Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 15, 1912, Page 3, Image 3

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Flans to Use Same Rectors on Both
Xelsoa Issaes gammons for State
Coareation of New Partr to Be
Held a Thirtieth Par
ef Jnlr.
all-day conference between former State
Senator William Fllnn of Pittsburgh and
supporters of Theodore Roosevelt from
eastern counties of Fennsylvanlo to con
sider plans for the organization of the
third party in this state, announcement
was made that the conceusus of opinion
favored the placing of the same set of
presidential electors on both the repub
lican and third party tickets. According
to this plan the electors are to bind
themselves to vote In the electoral col
lege for the candidate on the ticket on
which the elector received the highest
number of votes.
It is said that if the tentative plan
finally is adopted it would amount to
fusion in this state of the Taft vote on
the republican ticket and of the vote
of the presidential candidate on the third
party ticket; that Is, the combined vote
of the electors on the two tickets would
count against the vote received by dem
ocratic electors.
The electors oa the republican ticket
were selected at the republican state con
tention at Harrisburg May 1. That con
vention was controlled by Mr. Fllnn and
his friends. ' ; ' s
lnon Ine Call.
KANSAS CITT, July 14.-Missouri pro
gressive republicans will hold their state
convention at Kansas City Tuesday, July
30, to elect delegates to the national con
vention at Chicago. The call was issued
here today by W. R. Nelson, editor of
the Kansas City Star and Times and
member for Misuri of the national com
mittee. It follows in part:
"To all voters in Missouri who believe
in a new deal and a square deal In poli
tics, regardless of past party affiliations:
"A call is hereby issued for a state con
vention to be held in Kansas City, Mo.,
on the 30th day of July, 1912, at 11 o'clock
a. m., for the purpose of electing dele
gates from the state at large and one
delegate from each congressional district
of the state to attend a national conven
tion at Chicago on August 5, 1912.
"There shall also be selected at said
state convention two candidates for presi
dential electors-at-large and one candi
date for presidential electors for each
mlttee to be selected in such manner as
the convention may decide and for such
other action as the convention may deem
proper to take, i
'The purpose of the national convention
to be held at Chicago on August S is to
nominate a candidate for president and a
candidate for vice president of the United
States under a call Issued July S, 1911,
which call was signed by sixty-three
representatives from forty states of the
union." . '' "
Minden Presents
; Request for Depot
MINDEN, Neb., July 14.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) The Nebraska railway commis
sion held two hearings yesterday In
Minden, Commissioners Hall and Clark
presiding. The first hearing was a com
plaint made by Newark for a depot and
agent Fred A. Nye appeared for com
plainants and Wells for the railway..
In the afternoon the complaint of the
city of Minden for a new depot and for
stopping of through trains Nos. 1 and 6
was heard. The Women's club and other
organisations were present to the full
capacity of the court room. The conten
tions by the city were that the depot
was Inadequate in size, that accommo
dations were not modern, that two wait
ing rooms were necessary, that the build
ing should be a brick structure in keep
ing with other public and private build
ings, all of which are modern build
ings, and also to prevent the same from
burning. .
The city council has extended the fire
limits to take a large area including the
depot grounds. The railroad tried to
make it appear that this was done for
the purpose of preventing a frame depot
being built, to which, the city answered
that it was necessary as one depot had
already burned and the present one was
a menace. C. P. Anderbery appeared for
the city of Minden and Lewis C. Paul
son for the Commercial club and Mr.
Wells for the Burlington. Both cases
were taken under advisement.
Speaker Arrives at Governor's Home
. Before He is Expected.
Candidate Haa Two Other Visitors
la Persoa of Charles B. Crane
and President of Wis
consin University,
Honor for Tlldrn Merchant. .
TILDEN, Neb., July H.-John W. Lux.
president of the National Association of
Retail Grocers of the United States, has
appointed W. H. Avery of this place
one of the three members of the 'ways
and means committee of the organization.
Central Association Games.
At Galesburg Galesburg, 12; Musca
tine, 8. i
At Hannibal Hannibal, 9; Monmouth, S.
At Kewanee Kewanee, 0; Ottumwa, 1.
At Keokuk Keokuk, 3: Burlington, 2. -
SEA GIRT, N. J.. July U-Speaker
Champ Claitk and Governor Wilson talked
for two hours today on legislation pend
ing before the house of representatives.
The speaker arrived after the governor
had been conversing for some time with
two-other guests, Charles R. Crane of
Chicago and President Van Htse of Wis
consin university, both of whom have
been prominent supporters of La Follette.
Mr. Crane said he was going back to Chi
cago to work for Wilson and would be
glad to contribute to the democratic nom
inee's campaign fund. '
Tonight in talking with the newspaper
men Governor Wilson said the subject
of contributions had not been touched
upon in his conversation Mr. Crane
and that there had been no pledge of sup
port for the governor on the visitors'
Speaker Clark came up from Washing
ton half an hour before he was expected.
He was not met at the station, rode to
the governor's home and was almost on
the porch before any one thought he was
within a dozen miles of Sea Girt. The
governor excused himself to the other
guests to greet Speaker Clark, shook
hands with him warmly and escorted him.
with smiling face, to the parlor.
Compliment for Loser.'
"The speaker was very fine," Gov
ernor Wilson said tonight to the reporters.
"His position was admirable and generous
in every respect. I suppose he told you
what we talked about, didn't he?"
"He said you would do that If you saw
fit for us to know,' he was told.
"What we discussed he Introduced the
subject was chiefly business pending in
the house and the prospects of adjourn
ment,"" Governor Wilson responded.
"He told me in some detail what the
state of business was and what the pros
pects of adjournment were. Of course,
the whole country knows the prospects of
adjournment, but he was kind enough to
tell me the details of the business. We
talked about that most of the time. The
rest was chiefly in explaining the very
generous position which he has taken in
regard to the campaign he will do every
thing in his power to help."
When Speaker Clark left the governor
he came out on the porch, sat down in a
rocker and. told the reporters he was
willing to talk on any one of eight sub
jects, including the Copernican theory of
astronomy, art, music, the Ninth con
gressional district of Missouri and books,
but he wouldn't talk on politics. The
newspaper men plied him with questions
on many forbidden topics.
'The governor Invited me to come her
and I came, as I thought I ought to do,"
he said. "We talked about a good many
things. He can tell you about them if he
wants to; If he doesn't, you will have to
let them go. It Is easier for us to come
down here and see him than it Is for
him to prowl around the country and
see us."
"What do you think of the third party
movement?" '
"I don't know a thing in the world
about It"
CENTRAL CITT, Nob.. July 14.-(Spe-cial.)
Miss Frankle Gosnell, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Gosnell of this city,
received serious injuries last evening as
the result of colliding with a guy wire
stretched from the top of an electric
light pole across the sidewalk in front
of the new residence being erected by
Ed Jones in the western part of the
city. She is a member of a prominent
family, and her misfortune has been re
garded with deep concern.
Assistant Engineer Ertckson of the State
Board oj Irrigation is in the city taking
soundings and measurements In the
Platte river, preparatory to drawing up
plans for bridges crossing two channels
of the river, as requested by the Merrick
county board of supervisors.
About one inch of rain fell In this city
last evening and the prospects for a
bumper crip are brighter than ever.
The democratic voters of Merrick county
are called to meet In delegate conven
tion at the city hall In Central City on
Thursday, July 25, at 1:30 p. m., for the
purpose of electing eight delegates to fhe
state convention to be held at Grand
Island, July SO, and for the transaction
of such other business as may lawfully
come before it
Attorney J. C. Martin and family are
spending their summer outing at Long
Beach, Cat., where they have rented a
cottage and will remain until late In
Miss Edith Ayres, daughter of Attorney
George Ayres of Lincoln, is visiting in
the city with relatives.
Word has Just been received in this
city that Tom Benton Hammond, for
many years a resident here, had died
at his home In Seattle, Wash., at the age
of SS years.
Key to the Situation Bee Advertising,
1 1
Notes and Social Gossip from Omaha Suburbs
' ' - ',
. Florence.
Frank Craxler, who has been ill, is bet
ter. Mr. Sawyer has "moved on the Soren
sen place.
Mrs. Will Sterns is ill at her home on
Main street
Mrs. Herbert Johnson, who has been III,
Is Improving.
Miss Nell Morgan Is spending a few
k days in Tekamah.
A girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. J. E.
Mulligan this week.
v Mrs. Pliant will visit this week with
her son in Irvlngton.
George Petersen was a caller at Hylo
place Tuesday evening. .
Mr. and Mrs. John Nicholson are happy
over the arrival of a son.
Mrs. Wlstler of Omaha spent Wednes
day with Mrs. Theo Jorgensen.
Elmer Meek and son were callers at
the W. H. Johnson home Sunday.
Miss Uta Pliant was the guest of Irv
lngton friends Saturday and Sunday.
Miss Salome Sears of Chicago is the
guest of her cousin. Miss Alice Platz.
Mrs. Sarah E. Trucy and Miss Ruth
Tuttle are on the sick list this week.
Kiken, Sam Klken and Victor Jorgensen.
Mr. and Mrs. Meshod entertained a
picnic party at Kelley's lake Thursday.
Mrs. C. Backus of Bonesteel. S. D.. is
a .guest at the Weber home this week.
" Miss Norma Morgan left Friday for
Herman, where she will visit relatives.
The Ruths and Lydias will hold a lawn
social on the Parks' lawn Thursday even
ing. George Liggett of Utlca, Neb., was the
, guest of Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Butter Tues
day. The Misses Ruth and Lilly Kindred are
spending a few weeks with relatives In
Mrs. C. H. Fratt and daughter, Fay,
were guests of Mrs. P. O. Fratt at Omaha
Friday. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peterson spent the
week-end with Mrs. Peterson's mother in
Mrs. Millard and daughter, Ruth, of
Sioux Falls, S. P., are guests at the
Snell home.
Miss Gertrude Nelson left Saturday for
Ottumwa, la., where she will spend the
summer months.
Rev. Mr. Butter will preach at the
Ponca Presbyterian church thjs, after
. noon at 3 o'clock.
Miss Dorott Arndt of Blair was the
guest of her cousin. Miss Mabel Cole,
Friday and Saturday.
The Ponca Ladles' ' Kensington club,
with their relatives and friends, held a
picnic In Price's park. f
Miss Jennie Dial Is substitute at the
postofflce during the absence of the post
master, A. B. Anderson.
Walter, Gerald and Grace Fratt of
Omaha were visitors at the C. H. Fratt
home in Florence Sunday.
Mrs. M. C. Holtzman left Monday for
Kansas City, where she will spend sev
eral weeks visiting her son.
Misg Esther Dugher, who has been
visiting her sister 1. wisner. Neb., re
turned the first of week.
A. Arthur' Edwards will give an
: illustrated lecture on "Ben Hur" at the
Presbyterian church Wednesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. George Green and family
and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Jackson and
family spent Thursday and Friday in
Mr. and Mrs. J. Weber, Jr., and Mrs. C.
Backus of Bonesteel, S. D., were guests
of Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Nichols Sunday
, A. B. Anderson and Cyril Kelley left
Sunday evening for Colorado Springs and
other Colorado points toibe gone about
two weeks. '
Rev. Frederick Wedge, who spent the
Fourth with Mrs. Wedge and son at the
Tracy home, returned to Genoa the first
of the week.
There will be no evening services at
the Presbyterian church until September.
Sunday school at 10 o'clock and preach
ing at 11 a. m.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tracy left Tuesday
for Topeka, Kan., where they will have
charge of several departments in the in
stitution for the insane.
Mrs. Ayers and son of Dakota City
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Riley
last week. While here a bloodless opera
tion was performed on the baby.
Mrs. John Sunberg of Omaha, Mrs. Ar
thur C. Johnson. Mrs. Artu and Mrs.
Arthur Olmstead of Council Bluffs were
guests at the John Peterson home Sun-'
The Misses Christine and Hannah Jen
sen returned from Avoca, la. The Misses
Lula and Ella Bauer returned with them
and will spend several days visiting in
Mrs. U. S. Cain and daughter Ruth Of
Brooklyn, la., and Mr. and Mrs. J. G.
Tracy and daughter Helen of Omaha
were callers at the Tracy home in Flor-
j ence Monday evening.
' The Ladles' Missionary, and Aid. flf
Peterson Wednesday afternoon. They
decided not to meet again till the first
Wednesday in September, when they will
meet with Mrs. Paul Haskell. .
Miss Cora Strickler and Joseph Morgan
of Tekamah were married Monday after
noon. After the ceremony a wedding
supper was served at the home of the
groom's brother, Glen Morgan. ' The
bridegroom is the eldest son of Mrs. C.
T. Baughman.
Miss Olga Jorgensen entertained a num
ber of friends at her home north of town
Tuesday evening. After a pleasant even
ing spent in music games, refresh
ments were served. Those present were
Misses Pauline Neshit, Lura Holtaman,
Ethel Long, Silvia Wistler. Florence Dow,
Anna Wagge, Olga Jorgensen,- Messrs.
Paul Wagge, Max Broderson, Casey
B. F. KIstler is improving from recent
C. C. Williams has purchased a five-
passenger automobile.
Miss Lizzie Selling is visiting with rel
atives in Wisner, Neb.
Mrs. Lena Hinz is visiting relatives in
Fort Calhoun and Blair, Neb.
Mrs. Georgia Potter has returned from
a short visit in St Joseph, Mo.
Miss Emma Schrader of Chicago is the
house guest of Mrs. Ed Wulff.
Misses Kate and Clare Sorenson are
visiting relatives in New York.
James Allen of Omaha visited at the
K. R. Parker home on Monday.
Mrs. Cartherine Cosgrave left Thurs
day to visit in Salt Lake City.
Miss Olga Peska is much improved from
her recent attack of appendicitis.
Mrs. Philip Mergen has returned after
sixteen weeks at Omaha hospitals.
Miss Clara Nordby is visiting her
father and sister in South Dakota.
' Benson Presbyterians held their annual
picnic at Elmwood park Saturday.
Miss Margaret Loechner of Detroit is
visiting at the home of her brother.
The B. L. S. club will be entertained
next Thursday by Mrs. John Gieason.
Mrs. K. R. Parker and daughter, Ruth,
returned the first of the week from Blair.
Merle Longacre of Fremont visited at
the home of her brother part of the week.
Corliss Totman of Chadron, Neb, spent
part ot the week at bla mother's home.
Services at all local churches at the
usual hours, with regular pastors in
The Misses McGuIre gave a bedroom
shower Thursday for Miss Kittle Mc-Govern.
Mrs. Stanley Hill and three sons ' of
union, Keb., visited recently at the B. S.
Phelps' home, '
The marriage of William Bowes and
Miss Letta Reed has been announced to
take place soon.
Rose Hill school Is fast reaching com
pletion and will add four rooms to its
present capacity.
' Miss Emma Chalupsky 'of Elba, Neb.,
Is a visitor at the home of her unole,
M. J. Chalupsky. . , , , .
John'R. Norrls of Culpepper, Vs.,
visited his brother at Keystone Park
early in the week.
Robert Beasley ' and Harry Knudsen
spent two days as guests of the Manawa
Rowing association.
Mr. and Mrs. John Rice of Salt Lake
City visited at the McArdle and Ruth
homes during the week.
Frank and Harry Bloomer of Burling
ton, la., visited their sister, Mrs. F. D.
McCray, part of the week.
Ambrose Llndberg, brother of P. A.
Lindberg, left for Arthur, la., Tuesday
after spending the winter here.
Funeral services for Henry Ehlen were
conducted from the late home on Lynn
avenue on Saturday afternoon.
Five of the proposed brick business
houses are in course of construction on
Military road near Orphanage avenue.
B. L..Bean of Wisconsin and Mrs. W.
E. Brookings of Tekamah, visited at the
C. E. Bean home on Fifty-first street
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Westergard cele
brated their third - wedding anniversary
Sunday evening, with a family party.
Mrs. B. W. Hall is visiting her daugh
ter, Mrs. Lawrence Ford, formerly of
Benson, now resident in Stanford, Neb.
E. M. Jacobberger was in attendance
at the special entertainment for Nebraska
editors by the Ak-Sar-Ben on Monday.
A gasoline explosion at the Trullinger
garage Friday morning badly burned W.
Jones (colored), but otherwise did little
Miss Sophie Voss enjoyed a merry
birthday party Monday, when six guests
assisted in celebrating her twelfth anni
versary. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Brown, Miss Marion
Brown and Mrs. .Walrod. all of Omaha,
were guests at the Norton home on
Sunday. .
The St. Bernard Parochial school and
parsonage are in course of construction
George Stoltenberg and Fred Anthony.
Qulgley, was able to defeat the Grain
Exchange last Sunday, 11 to 1, and ex
pect to do good work the rest of the
Miss Ada Stlger left Wednesday for a
visit of several weeks with her brother
in the Osarks and with friends in Kansas
City and vicinity.
The funeral of Norma Ebner was held
Tuesday morning from the Methodist
church, with interment at Mount Hope
Mrs. James Walsh returned from her
month's visit In Canada and accompanied
Mr. Walsh Friday on an extended trip
northwest to Include several weeks in
Miss Madeline Horton left Wednesday
for Stlllwell, Kan., where she will visit
at the A. Z. Leach home, going thence
to Liberty, Mo., to remain , until
Miss Rose Crosby is visiting relatives in
Superior, Neb.
Lawrence Dodds has returned from a
trip to California.
Miss LI la Hoke has gone to Chicago
for a visit with friends. j
Mrs. A. J. McMartin left early in the
week for Sheridan, Wyo.
Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Durkee leave this
week for an eastern trip.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Roe have gone to
Idaho to visit, a daughter.
Paul Johnson has gone to Leadvllle,
Colo., to repiain until September.
Mrs. Henry Simpson entertained fifteen
guests at a kenslnjgton last week.
Miss Marie Brown of Ord, Neb., is the
guest of Miss Margaret Howard.
Mr. Skinner of Orkln Bros, has taken
the house at 4822 Capitol avenue. ,
Dr. Lillian Pollock of Denver Is the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Dodds.
Mrs. R. A. MacAuley of Chicago Is the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh T. Cutler.
Mrs. J. M. Gilchrist and family have
gone to Denver for the rest of the sum
mer. . ; . '
Mr. and Mrs. Grayson Moore' have gone
to Clear Lake, la., -for a two weeks'
outing. -
Mr. and Mrs. H. Culver and family have
gone to Chicago and the lakes for a
month's outing.
' Mrs. W. L. Selby was hostess for the
Dundee Bowling club Wednesday at
Happy Hollow.
Mrs. rfenry Harte and children have
gone to Monarch, Colo., for the remainder
of the summer. ,
' Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Benson entertained
four guests Tuesday evening at dinner at
Happy Hollow.
A daughter was born Thursday to Mr.
and Mrs.- George W. Sumner, 420 North
Forty-eighth street
Mrs. W. B.' Fonda and children have
gone to the Minnesota lakes for the re
mainder of the summer.
- A number of Dundee women were the
guests Tuesday at Happy Hollow of Mrs.
Edward Pegau ot Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Dodds and children
have gone to Vlning, Minn., where they
have a cottage for the summer.
Mrs. S. R. Rush entertained the mem
bers of the Dundee Bridge lub at lunch
eon at Happy Hollow Wednesday.
Miss Harriet Bweesy, who has been vis
iting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
F. Sweesy, has returned to her home in
In honor of Mrs. R. A. Macauley. who
is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. H, T. Cutler,
Mrs. Drags entertained Monday at a
Miss Marion Ross has gone to Dundas,
Minn., for a visit George Ross Is spend
ing a couple of weeks on a ranch In Buf
falo county.
Mrs. R. C. Peters and children returned
the first of the week from an eastern
trip, and Miss Jennie Peters has returned
from her year at Smith college.
Miss Anna and Miss Elizabeth Larson
have returned from a three weeks' visit
at Vermilion, S. V., where they were
Mrs. Joseph Havens, who was Injured
by an automobile Tuesday evening at the
entrance to the Happy Hollow club, Is re
covering at the Wise Memorial hospital,
the guests of ex-Governor Gundelson.
Mrs. John A. Moore gave a luncheon
at Happy Hollow last Saturday In honor
of Mrs. Wilson of Atkinson, Neb., who
Is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. C. Cross-
and are attracting attention to the north
part of the city.
Rev. J. C. Wilson has accepted a call
as pastor of the Presbyterian church at
Raymond, Neb., and will move his family
there In a few weeks.
The Benson Rifle club will open a con
test for special prizes July 21. Prizes
were won last week by E. M. Jacobberger,
guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Balrd, have
gone to Holdrege and other Nebraska
points for the rest of the summer.
For Miss Margaret Harte and Miss
Wilhelmlna Zltzmann, who have gone to
spend the remainder of the summer in
the Rocky mountains, Miss Jessica Reed
entertained last Friday, and Miss Mildred
Braden gave a dinner on Saturday.
West Ambler.
Mrs. M. Norgaard of West Side was
overcome by the heat Friday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Walsh are re
joicing over the birth of a son July 10.
M. Clay Peterson was the guest of
Mrs. Frank Potter Wednesday in West
Miss Bessie Stulti of Lincoln was the
guest of her cousin, Miss Jessie Hoefler,
last week.
The young son of Mr. and Mrs. D.
Brown has been ill the last week with
spinal meningitis.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Dunn and two sons
leave Saturday to spend a fortnight with
their parents at St. Joseph, Mo.
Darley Holbrook of Fortv-sirth svnu
and Castellar street were married to Miss
nutn Lake in North Omaha Wednesday.
Mrs. Ola Carlsen and Mrs. D. Clarey
entertained their former neighbor, Mrs.
R. M. Henderson, Wednesday and Thurs
day. Miss Martha Garman, who has been
attending school at Red Oak, la., is at
home to spend the summer vacation with
her parents, . Forty-eighth and Poppleton.
Mrs. James Hartman and two children
returned from a month's visit with Mr.
Hartman's parents it Atchison, Kan.,
Friday. Mr. Hartman accompanied them
to Omaha.
J. T. Oleson died after a short illness
of a complication of diseases at his home,
Thirty-sixth and Haskall, Saturday morn
ing, July IS. He leaves a widow and six
children, the oldest being 19. Interment
will be at Sprlngwell cemetery this after
noon at S o'clock.
Miss Minnie Pratt, who graduated from
DePauw university, Greencastls, Ind.,
recently, has returned home and will
accompany her parents Mr. and Mrs.
Nelson Pratt, and grandmother, Mrs. R.
M. Henderson, to Denver Sunday to
spend the summer.
Mrs. Will Pendleton entertained the
Society of Willing Workers at her lovely
new home. Fifty-first and Hickory, on
Thursday afternoon. Cake and lemonade
were served by the hostess. The next
meeting will be with Mrs. Frank Davie.
when the losing side in the contest for
new members will entertain the winning
Mrs. Edward Pegau gave a luncheon
Saturday at Happy Hollow in honor of
Mrs. B. B. Rush, who is the guest of
Mrs. 8. R. Rush. Twelve guests were
In honor of Mrs.: B. B. Rush of St
Louis, who is the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
8. R. Rush, Mrs. Allan Parmer enter
tained twenty-five guests at dinner Thurs
day evening.
Dundee people navlng supper at Happy
Hollow last Sunday were: Dr. T. E.
Manning, with four guests; A. G. Elllck,
four; E. E. Kimberly, three, and W. B.
T. Belt three.
Mr. and. Mrs. J- M. Nettle and son of
The R. S. O. club of South Omaha met
with Mrs. J. Parrott Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. F. A. Moran departed last week
for Portland, Ore., to be gone about two
months. ,
Mr. M. D. Hall of Spokane, Wash., de
parted for his home Wednesday after
soending several days nere.
Mr. and Mrs. Skinner of Omaha visited
with Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Skinner and
family a few days last week. '
Mrs. Dave Ham and Mr. and Mrs. Sors
wick, who are visiting Mrs. Ham, were
visum? in umana weaneBuay.
Mr. F. A. Holloway. formerly of Kan
sas City, has accepted a position with the
Howard Stove company as bookkeeper.
Mr. Mulfinger and Miss Wlrley of
Omaha were entertained Friday evening
at the club house by Mr. ana Mrs. c. M.
Will Probst who has been at Long
Pine. Neb., arrived home last week and
came here Friday for a visit with his
Mr. D. Hoover, president of the Lahan
Stove and Manufacturing company of
guincy, m., was a visitor in wis vicinity
Mrs. R. T. Propst and children and the
Misses Margie and Madge Taylor spent
last Saturday and Sunday at Plattsmoutb
visiting relatives.
Mrs. C. W. Wllklns of Omaha and R. S.
Wilkins of Coffeyville, Kan., were visit
ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Said Thursday.
Veora and William Howard left last
Monday morning to continue their studies
at University Pi ace, where they are tak
ing a summer course.
Mrs. Lucy McCall arrived Thursday
from Waukomis, Okl., for several weeks'
visit with her brother, James Polln, and
nieces, Mrs. R. T. Propst and Miss Evelyn
The Misses Frances and Mamie Bailey
of Kearney, Neb., spent a few days last
week with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Parrott
before going to Chicago on a two weeks'
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Colorado and the West and to
St. Louis and Points East
Leave Omaha . ..... 10:45 a. m.
Arrive Kansas City . ... 5:30 p. m.
Leave Kansas City . ... 1:45 p. a
Arrive Omaha . . . . . .8:30 p. m
Through Electric Lighted Sleepers and Chair Cars
Unexcelled Dining Car Service Meals a la Carte
letter Track
Better Service
Cool, Comfortable and Convenient
New Midnight Train from
Kansas City to Carthage
and Joplin, carrying sepa
rate through sleeper to
each point.
Lv. Kan. City 11:48 p. m.
Ar. Carthage 8:50 a. m.
Ar. Joplin 6:45 a. m.
' Ticket and Information
City Ticket Office
1423 Fanuuu Street,
And Union Station
Thos. F. Godfrey
, Passenger and Ticket Agent.
Trav. Passenger Agent.
Phone Douglas 104.