Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 29, 1912, Page 9, Image 9

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    .9 -r
Such a Continuous Feast of Bargains Has Never Before Been Known in Omaha As Those That Characterize This Stupendous
Astonishing and Startling Reductions on Fine Silk Dresses
To the woman concerned about a new silk dress or two for the summer and fall seasons, we would say that nowhere in
the entire Middle West will you be able to find silk dresses of such sterling quality and rare beauty for less than double
to three times the prices we ask Saturday-not even in a "special purchase" or "special sale." Everyone in the assortment is a favored model of the
$10 and $15 Values"
summer season as you can tell by. inspecting those in our window displays. In the suit salon you will find hundreds more equally beautiful and good.
They are made of light, medium and dark colored foulards, pongees, silk, serges, etc.,
in plain colors and striped and figured designs. Laces and embroideries are princi
pally used in the trimming schemes. There's a size, color and style for every taste.
,TkT stff UfAccoc These are made of percales, linens and tissue ginghams. Some have
llOriOllk robe embroidered collars and cuffs; some are finished with belts;
r some.have plain or striped jackets with white skirts; others are plainly tailored in plain colors. $7.95 values at
Lingerie Dresses
Norfolk' Tailored Suits
One1 lot of tan .and white linen
Norfolk tailored " suits, worth
$12.60 and : , r r; g n
p.50 satur, ,; J3.y
day, choice .... . . rr r
One lot of lin
gerie dresses
in neatly embroidered effects and more elaborate designs, trim
med witn pretty laces ; all new low neck ff i m
styles; $9.95 values, priced in this great SxZJL VP U
sale for Saturday's selling at only VV
, - p
200 Tan Linen Coats
About two hundred tan linen
coats, styles specially adapted
to travel and ft f f m
motor wear, Vf VI
$13.60 value . . . .M'
Silk Kimonos
One-lot of silk
kimonos in' new
Empire! styles
- edged with satin; some" have
sailor collar effects, and there's
J a wide range of pretty floral de
signs for your "choosing; $5.95
to $6.50 values, : priced ! for a
quick closing out. Remember you
can take your choicer at 1$3.95I
One lot of new lin
gerie waists, trim
med with laces and
embroideries; high
and low neck styles,
wort $1.80 and $1.75
aeh, Saturday, choice,
Elegantly trimmed
voile and lingerie
waists in. high and
low neck styles; $3.50
to $3.95 values, while
they last,
White Norfolk
waists with color
ed trimmings, fin
ished with patent
leather .belt or belt of
self material; $1.50
values. Saturday,
98 c
House Dresses
50 dozen house.
dresses of extra
quality ginghams.
percales and lawns; lace and
embroidery yokes and trim
ming; mostly low neck' styles
but a few high neck models are
included; light, medium and
dark colors; $2.50 values, priced
for Saturday's selling at $1.25.
Hosiery For;Women l Children
Women's "medium or light
hose, in tan or black-these are
made full seamless, have -heavy
garter tops--at 12c the pair.
Children's fast black i. hose;'
fine or coarse ribbed; seamless,
at 12c the pair.
Women's medium and light
weight hda in all shades and
black and white; some silk boot
hose, in the lot; 5c value at 21c.
.Women's silk and silk lisle
hose,' in 'all staple colors; all
sizes; $1.25 values, at 50c. .
In the
All Summer Parasols
Every conceivable pretty design is
here; parasols with plain and fancy
covers ; Jn silks, velvets, linens and
other worthy ..materials; with all
styles o handles. ' -,
Lot No. 1
All parasols that
sold-up to $2.00;
plain" and fancy
covers; stylish
handles ;: -matchless
Lot No. 2
All silk and em
broidered "para
sols in most
popular shades;
excellent v values,
ranging to $3.50-
Lot No. 3 at $2.39
Included here are all parasols in the
store of silks, velvets and fine hand
embroidered linens; every desirable
handle and every -popular style of
parasol, worth to gf 9?f
$10; on sale Sat- S M fcl
urday at. . ... Vprf J
Four Knit Underwear Bargains
Women's torchon lace trim
med umbrella style union suits;
low neck and sleeveless styles;
made wide at the knee; 75c val
ues, Saturday at 49c.
1 .Women's umbrella union
suits; just the sort for this kind
of weather; 50c values at 29c.
Children's Wash Dr esses !&rmyBtnur J
Children' wash dresses in fancy and white
trlpea and In colors; lawn, tissues and percales;
high and low necks; aces 2 to 6; newest styles;
worth 75c and $1.00, all at 60c.
Children's wash dresses of dark and light colored
gmgnams and percales; high and low necks:
sizes 6 to 14: every, new novelty idea; excellent
values at $1.J5, for only 79c.
Children's wash dresses . of ginghams and per
cales; round and square necks; short sleeves;
ages 6 to 14; latest styles and coolest eomfort
ideas; all worth from $1.60 to $1.76, at 98c.
Girls' wash dresses of percales and ginghams;
popular lawn novelties' and many ' plain styles;
sizes 6 to 14; very handsome; newest Ideas for
summer comfort; worth $2.26, at $1.60.
Girls' wash dresses of percales, ginghams, lawns
and tissues; popular styles and modeled to suit
the most exacting tastes; ages 6 to 14; all worth
$2.60, at:$l,76.. ..
Girls' wash dresses of fine percales, silks, French
ginghams and chambrays; ages 6 to 14; latest
and freshest styles in a particularly attractive
assortment of models; worth $3.60, at $2.26.
Girls' and hoys' romp
ers of plain, check and
striped ginghams; sites
to 6; excellent val
at. .......
Children's middy
blouses of white and
colored ducks; trimmed
In colors; ages 6 to 14;
White middy Norfolk
blouse-waists; trimmed
In colors; ages from 6
to 14; all worth from
11:".. V!0.. 98c
Children's wool coats
of colored and white
worsteds, Bedford cords
and serges; ages 2 to
; worth $2 i
to $6, at... 2 price
Women's tight knee union
suits, in low neck and sleeveless
styles; trimmed in hand crochet
lace; all sizes; 75c value, at 45c.
nVilHron'a tin-lit Imaa nmism
suit, iniow neck style, ages, sturdav in Our Corset Section
at 12VzC
Muslin Underwear
That Really Fits
"I cannot wear muslin underwear that does not
fit well," such was the statement that a woman
visitor to this store made yesterday. "I have come
back here this time because I bought some fine
fitting undermuBlins here when the sale began.
They are cool and elegantly fitting. I did not think
that such garment could be bought anywhere and
I certainly am delighted with the Bennett kind of
a-oe-da." ' - 1
Many a woman could tell the same kind of a"
story about the Bennett undermusllns. They are
made of the finest obtainable materials; all are
grass bleached and they represent, the acme of per-'
fectlon in undermusllns.
$1.25 and $1.55 values, 89c
$1.50 and $1.75 values. 98c
$2.75 to $2.25 values. $1.49
$2.75 to $3.75 values, $1.98
$3.95 to $5.00 values. $2.95
: - ' ' '
Women's Oxfords and "Pumps
Sizes 2lA to
$3.00 and $3.50
This sweltering weather emphasizes
the need of cool footwear. To meet the
demands of women who can be oool only
with low shoes, we' are making especially
low prices on a choice lot of women's ox
fords and pumps-the extreme in comfort;
the best in summer footwear. In ad
ditl6n to buying the kind of shoes that make
for most comfort in hot weather, these particu
larly low priced oxfords and pumps - have the
latest detail in fresh summer style. They' are
made in dull and patent leather and vlcl kid.
The sizes are from 2 to 5. The values are
$3 and $3.50. The Saturday price here Is $1.41.
Barefoot Sandals at 49c
Another comfort giving product tor
pattering feet la the sandal. It makes
any foot cool-there's " no rubbing of
joints, and no' pressing down on tender
spots-the sandal is just the oooleet of
footwear. We show a fine assortment
In all sizes up to 2. They , are $1.00
values tor 49c.
White Nubucks. $2.95
Borne women, a large number, ac
not satisfied unless they have a chic'
stylish pair of , white nubucks. V.
have . taken thought of , this larger
class, and have arranged our stock
of high nubuck shoes, with broad ,
toes and buttons and regularly priced''
at $4.60, to sell at $3.95.
Men's Oxfords at...
The well dressed man la now wearing a pair
ot oxfords. It is not only a question ot
iuU ai. Vim Kufr a la a if AAmfAwf ThBA
oxfords-all durable and new styles-give the most particular man Just what.,
he wants. They are shown on our bargain tables in tan and patent leather U
and in all sizes. $3.60 and $4.00 values, for $1.98.
Photo Supplies on Sale Saturday
J0 tubes" M. Q. iDevelo'por, sold at 5c each, Batur-
dayj at .... ............. ?. V. . . , . . . .25
,-lh.-acid Hypo, at....-,......,.. Oo
Brownie Kodaks up from. . .$1.00
; We carry a complete line of Eastman Kodaks
and supplies. We also do developing and finishing
that will please you, , J '.
Refrigerators Reduced
Particular attention was paid to the '.con
struction, ventilation and sanitary properties
of all these refrigerators. Each one is, fully
guaranteed. '
One $35,00 "Syphon System" refrigerator, $26.05
One $29.00 Porcelain Case refrigerator, 821.93
;. One $25.85 Porcelain Case refrigerator, $19.75
One $25.85 Upright refrigerator with water
cooler at ......$19.75 . :
Five $15.85 olid oak ease, baked enamel lined
refrigerators, at .$12.75 .
-Ten $18.85 solid oak case, baked enamel lined1.
. refrigerators, at i . $14.95
Two $13.50 lee chests, at...:.. $9.95
Two $10.76 ice chests, at.'. ............ .$7.76
Toilet Goods and Drugs
fl Aiurea and La Trefle
powder 85c
Pond's 25c vanishing
cream . . . . . . . . .' . . . 16c
Dabrook's 50c ' toilet
waters . . . . . .; .84c
Pebecco 50c tooth paste
for ....85c
Pond's 50c liquid dentri-
flce .10c
Bwansdown- J 5c powder
tor 16c
lOe Pajinollve scjap, cake
tor , ..7c
pond's 25c dental powder
tor .....9c
50c puff boxes 84c
25c Golf Queen and Col
gate's taloums 15c
$1.25 double bristle Ideal
hair brushes ...... .6flc
$1 Ideal hair brushes, 89c
15c, 1-lb. Borax at... 10c
One lot- tooth brushes,
worth; up to 35c, at 10c
On lot,; whisk brooms,,
worth up to 25c, at 10c
Sal' Hepatlca, sold at 25c,
54c and $1.11 at..'
Pinkham's $1. vegetable
compound 89c
Re frigerator
' ! Pans
Heavy galvanised
refrigerator past
with handles, spe
cially priced for Sat
urday at-
Will Occur a Great Event-"Dollar Day"
- Heavy sheet Iron,
two burner . ovens
with best, quality as
bestos lining; regu
lar $2.60 values, Sat
urday only
The Latest
Style Creations
that are actually
worth $1.50 on
sale Saturday-
Day' at
To Women
who plan to
save money
on Corsets, "Dol
lar Day" paves
the way-the sav
ings are. well
worth while
Cool, Comfortable, Yet Stylish Corsets CP
Regular SL50 Values "Dollar Day" V
The assortmen tfor your choosing Saturday is uuu8-s,lj
uoujr xm-ciBBuu, iuf iucio me luuritfu uiKiiuci moueib, 1U
fine liejht and medium Bummer weight batistes and coutiJs from which you can select
your size and pay just $1.00. , . ' ,; '
y Jfany women who find it necessary to have two corsets during the warm sum
aer months, wilj profit creatiy by .cdminir nere Saturday and joinine in the merry
' throng of "Dollar Day" purchases.
Announcing a Gigantic
The Particulars of Which Will
Appear, in Sunday's Papers
This rug sale undoubtedly will afford home furnishers
the grandest opportunity of years. The prices on. the entire
stock of rugs will be cut so low that every home can afford to
get the best-because here will be the best at the lowest prices
ever given here or anywhere in the city before. These floor
coverings will harmonize with any decorations of any kind of
home-cottage, bungalow, summer home or mansion. There is
a rug here, at a price you will wish to pay, for every room in
your home. Here are .
Rugs for living room.
Bugs (or sitting room,
Uutf for parlor, ' . . .,
Rags for sleeping 'room,
Rugs for den,
Rugs for porch,
Rugs for library,
Rugs for halls.
Pure Food Store Specials'
14c bottle Blue Label catsup 10c
3 large cans Cottage milk. ...... .25c
Pint bottle Haarmann's Cider and Malt
vinegar . ..i. .....8c
S cans Bennett's Capitol Evergreen
corn , .... .,,....... . .95c
Medium sour pickles, quart ....... .10c
Toasted corn flakes, 4 pkgs. , . ... .23c
Fresh, home-made cookies, lb. ... . 10c
18 lbs. granulated Sugar. ...... .$1.00
Bennett's Beet coffee, lb.'. ........ .30c
68o assorted teas, lb 48e
16c tea sittings, lb.
25c bulk cocoa, lb... 20o
5-lb can Bennett's Capitol baking pow
der 75c
l-lb, can 8nldra pork and fcMnt .lie
16o an Batavla aaparagus tips ..ISO
4 pkgs. Shaker table salt .SBo
t - too pkgs. Foulcl's macaroni or spa-
ShSttl '..880
4 10c cans Eagle ly ...t S5o
He cans of Bennett's Capitol brand Call-
fornla Peara, Pachea, Aprleots for .18e
2Mb. sack Qusen of the Pantry pastry
flour : IX.lO
Full craam ehease, lb .'. ....ISo
t-lb. pkg. Bennett's - Capitol oata or
wheat , .80
12o cans crystallized tropical gincer-9e
Bennett'a Cap
Itol creamery
butter, lb., full
weight ' gwar
antad . . , .80 .
Best, country
butted lb.. 35o'
Coohing . butter,
lb. for , . . B3o
Fr ea h, newljr
laid eggs, per
dozen .....Mo
Fruits (a Vegetable ,
Extra fancy potatoes, peck, 40a .
Fancy ripe . tomatoes, largg :
basket for ... i. ..... . -2214o
Fancy Texas peaches, smalF
basket for 15c ,s
4 large Rocky ford cantaloupes,, 23cr
Fancy apricots, i basket to th .;
crate, at; . , . . $1.50i j
Home grown cauliflower, 6c,- 7 Ha ,
and .10o
Late cherries, market basket. . . .ooj.
3 fancy home grown cucumbers, 10c
4 bunches fresh beets, carrots or,'
turnips ; 5
BEST, LAMB CHOPS. . . . .10:
7 lbs. LAMB STEW. ...... 25c-
POT ROAST... ;...12Uc,.l(&;
9-lb. pkg. LEAF LARD. .$1.0O
PORK BUTTS...... ;;.12drT
VEAL ROAST...., 12 Vic, 10c
SlbsVEAL STEW.......25C
BOILING BEEF. . . . . . . . .7Hr'
...... ...... :,.';.16s;
FROM 7 to 9 P. M. V
pork chops... ...... ny3tj
2 lbs. HAMBURGER. .... .15o