Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 04, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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If you
' Yictor-Vicbrola brings into yow home, you
wouldn't i be without one for a single day.
Any Victor dealer in
11 lw
Nothing Pown
gift a Week
u II uWl
Nebraska Cycle Co.
any city in the world
will gladly play any
music you wish to hear.
$15 to $200
Victors, $10 to $100
Victor Talking Machine Company
Camden, N. J.
CEO. E. MICKEL, Manager
1 5th and Harney Sts., Omaha J
334 Broadway, Council Bluff 'ssfi'
Vktor-Victrola XVI, $200
Mahogany or quartered oak
'You'll always find a comP,ete HmO-Wo
line of Victrolas and Victrola Ullldlld 0
ttecoras in our new vivuuia rr
Parlors In connection with Piano (J
Department, Douglas Street En
trance. Call and See Us.
Popular Victrola Store
I kt n n ! rf 1(5) mn
i ui i mi in i ini mi i v i r n l i ivi
in (! y m is uo mma
Free Concert Every Noon from
12 M. to 1:30 P. M. Hear the
world's greatest artists on the
Victrola. Spend your noon hour
with us. All are cordially invited.
Convicts at Port Madison Tell Who
Shot Edward Gressor.
Man Who Killed Woman and Him
self Now Said to Hare Shot
Farmer Seven Year.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
, PES MOINES, July 3.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) The mystery of the murder of
Edward Gressor near this city has been
Cleared up since the death of Walter
cott last week and It Is now regarded
In police circles that Scott was the
tnurderer. Gressor, a farme, was found
head south of the city seven years ago,
having been shot by someone from a
bistance. Now two of Walter Scott's pals,
Frank Hart and Hugh O'Donnell, both
In prison at Fort Madison, unite In say-
Ing that Gressor was killed by Scott for
honey, and that Scott told them about it.
frhey claim they had never told the story
while Scott was alive for fear of him.
He had killed Myorrls Shea, a saloon
keeper, a some years ago. Last week he
killed a woman and then himself.
WUaon Celebration.
Local democrats have called a meeting
to arrange for a celebration in honor of
Wilson's nomination and have sent urgent
Invitations to Bryan to be present . They
expect to have a state-wide meeting here
very oson and to organise at once for
the campaign.
Fight Over Justice. Fees.
Polk county will lay claim to about
$6,000 due from Justices of the peace
as the result of Investigation made of
unpaid fees chiefly by two of the jus
tices. One of them is now on the city
council. The county discovered that large
sums In fees had never been turned over.
(Continued from First Page.)
Absorbs Offensive
kOsaHr Keeps Ever; Stiiia Drj
"Oh, glory! Perspiration troubles gone
brever! No more sticky stockings no
hore wilted collars no more soaking wet
foots at the armpits! "Absorblf has stop-
!ed all that I can wear any. weight
lofhlng now-In any weather-in any ln
oor atmosphere, i can mingle with the
Irowds without being conspicuous In
ftreet cars, theater, at the dance, any
frhere.'.' "Absorbit," a new and wonderful sclen-
iflc , discovery, quickly dispels noxious
ody moisture not by stopping persplra
on, but by Instantly absorbing and neu-k-allzlng
it. Women who acquire the
Ubsorbit" habit can say good-bye to
insanitary dress shields no more soppy,
Kreaked, faded, discolored spots and
loley places, no more rotted fabric and
prsplration-rutned garments for them!
- "Afeeorblt" ii eulljr applied a pad for the
lurpoee in Ttry box. Get It today jou" 11 never
e without It At your drugflft'e, So or tend
mount to Von Vogel Laboratories, Chemical
.ids;, CMcate, I1L Sold hen and recommend
id br Sherman A UeConnell Drns Co., oomar
Isth and Dodge; Mth and Harner; 24th and Far
ias aU Loral Pharmacy J07-S Nc 1Kb St.
tion has been similar. Although I have
supposedly been the representatve of the
secretary in his dealings with nineteen dif
ferent bureaus and divisions of the treas
ury, I have not been allowed In the ag
gregate a total of more than one hour's
conversation with him, Including private
interviews and conferences in the pres
ence of others, during the entire last year.
Meanwhile I have sent him hundreds of
letters and memoranda, asking a decis
ion in regard to matters urgently pending.
On very rare occasions I have received
a reply within a short time; In a few
cases the reply has come only after the
lapse of & month; in many cases only
after a lapse of several months, (when
not infrequently the matters had already
settled themselves); but in the majority
of cases I have received no reply at all.
Yet -like the other officials mentioned,
who have refused any opportunity for
personal conferences, I have been
promptly criticised for any decision made
or action taken.
Department 1. Demoralised.
"The conduct of business tn A depart
ment under such conditions Is, of courBe,
Impossible. The energetic young men
whom Mr. MacVeagh was wise enough
to select as heads of various divisions
have been hampered and discouraged at
every turn by his idiosyncrasies, his as
tounding capacity for procrastination,
his Incapacity for decision and Jie pecu
liar moods of suspicion and aversion to
which he is constantly subject" .
"There has never been a time since
I have been in the treasury when he
has not labored under the delusion
that some of those who were working
loyally and conscientiously for him
were in a cabal conspiring against him.
This has led him to treat some of his
most efficient aides with harsh in
gratitude and with a lack of consider
ation that was little short of brutal.
Mentions Other Officers.
"My experience in these matters Is
only the familiar experience of the
majority of treasury officials. Mr.
McClung, the treasurer of the United
States in April of the present year,
found the delays, Indecision, diBtrust and
complaints of Mr. MacVeagh so intoler-
able that he brought the matter to Mr.
Hllles atention in the hope that you
might offer' some method of relief. Mr.
Ralph, the director of the bureau of
entravtng and printing, and Mr. Mur
ray, the comptroller of the currency,
have on several occasions with difficulty
been dissuaded from an Intention to
resign, due to no other reason other
than their lamentably unsatlfactory
relations with Mr. Macvengh. I am
told the same is true of Mr. Cabell, the
commissioner of internal revenue.
"For the foregoing reasons, whereby
the transaction, of all business pertain
ing to my office has become practically
lnipoaslM. I beg with Infinite , rcrt
te place, .my . resi&naticii as assistant
relations with Mr. McVeagh. I am
la his letter to Secretary MacVeagh
the assistant secretary plainly tells his
chief his reasons for resigning. He says
In part:
"Your disposition, methods and point
of view are such as to render Impossible
any real co-operation or any satisfactory
transaction of the government's business.
Until recently I have continued to hope
of the treasury In your hands."
to the transaction of the government's
business might change for the better,
but your peculiar disposition in this re
gard has continued to grow so as now
to render quite impossible any substan
tial accomplishment'
Resignation Was Requested.
'a he White House tooay made public a
statement written by President Taft:
"Mr. Andrew's resignation as assistant
secretary of the treasury was requested,
submitted and accepted in view of his
failure to obey orders given him by the
This was the only comment President
Taft had to make.
Home Propose. Investigation.
A congressional investigation of Secre
tary MacVeagh's administration in the
Treasury department is impending as tKfe
result of a row of long standing between
the secretary and one of his assistant
secretaries, A. Piatt Andrew, which cul
minated today In Andrew's resignation.
Representative James Cox of Ohio to.
day Introduced a resolution proposing a
complete investigation of Mr. MacVeagh'
Wall Street Much Surprised.
NEW YORK, July 3.-WaU street was
taken completely by surprise at the an'
rmncement of the resignation of Assist
ant Secretary Andrew.
Soon after the news became known the
nmmci, wmcn nau opened wun general
advances, suddenly became reactolnary
and all early - gains were wiped out.
Declines from the best figures of the
first hour Included Reading-, 2; Union
Pacific X, Lehigh Valley, 2, and United
States Steel, 1. There was some recov
ery from these prices, but the market
continued heavy and uncertain.
gxessive democratic party will triumph
over the president and his predecessor. ,
Old classmates from near and far sent
messages of good will. Some were bub
bling with enthusiasm.
"Hooray," wired . one ecstatic follower.
"School has begun, and thus endeth the
first lesson."
YANKTON, July S.-(SpeclaLW. D.
Perry of Pike, Colo., who came here
from Hot Springs less than a week ago,
dropped dead Monday night in front of
the Merchants hotel, where he was stay
ing. He was about 60 years of age and
had complained during the day of feel
ing ill. A wife has been communicated
with at Pike View. There are no chil
dren. Mr. Perry was making some sand
borings here with the intention of starting
a pressbrlck plant and was very enthus
iastic over the prospect. Odd Fellow and
Redman cards and emblems were found
on the body by the coroner.
(Continued from First Page.)
I write shorthand. I have written it for
forty years. I taught myself how when
I was 15 years old.
Wilson Const tula tea Marshall.
The governor today sent the following
telegram to Governor Marshall:
"Sincere congratulations. I shall look
forward with pleasure to my associa
tion wtih you." ....
The governor also gave out the follow
ing statement:
"Governor Marshall bears the highest
reputation both as an executive and as
a democrat and I feel honored by having
him as a running mate. He is, I am
happy to say, a valued personal friend
of mine as well as a fellow democrat"
Charles F. Murphy, leader of Tammany
hall, wired: .
"Permit me to extend my bearty con
gratulations. Your nomination means a
great democratic victory."
William J. Connors of Buffalo wired:
"A splendid fight won the right way.
I congratulate you and the democratic
party upon your nomination."
Perry Belmont: "My slncerest congrat
ulations. Under your leadership a pro-
LINCOLN, Neb., July 3.-The Lincoln
Dally Star, politically independent, in a
leading editorial, will this evening an
nounce its advocacy of the candidacy of
Wilson for president and of the dem
ocratic platform.
was between 14 and 15 years old and was,
with a few companions, going to a ball
game at Clark's Grove south of Rushvllle
on the river.
COUDERAY, Wash., July 3.-Crawling
on the ground, calling for water and
nearly dead from thirst, hunger and
exhaustion, Ray Argetslnger, agcjfl 3,
was found today In the timber near
Devil's lake, in the Couderay Indian
reservation. The lad disappeared Bun
day noon and had been wandering In
the woods without food. Chippewa
Indians trailers led searching posses to
the lad.
CLEAR LAKE, la., July S.-(8peclal.)-Arthur
Carr, living about eight miles
northwest of this city, had a valuable
team of horses killed by lightning this
afternoon. One inch and a half of rain
fell, accompanied by a heavy wind, and
a lot of small grain was so badly lodged
that the worst of It will be cut up and
used as grass. Farmers say that it makes
a splendid feed.
Boy Is Victim of Lightning.
RUSHVILLE, Neb., July S. (Special.)
The boy erroneously reported as struck
by lightning last Sunday as John Buck
minster is a son of the latter. The body
was interred at Gordon yesterday. He
Note, from Deshler.
DESHLER, Neb., July 3. (Special.)
The Deshler Light and Power company.
with Bokankamp Bros, as the principal
stockholders, expect to soon Install a
light plant In Deshler. It will be steam,
direct connection, with ample power to
operate the broom factory, mill, elevators
and smaller plants and furnish light and
power to farmers and neighboring towns.
"Ted" McGraw, the barber, who dis
appeared from Deshler about four years
ago was drowned near Byron, 111., Tues
day of last week, where he went by the
name of McGulle.
Trainmen Hart at Hampton.
HAMPTON, la., July S.-(8peclal Tele-gram.)-Three
trainmen were Injured,
none of them fatally, when a south bound
Rock Island passenger train ran Into an
open switch two miles south of here to
day. The injured are George Golden,
engineer; Bert Potter, fireman, and J.
L. Lee, baggageman. The engineer
jumped. The engine tank and baggage
car left the track and delayed traffic for
several hours.
The Persistent and Judicious Use of
Newspaper Advertising is the Road to
Business Success.
Plttsliara-h Banker Granted Divorce.
PITTSBURGH, July 3.-A decree of
divorce has been grunted to Andrew W.
Mellon, the Pittsburgh banker, from
Nora McMullin Mellon, according to
the record In the office of Prothonotary
W. B. Kirker, completed here today.
The original petition contained serious
charges but the divorce was granted on
the ground of desertion.
Sample Appointed Cashier.
WASHINGTON, July S.-James A.
Sample; of South Bend, Ind., was today
appointed cashier of the United States
treasury. The office has been vacant
since the resignation of Edward B. True,
more than a year ago.
Fourteen Miner. Killed in Germany.
ESSEN, Germany, July 3. Fourteen
miners were killed today by an explo
sion of fire damp in one of the pits
of the Osterfeld colliery, near Oberhau-sen.
Serlons Laceration.
and wounds are healed, without danger
of blood poisoning, by Bucklen's Arnica
Salve, the healing wonder. Only 25o. For
sale by Beaton Drug Co.
Well regulated scientific methods
must always result in pure, clean
and sanitary products. Exactly so!
Blatz possesses all of the to-be-expected virtues
of good beer. Back of which are its peculiarly
distinctive, time-honored qualities. Therms a deli
cate, but pronounced flavor of hops that m itseif
captivates the particular beer drinker.
By all means have a case
or Blatz in your home.
802-810 Douglas Street Omaha, Neb.
Phonti Dougtai 6662
- " mote
A Mao Feels Badly
if his motor stalls. It's
worse still for a woman.
To be sure of your engine,
you must be ure of your
lubrication. Ask In any
garage and you will find a
large percentage of motor
troubles can be traced to
faulty lubrication.
POLARINE OIL gives full,
uniform lubrication , under
all conditions. . , ' .,
It leaves no carbon de
posits. It saves you all the
troubles of foul valves and
POLARINE is the best oil
for all makes of motors.
It is especially recom
mended to women motorists
because It is so reliable.
R.nd for to. Polari&a booklet i
free, post-paid; any agency,
Standard Oil Company,
should know about the
Marvel "Whir ling Spray"
Best safest most convenient.
Cleanses instantly'.
If year druggist cannot supply the
MAKWSL, send stamp tor illustrated
book sealed, contains airectlo.
Invaluable to ladies.
44 East 23rd Street
New York
For sal. by Sherman h KoOoantU
Drag Co. Mail orders solicited.
Mas. WiirsLow's 6ooTHreo Svaer baa been '
used for over SIXTY YEARS by MILLIONS of '
n the best remedy for DIARKHCEA. It U ab
solutely harmleea. Be sure and ask for "Mrs.
VVinslow's Soothing Syrup," and take tn edict '
lind. , Twenty-five cents a bottle..