THE BSE: OMAHA,-WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 1912 i VARIED 'PLANS FOR f FOURTH All Outdoor. Clubs Have Prepared Programs for Celebrations-. ; : mEWORKS'AT COTOTRY CITJB Mio at tbe Frke Aaaatl Even!, Base Ball, Golf, Teaata and Cricket Help to Fill Oat tbe Day. With all sorts of pyrotechnic display athletic stunu and picnic eclat, a strictly "safe and sane" Fourth will be observed in Omaha this year.. At the summer Sparks and amusement havens "spreads" and the lure of the band concert will hold the boards, while at the numerous out door clubs programs featured with ath letic events, dinners and dancing will be . Jn vogue. '. ' ' Choosing a very impropriate. ' occasion the Seymour Lake Country club, will hold : Its formal opening in the afternoon with a program of aquatics, tennis and ''golf. Dinner and dancing, will 'hold full sway during. the evening. t ' ' ' l Residents- In the vicinity of Twenty sixth street and 'Amea. avenue, most of 'whom are members bt the Prairie Park ; club, win be kept bnsy with a program .beginning, at 6 o'clock in the morning 'with a noise-making series of flre : cracker .salutes -and .continuing through . a day of historic pageants. ' foot races and tennis matches until the evening when , a gorgeous display of everything from a. "pin wheel" to a fifty-ball, Roman ; candle will be held.-- - - t Youngsters and parents of the West Harney club will . observe a - strictly "sane" celebration' and woe' to Johnny If he starts whooping It. up with, a blank pistol or a giant cracker. . . The trio t of outdoor clubs. Country, Field an Happy Hollow, will all cele jbrate In appropriate fashion. A (600 dis play of fireworks, a blind bogey golf contest and a dinner dance will be the main features at the' Country club) while the Field club will have a card of golf 'and tenrils iri addition to a dinner dance 'In the evening. A bogey flag contest. In 'charge of Charles Johnson, club profes sional, mm -be- the principal sport feature at Happy Hollow with dinners and danc ing In the evening.' .:' ' One of the unique sport stunts of the day, will be a cricket match between two .picked teams of the Omaha Cricket club .at Miller ..parki The' Wlfler' Park Golf club will have special golf events for .the afternoon with a plcnlo "spread" In - the evening. . Down on the shores of Carter lake the Dieta club, association summer park and Rod and Gun club will observe the day with boating, swimming, yacht-, .'lng, ball games and tennis matches. The 'Diets club program Includes everything from a -fifty-yard fat man's race to a 'women's open air basket ball game. Nurses' Association ' to Open Baby Camp Wednesday Morning Under the supervision of the Visiting Nurse association, the summer baby camp will open this morning 4n Elmwood park. The camp Is nearthe Leavenworth street entrance and is about half a block from the car-line.- Saturday will be the big day at the camp this week, at which time a large picnic will be held for mothers and chil dren. The affair Is planned. so. that the older children may- enjoy an outing and also that the mothers may become familiar with the work of the Visiting Nurse association. -. This year the ' camp Is- to be open only during the day time, all of the children, accepting -the babies is to be open only during tbe day time, air of the children, excepting the babies pot able to be removed, to. return borne In .the evening. The camp will be open from I in the morning until 8 In the evening and will be in charge of Miss Milan Stuff, assisted by Miss Robinson. Later the corps of nureses will be in creased as the needs demand..'' The Visiting Nurse association will con tinue its visits to the homes of the sick babies who are. not able to be sent to the camp. Phone Management Remains Unchanged There will be no change In the manage ment of the Independent Telephone com pany in Omaha until after the court has confirmed the sale of the. company prop erty to the Bell people. .." This is not' ex pected to take place within thirty days of the date of the sale. - Until that tlmo Receiver Lysle L - Abbott will manage the affairs of the company Jurt as he did since the decree of foreclosure ap pointed him as special master. After the, Nebraska Telephone , company will arrange for tbe management of the Inde pendent In connection .with the manage ment pf tbe. Bell. . , ..... As just what rate the bonds held by the Bell people will be accepted as payment on their purchase of the Independent is not yet determined. 4 Receiver Abbott says the bonds must necessarily be ac cepted at the same, per. cent as that borne by , the purchase price of the Inde pendent company to the entire outstand ing -issue. The decree almply provided bonds In the Independent company might be used as payment In the purchase of that company,, but left it for further de velopments - to determine at what per cent on the dollar these bonds were to be received. . , Across- the river the Omaha Gun club will bold a IOC-target shoot with a "jack rabbit" division of money. ) Several small: plcnlo gatherings and i family groups will hie themselves to IHanseorn,. Rivervlew, . Elmwood, Fon tanelle,' Cordovia, Lakeside,. Hlbbler's iajid other parks, for a quiet day away from the noise and glamor of the city. ' t (Krug Park, Courtland Beach and Lake Manawav will all put on an extra force ;of helpers, to accommodate the crowds during the day. - ,-; . t City Starts Campaign 1; to Mow DowirWe&ds f. riYe hundred dollars- has -been' appro prlated by the ,clty.,.counolJ to. be. ex pended In a weed cutting campaign. An ordinance . directing that city prisoners be employed at this work has been drawn and may be passed but councilman and City Clerk Flynn are of the opinion that .it would not help the sltaton. ' "I've had some experience with working prisoners; said Flynn. "and found that I could do more with two or three paid men than with all the prisoners in the city Jail during the summer.' The're so laiy. the, weeds grownup .around them 'lhrat'wrl(.M ;:('. -f ', 'Divers. method pf. forcing property ew. " jp cut Jheir weed's were suggested, among' them being a heavy jail sentence. Comhils'siQner, Ryder ' sad, the, "resident Property Owners' obeyed inscriptions and cut their'weeds 'hut It was found almost impossible to ior'ce non.-rsldengr to clean up theic vacant lots and their lawns. General Demurrer . is Fileby McKeen Following a ruling by JudgeV Troup that Ci W. Hull has a right to make w. R. McKeen a codefendant In the suit against Mrs. McKeen for annulment of an alimony contract, McKeen .has filed a demurrer to the suit. ; ' When Hujll charged conspiracy Mrs. McKeen said there could be no mirh charge unless a co-consplrator- should be nemetf. This forced Hull to name Mo Keen, who promptly demanded that hit name , be stricken from .Hull's amended suit y Had this been done Hull's suit would have been struck In a viutl nnot. but jthe court refused to make such an McKeen now flies a general dmurrr It - probably win not be argued before autumn. , i Emergency Hospital ; C Opens September I Dr. R. W. Conrtell has announced that the Anna Wilson Emergency hospital will be ready for occupancy September 1.S Th building Is being remodeled' and repaired. Dr." connell says It will be entirely Up. to-date, being modeled after emergency hospitals -which the doctor visited during a recent trip through the' east. SEVERAL CHANGES MADE IN THE POSTAL SERVICE .At the beginning of the fiscal year. July 1. several changes were made In the assignment of the clerks at the post office. J.-. D. Bhort, who was superin tendent of the Union Station branch., is assigned to the city distributing divl slon, and C. W.s Kalteier is to succeed him at the Union station. F. P. Morgan In .to become record clerk In. tbe office of Superintendent of Malls Mettlen, to succeed J. ,; p. Johnson. Johnson hu been assigned to the mailing division. In place of Edna V. Alford, Anthony A Beckman ;as been made, stenographer to :the superintendent Miss Alford Is to go to the Union station branch as clerk and stenographer la .place of Jwight C. . Edson, who goes to the elty distributing division. - "Wl J. Brown, foremen of the city distributing division, who has gone to Florida on a six-month leave, Is suc ceeded by J. P. O Connor. . THIES PAYS FINE FOR ; vv.- . v ;i SHOOTING AT SQUIRRELS Henry Thles,' Seventeenth and Canton streets, takes great pleasure In-sitting im his front porch shooting at squirrels with a revolver. Monday misssd ,a squirrel which was sitting In the tree In Mrs. J. F. Patterson's yard. 1708 Can ton street The. bullet, broke a window In Mrs. Patterson's bouse and she-swore out s complaint-for his arrests" He waa fined"t2S--Tt3tft costs Is pollcs sours. Ms paid lho fine, RAIN TO.DtPTH OF. 3.09 INCHES FELL IN JUNE , The month Qf June.Just closed had much' more rain than the 'corresponding month during the last two, years, although con siderably less than the normal amount for this month. The normal precipitation for June in, Omaha Is 5.06 inches. .The June just closed had . 8 09 Inches, while June, 1911, had O.M Inches and June, 1910, only. 0.13 Inches. The greatest precipita tion for any twenty-four .hours of the month occurred on the 12th and 13th, when 16S .Inches fell. The highest tem perature,, reached hi the month was 07 degrees, which was reached June 28. The lowest occurred on the 7th, when the theremometer went down to 6l degrees. The mean temperature for the month was 69 degrees, being Only It degrees, below the normal for June. .The average velocity of te winds for the month 'was 7 miles per t;our,, although the wind reached a velocity of thirty-four miles .per hour for a time on June 90. There were ten cloudy days, , eleven clear , days and nine partly cloudy. VOLUNTEERS OF AMERICA v , DISTURB LODGE MEMBERS Superintendent Ryder has been assigned by the city commission to, the .duty of arbiter between a lodge that holds, forth in the Continental building and the Volun teers tof America, who bold ..nightly . re vivals on the corner of Fifteenth and Douglas,'. . . ' ... C. H. T. Blepen sent a petition to the council demanding that the "Volunteers of3 America" be forthwith forced to re frain from beating drums and singing In loud voices. f He said tbe members of the lodge across the street had to frequently suspend business proceedings until the re ligious ardor of the revivalists abated. In his communication Rtepen requested the removal of the Volunteers to some other street corner.-' He asserted that 1,000 people were disturbed by them. Ryder has not decided oh' a line of aotlon. THftEE'AFE HELD FOR ' AIDING DELINQUENCY Mas Davis, proprietor of' the Atlantic hotel at 1407 Cass street; Clarence Wlese and Arthur Podalek were . arraigned In police court tor aiding and abetting a de linquent child, Alha Holla way,, The Davis woman and.Podalak took a continuance. The testimony of Atha Hollowsy, who Is but IS years of age and lives with her parents at S51 North Eighteenth street showed that Wlese" had registered with hef at the AUantlo hotel a week ago last night as' man and wife. v " The Holloway jglrl was tried In the juvenile court last Saturday and ordered sent, to Jthe Genoa Industrial school., ,. BURGLAR USES CHAUFFEUR'S ; GUISE IN MAKING ALLS Aroused from sleep shortly after mid' night Norah Lynch, i7 North Twenty eighth street saw a man armed .with a large revolver standing In the doorway of her room. Her screams attracted the other members of the family and scared the Intruder away. - The burglar was a young man.-. He wore an automobile cap, coat and a pair of goggles. . ... - ..." ;... ....r1-. .-. t : .. -i .The Persistent and Judicious Use of Kewer-'Advertislag is thsRoad. to Business Buccass f ..:..... . Spec'l Prices on Flags ORKIN BROTHERS COMPANY, Successor to 16TH AND HARNEY STREETS Prices Flags Two Days' Shopping Must Be Done Wednesday 3tore Closes All Day Thursday, Jfuly Fourth Parasols for the Fourth Most stores do not think of cutting the prices onummer. parasols until a long time after the Fourth is over, but . this big sale of the Bennett stock enables you to get the parasol , you want at . less . than half of its actual value just when you need it the most. - . In each lot you. will find plain centers with fancy borders, iancy centers .with plain . borders, , en tirely plain . and handsomely em . broidered; as you may , wish. , There's a great variety of the very latest handles for your choos-. . lng, too. , Here'i how they're priced: : Up to $2.00 Values, 79c Up to $3.50 Values, $1.49 Up to $5.00 Values, $l!98 Popular Books 25c Thousands of $1.50 books ; just what you want for a holiday's reading y C N ,Wednesday ; . , . . . PrU and Toilet Articles eiWll Need the Fourth ka is Pond's vsnlshlns cream .. $09 punc iM-.:WW.t..OM .per- j turn for 7 . . v . . .v w . . . aw BOo Pompelan masiaga cream, 29e So Massattl taloum powder, 15c lOo Williams' and Colgate' shar ing soap Bc 2 So bottle Rublfoam.. .17c lOo bar Jergon'i glycerine soap, 6c 2 Bo Sanltol tooth powder. . . . iiec ' 15o bottle peroxide Be BOo bottle . effervescent sodium phosphate . . . . ........ .80c BOo 9-row hair brushy . . . . .2flc Mentholatum, the Jar, 23c and 45c Imported ' Japanese nail brushes, 2Bo raluee at. . ; .10c Bathing caps to close out at Half Price. Kodaks for the Fourth An outing li not complete un less you have a kodak. If you have not one, we can furnish It, and all necessary supplies. The little No. 2 Brownie takes pictures IHx8H. aad "ells at 92.00; larger sites at $8.00 and $4.00. The folding Brownies are $5.00, 27.00, 22.00 and 210.00. and the Kodaks from $9.00 up. Bring your films in and let us develop them for you. : Hammocks Tho largest line of ham mookn, for the 4th, in the city over 50 styles and kinds from 98o to $7.50' each. . Hammocks specially priced for Wednesday's selling-i , . $1,75 hammocks, "Wed., $1.39 ' $2,50 hammooks, Wed., $1.95 $5.00 hammocks, Wed., $3.95 Croquet Sets Croquet sets, handsomely varnished and painted- stakes, . balls, ' mallets and arches complete, in strong wooden box- , , . 4-ball sets, Wednesday, 69c ; 6-ball sets, Wednesday, 89c 8-ball sets, Wednesday, $1.19 Better ones from $1.50. to $5 Bathing Suits 150 Bathing Suits to Close Out - at Hi-Price. 75c to 23.00 values. Special Prices oh Cartridges for the Fourth ' lBo box, 22 shortB, lie 20c box, 22 longs, 15c. ' Over 500 boxes shells for .shot . guns, worth 45c to 75c, at u ' JPrice, or, the b6x, 23c to 88c. If You Are Going Fishing On the Fourth visit our sports lng goods department. - One lot of reels at H -Price and less, 8 styles and kinds,, worth 50c . to 75c, to close at 25c. All other flBhing tackle H -Price. Lunch Accessories Oil paper, 3 pkgB for 25c. ( Wooden plates, dozen, 5c ? . -- Folding drinking cups, each, 10c Lunch Baskets, 25c to $1.50. Two days' business must be done in one this week on account of the celebration of the nation's birthday Thursdayso we have provided extra salespeople to serve", you rapidly and satisfactorily and arranged stocks in such a manner that those who come to this greatest sale ever in Omaha can choose quicjkly and with discretion as concerns their needs. Half price is the rule rather than the exception in this closing out of the Bennett Entire Half-Million Dollar Stock. EVERY ITEM IN THE STORE IS Af BARGAIN, and the yellow and red price tickets 'will show you,' the way- to the most important offerings Come in the morning if possible. " ""rvvvvvvrsryvvsorirvvvTsf --'--"' " " " ' Wonderful Bargains For Men . Just. scan this list, which has been prepared for a quick perusal, and see if you can ever remember of such bargains for men. 25c hose supporters for, 13c: high grade $1.00 leather belts for 39c; pare silk hosiery, in all shades and colors, worth 50c the pair, at 29c; 35c fine silk liste hose for 19c the pair; union suits of silk lisle, Sea Island' cotton or the famous Porosknit brand--$2 values $1.15, $1.50 values at 89c and $1 values at 69c;. 75c balbriggan shirts and drawers at 39c the garment, etc., etc. There's a bunch of 4th of July specials that will make any man in the city of Omaha or vicinity happy. Buy a New Shirt for the 4th : There's ample variety for you to choose from in each collection-cut large, and roomy through the shoulders, but tons put-on to stay, finished1 'in a thorough workmanlike manner. Have soft and starched cuffs and with or, without soft collars to match. Come-in the newest summer patterns and colorings--some. of them . being out of; their wrappers only this week. . All sizes at each price. Lot One--Up to $2.50 values at $1.15 Lot Two'-Up to $1.50 values at 89c Lot Three-Up-to $1.25 values at 696 Genuine Panama Hats-Bargains The hat 'selling of last Saturday was: a splendid tribute to the quality of Bennett hats -and of the Panamas especially. We practically sold out, but reinforcements-came in the special purchases,' which we have just unpacked, so- Wednesday you will have another chance at the .same kind of hat bargains that has . made this the busiest men's store in Omaha the past two weeke. Don't forget that -EACH PANAMA IS - GUARANTEED ABSOLUTELY GENUINE' and that you cannot purchase elsewhere in the city hats of the 'same quality at anywhere, near .the prices we" quote; not even in a special sale. . & f Imported Silk Wash Ties and silk four-in-hands-in the biggest range of handsome patterns and colorings ever seen in Omaha; all new this season; values up. to 75c,; priced for Wednesday's selling "or whHo the last, at, choice- GENXHXE PANAMA HATS, worth $7.50 to $10.00, at , STRAW -HATS of finest Split,- sennit anfl Milan straws; $5,00. values, at $2.95 $L98 FINE 8AILOR HATS, worth up to $3.50. Wednesday at , . . . . -HIGH GRADE STRAW-HATS,T worth up to $2.00, C T.7. $1.39 95c Lingerie Dresses for the Fourth and Afterwards ,Of course they are beautiful-and they are made with an eye to service-else they would not. have been purchased by the old Bennett company.' The savings you make wiirgo a long ways towards-your Fourth of July enjoyment, as the following ': four specimens from the sale of the Closing Out of the old Ben nett stock will show. - White lingerie drestes of all over embroidery: lace trimmed: a great variety of styles; $7.95 values at $3.95. White lingerie dresses in high and low neck styles; dainty em broidery and lace trimmings; $12.00 values at $5.95. White lingerie dresses with lace trimmings; low neck and short sleeve styles; $12.50 valaes, Wednesday $6.25. Ecru and white lingerie and linen dresses; embroidery and lace y trimmedt variety of novelties: $25.00 values at $12.50. : .. Amongst , other things in the ready-to-wear sections that are being closed out at about half of the actual values are linen Norfolk dresses; white pique dresses; chambray, gingham and other pretty wash dresses; linen coats; tailored linen suits; juniors' wash dresses; children's wash dresses; lingerie' and tailored waists and muslin underwear of all kinds. Practically all of these barf ains are 1 from tbe special purchases of the cancelled orders of the Bennett company. Hot Weather Corsets A special lot of hot weather 1 corsets in summer net and light weight batiste; medium length and long skirt with hose, ' supporters attached; good boning; lace trimmed; $1.00 value at 69c. Corset Cover brass ieres, worth 50c. 29c Standard makes of corsets in all lengths and qualities, will be on the bargain tables Wednesday, at $1 for your choice.. There's ft style for each figure. .. . Wash Goods and Silks Priced to Compel Quick Action Imitation silk foulards in a good variety of patterns and colors; 25c values at 12 He Colored piques-one of . the most wanted wash fabrics for Norfolk suits-all shades; 27 inches wide; 29c values at 19c. . Plain and corded colored voiles; all the newest shades; 15c. values at 10c. Four Lots of Silks at About a Third of the Actual Value' ' Up to $1.00 0(V; Up to $1.25 4Qp silks at. . .L 7 I silks at. . TL Up to $1.35 silks at. . . ;$2.qo a ) silks at...U L White Canvas Footwear For Women and Children Nothing is more cool and com fortable looking and nothing is to be more desired these hot sum mer' days than white canvas foot wear.: As-usual, this sale of the Bennett stock brings you the Item you want at the lowest prices you have ever known. $2.48 For Women's White Can vas Pumps, worth $3.50 These are in Colonial styles with medium heels and broad toes. Have light soles and were very specially priced at $3.60. $2.45 For White Canvas Shoes worth $3.50 and $4.00 Tou can choose from all of - the newest down-to-date lasts In this as sortment Button styles in all sizes and widths. Offer is for Wednesday only. . $1.98 For Women's White Can vas Pumps, worth $3.00 These pumps have the newest broad ' toes, with covered heels, and come in all sizes and widths. $3.00 values, Wednesday, at $1.98. 98c For Misses CSL Children's Canvas Pumps Two-strap styles with broad toes and all sizes up to and Including size two. f I SO values, while they last. a the pair. $2.45 For Mens White Can vas Oxfords, worth $3.50 Have the genuine Ooodyear welt soles and the new broad high toes; are made of the very best quality canvas. $S.80 values, for Wednesday's selling, $2.45. . , Specials for the Fourth ;in the Pure Food Store M J9 lbs.' granulated sugsK . .Si.00 2-lb. can Bennett s Capitol breaa- fast coffee for 48c assorted teas, lb 47c sauee, bottle Fruits ; Vegetables 35c large Juicy lemons, doren, 25c 30c smaller Juicy lemons, dos. 80c t extra fancy large Rockytord cantaloupes ....... . . ..... 15c Large basket fancy Texas peaches at 2Hc Large basket fancy . Texas toma toes for -v. 22 He Fancy , California apricots, about 7 dosen to basket, at .... . .-45c ISc tea liftings, lb ........ . .126 Lea ft Perrla'i Worctstershire 86c can Bat a via asparagus tips for '.;";.' ......'..18c 15o pkg. Imported' macaroni, 10c too can Bennett's Capitol red 1 raspberries ......... ; . ; ; 15c Mb. can Bennett's Capitol baking powder ..;. : v. :. .80c 3 10c pkgs. crackers-all makes and kinds, at ...... . . . . . .25c 16c Jar peanut butter ......12c ISc can Cracker Jack 'Brand salmon 12c 15c can Walker's Chili Con Came.' lOo 10c can pineapple, grated or sliced. So ISO bottla Snlder's salad dressing, ISo 15o can Snlder's pork and beans, lSe Vipint bottle Blue Label catsup, loo lto bottle onion salt ,.13o Full cream cheese, lb.. 18o l$a bottle Bennett's Capitol lemon or vanilla extract Ho lOo Can Carpenter's figs ..lse II HQ Jar fine quality mustard, lOo Butter at 25c Bennett's Capitol Creamery Butter, lb. brick, full weight, guaranteed, at SSo - Pure Candies t Bo pkgs. Hershey's milk chocolate for iv. . . . ..... i lOo 0o chocolate dipped maraschino cher ries, lb. 39o 10c -box salted peanuts ...... . . loo S So pkgs. H'Jb assorted wafers, lOe EATS 9-lb.pkg. LEAP LARD $1.00 BEST LAMB CHOPS, lb. lOo BEST LAMB LEGS, lb., 10c 3-lb. HAMBURGER STEAK for . ........v... .25c 3-lbs. VEAL STEW ...25c COMPLETE LINE OP COOKED LUNCH MEATS. Spec'l A vrsiti iMm.