Jf-1 10 THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, JULY 23, 1912. ALL SHORT LENGTHS OF 1700L DRESS GOODS ORKIN BROTHERS. Successors to Brandeis Stores Will Open Wednesday Morning, July .24. UNION PACIFICTAKIHG STOCK Valuation Being Hade of the Entire Harriman Syitem. WOETH OP PROPERTY TJHXNOWN Effort to Be Made to Show that tao ' Llaea An Not Overcapitalised ' Taak Started Tare Years Ago. The Harriman system. Including the Union Pacific, the Oregon Short Line and the Southern Pacific, November 9, 1900, began the task of securing physical valuation of all the properties. A large number of men, all experts In their re spective lines, were employed and they have since then been constantly at work. On some of the lines of the Harriman sytem the work of securing this physical valuation has been completed, but on the Union Pacific It will not be finished until the middle of September. When the work Is finished the officials in charge will be in a position to tell to a penny the value of the property. The men who have been and who are doing the work have taken into account every item, re gardless of how small, or how large. For instance, on one scnedule will be hown the value of articles as Small as spikes, while on others will be the ap praised value of locomotives, passenger coaches and other equipment, while on still, others will be placed the valuation of right-of-way, cltjr and town lots, lands and buildings. The men at the head of the Harriman system of noads have a purpose in finding out just what the property is worth. They want to be in a position so that If state or national laws are passed they will have the proof to present showing Just what the real value of the lines of the system and the property Is, thus counter acting the idea that stock it watered and that an effort is and has been made to pay dividends on watered stock and In flated valuation. Ke One Kaows Value. . There is still another and more im portant reason for ascertaining the real value of the properties of the lines that go to make up the Harriman system. While some officials even Intimate that it is not the best kind of a business pol icy, all of them agree that at this time there is no man living wh can tell the actual value of the great properties. Some twenty-odd years ago, when the Union Paolflo and soiie other lines that now make up the Harriman system went into the hands of receivers, an inventory of the property and a physical valuation was made on an order of the court When the property was bought In by the Jate Edward H. Harriman he took over right-of-way,' lands, terminals,' bridges, equipment and rolling stock. Since then millions upon millions of dottars have bien put into extensions, 'repairs, better ment and new work, but nowhere In the archives of the offices la there a balance sheet showing Just what the Harriman ( property was worth ten years ago last January, last January or. June SO, the end 6( the fiscal year. ":ln many lines of business account of stock is taken the first of each-year and the executive head then knows Just what ;the financial condition is and just how much has been made or lost on every dollar of invested capital . From time to time and at regular Inter nals for the last twenty years valuations , have been made on properties in various departments, but at no time has the en tire volume of assets been gone into and valued right down to the actual worth. When the figures on the valuation of ' the Union Pacific are completed, and verl- . fled they will be given to the public, but at this time an estimate on them, accord 'r,ing to company officials,, would be the ' wildest kind of a guess. However, offi cials say with a feeling of perfect assur ance that the company Is not overcapt : tallied and that the stock is not loaded VP with water. : ' Good Start is Made for Funds for the Old People's Home Rev. C. ST.. Savidge now bas In the bank $972.63 as a start on the fund for the Old People's Home which be proposes to build at Florence. This amount came from one source. When George Magney read in the papers Saturday evening the account of I the proposed home he Immediately "told his wife of a check be had for Just such a purpose and be forthwith sent the money to Mr. Savidge. When Mrs. Dick Kimball died In 106 she left money for the care of Mrs. Dr. Luce as long as she lived. This was used at the rate of $60 a month during the life of Mrs. Luce. The will provided that the remainder of the fund should go to a 'home for old and invalid people. The amount was $97162 and this has been given to Mr. Savidge. CHARLEY WHITE, OWNER OF THE "DIAMOND" IS DEAD Charles White, who was one of the owners of the famous old Diamond gam bling house at 1311 Douglas street, is dead. News of his demise In Spokane July 1$ was received by Harry L. Jordan of the Byron Reed company who has charge of the Midland hotel annex, White's property. .... White. H. B. Kennedy, Charles D. Blb blns and Jack Morrison operated the Dia mond in Omaha until gambling laws sent them out of business here In 1S96. Bib- bins and White went , to Spokane where they purchased a six story office build ing. Later they bought a building ad Joining and made the whole Into the For nald building, one of the largest In Spo kane. Kennedy went to Seattle where he now owns the Port Orchard Steamship com-1 pany which has several steamers running on the sound. Morrison went to Baa Fran cisco. 1 To Help Nature Shed , a Bad Complexion l From The Familu Phvtician. ) Beauty Mevotees are enthusiastic over the beautifying qualities of mercotlsed &m, L.u a aminmnllflhA, Ul mtlth Art quickly, without harm, without detaining one manors, ina ki uiii buiki oiinww. The principal reason for Its wonderful merit is that it works in harmony with physiological laws. Instead of hiding, or "curing" complexion defects. It removes them. The wax actually takes off the ilea, nan,' www or muiuuj cuucm, ,.n(lu us llw Mimlnff nA lnPYtavimt- ence. ' It Is Nature' way of renewing complexions, wnen ino iiaimai pruvoM is retarded because of deficient circula tion or nerve tone, mercollsed wax comes to the rescue and hastens the skin shed ding. The new complexion which appears I. al Al 1 1 K 41 1 1 ftlABlthV AW. qulsltely beeutful. If you've never tried mercollsed wax. get an ounce of It at the a rug Store, use SI nigm line com cream, MfMhinw i site in ih. mnrnlnff. Mlnnl hxiitlfvtnar treatment I for wrinkled, flabby skin-Is to bathe the race in a lotion maoe oy oiwivins an ounce OI saxoiue in a nan vnni w n vii basel. .IMS is rema.rna.oiy giiBouve. Family Seeks Aid to Head Off Eviction Two little girls, under 10 years of age, serious as women of 30, called at the Associated Charitiee yesterday morning to ask aid for themselves and their par ents. They were the daughters of Martin Hash, who Uvea on C as teller street, and tliey told the charities their landlord was going to evict them if their rent was not paid. . "Mamma's working," said little Bernlce, "and papa la sick. We don't know what to do. Will you help usr . - She gave Secretary Porter the letter threatening eviction. The landlord's name and much other information was on the Utter head, but his address-was not there, nor could his name be found In the directory. - "I den't know how to find hlm,H said Miss Porter, "and have been unable to locate him after a search all day. Wa wilt Investigate the case and if we can help the family, but we want first to locals ths man who is owner of the V A Porta Bate Texas E. W. Goodloe. Dallas. Tex,, found Sure relief for malaria and biliousness in lt. King's New Life Pills. Only c ksMsBBHMiaMaMaM Comfort lor , Men Let your feet get tired and you are tired all over. You Just get tired because the shoe you are wearing does not make your foot comfortable and at ease. We . have' a .shoe especially designed for men with tired, aching feet They are madt with the broad common sense toe and flat heels. Real foot comfort - means peace of mind. 8oft kid. In either high or low shoes. Hundreds have found com fort in these shoes. 34.00 DREXEL 1419 rarnam 'i ' ' ' ' STORE CLOSES AT 5 O'CLOCK A Lingerie Dress Carnival at This Store Tuesday Fresh news comes from the store of women's dresses for a great sale this. Tuesday. Not old or shopworn garments but fresh, new, clean, spick-and-span lingerie dresses are offered at a half and sometimes less than a half of the actual values, simply because we have been fortunate in some recent transactions. You never pay more than half gener ally less than half Tuesday All.the.new. styles of the season are included in the various assortments at the different prices-a few of the prices representing as many as twenty styles for your selection. ' Superior workmanship is plainly evident. in the making and, the trimmings and designs are; the most beautiful seen, in lingerie dresses in many a season. , Here's the price part: : : ; ; ' : ' " $5.00 Lingerie Dresses at.....$1.95 $7.50 Lingerie Dresses at....$3.95 $10.00 Lingerie Dresses at $4.95 $12.00 Lingerie Dresses at $5.95 $12.50 Lingerie Dresses at $6.25 $15.00 Lingerie Dresses at $7.50 $25.00 Lingerie Dresses at $12.50 $30.00 to $45.00 Lingerie Dresses at.....$14.95 to $22.50 $9.50 Linen Norfolk Suits, $4.75 Bed Spreads 72x84-inch hemmed bed spreads in Mar seilles patterns; ex cellent wearing qualities; $1.00 val ues, Tuesday s , 67c White Goods 27-inch embroider ed white goods in dotted and checked patterns; 16c val ues, Tuesday, a yd. lie Bed Sheets - 72x90-inch seamed bed sheets; made of the best material for wear; 5 Be val ues at 35c : Embroideries 27 inch flouncings of Swiss and nain sook formerly pric ed at 39c a yard; special for Tuesday at .19c 18-inch corset cov er embroideries of Swiss and nainsook; excellent wea ring qualities; 19c and 25c values at. .16c 4 to 8-inch narrow embrold erics of nainsook and cam brio specially price' for Tuesday's sell ing at 5c Valenciennes laces in many different patterns and of an extra fine quality, go on sale Tuesday 5c Hand Bags All styles of band bags at greatly re duced prices Tues day. $1.00 to. $10 each according to the quality. .. . One lot of bags worth to $1.50 spe cial at .79c Novelty and leather hand bags sold up o $1.00, Tuesday 49c Hardware 6-quart, three coat ed enameled ; blue and white sauce pans or preserving kettles Tuesday at ... .. 26c No. 8 size tea ket tles, nickel plated over a heavy cop per base, Tuesday 89c China One lot of Colonial tumblers of good clear glass, to' close' out Tuesday, dozen 39c Huck Towels A few huck towels that are worth from 15c up; slightly soiled from display, all go at the same price Tuesday of 74c Dolls! Dolls! One lot of dressed dolls that formerly sold for 1 Be special ly priced for Tues day's selling at 8c Refrigerators Solid oak refrigera tors with enamel linings and adjust able shelves; 100 lbs. ice capacity; $18.85 values Tues day, $12.95 Dorothy Dodd Pumps and Oxfords , Dorothy Dodd pumps and oxfords in vici kid, patent colt and gun metal leathers; all of the summer's most fav ored styles; sizes ltt-to'6tt; $3.00, $3.50 and $4 val ues at the one price Tuesday, $1.88 Ginghams 27-lnch ginghams in 6 to 10-yd. lengths; regularly priced at 10c yard, Tuesday 6ic Black India Linon Black India llnon suitable for waists, dresses and linings; 2 Be values to close out Tuesday at 15c Hammocks . Our entire line of hammocks, ranging in price from $1.00 to $7.50, to close, Tuesday, at Xofi GROCERIES Tlfteen hundred cans Gibson's Soap Polish, special, can 5e 11 bars .."New Style" soap S&o 4 pkgs. Blue Borax starch 4 pkgs. Shaker table salt as 19 . lbs. - granulated sugar ...... w.tl.00 4 pkgs. ,Toasto com flakes 2-lb. pkg. ' Bennett's Capitol wheat ...80 1-plnt bottle Haar mann's malt or cider vinegar -S0 5 cans Van - Camp's hominy ,a5o 1-plnt bottle 8niders salad dressing . .SOo 1-plnt bottle Blue la v bel catsup . ....18o Bennett's Golden cof fee, lb .,aao 58c assorted teas, lb., . at o 8 bars Electric Spark soap .850 15c 1-lb. pkg. Import ' ed macaroni ....lOo 1-plnt can Gaillard's pure olive oil . . .40o Full cream cheese, lb., at SOo Hand cheese, each 8Vo 10 bars "Diamond C" soap 85o . Cracker Jack brand . salmon, can . . . .18o Kippered Herring, mue- tard or tomato sauce, can .... ........ lOo Bennett's Exc e 1 a I o r ; flour, sack . . . .81.50 4 lbs. chicken feed ' lOo 10c jar Bishop's fruit ate .150 Large can Snlder'a ' pork and beans ,.15o, Fresh Candies Three Sc pkgs. Royal ' Five Spearmint gum, " at 60 Salted peanuts, lb., at 18tto 50c whipped cream (chocolates, lb.. . .880 LAMB CHOPS . . . . i.. .... ..12y2c POT ROAST ............ V. 8V3C, 10c SHOULDER STEAK ....... ....10c ROUND STEAK . . ..... . . . ... .15c SIRLOIN STEAK ..............15c PORTERHOUSE STEAK. . ... .15c 3G Home circulation brings advertising returns y The Bee reaches twice as many homes as any other Omaha paper. You cafr cover Omaha with only one paper Matchless Clearance Bargains in , Loads of Shoes . This ..Week.. Big Sale of Floor Samples in Furniture . Department. Boys9 Waists and Wash Suits LESS THAN HALF REGULAR RETAIL PRICES. Boys Pongee Blouse Waists, $1 values, in vblte and A On tan, all sizes, at ...... . .196 Children's Wash Suits that sold Boys' Blouse Waists, in percales, madras,, chambrays, black ' sateens, etc made with or without collars, all perfect goods, in. all sizes; on sale .......35c-25c regularly to $2.50, all sizes ?!."..98c-49c BoXs 50c Amoskeag ChambMy Romper Suits, choice 25t Clearance Tuesday uargains WOMEN'S READY TO-WEAR $15-318 Silk Dresses, $7!? Beautiful new designs in both, plain col ors and fancies, all sizes for both wo men and misses. Silk and Serge Dresses That ap sold up to $12.00; choice Tailored Suits That sold regularly at $20.00 to $30.00 good assort- C1H ment for selection, at .V " $7.50 and $10.00 Summer Coats Dn qp Shantungs, poplins, linens. ..Wwi 00 REMARKABLE WAIST BARGAINS f Waists, worth $1.50 and $2, at 69c Waists, worth $2.50 and $3, at 95c Waists, worth up to 5.00, $1.39 85c Lawn Dressing Sacques, at 15 $3.60 Serpentine Crepe Kimonos $1.95 Dainty Summer Dressing Sacques, $1.50 values, at 85 Linen Department Specials Tuesday Hemmed Huck Towels, extra large, worth 15c, each. -10 Hemmed Turkish Bath Towels, pure white, worth 29c at, each 19k Unhemmed Pattern Table Cloths, size 8-4, worth $1.50, each ....S5 Hemstitched Huck Towels, warranted pure flax, worth 45c, each -S5 I Tuesday's Specials In Wash Goutis Silk' Novelty, all colors, sold regularly 39c; to close. 18 Kimono Cloth, in Persian de signs, light and dark colors, 25c grade; at, yard.. 17 Delaine Balacia Cloth, neatpat- terns, both light and dark regular price 19c at, a yard .. 12d Cotton Challies, a good line of pat terns, 38 inches wide, 15c grade; to close at, yard 9Ho Plisse Crepe, 15c grade; to close at, yard 13Ho Silk Remnants at Less Than Manufacturers Cost 27-inch All Silk Messaline, Novelty Louisienes, Taffetas, Semi Rough Pongees, 20-inch Jacquard Novelties, 19-inch Silk Poplins, Messalines and Taffetas at, 28C" 48C In the Busy Domestic Room Tuesday 18Ho Percales, 38 Inches wide, light and dark colors, at 7V&0 SOo Tftbl Oil Oloth Light and darit colors, 46 inches wide ISO THo BleaoheA Muslin 38 inches wide, medium weight, yd Bo lOo Brown Crash Towellny 18 ins. wide; on sale at, yard ......74c 7o Apron Cheek ginghams Indigo blues; on sale, yard ...So 89o Bleached Table Damask 58 ins. wide, assorted patterns ... 19o lOo Dress Lawns Stripes, dots and 'figures; on sale, yd So lBo Batalne Oloth 27 ins. wide gray, blue and brown, yard . . lOo 18o Imported Dress Ginghams 32 inches wide, good colors, yd...l0o 18o Dress Voiles All wanted col ors and patterns, at ... 8V4o Here's Prices For Our Big Special Grocery Sale Tuesday 48-lb sack Diamond H Flour, made from the best selected wheat; noth ing like lt-ack 19 lbs. best Granulated Sugar. . .$J.W 10 lbs. best White or Yellow Corn meal '70 8 lbs. best bulk Laundry Starch.. 95o Jell-O, Jellycon or Advo Jell, per pkg "a0 8 can's Oil or Mustard Sardines. . .250 5-lb. box best select Soda Crackers for .400 in hm Ixnoz. Beat-' Em-All or Dia mond C Soap for J5o 4 lbs. fancy Japan Rice 85o 1-lb. cans Assorted Soups 70 16-o can Condensed Milk 6Vo 14-oz. pkg. best Domestic Macaroni for 'Ho McLaren's Peanut Butter, lb.,..19Ho The beet Tea Sif tings, lb. ....... lOo Oolden Santos Coffee, lb 9So cakes Sllico Scouring Soap lBo TSXA8 E1BEBTA PBACX BAXB TTTX8DAY These are freestone and fine for can ning, r Nothing better. Special 4- ' basket crate 70o BIO BUTTER, SOO AXTD CKEESE BPECIAX, The best Creamery in carton or bulk, per lb 88c The best No. 1 Country Creamery Butter, lb 95o The best No. 1 Dairy Butter, lb., 83o The best Fresh Country Eggs, per dozen 19o Full Cream Cheese, lb ISo Neufchatel Cheese,' each 3e The greatest Market In Omaha for rSBSB TEOETASXiZB Fancy Sweet Corn, per dozen.. 19 V4o 6 bunches fresh Beets, Carrots, Tur nips or Kohl Rabbi So 8 bunches fresh Radishes So heads of fresh Leaf Lettuce. .. .So Wax or Green Beans, lb So Fresh Peas, quart Bo 4 bunches Fresh Parsley So Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, lb So Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, basket .... SOo large Cucumbers lOo 3 large heads Cabbage lOo 4 lbs. Silver Wax Onions lOo 2 large Soup Bunches So 5 lbs. 'fresh Green Applen lOo Large Canteloupes BMe and 7Ho Kalamazoo Celery, bunch . ; 36o SPECIAL PEACH AJTD PLTJM BALE Fancy Elberta Peaches, basket... SOo 4-basket crate Italian Blue Plums for $1.40 4-basket crates Burbank Plums 91-30 large Juicy lemons, dossil 90o Keep cool buy a bottle of Wild Cherry Phosphate or Root Beer for 10 One bottle makes five gallons. it tdv iinvnrrne cineT it ini iiHiUkii g riuoi PAYS PAYS " OR. BRADBURY, DENTIST tSOO Firnam St. VlTSK Phne DoB' 175C m- 1 ... Plat ... ....tja.wi.P f S issin(t Teeth .nppUe4 Extracting ...... 2s Cp Fillings Odctp Crowns ... ;....f&80fcp Qridgework ...2.50t sa Tar "mm without Plates or Brldg. work. Nerves, rcmevstd without pain. AVork sum oaios uteeil ten years HOTELS AND RESORTS. STABXST lOtBIS. XSTZB PARK . Tk.p. I . .n( m .nr., mm liars nit ffcVVUtb. - - - r w (or both wild rhggsd glory and tne vel vet, parklike beauty here, where one finds the Rocky mountains at their best. At the Stanley Hotels you will find all modern conveniences and comforts that you will find in the best city hotels. IriUUy W A. ... T w. v.vu bv trout fishing, tennis, golf, bowling, oil 1(1.(10. tiurrey, aoreuu.K uu wwuir bile rides over many mountain trails un der the care of experienced guiJea. Write IOV DMUUIUl lU)Uustu swmtsjum wia- Ut ALTBSD IfSMgSA Betas rrm. w Muscailonge uaiore Over 40 lakes, accomodations tor 3D guests. Bass and Muscailonge fish ing at the door. Write for tl pag booklet Bus meets all trains at . ran con 010, Dorset XasDara Oomnty, BOnnssota a .i'iiiitviaiiniiiii 1-- 1 WM. J. BOEKHOFF, BrsaO Sestet. .'-;. tror saje ty Beaton Drug co.