j u , THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1912. - 1 Women's Wash Dresses Cool, . charming frocks, made of : crisp, service able materials, - daintily trimmed. t $6.98410 I Norfolk Jacket Linen Suits The season's style favor ite, very becoming, prac tical and popular spe cially priced, 2d floor, at $10 Event! Notable Bargain SFVERAi; EXTRA SPECIALS FOR WEDNESDAY if Women's White Hoslin I PETTICOATS A new lot just received beauti ful new white muslin petticoats, . made with wide embroidery trim ming, cut full and ample, all sizes. Actually worth as high as $1.25 at i 69c Women's Fine Silk PETTICOATS Several hundred beautiful silk petticoats, in all the new style features for mid-summer wear, at less than actual cost to manu facture; well made of the very finest silks, in the latest summer patterns and colors; none worth less than $4, most of them worth $5,' Wednesday at the remark- 4 able price of 7. ...... . $1.69 WOMEN'S NEW BEP, PIQUE AND LINEN SKIRTS Smart, practical, serviceable skirts, in all the newer (M PA AO A AO P 1912 models-excellent values at ....... ........ r..Vvv-VMV-VUv-vv i 45-in Sheer Swiss and Batiste Embroidered Skirtings at Very effective new designs in English eyelet, floral and new combination effects ' many worth up to $1.26 a yard, atyard.........'..... " 7 MY OF ALL MY se an surxiE ' ' ' 1 15 Discount oue'uee'kodly " . . Every suit guaranteed with my twenty years' reputation for highest quality workmanship and absolute satisfaction. ., Buy your new Suit now save 15 per cent. EDWARD JOHNSON MERCHANT TAILOR Successor to Barrett-Johnson Co. 231 City National Bank uilding. Thssands of Remnants and Sample Pieces ef All Over Laces Also lace medallions, appliques, yoke pieces, in crochet and Venlse effects,. etc., on bar gain square, at, each ..... 69c 15c uSS Special Sale Hen's Straw Hats A purchase of 'men's and young men's high grade straw hats from a New York commission house at less than half the regular wholesale price. Sennet, Milan braid, split braid and Porto Rlcan , . 4 jr braid hats, in all the newest shapesvalues up Si 40 to $3, at ................. ..... .....i. t ' Men's Manama Hats Imported samples , of Ecuadorian Panama hats -values to $7.60, , OO QQ.OO CA V ...... m ' at Men's Imported Straw Ha -In sennet, spilt 1 C braids. Milans and pencil curls, at .V -$0-$O wv $U THERMATOB FIRELESS COOKER ; Demonstration and Sale Wednesday Special demonstrators, direct from the factory, will be here to '' explain the good points of this famous cooker. An attractive menu has been prepared for Wednesday, and we invite you to come and sample some of the food cooked in the Thermator cooker. , 7 ' China Department West Arcade. " BIO SPECIALS IN WALL PAPER For Wednesday we offer three big bargains la wall paper all money-savers. w , 10 patterns of our regular 6c and 8c wall papers, at, a roil 14 and 2H 28 patterns of our regular 12c wall papers, with borders to match, Wednesday, at, roll,.... 4 Is All our new gold papers, worth up to 30c roll Wednesday, special, roll llt Wall Paper Dept. 8rd Floor ADVANCE NOTICE OF A OREAT SALE ON OUR SECOND FLOOR THURSDAY Women's High Class Sample Waists We bought the entire sample lines of one of New York's most famous and most exclusive manufacturers of women's waists. There are hundreds of the daintiest and most charming new ideas here. Genuine hand embroidered lingerie and Voile Waists also many trimmed with fine laces. Thursday at Yz Their Actual Value All day we wiU bulletin reports from the Democratic National Convention at Baltimore. iRANOEIS STORE; UNITARIANS TffSELL CHURCH Congregation Desires to Secure More . ' Desirable Location. PROPERTY IS HELD AT $15,000 It U Felt y Traite that Chorea Baldlaa at seveateeatk and Cam , V , ' CauleVB) Resaodelotl Into .7',' i. Ap""- ,. v '" J Negotiations for the sale of the First Unitarian church. Seventeenth and Cass streets, are now . being conducted by the trustees, . and it li hoped that the prop erty will be disposed of before the sum wer Is ever., t -', . . - ', CThe trustees are. holding the church building and lot.at 115.000, and already t lias, been examined by prospective pur . chawre. The City Mission is said to be desirous of obtaining the place, and rep resentatives of the organisation nave looked at the property several times. The mission Is one of the Anna Wilson bene ficiaries, receiving property to the value of about (26.000 to be held in trust Those In charge of the mission, however,' are not a unit on the church property, some feel ing that the old Omaha Medical college U more desirable. ; It the Unitarian church dispows of Us holdings, this summer t is more than likely that new lot will' be secured and a more desirable place for worship be rcted within a year. ( Members of the congregation, feel that' tha church . has outgrown its present kol. The church and ground are now murtaged to about 20 per cent of their value. It is felt by the trustees that they will be able to tell soon, for he property is especially desirable for an apartment huuse, it the City MIm' .'. Jwkies to ake is.' The building is of heavy masonry, and was built about 1S95.' ." ' ! Celvlsi' Vacancy Filled.' ; At a meeting of the trustees of the church Kiss . Margaret. E. Colvln was elected to fill the vacancy caused by tl.e resignation of Mrs. John R. Stevens, for merly Mrs. H. T. Coe. " An informal report was presented by the treasurer, Mr. Grant Parsons,' indi cating that the financial affairs an In better shape) than at the same period of : any previous year. ; , r ' Ward atCounty Hospital Tries to KiUDr.Geo,TUden After having threatened to kill Dr. Oeorge TUden of the board of insanity commissioners, Mrs. Sarah O'Donnell, a patient in the Insane ward of the county hospital, armed herself with a hat pin and was ' caught dangerously near the doctor by attendents. Mrs. O'Donnell, who was committed to the hospital several weeks ago, blames Doctor Ttlden and the county commis sioners for the loss of her liberty. Re peatedly she declared her intention to kill the doctor and one of the county commissioners, 1 When Dr. TUden visited the insane ward Mrs. O'Donnell went to her room and a few minutes' later reappeared. While the physician was talking with attendants the woman slyly strolled up behind him. An attendant. Superintendent Robinson's daughter, observed her and noted that she held one hand to her bosom, -an if concealing something. Miss Robinson caught the woman's hand and discovered a long hatpin concealed under her waist She sent Mrs.' O'Donnell back to her room. Dr. TUden did not know of his danger until It had passed. Each age of our lives has its Joys. Old people should be hapqy, and they will be if - Chamberlain's Tablets are taken to blrengthen- the digestion and keep the bowels regular. These tablets are mild and gentle in their action and especially suitable for people of middle age and Older. Far sals by all dealers. Withnell Urges an Elevator Tax O. H. Wtthnell, Commissioner of fire protection and water supply, will submit to the commission a plan to increase the finances of the city $4,000 annually by the passage of an ulevatnr occupation tax ordinance. This ordinance will fix a tax of $1 on each of the 314 eleea'.or In the city and will provide for the fol lowing installation fees: Twenty pen- ger elevator; 16; fltten-piiiitc tiger, . 3; less than fifteen passenger, ft; flve-tn freight elevator, 15; three-ton, fi; hnd hoist and sidewalk, $2. "There is now no elevator tax," said Mr. -Wlthnell, "and practically no in spection, although It Is required thr.t elevators be Inspected fiuartotiv. All tne city receives now is $711 annually, paid for permits and license to the 300 eleva tor conductors." Mr. Withnell will ask that an Inspection of each elevator In the uily tm made monthly. . 5 The occupation tax wrul-J merely cover the cost of th's imrpwthm to the property owner. U would :nc;eu the revenues from elevator a to 1.W1 u yeer. money that Is sorely needed Uy tin administration, eajs Mr. VMliuKll. ' V MAY BUILD INSANE HOSPITAL Proposal Made to Use Material in Old Court House. BOARD IS CONSIDERING PLANS However, Cost of Wrecking the Old Strnctare May Be Too Great to Permit Adoption of the Hospital Plan. HI Here's the Oxford that Like to Wear Most Young Fellows Short - looking; whh high arch, drey heeh, perfect fitting, tan or black, button orU$e, A wonder at dm price. S. The '. $3i0 HOBC. 16ES&. DOUGLAS. mvmwimmmsmmmm A -new county hospital for the Insane may be built from the wreckage of the Douglas court house after It is aban doned for the new county building, now nearlng completion. Commissioner Frank C. Best, chairman of the hospital and poor farm committee, has suggested to the board that the old building might be wrecked and the new material used for a new Insane hospital. The board now is considering the feasibility of the plan. The county hospital and poor farm buildings now are Inadequate and board members for several years have ,,greed that there should be more and belter ac commodations. The county has two bids for wrecking the building and has been expected to accept 11,500 from J. P. Ml lander, who bid to pay this amount for the building and remove it. The commis sioners now are negotiating with others. If they can find wreckers who will do the work at cost low enough they will adopt the hospital plan. .There Is much good building material in the old struc ture, but it may be that the cost of wrecking' will be too great to permit the adoption of the hospital plan. An Aa to Collision mans many bad bruises, which Bucklen's Arnica Salve heals quickly, as It does sores, cuts, burns and piles. 2c sale by Beaton Dkig Co. For TONE'S OLlN GOLDEN COFFEE loLJa its friend tl surest proof d jWna7 You'll Lko its fi'na aroma sad color, iu full Wy. Carefully elect edcoffe.blenlimintdndrotd to make the finest cup quality. More cups - , Puno. bcc tnat tbe seat is unbroken. Let Us Clean Your Summer Clothes , " ' Tne life of your summer clothes depends more on the way they are handled by the cleaner than the amount ot wear you give them. It is well known that Dry Cleaning does not injure the most delicate color or fabric, but dry cleaning does not always clean sum mer clothes satisfactorily It will not remove grass or fruit stains, perspiration and other discolorations; In such cases Wet Cleaning Is necessary. RlKht here Is where the "Good Cleaner" shows his worth. It is impossible usually to tell whether the garment has been wet or dry cleaned so perfect Is wet cleaning done at the Pantoriura. Bui don't confuse wet cleaning with washing as done at home or fn the laundry the garment having been dry cleaned first re quires but little handling and no harsh treatment. Each one is done by hand so there Is no danger of tearing, shrinking or pulling out of shape.r Just the right amount of finish (not starch) Is used to give it the look and feel of new goods. , Send us a trial order and if you are not delighted with the work you need not pay for It. We give satisfaction or no pay. . . ' Here are a few prices; :. 7 - Plain one-piece dresses, $1.26; fancy $1.60 to $1.75; shirt waists, 60c; linen suits, $1.60 to $1.75; linen Jackets, $1.25 to $1.50; men's two-piece suits, $1.25; golf or linen trousers, 60c. Call us on either phone and will get your work promptly. THE PANTORIUM "GOOD CLEANERS AND DYERS" 1515-17 Jones St. Phones, Doug. 963; Ind. A-3168 Toothache Gum STOPS TOOTHACHE 7- - bstantly Has given perfect satisfaction for IS HMt. All drug stores or by mtil I5e C. . 0"T A Co.. OrrwoiT, Mich. AMUSEMENTS. Interest allowed in savings department at b per annum The United States National Bank of Omaha gives prompt and courteous service, affords absolute secur ltv and has a most con venient location. a -L . . . " your grocer today. Ms a pound, j TON! BRO&, Dm MohMo, la. l"" Sins'" rf M . ASK HorfhwtSt f Comet Slzfceofb mi Fanuui StmOi CapM 1700,000 Sorpfas $700,009 BEAUTIFUL LAKE MAN AW A "40 Ulnntss Prom Omaha." BOATZira AKD BATH2WQ Thare's plenty of water in tne laka this sea son, and additional boating and bath ins; facilities have been installed. DAWCIlfQ The beautiful Ball Room continues to be a big- attraction. ODen every afternoon and evening. Arthur E. Smith's splendid orchestra makes the music. . FREE MOVING PICTURES EVER EVENING. v Many other Attractions. Base Ball Omaha vs. St. Jeseph Rourke Park June 26, 27, 28, 29 Friday, June 28th, Ladies' Day. Cars Leave 15th and Farnam. 3:15. GAMES CALLED 3:30 uuj&qt S8r.?.1ER SHOW alio wiagoi , MWrV McT.ov. Virologist: Surazall & R"11' insJ" sical Oddities: Arnold Wurnell. Skat orlal Dancer: .Admiral Burton, Deep Water Baritone. Pictures changed daily. Hour8,ieto5; AMYSsSbIQS coxa AST Tiara i tat thb inert 'BOYD'S TODAY KaUnso aaa ii urcnesira I Entertainers Quartette J Kidlets A Nickel n Pictures! You've seen the Kesl Sow See the Bet Dmportam Announcement! of the sale you have been waiting f or-our Semi-Annual lhue ff Me IHlyse ONE DAY ONLY SATUBDAY, JUNE 29 Your choice of any suit in the house worth from $18 to $30 at $12.50. ' No restrictions; everything must goincluding Strouse & Bros., fine "High ArtM clothes and other well known makes. ' " yy cor, MffijmM&V It Last Chance! SALE! U.S.. ARMY GOODS 1414 Harney Street ONLY 2 DAYS REMAIN Open from 8 a. m. to 9 p. m.; Thundaj 19 p. m. Things and goods OUT OF THE ORDI NARY, never before seen or sold in Omaha, to interest and please everybody. , A U. S. Hammocks. . . . .'75c Army Barrack Shoes, pair ... ..TSc Navy Blue Cloth, . yard .. ....... .$1.56 Army Blankets ....$5.00 Marine Underwear. $1.00 Leather Straps 10c Sailor Blouses . . ... . . 75c Sofa Pillows....... $3.00 Stockings, half wool ,25c Haversacks 25c Bayonet Sets .75c Stockings . . ,15c Legglhgs . : . ,60c Army White Shirts. .35c Auto Coats .$1.00 Suspenders ... . . . : . 10c Rifles .... . ....... .$2.00 Carbines , $3.00 Army Bags ; .75c Overcoats, black ...$3.00 Coat Shirts ;V.Vl$14iO Flannel Shirts ....$2.25 Khaki Trousers .. .$1.50 Ammunition . . . . . . . .2c Fancy Cloth ..... .$1.50 U. S.:Sb.oes. ..... . $3.00 Bayonets, Swords, Sabers, Canteens, Knives, Shoes, Cords, Ponchos, Chevrons, Hoods, Aprons, Projectiles, Leg Irons,, Handcuffs, Bugles and hundreds of other goods that no other stores ever have. - CATALOGUE TO ALL,. WITH PRICES ON, AT ; ENTRANCE. 7 ' 7 ' " - .' ONLY 2 DAYS REMAIN Open Every Evening Until 9 o'clock. 1414 Harney Street W. S. KIRK, Mgr. 2 DAYS REMAIN. The real estate business is bound to center around "the court house and city; hall. A real estate ; man w ho wants Jto ' locate permanently I should, select an of fice in a location which is. the center ; of his line of business. .The. same thing is true of i n s u r a n c e, " which . likewise cen- ters in the financial : trict. It would be well as soon as possi-' ble to secure an office " in- J. 7-; . .5 ....A ) fi fi I s 'it" 0'' f fi 'v ' t V ' The Bee Building : r.- i ft 12-14 A larsa suite of officea on the second floor. .R.m.vi; i lTttS of 1201 square feet Son. of theso offices have ' -- bAn MtfUtioned .so as to make a suit of about five rooms. . Thi snace will be rented either in single offices or in suite. ; V Price per month for all... $80.00 Room 822 Reception room, private office, two large closets, large v workroom with two north windowa -Ideal for engineer, archl v tect "doctor or other professional men. Rental per ji.onth. $45.00 KM. S52 This is a south front office facing on Farnam street, close 1 R t the elevator. It is partiUoned so as to afford a private of- ' floe and recepUon room. Very desirable. Rent per month. $30.00 ' RAntn 4iUaa a south and west exposure and is always a very cool room in summer tima Sise. Ua2tii rents for, per ' month . S18.00 n,m 422 Is 1SH19 feet in siie: has two north windows and a E nrivate office partiUoned off inside this space. This room i would be particularly well' suited for an architect or studio. v Rental k ... .v. ........ .- 185.00 , P-n Bbo This Is a well located office facing Farnam street on the ' fifth floor, near the elevators. Size of office. HilH. having a partition dividing this room into three otficea This vauld -s be particularly desirable as an attorney's office, on acccount of '".' other attorneys being located on this floor and i?aving large -librariea Just the place for two young, ambitious attorneya V. Rental price per ownth S30.QO THE BEE BUILDING CO. Bee Business Office, . 17th and Farnam Sts. y 1 ) L -L. - '-m li