6, By Hershfield Desperate Desmond In Which the Artful Villain Is Burned Out of His Retreat by a Careless Smoker CAkWct e scape I A VJ ms uvtm. this lX X-i lODWIC TX 1 ; r : i i " - i 11111111 I'll III TT III I ;JM V JW fftf"6 cuiy,) SLACKING f -r- fe'SS'oswoND.THe "Snri'nriT vilujs must we a l tT, pjsovo ) PTi'Z f I 1 Hflr V JW JL I HIDts UWDcR I f NT yKtf I iPPUTecres Kri k M V .7 3Hr2 ZL.?ZZ?vyZ?L i I UCXOP . I .,11 . I.-THE HUE AND CRT. Under ths grandstand of the Olymplo arena a thrilling drama In being enacted. The villain Desmond, having been foiled in an effort to kill Rosamond, has been potted by Claude Eclair, who Is now hot on the heel of the scoundrel. Dcs mond li afraid to leave the abetter of the stand, as the athletes are outside, and he has not much room In which to dodge. ' ' II. A CHANCE TO HIDE, i. As Desmond rushes to and fro seeking a means of escape, he notices a pile of old programs which have been dropped and swept down from the seats above in the grandstand. The Idea comes to him that he might hide under the papers and thus escape the keen eye of Claude Kclalre, humiliating as it is for a first class villain te hava to take refuge in a pile of dirty paper. 1II.-A SURREPTITIOUS PUFF. Far above In the grandstand the root-, ers are cheering on their various heroes in the contests of the Olymplo games. Despite the excitement of the struggle, en of the spectators cannot restrain his desire for a smoke, so he lights a cigar, although it is strictly against the rules to smoke up there. The appearance of an usher causes him to drop his burning cigar through a hole in the boards. IV.-THE RUSE SUCCEEDS. In the meantime Claude Eclaire and Rosamond rush about below the grand stand in eager search for the villain Des mond. A tbey pass the pile of old pro grams, now bigger that it was a few moments before, they little suspect that concealed there Is a scoundrel for whose capture they are so eager. The villain's ruse appears to have succeeded; but ob serve the cigar that is falling. V.-A BLAZING REFUGE. That' lighted cigar thrown away by a careless smoker has worked wonders for Claude and hU sweetheart. It has set fire to the heap of programs under which Desmond was lurking, and the scoundrel is driven out by the blase. He Is forced to crawl right Into the hands of his enemy, Claude Eclaire, from whom he can expert no mercy. A ' aad experience for a villain high in his profession. ' VI. BOUND FAST. "Ah ban the boy!" cries Desperate Dei. mood, "and the ylg ant ban up yet" Bound securely and in the iron grasp of Claude Eclaire, the villain does not yet admit defeat He even declares that Rosamond must yet be his wife, despite her hero lover. A tough villain is Des mond, and a hard one. to hit. In tomorrow's pictures we shall show the fate Claude decrees him. WANT ADS Want ads received at any time, but to Insure proper clarification must be presented before 12 o'clock in. for tse evening edition an.l before 7:80 p. n. for morning nod Bandar edl (ion. Want ads received after sach hour will have their first insertion under tho beading "Too J-t to Clarify :: ' CASH RATE,"?Oll WANT ADS. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION One Insertion lft cents per word and 1 coat per word for each subsequent consecutive Insertion. Each laser Ooa nude on odd days 1 M cant per word( SUM per line per month when ad la run without change of Agents, Salesmen aad oltettere. wanted A a-ood stock solicitor on a first-class proposition. Assets of company will be agricultural land. Address all Inquiries to Y 87. Omaha Bee. SOLICITORS wanted tor photographic view work. Experience unnecessary. m So. 89th 8t. So. Omaha. WAMTir.n a first class land salesman with nhiiitv to nroduce results; a liberal salary, expenses and commission to good, energetic salesman who will keep on the job. Address u. n. wo ao mo an,, Lincoln, Neb. - ' -- HELP WAXTEPFEMLB ; Aaeata and iotnn. WANTED-Agents In every town- to handle live selling Rat & Pest extermin ator; big profits ana good returns. Heller address T. J. K. all North 26th, or call Douglas 8361 . WANTED Two experienced aalesgtrla tn Candy Department. Apply R. C. Phelps, Brsndels Pumpelan Room. - Hoaseitevycta nutl Uuimmties. THE SERVANT GIRL PROBLEM 60LVEDTbe live will run a Servant Qirl Wanted Ad FRKSj until, you -get ia deeirod results. This applies to reoluaiili of Omaha, aeuio Oroa.ua and Cauuvli Bluffs. Bring your au ti Th Bee utile ar telephone Tyler. hA ...... . Drug store (snap) Jobs. Kwlest. Bee Bldg, li hi EN. no to so years old. wanted at once for railroad firemen and brakemen, (SO to 1140 a month; experience unneces sary; no strike. For application oianx address T '6, care of Bee. - i . WANTED-lmmedlately. experienced mUr familiar with automatlo feeder. non-union. Position permanent. La Febure Ledger company, ceaar wapios iowa. WANTKD-Men to learn the barber trade; Increase your earnings; will give you start In life that will make you ndependent; Tew weens completes; iigm, clean, inside work; Investigate today. Moler Barber college, no a. mn ct. WOMAN to take fumlly washing home. Call Harney 517. . WANTlfiD A .competent girl for gen eiai housework; good wages. Telephone Harney kM. Residence 8U40 Cass St. WANTED A competent laundress by the day, Immediately. 3039 Pudge Ik. Allsoeliaaeaas. WANTEDFOR U. .. ARMT-Abl. bodied unmarried men between the ages of 18 and 36: cttlstms of United States of good character and temperate habits who can speak, read ana writ toe aiogiisa language. For Information apply t r. eru'ting officer. 18th and Douglas Sts Omaha, Neb.; eW th St.. Slou City, Ia.i m N. wth at., unooin. msd. ODOD girl wanlad for general bouse work.4 Dortee St. Phone Harney 953, . WANTED Man and wife for house wurk. Phone H. K1G or call 608 8. Cd Ave. 21 AID wanted, generafhousework; good wages; small family; pleasant room. K0 Park Ave. Harney 672. , - WANTED-Competent first and second maid, private home, small family, no laundry, lirnest K. Hart, " 6a , Id St., Council Bluffs, la. WANTED-Competent , general house work girl; S In family. Mrs. K. C Crelghton, U o. 84th Ht. Harney Ml. WANTED A girl ; for general houae work, small , fauilly. colored or white, 1621 Plnkney. " ' RELIABLE alrl for Uaht housework, one who can go heme evenings; an excel lent place lor me ngni pany; can emn day morning If possible. 1M4 Miami St. WANTED A thoroughly competent alrl (or ceneral housework: best wages; city references. Mrs. Rome Miller, 4S3J Florence Blvd. Phone Webster sift. "WANTED A girl or womau for gen eral housework, uz una et. flOOD. olaln cook, also do housework, white, no washing or ironing, must be neat; good wages. ru Chicago or Mar- ney 2134. - - " - '- - A GOOD girl for general housework, 'call Harney (W88. " . Utsoallaaeoas. TOIINQ women coming to Omaha si strangers are Invited to visit the Young Wnin'i Christian association building at St. Mary's Ava.. and Wth. 8U where they will be directed to suitable boarumg placet . or otnerwisa assistea. wo oi our traveler' guide at the Union stutioa, GIRL to learn balrdresslng. Oppenhslui parlors, .to floor, city Kationau WANTED ExDerienoed launflry woman on who la neat ironer and Quick; wages, is per week, room and board. Hotel Turner, Centerville. S. D- HELP WANTED MALE Atfeata, Salcanteu aa4 Solicitor. WANTED-Accident and health Insur ance agents to work In Omaha or state of Nebraska or in seven other western tta Boat line of DollciestoD notch commissions renewal contract gi anted by tne largest casualty company of ttte west. , NAT. FIDELITT CASUALTY CO. umana. HELP WANTED MALK wenty per cent leas than Omaha prices. HOME FURNITURE CO., Twenty-fourth and L Sts., South Omaha. W edding announcement. Doug. Ptg. Co. liDholatarlna. Dlano. turn. rep. 2804 Far. Guarantee Laundry. Fins work. D. 1373. witkr filter coating !e sells for 160 Detroit Filter Co.. Detroit, Mich. Western Millinery School 627-(B8- Paxton Block. We teach ail branches of Millinery trade. Material furnished free Clerical aaU QfUu. HOTEL elerk to take chaTcs of hotel; $20 per week, but must place 12,000 cash bond. wanted at onos, t. james Hotel, Perry, Iowa. ' ' kodaks ftsrufa wsa department in ths west " M ' ins KuatKi vjtaroiiin w., Hit Farnam St. and K 8. ltth St M. S3. Morrill, china paint. 833 Brandels Th Will. I. lt'ca aulta a nit nartr draaaes lor sale; also for rent, fl.M to tl.60 a night JOHN FELDMAN. 106 N. 17th. P. 3123. Factory aad Trades. Inn anil vlra fnMI ehaa.nar than WOOd: last a lifetime. 207 N. 17th. Phono Red Kj iMORTHRUP LETTER DUPLlCATIMi Co., 606 Paxton Blk.: circular letters, any quantity; oldest established company; ex- perts or Mumgrspn ana nsoeiyie. A I T. will hm tnrwivmn. Urv. if you Will meet me at the Sign of the Crown and the Golden Stairs on lth and .Douglas streets. That Is where BRODEGAARD sells those lucky wedding rlnga OMAHA FILM EX. &iW an Motion picture machine and film bargains SWIMMINO Metropolitan Bldg. ioaed la order to rscoat ths pool. A" classes will continue aa usual, beginning July 15. J tunning water constantly, a mammotn liter has been installed. Instruction during morning hours of week. Arrange ments may os maaa lor private jwum Tues. and Thurs. ave. foot open to men ana women wno are members. Wed. and Fri. eve. Business women's class. Tues. add Thurs. eve., 7:30. Pool open for men after t p. m. on Sat urdays. . TKL.QRAPH ooaltlona suarantaed Ton by the Union Pacific and lllinbls Cen-- irai ranreaaa u in fr uauiini eur soheoU Practice q K. R. wire. Ad dress for particular. H, B. Boylea, Pres. Uoyles Collegu, Omaha, Neb. WANTED street attractions and con cessions at the old settlers' picnic and base ball carnival August 8, ana 10, Newcastle, Neb. Address J. v. wmtte more, Secretary. - YOU CAN EARN MORE MONET In ths automobile business; chauffeurs, repairmen, demonstrators, art In big de mand and command 'arge aalaiiee; pre pare youraeif In ou' large training shops, wnere you icarn now w operai. rejrair and self all makes of ears. .... , ; National Auto Training Assn. i K14 N. 10th- St.. Omaha, Neb. WANTED Street attractions for car- nlvai August 11 to 17, Including aerlallsts, tent shows, merry-go-round, etc.; no fak ers wanted; give particulars in first let ter. Address Index office, Carroll, Neb. rarn lia uer day. Greatest selling article ever offered.: Sells four out of five "houses, nepresenianvei waatea with as little delay as feasible. H cents enclosed saves time. Sample and lnfor. matlon receiveo. jauruoca cwniiarjr o., Mankato, Minn. WANTED Good carnival company and concessions of all kinds, tor week begin ning Aug. mn or mn. Aoareas v. j. KrahenblU. Sec'y, Filgeri Neb; WANTED Free attractions and merry- go-round for Firemen Tournament, Aug ust tn ana win. ror lurrner pameuiara write Sacreury Fire Department, Leigh, Neb, GOVERNMENT Jobs open. Write for list. - Franklin Institute, Dept. 114 R, Roohestar, T. - , ; l"i mi'siiiiii HELP WANTED MALE ANO VKMALK.' MEN and women wanted for govern nent positions. ISO. month. Writ for list mant of positions open. Fvanklln Dept. Iif K. nocneaiT, r. . Institute, PARTY to become manager and take halt interest in well established circular letter and duplicating Business, k. u psq. WANTED SITUATION'S Young lady wishes position as etenog rapher; can operate any machine; D. 1980. DUN OLE washing, 60 cents a dose. rauah dry. 23 cent a dosen. Web. Jlw. Bundle family wssh. Guaranteed. W367t. Bundle or day work. W. 1427. (Colored. MaNHKTEH Fainting,- Papering, Plas- trinr Co. wants work. Reasonable prices. Inside, outside; tood work guar. anteea. ivzt raui ot. mono mwr a. A.i STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper desires evening work. a. sraacis. woug, six POSITION wanted with wholesale house; salesman or celleetor; A No. 1 references; cash bond. . Address B-4SS, care of Bee. " WANTED Position as bookkeeper and typist; soma experience, A-l raterencea N 442, Bee. , ' YOUNG girl wishes place te asalst with housework. Address, a, set urnoe, South Omaha. AGENTS IN VEliV"f5WIJ 100 to ISO ner cent prif It, 33.00 to S.M) day. with our new, article, Preaid'.ntia' Campaign Photo Novelties; no competi tion and btggtr tellers than buttons rr badge. Lewis Novelty House, 41 E, siO Olivt! St., St. lunula. Mo. ANSWER XHlS Best Mm mn oi; new; pays all expenses; $4 per cic,; two to four orders a day sure; pocket sam ple. Dyer Mfg. Co., 30US 6. laichisan Ave.. Chicago. " Uu.00 TO SlOO.tk) per month pa d by oTif! rettabla firm- Easy work traveling. ' N'a experience neceanary. Call at Room ldC, Board of Trade Bldg., and Inquire for .V. C. Drapler, Mgr. DOUGLAS 667 mornings or evenings tor flrst-claas laundre. WANTu-orisnt man with a little cash to take active lutrt in iub llahed wholesale house. ,A(dres L . Bee. . - . - "W"B want five capable men with from 130 to $1,600 each to open offices and share profits. Box mtt, Omaha. Neb. . ' . 36-WANTED-!. - w -Man of good moral character, over the age of 21. to solicit in Omaha and Smith Omaha. A goo proposition tor the right parties; must furnish references. Call at Room 610. Paxton Bldg. Office hours from I to it a. aw and to I p. m. J. A. , Scbroeder. National Director. LADY would like Doeitlon as hose- keeper; no objections to going In country If aesirea. r 488. Bee. DAY work wanted. Call H. 417T. "" LADY wapts day work. Phone W. 6866. ANNOUNCEMENTS Flour is Down The best In the maret. 8tifae- tlon guaraatee4 Or money refunded. Porty-eigbt-poun sack, 11.85. ?; WAGNER. ; ' 801 North ICth St. IX)U OLAS Printing Co. Tel.' Doug, sii "GET yourTlamonda at Brodegaard's, p. d. Gritflth. wig mfr.. 13 Frenser Bia, Plumes Repair43dgpf-yPxtm ALE-MAN who calls on ladies' tailors and department stores to carry side-line of Frag Ornaments and Braids. Com mission basis only.- Reference required. L. Lasky ac Son, 106 Greene ft, New TST-. - FOUR salesmen wanted with expert nee, confidence and ability to produce reaults with one of the most complete ha of advertising calendars and nov elties in the United Bates. Territories, north bait Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wisconsin: state ex perltince and territory preferred. Tbe fccaw Advertising Co., Kansas City, Mo. Steventnn, carpenter, rent. Both 'phones. OMAHA TENT CO. Tel. S21 Douglaa. I'r.MTlK'TH UiMixTA -k;AR .. a - 1 1 M ' . , .A . , VOX 0". polieu, aiu, ry ll not satisraetoiy money reiunuea. ooa- TON UKUU tu,i lM rarnam. unwi. MONEYI to O LOAN - ata in sums suit. 810 Baa Bldg. Phone Doua. 2904. UNION LOAN CO. a, H. CoV sign Co. p. lit Farnam. GRAKDMA'S Wild Cherry Phosphate, cheaper than lemonaae; a graoars. vnrt nlann tunlna. reoalrlna. retlnlah. In. Schnioiler A Mueller. D. 162J; A-162. Omaha Bill Posting Co.; 181i Har. D. 1034. thy our lue cream bread, always Iresh, Leavenworut . taery, ( 4. ANNOUNCKMKNT8 Ed Rothery. Businesa and Real Estate Exchange Co., Room 31 MoCague Bldg. Bath tubs, tlii.W. Offerman. 1110 Doujias. EAT htpSHiJR HOME COOKING. ARKlNft til a UTH. UPSTAIRS. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A BUSINESS LOCATION? R.l.ln l A laha'a manufacturing SUb- nrt. r.nnnaltll with Omha and SOUth Omaha by electric car line and macadam road. . , Ralston is on the Burlington and Mis souri Pacific railroads. , Ralston has three going manuiaciurwB plants and two other large factories are in course of construction. The five lao- tortes will furnish employment tor a wu of 2,008 people, , . . , Ralston has a two-story pressed brick school building, a number of store rooms and a country club of nearly W members. who have just compieteo a aio.w house. ... RALSTON offers an especially, good opening for a Bank, Nswspaper, Bakery, Drug store ana rnysician, jdoiuui House, Restaurant, Furnltnro and Hara waro Store, Blacksmith Shoo. Carpenter hop. Elevator and a Fiour Mill. r uu iniormanon lor tno mu'b. RALSTON TOWNS1TE COM PANT. 30 a 17th 6t. 'Phones 3867. ATTRACTIONS INVESTIGATE THIS Aaa Amlha tv a II f artlir! Tl flT 4nlerDrU6. with a good reputation and a trade well established, has opportunity of Increas ing Its trade, but requires additional op-.-.. .nti This la a clean business proposition and ons which merits confi dence. It will pay any one who wishes to make a safe and profitable in vestment in a borne enterprise to ln investtgate. No time will be wasted with trlflers or curiosity seeking people, knt anvnna tranulnelv Interested will gladly be given full information and every opportunity to satisfy themselves by ad dressing, B 421, ueeu riMTiT mHklna- aimoly. practically ,..,.1,1. arA w Irl.oh-n nrftfltS 136-S50 weekly, T60 recipes, full Instructions, 11.60; particulars. rencneiu kuuui Making, Box 186. Chicago, FOit oAiAV iowa S oet w,jr'a coffee, china store; invoice 33.000; 1,200 oustomers; great Bargain; guina Reliable Tea uo., uea women, in. on Hi nt the finest crocery and meat businesses In the city; best location, best established; owner leaving city; health. I. Kemp, 2613 Leavenworm. uoug. Ind. A-1088. -" - - AUTOMOBILES Vnur TIRE EXPENSES cut in two, Exoert tire repairing; work guaranteed. AUTO TIRE REPAIR CO-. 1823 Farnam, Industrial Garage REPAIRING AND STORAGE. On tOth between Harney and Howard 8ts niTUTi tjd A TtJTTUon t throw AXXVJiWiX -MAJ..wy your oId tires. We make tnem aimost as gooa as new. Nothing but nig best priced and new materials used. All work guaranteed. Arthur -tors Auto supply Co., m Far nsm. ' FOR HALE "Welch" 60-horsepower 7-paaeenger touring car with the follow ing equipment: atonair top, wmaameia, Jonee' eueedometer. demountable rims, Klaxon born and Fresto-O-Llte tank. The oar Is In llrst-ciass conaiuon ana a oar ain. First eash offer of SLtoO takes It AuOress, van urum auw l, Bluffs, la. . DRUMMOND I White Steam cars, tats models, tine condition. 3600 and I860. - Murphy Did It REPAIRING. TRIMMING. PAINTING, O'DONOVAN PEASE, garage, re pairing, livery and storage. 731-735 N, 14th, South Omaha. Phone South 160. A TTTPl Repairing and Cleaning. Work VAV OuarantafHl. 2RSS Harnav TW?flA8. OMAHA TIRE REPAIR CO Omaha's Exclusive Tire Repair House, rm sarnam. 'rnene Tyler uai. SECOND HAND AUTOMOBILES FOUR t-paaeenger automobiles for aale cheap. Rushing Broa., south Omaha. FOtl SALE For oaah, Rao elngle cvlin der runabout; price, 1300: Bulek two cylinder touring car, with top, 3400. Edgar Dally, Palmer, Neo, FOIl 6ALE-4 cylinder XIV Winton fully equipped . with top, wind shield Preatallte. full set tools. good tires car in aocd running condition. Reason able cash offer Address Y Omaha, Bee. SECOND hand cars for aale, 3300 up, Showalter, 251s Leavenworth. Metarc rclea. WRITE for list ef used motorcycles. We carry a full line of Thor and Excelsior parts. Any make or motorcycle repaired. NEBRASKA CXCLS w., umana. BUSINESS CHANCES BUSINESS PERSONALS Steel Tank and Calvert Compaalea. NEBRASKA and Iowa Steel Tank Com pany, 14th and Nicholas. Doug. 38611. ' Store aad Office. Fixture. WE BUY and sell anything, everything in fixturea. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., 414-U-lx S. 13th, near Howard. D. 3724. Teata aad Awalagi. OMAHA TENT CO.. Tel. Douglas Traaks and bait Cases. Frellng & Stelnle, 1803 Farnam St. Wine and Liuaora. WILLOW ' Springs beer, liquor, cigars, sandwiches. Alex Jetes. 601-8 S. 13th St. VIRGINIA DARE wine, 66c a large bot tle. Klein Liquor House. 122 N. 16th St. EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL THE YEAR Complete courses In Business, Book keeping, Stenography. Telegraphy, Civil Service or Salesmanship. The catalogue la free for the asking, Call, write or phone for It at once. Address H. B. Boyles, President, . Boylea College, Omaha. Nebraska. LIVE! STOCK FOR SALE Hones and Vehicles. choice Snaps in Buggies ! delivery wagons and several cho ggy and carriage bargains. DRUMMOND OFFERED FOR RENT Board and Rooms. O. M. E. hauls trunks. D. 611. A-26U. PARTIES wishing good board and nice clean rooms, phone Douglaa 3077. ; Houses aad Cottagea. 13S S. 35TH ST.-One block north of Farnam, brick house, 43.50. Tel. Owner, Harney 136. HOWARD-2202. Two nice, large, eeol rooms and board; home cooking. Refer A real home, nrettv lawn, electric light. every mod. convenience, r., 145. 726 So. 37th. W. 2630. Famished Rooms. R A flfl A CIV, messenger service and rAVXUAUXi Ilght hauling; prompt service; reasonable rates. Auto Del.fr Mas. Co.. 1716 Douglas St. Tela. D. 3946; A-3406. HOUSE put in repair tor rent, at 3815 Charles 8t.; modern, 8 rooms, pleasant, Shady yard, barn. Call Webster 4778 or see owner, 4S23 Seward. DANDY rooms suitable for one or two gentlemen; private family. 601 N. 21st. Douglas 3762. ; . 2663 St. Mary's Ave., nicely furnished modern room with piano. Phone Doug. 4432. 8-ROOM modern house, newly painted and decorated; 923 S. 26th St. Inquire Sol 8. 17th St., or 10 Pierce St. SUITE, strictly modern front rooma Private family. Red 3799. 2707 FARNAM, furnished rocun. ney 6748. Har. THE "Lockjaw" remedy . exterminates bedbugs, their eggs, and other vermin. Call St. Louis Chemical Co., distributers, 1920 Farnam St., 2d floor. MODERN room; gentlemen; . 623 North 25th street PLEASANT California- rooms; Tyler 1503 ; 2204 COOL, COMFORTABLE. CLEAN. 2702 FARNAM. DODGE ST., 1816 Large, room; modern. cool, south Varnished Housekeeping; Rooms. TWO nicely furnished rooms. 2011 Davenport housekeeping- 18th and Harney Sts. Buggies, surries and runabouts at less than wholesale price to close out. JOHNSON-DANFORTH CO.. 10th and Jones Sts. Rooming Hoasea for Sale.' NINE-ROOM modern house, full of roomers. 511 s. z&tn Ave. BUSINESS PERSONALS Baa- Manafactarera. BEMIS OMAHA BAG CO., Omaha. Nob. DON'T forget I. C. Gallup's special range horse sale, consisting of over 3,000 head of range horses. All kinds and all ages. To be sold in car load lots, singles and pairs, also about 200 head native, broke horses, consisting of heavy draft, general purpose,' and single drivers; four single runabuts, nearly new, several sets of single and double harness. Sale com mences 9:30 a. m. Union Stock xaros, So. Omaha, Thursday, July 18. Chiropodist. DR. ROT. 1508 Farnam. Douglas 6497. . Clothtn Maaafartarera. Wear Ideal drew shirts. M. B. Bmlth Co. OTDAVG-n np tTnt.HM nurbalcln horse, weight, 950 pounds; black stripe itnnifi haoV mini cut ahnrt. Zebra stripes around legs below knees. Call Doug. 365IS; reward. Coraies aad Steel Ceilings. CARTER Bheet Metal Works. Omaha. Creameries, Dairies and Sappliea. Fairmont's Diadem butter. Always good. DAVID COLE CREAMER COMPANY Detective. .-fAMv.fl AT.T.ANI11 Neville Blk. Evi dence secured in all oases. Tyler 1131 W. LONQNSCKER. 517 Karbach Blk7 Omaha Secret Serr. 4a Paxton Blk. D. 1319. preaamaklng. rpkptat.TY. One niece dreases and chlldren'a olothing. S. t4th. Red 4347. Terry's Dressmaking college. 20th ft Far. DentUta. Bailey, the dentist. City Nat'l. D. 2366. Mach A Mach, 3d floor Paxton. D. 1086. Taft'e dental rooma. 1517 Doug. D. 3186. Everything- ElectrloaL Electric lighting fix., wholesale and retail, Burgeas-Granden Co., 1611 Howard. D. 681, read Mill and Store. Feed, all kinds. Glencoe Mills, 2832 Ixard. Florists. A. Donsghue. 160T Far. P. 1001; A-1001- HE68 A 6WOBODA. 1416 Tarnam St. L. HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam. D. 136H. Foaadrles. McDonald braes and bronse tounary, aluminum, tin, lead caatlnga. 1407 Jackson Moving;, Storage aad Cleaning. Gordon Fireproof Warehouse and Van Co. Furniture pacamg, pmnu Office Il 8. 17th 'St. Doug. 394. Furn. Moving; 2 men, 61 per hr. W. 2748. arivn nnvimr . Pnla'a atoraca ana eX' sraae. 1816 Capitol Aye. D. 670, A-393T. uni .iii jr. ann Van A S.. 3-horse van. 2 men, n. nr.; t nr, at nr. " w. v Mnelo, Art and Laaraaes. ALVIN POOLE, violin lessons. K19 Cap. . Saroerlae and Seeds. STEWARTS SEEDMAN. 119 N. 16th. BUSINESS CHANCES TO cat in or out of basins call on OANGESTAD. 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. P. 2477. wiiTi HKK'S lea box and patent oil tank tor sale. 8ee Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., mn ana rtowaro. ioua1 m- FOR SALE Bakery, confectionery and lunch business; making big money, good prioa. will sen at invoice, aaurm, . n, L Huffman, Buhl. Idaho. irrtft SALE Millinery stock, well es- tabllahed business, only stock In town. Big discount If aold soon. Address C L. Chapman. Olltner, Neb. BIQ SN.AP. at nan rk of drv-ewJs. shoes and groceries In town of 7.000 people for 45 cents on th dollar. Must eau at once. C. Stock. Kearney. Neb. A THOROUGHLY competent newspaper nan and practical printer will lease, take management or buy a newspaper and Job plant in live tow at 1.009 to (,001 io- aaoitanta, Marasa aaa, Opticians. ' F. Wurn, fitting and rep'g. 443 Brandels. Osteopathy. Allc Johnsdn. 203-9 Brandels The. Bldg, Katheryn Nlokolas, 6:44-5 Brandels The I'hotoKraphera. RInehart photographer, 18th A Farnam ; FaUat. - 99 . " o--T-triTt! MrlatAra attorney. United States and foreign patenu. 646 Brandels Theater giog. rnone - "Wlllard Eddy, 1580 City Nat'l Bk Bldg. "n. O. Barnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red TUT, jHrlntlac LewTV.Babr.Priiiter, tSSi BEE BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COURT Lyngatad Printing Co., 16th and Capitol Ave. Tel. Ind. A-38S0 for good printing. "'Rffla-Hall Pta. Co.. 109 S. 14th. Ind. A-8631 and Caart Reporter. Myrtle A, Kelly, 746 Bran. The. D. 63. Hotel aad Apartments. nVFOHTj an Arcade, aneclal wklv rate. M DODGE HOTEL, all requirements of a first-class hotel, at reaaonaoie prices. LOST AND FOUND PERSONS havlna lost some article would do well to call up the office of th Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left it In the street cars. Many articles each day ar turned in and the company is anxious to restore them to ths rightful owner, can jjoug- las 48. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPAN y. LOST Gold tub. three coins and charm. Call Douglas, 6&H), reward. LOST One brown leather interchange able mileage credential book containing aome ftrtv or more railroad ticket coupon receipts, each receipt bearing name of owner. The book also contained three diamond rings (ladies). Will pay liberal reward for return of same to this office. J. H. R. ONE furnished front room set light housekeeping rooms. 1817 Davenport 2232 FARNAM Two very desirable rooms for light housekeeping. nlshed suites of 2 and 8 rooms, for light housekeeping. NICELY furnished housekeeping apart ment, modern, walking distance, snaay lawn, tirst-class location, 82.50 week. 004 S. 28th. Apartments ana Flats. 4-ROOM, modern apartment Web. 687. FOR RENT Now 4 and 5-room modern apartments; 318 to 822 per month. J el Doug. 8279. . 6-ROOM modern flat, Scargo Bldg., 616H N. 24th St. 8. Omaha. Hall. 433 Ramge mag, u. ijs; a-wb. "FOR RENT New 4 and 5-roora modern apartments, just completed, corner 43d and Hamilton Sts.; rent 817 to 822 per month. JACKSON A M'KEN2UE. 401 Bee Bldg. - ; t . STRICTLY bigh grad 6-room apart ment on West Farnam St Very choice. JOHN W. ROBBINS. 1802 FARNAM ST. T.nrra movina vans. 31.35 per hour. D7S94, DESIRABLE FIVE - ROOM APART- MEN in the California. See Janitor. Phone Douglas 6237. CALIFORNIA, 2021 W rooms, modern, newly paperea ana pamtea, r. 6471 FIRST floor, 6-rooro modern. Tel, Har- ney 6250. BLACK Boston terrier. 4 white feet white collar and breast; white markings between eyes. Answers to name et lorn. Reward. Return to Arthur biors auio Supply Co.. 2020 Farnam. t.osT Porhari on Harnev car from Union depot to 16th and Harney, pair of gold bl-focal speotacles in snap case. Finder phone or bring to Hotel Rom for reward. MEDICAL. Dr. Babcock. specialist: both sexes; i Wlthnell Bldg., 16th and Harney Sts. am N. ssth 6-room furnished cottage, modern except heat, clean and comfort- v.i. nn Klnk f rnm Amai Ave car line: .....ii.n nalirhKnrhniwl! would laaaa for long period, new oase ourner, gooa range, . . . A. i ..11 .A I. coal nouse naa cement nuoi, tmi i tu Saturday ana sunaay aiiernoon. x-none Harney SPECIALIST for WOMEN. 42 Doug, blk. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarrv cures Piles. Fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until curea. wnie tor uuu. - uu rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R. TAKKI. see Biag-, umana. Dr. Race, specialist, 2333 Harney. D 3943. Ladies guaranteed remedlea. 401 Ware blk. SOY JEE HONG HERB CO. Chinese herbs and horbal remedies for ail tmuhlea of the human system; cures rheumatism, kidney trouble, heart, dropsy and female trouDie. xei. u aiws. w n. imn. I MONEY TO LOAN Salary aad Chattels, . t on furniture, pianos and OfMlPV real estate at a very low vUC ; rate of Interest. Nebraska Loan Co., Doug. 1356. 220 Bee Bldg. A-1358. ' NOTICE Anyone wishing a square deal on salary or household loans see me. C. B. Fahringer, ' 1603 FARNAM STREET. Room 215. Tels. Doug. 2295. Ind. A-1071. NOTICE Loans negotiated on real esUte, furni ture, pianos, salaries, etc. very low rates and confidential We will appre ciate your call. v BIGGEST. BEST AND CHEAPEST. P1TT.TABLE CREDIT CO.. i y Faxton Block. 217 S. lth 8t Tel. Doug. 1411 or Ind. A-Mll. ""money LOANED SALARIED PEO PLE and thers on their own name; cheap rates, easy payments; coouirenuw. D. H. Tolman, 503 New Omaha Natl Bank Bldg. "CHATTEL LOANS, 85 to 8100. SALARY LOANS. You can get li loaay o STAR LOAN Ca. 601 Paxton Block. 8-ROOM modern flat, second floor, 2423 Lake St, private entrance rront ana rear: larae po rones, coiorea peopie: water paid; rent sis.w. mono jauaey 1246. ' Farnlahed Hoasea. Six-room furnished modern flat, p. 8999. Hausea aad Cottage. MAGGARD VAN AND STORAGE CO., pack, move, store and ship H. H. goods and pianos; no charge for return drive to office. Doug. 1496 or B-2428. 572 S. 28th St rooms, completely modern; 83150. Hall, 433 Ramge, D. 7406; A-4406. FOR RENT Newly decorated and nainted 8-roora house with closet ana pantry. Cement walks and free city water. On car line, good neighborhood. Only 88 a month. G. G. Wallace, 211 Brown Blk. Tel. t. lsw. ti7 4323 Patrick Ave. 5-r.. atric 822.50. Bemis-Carlberg, 310-12 Theater. modern. Brandels 1010 Lincoln Ave.. 10th and Center, 6- room house, modern except heat 834 00. Inquire 1412. Hickory. 8-ROOM modern except heat; clean, 2116 California. NO equal, all modern, aeven room house. 220 no. Zid. Mrivrvn nftclrinr and atArtno- nf hniiaa, ' ' " -- - fnnAm and nlnnfta la our hilalnaaa Omaha Van and Storage Co.. fireproof storage, suo o. mo, oy tn viaauct. Branch efflce, 309 8. 17th St Tel.. D. 4163; A-1659. NO equal, all modern, seven room house. 230 No. Z3d. 4 AND 6-ROOM houses 807 North 18th. Douglas 2659. ' House. 1306 North 25th street; t rooms, modern. 317.60. , . '- NINE room and six room bouse, mod ern. Harney m. 7-ROOM house, - for rent; all modern except heat. 810. 1920 & 10th. 7-ROOM modern house, 541 S. 27th, 825 per month. J. I. Kemp, 2512 Leavenworth Doug. ; tna. a-obb. SIX-ROOM house, all modem, 827.60. Owner pay water, rnon h. wo. SXTl 8. 13TH ST., atrictly modern house for rent; hot air heat; laundry, cellar. 2425 Elm St " DIAMOND LOANS at 3 aad S Pjr eent FLATAU. 1516 Podge 6t. Tel. Red M19. 'Persistent AdverUslng Is the Road to Big Returna 1 1S15 HALL AVE.. 835.00. 7 rooma. mod' ern. Thos. F. Hall. 433 Ramge. Both phones WEST FARNAM New brick. S bed rooms and 3 baths. 818 N. 38th Ava TIM-iooa in sil parts or the city. XlOUSeScigi, son, & Co., Be Bldg OFFERED FOR RENT HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed and for warded; cheap freight - rates; Gordon Fireproof Warehouse and Van Co. Tel. Doug. 394; office, 216 8. 17th Kt Storea aad Offices. 1605-07 Davenport. U. B. Balcombe. ONLY 615 Nice room. 12x14. for confeo. tionery or other business; heated; water tree; splendid location. 3355 Arbor. D. J. Hughes, 2504 S. 82d Ave. Harney 4625. penter shop. 514 S. 20th. 1825-27 Farnam St., corner. Douglas 1598. M'CAGUE BUILDING, 15TH AND DODGE. Attractive, office: moderate prices. APPLY OMAHA LOAN ANU BUILDING ASSOCIATION. FOR RENT Four new modern store rooms, corner 43d and Hamilton Sts. ; good location for any kind of retail Business; modern apartments above. JACKSON A M'KENZIB, 401 Bee Bldg. FOR RENT Store rooms tn new build ing in residence district; 820 to 825 per month. Tel: Doug. 8719. Drummond Building For Rent 24.006. 17.400 or 13.000 aauare feet: good for printing. Plumbing, electrical works. automobiles, commercial college or L any business wanting show room with shop and storage room. s. b. Curtis, isos Harney et. 66 BY 132 FEET, south side Farnam. between 28th and 29th Sts. ; .will lease ground or build to suit tenant S. S. Curtis. 1808 Harney St OFFERED FOR SALE FnraUare. GOOD gas stove for sal, 1911 Clark. OAK dresser, oak chiffonier, sanitary couch. vbed complete, three stands, cot and rug. 2407 Davenport. FOR SALE-Furniture complete for l-room bouse. A big bargain -as this must oe soia aunng ins nexi iew ub.;- Call at 2407 Jones St FOR SALE--House hold, good. 1226 N. 84f.h St. Bemls Park.; 5 STEEL range for hotel or restaurant. kitchen cabinet, table, chairs, gas range. buffet, rugs and other furniture.- 939 N. 24th. Masleal laatrameata. FOR SALE A new 8200 Vlctrola: haJ never been used. If interested ask for price. M 257, Bee office. PIANO for sale, cheap. 1918 S. 33d St. Call at once. , Typewriters. RENT from the manufacturers direct No. 8 Oliver typewriter, 3 months, 34.00. Phone Douglas 2919. The Oliver Type writer Company. -, . MUcellaaeoas. SAFES Overstocked with second-hand safes; all sizes and makes; bargains. American Supply Co., mo Farnam St FOR ' ' SALE New and second-band carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix tures of ail kinds; easy payments. Tne Brunswick-Balkq-Collender Co., 407-409 8. 10th atreet , POOL tables, store, restaurant fixturea bought, sold. Levy, 2510 N., So. Omaha. OLD SAFES, DERIGHT, 118 Farnam St TV IT hstaraa aauaral II ran 1 till It which we will aell for , 810; alterations fraa. Dundaa Woolen Mill. N. W. Cor. istn ana narney bib. Turkey red winter wheat at 81.25 per bushel; winter rye at 81 per bushel and alfalfa seed at 86 per bushel. John Mul hall. Sioux City. lo'sa. "FOR SALE-8S5.00O per cent First Mortgage Electric Light and Power Bonds in .Northwest Iowa, new and modern. Bond issue limited to one half paid up capital. - Fun particulars supplied. Ad dresa Y 90 Omaha- Bee. PERSONAL 63-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Bexten Pharmacy, 12th and Dodge. VITAL massage, vital bath. Dr. Anna p. Fisher, 401 Ware block. 309 S. 15th. Massage. Mrs. Rlttenhouae, 308 Boston Bid "THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast oft clothing; In fact anything you do not need- We collect, repair and sell at 134 N. llth St, for cost of collection, to the worthy poor. "Phone Douglas 4125 and wagons will call. MASSEOTHERPYaiL.owvfmed Allen of Chicago. 100 S. 17th. 1st fl. P. VHVrt u.AaaaM av in' i"1 lhl ' (191 strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association bulldint? at 17th and St Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boardinff nlaca. or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' aid at th Union station. mtl DCVT r.nat. all klndft tit W- ins machine. Ind. A -1663; Douglas 1662. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO:. 15th ana tiarney m. UACOAfV Swedish movement. Ap't MAooAuXi j, 18Q2 Farnam. D. 62ia BATHS, eweaien m.-MS. n mjuc.. Ko. 3. Ths Dunsany. 10th A Pierce. D. 4380., r A CC A nV Expert treatment Mr. MAboAUti Bteei,, jog a. u St. R 8. Mechano-Theraaphy. 222 Neville Blk D 77 SHAMPOOING r.; at your home; work guaranteed. D. 3162. f A nVirTTP treatment. E. Brett. 710