THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, JULY 5, 1912, By Hershfield Desperate Desmond With the Aid of a Magnet the Villain Spoils Claude Eclaire's Discus Throw ) B . ..-T'aKg' ' f gte y rif wnS ws back brg '7ihrfSs iT&zL tU 22 I. KIDNAPED. 1 II.-THE SPLENDID ATHLETE. , ! HITHE MAGNET. Desperate Desmond, the International crook, has succeeded In capturing the beautiful Rosamond by distracting the attention of all the athletes. An argu ment over the Marathon rulea has ex cited them all, so Desmond rushes Rosa mond to a hiding place,, where she can remain till he baffles Claude Eclalre. WANT ADS - Want ids received at ray time, but to Insure proper classification moat be presented before 12 o'clock m. for the evening edition and before 7:80 p. in. for morning and Sunday edi tions. Want ads received after such noun will nave their first Insertion under tbe beading "Too Late to assUr.'' CASH BATEb'TSb WANT ADS. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION-One Insertion 1M cent per word and 1 cent per word for each subsequent consecutive Insertion. Each inser tion made on odd days 1H cent per word; 1.S0 per use per monui wheu ad is run without change of py. . ! ' BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births-Will and Kata Bean, hospital, twin boys; Camillo and Oenorria Uuzxellt, l?ui Dorcas street, boy; M. V. and M. V. JVinnn.-. QW Xlivh Tvf&ntV.MVAniD Street. girl; C. H. and Flora Deats, 4246 Corby street, girl; Edward and Delia Meisner, Wtf Pratt street, girl; Victor and Eva vjiii.m 193d uAiih Tkfn v.rMirt h street. girl; Charles and Etta Reynolds, U4 Sanderson street, two gins; ie ami Rose Streyer, Fifty-third and Spalding streets, girl; John and lna 'iayior, 1321 bouth Thirty-third street, boy. Jjeaths-Karl - Stefan, M years, 820 Homer street; Audrey A. Andrews, 11 MAnka t.'vi U.11.K rr-nrAntu.f mirth llrMt! James E. Eldrldge, SO years, Start Izard tireet; narry Adams, a uwjuuu MARRIAGE! LICENSES, Permits to wed have been granted the fonowing couples: iame ana Address. . Age. Jonn m. nurd. Council Bluffs i aisiv Juinaer. Council Biuus... is Walter L. Trobee. Omaha.......... A juisaoeth Strayer, Norton, Kan.......... l Joun L. Morrlssey, Omaha 24 , aue vVauclns, omana James A. Bateman, Webster City, la.. l teannette Erloksoo, Omaha si Andrew Doyle, Omaha..... Is ceuiarine Lamb, Omana 14 Mads A Lohman. Omaha to nauna riaroiasen, Fremont. ........ ...... 4 Jdtnon i. llerron, Coon Rapids, la..... ti Atertua Johnson, Coon Rapias, la Is BV1LD1NO PERMITS. . . Mrs. C. N. Moore, 2310 Ogden, frame dwelling. l&WO; u. Foi-smiui, Tuirty sixtn and Juyo aueeta, iraute dweaing,i i,w; rwsp toroa., eu bouiu 'ihmy-Urbi kireei, frame dwelling, 4uu; ir. U. J)'. biBiauek, luu6 bouui 'lentu sireei, irame unvtUUa, finb. f actory ss 'iraavs. WANTED Laundry girls, all depart- vivntA. AictdMi iuniirv. lull uaAarn Mr. 4MasifceKMfa ssa iluwwuui, THE SERVANT UIRL PROBLEM Suiira4-i.ue Mee wui run a bervaiu uin waotea Ad unui you set iu uaiureu resuiu. Ibis appuea M remaauu ut. Oiuaua, aouta Onuuia aud vuavut ttuiut. juins yuur au u Tu m.h iPnoa I tat. Ivw. WANTED Experienced girl for general bouse wora, anurui uumiy; goou Matw. Luiiarws ampioyed. jciarney iawi. ' WANTKUAn experienced girl fur gen eral housework. n Dewey Ave. Har ney lail, WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral .nousewora in laauiy oi two; tuust nave reteiencea. jura. u. o. iiakar, im O. asm bu WAA'i'ivO ikxpariencea cook, Harne w. UIRL wanted for general housework. Appiy 30ul iiainey St or phoue Jtiarney lta - n WANTED A competent girl for gen- rat housework. , Mia. Wead, Ml b. 40ta. WANTED Girl tor general housework. Appiy ian Caiuornla. ..WANTED A girl for general house work, white preferred. 20 . Mb. Har ney S8. ; ' WANTED Girl tor general housework. mail family. u jno. uu Ave., nar, sul JUlceilaaea. YOUNG women coming to' Omaha as t iraii r are invited to visit uia Xguufi tonutu's cansuan association buiiains! ai ol Mary's Ave., and 17 in. 6t. where iuy wui tm directed to suitable Doaramg p.aues or utnerwise assiatea. Juook lui bur uv:er guiae at tne Onion aiatloo. . uiKL to learn halrdresaing. OppenheUn pa. lots. 2d tioor, City National WANTED An experienced operator. luulot-Flsner billing macmne. Apply ol iica. J. L. urandeia k bona , ... .. , HELP WANTED MALE Atfeats, aleuea aaa bvltettur. WANTED Bright man with a Uttie casu ta take active interest In estao- l.aued wbuicaaie nous. Auoreas L &, AGENTS Every home wants our sp ciauy; iiuick sales; ft to 17 a day made summer leader; sample free. Western bUfpiy ana uig. Co., Prospect Ave. Kansas city. Ho. WANTED Office boy by manufactur Ing company; sute age. Address 11 401, bee. . Clerical ud Of flee. HAVE A GOOD TIME ON THE FOURTH, but be sure and tft us the next aay u looking lor a good position. 10UWU City Nat'L Bank Bldg. FULL dress suits and party dresses for sale; also lor rent, (L00 to SIM a nlgbt JOHN FELDMAN, 2QS N. 17th. D. 113. HOTEL CLERK At once; must have $2.M cash bok.. Dor.' answer unless yon mean b unices. It'ust have man quick, m. James hotel, Perry, la. Full of confidence In his strength and skill, Claude Eclalre presents a splendid picture as he stands ready to hurl the discus through the air. Our hero thinks that Rosamond's bright eyes rain In fluence upon htm, little knowing that the fair lady is at the moment locked In a dark room. HELP WANTED MALE Factory and Trade. WANTED-Cabinet makers for store fixture factory; steady work. H. Ehr lich ft Sons Mfg. Co.. St. Joseph, Mo. PAINTING, mason. carpenter or plumbing work wanted in exchange for a high grade piano, u W4, Jtee. Factory and Trades. Drug store (snap) jobs. Knlest. Bee Bldg. WE WILL c've a aood Job and tools if you will leir i tus barber trade now; hundreds of positions waiting our graduates; few wwki riqulred; call or write.- Moler Ba. jw Coliegj, 11) S. litl. St WANTED At once, first class meat cutter. J. Zoller Mero. Co., Council Bluffs, la. Ulictllsseoai. YOU CAN EARN MORE MONET In the automobile business; chauffeurs, repairmen, demonstrators, are in big de mand and. command 'age salaries; pre pare yourself In our large training shops, where you learn how to operate, repair and sell all makes of cars. National Auto Training Assn. 2814 N. Mth St., Omaha, Neb. WANTRTWITIrat.rlaaa nutrv cook. 140 per montn, witn ooara ana room. n. M. O. Cappron, Hotel Monroe, urinneu, la. wivTrn A Vtrat.Alaaa Mtltar.tnr. Must be a man of tact and experience. Ad dress Q 881, Bee. - ' YOU ARE WANTED for government position, 80 per month. Bend postal tor list ol positions open, u ranium institute, Department 217 ., Rochester N. y ' 7.000 GOVERNMENT POSITIONS OPEN. Write for list. Franklin Insu- tuta Dept. 214 P., Rochester, . I. TELEQKAPH oosltlona auaranteed you by the Union Pacific and Illinois Cen tral railroads If you gain your training in our school, practice on xu rt. wirea dress for parUculars. H. B. Boyles, Pres. Boyles Col lego, Omaha, wen. WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY AWe- hndlMl unmarrlad men between the aaes of 18 and 3t: cltlsens of United States of good ciiaracter ana temperate naDiis who can speak, reaa ana write toe . cngusn language. . ror iniormation appiy to re cruiting officer, 13th and Douglas Sts., Omaha, Neb.; 607 4th St., Stoux City, la.; 130 N. loth St.. Lincoln. Neo. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE. WAKTT1TTV7K nsirannai alf Viatt sistv vr mA UirSO VllVOiUlW VIVIIIIIBB SS, V UUUIC OfOI J- thing furnished; full particulars for dime. ra. vv jr, dim, a w, u;.jiu cyuB, miuu. WANTED 8ITUAT10N 9 BUNDLE washing. 40 cents -a dosen. rough-dry, 26 cents a doten. Web. 21S8. 1KBT Class practical nurse, narney si. BUNDLE and family wash. Guaran teed. Tel. Webster sou. HOUSE cleaning and lawn mowing; prices reasonable; satisfaction. H. 8374. UNEXPERIENCED young ladv book keeper desires position at once; can zur nlsh references, ti wu. Bee. - COLORED lady wants a place to wash dishes. Webster Z4W. WANTED A position as housekeeper; no objection to- out of town. Address F 4flS Bea ANNOUNCEMENTS DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644. GET your diamonds at Brodegaard'a. ALL will be forgiven. Mary, if you will meet me at the Sign of the Crown and tbe Golden Stairs on 16th and Douglas streets. That Is where BRODEGAARD sells those lucky wedding rlaars. D. 8. Griffith, wig mfr., 12 Frenser Stevenson, carpenter, cont Both 'phones. EL CONTENTO HABANA CIGAR. Wn .Aafttall 7C . . h. I. I . J . I . not satistactory money refunded, kiia TON DRUG CO., 160S Farnam, O.. a. OMAHA TK.NT CO. Tel. Douglas. MONEY ro Loan lj mt rate, In sums to tult. Sit Bee Bldg. 'Phone Do UK. 29UL UNION LOAN CO. S. H. Cole Sign Co. D. J768. 1316 Farnam. Twenty per cent less than Omaha prices. HUMHl UIUMIIjKE uu.. Twenty-fourth and L Sts.. South Oma..a, Upholstering, piano, turn. rep. 2804 Far, Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co, Guarantee Laundry. Fine work. D. 174. Neb. Seed Co., 1208 Jones. Both 'phones, Omaha BUI Posting Co., 191S Har. D. 20M. Bath tubs 112-60. Offerman 1110 Douglas. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. ARK1NS, 81 a UTH, UPSTAIRS. TKW. HIVW Cleaning and Dye Works J. H. Boonstra. Sr.. We call and deliver. Both phones. 1,'nn A IT'S) Eastman Goods, comnlete cxwauj .tock. Largest finishing aep&nment in xne west. THE ROBERT DEMPSTER CO., 1812 Farnam St. and 808 8. 16th 8t. Expert piano tuning, repairing, reflnlsh ing. Schmoller A Mueller, D. 162S; A-1K!&. Ed Rothery. Business and Real Estate Exchange Co. Room 818, McCague Bldg COOK WITH ELECTRICITY AND ELECTROCUTE LABOR Makea summer, cooking a Dleasure. Cooks with less expense, cooks things better, turns cooking care to restful con fidence: foods are wholesome; cooks by clock regulator; a few minutes current and the Imprisoned heat cooks the food. Bee full line. 1117 marnam. ANCHOR FENCE CO, Iron and wire fences cheaper than wood. taste a uietime. ai im. kid. r none Kea sit Western Millinery School - 627-628-629 PAXTON BLOCK. Complete course, $20. We furnish ma terial free. Hats made and trimmed. All work free. ' GRACIE MAT: Come to mamma; at least write a una. M. E. Morrill, china paint. DO Braodeis Th NOKTHRUP LETTER DUPUCATLNO Co, 60S Paxton Bik.; circular letters, any quantity; oldest eatAMlaned company; ex- pens or Muiugrapu ana neostyj. , Jealous of Claude's great athletic repu tation, Desmond concocts a mean plan to spoil our hero's discus record. The vll- ' lain poses as a pole vaulter to disarm suspicion, but to the end of the pole he has of fixed a powerful magnet, which he relies upon to do the trick of humiliating Claude.- ' ' ANNOUNCEMENTS GRANDMA'S Wild Cherry Phosphate, cheaper than . lemonade; all grocers. , AUTOMOBILES TIRE REPAIRING?? tires, we make thetn almost as good as new. Nothing but highest priced aud new materials used. AU work guaranteed. Arthur etors Auto Supply Ce., 202 Far nam. ' ' Beacom Moved Blow Outa 2318 Harney St. Tyler 1481 as well as OKfl DRUM.M0ND 2 Whits Steam cars, late models, fins conditio.!, 6W and sum. Murphy Did ltBd. OMAHA TIRE REPAIR CO. Omaha's Exclusive Tire Repair House, ui rarnam. 'rnone Tyler um. O'DONOVAN & PEASE, aaraaa. ranalr. Ing, livery and storage. 731-736 N. 24th, South Omaha Phone South 169. FOR SALIC "Welch" fiO-horseoower 1-passenger touring car with the following equipment: Mohair top, windshield. Jones' speedometer; demountable rims. Klaxon born and Prost-O-Llte tank. 'The car is in first-class condition and a bar' gain. First cash offer of 21.200 takes it Address, Van , Brunt Auto Co., Council Bluffs, la. REBUILT ST0DDARD-DAYT0NS 7 L. 7-passenger .............1700 s F. 7-passenger 1,200 S F. Limousine.. 2,100 9 A. (-passenger. ...... ........... 900 SEVERAL OTHER MAKES OF CARS AT REDUCED PRICES. J. J. DERIGHT COMPANY, 1818 Farnam St. ... Omaha, Neb. Tour TIRE EXPENSES out In two. Expert tire repairing; work guaranteed. AUTO TIRE REPAIR CO., UU2 Farnam. A TITO Repairing and Cleaning. Work Xi V tlum DM U.rn.u n.70Q( SECOND HAND AUTOMOBILES FOUR 6-pasaencer automobiles for sals cneap. nusuing uros., south Omaha. ATTRACTIONS OMAHA FTT.M K.X lth ana ueugias. Motion picture machine and film bargains. WANTED Big carnival Co. and con cessions of all kinds for G. A. R. reunion at Franklin,. Neb., Aug. 12th to 17th. Ad- dress ueo. E.' Hall, Sec'y, Franklin, Neo. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE Good, clean drug stock in country town in Missouri on main line railway. Stock and fixtures, 14,500. An nual sales, 18,000. Ill health of owner compels sale at right price. Will bear close Investigation. Address T 73, Bee. TO get in or out of business call on QANGEaTAD, 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 3477. BUTCHER'S ice box and patent oil tank lor sale, see omana Fixture and supply uo., "ztn ana Howard, uougias 2724. LAUNDRY for aale In a good, live county seat town of 2.000, 21.000 cash, bal ance on monthly payments. . Address. Y 7. nee.. - ' h . STOCK and bond house of reputation. with the best of connections, that can furnish references of corporations where Issues of stocks and bonds have been sold during the last five' years, will consider tne sale ot an issue of stocks ana Donas In corporation of - merit New projects organised and Securities sold. Horace H. Hastings & Co.; Rockefeller Bldg., Cleve land, o. ARE YOC LOOKING 1 . FOR A BUSINESS LOCATION T Ralston' Is Omaha's Manufacturing sub urb. connected with Omah and South Omaha by electric car line and macadam road. - Ralston Is on the Burlington and Mis' sourl Pacific railroads. Ralston has three going manufacturing plants and two other large lactones are In course . of construction. The three factories will furnish employment for a town ol 3,wo people. Ralston has a two-story pressed brick school building, a number of store rooms, and a country ciud of nearly 2W mem bers who have just completed a 116,000 club house. . . . RALTON offers an especially rood epening tor a bank, newspaper, bakery, drug stone and physician, boarding house, restaurant, furniture ana narware store. blacksmith shop, carriage shop, elevator ana a iiour min. Full Information for the asking. RALSTON TOWNSITE COMPANY. 909 8. 17th St Phones 2867. FOR SALE Grocery stock and butcher nusiness combined, in town of five hund red. Address Y 75 Bea - tUH BALE S26.M9 electric vacuum cleaner factory, in city of 90,000, building three sites of the best machines, on the market; win accept farm land or city property not heavily Incumbered; owner naa otner business ana can t look after it write Joe uoodman, Osceola, la. . 1100 TYPEWRITERS, all makea. 115.00, .00. 160.00. Rentals. 3 montha to. Tvns. writer Inspection Bureau. 180S Farnam St.. uoug. eiBi. -. HOTEL or restaurant wanted to lease. furnished hotel or restaurant by comaa- tent hotel man and caterer, with option of buying furnishing In the future. Ad dress Walter Green, Y 7L care The Omaha Bee.- .' Iluvmiux tinnae let Aale. : PARTY leaving city, must sell eleven room rooming house, full of roomers; ne agents, see owner. 4io N. utn St , ttoaaalac Hssns tw tale). - ONE of the largest bargains aver of fered; 20-roora bouse, good money maker, must oe aoia at once regaraieae or, price maa oner quicav rei. t7mt ixa The Persistent aad Judicious Xm Newspaper AdTerUstnc Is tba Road Business Bacoea - ; , IV.-THE HYPNOTIZED DISCUS. Having prevented Claude from scoring anything In the discus throws, Desmond, pretends to be competing in the pole vault This takes suspicion away from the scoundrel and also gives him a way of concealing the magnet, which Is forced Into the earth as Desmond throws his weight on the pole. EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL THE YEAR Comnlete courses In Business. Book keeping, Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil bervioe or saiesmananip. xne catalogue is free for the asking. Call. wrUe or phone lor it at once. Address H. x. Boyles, President, Boyles College, Omaha, Nebraska. BUSINESS PERSONALS Attoraeys. O. W. Shields. Attorney, 827 B. of Trad a Bag Manafactarers. BEMIS OMAHA BAG CO., Omaha. Neb. Chtropedlats. DR. ROT. 1506 Farnam. Douglas 6497. . Clotatiac Maaufactarere. Wear Ideal dress shirts. M. E. Smith Co. . Cornice and Steel CelUasa. CARTER Sheet Metal Works. Omaha. Creameries, Dairies and gnppliea. Fairmont's Diadem butter. Always good. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. Daaclna- eaeeiacs. SUMMER classes for beginners at MACKIES' every Monday and Friday evenings. Don t wait. , 1816 Harney. Detectives. JAMES ALLEN 312 Neville Blk. Evi dence secured in all cases. Tyler 1136. L. W. LONGNECKER. 517 Karbach Blk. Omaha Secret Serv. 428 Paxton blk. D. 1319. Dressmaking. DRESSMAKING. Tel. Harney 3999. Mrs. Hodgen, 1202 N. 27th. Phone S. 2065. QDrn A t TV Arvmom .nil nhll. dren's eiothing. 839 8. 24th. Red 6347. Terry's Dressmaking college, 20th & Far. Drattlag. Jaeobl ft Wilson, 'SI Bran.The. D. 2047. Deatlata. Bailey, the dentist. City Nat'l. P. 2368, Mach&Mach, 3d floor Paxton. D. 1085. Taft's dental rooms. 1617 Doug. D. 2186. Everything for Women. Dr. Babooek Co., 202 Wtthnell. 13 & Har. Curtains laundered. Mrs. Carmody. H 4329 Plumes Repaired UT "nsSt , Kverythlng Electrical. Electrlo lighting fix., wholesale and retail. Burgess-Granden Co., 1511 Howard. D. 681. I?T T?Ontn?TrTJAra All kinds, all Xia-uv jlxkxv J. J. kj slzeg STAND, ARD ELEC. CO., 319 S. 13th. Douglas 3831 Feed Mills and Storea. Feed, all kinds. Glencoe Mills. 2332 Isard. Florists. A. Donaghue, 1607 Far. D. 1001: A-100L HESS A SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam St. L. HENDERSON. 1619 Farnam. D. 1258. Foundries. McDonald brass and bronse foundry, alu minum, tin. lead castings. 1407 JacKson. . Moving, Storage and Cleaning. GORDON Fir enroot Warehouse and Van Co. Moving furniture, packing, fireproof storage. City office, 216 & 17th. Douglas km or lna. a-ism. Furn. Moving; 2 men, tl per hr. W. 2748. McLaud & Son Van & Stor. 3 horse Van, t men, $1.25 hr. 2 horses, $1 hr. D. 4238. W. 543. . PIANO moving. Cole's storage and ex. Vress. 1616 Capitol Ave. D. 670, A-3937. Maaic, Art and Lsugssges. ALVIN POOLE, Violin lessons. 2219 Cap. . Narserles and Seeds, STEWART'S SEEDMEN. 119 N. 16th. Opticians. . B, F. Wurn, fitting and rep'g. 443 Brandeia, Osteopathy Alice Johnson. 306-9 Erandeis The. Bldg. Katheryn Nlckelaa. 6S4-t Brandeia The. Pkotographers. Rlnehart photographer. 18th ft Farnam. Pateats. D. O. Barnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. H A. KTURf.IS rKlatrMl iltal-naV. United States foreign patents. 046 Branoeia i neater fciag. f hone u. 8468. Wlllard Eddy, 1530 City Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Printtag. Lew W.Raber, Printer, S!uiom BUM BULWJ. EWlKAWUlli UN CO U KT. Lyngstad Printing Co.. 16th and Capitol Ave. lei. ino. A-2oiM tor good printing. Steel Taalt sad Calvert Companies NEBRASKA and Iowa Steel Tank Com pany, I4tn and Nicholas. Doug. 3869. Stenographers aad toart Reporters. Myrtle A. Keller. 7m Bran. Tha D. S6S2. Rels-Hall Ptg. Co.. 109 8. 14th. Ind. A-3S24. - Store aad Office Fixtarea. WE BUT and sell anything, everything In fixtures. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., 414-16-1I 8. 12th. near Howard. D. 1724. - Teata aad Awataga. . OMAHA TENT CO. TaL Douglas 821 Trsuaka aad Salt Caaca. ' rrallisg ft sjtelnla. MM Farnam 3t " Wlaea sal Uejaara. WTXJLOW Sprtncs br, Dqoar, cigar. eaadwtofaae. Ahat Jeaaa. mi . tttA Bt VIRGINIA DABS vfase, 49a a bmrgw koO Ua. XMa Lkjejor Honsa, ta N. lets. SL . 1 '" ' " . " LIVE STOCK FOR EALE Horses aad Vehicles. Buggies, surries and ranabouts at less than wholesale price, to close out JOHNSON-DANFORTH CO.. 10th and Jones Sts. ALFALFA hay. $12 ton. Wagner. 81 N 1. Snaps in Buggies 2 delivery wagons and several choii uggy and carriage bargains. DRUMMOND 18th and Harney Sts. RFFirffiVS Baia. Horses and farm wagon horses to let by the day. 2531 Sherman Ave. Phone Webster 1136. LOST AND POUND PERSONS having lost some article would do well to call up the office ot the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It in the street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and tbe company is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug, las 48. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANT. STRAYED From Fortieth and Burt streets a dehorned Jersey cow. Notify Joe Polizzl, 808 N. 36th street and ob tain reward. MEDICAL Dr. Babcock. specialist; both sexes; 2U Withneil Bldg.. 15th and Harney Sts. SPECIALIST for WOMEN. 42 Doug. blk. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures Piles. Fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY. Bee Bldg., Omaha. Dr. Race, specialist 2323 Harney. D 3943. Ladies guaranteed remedies. 401 Ware blk. MONEY TO LOAN Salary and Chattels. NOTICE Loans negotiated on real estate, furni ture. Dlanos. salaries, etc-. Very low rates and confidential. We will appre ciate your call. BIGGEST, BEST AND UHEAfEtST. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., 8 Paxton Block. 217 S. 16th St Telephone Doug. 1411 or tod. A-1411. CHATTEL LOANS, 15 vo $100. SALARY LOANS. You can get it today of STAR LOAN CO.. 601 Paxton Block. MONEY loaned salaried people, women keeping house and others, without se curity; easy payments. Offices in 67 prin cipal cities, i oi man, au umana iai i Bank Bldg.. formerly N. Y. Life Bldg. Money on furniture, pianos and real estate at a very low rate of Interest Nebraska Loan Company Doug. 1356. 220 Bee Bldg. A-1366. DIAMOND LOANS at 2V4 and 5 per cent. FLATAU. 1514 Dodge St. Tel. Red 5619. WANTED MONEY Your Money WILL BRING YOU A GOOD INCOME If you loan It through W. FARNAM SMITH ft CO., No. 1320 Farnam St., On IMPROVED OMAHA PROPERTY. RATES RIGHT. SECURITY THE BEST. OFFERED FOR RENT Board and Rooms. O. M. E. hauls trunks. D. 611. A-2611 t-ie-oti iPT.Ti! rnnma with board: hot and cold water, large lawn, pleasant summer home; references, im so. otn jvve.- fr'nrnlsued Haviua. R A flfl A Ct 17. messenger service and DAUUJlUrj llKht hauling; prompt service; reasonable rates. Auto. Del. Mea. Co., 1716 Douglas St. Tels. D. 3946; A-3496. 1059 Park Ave., furnished room for gentleman, modern bouse; on car line. 87.50 per month. Harney Th. "T.wlHaw" rftmnlv .TtArminfltai hArthnfft thafi Ann nmr VArmin. Call. St. LoulB Chemical Co., distributers. 1920H Farnam St., zno. noon DODGE ST.-1816 Furnished rooms; day or week. MIT A TT .V furnished room, auitabla for two; easy walking distance. 1903 Capitol AVe. DOUg. NAM. LARGE aouth room, with alcove, lava tory and phone; board if desired, 2202 Howard St. Before the house is vacant before moving In. Bedbug Lockjaw guaranteed to kill bugs and eggs. St. Louis Chemical Worka Office , VfMyf Farnam St. sa Floor. Farnlahed Housekeeping Hooau. t NICE rooms, housekeeping. 111! S, Uth. THE MANUEL Two room apartment $23. The Howard, 2-room, private bath 135. 21st and Howard. TWO nicely furnished rooms. 2018 Davenport. housekeeping Hotels aad Apartments, OXFORD and Arcade, special wkly rate, Apartments aad Flats. .RjVbf n.w nindarn hrlelc steam heat; short walking distance; gas stove, reirigerator, cupooaro, wararooe; blinds; laundry; fine janitor service. Douglas 6306. A-l a-rocvm fiat no equal 238 N. Sd fit 4-ROOM modern apartment Web. i7 FOR RENT 8-room flat. 2304 Douglas St. Apply W. N. Chambers, 228 Brandies theater. s-ROOM modern flat Scargo BUs nPA N. Mtn St. 8. Omaha. Hal!. 4S Ramgei mag. u. ncs. FOR RENT New 4 sad a-room modera apartroenta. Jaat oompletitd, eornar 4U and HamUtoa Sts.; rent 817 te SB per month. JACKBON ft WKKXZLE, m Bea Bids. Having prevented Claude from scoring anything In the discus throws, Desmond pretends to be competing In the pole vault. This takes suspicion away from the scoundrel and also gives him a way of concealing the magnet, which is forced Into the earth as Desmond throws his weight on the pole. OFFERED FOR RENT Apartments aad Flats. 8-ROOM, modern flat, S2d and Popple ton, 330.00. WRIGHT ft LASBURY, 508 & 16th St. 'Phone D. 152. ' Unfurnished Rooms. 2638 Dodge, two large rooms, modern, private family. Two large light housekeeping rooms with bath; shade trees all around, S8 per month. H. 3662. 877 N. 27th Ave. Famished Houses. 7-ROOM modern furnished house for rent, West Farnam district Call Harney 4402. NICELY fur&Tsvmd six-room modern house. In South - Omaha, convenient to Omaha: piano and library to right people. Phone South 1717. COOL, shady, 4-room, newly furnished modern apartment 546 8. 31st St Web ster 3331. Six-room furnished, modern flat D. 3KM. Beeees and Cottages. $9.003 large room apartment, part mod ern, 1916 Elm St. Key next door. - Strictly modern new house. Tel. Doug las 6537. FOR RENT Large modern house, with barn or garage, located near high school and Creighton college. 2S19 Chicago St Inquire at 2623 Chicago St MAGGARD VAN AND STORAGE CO.. pack, move, store and ship H. H. goods and pianos; no charge for return dnve to office. Doug. 1496 or B-2428. SIX-ROOM house, all modern, near cars, Dundee. Phone Harney 2668. 215 S. 80TH ST. Five-room cottaere. walking distance, good location, good con dition. 161a HALL AVE.. 126.00. 7 rooms, mod ern. Vacant July L Taos. F. Hall, 433 Ramge. Both 'phones. Heases aad Cottages. ' 672 S. 28th 5c rooms, completely modern: S32.50. Hall 433 Ramge. D. 7406; A-4406. MOVINC1. packing and storing; of house hold a-oodi and pianos Is our business Omaha Van and Storage Co.. fireproof storage, i(A S. 16th, by the ' viaduct. Branch emce, sm a. ma st lei. u. tun; A-1569. FOR RUNT 7-room- modern house July L 3346 Harney St Tel. H 6309. FOR RENT 7-room, nearly new. mod ern home; 2629 Caldwell; fi5. THOMAS W. HAfcEN, ' 207 McCague. Douglas 1300. A ...I hAvnA m.&,,. In nm .liiftM. 11U. A .cut uuii.g, yivikj .ainu, vicvl.iv usut, every mod, convenience, 9 r., 845. W. 2590. ITniiiui in all parts of the city. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed and for warded: cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Gordon Fireproof Warehouse and Van Co. Tel. Douglas 394 or A-1Z14. city office. 216 S. I7th St., Bee Bldg. WEST FARNAM New brick. 5 bed rooms and 2 baths. 315 N. 33th Ave. STRICTLY modern 8-room house, rea sonable. 2911 Bristol St. , Tyler 1600. Mauer. SIX-ROOM all modern house, 327.50. 2830 Capitol Ave. Inquire next door east. NEW eight-room, modern house. 2307 So. 33d. One block from Hanacom park. Telephone Harney 2981. 112.50 5-room flat-2 blocks to car. Tel. evenings Web. 3229. EIGHT ROOM FLAT FOR RENT. Suitable for a boarding house. Being in the heart of the wholesale district; there fore a big demand for room and board. Rents for 322.00 per month. Completely furnished and will be sold cheap. Price 2250.00. Will give posesslon by July l;th. when leaving the city. Call for Mia. Kopald, 604 South 10th., St, corner How ard; first flat. . House. 1306 North 25th. street; 5 rooms, modern, 817.50. DESIRABLE flat. 8 rooms and bath, walking distance, block from St Jonn's; corner lot 2305 Cass 815 Seven rooms, close to car; cherries and apples. webBter boffl,' 1107 S. 22D, 6-lr., mod. ex. heat good house, water paid, walking distance, iw. 4106 N. 17th, 7-r., add mod.. $27.50. 622 N. 19th. 7-r.. all mod.. 830. 3215 N. 2fith St, 7-r., mod. ex. heat 821. 406 N. 26th, 5-r., mod. ex. beat 82a 2215 Leavenworth, 5-r, all mod. flat 825, 2423 Maple, 8-r., all mod., 827.50. 2913 Mason. 12-r.. all mod. brick, 840. 1328 Park Ave., 8-r., mod. ex. heat and barn. 836. BIRKETT ft TEBBENS. 423 Bee Bldg. . Douglas 4754. A-1754. (5 per mo. 3 to 4 rooms. Tel. D. 2707. 608 So. 26th Ave. rooms, modern St. Louis flat Easy walking distance. S. P, Bostwick, 218 So. 17th. Tyler 1506. 4323 Patrick Ave.. 6-r. all mod, 825. 2606 N. 26th, 6-r. part mod., 815. 2413 Burdette. 6-r., part mod. 818. 2522 Rees St, 6-r., 810. BEMIS-CARLBERG CO., ' 310-12 Brandeia Theater Bldg. . Storea and Offices. r- . . J m.,1 MirV arifti flvfiirAK' central, cross-town; no equal. 220 N. ZA. cvrtPTT.rwr lAotlnn fnr rhIH narior. fiAvowuH". - - ' in heart of city; owner will redecorate. Call Harney 919. Store, 320 S. Uth St. 20x46. Tel. D. 622a 1606-07 Davenport U. B. Balcombe. MTAGUE BUILDING. 15TH AND DODGE. Attractive office; moderate prices. APPLY OMAHA LOAN AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION. : a-N -v-a T- TfavT "r Vm wtaktssr mrulaFVl stttaa g Ji AA" VUA 1V w AivM4 aa swt rooms, corner 43d and Hamilton Sts: good location ior an j aihu w a.. mm.i.-, modern apartments above. JACKSON ft M KEWtlK. "A gum Dim. DODGE HOTEL, all requirements ot a flrst-claaa hotel, at reasonable prices. OFFERED FOK SALE Farattaure. . Lmaiana Furniture Store closing out furniture, ice poxea, etc. mws vumina. - Maaieavl lAiatranaeata. ; FOB SALE A new 83 Vletroia. has narea Deen neia. li interested aas nr prkM. M SL Be offlca. "Ay ban the boy!'' cries Desperate Des mond, "and your Claude ban bunk hero, by yimminy." The villain opens the door of Rosamond's prison long enough to show her Claude s score"." The brave girl can hardly believe her eyes. More dark deeds tomorrow. OFFERED FOR SALE , Typewriters. tjh-mt fmm the Tnntiuf acturers direct No. 3 Oliver typewriter, 3 months, $4.00 'Phone Douglas wi. ine uuver wrlter Company. Miscellaneous. R Airrcs Overstocked' with second-hanA safes; all slses and makes; bargains. American supply uo., mu r arnam au RI.APK rasnberrles. S. S. King, Ben son. Neb. Phone Benson 328 W. nvkT a at. it Naw . nH aacnnd-hsjid carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix tures of all kinds; easy payments. Tha Brunswicx-uaiKe-vOueuuer ..- South 10th street POOL tables, store, restaurant, fixtures bought sold. Levy, 2510 N. So. Omaha. OLD SAFES, PKftlGHT, 1818 Farnam 8t. rvM gat. in PUPAP Th lnmhr In tha, A J A , UnWIJ, A A J . . i .aw " " platform used at the grocer's picnic at Dltr.mrlAi nnrlr Tt la flaw and In food. condition, f none uougiaa ow. VOR RAI.SV-Sacond-hand brick, lumber. wtnrinwa. rinors. CastellaT school house, 18th and Castellar. PER90NAL . 63-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Bexten Pharmacy. 12th and Dodge. vttat. massaae. vital bath. Dr. Anna D. Fisher, 401 Ware biocK. 3Ui . ietn. thf. a A T .VATTOM ARM1 aollclta cast off clothing; in fact, anything you do not need. We collect repair and sell at 134 N. 11th St, for cost of collection, to the worthv uoor. Phone Douglas 4125 aud wagons will call. iin.iA.n.1. RAtitv narlors. Kathryn Lane Daly. 113 S. 16th. 2d floor. P. 8427. Massage. Mrs. Rlttenh se. 308 Boston Bid. Its; A fifi wnnTTT h'.R PV Salt &low and 1UAAUUUVXAAAJA.A Massage. Mma. Allen of Chicago. 109 S. 17. 1st fl. D. 7666. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at Seventeenth awf St Mary's Ave., where thwy will be directed to suitable boarding places, or otherwise assisted Look for our travelers' aid at the Union v n - iVl A k l S scientific maa ii.'.l. LI- ilUUilVO ggge Far nam. Davidge Blk." Att 3. Bed 7629, WE RENT and repair all kinds ot .ow ing machines. Ind. A -1663; Douglas 1662. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. 15th and Harney Sts. Bath sea salt massage, 109 So. Uth St XI AYlMFTTf! treatment. E. Brotl, 71 M.AUJN Jillt' s, 16th. nop,., p. sat. MASfSlAflF. Swedish movement. Ap t MAi30AUi 2 m2 Farnam. D. 6240. BATHS. Swedish massage. Mrs. Snyder. No. 3, The Dunsany, 10th & Pierce. D. 4380. MASSAftR Expert treatment, Mia. GRACIE MAT: Coma tn mamma! a least write a line. Mechano-Theraohv 222-223 Nevilla Rile. D.-7761. LIVE STOCK MARKET OF WEST ' Ship live stock to Soutn Omaha. Save mileage and shrinkage. Your consign menu receive prompt and careful atten tion. Live Stock Commission aferekaata. Byers Bros, ft Co. Strong and responslbla WOOD BROS., 234-38 Exchange Bldg. Great West. Com. Co., Omana ft Denver. Clay, Robinson & Co.. 200 Exchange Bldg. CLIFTON Com. Co.. 322 Exchange Bldg. Martin Bios. & Co.. Exch. Bldg. TAGG BROS., handle cattie. hogs, sheep. REAL ESTATE LOANS WANTED- .ty loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith ft Co., 1320 Farnam St. a CITY LOANS. Bsmie-Carlberst u7 Co. 810-312 Brandeis Theater Bldg. GARVIN BRO&feWaan OMAHA property and -Nebraska land. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 New Omaha Nat'l Bank Building. LARGE loans our speciality. Stull Bros. LOAM S Farm and city property, J. H. Dumont A Son. 1602 Farnam S. (100 to (10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead. Wead RMg.. ISth and Farnam. Wanted farm loans. Kloke Inv. Co., Oma. MONEY to loan on business or resi dence properties, (1,000 to (500.000. W. H. THOMAS, 503 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. WANTED TO BUY WE BUY anything in store and office fixtures. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., 12th and Howard. Douglas 1714. Highest price paid for men's cast-off clothing. 521 No. 16th. Douglas 7736. Best prices old clothes ft shoea Web. 5148, FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE TO EXCHANGE Good smooth land and new well rented town property for stock of general merchandise well located in eastern Kansas, .Nebraska or western Iowa; can use large stock and might put in some cash If stuff is good enough; glvo full details in first letter. Address Box L. Selbert Colo. FOUR rooms, furnished complete, wlil trade tor horses or wagons. 410 S. 27ta Ave. FOR EXCHANGE Want Southern California property for good, clear Omaha. Address US West 42d St, Los Angeles. Cat-- .. . WILL take one-half trade for two houses,- modern, in South Omaha, close in; rent (45; clear; best title, C. Stock. Kearney, Neb., REAL ESTATE ABSTRACTS OF T1TLAV Reed Abstract Co., oldest abstract of fice In NebriAaka. 208 Brandeis Theater. MOU.JJKK' UirOKMAlIOW. Ideal Cement Co.. 17th and Coming Sts. Fueha, Son ft Bund, pain ting, decorating. H. Groaa, him. wreck-g. plb. 2t ft Paul. ACRSA4UB FOR SAtC ( ACREAGE BARGAINS near Omaha. OAs & Merrill. 12U City Nat. Bank Bldg,