
M m --.tx na'
J MB- rv MN.P W
-ted raetbodtoi Hunting, Trap piag, trailing and AabothiDg.
- , Zi -a
-. m.