OMAife Sunday Bee ' - PAST IEEEE MAGAZINE PAGES ONE TO FOUR PART-THREE - MAGAZINE' PAGES ONE TO FOUR t V VOL. XLII-NO 3. Omaha Youngsters v- t., A t '.V. "KLt f " V s. -5Vf X4 i lll-fvUW' i' mmttF 111? 1 c. " Vrt -'vrtii 1 3 I B and do$. tS?tf f lot 5 s y;y'?::;.;.ff f I If I 3 J A. OMAHA, SDNDAt. MORNING, JULY 7,- 1912. SINGLE COPY" FIVE CENTS. Enjoy Vacation at the Clubs 0 r .5 I i ml HA,.. an fiKr v ws ? nr. H 1 ! 6 uTTrnlrrr imin i i . wmw O TO - V t -i '.'.'IB ''"'V.' X.:...' .!' .. "; ' Wljs .1 1 ifd Ml. Hi 1 '- VWS J). v V '..J( tic,'; If CP ( 1 r r i ir i v; -1 rldTvard Smith . i 3osvmtihZemcpe. : Smith eoUore i 1U' H- nr 4 j r to. &.. h , r-. rfs,1 r 7 - ; : mtiX- 1 III & 5 "v' tf .-""lib- '"C IV - '1 . a. i2j ' I' . 1 ,-v . .t V .... lllir.lll ni,nr' 'bu? r ACATION days are made ! so pleakant , for: the kiddies in Omaha that they are not keen to leave for cooler cli- " , mates. even during the hot days of July and August. ' ' There are jolly picniCB in the cool shade in the parks and the woods. There are lawn parties, with gay deco rations of Japanese lanterns and flags; there are gay ' favors made of bright-colored crepe paper for the chil-. ' ' dren. In fact, the summertime seems especially. interesting. for the little ones, for they may 6tay out doors as much as they please. The entertainment committees of the different golf clubs are mak ing a special effort to give the children a good time. The Field club inaugurated the weekly matinee dances for the children, and this has become one of the most popular features of the, club. Many private parties are given each week on Children's day. Last week at the club several children who have been studying, fancy dancing gave a de . lightful entertainment for the guests. Each Monday afternoon at the Field club is given over to the children of the club members. Those who do not wish to dance may play games on the lawn or broad verandas. . ' At Happy Hollow Tuesday afternoons during the summer are' for the children. Last Tuesday the ball, room was brilliantly decorated with American flags and about eighty children were present for the dance. As a rule the girls predominate in numbers just as they do in dancing school in the winter, so it is necessary . for the girJa to dance together. However, there is one dance that is especially popu lar with the boys. When the. Barn dance is announced every lad fit the club is hustling for a partner and eager to dance. The Country club makes a specialty of holidays for the children and on the evening of the Fourth had a wonderful display of fireworks for the young people. After the larger display of fireworks each child at the club was given a pretty but harmless pin wheel, which the chil dren could light. ' "Barn Dance Boy. Schad, , Lolg Waterman-Elizabeth : Lower row, from left to right: Wal- Austin, Heleji Nolan, JPorothy Wilcox, ter Preston. Jr.; Frank Campbell, Ed- Blrthdar Party at Field Clnb. son Rich. Upper row: Ralph Camp- . Lower row, from left to right: Bar- bell, Francis Gerhart. Warren Ego. bara Burns, Ruth Grlmmell, Morris Children at Happy Hollow. SSrSSSSS'St Lower row. from left to right: Oer- gtnla Pearce, Gordon Smith, Margaret truda Genee Noble. Margaret Hamll- Harrlman, Alexander Austin, Virginia ton, Bernlce Smith. Frank Blair Herdman. s Smith. Theodore Wells, Jeannette Middle row: Charles Crow, Gretchen Mar e Landis, Adnee Hamilton, Ruth Eastman, Gordon McCauley, Louis Metz- Robert Austin, Wilbur Austin. Middle row: Virginia Moore. Alice Camillas McDonald, .. Austin fiturte. Held. Katherlne Selbv, Evelyn Cole, vant. - Vera Held . -Marlon Schall, Pleasant Top row: George Daugherty, Wll Holyoke. Millie Smith. Ham Kuhn, Harriet Rosewater Mar Top row: Bonlta McCrann, Edith gretha Grlmmell, Olga Met, Ann Ax M.cCrann, Helen Gallagher, Quelle tell, Charlotta Rosewater mm . m " v. m my r UK - -' t?f- is'-4'f - . . , - v r v ii w ' S X SV A-Jt, 4