You Can't Tell, the Yanks Might Win Again " 111 !lf 111 1 oTTA, ) 7 IT WOULDN'T 1 , liMSVlLfJ' 'ooThan X Hv6 UreeWK "TN ' . PP flfp ' RYAN PITCHES TIGHT BALL Omaha Thereby Wins Hard Fought Game from Antelopei. HOME. RUN FOE ANTELOPES rkat Is , the Only Score Mad fey Lincoln, Who Cannot Con nect' Safely la Tight By tightening up In the plncbaa Jack Ryan yesterday afternoon' putled Omaha to a i to 1 victory In the second game of the series with Hughle Jones' Ante lopes. '" ..'' Lincoln could have won the fame three different tlmea with one good hit, but when that hit was needed Jack By an had to be reckoned . with. , In at least half of the-Inninga the Rourke hurler managed to get himself In a hole, but always emerged unscathed. In the third after one had gone out, a single put Palmer on first. Bergham mer skied out, but Lloyd and Cobb each singled and, filled the bases. McCorlek, tha 'Lopes giant left gardener, then eame to bat. It looked like, good night for Omaha but Ryan dished up a dlrxy assortment and big "Mao"' whanged three ties. The fifth taping made Ryan etreteh hlmsejf after he had walked Btratton and Palmer had beat out a hunt. Berg hamer sacrificed and with one out Ryan atarted. ' Lloyd was benched by th strikeout route." Cobb looked dangerous and Jack passed hi and McCormlck re tired the side with a fly to Davidson. : Open vrlth Triple. A score looked emmlnent in the' sixth when Cole opened with a triple and Barbour landed safe on an infield bit. A double plY hore put the kibosh on the score business, Mullen sending the hall to ; Justice,., to , Shlpke to .Scanlon. stratton. war theajput out" of the; Wat with tarea .'. atrikaa.i;.-1-". .v .. Palmer, must lie given crediF if or pitch iLipt good ball.- Two hits and an error, i aided by a walk, scored two for the ' Kourkea In the second. Omaha then" ! failed tQ.o.a thing until tha eighth j when three doubles and a single put ; the , game.'.on- ice., y v ' ;. , Bill. Bhlpkei was again, very much-In evidence After being out of tha game 'over, a , year tha "Skipper" la a real "come-back;, His work in tha double Your hot, sticky, itchy face needs a Gillette s t, A NY man every man can now guard himself against the tor ments of a hot day. ; . 'He can keep hisace coo free from T beardij from excess perspiration, from x street dust and grime. With the Gillette he can ohave every day quickly.and comfortably, , e can allay the feverish, itchy feeling of his skinget back his poise and power for the day's work. ' - ..'' It pays a man to own a Gillette. He can be sure then of a velvet-smooth shave whenever he wants it He can be sure of a clean shave-ra sanitary shave.' i ; ;V He can be sure that his razor will always be smooth and sharp. " The 1912 Gillette Blades are the best ever made give a smoother, cleaner, more com- -fortable shave. Buy them to-day. X Auk yor dlr. Stnard set, ls.00 ererywk are. Pockrt UUcn.4 00 to IS 60, M WSB.MV WlMHVIWjfU.VU w fsv - X IrsveU tossooa Trsve4re' sua TeuisU' ssts. K.00 f.. I I. Gillette Safetyfg) Razor KoStroppina C;?.v.Z'cZ TJo Hon fa ..... JfoCJWdG, ecttfi fcf Rzsr Ciijjrf, 22 W. Secssl Street. Eastsa I M Wf r ; ':--rf'l. I rllSio ; - was the fasten t seen In that kind of a play In Omaha thta year. His remark able quickness it possible for him to catch the batter three feet before he reached first Shlpka also came through with another hit, it being a double thla time. Wind la glroa. Tha wind was bad; yesterday and made good pitching! almost 'possible. Nlehoff got a hit In the second Inning when the wind carried his pop-up out of Barbour's reach, after the latter had judged It. Scanlon fooled tha wind in the eighth when ha ade a spectacular catch of Cole's foul back of first. . Ha ran with the ball and the wind carried It until Jlramie made a final lunge and pulled tt out of the air. 1 With two down In the second Oaha made their first scores. Nlehoff got to, first on a freak hit. Davidson drew a walk and Ryan batted In the .first tally with a single to right, Davidson going to third. Ryan stole second arid David son eeore on Berghammer's error; Lincoln got their only tallyln the eighth taping when McCormlck slammed the ball over the right, field fence. Omaha cinched tha game In the; eighth. Thomason opened with a double", to left. Johnson struck out and Thomason stole third. Scanlon sent Thoason over the platter with a double to left Shlpke flew out to McCormlck. Nlehoff "made the third two-bagger of the Inning and scored Scanlon. Nlehoff went' to third on Davidson's Infield hit, but died there, Ryan striking out. Score: -.. ' V OMAHA. t ' r AB. R. H. O. A. E. Justice, ss. ....,. 4 ; 0 0 Oil Coyle, rf. ., 4 ' 0 0 1 0 0 Thomason. If. , 4 1 3 2 0 0 Johnson, c. 4' 0 0 10 0 0 ecanion, lb. ......... 4 1 1 7-1 0 Schipke, 2b. 4 0 1 , 4 3 Nlehoff, 3b. .,..... I 1 1 0 10 Davidson, cf. 1 1 , 1 3 0 0 Ryan, p .,. 4 0 4v t . . ToUls ....34 37 I 1 . LINCOLN. ., AB. R. It. O. A. E. Barghammer, ss. ...a 0 ft, o 3 1 Lloyd. . .;,.....,.. 4 0 1 ' V3 o Cobb, rf a . o; t-'i-t MaOormick, It, .., f t : 1 4 0 0 cole, cf. i r' ' Barbour, lb. 4 0 1 13 0 Mullen, lb. .t.. 4 0 0 U 0 0 Stretton, o. I 0 0 4 1 0 palmer, p. ,.,... 3 t T 0 4 1 Carney I ; o o o 00 0 0 0 0 Miller 1 0 ,o Totals "1 1 24 r i Batted for Strattbn in ninth. , t -Banted for Palmer In ninth. Omaha- Runs 0 t 0 0 0 0 0 I l Hlta 1 I 0 0. 4.1 4 X Oniette Blades, petketa of six (It r ebeltif i.).WoimU;kl.plieJ box ef twT( 4 sbittBg edfs ). 1 1.00. IN 4 W W BOIT For stle hs 40.000 rrxniY (ton, bt oeery pert ox tfi askiuue globe. THE BEE: Standing of Teams WEST. LEAGUE. I c NAT. UfiAaUJC W.L.i'ct. W.UPct. St. Joseph ..45 33 .5T7 New Tork ..B 14 .800 Kloux Clty..44 34 .564 Chicago ....42 28 .618 Omaha 40 38 .513 Pittsburgh .41 2 .m Wichita ....40 40 .60) Cincinnati ..38 36 .621 Denver .....38 38 .600 Pbtla 31 3 .483 Dee Moines.37 3D .487 Brooklyn ...27 43 .3S6 Lincoln ....33 42. 440 Bt. Louis ...27 49 .355 Topeka .....31 44 .413) Boston 23 62 .237 AMER. LEAGUE I AMER. ASS'N. W.L.Pct. - W.L.fct. Boston .....53 24 .684 Wash'ton ..4S31.692 Cnlnmhu. R7 n act Toledo 53 31 .631 Minneap's ..52 32 .19 Phlla .......41 32 .5521 Chicago -..42 31 .675 Kas. City ..40 44 .474 Cleveland ..39 38 .5271 Milwaukee .88 4 tsn Detroit 87 89 .487 St. Paul ...36 51 .414 New York .10 60 .2761 LoufsviUe ..31 49 .383 t. L.OU1S...19 62 . 268 Ind'pls : 32 53.874 NEB. LEACUTE MINK LEAOTTR. . W.LPct. Seward ....28 22 .569 Hajitinn MM Falls aty 82 18 .440 wen. city Auburn ... Beatrice . Humboldt Hiawatha 30 33 29 23 Or. Island. '.Zl 23 540 .663 .462 .362 .386 24 28 20 31 20 32 Columbus ..27 24 .M Kearney ...24 38 Ml Tork 30.4001 Superior ...14 36 .2801 Yesterday's Results, r WESTERN LEAGUE. , Lincoln, li Omaha. 4. Topeka, ; Sioux aty. 7. Denver, 4; Dee Moines, 6. " Wichita. S; St. Joseph. 7. , NATIONAL LEAGUE. Brooklyn-Cincinnati; rain. Boston, 2; et. Louis 1; (ten innings.) New York. 2: Chicago. 7. Philadelphia, i-l; Pittsburgh. 1-J. , 'AMERICAN LEAGUE." Cleveland. 7-4; Philadelphia. 4-2. St. Louis, 1; Boston. 6. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. Louisville. 0; Milwaukee. L , Indiannapolls-Kansas City; postponed. St. Paul. ; Mlnnapolla, 0. , NEBRASKA STATE LEAGUE.- Seward, 2; Hastings. 8. , Columbus. 10 Grand Island, U. . Tork, 7; Superior, 3. Fremont, S; Kearney, 4. MINK LEAGUE. Beatrice, 4; Auburn, 3. Kails city, 0;- Hiawatha, i Nebraska City. ; Humboldt, W. Oasaes Today. , . Western. League-ilncoln at ' Omaha, Topeka at uioux city, Denver at Des Moines. Wichita at St. Joseph. . : ""?', "eaue--orooHiyn at Cincin nati, Boston at St;- Louis, New fork at Chicago, Philadelphia at Pittsburgh. ! American LeagueCleveland at Waah-J Ington, bt. Louis at Boston, Detroit at New York. Chicago at, Philadelphia. i American Association Louisville at MiU waukee. Indianapolis at Kansas City Columbus at Minneapolis, Toledo at St, Paul. ., . . - v. 1 Nebraska . State League-Oolumbus at Grand Island, Seward at, Haetlngs, York at Superior, Fremont at Kearney. .'nk L"fue-Beat,'ice " Auburn, Falls City at Hiawatha, Nebraska City at Hum boldt. 'Lincoln-- r- T ' '" 1 Runs 00000001 0-1 Hits , 0 0 8 0 1 2 1 0-T i wo-oase nits: Kcnipke, Thomason, Scanlon, Nlehotf. Three-base hit: Cole. Home run: McCormlck. .Double plays: JuHtloe to Schipke to-Scanlon. Bases on bails; Off Ityan, 3; off Palmer, 2. Struck out: By Ryan, s; by Palmer, . Left on bases: Omaha, 6; Lincoln, 3. Time: 2:U). Umpire: Johnson. BREE.VS HIT HAVES THE DA V Topeka Had Sioaa Beaten When Fielder Came 4a Bat. SIOUX CITY, la., July fc-Breen's hit in me ninin witn two men on bases, gave Sioux City a. 7 to victory over 'i'opeka. CampDell was accorded rag ged eupport In the tore part of the game, giving tha visitors the advantage. Score: . . SIOUX CITY. , , A.B. R. H. O. A. E. Clark, cf 6 1 2 2 0 0 Smith, es 6 2 1 3 4 . 3 Myers, It 6 1 3 0 0 1 Tennant, . lb ,..( 1 1 6 0 0 Breen, rf .....4 ' 3 3 3 0 1 Andreas. 2b 4 0 2 7 0 0 ReiUy. ib .,...,,....,4 o 1 3 3 0 Orendorf. 4 0 2 e 1 -o Campbell, p 3 0 0 0 3 0 jprewn, p .............o q o o 0 1 Cadman, o .....1 0 0 0 0 0 Totals .40 7 14 27 12 "5 TOPEKA. . . B, H. O. A. E. Lee, rf . l 13 0 0 Walsh, 2b 4 0 1 3 10 King, cf 0 0 3 0 0 Gardner, lb 6 1 2 U 0 0 RickerU It 6 2 3 3 0 0 Patterson, sa ..4 0 0 0 3 0 Ryan, 3b ....4 IS 1 10 Schmidt, o 4 ,0 3 404 Brandom, p ...... ....t 1 0 0 S O TOU1S.......V.....38 ii 'ii a "9 Two out when winning run scored. B&ttAi) tnr Tamnhali in a(fKk Sioux City 0 0034)0002 2 7 Topeka 0 3 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0-0 Two-base hits: Tennant, Clark, Rlck- ert. A'hmlrlt i! W.I.H Th..k... v.,.. 1 w.w... . ... t c va.v ti... Gardner. Sacrifice hits: Patterson. naisn. eioien oases: Breen, Andreas, Rellly. Left on bases: Sioux City, t; loDek,. a Hit, Cut ia eight Innings; oft Brown. 1 In one ln- niiia. oitutu qui; oy ; ov tiiown, 1; by Brandom, 2. Passed balls': Srhmtrit Til, hv . nilnhl K. )1 . . 1 i Time: 1:55. Umpires: Klssane and Meyers. JOSIES SALLY AMD TAKE GAME Wichita Leads I'atl! Fatal Elgkth InnlBgr. 8T. JOSEPH. Mo.. July 8. -A battlns rally in the eighth innlna cave the looals a victory over Wlehlu today 7 to 3. Gos- seit, witn a home run, a triple and a single, featured et the bat. Score: - WICHITA , AB. R. H. O. A. K. Craig. It. ............ 41 3 8 0 0 Middieton, cf. ...... 3 0 0 0 0 0 Davis, rf. 4 1 1 0 0 0 Hughes. 2b, 4 1 13 8 1 Price, lb. 2 0 1 10 1 0 Mee. ss. .v. 3 0 0 4 4,1 Emory. 3b. . 3 0 . 1 0 3 0 Clemmons. c. 4 0 1 2 2 0 Scott, p., 3 l0 0 2 2 0 Wacob, v........... 10 ' 0 0 Totals 31 3 I 84 U 8 Batted for Scott in ninth. ST. JOSEPH AB. R. H. O. A. E. Kelly, 2b 8 1 2 4 2 4 Powell. If. u 4 0 110 Watston. r( 3 0 1 1 0 0 OMAHA, TUESDAY, JULY Copyright, 1912. - National News Z willing cf. Borton, lb. Rellly, 3b; . Melnke, ss. Gotsett, c. Chellette, p. ..... 4 ..... 4 3 3 4 4 Totals .......... 32 7 U 27 19 1 Wichita 000100020-3 St. Joseph-...... 10001005 -7 Home run: Gossett. Three-base hit: Gossett, Powell Chellette, Davis. Two base hit Clemmons. Sacrifice hits: Mid dleton, Price, Emory, Kelly, Powell, Rellly. Stolen liases: Emory, Powell. Left on bases: Wichita, 7; St. Joseph 7. Struck out: Chellette, 2; Scott, 2. First base on balls: off Chellette. 2; off Scott, 3. Double plays: Hughes, Mee, Price.-Time. 1:40. Umpires: Knapp and Flynn. GRIZZLIES TRIUMPH AT END Three Hits and Two Runs Leave pes Moines la Hole. DES MOINES. July 8.-Three hits and two runs in the ninth inning won the second game of the series for Denver. to 6. Score: , DES MOINES. AB. R. H. O. A. iE. Hahn, rf... .......... 6 3 3 1 0 0 Colllgan. 2b 4 0 1 4 10 Korea, s. ............ 3 2 2. 1. 4 2 Belden. If 8 1 2 2 2 0 Leonard, 8b..i 3 0 0 3 2 1 Curtis cf 3 0 I S .0 0 Thomason, lb 3 0,1 8 0 0 Hanson, c...... ...... 3- 0 0 6 2 0 MoGrath, e 0 0 0 0 0 1 Faber.. p 3 0 1 0 2 .0 Isbell ,.0 0 0 0 0 0 Warren I 0 0 0 0 0 Totals .......... .8t 6 11 s 27 13 4 DENVER. AB. R. H. O. A. E. Kenworthy. lf..... 6 111 0 . 0 Cassidy. rf 4 1 1 8 4 0 Beall. Cf.. 4 0 11 .0 0 Mlllen. 3b.... 4 0 1 3 1 0 Coffee, ss 4 1 1 3 8 0 French, 2b ... 4 0 112 0 Lindsay, lb... 2 0 1 11 0 0 Block, ci 4 2 2 : 4 3 0 McAdams, p......... 3 0 0 - 0 3" 1 Harris, p 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spahr 1 1 . 1 0 0 0 Totals ....3ft 4 10 27 12 1 Batted for Hanson In eighth. Batted for Faber In ninth, Batted for McAdams in ninth. Des Moines ........3 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1-8 Denver ....:;,0 X 8 1 0 0 2-6 v Two-base hits: Kores Belden. Spahr. Sacrifice hits: Colllgan, Leonard, Curtis, Belden. First bsse on balls: Off Faber, 1; off ., McAdams. 3. Struck out;.. By Faber. 4; by McAdams, 3. - Wild pitch: MoAdams. Left on bases; Des Moines, 6; Denver, 4. Hits: Off McAdams, 11 in eight Innninge; off- Harris, 1 in ono in ning. Time: 3:20. Umpire: Haskell. Hiawatha Indians ShutputFalls City HIAWATHA. Kan., July 8.-Speclal Telegram.)-A prettier exhibition of base ball was never staged than the game today in which Hiawatha's made over team shut out the Falls City wonders. It was a pitchers' battle, Riley having Just the right shade over the visitors' Finch. Score: R.H.E. Hiawatha .. 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 -l 0 Falls Oty.. 00 00000 0 0-061 Batteries: -- Finch and Shestak; Riley and Maxey. AUBURN, Neb., July 8.-Speelal Tele-gram.)-The Whtssers won . out In the ninth today through a combination of hits, sacrifices and Auburn's errors. Score: R.H.B. Beatrice .... 001000008483 Auburn ..... 01000 010O-tS Batteries: Routt and Poteet; Reed and Kranger. Umpire: Vane, NEBRASKA CITY. Neb., uJly .-(Special Telegram.) Nebraska, City waa de feated despite the fact that Rhoada knocked his first home run with two men on bases. Score: ' Nebraska City 2 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 2-0 Clevelaad Takes Both Games. PHILADELPHIA, July 8.-CIeveland won two games from Philadelphia toaay. Score: CLEVELAND. PHILADELPHIA. ' .AB.H.O.A.B. - AB.H.O.A.S. Rna. It till OLord. rf. .... 1 ties OUoa, as.... 4 I I I uuidrlni. cf., I till JacUoa, rf,. I I I 0 AColUsa. lb.. I I 111 UJol, lb... I 111 Ob.r, lb....t 1101 Orlsis, Ik... 4 1 I 1 LMclBMS. It. t 1 11 I t B'm'hun, et 4 1 I 0 6Strunk, If... I 1 ) Turmr, 3b.. 4 111 OBtrry, m.... 4 I 4 I1 1 O'Neill, e... 6 e 4 1 ItAp. e 4 S I 4 Knpp. 4 114 Brwm. p.... I till 1 ToUlm 11 11 tl 1 1 Tlnli. U IHII I Clevtuana .....1..... (HMIi 1 3-hilauolphia .0 0 0 4 0 9 0 0 0-4 Two-base bits: Jackson (7), Mcinnls, Ba.-X Tnree-base hit: Strunk. Bacrl tieo aita:- LaJoie, Griggs. Stolen bases: Knapp, Birmingham, Turner. Bases on balls: Off Knapp. '1; off Brown. . Hit by pitched ball: By Brown. LaJoie. struck out: by Kn&pp, 3; by Brown, 1 Time: 1:30.' 1'tnplrea:. Wesurvelt and Evans, i . "-.; 1 bewce. eoond game: OiraUSl)..,.', PHILADELPHIA AB.H.O.A.K.. AB.H.O.A J. BlU, U....1 ell 0 Lord, if I 1 I I I Uiaoa. M....4 114 1 Oldrlac, tt., i I S I J. o. rf.. I 1 I e IO.HIU, So.. I e I 4 I UXrt. lb... 4 lit IBrtcr. Ik.... 4 0 0 1 1 Orlst Ik... I 111 IMcuiiiM. Ik. 4 111 1 I B e hue. Ill t I I IBtrult, It... 8 13 11 Tuner, lb.. 4 I I I I Bury. Si..., 4 114 1 Url'stUn. e 4 t I I Kiu. a 4 111! Ona, P-...4 I I 1 How. ....! lite . i CooolIw ... 1 s 0 4 TUlm.....a 117 ft 1. ... . i , TBUIS.....I4 inu I Batted tor Houok In the ninth. Cleveland 1 01O30O0O-4 Philadelphia .0 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0 2-2 Two-base hits: Gregg, Barry. Three base hit: LaJoie. Stolen, bases: Mc innls, Strunk, Olson. Double plays. Olson to LaJoie to uregg; Barry to Mcinnls. Left On bases: Cleveland. I; Philadel phia, 10. Bases on bails:' Off Gregg, 3; off Houck. A Bases on errors: Cleve land, 2; Philadelphia, L Hit by pitched hail: By houck, ityan; oy Gregg, urn ting, Strunk, Struck out: By Gregg; it by Houck. 1 Time: 1:50. Umpires: Kvana and Westervelt. ARMOURS WIN UPHILL 1 , SAME ER0M;THE BAUMS - Armours won an. uphill game from the Baum Iron team. ' With the score 8 to 0 In the eighth Inning Jelen put one over tha fence scoring Corcoraa ahead et him. 9, 1912. Drawn Assn. ISLANDERS GIVEN FRIGHT Columbus Crawls Up from Behind, but Loses by One. FIVE RUNS IN ONE INNING Coekman's Sacrifice and McKlhbea's Drive Bring; In Wlnnlns; Score After One Out Had Been . ., '; , ' Made. - ; ' GRAND ISLAND, Neb., July 8.-Spe-clal.)-After the Third city bad a lead of nine upto the sixth, Columbus started scoring and in their half of the ninth they tied.. A single by Coe, Cockman's sacri fice and McKibbens' drive brought JrWhe winning run after one put had been made in the locals' half. .,' . Boyd was pulled after' the third" and "Palmer was bumped in the fourth; Jut steadied down after that. Hart man. re lieved Richmond in the eighth, j Score: . ; R.H.E. Grand Island 1 8"! 8 0 0 1 0 1-11 16 3 Columbus ..0 0 0 0 0 1 3 6 1-1013 l Batteries: Boyd, Palmer and Harrison; Richmond, Hartman and Jokerst. Earned runs: Columbus, 6: Grand Island, .8. .Two base hits: Hargis (2), Harrison, Fire stine, Coe. Three-base hits: Rodeau,, Coe. Home runs: Russenberg,. Leach. First on balls: Off Boyd, 2; off Palmer, 1; off Richmond, 1. Struck out: By Boyd, 1; by Palmer, 8; by Richmond,.! Double plays: Rodeau to Firestine; E Brown to Balllott. Umpire: Nugent. - Hershe Has Easy Time. ' HASTINGS, Neb. July 8.-(Speclal Tef egram.) Hershe with glli edged sup port had everything his own way, . He batted in three runs with two clean singles and Bachanf and Smrfh batted in two others. Neff's home run against the wind with LaFumbolse ahead saved Seward from a shutouL hTe fielding of Watson Smith and LaFumbolse was superb. Score : " R.H.E. Seward ..0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0-2 -4 Hastings 0 0 1 2 0 2 0 1 - . 8 1 Batteries: . Connors and Campfleld; Hastings, Hersche and Bachant. , t ' Fremont Takes, OpCner. s:;;';' KEARNEY Neb..'. JuyJ.-(Speclal Tet egram.) By- oirtbattlnf the locals Fre mont took the opening game on the Kearney grounds by the score of 8 to 4. A dusty field made the game' exception ally slow for the number of batters facing the pitcher. First Baseman Henry was fined 85 for coaching on his way . to .bat Score: ' . ,' . . R.H.K. Fremont ...j) 0 0 0 8 8.0 0 0- 14 1 Kearney 0 1 I 1 0 0 0 0 04 8 8 Batteries: Kearney, MarlotV Trimble, Lots and Spellman and Gray; Fremont, Klngdon and oRse. -Home run:-Dorsen. Struck out: By Marlott. 4; by Lots, 4; by Klngdon, 4. Bases on balls: Off Mar lott, 1; off Lots, 1; off Klngdon, 6. Time: 2:80. Umpire. Knowlton. . . .... . - Superior, Neb., July 8. (Special Tele gram.) Superior lost today's game through their inability to hit Osborne's curves. -.Five new faces showed in Su perior's lineup today, Ltasetb, a catcher, and fcur new . men, two Infieiders and two outfielders from the disbanded Min nie. Lissette will be manager for Su perior from now on. The board of di rectors has released Hutchinson, Mulvey and Miller. Score: . R.H.E. York 0 0 1 0 0 2 O S 0-4 8 1 Superior .... 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 3 4 Batetrles: Oeborne and Kelly; Stevens and Lizzett Two-base hit: Bad a. Three-base hit: Davis. Umpire: McDer mott , , v;. : Movements Oeeaa Steamers. Port. , Arrlfel. Wise, NEW TdRX....Bt Leali KBW TORK....Uba. ...:..-. . . .' , GLASGOW TnnlUta OLASOOW. CartluflRlta.. OLASOOW. ..Motlll. , .,. GLASGOW Cl4onl. ' OLASOOW Cameroauu- i :. 80UTHAMPTOS ,.aTlnl -. QUEENSTOWK Luiiunts. JUEBB0...i.ii..8en4lB4tl...,. - '- QUEBSCl...-..Ltltl. v.. ....... . ;. MONTREAL.. ...Coriloia.., MONTREAL. ..'..Osiala MONTREAL Te.wue..,. -j Persistent Advertising' Is the Road to Big Returns. mm a r Buy by Full Name. PAD Boston Garter Boston Garter is the ONLY garter witft robber button clasp that will not injur - the sheerest hose. Ltsk 25c . ': Silk 50c 1 SOLD EVERYWHERE ueerte nan Co, Makert, Bortom. r HoMs , 1 I I Your I I I Sock lU jJ i Smooth Vl1if g As Your I TV I , ' Skin VJ & m for The Bee by SHUTOUT BY SUDSTOWN TEAM Score1 is Que to Nothing; at the End r of. the Game-. CONTEST A HTCHEES' BATTLE Bat One Score Daring! the Session and 4hat la Made by Brewers in the Seeontt Inning of Contest. MILWAUKEE, July 8.-Dougherty out pitched TKroh In a' pitching duel here today, Milwaukee winning, 1 to 0. Clark's single, a wild pitch and Schalk's single in the second produced the only run of the game. Score: ' V- MILWAUKEE. LOUISVILLE. - , . AB.H.O.A.S. AB.HOAB Lciboia, cf.. 4 0 2 4 OBurcb. c(....3 0 1 0 0 Chrle, lb.. 4 4 4 4 1 Hallnun, rf . 8 9 t 4 Bandall, rf.. 1 1 0 OSttnihTr,. ltt 1 i 10 Cbap'elK, lft 1 1 t OLoinox, 3b . 4 0 1 2 0 Clsrk, lb....4 1 1 i:oBemlllir, ul till Lewlt, U....4 3 4 4 VFtthar. lb... t 111 1 0 Jonrn, lb,;.. 3 Oil OBurk 2b... 4140 8chalk. e.... 1 111 bPmrce, ....! 114 Doucb'rty. pi 1 1 4' OKroh. ..-... f 0 I 0 . : Htxcea i ,o o o o i JToUH I) I 17 li 1 ' . ToUls 8T i 24 10 1 Batted for Burke in ninth. Milwaukee 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 -l Louisville 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0-0 Two-base hit: Randall.- Three-base hit: ' Fleher. . Double play: Lewis to Jones: Left on bases: Milwaukee. 8, Louisville, 7. Bases on balls: Off Dougherty, t. Hit by pitcher, (Jones). Struck out: By Dougherty, 1; by Kroh, 4. Wild pitch: Kroh. Time: 1:43. Umpires: Hayes and Anderson. Minneapolis Takes Last of Series. MINNEAPOLIS; July 8.-Each team had men on bases in every inning of today's game, the last of the series between Minneapolis and St. Faul, which the former won, 9 to S. The game was- loosely played and filled with 'hard batting. Score: . MINNEAPOLIS. ; 8T. PACU AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A B. Clyjnar, cf.. 4 3 1 0 OButltr. .... S 8 I 1 1 AHlzer, . 4 I 1 2 OHI'cba'a, 1H till William, !bl 1 I S IPlynn rf....B'l 2 10 Roaaman, rf . 4 1 4 4 ftHofrm'aa, cf. 4 1 10 0 KIllKer. lb,,. 12 4 1 Autre, lb... 4-1 4 0 4 Farrli, U.. ,l t 0. JiRlton. .if.. 4 2 ,2 0 1 De'haBty. lf -t 4 D O- OOobifaan, 2b 4 f l l 0 OIU, lb..l.., 4. OJJ-.O OMarahsll, c. I S X 1 Allen, ...... 4 1, 8 1 lReg( .,.,..1 4 0 0 0 Llebhardt,' ' I' l--f -2 ITMcaa'ara, s' 2' V 1 ;v-f4,- ; . -. Kannar, .... I ' 0. 0' A- 1 Total!...,. 31 U n 11 SDausa. p.... I 0. 0 1.0 ' ! I0UH.....M U 24'il 4 .Batted for Marshall in ninth. Minneapolis 0 0 0 3 2 2 0 2 -9 St. Paul ,.,..(;m 2 01 0 0 4-8 Two-base hits: Rossman," Flynn (2), Hoffman, Autrey,' Goodman 2). ' Thfee base hits;. AUlaer,-. -Decannerie. Home run: Ralston. ..stolen bases; Clymer, Brur A Continatd Story in Return by "Fanan'No. 33 ; iwi a such a jTa1b&i I "huts h Fme taiO . , r - You'd Berre lt - f N6w m : j L4Tt TVU9 FOR,' 4 Y. R'XtsO OPIN roo, THevpi Hor M - A vA A yippy.-J J nVjeAMKCt THAT OE- l l f. V '- d , ftH THIS eOK.J I tfjt d. - - j 1 (l f Yji -vWiyi 7 H What PA-rreMJ M iff igwJyi? ILDIMS THE .Who but Brur Badger would have thought iT . of the natural advertising value of the foea- J-'' -- cock's spread i "Useful as well as ornamental" is hia v motto. Healthful as well as good is -' : IPiBOVM U aged, and bottled W.CHTftmM.natri ' OIAAJHA.NE8. Pkeawt BeUDMiU21 ' AotoA344 Bell Do(U21 CARL FURTH. Dwlrilmtar. 710 Soarthltkk PImcmm BDDoaaias434 AtoAS20 Cttp tAs Peerfeat confoons. Hal Gairf To WfY Altizer, Killifer, Butler. Sacrifice flies: Gill, Williams (2). Double plays: KtlU fer, (unassisted); Htnchman to ButJer; Flynn to Marshall to Morgan. Left o bases: Minneapolis, 7; St.". Paul,, 9. Hits: Off Decannerie, 8 in four innings,"wjtt , none out in the flfthj off Ka,rge 3 lh j two innings; off Dauss, 1 ln.two innings. Struck out: By Liebhardt, 8; by Decan-1 nerie. 2; by Dauss, 1. Bases on balls:. Off Liebhardt, 2; off 1 Decannerie,' 2i' off ; Dauss, 1. Hit oy pitcher: By Liebhardt, ; (Autrey); by Decanniere ..(KtlUfeU; Passed ball: Marshall. Tiioe: 2.10. Um- ; plres: HandiDoe ana D'erguson. . Brown Lose to Boston. BOSTON, July S. Boston won from St. ! Louis easily today, 5 to 1. Wood was hit j harder than usual by the Browns, but kept tire hits scattered. Score: BOSTON. ,ST. LOUIS. AB.H.O.A.E. - . . AB.H.O.A.E. ! Hooper, rf...4 '2. 0 0 OSbatten, cf., 4 0 ! 0' i Yerkea. Jb.. 3 ft 2 4 OJintiea, rt...4 l-t.l j Speaker cf.. 4 10 0 AKutlna, lb.. 41 t t, 0 ' Lewla, If.... 3 1 0 0 0 Pratt, a'.... 1 1 4 3 S Gardner, lb. 4 3 1 3 l-Laort, 2b.v4;l 13; Stabl, lb.u.l 111 0 OAuatin, 3b.. .4 1 4 0, Wagner, t:. 3 1 4 3 OHogan, If '0 3, 4 -6 Cady. c...... 3 1 t 2 0 Stephana, c.. 3 tilt! L Wood, pi.... 3 10 OAlllaoii,- p.-.f -4 4, 2 1 urown, . V y w ; Totals... ..31 11 27 15 l'Compton ...'I f 0 ;fl. ,0 ..' Total 3-f 34K'-'! Batted for Allison in eighth,. i- Boston ........ ;...$ 0 0 0 0 1 Ol'.i St. Louts 1 0 0 0 0 ,0-0 4'i4! Two-base hits: Lewis., Cady, Laporte' Three-base . hit: Gararier. Hits: Off Allison, 10 in Seven inninifs; off C. Brown; . 1 In one inning.. Sacrifice hits r Yrfees; I Wagner. Sacrifice flies.- Lewis, - Cady: ; Stolen base: Stephens! Double .play: Jantzen to Austin " to Pratt. Left on bases:. Boston, 8; St. Louis, 6. First base, on balls; Off Wood, J. First base on errors: Boston, 4; . .St ; Louts, - .l. Struck out: By Wood, 8; by Allison, ", Time: 2:02. Umpires: Dlnene and Shet- idan. , :- . . . Makes Motorcycle Marlr. . NEW TOkK, July l-Arthur .ChapplS on a trial against time traveled ' three miles in 2:03 on a motorcycle at Brlghr . ton beach tonight, clipping one and three- tirtns seconds trom the record ijeia -ok Johnny Albright of Denver.,' - Badger y-m$4: Healthful because it ia made of the purest bailey and. hops grown, and good because it is made right. Call up and have a case sent to your home. Brewed, ' only by ; Jota Gcnd Brewing G). Street iAUOOCe, WIS. Toa will want tha rnntlr sen's. . 1 IN T