Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 11, 1912, Page 11, Image 11

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Bexten Pharmacy, 13th and Dodge.
VITAL massage, vital bath. Dr. Anna
X. Fisher, 41 Ware block. 309 Si loth.
tp-to-Date beauty parlors, Kathryn
Lane Daly, 113 6. 16th. 2d floor. D. Ml?.
Massage. Mrs. Rittenhouse. 308 Boston Bid
THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast
clf clothing; In tact, anything you do not
need. We collect, repair and sell at 134
N. 11th St.. for cost of collection, to the
worthy poor. 'Phone Douglas 4125 and
wagons will call.
Allen of Chicago, .109 S. 17th, 1st fl. D. 76t&
YOUNG women coming to Omaha as
strangers are Invited to visit the Young
Women's Christian association building
at ITtli and St. Mary's Ave., where they
will be directed to suitable boarding
placet, or otherwise assisted. Look for
our travelers' at a at tne union station.
WE RENT and repair all kinds ot sew.
Ing, machines, Ind. :A-1663; Douglas ; 1662.
ism ana nanny oia.
MAQQifiP Swedish movement. Ap't
AL-dOOAlxEi 2, 1802 Farnam. P.- 6240.
nlTUS Kwpilish mussara. Mrs. Snyder.
No. 8, The Dunsany, 10th A Pierce. D. 4380.
' Mechano-Thersaphy-222-223 Neville Bik..
SHAMPOOING ,P- treatment,
OXLtUUr UVJ-LN U manicure, massage;
at your home; work guaranteed. D. 8152.
T A ftNTETTf! treatment. E. Brott, 710
j.UXU!NiXJ.Ua jgth, 2d floor. D. 6289.
SHOWER baths, 208 So. ISth St. Rm.
sa. Daily and Sunday.
cam. Davldga Blk. Ap't. S. - Red 7629.
SCOTCH collie puppies. Harney 1447.
. WANTED City loans and warrants:
I W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1820 Farnam St
i- CITY LOANS. Bemis-Carlberg
i - uo. -3101313 Brandeis Theater Bldg.
i Wanted farm loans. Kloke Inv. Co., Oma.
GARVIN BROS. Loans- and u-
vxiu. v X XJXVUO.0mah(l Natl gink.
OMAHA property and Nebwiaka lands,
I 1016 New Omaha Nat'l Bank Building.
V T.APnTT. lAana ahv anAnlaltv "Onm
' WANTBDClty loans. Peters Trust Co.
LOANS Farm ' and citv nrorjertv. "J.
H. Dumont & Son. 1602 Faryamt St. '
.'(100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D.
"Wead, Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam.
Wanted farm loans. Kloke Inv. Co- Oma.
MONEY- to loan on business or real
dence properties, 31,000 to $600.00.. W. H.
THOMAS, 603 First Nat l Bank Bldg.
'Ship live stock to South Omaha. Save
mileage and shrinkage. - Your consign
ments receive prompt and careful atten
tion. Live Stock Commission Merchants
Byers Bros. & Co. Strong and responsible.
WOOD BROS., 234-38 Exchange Bldg.
Great West Com. Co., Omaha & Denver!
Clay, Robison & Co.. 200 Exchange, Bldg.
CLIFTON Com. Co., 322 Exchange Bldg!
Martin Bros. & Co., Exch. Bldg.
TAGG BROS., handle cattle, hogs, sheep.
Household gds, clothes & shoes. D3971 B1959
WANTED To buy part of lot about 40
x GO. South of Foppleton. and west of 26th.
St. H. L. Standeven, 1626 S. 28th.. St
Phone Harney. 2354.
Best prices old clothes & shoes. Web. 6146.
WE BUY" anything In store and office
fixtures. Omaha - Fixture- and Supply
Co., 12th and Howard. Douglas 2724..
. For stoie purposes, about 100 ft. front
age-' on good business street; North ..24th
street preferred. - - -
O'Neil R. E. Vlns. Agency,
1505 - Farnam. .
Highest price paid for men' cast-off
ycjothing. 621 No. 16th. Douglas 7726.
SLIGHTLY used high-grade piano.
Webster 3726. ' ,.-
First (Mortgage for Sale
nf first mortgage on new buildings
fy f UUKl XUr UUIUCB BIO liie saiesb
"IV securities in the world. -
' Thes6 securities have been our ' spe
cialty for 12 years without the .loss of
a dollar to ourselves or investors. :
A list of mortgages, 1300 up to $2,500
mailed on request with highest references.
American Security Company
!w So. 17th ot Otw..,.. .......
, TO EXCHANGE Good smooth land and
new wall rented town property for stock
of general merchandise well located in
eastern Kansas, .Nebraska or western
Iowa; can use large stock and might put
In some. cash If stuff is good enough;
glvo full details in first letter. Address
Box L, Seibert, Colo.
FOB EXCHANGE Want Southern
California property ' for good, clear
Omaha. Address ilia West 42d St, Los
Angeles, cal.
8-room modern house, will trade for
land. Phone B-2991.
WANTED TO TRADE about $700
worth of new Implements for farm land
or city property. A-423, Bee.
BOOK 1,000 farms to exchange; get our
fair plan of exchanging. Graham Bros.,
Eldoraao, Kan..
BEAUTIFUL Pine Crest, Palmer Lake,
Colorado, near Denver; 7,000 ft. elevation;
always cool; modern four-room cottage
and large screened porch; hot and. cold
mountain water; bath, toilet, open fire
place; completely furnished; brass beds;
$150 tor season. Frank 6. Thayer, Den
ver.. . . - . -- - . ; - -
;h Reed Abstract Cv oldest abstract 'of
icg in nreuraimtt. an cranaeis 1 Pester.
. HlULUfcUl' Jltfc'OMMA'ilOA. ,
rideal Cement Co., 17th and Cuming fits.
I Fuchs. Son ft Bund. Palntituc.decoratlntr.
H " H. Gross, Jura, wreck. g. plb. iX & Paul.
Orm t Merrill. 1212 City Nat Bank Bldg.
Field Club Bargain
A splendid 8-room all - modern house
on 36th St near Poppleton Ave. Large
living room with fireplace, fine dining
room. Hot water heat Lot 66 ft front
Dundee Snap
A good 6-room all modern two-story
house on Izard St near 61st One of the
finest views In Omaha. Owner must sell
at once and best offer gets it - -
E. W. Stoltenberg
438 Board 6f Trade Bldg. "
. Phones Harney 8418 or Douglas 1510.
NEW, 6-room, strictly modern house,
built for a home, fine location, overlook
ing new boulevard and Happy Hollow;
-?n't be beat Fred C Shields. Harney
West Farnam
$4.100-$SOO cash, balance monthly, for 211
S, 42d St This is a 2-story, square
house, 7 rooms and. reception hall,
quarter sawed oak finish first, 4
1 bedrooms and bath second;
strictly : modern and . decorated
throughout; full cemented base-
ment; furnace heat; laundry con
, nectlons. $700 less than the prop
erty actually cost the present own-
' ers. Key at our office.
$5,800 For a 7-room, strictly modern, 2-
. , story frame house, having large
living Boom, with beamed ceilings,
oak finish and floors . first floor,
four attractive bedrooms second
floor; decorated throughout; hot
- water heat Near 40th and Dodge
Sts. -
$6,000 For a 7-iom, all modern, square
house, recently built and In excel
lent repair,- located near S6th and
Jackson Sts. .This, house is fin
ished in oak first floor, pine and
white enamel second; full ce
mented basement, good furnace.
The lot has fine shade trees, also
, shrubbery and fruit. Paved street
with all paving paid. A medium
priced home in a district where
some of the highest priced proper
ties are located.
$8,000 For a 7-room, new. bungalow, well
built and very attractively ar
ranged and finished, quarter
sawed oak finish and floors first
floor; well built barn in the rear.
Lot 60x125 feet. $2,500 cash, bal
ance to be arranged at ( per cent
George & Company
902-12 City Nat'l Bank Bldg.
Phone D. 756 or A-1756.
Cheapest Close In Residence
1- 50 feet north of ' Mason St, east
side of 27th St :
2 150 feet north" of Mason St, east
side of 27th St.
860 feet south of Marcy St, east side
of 27th St
. 4-10O feet south of Marcy St., west
side of 25th Ave.
5-200 feet south of Marcy , St.. west
side of 25th Ave.
6-60 feet north of Mason St, east side
of 26th St. . -
7- 60 feet south of Mason St., east side
of 25th Ave.
8- 60 feet south of Marcy St., east side
of 26th Ave.
9- 100 feet south of Mason St, west side
of 25th St .
10- 60 feet south of Mason Bt, east side
of 25th Ave.
11- 100 feet south of Mason St., west
siae oi.zntn St
12-200 feet south of Mason St., west
side of 26th St
These lots can be bought from $JO0.00
to xouu.uu casn, tne balance :n three equal
annual payments wnn 6 interest.
Nearly all these lots have city water,
gas, sewer are on paved streets.
Average size. 50x124. .
See us about these lots The price Is
rigni. .
Douglas 200. 608 Bee Bldg.
We have two very desirable homes on
S. 38th Ave.. Just north of the Field club:
One a full 2-story house, first floor fin
ished in polished oak, artistically ar
ranged, decorations, lighting fixtures and
trimmings all selected with view of mak
ing It a desirable home. Lot 60x110, lying
a trifle above grade, well sodded, shade
trees planted, permanent cement walks
In yard and art street, street paved. Fu
ture of location amply assured.
We also have in same location a bun
galow containing 5 rooms, finished in oak,
with all the latest trimmings.
There are. many houses in less desir
able locations that can be had as reason
able as these, but there are none in a lo
cation as good that can be bought as
cheap. It will delight you to go up one
street and down another in the Field
club district and see-a natural park util
ized for. dwelling purposes. -
The price for either of these homes is
$3,750, and the terms-rwell. let's get to-
321 Branedis Theater Bldg.
Bra,nd New Home
Terms Like Rent
If you have a few hundred dollars, we
can sen you a strictly moaern nome, hav
ing 6 good steed, rooms and sleeping porch.
First floor has large living room and
dining room tlnished in oak and beauti
fully decorated. Kitchen has built-in cup
board and kitchen cabinet Second floor
has three bed rooms, bath and sleeping
porch. The combination' lighting fixtures
are of the latest pattern and design and
are operated by flush -switches. The
plumbing is .first class; fixtures .high
grade Kohler ware and the furnace is a
"Carton." Full cemented basement out
side grade entrance, laundry sink. Lo
cated at 3917 North 20th St Blvd.; fine
level' lot, large shade trees; no paving
to pay. About 50 houses- have been built
In this district within the past year. You
can make no mistake by purchasing a
home where building is active. Look at
this property and see us about price and
Payne & Slater Co.
Sole Agents. 616 Omaha Nat'l. Bk. Bldg.
$4000 Buys - ,
2005 Spencer St.
House has vestibule entrance, large liv
ing room, dlninar room, well arraneori
kitchen on the first floor and three bed
rooms and bath on second floor. The liv
ing room and dining room are finished in
quarter sawed oak. Has first class
plumbing and heating throughout. A
splendid location, close to boulevard; ter
raced lot; close to school and churches;
has garage ' large enough to hold two
cars; look at this house today, but do
not bother the tenant; owner has moved
out of the city and has made a very
low price for quick sale.
1614 Harney St.
Entirely mod., furnace, etc.. fixtures.
cement walks, etc.; fine level lot, 40x120,
s. front; choice location; $3,250. ..on your
own terms.
Neat 4-r. cottage, large storeroom.
partly mod. ; good location for family gro
cery, near ntn ana "w, south omaha.
You can occupy cottage and operate
store in addition to present employment
$2,7OO-$100 cash, $26 per month.
432 Ramge Bldg. D. 857. 15th & Harney.
' New 7-room,- extra -fine, enamel, tile
bath, sleeping porch, front room 12x25;
open stairs, beamed eeilings in front and
dining raoms, oak finish throughout, lot
60x126 feet; Kountze Place; on Car line;
paved street; permanent walks; property
cost $4,850; will sell for much less; reason
able terms. This is a splendid home prop
osition and I guarantee cannot be beat
In city, for price asked. Phone owner,
Webster 2263.
: HOME ;
Beautiful 10-room all modern," electric
light, gas, hot and cold water, screened
porches, beautiful shade and fruit trees.
Lot 65x132. Coolest spot in Omaha, river
breese. See us and be convinced.
Tel. P. 1817. Room 616-620 Bee Bldg.
New 8-R. Between
Bemis Park and North 88th District
Owner just leaving and offers at cost;
lot 51x150 paved, 1 blk. to Harney line,
1 blk. to Cuming, close to cathedral and
all schools. $300 will do now, rest comes
O'Keefe Real Estate Co.
1016 Omaha Nat'l. Doug. 2152; Eve. H. 5134.
SIX-ROOM house on Main St., Benson
modern, shade and fruit cistern," oak
floors in hall, dining room and parior
near church and school. Price, $2,800
$400 cash. Call Benson 1372. '
Real Bungalow
Kountze Place
At 2119 Pratt street, we have a hobby,
up-to-date bungalow, built of the very
best material and by best workmen.
Modern and complete In every sense of
the word, has full basement under entire
house, paving brick foundation, wide
oungaiow siding.
6 Rooms
Beautiful oak finish and floors through
out tne nouse. Built in BOOKCASES,
BUILT-IN BUFFET, electric liehts and
gas, fine combination fixtures, lot 40x132
feet This Is the last bungalow left in
this addition, and when t Is sold you
could not buy ground there and build it
for the i same money. Price $3,450. We
win iry to arrange terms to suit buyer.
Open today, come out and look It over.
Norris & Martin
400 Bee Building. Doug. 4270.
Dundee Home, Easy
$600 cash, balance monthly like ront. will
- buy a good 2-story, modern, 7-room
house, having reception hall, living
room with fireplace and beamed
celling, dining room, and kitchen,
first floor; 8 good sized bed rooms
and complete bath room, second
floor; stairway to finished attic,
with one large room; full cemented
basement; furnace heat; south front
lot 60x135 ft. Price reduced from
$4,750 to $4,250 for quick sale. In
vestigate this at once, as the price
Is low and the terms easy tor this
class of property. Owner has left
town due to change in business.
George & Company
' 902-12 City Nat. Bank Bldg,
Phone D. 756 or A-1756.
Go Look at This
1214 N.'S4th St., Bemis Park district, 7
room and sleeping porch; all modern, full
cement basement; this house Is new and
elegantly finished throughout; must be
seen to be appreciated. Price now down
to $5,000.
O 'Neil's Real Estate & Insur
ance Agency,
1505 Farnam. ' Tyler 1024.
New Dundee Home
For a home this house can't be beat
it has 5 rooms; a fireplace and sleeping
porch. Finished In oak on first floor,
white enamel finish in - the bed rooms.
To see is to buy; $3,700-1600 cash and $35
per month. Address 911 N. 61st St Keys
at our office.
Tel. Doug. 200. 606 Bee Bldg.
New Bungalow
$300 Cash
Balance monthly, buys a new 6-room, all
modern bungalow near 19th and Lake Sts.
Handsomely finished and well arranged.
A good bargain for some one at $2,700.
The Byron Reed Co.
Both Phones.
212 So. 17th.
Bemis Park-$4,000
3523 Lafayette Ave., 8 rooms, modern
throughout; hot water heat; corner lot,
62x140. Ground alone worth $2,000; Now
vacant and will rent for $32.50.
7 rooms, modern but heat; lot 76x150,
$2,600 $260 cash.
6-room modt new house, near 28th and
Burdette Sts., $2,300-4301) cash.
Corner lot. Hanscom Park add., at 89th
and Oak Sts., $175.00.
6-room. new mod but heat, near 32d and
Grand Ave, $2,200-4200 cash.
Inquire 411 Kafbach Blk., Phone D.
I will sell my beautiful residence at
1920 Spencer street at an extremely low
tigure if sold within the next fifteen days.
The house was built less than three years
ago by day labor and not contract work:
contains 8 rooms on first and second
floors, all finished In golden oak, tiled
bath room, beautifully arranged den on
third- floor, with extra, sleeping room.
This should be seen to be appreciated.
Will sell for $1,000 down, balance same as
rent. Address Owner, 2812 Manderson
street or telephone Webster 6&2L
For Sale or Rent
Fine home at 3920 No. 28th St., modern
except furnace, ' has 2 bedrooms, parlor,
dining, kitchen and cellar, fine lawn, lot
0x120. Call and see it at once. For price
call Tyler 1299 or see owner, Joseph
Copuran. 1422 So. 12 St.
Vacant Lot in Benson
Price $200
Beginning July 15th, will reduce price
on E. lot 10, block 35, on Lucas St.,
between Clark and Burnham, $1 per day
until sold. Must be sold by August 1st
Phone Webster 8860.
Sir rnnmff o rH Viath oil nr,A I. n A
Lot 50x150. Paved street; half block from
car line, wanting distance iron. city. $3,
100.00. .
, OAT.T.AOWTm jir Kwi nriM'
483 Brandeis Bldg. Omaha, Neb.
mailed free on application. Charles E
Williamson Co., Real Estate, Insurance,
Rentals, care of property, Omaha.
TRUNK. Frank Crawford. 203 Cottos
Bide.. Vancouver or Omaha. -
EASTERN Colorado bargain; four sec
tions N W. of Llmon; only $3.75 per acre.
For full particulars write R. W.- Bettes
worth, Cedar Rapids, la. . ...
. .-. Ueortria. .
...Traversed by the
Lania sdapted to the widest range of
crops. All tue money crops of the south
Plentifully Dioduced. for litcratura t...
ing -with tnis cowing country, its soli,
write . ,
. General Passenger Agent,
- Idah.
FOR SAT.PT 1i Ar.KVa Ittifi-!irtrri
land, three miles from town, for $7,809,
and will take U.OOO ra-nh nn win i
years on the balance. For Information
write Henry Maples. Richfield. Idaho.
THE easiest way to find a buyer tor
your farm la to insert m. .mull A
in the lies Molnea Cauitai. larirui cii-.
culation In the state of lows, 43,wv dally.
The Capital is read by and oeiieved in by
the standpatters of Iowa, who simply r
fuss to permit any paper Hi their
homes, Katee, 1 cent a word a day; $l.U
per line per month; count six ordinary
words to the line. Address Dt Alois ei
Capital. Dsa Moines, Ul.
. Montana,
RANCHES-$2,000 to $100,000. ; Snd for
list 8hopen & ,Co., Ranch Dealers,
Omaha, Neb.
. Missouri.
Wt make a specialty in offering for
sale good stock and grain farms. Ws
get ouyer ana seller together, ineir aeai
fs ours. We recommend nothing but good
stuff. Our commission Is ( and 2Vi per
cent Writs us for prios list and in
formation concerning Springfield and the
Oiark country. Greene County Realty
(jo., ww couere Pt.. s&nngrteta, no.
i Ws havs for sale over 20.000 acres of
Cheyenne county. Nebraska's choicest
farm land, where the crop yields for 12
years, including mo ana lait average
with the best In the state. Alfalfa, aiso
a leading crop. Better soil, water and
climate cannot be found. Writs for fill
information. Agents wanted everywhere.
HOMESTEAD 320 acres rich farm land
at $175 filing fees and all. Not rouga or
sandy. J. A. Tracy. Kimball. Neb.
rut. M .ru nf fi-ult and alfalfa land.
very close to schools, churches, and street
Cars; good income, s room nouse, urni
and other outbuildings, for sale by owner,
no trades; If interested sddress, J 400, cars
Bee, '
Farms Farms Farms
Driving dlstancs of Omaha. Bf r gains
Let us show you the goods. All stsss.
all prices, all terms. -
Rooms 1213-1214 City National Bank Bldg.
Rl1ln Chief Quartermaster's Office.
Federal Building. Chicago, Illinois, July
0, 1912, Sealed proposals will be received
here until 11 a. m August 6, Mil, for
furnishing a nine months' supply of
forage and bedding, commencing Ootober
1, next st posts in tne uentrai Division.
Information furnished upon application.
COL. JNO. It. CLEM. Chicago Quarter-
Jy-S-B-10-U. A-l-2,
UNtOJI STA'i JON -Tenth aad Uso.
Lnioa Paclflo
Depart. ArrlT.
Ua Fran. 0rlanl Limited.. :. si a TsM pa
China Japta Fast Mtll....a : jh s t it pa
AlUntta Hxprsis s till as)
Ortfoa Kxprass allli pm at:Mpa
Los Anitas United aU pa a a J pa
Dnvr Spaolal ttMia a 7:7 la
Csatsnntal Stats Special .allH pa all:! aa
Colorado Bxproas . I:M pa s i t pa
Onsua-Waauiutos. Ualtad.. jUS:M pa ll;W (a
North Ftatti Local a .15 aa 4:U pa
Graud Island Local.. ........ ..a 1:14 aa l:M aa
Itromaburg Local fell:l pa a l.M pa
t'UU'ftku Ureat Western -
rwia city Limited...., a 1:14 pm a :ll aa
Twin Clqr' Kspraas a l:s an s : pa
Colcaco Kxprass a t:M) pa I:m pa
Chicago. Hoelt lalaud . FacMlc
Rocky Mountain Limited.. ...ali:M pa ai0:M pa
CUcafO Local Pasaa&tw 010: am bl0:ll pa
Csieas aMkjr aUprsas. ........ .a : aa a 4;N pa
Chicago tcipraaa a :W pa i:U pa
Ms teolna Local Pasxngar. .a pa ell.U pa
Cslcaso-Mobissasj LlaUo....a S:u pa a : aa
Chlcaso-Kstk Ltd. to Liacois.. 1 .41 aa 1:11 pa
Cblcato-Colorado gxprtai a pa
Oklaaema m Taus aUpraas...s :o pa sU:W aa
Kocay Mouaiaia LUuliad aM:I aa ats:W aa
Chlcasot Milwaukee St. Past
Ovsrland Limited s 1:10 pm a 1:11 am
Chicago Special a :U0 pm a 7:l am
Uenver-Portiaad Limited ...s!:Wpm sll:46 pm
t'hlcato Daylight Special ...a!:Mam all:i pm
Colo.-csllt. JCxpreu ........ a I N pa
Ferry Local S 1:10 am aU:W pm
itliuula Ceatral
Cklcaso alxproee a 1:1 am a . 41 pa
Chicago Limited a I.W pa s : pa
Luicaito t Northwestern-
UtuneapoUs-SL Paul Juxpnes.. f :0t US
UiuueaHlls-. faui Llmite4..a J it pa S l:t aa
lwia .lw fcinpreaa .il:lu aU:s pa
Sloua (ny Lucal a 1:W pa a pa
MluueapolU a itaaota Kp..a I;oO pa a ;U pa
Twtb tit Limited ..a: pa a t:M aa
Minnesoia luprata aU.Waa
Carroll Local tl:Hia '. pa
iHkllgo.t CSlcaiit ......a 1:0 am . ........
thlcaao Local .....all.Oe pa l.M pa
Ckkago-Colorado U pa
Chicago special a 1:01 pa i id m
racing CuaM-Caicago s .m pu a M pa
Los Aagelo Llulud .....g:pm aU:M pa
uverlauu UmUod tlHlmi ll.Utii
Carroll Local 4:W pa al:u aa
kasl Mail a SIM pa 4 aa itspida, Sioux City aad
Omaha 1 pa
Uuuomal bute Limited U:tt aa U.l pa
Long Plat a 190 am all: aa
Noriolk-Uallat a l:v am eii:ol aa
Lang rine-Llncola ..,.1 l.U pm al:Mpa
UaaUoss-Buperlor fe l:ie pa a t;m pa
Ceadwood-Hoi Springs l:U pa a pa
Caspar-Luider a 1:44 pin aiPiie pa
rremont-Aibloa Sl4pa k !; pa
Wabash- ...
Omaha-ot. Louis Express s t M pa s :lt aa
liali and Kxprest a 7:01 (a aU:li pa
Itanbernr Local (trom C t:0 pa kilt:ii aa
jitttMoarl fsslMo
K. C. A St. Louis Express, .a 1:00 aa aT:llaa
K. C. St. Louis Express. .all:00 pa a 1:41 .pa
K. C. c SI. Paul Limited.. 10:41 an 1:10 pm
Bnriiag-tou Statio.
fsath et Mason
tanr a California
Puxet Sound Exnrass.
Depart. ArrlT.
.a 4:10 am g 1:4 pa
.a 4:10 pa g 1:41 pa
.a tm aa s :10 pa
a 4:10 pm S 1:41 pa
.k l:s pm aU:14 pa
.aU: pa a (:Maa
.a l:u am a t:ie pa
.fc !: pa kl:M sa
.sl:Uaa ilMia
Kebraaka Points
BlacX Ullle
Unools Mall
Xerthwest Mxpress
Nebraska Sxpress
Lincoln Local ,
iu:w pm a s:40 pa
. 7:11 pas aU:u pa
.allrSt nn a AA .
Chicago spaoui
Denver specai
rhlcua 'Bxnreas
..a 4:01 pa k:4i pa
.a 4:10 pa g 1:00 aa
.b 1:10 pa fcU:41aa
..a 4:U pa ail:M aa
..HO.ti pa a l u aa
..a till as a :W pa
Chicago ITast Express
Craton (U.) Local
It. Louis Expreea.
i ritw at. JaaBk
Kansas City St. Jesepb...
Webster gtatloa -'5th aad Webster
Missouri Pacific
Dtp rt. . ArrtTe,
Aobura Local k 1:30 pa bl0;46am
Cbicasro, St. PanL Mlnoeapolla and
Omaha -
lloux Cltr Express... ...... . J: pm Ml:Usa
Twin Cltr Pasaengar b :H aa k :U pa
gioax Cltr Paienger s 1:11 am e 4:11 pa
Bmersoa Local b 1:11 pa S:U sa
(a) dally, (a) dally axoegt Sunday, (at Ssndar.
1 Dominion Canadian Servcm
Laa-mMy.30,Af . 1 7,Scp 1 4
First IV2.W, Seceoa loj.e
Third Class UIM J2.M
Arrange Dooklhjrs with Local Agents
or Company's Office, Chicago, III.
Convict from Sidney
Accused of Murder
of Goldie Williams
LINCOLN, Neb., July W.-Peorge Vroo
man, brought to the penitentiary from
Sidney following conviction for attempted
assault of a 6-year-old girl, stands ac
cused of th murder of Goldie Williams,
the 10-year-old Grand Island girl who
was killed by a stranger In a shed last
winter. The sheriff ( Cheyenne county,
who brought Vrooman from Sidney be
lieving the man answered the description
of the Grand Island slayer, summoned
the sheriff of Grand Island, who today
visited him at th prison. A woman who
saw the slayer of Goldie Williams when
he was with the child will come to Lin
coln in an effort to identify, him.
Hilles tc Be Chairman and Reynolds
Secretary of Committee.
Committeemen Not Inclined to Con
sider (he Third rarty Movement
with Any Degree of
WASHINGTON, July JO.-The campaign
for the re-election of President Taft will
be formally launched tomorrow in New
York. James B. Reynolds, of Massa
chusetts, today named as secretary of the
republican national committee, and C. D.
Hilles, President Tsft's secretary, selected
for chairman of the national committee,
will help sail ths political ship.
Mr. Hilles Issued a statement tonight
declaring ths confidence of the republican
party in its cause and its candidates. It
"The republican party approaches ths
presidential campaign with confidence In
ths solemnity of its cause and in ths
Integrity and ability of the candidates
who represent that causa Progress with
order Is as good doctrine for the repub
lican party today as It has been sines
ths day of its birth.
"Real progresslveness Is not a theory,
but an achievement. No American cltiien
should be deceived Into an exchange of
his birthright for a vision. Ths prog
ress of ths nation toward better things
does not corns from declamation, but
trom actual results. Mors has been ac
complished in the lsst three yesrs under
the administration of President Taft.
than ever before In the history of
America in the same time. One platform
Is an earnest of the future progress
through a record of achievements; ths
other is a promise containing a denial
of ths good that has been dons. 1
The Tvro Parties.
"Upon the solid rock of the rights of the
Individual, as granted by the constitu
tion, ths republican party builds Its struc
ture of optimism.
"The democratlo party, on ths other
hand, in ths opening sentsnce of Its ad
dress to the electorate, betrays its reces
sional quality by denying ths right of
congress, . a right again snd again con
firmed by the supreme court, to estab
lish protective duties for ths benefit
of American Industries. It declares as
false ths vital Issues of ths constitutional
liberties of ths Individual. Such liberties
are now assailed by those who advocate
ths overthrow of ths Independence of ths
Judiciary. It would leave the Individual
defenseless In ths protection of those
rights declared Inalienable under the con
stitution." The subcommittee of ths national com
mittee announced the selection of Mr.
Hilles and Mr. Reynolds today after a
half-hour session with President Taft
at the Whits House and a few minutes
in conferenoe In a down town hotel.
Both men were i chosen unanimously.
Ths members of ths subcommittee ex
pressed the belief that Its decision was
the best possible and declared there wss
no reas n to doubt that republicans
would flqd Hilles an admirable captain.
President Taft was plainly pleased with
ths committee's choice and members of
his cabinet spoks of Mr. Hilles In terms
of praise.
The subcommittee adjourned until July
19, when It will meet In New York. At
that meeting it Is probabls that an ad
visory commutes of five men and prob.
ably an executive committee of sight or
ten will be announced.
Organise Taft Campaign.
Mr. Hilles' other leaders were hopeful
tonight that ths treasurer would bs
named, at ths next meeting. All ths
members of ths subcommittee left Wash
lngton after ths chairmanship was set
tled, but soma stayed long enough for
short conferences . They proceeded to
organise .Mr. Taft's . campaign undis
turbed by the report that a number of
progressive republicans were going to
circulate petitions to ask him to with
draw from ths ticket. '
None of the committeemen regarded
that movement seriously, In view of ths
fact that It was being proposed en
tirely by men who had lost out at Chi
cago. They admitted that ths campslgn
would bs bitterly fought, but among
them there were many expressions of
confidence In ths re-election, of Mr.
Taft Ths ease with which ths sub
committee burled Its differences and
Unanimously named . Mr. Hilles was
pointed out by them as an indication of
bow ths leaders expect republicans
svsrywhars to get together and work for
the president
"Mr. Hilles wss ths unanimous cbolos
of all," said William Barnes, Jr., of
New York, Who had been considered for
ths place. "Ws threshed ths matter over
and everyone agreed that Hilles was the
best man that could bs selected. A
great many felt he would be of Invalu
able service to President Taft as secre
tary, a position hs has filled with great
credit to himself, but ths republican
party needs his services to lead ths
forces to victory in November. His se
lection will meet with ths approval of
republicans svery where." ..
Charles B. Warren of Michigan, mem
ber of the sub-committee, said the se
lection of Hilles would give general
satisfaction, especially throughout ths
"The west wants a man who Is progres
sive in his ideas." Warren said, "and not
hostile to any of the propossd legislat
ion. Ws have such a man In Hilles.
He has been In close touch with ths
party leaders from all over ths country
for all over the country and knowns the
conditions. I predict he will make a
successful political general. He Is a
high class man, and the. republican
party is to be congratulated upon secur
ing him for Us leader."
Partner Nebraskan Not Candidate
for Secretaryship.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, July 10.-(Spectal Tele
gram.) The selection of James Reynolds
ss secretary to ths national republican
committee, announced today. Is enltrely
satisfactory to William Hayward, former
secretary and now In business In New
York City. It has been suggested that
Mr. Hayward was a candidate for re
appointment and was disappointed that
another had been chosen. This is denied
snd Mr. Haywood said he had not de
sired re-appointment. "
"You may say that I am entirely
pleased," said Mr. Hayward. "While I
would havs been willing to accept an
other term I havs been In no sense a
candidate, and havs preferred to be able
to attend to my own affairs, aa the se
lection of Mr. Reynolds leaves me free
to do. Hs and I are friends of long
stsndtng and I am . glad that he was
chosen to fill the placs. I shall be glad
tc co-operate with him In any way that
is desired." . ,
Iowa Retailers - '
Denounce Fraud
IOWA CITY, la., July 10,-Retall show
dealers of Iowa, at their annual conven
tion which closed here today, adopted
resolutions endorsing legislation to pro
hibit fraudulent advertising.
F. I Wilson, of Washington, was re
elected president and T. M. Need, of
Atlantic, secretary. The next meeting
will bs held at Fort Dodge.
Teachers Expunge the Record and
the War Comet to an End.
Charges that Mrs. YoanST Adopted
Improper Methods to gee are Her ,
Election Arc Finally Dis
posed of and Dropped.
CHICAGO. July W.-Open chsrges that
at ths convention at Boston two years
ago, when Mrs. Ella Flagg Young of
Chicago was elected president, the rolls
were "stuffed." thst teachers wers en
rolled as active members credited from
Chicago schools," when they lived In other
states; and that their dues wars paid
by Chicago principals to lnsurs mors
votes for Mrs. Young, wers voted upon
by the national association today. Ths
board of directors adopted unanimously
a resolution that all references to ths
chsrges should bs "expunged, trom ths
records, without impugning ths motives
or Impeaching ths character of any one."
It was ths intention that ths whole
subject should bs wiped, out of future
discussion, and speeches wers mads thst
"ths utmost harmony now prevails In ths
association." and it was ths sense of ths
meeting that no conscious wrong sntered
Into the election of Mrs. Young. At ths
Sams time It was declared Secretary
Irwin Shepard, who mads ths charges,
was not guilty of any misstatement!
when hs referred to ths violation of cer
tain technicalities at ths Boston slec
tton. .
Pears Starts Trosble.
The charges started when President
Carroll G. Pesrs criticised ths report
of Secretary Shepard. Mrs. Young had
said If ths association approved of ths
secretary's report "every teacher In Chi
cago would bs Justified In suing ths as
sociation for slander."
Secretary Shepard todsy submitted a
written reply In which, hs attempted to
sustain his chsrges. He assorted that be
fore the Boston convention, ths orgsnlsa
tlon known as ths Chicago , Principal's
club set out to promots Mrs. Young's
candidacy, lis charged thst many per.
sons wefs enrolled as actlvs members,
credited from Chicago schools, when" In
tact thsy lived In other states and wars
not connected with Chicago schools. Hs
quoted letters sent from Milwaukee and
New Orleans In which persons, whoss
names wers withheld, professed to havs
been psld by Chicago teachsrs tor go
ing as actlvs members and voting tor
Mrs. Young. Eighty-six votes wsrs thus
secured, hs said.
As soon as Mr. Shepard had read his
charges, a dosen Chicago teachers
secured ths floor, demanding to reply to
what thy called "charges of dishonesty,
dishonor and fraud."
"In all these charges 1st us bear in
mind" said John W. Cook, Dekalba, 111.,
"that there is no . intention to impute
that Mrs.- Young, an honored member
of this organisation, had any knowledge
Of ths alleged wrong."
Mrs. Young took ths floor. "From ths
discussion." shs said, "It would appear
that I had been longing for ths honor
of being president. I Just want to say
that when I was asked, In January, 110,
to bsooms a Candidate for president,
I, did not think ths nams of ths first
woman to head this organisation would
be dragged in ths mud."
William B. Owen, , principal of ths
Chlcsgo Teacher college: Miss Ida
MIghell, and Etta Q. Gee, Chicago school
principals, all declared they had been
active in supporting Mrs. Young. Thsy
asserted that It had been customary to
organise In promoting a candidate; that
the Chicago teachers did furnish, some
money to pay the dues- of actlvs mem
bers and that some of ths actlvs mem
bers thus made, did live in other states.
They denied, however, that ths members
wsrs credited to Chicago schools, saying
that without any Intention of commit
ting a fraud thsy wrote on their appli
cation that ths volume of proceedings to
which each member was entitled should
be sent to Chicago schools. This thsy
said, led to ths chargs that thsy had
given false addresses. '
One teacher in Massachusetts said
Miss MIghell, had ordered her volume
of proceedings to bs sent to Chicago.
"Would anybody pretend a woman
would say she was teaching a school in
Chicago while living In Massachusetts"
Miss MIgbell asked.
It was finally agreed by both sides
that ths discussion should cease. James
Y. Joiner, Raleigh, N. C. proposed the
subject be expunged from the records.
John R. Kirks, president of the state
normal school at Klrkesvllle, Mo., seo
onded. the motion. The vote was una
nimous. The election of officers is to
take' place tomorrow and the selection
of the meeting .place for next year on
President Edmund J. ' James of the
University of Illinois ' advocated" the
establishment of a. national university
at Washington on the theory that "in
a free state education is fundamentally
a national function.'
If Eeleased Russel "
Thinks Thaw Might ;
Kill More People
WHITE PLAINS, N. Y., July .10. -The
most striking testimony' brought' out to
day In the Harry K. Thaw Insanity hear
ing was given by Dr. John W;, Rus
set, head of the Mattes wan Insane' asy
lum,' who admitted under pressure that
Thaw, If -released from that Institution
and allowed to return to bis. former mode
of living, might kill another person. JDr.
Russel said, however, that he thought
Thaw could be safely released in custody
of a special attendant
Dr. Adolph Meyer, one of the Thaw
alienists, was on the stand this after
noon. He said Thaw, In his opinion,' was
never of unsound mind. ' '
"Then you think he was a murderer
when he shot Whiter' William T. .Jerome,
attorney tor the state, asked. ; ' .'
"I do," wss the answer. . -
Movement of Ocean . Steamers. 1
Fort. ArrlTed. - failed.
new York..... K. p. wtiheim..,.
BOSTON Csooplc '
OKNOA Perlgua
SYDNEY Mukllato
UVmPQOL .. Hxvertord.
Federal Judge Grants Bequest in
Habeas Corpus Case.
Government, Losing Prosecution of
Salooa Slam at Dcs Moines on '
a White Slave Charge,
Would Deport Girl.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)1
DES ,MOINES. July 10.-(Spectal Tel
egram.) Miss Krswxa. a Llthaunlan girl,
ordered deported to Russia by the D
psrtment ot Commerce and Labor
not havs to" go back. Judge McPherson
acted on the application for habea
corpus by ordering the girl's release. -The
girl was ths prosecuting witness
In ths case of ths government against
Adam Simmons, saloon keeper charged
with vlolsting the white slave traf flo
Simmons was cleared by the Jury and
the Immigration authorities began the
attempt to deport.
Judge McPherson, In his opinion on his
ruling, said ths girl would far better be
allowed to stay in this country than sent
back, where she would be apt" to fall
Into a life of lowest shame In the city
of Hamburg, without funds 400 miles trom
Show Railroad Assessmeat High.
T. A. Pollys, tax commissioner of the
Chicago, St Paul ft Omaha railroad, pre
sented today to the state executive ooun
oil an elaborate showing of the relation
between the assessment and value of the
property In the counties of northwestern
Iowa through which the railroad runs,
He wss able to show, In brief, that if
the company was assessed on ths same
basis as other property, it would have a
assessment of about 12,500,009 Instead of
S4.D0O.O00. : . , i
The express companies commenced their
hearing, today before the state assessing
board. , . :
Given to Drake University "
A. U. Coates has given a 223-acrs farm
to Drake university.. Mr.. Costes Is a
notsd prohibition worker and at one time
was a candidate for governor. The farm,
which Is located near Dexter, Is., was
given to t university last week .and
the board ot trustees, after investigating
the property, accepted the otter and the
deal will be closed this week. The prop
erty Is valued at 12S per acre. . "' z
After Dellaqaeat Corporations,
Ths attorney general today started
after the delinquent corporations t make
them pay the corporation tax with penal
ties. The penalties now amount to about
tor each corporation, and nearly a
hundred failed to make their reports hut
year. , '..'
Injared When Boat Fell.
A ptculltr accident happened hero
todsy to tour workmen engaged in tear
ing down sn old building.. The .root felt
In and they wers burled in . the 'debris.'
J. W. Meeder, who was completely eovi
red, was most seriously injured and ut
tered bad bruises. ' ,
Ray Kinney, an electrician, Was
rlousiy burned when he fell on a hot
stovs'st a restaurant He tu doing
some work In -the kitchen and fell futf
upon the range, . his left leg and arm
being much' Injured. ' ir
' Appointed as Administrator.
Thomas C. Hanlty, , cousin oi George
and James Hanley, who were killed, a
week ago In an auto accident near Ge
neva, ilL, wis appointed administrator of
tlie estste In place of 8lrnon Casady, Das
Moines banker.- Casady was appointed
several days ago on application of n
cousin, but other relatives appeared "ba
fore McHenry Monday and asked for th
Changs. Casady resigned. Ths new hdi
mlnlstrator has been required to furnish
bonds to the amount of $80,000. "
Elizabeth Weston,
- it
Beatrice Society
Girl, is Drowned
BEATRICE, Neb., July 10.-SpeclAl f lr
egram.)-Mtss Elisabeth Weston, daugh;,
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Weston, was
drowned this- evening shortly before t
o'clock at Windy Bend on the Blue river;
about three miles northwest of Beatrice)
while in bathing with, a party of younfl
women. ' !.:' ;, -f I
Bhe waded , out Into the stream an
apparently stepped into a hole and mn
down. The body was recovered in fiW
teen minutes, but svery effort to revive
her failed.- - -. , ,
The body was hurried to the dty ea a
hand oar and eleotrio treatments applied,
but without success. . , -, .Yfl
Miss Weston was a graduate of the
Beatrice High school and one of the best
known young women. In the dty., She. ba4
finished her second year at the Nebraska
Stats university and was member ot
Kappa Alpha Theta sorority of that place.
Shs was SO years of age.
Intense Heat is
Bad forthe Tennis
6EABRIGHT, N. J., July ia-The over
powering heat played havoc with the
lawn tennis tournament here today. R
D. Little, the internationalist and shares-
bolder In ths national doubles, retired.'
from the singles in the latter event, tak
Ing with him his national partner, a. T.
Touchard. .
Ths match between R- N. Williams and
E. P. Lamed was postponed la the ex
pectatlon that tomoroow may be cooler.'
Beals S. C. Wright did pot appear for
the doubles, so Karl H. Behr switched
to Frederick C. Inman as a partner. v
Ths two defeated William J. Clothier of
Philadelphia and George P. Gardner. Jr.,"
of Harvard, in the feature match of the'
day at 6-3. 6-2. Clothier had previously
defeated H. A. Plummer, the old Tale
captain In the tingles, and was worn
down when he attempted to play in the
doubles. . - - -''; 'f-i'-
H. H. Hacket and L. E. Mahan retired
from the-doubles so their bracket was
filled by W. M. Mace and O. M Church,'
Jr., of Princeton.', This pair was d-:
tested by N.'W. Miles and A. 8. Dabney,
the Bostonlans, 6-S, 6-4.
' Edgar W. Leonard- took on Robert
Leroy as a partner and the two' advanced
by the default of Little and Touchard,
the national-champions.. " '. .'
Behr won his placs in, the semi-finals;
at 6-2, S-6. Dabney also gained the ttmli
finals by the default of Little. ' ' f
v Clark Back to Sjovta City. ' - c
SIOUX CITY, la.. la., July m-Oaon-Clark,
the stoux City boy who was sold
by the Sioux City Western league team- '
to the New York Americans last fall
for -15,000. will be a member - of the
Sioux City staff again. He will arrive''
here tomorrow. Clark, who has been'
playing with the Rochester. N. Y., team.
Is still the property -of the New York
club. , v