i 4; THE OMAHA , SUNDAY ' BEE: : JUNE 30, .1911s: B 8 The Active, Pulsing Suburb Where Wheels Are Turning Every Day and Where an Ever In creasing Community of Smoke-stacks Means Great Wealth to Omaha as a Manufacturing City and enterprise. What benefits' Omaha benefits Ralston, and what benefits RalBton benefits Omaha. A 1 Commercial Club Industrial Ralston Visited by Omaha boost for Ralston, then, is a boost for Omaha. The reverse also is true. Here are some facts lhat show the gauge of Ralston: Grown from Wooded Site In 1908 the site of Ralston was the vacant shores of a pastoral lake annn it - ?? i A M ili p ROGRESSIVE, growing lit tle Ralston, now a spick and span little town of 400 energetic people, but soon to be a town of 1,000 Kyes, within a year, as everyone who baa interests in Ralston thoroughly believes), and then from 1,000 to go Into a sturdy, enterprising manufac turing city of several thousand in habitants. That is what Ralston Is to become. It is to remain no small town long, for a place offering the hundreds of , natural advantages for Industries cannot long remain among the vil lage class of Nebraska towns. Un like Peter Pan, it wants to grow, and unlike a dwarf, it will grow, for Ral ston already Is growing. The very veins of this . town are expanding right now; the blood of a greater body is gathering; the head is push ing higher, the arms are reaching out and soon there is to be a giant body bearing the name of Ralston, It is going to be a body of force, en ergy and concentrated ability; it is going to be a body that will have all the power and ambition necessary for making a great manufacturing town. Ralston is destined to grow des tined to become one of the best known manufacturing cities, in con nection with Omaha, there is tn the west. And always remember that as Ralston grows, so does Omaha. ' For Ralston 1b a part of Omaha, though not in corporate body, yet In spirit Seymour park, the former home of Dr. . George L. Miller, a rustic beauty spot at the edge of a great city. It was covered by walnut, oak and catalpa groves, which were ad mired by thousands. Now Ralston is an energetic little city, with pulse beating rapidly and with every part of the body working in healthy con dition. It is Just pushing its nose right ahead In the industrial line, and in the next few years it will grow much more rapidly than it has been growing. . v In twenty months after Ralston began its first growth it had secured and developed enterprises doing .more business than any city in Nebraska of 5,000 inhabitants. It became at once the biggest little town in the state. The people of Ralston take pride in the fact that this little town never has had a boom!. They do not want it to have one: they want It to grow, THE NEW CLUB HOME OF THE SEYMOUR LAKE COUN TRY CLUB WHEN THE COMMERCIAL CLUB WAS ENTER TAINED. AT LUNCHEON. THE-FACTORY OF. THE BROWN TRUCK COMPANY. T fAi:M WW----1! 'vim'''' 1 4 I yfeVt "Miln.ihiMliiftiilM. ii - m- ... i'l ' JiH r r .....HI ix "ill mST SECTION OF COMMERCIAL CLUB DELEGA .TION". INSPECTING HOWARD STOVE WORKS. i ' as it has been growing, by steady, firm steps to march into the pre mier position of small western man ufacturing towns. 7 Some Facta About Ralston Ralston is six miles from' the Omaha postofflce and three miles di rectly west of : the , city limits of South Omaha, on the Q street macad amized road. . The many natural beauties and the splendid location of Ralston make this town a fine residence place. It is one of those industrial towns that give the working man a healthful place in which to live while working for a big company. The natural ad vantages of Ralston mean much for the future of this place as a home town. .. ' The Howard Stove Works, the Brown Truck company, the Rogers Motor Car company and the Omaha Furniture Manufacturing company are the concerns that now loom out of Ralston. The latter company Is now building a 'large plant in this town and soon will be turning out furniture, representative of the best in the western trade. The Howard Stove Works Is lo cated in a permanent brick foundry building, 180x275 feet, giving em ployment to 100 skilled mechanics and workmen and shipping as high as five cars of stoves a day. The Brown Truck Manufacturing company has a home in a solid brick, two-story building. This 1 company manufactures f warehouse and mill trucks that are shipped to all parts of the middle-west. The force of this firm is being increased all the time, for output is steadily growing and new employes are needed all the time. The Rogers Motor Car company occupies a large, modern factory building and is making a good motor and a popular-priced automobile, a machine that is sturdy and rapid. The Omaha Furniture Manufactur ing company, which has purchased a three-acre site, is now erecting a large plant in Ralston. This com pany decided in May to begin the constructing of this new factory in Ralston. It will employ more than 100 workers and will manufacture many kinds of furniture. The Gate City Manufacturing com pany, capitalized at J 100,000, was announced Thursday as another com pany which will build a plant in Ral ston. This firm has purchased a site which lies directly east of the Brown Truck Manufacturing company's fac tory. Here will be constructed a brick factory for manufacturing metal au tomatic farm gates, never-break-polea, graders, cleaners, separators and many other specialties to be sold to the implement trade. Ralston has more and better pub lic improvements and utilities than any other town of its size in the state. Indeed, it is far better equipped in this respect than many towna of much larger population. An electric car line connects Ral ston with Omaha and Papillion. This is the only suburban line that runs out of Omaha. Ralston has a modern electric light and power plant which furnishes jthe city with excellent llgnt ana power. Two telephone lines are located in this enterprising town, - furnishing connections with, all parts of the ; country. The postofflce building is a two-, story, steam-heated structure. Ralston has one church and a two- story, pressed brick school building. , But Ralston has a grand future. What has been done in this : thriving little town is-; not. all in all. It is the future which folds out sub stantial prospects for the people here. Ralston is go ing to grow; it is going to have more industries. , The natural advantages of Ral ston make it one of the best ' sites in the west for manu- facturing plants; it has the essentials for the home of big industrial " plants, and the present is only a sugges tion of what is to come in this little, sturdy support of Omaha that has advanced many fold during the last few years and that is certain : to go ahead with greater strides during the years of the immediate future. Country Club of Ealston Feature of Happy Living The trip of the Omaha Commercial elub excursionists to Ralston vu mad on four chartered cars which were run t BaJston over the Nebraska Traction and Power company's line, the lnterur baa route between Omaha and Papillion ThU line la the only Interurban running out of Omaha. It has excellent service between Omaha and Ralston and from Omaha to Ralston and Papillion. Its cars are modern and go at a high rate of speed. The track goes through some of the most beautiful open country in this; part of the state in making' the trip) from Ralston to South Omaha, to Ralston and Papillion, a town Just three miles from Ralston. When the Omaha excursionists reached Ralston shortly after noon Thursday In these Interurban cars, they were escorted to t$e new home of the Seymour Country club; where they were served an appe tlstng dinner. After dinner the members visited the various manufacturing plants and made a general inspection through . the town. v r , . At Conntrr Clnb. - The Seymour Lake Country club's new borne where the Omahans were enter tained, is a tine place. The finishing toacnee are Just being put on this build ing and some of the furniture was brought in for the express purpose of erring the luncheon to the club. Tho club- bouse Is costing the Seymour Lake Country club In the neighborhood ot $12,000. It is built entirely of concrete and stucco. It overlooks the lake from a location within about 100 feet of where Xr. Miller's old home stood and Is one of the most commanding In the entire country. The- club was organised about a year ago. ' Sixty of Omaha and South Omaha's best business men formed the club and purchased seventy acres ot land adjoin. lng and surrounding Seymour lake. They obtained from the Kountxe Bros, a long time lease on the lake for their exclusive use. Each shareholder In the club owns a lot A number of beautiful bungalows have already been erected on these lots and the other shareholders are contem plating building as soon as the club opens. Some of the club members intend making their home there the year around. Each lot Is piped for water from . an artesian well and a complete system ot sewerage has also been established, with electric lights, furnished by the Ralston Traction company. So a person who is a member of the Seymour Lake , Country club haa all the advantages of Hying in the citv and at the same time has the full benefits of a country life. Every natural advantage Is apparently at hand to assist the architect and land scape gardener In their work. No other club in or near Omaha combines . all of the same attractiveness of location, water, golf links, bathing, fishing and plenty of room for boating. The view from the club house and. In fact, from anywhere, on the -grounds of the sur rounding country, is indeed magnificent ' i v . Take Sycelal Car. ' In the erection of the club house' the directors and officers have been' careful not to leave anything undone to please and attract the club members, no matter what sort of amusement they enjoy the best. The most noticeable feature of the ciub house la the massive atone porch two stones in height which runs the entire length of the building and is aifihteea feet wide. The main entrance to the club house is through a large re ception hall that extends across two thirds of the width of the building. From there the . grand stairway leads to the second floor. On the right of the main floor Is the lounging room and back of It the locker ' rooms and hath rooms for the men. The women also have been well provided for and have a department ot their own, including bath. On the left Is the main dining room, forty feet square, and immediately back of that are the kltohen, pantry and serving room. The entire second floor Is given up to the dancing feature of the club. It Is laid with maple. The entire build ing can be opened up by the means of large French windows. Poors and win dows are screened. The men who are at the back of this club are not -only building for the pres ent. They are spending the club funds with a view 'not alone of what the club may mean now, but what It will mean to the members in the days and years to come,, .when the membership-has grown to its full limit and the club has become one of the . recognised elements of club life In Omaha and Douglas county. The location of this club at Ralston, In the opinion of many of the men who have Investments there, means a great deal to the value of all the property sur rounding. All know bow property around the different clubs tniOmahai has In creased and there la .no question in the world that the property surrounding the Seymour Lake Country club will Increase in value the same as It has' in other sim ilar enterprises. GATE CITY COMPANY WILL S00N INCORPORATE The Gate City Manufacturing company, capitalization $100,000, will shortly incor porate under Nebraska laws under the name of the Gate City Manufacturing company. This will be a consolidation ot the business of the new I. D. Gate com pany, formerly of'TCrk, Nebr, and the Never-Break-Pole company, formerly of Clarkson, Neb., which recently moved to Omaha and is now at 1108 Nicholas street. It will continue the manufacture of all metal automatic farm gates, which has been successfully made and distributed from Tork, as well as the never-break-poles also seed graders and other special ties to be sold to the Implement trade. After looking oyer the Oma ha field we decided that no better location could be found than amid the extensive distributing facilities afforded by this city. About September 1st we expect to commence to manufacture, in our new plant, a complete line of furniture that the house wife will find use for in her kitchen, library and parlor. , ; - ' .:, 4 Excavations for Our New Factory The Omaha Furniture Manufacturing Co. Omaha, Nebraska. Ralston P. O. asa The Stove "That Is Made in Omaha" It Cuts Coal Bills and Gives Wore Heat. 1 4 Jri: Mwr-'f r-'-v.Ak r 4 250 members of the Omaha Commercial Club saw us making Howard Heating Stoves last Thursday They know now that it is the BEST HEATING STOVE on the market Reasons why the Howard stove is best: BECAUSE we make a specialty heating stoves only and are there fore able to give you the very best, most up-to-date and most efficient heating stove that specialized effort can produce. BECAUSE it burns less coal on account of its being so constructed as to not only consume coal, but it consumes the larger percentage of the smoke and gas as well. ; BECAU8E the Inverted Conical Base heats the floor perfectly. It : holds fire perfectly and is easily operated. BECAUSE we build the stove in any style, enabling the use of hard or : soft coal or coke. We make combination oval styles for wood and coal with duplex grate or for combination coal and gas. Call and see us any timeWe'll Be glad to see ybu. The Howard Stove Works Omaha. Neb. Ralston Post Office r! gt) moony ft t p- 'CO' ED th.. Oty 15 mot day i ' 111 rffg mml Urn . ,.--....'-.-''.'"'.-.-.'" ' 4 - " V : . : 11 TT 7 TT