Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 18, 1912, Page 11, Image 11

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    THE BEE: ' OMAHA, THURSDAY, JUL? 18, 1912.
"fhe cfiecg0 ga zire f)a
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Sherlocko the MonkThe Strange Adventure of the Bathing Suit
(Copyright, mx NatL Newa Association)
Drawn for The Bee by Gus Mager
ID cer avxm to the
For. a Cfcf-
TCWAftO ufe IS
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A Guv vroue ome of
TH6 cut - Me HUttl COUPLE OF SUTtI) BATHING SLhrl 5 ! lU T 10 1nEL'S A
ons of the Youth's me and ' - , that MCT.wa.Tso.itttT Ntfm.Br hiring a Toum'sLl Nickel.
r ' now and vmwh , I N vir-M V ' J this phosu-m I bufr and wu uT I I ' l LYS
OVER. I Mnsi m J I L n t KfeTURNED ; -"-"l Y Tf5 II -rr 1 20 1 iaiatto. ... Y M ' k,
What the Mc Wants in the Evening
What the Husband Wants and How the Difference Starts
the Domestic Fireworks.
....... T, -
' Probably thera is no other ons queatlpn
t that gives rise to more arguments and
diiputes In the average well-to-do family
, than .the amusement problem. ' ..'
The wjjre want to so out to places of
entertainment. The
" husband . wants to
) stay home and read
the newspapers. Be-,
I suit: ,-Pomes tin -
, fireworks. '
' The wife says:
"I am a good
' wlfe and mother,
t and a .competent
housef eeper.- 4 am
thrlftyi industrious .
and frugal, and I
j am busy - all day
doing household
t tasks that can make
my family com
fortable, and . try
ing to make my
husband's mopey,
go as. far 1 as pos
sible. By the time night comes I am
wevy of ;perfs(rmngr j;'moiiiptonous do
mestic duties, and I would like eome
change. . I would like to do something
that would give a different turn to my
thoughts, that would stimulate me, and
brighten me up. ...
"I love society. I like to .dance. I
like a good game of cards. I like people.
I am devoted , to the theater.!, enjoy
goings occasionally to a restaurant -for
dinner . or . supper. I like to see. and be
seen, but before I can go anywhere of
an evening I have to have a battle
royal with -my husband that takes all of
the pleasure out of It To get htm to go
to a dinner party Is like dragging him
to an execution. To induce him to take
me to the theater requires a week of
hints and persuasion and jollying, and
then he sits up with a kill-Joy face and
knocks .the actors in the play and yawns
I In my face until 1 get so mad I vow I'll
never ask him to take me anywhere
I again.
"We actually have a row over every
' Invitation we get and he puts on his
evening clothes with as many groanings
'and mutterings as if he were an early
Christian martyr dressing himself to be
led out to the stake;
"He acta as if being married to him
The Senator and
the Black Hand
Unwonted excitement disturbed , tne
usual morning calm of the capitol, when
it was whispered that a senator had re
ceived a message from , tl "Black
Hand."' Immediately there were visions
of detectives tracing up every evanes
cent clew,' for it had been stated posi
tively over the telephone by t-.e senator
that he was the victim of a black hand
disaster, and the waste-baskets were be
ing searched for scraps of information
that might lead to finding the letter In
which the threat had been made,
There was consternation when the
senator was encountered on the golf
links,, and an excited group of players
surrounded him to qui about the alarm
ing, missive. "What about that 'Black
Hand' letter T" they cried.
"What'Black. Hand' letterr asked the
senator - absently. , , ,
"Why, the one you were talking about
this, morning." ... .., . r.
"I think I threw it In the -waste
basket." , .
"The waste basket has been searched,
but we can find no letter.". ...
"We must , have that letter, senator.",
put in a young reporter earnestly. "Your
co-operation with the press and the of
ficers of the law will mean much in--"
"Say, young man," broke in the sena
tor, 1s this a Joke?" He was cultivating
the language necessary for use (with
mules) in Intensified farming, and In
dulged irr a few epithets before he stated:
"That -'Black Hand', Is nothing-nothing
at alL I tried to fill my fountain
pen' this morning with Indelible ink. and
I still have the black hand wth me."
For proof he held up an Inky palm which
liberal applications of pumice-stone had.
failed to whiten. ',.
Thus- was the newspaper rumor quieted.
The disgusted golfers sauntered away to
conceal their feelings, and the senator
weiit:back-to his game, wondering why
it Was that a man could not even talk
about his fountain pen without awaken,
lng reportorlal energy and national at
' tenUon.-MltcheU Chappie's Kews Letter.
cs blcntc iough for any Woman, and
that she ought not to expect of desire any
other diversion, while contend that a
wife 'Who does her duty, as I do, ts en
titled to at least a few of the treats after
marriage that a man was ready enough
to give her before marriage. When he
was courting me my husband wasn't
too tired of an evening to take me. to
places or meet me at parties.
"Besides all this, my husband needs to
go out some for his own sake. " A man
gets so narrow Who sees nobody but his
business associates, . and hears nothing
talked about but business, and, in addi
tion, we have children for whom it is our
duty to make as good a social position
as we. cant So It seems to me that my
husband is unreasonable not to be will
ing to go about with me more." , ' .
The man says: ' )
"I work all day under a pressure that
my wife does not even understand. I
am giving every ounce of strength and
vitality that is in me to my business so
that I. can give niy family 'every possible
luxury; and indulgence, and when night
comftsTam utterly, spent, soul. and. body
and .brain.." I ; am .'so 1 tired that T don't
want to talk,. nor to be talked to, and so
nervous that I feel that I would scream
if I had to listen to the insane chatter
of some foolish woman to whom I was
expected to make myself agreeable at
dfpner. ' , '
"Alt I want to do is to eat my own
dinner in my own house, and sink down
in my twn 'particular chair In the library.
ana aose along . over the evening paper.
More than that, I must have this rest. If
I am to hold up my end in the strenuous
business competition of today.
"Jf I go. to bed at 10 o'clock and get a
good night's sleep I attack my problems
with a clean,' clear brain the next morn
lng, but if I've been 6ut to 1 or 2 o'clock,
and eaten a lot of Indigestible stuff, and
drunk and smoked too much, my . mind is
in as upset a state as my stomach Is. , My
Judgment is clouded; "my temper is on
eage, and i n literally not fit for business.
"Heaven knows I want my wife to have
every possible pleasure. It's for her sake
and the kids that I toil like a dray horse.
let her go to all the matinees, and teas
and luncheons and hen parties she wants
to, but .why can't she be reasonable and
let me have my evenings at home in peace
instead of dragging me about to places
that bore me stiff, and where every other
married man looks like St. Anthony on
the gridiron?"
And there you are. And so the argu
ment goes on over every Invitation, and
a banging door en the other, and ' the
queer part of it all Is that each side is
perfectly right from his or her point of
view. , .
The solution of the problem Is only to
be found, in compromise, and, undoubt
edly, it would make for peace In most
families if the wife could establish the
housemaid's Inalienable right to a night
out once a week, on which her .husband
Would accompany her whithersoever she
Chose to ge without protest. The balance
of the time she eould take her pleasures
without him at the various afternoon di
versions that women have devised to
meet this very contingency.
It is Unfortunate that the .very dif
ference of their fields of labor makes
men and women look at this question
from opposite angles. The husband, who
is seeing new faces every minute of the
day, and talking to new people, longs
for quiet' and rest in the evening. The
woman who has been shut up Jn the
house all day, often with no one to speak
to, longs for fresh faces and fresh in
terests. This . being . true, , why should
they not figure out together a working
schedule by which the man should cheer,
fully go abroad with his wife' a certain
number of nights a week, while the bal
ance she may remain at home without'
feeling -herself a persecuted and domestic
One of the chief . reasons why this
country leads the world in divorce Is
because Americans so often settle this
question in the wrong way by the wife
and husband each going his or her own
way the wife going for society., and
the husband going for business, and both
landing in Reno, When you meet a mar
ried woman traveling alone, or' going to
balls and theaters with friends, instead
of her husband, you don't need any
other tip as to the state of affairs In
that family. . . . . ,;-
Of course men say that they have to
work so hard they haven't time to go
about with their wives, but if husbands
gave their wives more of their time and
personal attention and less money it
would "be better for both. ".-- - i
After allr it's the people that we play j
with who are most necessary to us.
The Philosophy of Shoes
More Important to Have Your Feet
Properly Clothed Than Tour Head.
(These pictures are produced by permission from "flood Housekeeping Magaslne"' for July)
. Dr'.. Woods Hutchinson describes man,
in Good Housekeeping magaslne tor July,
as "the tenderfoot of the animal king
dom," and he goes on to give what no
body seems to have thought it worth
while to give before, some . good sclen
Uflo advice on the subject of shoes. What
he says 1s amusing as well as Instructive.
; Dr. Hutchinson makes another state
ment which will probably surprise most
'people, although it is evidently true,
vis. that men, and women, too, have
the biggest feet on earth in proportion
to the slse and weight of the animal they
The fact is that man. as a product of
evolution, has not yet had time to de
velop his pedal extremities into the
best possible form to serve "the new
uses to which he now puts them. Since
he quit climbing trees nnd sporting
among, the branches in the tropical for
ests , of Tertiary times, and . began f
stand upon- his - hind paws, he has been
more oficerned with the growth of his
brain than the development of his feet
' f V II si
. Vt if u
which he Is glad to conceal. He goes
stumping along wjth it, without employ
ing ono-tcnth part of its real powera
The toes are Jammed together, the nat
ural points of support are more or less
disregarded, and the entire wonderful
mechanism is' thrown out of gear.
Of course, even savages have to protect
the bottom of the foot but their manner
of doing so Is, fundamentally, better than
ours, for they do pot rob the member of
more than half its usefulness. No spurred
and booted European could ever match
the grace and dignity of locomotion ex
hibited by an American Indian striding
along In his easy-fitting, moccasins. The
sandals of the Greeks and Romans gave
at least some opportunity for the feet to
perform their natural functions. In .cold
climates we have to cover the feet, and
leather Is, no doubt all things considered,
the very best material that has yet been
found for footgear; but the trouble Is
that our ways of using It are open to a
vast number of objections. The cobbler
of genius has yet to appear. Thomas
Carlyle forgot the shoes when he ep'ecu-
Nature would, no doubt have helped
him more rapidly If he had not defeated
nearly all her efforts by encasing his
feet in hard, unyielding boxes, which,
as civilisation has proceeded, have be
come' more and more rediculous in their
ugliness and their unsultablldty to the
proper use -of feet ' ;.
The anatomist sees, with admiration.
the nice adjustments which nature has
made In transforming the hind limbs ot
arboreal (tree-climbing) creature of the
ape and roonkey type Into the legs and
feet of the uprlgnt animal called man,
and, at the same time, he views with
disgust the manner In which man' has
spoiled some of nature's neatest effects.
The naked, unconflned and un tormented
human foot is a marvel, not only of fit
ness for its purpose, but of beauty or
form. It is even a finer piece ot natural
machinery than the hand, and ordinarily
It has harder work to do. But white the
hand has been left free to use and de
velop all Its latent possibilities, the foot
has been cramped and hampered Until.
In civilized man It has become a thing
lated on the philosophy of clothes. ,
nvahton Is responsible for more narm.
doing in the matter of footgear than in
any other of the numberless vagaries
with which It delights to worry its sue
miBHivB slaves. Nowhere has fashion been
so cruel and so defiant of nature's laws
as In Us dealings with the feet ixwa at
the nameless suffering that It has for
centuries inflicted upon hundreds of mil
lions) of women in China. But It Is, in
this respect, almost equally cruel in what
we call more civilized lands. If all the
groans and cries of pain that are dally
wrung from men, women and children in
Europe and America by the excruciating
ills that result from ths wearing of tight
or wrongly formed or stupidly fitted shoes
could be collected and poured forth from
one huge megaphone the united sound ot
woe would not be pleasant to listen to.
When fashion prescribes absurd, head
gear we may lament the violence done to
our aesthetic sensibilities, but there is,
usually, no physical Injury caused by
inartistic hats. The case Is different with
misshapen shoes. Huge, square-toed shoes
that look like river scows, arrow-pointed
shoes that resemble in outline tha bow of
a college racing boat, turnip-toed shoes
that ape the nose of a triceratops, and
shoes with dck heels and precipitous
fronts that make women sway like ballet
dancers or totter like inexperienced stilt
walkers, are a source of positive injury
as wall as of discomfort to the wearers.
The remedy would seem to be, when the
shop contains nothing but ready-ade ab
surdities, to have all shoes made to or
derbut that Is costly and. besides, how
many would know enough to prescribe
the shape thst a shoe should have?
You will find some expert advice about
this In Dr. Hutchinson's article, and you
would do well to pay special heed when
he says, "For heaven s sake, have 'em
big enough!"
The Important Business of Marriage
and How Divorce Might Be Avoided
I i
Vim mi. in Vllsri
Marriage Is the most Important busi
ness in the world.
No large corporation, with offices in
every city In the land, means so much
to the human race as one happy, clean,
loving home, where
there is one stand
ard of morals for
husband and wife,
and where there
are mutual affec
tion, mutual trust
and confidence, and
a constant effort
to be reasonable,
agreeable, sensible
and considerate.
Such a home Is
heaven. ,
"But heaven Is not
reached by a
single bound;
"We mount to the
summit round by
However, two people love when they
marry, domeBtla happiness must, to con
tinue, be gained by dally practice of the
old fashioned virtues. Because the lover
bridegroom calls his wife an angel she
must not imagine she has nothing to
do . to retain her perfection in his eyea
Instead she must feel, a great respon
sibility put upon her, to produce a materi
alisation of his Ideal.
The husband who has won his prise
must not imagine he can keep the respect
snd loyalty and lovs of his wife without
using self control and common sense rea
sonably. . , ,-.',.
Why do men and women Ignore these
plain facts? "'
Why do they understand that every
object In life w.ilch they set forth to
seek must be continually tolled for and
made a subject of study and patient ef
fort and yet Ignore all these rules when
they set forth to attain domestic happiness?
And without that, what is life worth?
We all deplore the prevalency of divorce
In the land.
Divorce Is so common that It Is vul
It is no longer tragic.
Yet there are sltvitions which are so
distressing one Is amaxed at the spiritual
courage of the husband or the wife who
endures a continuance of domestic life.
There is a man who works every al
ternate night
On the night when he does not work.
he never appears at his home until I
or 3 o'clock In the morning.
And then he refuses to stats where he
has been. '
There is a daughter of 18 years; and
she Is curious to know why her father Is
away from home.
There are neighbors who hear him re--;".;
turn; and the unhappy wife must not ;
only suffer 'with loneliness and sorrow, -r
but she must, bear the humiliation ot -
gossip and scandal. -. .
She has been married eighteen years f
and she has no way of taking care of her-
self and her family.
Besides she married tor love; and the
flame burns still In her heart despite the '
husband's selflshnes and disloyalty. ..
What possible pleasure or- happiness -can
a man find In his dissipation or his
gambling or his amours which can com-;;,
pensate him for the los of his self-respeefc. :
and the knowledge that he has spoiled .'
the life of the woman he chose for his
life companion; the keeper ot his home
and the mother ot his child?
Married life can be made so beautiful
with the humblest surroundings and in
the midst of the hardest toll If the tw,
contracting parties will hold the ideal
of a perfect partnership, which Is to rt-!'
suit In complete success Just as two men!
In business do. !
When anything causes a diff ersnca of
opinion, the two business associates al
way sit down and quietly talk the mat
ter over. - r , .
Each has his own special duties and
obligations to make the partnership t.)f
success; and if one neglects or shirks; 'J
his responsibilities the other has a right:---;
to complain., '3
, Precisely the same method should be?,
used 1n the marriage business. This maihotj;
under discussion promised to love, sup--i.-port
snd cherish the woman ha married;"""'
and he Is breaking his obligations by1,,,!
neglecting her and maktng her unhappy' ...
by his questionable habits. 4
At the same time It Is possible that
the wife has not made an attractive homa.
for the husband. ,
She may be a nagging woman; sher-v-may
be a careless housekeeper.
8he may have allowed herself to grow,'
frowsy and unneoessarily old and untn,' "
terestlng, and she may think of nothing
better to talk about when her . husband; s
i at home than her ailments, aches and 0
Pa""- '
The mere fact of a marriage tie doesci
not keep a man contented and happy tn-c '
the companionship of a woman of this? V :
description. ; ; t
But instead of rushing away from hsr;-:',;.
to seek distraction elsewhere, the maieui.'
line member of the marriage business con-; ' ,
cern should talk with the woman partner T $
and tell her Just where she Is falling,-..: .
and ask her to try and keep up her pari
ef the contract ...&
The wife should do ths same when the" .ii.
male partner begins to be lax In his obll-i
gatlons. Many divorces could be avoldsd-'J1"
If husbands and wives regarded marriage "
as an important business affair.-Copy-7i;u
right, UlJ,
by American. JournaJ-Ex -
. The Manicure Lady
"It's tunny, ain't it George." said the
Manicure Lady, "how many folks that
used -to play base ball thinks they can
play the game now?"
"I never give the thing much notice,"
said the Head Barber. "When I was
a kid I didn't play the game at all, and
after I grew up I never had no time to
go to games, so I guess the subject Is
kind of stale. Why?" .
"Oh, I was Just thinking about a
outing that the old tent and me went
to the other day," said ths Manicure
Lady. "Brother Winifred went along,
too. Brother Winifred Is all the time
declaring himself In, although I am
sure that his decision to go to the
game didn't make any hit with father.
He looked at Winifred kind of reproach
ful, like a pickerel looks at you when
you are just dragging It over the side
of the boat, and he sighed kind of pen
sive, but I guess down under that he
feels kind of sorry for Wilfred, his
only son and the onjy child of his that
has nsver saw fit to make his own way
in the world.
, "Anyhow, George, the old gent dragged
us all down to the outing; and I don't
mean to say for a minute that I didn't
have, a good time, because X did. Ws
went all the way to Bensonhurst In a
big touring car and stopped at Kernan
Sr. Callahan's two old friends of the old
gent There was a ball game inside and
a ball game out In the park, and you
can Imagine, George, how bored I was to
see base ball out to the country after
having saw so many games st the Polo
grounds. After having saw Murray play
right field it made me yawn to see Bob
Klley playing the same position at the
outing, and it seemed Just awful! rsAr?i. '
to watch Yank Sullivan trying to catch,.. .
ana tnrow, to second after having'"'
watched Chief Meyers work at the Polo;;
grounds. The only player I seen In thsj w-j
whole bunch that showed any big Ieagu- V
form was a good-looking chap named ?
Billy Lennon. He acted like the real-:
"Outings Is all right, George, if you .,
go to one of them shady dells like, Col-U-ge
Point or Whitestone. where there ia " 7
a picnic grounds, but when It comes to...
attenilng a minor league base ball game-ua
I am bgalnat it; and besides. Brother 1
, wmroa got a biacn eye from Bam Duffy,
jthe umpire, and when the old gent tried v
to interfere , he got a black -eye. too. -The
return trip was all to the arnica."- j;
"I don't get a chance to go to no out-iV
ings," sighed the Head Barber, a little, "f
"Cheer up, George, replied the Msni-r
cure Xady. "You don't know what yout"
miss.". ::L'
"Tfalln. TMMv nM mI . f ,-
. j . - wvigw -
Cohan's cordial greeting as a well-known
vauoevuie performer was ushered Into,;;.,
Mr. Cohan's dressing room one night re-.-..,
Icently. "HoWs every little thing?"
'Track's a trifle slow Just now. George."-"
I'm laying off this week." answered the " 'l
vaudeviller. . - ',. ,'
"Laying off! , Gee whit! I had you; u
tnhho.1 for of) Af-thftM Vut.iinn thf i."
worked right through the $&5 squares on
the calendar. What about it?" ' iSt:
"WM vnu MA. finr " M ttia Mia' .--,
one, "I've been boosting my salary till
I've got It so high the managers won't','; -'