Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 09, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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Commissioners Expect to Make it 16
Instead of 17 Mills.
Estimate la Made on Expenditures In
. Jnnnnry and tke Amoiit of
the Levy Will Be Made
This Fall.
County tax levy, which will be made
by the Board of County Commissioners
the latter part of August or early in Sep
tember whenever the State Board of
Equalization . completes Its . work prob
ably will be 16 mills on an assessed valu
ation of approximately $,000,000. the ac
tual valuation of property In' the county
being in the neighborhood sf 27,000,000,
according to the Douglas county equali
sation board, utst year's county levy
was 17 mills.
Members of the Board of County Com
missioners say they have not given the
ipatter of the coming levy sufficient con
sideration to warrant their discussing It,
but several of them said that the follow
ing figures probably wlir not be far
' wrong. They said the 1912 levy Is almost
sure to be lower than that of MIL
"'- Estimate of Fonda.
The following table shows by funds
the 1911 levy, the probable 1811 levy, ami
the amounts estimated for' the several
funds last January. Under the law the
commissioners must make their expeus
estimates In January of each year and
the tax levies, made In the tollowlns
autumns, must not raise money beyond
the estimates.
New York Pitcher, After Winning Man from Utah Makes' New Olympic
Nineteen Straight, Loses Grip.
Record at Stockholm.
General fund
Road fund
Lridge fund 1.3
Emergency bridge
fund 49
Bond sinking fund... 3.725
Soldiers' relief fund.. .24
' 1911. 1912. Estimate.
Mills. Mills. U13.
. 4.945 9 1425.000
2. ... 90.000
1.25 60.000
t-neaont Holds Ont Darin Six
. Innings and Tesrean Takes His
Place, not Too Late to
Uelote Tonuses the. Stick Ont of
Bonnds and American. Lost the
Foor Hundred-Meter Re
lay Race.
CHICAGO, July 8.-Pitcher "Rube"
tt .. I iuiu m last met ms watennn toaav
. 4 vmi. .J. ......... 41 10 Odo.WV I-
Though, the total valuation of Douglas 4 ter wjnnln" nineteen straight victories.
county property this year is Increased w uiKen oul Iler lM 81xtn inning.
about 325,000,000. the personal property
valuation of public franchise corporations
is decreased about $3,500,001). ' This Is
due to the sale of the Omaha Water com
pany's property to the city of Omaha and
the subsequent striking from the assess
ment roll of all the water Vompany prop
erty which lies Inside of the Oman. cUy
limits. Last year the valuation was
35,334,500, -including all the personal prop
erty; this year it Is 31.370,300.
Franchise . Corporation Assessment.
The following table shows the actual
valuation of last year, the returns on
valuation made by the corporations this
year, and the valuations finally fixed
this year by the Equalization Board.
Street Railway company...... ....
Nebraska Telephone company
Independent Telephone company
Electric Light company
Omaha Gas company
Omaha Water company...
I 'Totals...'...
... 1,033,265
... 336,635
.... 2,601,075
... 3.500,000
... 6,334,500
1912. 1911.
Return. Valuation.
3 7,000.000 3 7.000,000
. 305,150
3,500.000 .
Chicago winning; 7 to 2, in the opening
game of the series.
This is Marquard's first defeat of the
season., His Inability to foil the local
men at critical times and errors by his
teammates proved his undoing. He was
opposed by James Lavender, a reorult.
who, backed by the heavy, opportune hit
ting of the Chicago players, had little
difficulty in keeping his team In he lead.
Lavender allowed five hits, which were
bunched in two Innings. Marquard gave
way to Devoie in the seventh to allow
the outfielder to bat and Tesreau was
sent In to pitch. Score:
AB.H.O.A.E. in u ft A T.
Boeeura. IT. 4 0 1 0 OSndrraaa. It 1 1 0 0 1
BcnaiH, IT.. 1 I 1 1 IBkir. i-f 1
iinirar, aa .. i til OMerkla, lb.. 4
Zim'man. lb I 111 OMurrtr if,. 4
110 0 Hanoi, lb.. I
ITS 0 Mayan, c... I
114 0WI1MB. e... 1
111 I OFlatcbar. at. I
Latch, ef.... I
Baler, lb.... 4
Evan, lb..., I
Archer, c... I
.320.305,475 319,997,880 I16.715.5S0
Chambers Makes a '
New Record for the
Field Club Course
Amateur records for the Field club
course were smashed Sunday after
noon when W. N. Chambers negotiated
the eighteen holes in 72, beating the for
mer mark of 78, set by Sam . Reynolds,
, state champion. .
' Chambers' card was 11 up on bogey and
S lower than par, 77. He made the out
side nine holes in 37, and came in stronger
than ' ever with a 35. He was playing
with Jack Hughes, "King" Denman end
. James Blakeney.
The Field club man cut' par on the
second,, fourth, ninth, eleventh, four
: teenth and fifteenth holes. ; His drives
were well placed and he holed his putts
like a second Tom Morris after a. trophy
' cup. -' i
Jack Hughes also tried hard to make a
record, and had it not been for some hard
1 luck putts he would have 'finished close
up to Chambers. As It was be made a 75.
Weather conditions were ideal for the
sport Sunday afternoon and about forty
golfers were busy on the links.
By the time Chambers was half way
around the inside Sunday visitors heard
of the great game he was playing' and
when he reached the eighteenth hole a
good sized gallery was on hand.
Following Is the new record made by
Chambers: -
- ' . . OUT.
Bogey .... 4 6 5
Chambers'f.- 4 - 4-6
Far 4 6 . 8
v "A ""if rv'IN;:
Bogeys - j. hi i . S 4 -1
Chambers ....... ; 5 13
Pat 4 44 B 4 6 4 4-37
Bogey,. 83. ' Chambera, 7J. Par, -77.
6 4 5 4 3 5-43
4 -4 4 8 t 4-37
5 ,4 4 3 S 5-40
(V 4 4 4 4-40
4 4 3 5 4 4-35
Walla WailaMayor
: Gives Ump a Chance
For His White Alley
WALLA WALLA, , Wash., July 3.-
Banishment from the game, exile to the
clubhouse or occasional fines do not ap
peal to Mayor A. J. Glllis of Walla Walla
as the most effective methods of stopping
umpire baiting. He has applied a more
forceful deterrent
Mayor Gluts attended the game be
tween Pendleton and Walla Walla of the
Western Trl-State league yesterday. The
Jeers and protests of the players 'over
the work of the umpire did not please
him and he instructed the chief of police
to arrest today any player who protested
a decision on a charge of disturbing the
A keen-eared officer was stationed be
fore the. grandstand at today's game and
if there were any protests they were no
louder than a whisper. ' '
Lavranaer, p. 4 1 I I OOroh. lb.... I
Marquard, B 1
ToUl.....ll 10 IT 11 O'Dcrore .... 1
Twnau, p... 0
. Tottli 10 1 14 U I
Batted for Marquard In the seventh.
Chicago 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 1 7
Mew York 0 0101000 0-2
Twn.haa. hi,." an1 mu 1. t-1 .
( " V ...... KHtlVI . llim'UOBO 111 l.
Evers. Hits: Off Marauard. 8 in six
innings; Tesreau, 2 In two innings. Double
piay: uron to Merkle. Bases on balls:
Off Lavender, 2; off Marquard, 8. Hit by
piicnea oau: uy Lavenaer. metcner.
Snodgrass. Struck out: By Marauard. 5:
oy iavenaer, 7; oy Tesreau. x. Time: 2:0o,
umpires: Klera and Bush.
Even Break at Pittsburgh
PITTSBURGH. Julv 8. PhlladelDhia.
ana - nusDurgn Drone even in
double-header today, the visitors winning
the first, 6 to 1, and Pittsburgh the sec
ond, k to x. score, iirst game:
Paakart. et..i 14 0 OByrna. lb... 1 0 1 a
Lobert, la.. I 110 OCarajr, It.... 4 4 4 4 0
Magea, It.... I 14 0 OEdlngton,' rt 4 0 10 4
Crwata, If.. 4 1 0 OWagnar, aa.. 4 1 1 1 1
Ludarua, lb. I 1 11 OMUlar, lb... 4 111 0 0
Knaba, lb... I 114 lWllaoa. et... I 4 10 0
Doolao, as... 4 10 1 IM'CTthy, lb 1 I I I t
Kllllfar, e... 4 4 0 OGIbaon, 0.... I 0 110
Alauader pi 0 4 a OCamnlti, p.. I 1 0 I 0
Hyatt ...... 1 0 0 0 0
Totals 34 10 17 10 ICole, p 0 0 0 0 0
STOCKHOLM, July 8.-T0 the great
chagrin of American spectators at the
Olympic games today, the " Yankee
quartette In the 400 meter relay race, was
disqualified because F. V. Belote of the
Chicago Athletio association, in passing
Clement H. Wilson of Coe college at the
second relay of the semi-final, "ehanged
the stick" out of bounds. The disappoint
ment was the greater because Cooke of
Cleveland led W. R. Applegarth, the last
runner of the British team, by ten feet
at the finish and because the time, 42ft
seconds, best of meeting for the event-
showed that the United States stood
great chance to win the race in the finals.
As it Is, Great Britain will take the
Americans' place.
Westerners cheered lustily when Rich
ards of Brigham Toung university took
first place and Horine of Leland Stan
ford took third place in the rurining high
lump. Richards' mark was 193 cen
timeters, a new Olympic record.
mere Is considerable feeling by the
German team over the fiasco of last
night in the 100 meters swim, free style.
Bretting took the heat last night In the
semi-finals so the Germans considered It
was their victory; and were not pleased
when It was announced today that the
semi-finals would be run over with the
Americans participating. They think
the manager of the American team was
careless In falling to have his men ready
and that his protest was not Justified.
The united States, Germany and Aus
tralia, whose men are engaged in the
contest are to decide on the date. The
American Jurymen decline to say whether
the vote on running the event again was
In the final running high Jump Almen
W. Richards of America, with his Jump
of 193 centimeters (a little over 6 feet 4
hches), beat the Olympic record of 6
feet 1 Inches made by Porter, American,
at London in 1908. Liesche, Germany, and
George L. Horine, Leland Stanford uni
versity, by Jumping 191 centimeters, also
beat the' record.
PLATTSMOUTH, Neb., July S.-Yester
day afternoon the Plattsmouth team went
down to defeat before the O. O. U. W.
team of Omaha, by the score of 7 to 1.
McCay. the Indian pitcher, coudn't stand
the gufCs be was relieved, by Mac who
did fairly well, for the rest of the argu
oient, Elsenhart twirled magniflciently
tor the A. O. V. W. striking out nine
and allowing only one hit Penry and
Wright pulled off the stellar features for
the Omaha lads in the outfield and Wood
ruff and Llghtell were the heavy geezers
with the wagon tongue. ,
The A. 6. U. W. boys have, completed
arrangements to play the locals a series
of games on September l and 2. The
second is Labor day. Score by innings;
R H.E2
A. O. U. W...1 1 2 0 0 0 2 1 0-7 8 2
Plattsmouth .0 0000010 0-1 12
Batteries: A. O. U. W., Elsenhart and
Llghtell; Plattsmouth, McKayer, Mac and
. A Life Problem Solved. .
by that great health tonic, Electric Bit
ters, - is-'the ' enrichment -of -poor, thin
blood and strengthening the weak. 50u.
For sale by Beaton Drug Co.
Red and Irritated. Pimples Festered.
Itched and Burned. Used Cuticura
, Soap and Ointment About 3
Weeks. Was Completely Cured.
1013 Dayton Si; Chicago. VL "My
face was very red and Irritated and was
covered with pimples. The pimples festered
and cams to a bead. They itched and
burned and when I scratched them becaios
tors, I tried soaps and they would not stop
the ttcning and burning of the skin. This
bated for a month or mora. At last I Med
Cuticum Ointment and Soap. They took
out the burning and itching of -the skin,
soothing tt very macs and gtving Uw relief
that the others failed to gtrs me. I need the
Cuticurtv Boas and Ointment shoot three
weeks 4 was completely cored." (Signed)
Miss Clan Mueller, Mar. is. ifllt.
Stars of the Track
To Meet This Week
GRAND .RAPIDS, Mich., July .-Wlth
purses aggregating 340,000, with 300 of
the best harness horses of America
quartered at Comstock park; with all of
the famous drivers on the ground and
fast track and favorable weather In
dicated, an auspicious opening of the
grand circuit .for the 1912 season next
Tuesday seems assured. A number of the
events will bring together for the first
time some of the star performers of last
season as well as a list of promising
The feature events for the week are
Tuesday The Grand Rapids 'railway
32,000 purse for 2:20 class trotters and the
Alcryon 32,000 purse for 2:07 class trotters,
The first named event will call out nearly
all of the best horses named in the
stakes through the circuit, and in the
Alcryon, Dudie Archdale and R. T. C.
will meet for the first time.
Wednesday The .furniture .manufac
turers' purse for 2:12 trotters, the first
310,000 event of the year, and the 32.000
Qlftline for 2:05 pacers.
ToUla II 4 17 10
Batted for Camnlts in the eighth.
Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 21 0 2 0-6
Pittsburgh 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0-1
Two-base hits: Miller. Lobert. Luderus.
Home run: uooian. sacrifice bit: Ma-
gee. Sacrifice fly: McCarthy., Stolen
base: Wagner. Double play: Deolan to
Knabe to Luderus. Bases on balls: Off
Camnlts, 3; off Alexander, 1. Struck out:
By Camnlts, 4; by Alexander, 2. Left on
bases. Pittsburgh. S; Philadelphia, t
Bases on errors: Pittsburgh. 2: Philadel
phla, 1. Hits: Off Camnlts. 16 In eight
innings. Time: 1:39. Umpires:. Eason
and Emslle.
Score, second game.- 1.
Byrne, lb... I t 4 0 0 Paakart, et..t 0 t
Carey. It.... I 4 f 0 OLobart, Jb. .. I 1
EdlBftou, rt I 1 40 0Maaa, It.... I 0
Wagnar, as.. I I I I 0 Cravat h. rf.,4
Miller, lb... I 111 I lLuderui, lb. 4 I
Wllaon. et... 4 110 1 Knaba, lb... 4 1
M'C-rtby. lb I 1 1 t ODoolan, M...4 .1
Simon, e 4 4 4 3 ODooln, e..,.. t 0
Hendrlx, p.. I I I 4 OMoore, B....10
- H.- Miller.. 10
ToUU..... IT IT If ISchulU, p..0 0
, Boyl 1 1
Total. 14 8 14
Batted for Moore in the seventh.
Batted for Schults in the ninth.
Pittsburgh 1 2 0 0 0 0 1 5 -9
Philadelphia .......1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0-2
Two-base hits: Byrne, Wagner Three-
base hits: Carey. Wilson. Sacrifice hits:
J. Miller, Hendrlx, Carey, Wilson. Sacrl.
flee tiles: Bdlngton (2), Hendrlx. Stolen
bases: Byrne (2), Carey (2), J. Miller,
Dooln. Double play: Simon to McCar
thy. Bases on bails: Off Hendrlx, 2; off
Moore, 1. Struck out: By Hendrlx. 5:,
by Moore, 8; by Schults, L Passed balls:'
Dooln, Z. Lett on bases: Pittsburgh. 7:
Philadelphia, 8. Hits; Off Moore. 11 In
six innings; oir scnuits, 2 in seven in.
How They Finished. .
10,000 meters walk, first heat: George
Gouldlng, Ontario, Canada, first; E,. J.
Webb, England, second; A. Paamussen,
Denmark, third; F. Altimanl. , Italy,
fourth; W. J. Palmer, England, fifth.
Time: 47:14.5.
Standing broae Ju!np: C. Tslolltaraa.
Greece, first, 3 meters 87 centimeters:
Piatt Adams, New York Athletio club.
second, 3 meters 36 centimeters; .Benja
min W. Adams, New York Athletio club,
third, 3 meters 28 centimeters. .
Running high Jump: At 189 centimeters
Liesche, Germany, and George L. Horine,
Leland Stanford university, cleared the
bar at the second attempt, and Almen
W. Richards Brigham Young university.
at the third. Eaaron R. Eckson. Mntt-
haven Athletio club, and James Thorp,
Carlisle Indian school failed. At 191
centimeters Liesche cleared the bar at
the second attempt and Horine and Rich
ards at the third. v
Running high Jump. ' finals Almen W.'
Richards, Brigham Young university,
won, with a Jump of 193 centimeters.
4 1 1 Liesche. Gertnanv. u aannnvi n..
. - - " uwt.a
L. . Horine, Leland Stanford university,
800 meters flat race, final: J. E. Mere
dith, Mercersburg academy, first. Time
1:51.9. Melvln W. Sheppard, Irish-Amer
ican Athletio club, seoond. Time: 1:62.
Ira N. Davenport, University of Chicago,
third; Hans Braun. Germany, fourth.
10.000 meters flat race, final: Kolen-
malnen, Finland, first; Louis Tewanlma,
Carlisle Indian school, second; A 8ten
roos. Finland, third; Joseph Keeper, Man
itoba, fourth; A. Orlando, Italy, fifth,
Time 81:20.
1 mi . . o.rr -tt tt
ThiiraavTk. n . 1 ""'o?.- "- '-00- umjnreo. ftaaon ana
vvmuiua lot i:u pacers. jmsiie
tne nrst 6,uoo event of the1 year.
Friday-The Northrop 32,000 Durse for
3:i7 pacers.
In addition there will be ten races for
purses of 31,000 each during the week.
Day sad ignt Eczema is Form of Raw..
Moons HQ, Ind. "My little danghtpr'
bs4 a training and itching sensation day
and night. The ecsama was la the form
of a rash. It began first in Batches on bet
face sad nader bar arms, sad then on her
bands. w"s warn very nmch alanned about
basttwsasusllssjsia. fTsnsed
Cartlcnm Bonp sad OlnUasnt about one
saoatii and taey cored my Bttle dsibter
scannnV Her ska Is as smooth as could
bessdslNkmBnesnatth.'' (Bagnsd) Mrs,
Ussts Boot Jan. 27. 1913.
sold ttsrmj0aat tho wsral liberal sample of
l nwttaa9. gkln Book. Ad-
JSBSttta, PaptT. Boston.-
: sTnanlnananOs5s SBB ananaAmnl ssnM OtntffcVal
trtasj.masMs. tomato trm.
Interurban Car
' Telescopes Trolley
MARION. Ind.. July g-Three neraons
were killed and more than a dozen ser.
iously Injured in a headon collision be.
tween two interurban cars on the Marion
Bluffton & Eastern traction line here to-
aay.- The dead: .- .
xne most seriously injured:
Charles Perry, Marlon; Dan Reardon
Marlon; Wesley Draper, Bluffton, Ind.;
r- ravot, uas City, Ind. ; George
ocnriDer, Marlon; Jack Salmon, Marion;
Miss Madge Davis, Marlon.
The collision was between V, resular car
sna one loaded with merrymakers, bound
for Goldtbwaite park, an amusement re-
son. , : - (
ai. occurrea on, a straight track. The
cause Is unknown. The two cars were
telescoped." the heavy Interurban . car
crasning naif way thiough the light park
car. . .
Commissioner J. M. Guild of the. Com
mercial club has received a letter from
Thorndlke Deland, secretary of the Den
ver Chamber of Commerce, thanking the
olub for the entertainment they afforded
the Denver automoblllsts on their 1912
sociability run.
The Denver Chamber extended an in
vitation to the Omaha club to return
tne "call."
Governor Woodrow Wilson boosters In
this city are . planning to celebrate his
nomination, the meeting to be held soon
after the governor Js notified. Governor
Wilson will be invited to attend the meet
ing,' as will W. J. Bryan. Governor Mar
shall may bo secured for the same evening.-
Candidates will meet at the Dahl.
man club this evening to arrange for the
Dodse Wins from Leigh. '
DODGE. Neb.. Julv CRrwM.i v.
terday the Dodge Athletics defeated the
boys from Leigh In a rather listless game,
the score being 4 to 8. The pitching hon
or aslly to Artley, who allowed
only rive hits. Hr-nra- . t xi -ni
Pojjg 1 1 3 0 0 0 0 -4 8 3
Le'gh 0002000 1-3 53
Batteries: Leigh, Luschen and Vlaoh;
Dodge, Artley and Butler, .
CambaU, of 4 t
Sweeney, lb. 4 1
Jackaoa, It.. 4 1
Tltua rt....4 0
Devlin, lb... 4 1
O'R'urke, la 4 1
Kilns. I I
Perdae, p... 1 1
0 1
0 11
1 0
1 1
1 I
0 0
1 0
1 0
0 0
0 0
1 0
0 1
1 0
Boston Wins In Tenth.
S'LOUIS. July 8.-Devlin's triole and
O'Rourke's single in the tenth inning
gave Boston the opening game of the
series. Bresnahan was benched for dis
puting a decision by Umpire Owens.
McDon'd, lb 4 114 lHuartna, lb. 1 0 1 I ft
1 0 OMagee, lr.... 4
I 1 0 Smith, lb... 4
1 0 OK'natehy, lbl
1 ft OEvana rf.... 4
T 0 OHouaer, as.. 1
4 1 lOtke ef.... 1
4 I OWUigo. c... 4
6 1 Owillla, p.... I
..33 921 14 2 '
Total... ...SO
Oakes out. hit by batted ball.
Batted for Willis in the tenth. .
Boston 0 01000000 12
St. Louis 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0-1
Two-base hits: King (2), Jackson (2).
Sacrifice hits: Devlin, Oakes. Three
base hit:' Devkn. Bases on balls: Off
Perdue, 5; off Willis, 1. Struck out: By
Willis, 2; by Perdue, 4. Time: 2:15. ,Um.
pires: Brennan and Owens.
An American King,
is the great king of cures, Drr King's
New Discovery, the quick, safe, sure
cough and cold. remedy. 50c and 3L00.
For sale by Beaton Drug Co. w
5 SO H 1
The Wonderful Throat
Tonic Properties of
Pineapple Juice
Singers .and public speakers have
found that the pure juice of the pine
apple is one of their greatest helpi
it has been known to produce the most
remarkable remedial effect in diphtheria
eases.. Its use is known to cut the false
membrane and relieve when everything
else has failed.
- Keep a supply in your home. .Dole's
Pineapple Juice is sold by druggists and
grocers everywhere.
Send for a copy of "Cooling Drinks
and Desserts,'? a booklet telling of
many splendid ways' of preparing and
serving cool dunks and desserts. .
Hawaiian Pineapple Prodthta Co, ltd,
112 Market Si, Saa Francisco
The beer drink
ing English and
Germans were our common
ancestors, and by birthrieht
we inherit their tastes and necessities.
The triumph of the Brewer's Craft
Old Style Lager" fulfills our con
stutional requirements. Its taste is still
its point of excellence because it is famous
for its snappy taste. f
'Old Style Lager" appeals to the oar.
ticular man and the discriminating physician.
Intelligent persons of this class well under
stand that the small percentage of alcohol in
"Old Style Lager" will act as a tonic
which will develop and strengthen the body
ana Drain.
311 8. 17th Street. Doug. 2155
Bluffs Cubs Shut
Out by Blatz Team
In one of the best games played at the
Merchants park the Blats team of Omaha
broke the winning streak of the Council
Bluffs Cubs by defeating them in a shut
out game by the score of t to 0. Karbow
ski, who was on the mound for the
Brewers, pitched gilt-edge ball, not a hit
being made off his delivery and only one
man getting as far as second base. The
Brewers were in the best of form and
played good ball behind theta great slab
Belvllle also twirled a good game for
the Cubs, but ragged support by his team
mates put him in many bad holes. .He
allowed the Blats men ten hits and struck
out eight, while Ksrbowskl made ten of
the Cubs go by the long route. The Blats
team started scoring In first Inning
wv..vuua u w mm, across ins piaie.
Three more were made In the second and
three In the third and after that the
Brewers were blanked. The only chance
the Cubs had was In the third Inning,
when the first man up walked, but the
next batter knocked Into a double play
and that was the Cubs' last hope. Mc
Coy played a star game in the field for
the Cubs, while Gillespie and Charnqulst
divided the batting honors for the Blats.
Next Sunday ihe Blats are without a
game and would like to battle with some
fast team. For games call Roy Stacy
at South 1238. Score of yesterday's same:
Blats a S s o o n n a n-a
Cubs 0 OOOOOOOfr-o
Earned runs: 1 Blata TA.k... hit..
Mlnlkus, Gillespie (2). Bases "on balls:
Off Karbowskl, 1. Struck out: By Kar
bowskl, 10i by Belvllle. 8. Left on bases:
Blats, 7; Cubs, J. Double play. Mlnlkus
to Charnaulst.' Tims: 1 is iimni...
Gillespie and Esvans. . Scorer: Blosgles.
The Persistent and Judicious Use of
Newspaper Advertising Is the Road W
Business Success.
To Have Perfect Skin
Throughout the Summer
If the blood is poor sod filled with the
poisons from diseased kidneys or inaotivc
liver, the heart is not only starved but
poisoned ss well. . There are many con
ditions due - to impure blood such as
dropsy, fainting1 , spells, nervous debility
or the nisny scrofulous conditions, ulcers,
" lever-sores," white swellings,!. All
can be overcome and cured by
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
This supplies pose blood by aiding digestion, increasing suuailation end lot
parting toae to the whole circulatory system. Its s heart tonic sod a greet deel
snore, having an alterative action on the liver and kidneys, k helps to eliminat
, the poisons from the blood. ' '
To enrich tne blood and inerease the red blood corpuscles, thereby feeding
the nerves on rich red blood snd doing swsy with nervous irritability, take
Dr. Fieree's Golden Medical Discovery and do not permit s dishonest dealer
to iosutt your intelligence with the " just as good kind." The "Discovery "
has 49 yn cr$t behind it snd contains no sloohol or asrooties. Ingrsdi
eats plsinly printed on wrapper.
Dr. Pieree's Common Sense Medical Adviser is., sens frt ea iweeipt of
Stamps to pay expense of wrapping snd mailing uly. Send 31 eoe-ceet stamps
for tho French oloth-bound book. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, BusUo, N. Y.
k , 1 71 A 11 t -V
VJ V A a t... X X
i l w t nisiory oi Dase- s y
VV X j ball 8aygVyX
"It it quite agreeable for your firm to U3e my name in your
advertising- literature as one of your many customer! wh
have derived benefit! from drinking' Coca-Cola.
Yours truly, . ; ,
Do you suppose he'd like It, drink it Sf
snd $ay so if he didn't know that for Ml .,''
sthlete and fan for everybody it's Sil if ' '
the best and snappiert of beverages? t VArJiSJ
Free .N Demand the Genuine .ZZ. ,
Our new booklet, J Refuse Subititutei 1 '" j
aaofa, for ibe uklnf . N . PmF1 '
Wbenerar jras (M in r. it J
AmwtMnkof Coc.Con. - ,( , mi
Read what one of the
sensations of 2nd
base in the whole
(From The Guide to Beauty.) '
These days the face, naclc - rml -and
hands need social care and attention
Flying dust and dirt, the beatlns sun.
are severe on any skin. Their dasnnil.
lng effects are best overcome by the
application or pure meroollsed wax.
This keeps skin and pores In a cleanly
condition, the complexion beautifully
white and spotless. Tan, freckles,
blotches and roughened cuticle are ac
tually absorbed by it. One ounce of
mercollzed wax, obtainable at any drug
store, is sufficient to completely renov
ate a soiled complexion. It Is used like
cold cream, allowed to remain on over
night, and washed off in the morning.
As the skin tends to expand In warm
weather, cheeks and chin to sag and
wrinkles to form, a good astringent lo
tion should be used. Dissolve one
ounce powdered saxoltte In. one-halt
pint wltoh haiel. Bathe the face In
this mornings or before going out for
theater or social affair. It Is a re
markable skin tightener and wrinkle
I50S Fsrnam 8t.
Platw ...
Fillings ..
Crowns ...
85c Up
. ....BOcUp
. . .UM Up
Years Sauue Office
Hissing Tooth supplied
without Plates or Bridge
uorfc. Nerves romovod
without pain. Work guar
anteed tea years.
mw fhst pay Tnsvi
Via the:
Beginning Monday, July 8th, Dally Thereafter
Connecting In Kansas City With Fast Evening Trains
To Oklahoma, Arkansas and Texas
Colorado and the West and to
St. Louis and
Leave Omaha 10:45 a. m. I Leave Kansas City .... 1:45 p. n.
Arrive Kansas City . . . . 5:30 p. m. Arrive Omaha ..... . . 8:30 p. a
Through Electric Lighted Sleepers and Chair Cars
Unexcelled Dining Car Service Meals a la Carte
letter track
letter Service
Cool, Comfortable' and Convenient
Ifew Midnight Train from
Kansas City to Carthage
and aTopUn, carrying sepa
rate through sleeper to
each point.
Lv. Kan. City 11:4.1 p. m.
At. Carthage 8:50 a. m.
Ar. Joplin . .6:45 a. m.
Tickets and Information
City Ticket Office
1423 Faraam Street,
And Union Station. : . .
Thos. F. Godfrey
Passenger and Ticket Agent.
Thone Douglas 104. -