THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, JULY 23, 1912; Special Waist Sale , Women's-Waists and Blouses-Misses ! Weeks of busy selling leaves many fine I waists that are slightly soiled, these go jon sale in four. lots for quick selling. I l There are fine embroidered Voiles and Batistes, some j with handsome crochet yokes some are high neck and long i sleeves. ; :. : : 1 t , $5.75 to $8.75 $10.00 to $17.50 GiCfi Waists at ... . $Tr f O Waists at . . . . J) OU j Persian LawnsMercerized Batistes and fine, French I Voiles daintily trimmed with Irish, Cluny and German Val jLaces. ' . ' : ' ' -v'V-.v "- ,- $2.25. Waists 01 $3-00 to $3.50 Q o j ' to go at. .... . .ipl O Waists at $4tO . i MIDDY BLOUSES for girls, misses and women. ' cv Middy Blouses and Norfolks white with blue or red collars or all white, $1.50 Blouses and Norfolks, ' 0 See window displays. ' 1 Store closes at 5. . 1018-1520 FARNAJJ STREET pairs manager, delivered today to ths Illinois iMdtn of the third party move ment It vu In answer to doubt ex precMd at Roosevelt 'headquarur here whether third ticket would be put out in thla tat. pending Governor Deneen't janiwar to a question whether ha would support Preaident Taft 6r Colonel Rooae Ivelt , A committee haa gone to Springfield to ack Governor Canaan whom ha would j support and the governor's antwer waa expected today. ; Senator Dixon waa emphatio in hie atand i (or a third party ticket "It would bo ! folly tor Colonel Rooae velt to attempt to run on a ticket merely for the electoral vote," he aaid. "That would he only a moral protest and not a campaign. A for putting Taft and Roosevelt both at the head of tha republican ticket in Illinois, that' ia alllyt Colonel Roosevelt haa re signed from the old - republican party. Hla campaign marks tha birth of a new party, entirely free from all the old parties." . Charles E.. Merrlam and State Senator Walter Clyde Jones, who withdrew ,from a recent macs meeting of Roosevelt aup. porter at which a call, waa Issued for la state convention for August J, la Chi icago because the meeting refused to pro vide specifically for a 'state ticket, were among those whom 8enator CI son called into conference. " wnen anown governor ceneen an nouacement (h$ he. .'would; support Preei delt Taft; Senator. DUon said: "It aim IpV means ,that Governor fceoen "l ,not la the progressive party and that a third party candidate against him win be. put 'out" : V- v :: , .. ' . . . Kaosevelt Kot Sarprtced. . OTSTKR BAT. N.'T JUlv ' M-When Colonel Roosevelt waa informed of the decision of Governor. Deneen of Illinois to eupport President Taft, he Indicated that tha news waa no surprise to him.' 'Tel; I thought so." said he. further i than that be would make no. comment Former State Senator William Fllnn of IPlttsburgli ' denied today reports that And Parts of Body, Scratching , Formed Sores, Forced to Put Cap . on .Head and Gloves on Hands. ; Very Fretful. . Used Cuticura Sbap . and Ointment. Eczema Vanished. ; i. - ;' , , 33 Liberty St.. Saylor Park,. OW About : two weeks after the birth, of eur little bo . bis bead and ether parte of his body became .covered with pimples that soon after were found to be ecsema. The pimple were .white-headed and looked ,like blister or, boU at tlmea, Coostant scratching oo formed large sore which were very painful. Be was always scratching his little head until at last we were forced to put a cap on hi bead and glove oa hla hands. It also ap--peared under his ana and on hi back and limb. Some night he wa very restless and very teetful during the Uy. We never liked to take him put as he was always so red. and we had to nave medicine on always. "Wa used ointment and . - and' other remedies, too numerous to men tioo.: It lasted about two months, until at last a friend tuggeated Cuticura Soap and Ointment and we nevger regret that we tried Jthatn. We used the vOuUcure Soap and CuUcura Ointment for about a week, putting Jt on him two or three times a day.. Soon we noticed that It waa healing and In a week the ecseme bad vanished, . He I now never, 'bothered with anything and his little body la as fair aa anyone could wish. We owe' it all to the use of the Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment." (Signed) Mrs. Ed, Aylward. Jan. 9. 191 J. - : Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment are old throughout the world. Liberal sample of each pulled free, with 83-p. ftkio Book. Ad dress poet-card "Cuticura, Dept.T, Buston." ' ; 9Tender-faeed men should use Cuticura Boapt B having a tick. 36a. Bample fret , 1 ' -i r -.1 ".I 1 i . .' -3, coupon . " W r- M SAVE THIS COUPON lle CM War Throngh the Camera - - TtrmdyiFmmouk CbrQ Wtn PtuHogrphg, ; r I i & (rsrrwerW U 't'jfa'lltmsifi " I ; And Professor Elson's Newly Written raatory or UN there was a difference of opinion between himself and Colonel Roosevelt in regard to the selection of candidates for presi dential electors., .- ' Situation In Iowa Different. " DES MOINES, July 22.-John MacVlcar, provisional secretary of the lows!' progrea elves, whose state convention 1 $o be held here Wednesday, said' today he did not expect that Senator Dixon 'or Colonel Roosevelt would lnlt on the nomina tion of a third party ticket in Iowa. Discussing Senator Djxon's statement to the Associated Press in reference to the Illinois situation, Mr. vMac Vicar said sim ilar Issues were not Involved In lows, 'The recent' republican convention en dorsed Roosevelt progreeslvlsm, and the leaders here feel that If la unnecessary to have a pregreeslve 'atata ticket In view of that action. We wjll name a full elec toral ticket for Colonel Roosevelt, how ever," Mr. MacVlcar said. , , Kansas Vetera Mast Decide. TOPEKA. Kan., July 22,-The question of whether Roosevelt or Taft presidential electors shall go on the republican ballot In the November election must be left to the voters and not taken Into the courts. This , was ' the decision of the supreme court today In the mandamus suit brought by the Roosevelt adherents to compel county clerks Wj , place the' names of Roosevelt electors qn the ballot .for the primary election of August 1 , According to the decision the Roosevelt elector will remain. on th primary bal lot.-; '; .'" ' . ' . ' ' Grass Fed Cattle ' ; Bring High Price on Local Market A record price for atrtctly grass fed cattle was paid in South Omaha to J. Prlchett, who shipped In twenty steers from Montana. He received t?.S0. 'This I th highest price ever paid In South Omaha for thl class of beef. William KUngamann of Wood Lake, Neb.v, also received a high price for a bunch of cattle shipped In by him. He received I7.7S.- The cattle- averaged 1,108 pound, and were grass fed. - SOUTH DAKOTA FARMER ACCIDENTALLY SHOOTS SELF ABERDEEN. B. D., July 22.-(Bpeolal.V- Mlchael Seller, a well known resident of Oreenway township In McPherson county, met death by shooting, presumably by accident, although the fact may never be known. While working about his farm he discovered two prairie chickens and hastened, to a neighbor's, where .he bor rowed a shotgun and started to get the chickens. This wa abojit .10 o'clock in the morning. , He did- not, return to hi home for the noonday, meal and a search wa . instituted- "About 4 o'clock .in the afternoon , hi body yas .found', with a wound, Jn the. left aide near. the, heart. Physicians gtat death must; have been Instantaneous. It la supposed Seller wa hastening to that part of the field where he' aaw the prairie chicken when h tumbled and fell, accidentally discharg ing the weapon. . : The dead man waa a pioneer aettler of that, faction fit McPherson county. He was about 60 year of age and a native of Germany, where he served a number of year In th German army and waa thor oughly familiar with firearm.. SMITH TAKES UP : . i WORK IN FEDERAL COURT United States Circuit Judge Walter I Smith of Co)tno) Bluffs, who has just been' assigned to work In the Omaha division of .the federal court for a time during this . summer, made a trip to' Omaha to make a few Orders. He signed a decree ordering -that the Gate aty Malt company of South Omaha shall pay Stewart Co. for material and labor Ip the construction of the malt company elevator In South Omaha.' over which there haa been an altercation in the courts. The sum stipulated to be paid It M.JM.U. . ' IT HELPS YOU GET tne urtl War . t .A; -mm l, Til: n HOLDEN HASJEW POSITION Will Head Crop Eeport Bureau for Greater Des Moinei Boosters. BIO ExPENDITUEE IS PLAMED Polk County' and. Pea Molnea As ' thorttles at War Over Location of Road Honaea and Beer Campa In City Environs. DES MOINES, la., July 22.-(Speela! Telegram.)-Prof. P. G. Holden, who last winter retired from the state college at Ames to run for the nomination for gov. ernor, at the request of local polltlcans, is to be head of a new bureau for crop statistics and reporting to be maintained in Des Moines by the booster organiza tions. It 1 planned to solicite fund for a $30,000 annual expenditure in thl new crp bureau which will rival th work being done by the state and the govern ment , , The Des Moines committee has already appropriated sufficient fund to start the work. , Raid Upon Beer Camps. ' The fight to rid Det-Molne and en viron of undesirable' characters haa at tracted attention of farmers living near thVJt!f and today! they united In a demand on the county authorlies that they take steps to break up the beer camp by the roadside.- The county authorities retaliated ; on the city police for having gone out Jnto the country to discover wlck'eness by raiding two place in the city on Sunday and arresting seven person. ; J i , Drake to Care for Paupers. The Polk county board of supervisor has decided to continue its practice of giving $.000 annually '.to Drake university for the care and' treatment' of the pauper patient of the county. The board was considering seriously the proposition of taking the money away from fhe uni versity and spending It In the erection of county hospital. HARRISON AND MONONA BULL M00SERS MEET LOGAN, la., July 22(Speclal.)-Pn- gresslve. jepubllcan of Harrison county met In convention here Saturday after noon and after electing Ambrose Burke of Missouri Valley eelected the following delegates to the state convention, to be held July 24 at De Moines: F. W. Myers, W. S. Kelley, D. W. Lotsplech. Charles Vollman, G. W. McCotd, H. V. Lewis, O. A. Lewis. O. A. Malone and C. R. 8tout. , ONAWA. Ia., July 21-(Speelal.)-Thlrd party enthusiasts held a Bull Moose con vention here yesterday afternoon toi the purpose of selecting six delegates to the Des Molnea meeting. Attorney J. A". Prlchard of this city acted a chairman and W. C. BUI, editor of the Mapelton Press, as secretary. Ed D. Corr waa chosen county chairman. The following delegates were named: R. L. Hawkins, Harry Huntington, Frank Roe, Fred Marquis, .E. A. Smith. The alternates were as follows; C. C. Moen, William McDonald,, S. D. Johnson, W. C. Hills, B. d. Dalve and J. A. Prlchard. Bar Backs O'Connor. - FORT DODGE. ' Ia., July 22.-8peelal T!f ram. Maurice O'Connor, a prom! lawyer 6f thl city, ha been endorsed fcr the democratic nomination for the post tlon en the supreme court bench. HI name win be presented at the state Ju dicial convention at Cedar Rapid. The entire county bar la for him. FURNAS YOTES FOR HORRIS (Continued from First Page.) Creek, precinct Saturday' evening the fol lowing delegatea were elected to th Thayer county convention, to be held In Hebron Thursday: John Wolf, George Muth, F. B. Hensel, Fred Kapperman, George Barthel and John .Young. H. F. Wolf was elected precinct committeeman. COLUMBUS, 'Neb.; July 22.-(8peclal Telegram.) Roosevelt was endorsed the republican candidate for preaident at the Platte county republican convention today;. and resolution condemning Taft and endorsing the state and county ticket .were passed, but Governor Aid- rich wa sidestepped because of trying to be with both the Taft and Roosevelt forcea in thl county. In the city no effort was made by the Taft' forces to elect delegates to the con vention, but when the convention assem bled an unexpected number of the presi dent' friends from the country precinct were la evidence. The fight on the . resolutions against Taft was made by1 the Humphrey and Creston delegations, fcnd when the Teddy steam roller had finished' Its work the Oeston delegation left the convention- H. G." Taylor," republican candidate' for railway commissioner, was present and made a talk, declaring he would not sup port Taft. When the selection of dele gates to the ette convention was in or der after the nomination had been made the convention took a recess while the tickets were prepared, and when the bal lot was taken the delegatea selected' be forehand were the unanimous choice of the convention. . ' ' HOT SPRINGS SURGEON ; : NEARLY BLEEDS TO DEATH HOT SPRINGS. 8. D.. July $3.-(Bpe- olal.) Dr. P. T. Oeyerman, a prominent surgeon here, sustained a hemorrhage of the nose while at Slyvan lake yester day. Medical help was summoned from here and an auto carrying his wife and pr- E. wamer ana or. waruger, a nose and throat, specialist, made the forty-five mile trip last night In. a rain storm. The road were too heavy to make the return .trip In the auto and the patient weakened by , loss of blood waa taken to Edgemont on a freight,, to get him to a lower altitude and brought home this morning. The bleeding was 'not stopped until thl morning, and- he 1 very weak, but will be all right- by a few daye' nursing. ' FARM HAND DROWNED r. SWIMMING ACROSS LAKE WAHOO, Neb., July 2J. -(Special Tele gram.) Adolph Vraspalr. a farm hand employed by George Vlrka, was drowned In Keller lake,-east of Morse Bluffs, at 10 o'clock thla morning. HI death wa caused from heart failure. He had the reputation of being a good awtmmer and drowned .while attempting to swim across the lake. ' He was 28 years of age."- The water at thl point 1 Intensely cold and several death have occurred by the earn cause In thle vicinity during the last tew wweks..-A-brother at Holly, Minn, ha been notified. T Preacher Prays to God f or an Ingersoll CHICAGO, July 21-Oh, God. send u another Bob Ingersoll to arouse the peo ple," waa the plea made by Rev. Charles B. Mitchell, pastor of St James' Meth odist Episcopal churcn, at the Desplalnes camp meeting today. "They alt in the pew with dull, dead indifference that break our heart. It would be better if they threw brick at us aa they did at Wesley, but they don't even talk back.: "Tbls-ia in age of doubt We minister need more . than apostolic succession , in this scoffing, indifferent and Godlesa aga The pendulum, I believe, will soon begin to awing back again.'' - , ; . BFIl . HAKMNNECTIONS Company Furnishes Toll Service Over Automatic at Lincoln.:-' ' OTHER USES AftE BEING JOINED Aaromatio Will Be Discontinued at Fremont and Other Improve- . meat Are Also An noanced. , Tha Nebraska ''Telephone company is now making' connections with the autb matlo system of Lincoln for toll- line service.-, It 1 now possible for a person having ' a Bell telephone In Omaha to talk' to a parson in Lincoln who talks over the' automatic. This, the Bell people ay, 1 practicable for. toll lines only, as the calls are few and the Bell long-dis tance operator in Lincoln, for example, baa one automatic dial before her through which she can nlake connections with the automatlo long-distance in Lin coln and thus establish the connection!. No effort will te made to establish a physical connection between the Bell sys tem here and What 1 left of the auto matlo telephone system. : Patting- In Bell at Norfolk. The Norfolk Telephone company, oper ating- in the vicinity of Norfolk, ha also been purchaaed recently by the Nebraska Telephone company Just after it had been handled .at a receiver's sale. The ; Ne braska company expect soon to install (witch boards there for the Bell system, so that the' automatic can be discontinued there and perfect connection can be made with the lines of the Bell throughout the State. . The Nebraska company expects to com bine exchange -with the . Independent Telephone company at Fremont soon. It Is expected that this will be accom plished about January 1 Th Nebraska Telephone, company is now making connections with the Doug la County Telephone company, and with th Paplllton Home Telephone company. Lorimer Injured During Auto Trip CLATSVILLE, Pa., July 22.-Wllliam Lorimer, the Illinois senator recently de prived of his seat by the United States senate, waa cut bruised and stunned when hie automobile waa wrecked late thla afternoon one mile west of here. Mr. Lorimer was not seriously hurt, but had it narrow escape... His private secretary and chauffeur sustained scratches. All three proceeded to. Chicago by. train to night f .. ... ' : ;... .. ' ; Mr. Lorimer and party left Washington Saturday morning en route to Chicago in a large touring cir. Shortly after pass lng Claytville a fractloua horse, driven by William McCoombs, a farmer, waa en countered. .' In an effort to avoid a col lision the steering gear waa thrown out and the automobile crashed into a tele graph, pole. The three occupant were then thrown $ut : . , .The former enator wa the first to recover hi feet and went to the aid of the farmer whp we having difficulty restraining his frightened team. In a few moment the horse were calmed and Mr. Lorimer collapsed and fell uncon scious td the muddy roadway. He waa revived and helped' to this place where hla lnjurie were given medical ' atten tion, -i The Chicago express train waa stopped here and Mr. Lorimer boarded It for the west at :40 p. m The former-member of the senate wa in good humor by tha time the train' pulled out He jokingly remarked that -hi life had been filled with exciting period and smilingly aaid: "My hat ia still In the ring." , v. . . .- Turkish Warrior New Grand Vizier CONSTANTINOPLE, July J2.-Twflk Paeh. ambassador at London, who wa appointed grand vliler., made the etlpu lation aa a condition of hi acceptance that the ehamber be dissolved. The sul tan declared that he wa not willing to consent to such an arrangement and to day appointed Ghasl Moukbtar Pasha grand vtsier. Tewflk will be retained aa ambassador. " Mouhktar Pasha- haa formed a new cabinet The new grand vizier haa had a great military career. He wa leader of Turkish resistance in, the ; war with Russia In 1377. The new cabinet la a atrOng body. It Include three 'former grand vlalera and other notable men. Moukhtar Paeha 1 very popular fn Albania. Fertd Paaha, minister of the Interior, Is an Albanian, and it la evident therefore that the Albanian movement haa been given pri mary consideration. The: inclusion of; Klamil Pasna' a minister of foreign affair,. hould .tend to satisfy the military agltaors. and It 1 believed that th new ministry will be in a beter position to negotiate peace with Iltaty. , DEATH RECORD. tevt Dillon. LOS ANGELES. July J2.-Levi Dillon, father of Frank DiUon, manager of the Loa Angeles Coast league base ball club, uncle of Clark Griffith of the Washing ton American league team and widely known as on of the first importers of Norman ' draft hones Into thla country, died last night at hla home In Huntington (I Park. Mr.. Dillon cam to . California from Normal, IU., last fall.1 The body will be taken to Normal for burial. ' ' Katnerin Harden.' YORK, Neb., July 22. (Special) Yea terday afternoon at the residence of W. G. froutman Katharine Harden died, aged 87 year. She waa Mr. W. G. Troutman's mother. The remains will be shipped to Dixon, III., for Interment The Persistent and Judlcioua Us ot Newspaper Advertising la the Road to Business Success. .' EX-WIFE SPOM; HONEYMOON Frederick Meeker of Omaha Jailed to Get Alimony. STEPS EIGHT INTO THE TEAP Takes Br Ida to Colorado and Former Partner of His Home Haa Deputy Sheriff In Waiting Wnen He Visit His Little Girl. .- " DENVER, , July 22.-Speeial. Telegram.) The honeymoon --of Frederick - Meeker, an Omaha engraver, waa narred by an officer, who threw him into JaiL His bride of a week got him out. He came here to show Jier the beauties of Denver, and his divorced wife bad him imprisoned, for nonpayment of aUroony. - - . - Meeker waa married last Monday and came to Denver yesterday. , He called on his former, -wife and got -permission to take their little gjrl down- town ,to buy her soma clothing and presents. ; When he . returned with the , girl he found. . a. deputy sheriff -with the divorced woman. As .soon as Meeker, entered the house the officer w a ordered to arrest him. Meeker asked why, and hla former wife aid: "You owe me $1,320 back .alimony and I am.going to have IV,' Meeker begged and pleaded with- her, but she was firm, and he was taken to jail. . HI wife employed lawyers, who raised, a $L500 bond. , Meeker .says .his divorced wife never made any claim for alimony before and he haA almost for gotten that It wa allowed her. She says she will have It before he gets' away. Frederick. A.. Meeker ,1a listed In the local city directory as a printer for the W-B. Matthews. company... His rooming address 1 211 .North Eighteenth street. Andrew Lang, Critic ' and Poet, is Dead BANCHORY,.-Scotland, July 52.-Andrew Lang, critic, poet and anthropolo gist, died here today. : .. .- , Mr. Lang died from heart disease. . He arrived at Banchory apparently In good health last Tuesday but suffered a sud den seizure Saturday morning and. died soon after midnight. Andrew-Lang waa born at Selkirk, Scotland, on March 81, 1844. He was educated at St. Andrew university and Ballol college, Oxford. At the university he waa noted for the knowledge of classics. He has. long held his place' at the head of literary critics, although he had before "gained Tame as a writer; His reviews have been a source of much de light to hi readers, his criticisms being accurate, Just and pointed, ' but tinged with a humor so warm and unctuous that no bitterness wa left In his - com ment. His most notable works are his torical, being "A History of Scotland from the Roman Occupation," "Jamea VI and the Gowrie Mystery." TELEGRAPHERS RESENT WESTERN UNION ACTION NEW YORK, July 23.-Member of the Commercial Telegraphers' Union.- of America met here tonight to discuss the alleged discharge last. Friday of. forty three employes of the Western . Union Telegraph company., , , :ii t.- Wbep the meeting wa called- to order . it, is asserted that it waa decided, to haye President S. J. Kopenkamp jot the union ; exercise hi authority and declare a strike in this city. , This plan was-tabled, how ever, and Instead a committee of five union men will be . appointed .to discuss the situation with the management of the company. This committee will, it is said, demand reinstatement of any men -discharged.; It also will be empowered to demand, that telegraphers - be.- not .-dismissed without Just cause. -,. Hi V..' A ti solution adopted . requested - the union men in St. Louis, Denver, Chicago, San Krancisco, Kansas City,; Dallas and Atlanta to assist the local men to send delegates to thl city to argue their dif ferences. -. : i Another meeting will be held next Sun day to hear the report of the. committee that , will wait on the Western Union of ficials. Local union officials say- more than , too. men have been .discharged.; In . the cities to which the call was sent but that not many, of. them are union men- It Is said these , men have asked the union to help them out ITALIAN ADMIRAL VALE SAYS BOATS UNHARMED ROME, July 22 -Admlral Vale in ' a wireless report -on - the - raid of - the Dardanelles by Italian warship eaye: - "On the night July 18-1 the - torpedo boats Spica, Centauro,- Astore, Cllmeno and Persee crept : unseen - through the opening to the Dardanelles, but were d la covered before they had progressed far Inside. Dozens of searchlights flashed on the torpedo boats and the Turkish forts opened a hot fire. The f lotilla, however, continued to steam on at the rate of twenty-one knot in close formation, hugging the European shore. " When' they, reached Kllld Bahr. the Splea; ' which' wa leading, ran into a steel . cable. It disengaged itself, but soon ran Unto an other maze of cables. The searchlight then became so dazzling that it w im possible to steer Its course and Com mandant Mlllo decided to retire. , This was effected in perfect ' order. The torpedo boat suffered only slight dam age. ; "' ' ' ,' ' ,' PAIR OF PICKPOCKETS LIFT ADAMS' PURSE Joseph Adam. 1713 Military Venue, lost $15 and a leather puree yesterday after noon on a. Krug Park car, due to the activity Of a pair of pickpockets. He re ported , the los to police headquarter, but waa unable to give a description of the men who robbed him. WHAT S.S.S.STMJDS FOR The familiar letters, S. S. S.', stand for Swift's Sure Specific, a n?me hon estly and fairly earned by a great Wood remedy. The majority of physical afflictions are cansed by bad blood, because a weak, polluted circulation de prives the system of its necessary strength and disease-resisting powers. (ass) " gores and Ulcers, Skin Diseases, Scrofula Malaria- and all .other troubles of a dexaszed circulation. Book on the blood and any medical advice free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO, ATLANTA, GA. ( Kinsella Drowns on Top of Twelve Story Building NEW YORK, July 22--Robert Kinsella was' drowned 'an the, top or twelve story building in which ha lived in East Sixteenth street today. He had gone to the roof, of the building and found a foot and a half of water which had col lected there after the drain pipe became clogged, f He ran hi right . arm down Into the. drain pipe and aa he released the rubbish the suction of the rushing water caught him. - Hi arm wa drawn In up to hla shoulder and became wedged in the pipe.- Three companions trove . frantically but vainly ' to ' release ' the Imorisohed man. The. auction hefd;hlm in the pipe and his head was. drawn into the water which still remained on the' roof ciusing him to drown. . EMPEROR ONAPAN BETTER Some Hope is Held Out for the Mi kado's Eecovery TEMPERATURE IS NOW FALLING Latest Bulletin Says Hi Digestion ' ia Good and that His Pnlse' is ...... Stronger and, Nearly .- Normal. .-. - - TOKIO,. July JS. Thee improvement in the condition of Mutsuhito, the:emperor of Japan,-which set In this morning,, con tinued throughout the day. -A' bulletin, issued by" the' court physicians in 'attend-" ance at t o'clock this evening, said; ' "'Temperature, 100.4 Fahrenheit; pule, 88; respiration, f26; digestion," good-, Im proved condition sustained." ' A bulletin, Issued by the .court physi cians at 8:30 this evening, 'says: "Temperature, 98.69; pufse,' 72, strong1; respiration, . 24; other symptoms improv ing." WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA .' .SUFFERS FROM DOWNPOUR PITTSBURGH, Pa.. July S3.-A heavy, steady rainfall caused considerable dam age throughput the country districts of western Pennsylvania today. Although no damage resulted in this city, adjoining boroughs ..suffered. Industrial plants were flooded, While many homes located along runs and . creeks were surrounded by water. In the country sections live stock was. drowned and crops ruined. At'. Canonsburg, Pa.; Hester' Yomg,' aged ' 17, fefl into Charter's creek and was drowned, In sight of many persons who were watching the awoUen stream. Late tonight two additional deaths were reported. Louis Forsythe, aged 7, was drowned In a run at Ruffsdale, near Greenburg. 'Pa., and Lando pe Tolo, aged 10, was swept, away while watching the raging waters of Connell run at Con nellsvtlle, .Pa. Absorbs Offensiv gUMf Keeps Eyety Stltdi thy 'Oh, gloryl Perspiration troubles gone forever! No more sticky stockings no more wilted "Collars no' more soaking wet spots at the armpits!- 'Absorblt' has stop ped all that. . I can wear any weight clothing now in any weather hv any in door atmosphere; I can mingle with the crowds without being : conspicuous in street cars, theater,, at the dance, anywhere."- ' "Absorblt," a new and wonderful scien tific discovery, .- quickly dispels - noxious body molsture-Hiot by stopping perspira tion, but by Instantly absorbing and neu tralizing it. Women who acquire the "Absorblt" habit can say good-bye to unsanitary dress shields no more soppy, streaked, faded, discolored - spots and holey places, no more rotted fabric and perspiration-ruined garments for them! ' '.'AbtorbU" it llr ppll4 ptd (or th purpow in every box. del it tody you'll never b without it. At your drugglst'a, 26c or en4 .mount to Von Vogel Lboratort, Chemical BIdg. Chicago, 111. Sold her and recommend ed by' Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., corner Htn-aod Dodge;. Mth and Harney: Nth and Far nam. afco Loyal Pharmacy 207- No. itb St. .Uil II VlM) Every WOMAN should know about the wonderful - Marvel "Whirling Spray". , SYRINGE Best safest m6st convenlpnt. Cleanse Instantly. If your drorelat cannot supply the MAfcVKL, seod stamp (oruium-atou book sealed, contains airoguots Invaluable to lames. -MARVEL COMPANY 44 Eaat 23rd Street New York Tor ala . by Sherman as UoConnell Srug Co. Uall orders solicited. . REST AND HEALTH TO MOMS ANO CHILD. - Mas. Wnsi.ow's Soothiho 8vaur hat been used for over SIXTY YgAKS by MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CHILDREN WHIU TEETHING, With PERFECT SUCCESS. SOOTHES the CHILD, SOFTENS the GUMS, ALLAYS aU PAII ; CUKES WIND COUC,- and is the best remedy for DIARRHCEA. It ia ab solutely harmleea. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," tad take no other tlnd. Twenty-nvcccauabouis..'' Perspiration . o. CuTot every uiaorucr wuicu comca arum wcajt or diseased blood, it tones up and regulates every por tion of the system, and creates an abundant supply of -nourishinff properties which permeate the circulation and bring liealthto the body. S. S. S. is made entirely of healing, cleansing roots, herbs and barks, which are also possessed of great tonic . properties. It does not ' contain a' particle of mineral or other harmful drug, and is therefore the purest and safest blood medicine for voune or eld. Sr S. S. cures Rheumatism, Catarrh, ' All the Printing in plain view all the time, . in easy reading range',-'' that is the test of-visible printing. . - , On the Borroughs Vis-.; " lble adding machine all' the wrirk is directly before ; the eyes of the operator-''-;-, never obscured by fixtures or paper carriage even the bottom of the paper Is ( visible while still gripped' by the pressure rolls. ,. , - ? This . Burroughs "Vis- -" ible,"-,-like the other . "85 Burroughs models, is backed by -the1 Burroughs .' Guarantee: 'of perfection -and Burroughs stay-in-use ' . Service. . ' Burroughs Adding Iacbine Co. h." w.' spalding; sales Mgr.i- , 309 South 13th Street , Omaha. Neb. If you want to avoid trouble on the hills, pay spe cial tttention to your oil. Remember that the use of the low gear . means extra heat in your engine. , ; . ; POLARINE OIL gives such perfect lubrication it matedally lessens the load on the engine. It keeps Its . body and feeds uniformly under all running conditions . It : does not carbonize spark-plugs or valves. ' .What Polarlne Oil means to the motor, Polarine Transmis sion Lubricants and Polarlne Greases mean to the other ,' wearing eurfaces of your car -, ,-efficlent,-- 'unirorn-v-... reliable "'lubrication.' Standard OU Company, Nebraska Omaha. The best Matting Suit Case in Omaha for $2.Q0r-others at all prices. Steamer Trunks Regular Trunks. The best values In Omaha. ' ' ' " . ' Freling&Steinle t Trunk Factory. 1803 Farnani St. Phone Dong. 2T3. John Says: "Honey, tax, suf fragette, corns, eat, antos, - tailor' bill and a boat of other troubles are forgotten when yon place a TRUST BUSTER So CIGAR between your UP and sayi 'How for an hoar of bliss.' " John's Cigar Store 321 South 16th St AMUSEMENTS. RIVER EXCURSIONS TO FLORENCE AND RETURN Boat Leaves Dock Foot of Douglas Street at 2:30 P.M. and 8:30 P.M. Returning at 5:30 P. M. and 11:30 P. M. V Dancing Free-Round Trip 25c ' Take a Car Rid to LAKE MANAWA "40 KlBUte from Omaha." It ha many attraction dancing: ia th Grand, Bpaoioua Ball Room Try afternoon and evenlog con tinues to he a big attraction. Knslo by Arthur B. Smith' orchestra. BATHINO, BOATIirO, ROUCXB OOASTSR, KEKBT-OO-ROUJTD, etc. . ..-. Vacation Ciut Good for" geclioa or for Any Soction, Previously Issued. 1