Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 24, 1912, Page 9, Image 9

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, JUNE 24, 1912.
Vital massage, baths, electric vibratory
end radiatoi treatments. Dr. Aana D.
Fisher. 401 Ware blk. 309 S. 15th. D. 27SJ
nam. Davidge Blk. Avt $. Red 7529.
YOUNG women coming to Omaha as
strangers are Invited to visit the Young
"Women's Christian association building
at Seventeenth and St Mary's Ave.,
where tbey will be directed to suitable
boarding places, or otherwise assisted
Look for our travelers' aid at ths Cnlon
Body Massage, 222-3 Neville Blk. D. T76L
MAKSAOrtl 'wedlati movement. Ap.t
lUiiOOAVJXi 2 im Farriam D
MAONF.TTf! treatment. E. Biott. "1
WE RENT and repair all kinds ot
log machlner. Ind. A-lfitt; Douglas IKJ.
15th and Harney Sts.
BATHS. Swedish massage. Mrs. Snyder.
Ko. 3. The Dunsany, 10th & Pierce. D. 4S!.
MASS4GE Expert treatment. Mrs.
Steele. 208 is. 13 St. R. 523.
Screening- $150 per 100. Wagner, 801 N. U.
Ship Uve stock to Soutn Omaha. Save
mileage and shrinkage. Your consign
merits receive prompt and careful atten.
Live Stock Cominlasiou Merchants.
Byers Bros. & Co. Strong and responsible,
WOOD BROS.. 234-38 Exchange Bldg.
Great West. Com. Co., Omaha & Denver.
Clay, Robinson & Co.. 200 Exchange Bldg.
CLIFTON Com. Co., 322 Exchange Bldg.
Martin Bros. & Co.. Exch. Bidg.
TAGG BROS., handle cattle, hogs, sheep.
Montreal, Havre, Plymouth, London.
The Picturesque St. Lawrence Route.
; Four days on the ocean, three days
In river and gulf. Splendid new Turbano
teamers. Saloon, second-cabin and third
class. Superior one-class cabin service.
Cuisine unexcelled. Courteous attention.
Send for circulars, . rates, plans, etc.
AUan & Co., 127 N. Dearborn St. ChlcagoJ
Anchor Line Steamships,
New York, Londonderry and Glasgow.
New York, Palermo and Naples. .
Attractive rates for tickets between New
York and all Scotch, English, Irish,
Continental and Mediterranean points.
Superior accommodations, excellent cui
sine, efficient .service. Apply promptly
for reservation to local agent of Anchor
Line or Henderson Brothers. General
Agents. Chicago. Hi. ' "
OMAHA property and Nebraska lands.
1016 New Omaha Nat'l Bank ' 3ulldlng.
LOANS Farm and city property. J.
H. Dumont & Son. 1602 Farnam St.
100 to $10,u00 made promptly. F. D.
Wenl, Wend Bldg., ISth nd Farnam.
MONEY to loan on business or resi
dence properties. $1,000 to 1600,000. W. H,
THOMAS. 603 First Nat'l Bank Bldg.
- WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co.
WANTED City loans and warrants.
W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam St.
vet CITY LOANS. Bemls-Carlberg
- Co. 310-812 Brandels Theater Bldg.
LARGE loans our specialty. Stull Bros.
Household gds, clothes & shoes. D39T1 B1969
Id-hand goods. Reiser. 102! Center. D-5W2.
Chicago buyers, 2d-hand clothes, shoes,
, fcats; best prices; will call. Tyler 1100.
' Af PTr?N Pys tne De8t Prices for old
" I-" iron, metals, rubber, etc.-.
Highest price paid for men's cast-off
Clothing. 521 No. 16tb. Douglas 7786,
WE BUY anything in store and office
fixtures. Omaha Fixture and Supply
Co., 12th and Howard. Phone Douglas
GENTLEMAN with two small children
wants to board and room in strictly pri
vate family. Answer A 300, care' Bee.
FOR EXCHANGE Want Southern
California property for good, dear
")maha. Address 1U5 West lid St, Los
Amjeles. Cal.
OWNER will exchange equity in a
choice unimproved quarter section of
farm land for clear residence property or
stock of general merchandise in a good
Nebraska town outside of Omaha. Box
Egbert, Wyoming.
TO EXCHANGE Good smooth land and
new well rented town property for stock
of general merchandise well located in
eastern Kansas, Nebraska or western
Iowa; can use large stock and might put
In some cash if stuff is good enough;
give full details in first letter. Address
Box L, Seibert, Colo.
FOR TRADE 320 acres, well improved
farm, ova miles from Lodgepole, all
lenced and cross fenced, Via acres in cul
tivation, good six room house, well house,
two weils and windmills, barn and other
out sheds, shade . and fruit trees, with
truit tins year, two good cellars,' three
miles from Sunol, another town on U. P.
R. ti. Will traue my equity for an eighty
acre farm. I am getting Vs of all crops
this year delivered to Lodgepole, fine
prospect for a big crop, no better pros
pect for a big- crop for years than
we have now, write me. Lock Box 400,
Lodgepole, Neb.
TO EXCHANGE Drug stock, fixtures
and furniture complete; now doing good
business; on best corner in St. Paul;
value 310,000; will exchange for good farm
land. of equal value. Fred Mohl, 11 Cap
ital Bank Bldg., At. Paul Minn.
WILL trade high grade piano for paint
ing. N 344, Bee.
- Reed Abstract Co., oldest abstract of
fice in Nebraska. 20S Brandels Theater.
NEALE A CAMPBELL. 1714 Farnam Si
. Electric, gas fixtures. Omaha 8ilver Co.
Ideal Cement Co., 17th and Cuming Sts.
Fuchs, Soit & Blind, painting, decorating.
H. Gross !um. wreck. g. plb. 21 & Paul,
HEATON, tin work. Original Ameri
can furnaces. 2518 Cuming. D. 6198.
WILL trade high grade piano for brick
work. M 345 Be.
Orln S. Merrill. 1213 City Nat. Bank Bldg.
. IS ACRES S.S0. .
- $350 cash, balance long time at 6 per
cent; near state deaf and dumb Institute.
AH good farm or garden land; upland
not subject to overflow and not rough.
S acres alfalfa, 6 acres in cutlvatlon. We
believe this is the cheapest IS acre tract
for the price near either city. Any In
telligent and Industrious man can make
a good living and save money on it and
be his- own boss while he Is doing it.
McGee Real Estate Co., 105 Pearl St,
Council Bluffs.
$200 buys a 50xl2S-foot tot not far from
tar line. Lot fronts soutn on Lucas be
tween Clark and Burnbam; described as
eft of lot 10. block - Phone Webster
l&A or address a. R. W, Bee,
Attractive Country
$12,000 For an almost new 7-room house,
strictly modern. This nouse is
well built and is finished In oak.
with oak floor on first floor. Elec
tric light and gas and heated by
hot water. There is a floored
attto with ample space to finish
two more rooms. Good barn or
garage. The grounds consist of 4
acres, well developed, with trees,
shrubbery and fruit This placs
is located on the West Dodge St.
paved road, only 4 miles west of
the Omaha- postofflee, and is ons
- of the nest . propositions of Its
'. kind offered around Omaha.
$14,000 For a 9-room, 2 story and attic,
frame house, substantially built
and completely modern; large
living room. 26x15 feet; hot water
heat; large porch. Eight lots with
shrubbery of all kinds, lecatsd
near Benson on paved road, near
car line. This place must be seen
to be appreciated.,
George & Company
Phone Douglas 756 or A-1756V
902-13 City Na. Bank- Bldg. .
FOR SALE by owner, brand new,
strictly modern 6-room house. $2,900. 2514
Corby St Call Webster 1907 after 8 p. m.
- Just as modem and just as nice as it
could be made and on very easy terms
to a party with good references. . Call
owner, Webster 1239.
Seven-room bouse, oak finish, cev
mented basement, laundry tubs, hot
water beat, barn or garage, plenty
shade and shrubbery, corner lot 55x
140; paved street, paving paid.
Owner, 2403 N. 18th St. Tel. Web.
33.58. r
$5,650 buys new double flats, rent $60;
three blocks from cathedral. Nordqulst,
322 Neville Blk.
Will trade my $3,000 residence property,
renting for $30.04 a month, advantageously
located, for a new automobile and cash
balance. 'This property is clear; paving
paid for; gas, electric light, water. I
mean business and will carefully consider
your offer. Address J 348, Bee.
160 ACRES creek bottom land, near good
town of 7,000 inhabitants in Sacramento
valley; running water the year round In
creek, besides ample water in irrigating
canal; best possible alfalfa conditions;. no
better fruit land in California; 30 bushels
wheat to acre this year; old house of
little value, but comfortable; 2 barns; a
choice property, but must be sold;-owu
nearby 160, partly in alfalfa, and cannot
finance both. Will pay R. R. fare to In
vestigate if not as represented. Worth
every dollar asked. Price, $16,000,' witn
free water right. Write owner, F. I
Darrow, 1529 Broadway, Oakland, Cal.
Unusual Especially attractive because
its trees are bearing NOW. Why wait?
Fruit and almonds. Only $90 cash, 1 per
cent per month. By best town north of
Sacramento. Go with us next trip while
they last Ask for attractive' literature.
We have a fine little party of, three go
ing and want two more. Transportation
paid both ways on THIS trip. Can buy
now and go later, for "money . back If
not - pleased," is guaranteed. CHAS. E.
WILLIAMSON CO., Omaha. Neb. (Bank
and business -bouse references.)
Offers opportunity to all. High-class
farm lands at reasonable price. Informa
tion cheerfully given. OUR SPECIAL
CO., Ltd., .
CARL TENNIS, District Manager.
601 City Nat'l Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb.
TRUNK. Frank Crawford, 203 Cotton
Bldg.. Vancouver or Omaha.
Traversed by the
Lands adapted to the widest range of
crops. All the money crops of the south
plentifully produced. For literature treat
ing with this coming country, its soli,
climate, church and school advantages,
General Passenger Agent,
' Idaho.
MOST productive hay and grain land
In the world Long Valley, Idaho. No ir
rigation needed; fine climate, fine water,
cheap fuel, telephones, railroad, elec
tricity. Improved land $25 to $50 par acre.
Also finest orchard land proposition la
Idaho. For information write today. Pay
ette River Coloniiatior Co..- Nampa,
Idaho. -,-
THE easiest way to find a buyer for
your farm is to insert a small want ad
In the Des Moines Capital. Largest cir
culation in the state of Iowa, 43,000 daily.
The Capital is read by aud believed in by
the standpatters of Iowa, who simply re
fuse to permit any other : paper in their
homes, Kates, 1 cent a word a day; $1. IS
per line per month; count six ordinary
words to the line. Address Des Moines
Capital. Des Moines, la.
; ' BUY A FARM ! -.
in West Central Minnesota. . I ve some
wonderfully good bargains. Easiest
terms. : Write for particulars. J. 8.
ULLAND, President Fergus xUIs Na
tional bank, Fergus Falls, Minn.
320 acres in Murray county, Min
nesota; $5,000 worth of Improvements; $56
per acre, worth $70. Charles Brockman,
Jolley, la .
. Montana.
RANCHES-$2,000 to $100,000. Send for
list. Shopen ' AY. Co., Ranch Dealers,
Omaha, Neb.
RANCHES$2,000 to $100,000. Send for
list. , Shopen & Co., Ranch Dealers,
Omaha, Neb. . i . .
Korth, Dakota
Greatest r
Bargain in
North Dakota
- Fine improved farm of 660 acres
near good town In the lake region of
North Dakota; practically all Into
small grain; price $3 5. per acre, in
cluding all crops, machinery,' horses
and cattle; terms arranged.
Fred Clark
9 East Grant St., Minneapolis, Minn.
t Mrbraakn. .
FOR 8ALE East half section 26-11-J5.
Perkins Co., 6 miles from two good traveling-
points.; all level, rich, dark soil,
This county has been soaked with rain;
crops look fine. Price, $17.50 per acre.
Address Fred Blake, jr., Hastings, Neb.
2ttvV.'ytWi . ,:! - vX,;'jw -;,ajiv. T7 i
CL, i inn ii
Chicago lecturer Calls Liquor Traf
fic Menace of the Nation.
Tells Omaha I'nivernlty Summer
School fttadvnt of Value ot
Missionary " Work for
' , Yonnaj People.
An afternoon conference on "Missions
in Sunday Schools" and an address in the
evening by Jenkln Lloyd Jones of Chicago
featured the' fourth day of the summer
school and conference at the University
pf Omaha yesterday. A musical pro
gram was given In the early evening.
The mission . conference was led by
Miss Margaret Ellen Brown of Lincoln,
general secretary of the Nebraska Sun
day School association. She appealed to
the parents to. pring the children into
the Sunday school and educate them to
missionary work.
."We .must begin while the child Is
young, when Its mind can tie easily im
pressed. . Missions are an Important part
of the teachings of Christianity and we
must look to the younger generations in
the Sunday schools for our future mis
sionaries," . said Miss, Brown.
In the evening Mr. Jones took for his
For sale, 160 acres, all fenced; 80
acres under cultivation; 6-room house, 32
io2 barn; 16x20 chicken house;; Kxl gran
ary; 10x11 stone milk house, wind mill
and good water; located five miles from
Chappell, $4) an acre takes this bargain;
half down and mortgage for balance.
Address Mrs. Christie ' Jacobs. Chap pell,
HOMESTEAD 320 acres rich farm land
at $175 filing fees and all. Not rough or
sandy. J. A. Tracy, Kimball. Neb.
. .... . . .. Teas. . ,
FOR SALE-At a bargain, MO acres
timber land, - miles north of Houston,
in rain belt,- 4 miles from county seat;
railroad -runs through land, C. C. Nolf,
Owner, Orangevllle, III. -
Wyoming-. ,
!J0 ACRE free homesteads. Leve! rich
land: Address W. F. Fox, Gillette, Wyo.
Vf lOX 8TAT10wtnh and Mason.
Union Pacific
. I;4 am
. : pm
a l:0 pa
a 1 :4( pm
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aa Fras. OrerlanS Uoltai
Chlaa 4 Japan Fast Mail..
Atlantic Gxpratt .....
Orecoa Kxpnai v.........all:U pm
Lo antlea Umltei HS.46 pm
Dnver Special a 7:U4 am
Caatcnnlal Sutc Spactal all 80 pm
Colorado Expraa .a J;6 pm
Orecou-WattlniUB Limited. .. alii pm
North Flatu local a 8:1 am
firaud laland Local a aa
Stramiaurg Local bll:il pu
Chicago Circa t Western
Twin Cltjr Limited a t .U pm
Twin City tprM a a :1a am
Caloafo Kxpreas ,. a 6:U0 pm
Illinois Central
Cnicaco iCzpraa a 7:1 am a pa
Cbicaco Usilud t:M pa a 3. OB pa
Chicago . Northweatera
Minaapoll-3t. Paul tpnaa..a 7:00 am
Ulaneapolla-St. Paul LimUo0..a 7; pm a l ot aa
Twin City fcipreu ,....a I:M am IM S pa
Stouc Utr Local. a lAi pin i.U pa
MlnoMoolla Dakota gap. . 7 : pa a :U pa
YwIb Cttji LtmlUa jU pa ilMu
atisDuoou Kapron U:w aa
Carroll Local a T:M am S I'.U pa
CaUgbt ChUsafo a 7: am
Chicago Local aU:M pa a I N pa
Chicacoolorada at;Upa
Colco Spootal alitlpa HUM
Pacftic Cuaat-Chicago 1:1 pm I l:S pa
Loa Aasalaa Limited a HM pa aU.M pa
Ovorland Llmltad a :M pm ililiia
Carroll Local a 4:M pa H):u au
Fa Mail a :) pa i l :i la
CKlar HapMa, Sioux CKjr aid
Omaha ........ a I IS pa
teulenuill SUto Llmltetl 1I:4S aa U:li pa
Long Pine a 1:00 am all OO am
Noriolk-nalUa .-. a l:vu am ail:u am
Loag Pine-Lincoln a 1:11 pa a t:M pia
Masilngi-Sapeilor b l it pm ai:Mpa
Daadwooa-Hot uprlnga a l:at pm a ! pin
Caapar-Lanow a i:t pm all):U pai
rramoat-Albloa b t: pm b 1:U pa
Chicago, Rock Island & 1'acitlc
Rocky Mountain Lira: tel..... all :H pm alO U pa
Chicago Local PasMogar b)0:H am blO U pa
Chicago Par Kipnaa a S:t am a :M pa
Chicago Kxpraia a :10 pm aUpm
Dos Moinaa Looal Paangr..a 1:77 pm aU:U pa
Chioago-Nabraaka Limited. ...a 1:01 pa :W am
Chicago cb. Ltd. to Unooia.. I ll am s B:M pa
Cklcago-Colerado Xzpraaa ....a 1:1 pa a 4:00 pa
Oklahoma a Taua Ureaa...a 1:80 pm aU: aa
Hocky Mmauia lialtaa MM aa all:W aa
Omaha-tit. LouSj Eaprtoa : pa a VU aa
Hall and Baprata i1u aii:lip
taaborrp Local ((roa C B.l.k ) h pa hi:U aa
Misawnrl tfaeitie
IC. Laala Kipraa.a t M aa a 7:M aa
a. C. 8C LtrtU JUpra..aU:U pm a S: pa
Chicago, Mllwauaea dt gt. Canl
OTariand Limited a7:Mpm a 1:11 aa
perry Local -a (40 aa all .00 pm
Colombo, jixprea .............a 0:00 pa a pm
Colorado gvaclal .....a f :4i am ' a M aa
Pan ..Local :le pa ail.ftipa
BaHlnrtoa Station- fenta at Mason
Dearer A. Calllorala
Ptiget Sound, Vxpreaa.,
Jiebraaka Polnu
UlaUt llllla
Lincoln Hail
Nor'hweat Kxpreas ........
Nebraeka Expraea .........
Schayicr-Platuaouth .....
Lincoln Local
ir Hero-Fiat teoieutn
Chicago Special
Denvar Special
Chicago gxpre'
Chicago Part Ixpreat
Creaton (la.) Local
St. Leaia Kxpreae.. .........
Kaneaa City St. Joaesh...
Kanaa City St. Joaesh.
..a 4:1 aa
..a 4:19 pa
..a I JO am
..a 4:1S pm
..b 1:M pu
..all: pa
..a :to an
..b 7.4 pa
..a 1 11 aa
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..a :l pm
..aU:U pa
..a l:0t pa
..a :M pa
..b I M pm
..a 4 8 pa
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..a :1 aa
a : pa
a 1. 46 pm
:10 pm
a :it pa
al2 H pa
a -.A! em
a :10 pa
bit: aa
!. aa
a :M pa
s COO aa
a pa
a l:M aa
blO:W am
all aw
a aw
a :! pa
Webatrr Station lfltn anal Webfttr
MUsonrt Psclflo
Deoart. Aniva.
Aotxrre Local
Chteatro, St.
. ..h.Wpa blliMea
MCn urn polls and
,... I: pa Ml Uaa
.... U am k I'E pm
o l:M aa a (: pa Hpa bl Uia
Ihwx - CHy Xxpreaa...
Twin City Paaaaager.
Bloat CRy Paaeasgor.
W ially, (b) daEy except Suadajr, (c)
subject, "On the Firing Line In the Bat
tle for Sobriety." He flayed popular
ideas for "wide-open" cities.
"It is a menace to the body political
as well as It Is a menace to the body
physical." he said. "The temperance
Question Is no longer a personal issue.
It has become a national one. Intemper
ance is a public waste. Nothing has been
gained by the- liquor traffic financially,
morally or otherwise. It is a menace
that must be stamped out."
Mr. Jonas speaks this evening on "In
ternational Peace." The Royal Blue
MlsBionsrly society of the North Pres
byterian church meets this afternoon at
the university.
(ConUnued from Fifth Page.)
were given by the four young men who
had completed the scientific course and
by the two young women completing the
normal course.
The alumni banquet and the faculty
reception were features of the closing
Announcement was made of the com
pletion of the $10,000 fund for ths Per
manent endowment and of the action of
the trustees in entering upon a campaign
for $50,000, to be distributed in three
fundsgeneral fund, $10,000; boys' ball and
other-buildings, $15,000, and for endow
ment, $25,000. Special pledges amounting
to over $2,000 for the new campaign were
announced by the principal.
Sixtieth Commencement of Voted
The sixteenth commencement at Ra
cine college, Racine, Wis., began with
evening prayer on Sunday, June 9, at
which time Rev, Dr. Larrabee of Nasho
tah house preached the baccalaureate
sermon. The , service ''was excellently
sung, and at its conclusion the members
of the graduating class, thirteen In num
ber, each received a handsome gold cross
(n token ol the Christian training the
school had beBtowed upon thenrff Then
the , entire congregation went In proces
sion to the graves of the Rev. Dr. Bds
well Park, founder bf the college, and
of the Rev. Dr. DeKoven, his famous
successor, where suitable "commemora
tions were made."
On 'Tuesday occurred the competitive
drills. The Judges were the Hon. C. L.
Pinto, Cuban ambassador to Venesuela,
who bad a son In ths graduating class,
and Captain A. F. Lorenzen, Illinois na
tional guard. Ths award " for Individual
drill was made to Cadet Mead Rogers ot
Fond du Lac.
On Wednesday morning the school met
for the lsst time in chapel for an early
celebration of the holy communion. At
half past nine there was dress parade
and guard mount, and at 11 o'clock the
closing exercises were held in the gym
nasium. Dr. Shero, the warden,- briefly
welcomed the guests. The warden in
troduced the Rev. Frederick Edwards
of St. James church, Milwaukee, who
delivered a most eloquent and inspiring
address on "Some Lessonw for Boys from
Award of Honor In the Varlons De
partments. The St. Louis School of Fine Arts closed
on June S. At i o'clock of that day the
Art Students' association, an organisation
composed of students and former stu
dents, . gave . a banquet at the close of
which there were addresses by Miss Es
telle Bowles of Westphalia, Mo., presi
dent of the association, Miss Haxel Deane
of Harrisonvllie, Mo., secretary of the
association; E. H. Wuerpel, director of
the school; Robert Brlnghurst, Victor S.
Holm and Miss Ruth Felker. Mr. Wuer
pel announced the honors for the year,
which bad been awarded by a jury com
posed of three artists from outside the
school, namely M. Taxlle' Doat, Mrs. M.
H. Irish and George C' fclchba'uni. The
honors awarded were as- follows: In
black and white work, Miss Mildred Bai
ley, silver medal; Philip Oronemeyer,
bronse medal; Miss Amy Isaac, honor
orable mention; Miss Margaret Mosby,
honorable mention.
In color. Miss Guilds Brlnghurst,
bronse medal; Mts Amy Isaacs, honor
able mention; Miss Ruth Felker, honor
able mention.
In bookbinding. Miss Elizabeth McLel
lan, honorable mention.
Tn modeling, Mrs. G. Von Schlcgell,
honorable mention.
In ceramics. Miss Ruth LeCron, hon
orable mention. '
A certificate wits granted, to Mies Julia
Secor.for the completion of a three-year
course In design; and for the completion
of a three-year course' in ceramics cer
tificates were granted ' to Miss ; Leola
Bullivant, Miss Madeline Flint, Miss
Hazel Beal and Miss Anna Kasper.
After the speeches an oriental' enter
tainment was given by the students of
the - school, consisting ot dances, tab
leaux and music.
the Life of Lincoln." . The: sneaker
aroused the greatest amount of enthus
lasrrt. After the address " the various
medals for excellence In athtletlcs and
In studies and - the diplomas ; were
awarded, and the-exercises' were closed
with the singing of - "Dulce DomunV' by
the school.
Series of Ilappjr Events .Mark Com
mriceafal Week. .
Patrons and frlenJs of Stanley hall,
Minneapolis.' Minn., who have for years
attended the commencement events of
that Institution, the oldest and largest
home and day school , for girls In the
northwest, agreed that the series pf events
which marked this year's ilose wero the
most 'happy and beautiful of Its history.
The many social festivities of th closing
weeks, affairs 'given in city homes, at
prominent clubs and at the tn-hool. the
Junior promenade, the appearance of the
school annuul, the senior play and recep
tion, tho baccalaureate service at the
Plymouth church and, above all, the
exorclxes of commencement day each In
Its way was perfectly planned and carried
out. Of 'the graduating class several are
to enter eastern colleges Bryn Mar and
Smith; somci are to return to Stanley hall
for special courses in domestic science,
Notes and
Mrs. John Lubold spent Thursday in
Harry Brisbln returned 8unday from
Chicago. ,
Mrs. Fred Young, who has been sick.
Is Improving.
George Roose of Denver is visiting the
Lowe family.
Mrs. William Kindred bar aeen on the
sick list for a week.,
Mr. and Mrs. V. Orimm visited friends
In Paul l Hon Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Mattox of Omaha
were Florence visitors Tuesday.
Miss Hilda Eriosln and Charles Cham
bers were married ths last week.
Mr. and Mra. J. Thornton spent Sun
day evening at tbe Rogers boms.
Rev. Mr. HasUngs of South Omaha
spoke at the Christian church Sunday.
Mrs. John Kngabog has been the guest
of Mrs. John Peterson for a few days.
O. O. Carlson has been visiting his
mother, Mrs. Stranburg, the. last week.
Mrs. Tuttls will leave soon for a six
weeks' vacation to be spent In Oregon.
Mrs. Herbert Johnson, who has been
sick for the last few weeks, Is Improving.
Mr. and Mrs. V. Qrlmm spent Sunday
with Mr. Grimm's sister at Chalco, Neb.
Mrs. Walter Sheperson spent Saturday
and Sunday with Mrs. Adams in Omaha.
Vaughn Bacon has returned from col
lege to spend tbe summer with home
folks. ...
Mr. and Mrs. William Powell of Irv
lngton spent Sunday at the Big Springs
farm. .
Rev. Mr. Butter will preach at the
Ponca . church Sunday afternoon at l:$u
o'clock. .
George Petersen of Omaha was the
guest of Mr. and Mra Parks Monday
' Miss Millie Griffin will leave Thursday
for Twin Falls, Idaho, on a four weeks
vacation. .
The Misses Laura and Sarah Craig
spent Tuesday at the Pliant home near
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Peterson are re
joicing over the arrival of a bouncing
uaby boy.
'Miss Mildred Bacon entertained a few
friends at her home north of town
Wednesday. ' '
Mrs. J. C. Rennlnger, who was oper
ated on In Omaha last week, Is recov
ering rapidly.
Mrs. Swan Anderson, who has been at
the Bwedlsh hospital for two weeks, is
improving very slowly.
Miss Helen Nichols expects to leave
the last ot the month for a visit with
relatives in New York.
Florence camp. Modern Woodmen ot
America, will attend St. Mark's church In
a body Sunday, June 30.
Mrs. Emll Kaufman has returned from
Beatrice, Neb., where she spent several
weeks with, her parents.
Mrs. Edward Petersen has returned
from a two weeks' with Sunderland
family in South Dakota.
George Bird and family came from
Canada to attend the luneral ot Mr.
Bird's sister, Mrs. Holbrok.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown left Tues
day morning on a ten days' fishing trip
among ths lakes of Minnesota.
Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Hines, Mr. and Mrs
Ed Luellen of Blair were the gussts of
Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Fox Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Smith and family of
Falrview will go to Twin Falls to spend
ths summer with their son, Sydney.
Miss Mary Mann of Bryan, Tax., is
the guest of her grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. F. S. Tucker for the summer. .
Hugh ' Buttle was a guest at the
farewell banquet to Jsmes Walsh of
Benson given at Omaha Tuesday evening.
Miss Lura Holtiman and Miss Rena
Fox spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss
Olga Jorgensen at her home north of
Henrr Anderson, John Lubold and
George Gamble left Wednesday morning
for Grand Island to attend tne state con
vention of Eagles. '
Mrs. Harry Brisbln returned Sunday
from a Ax weeks' trip to Vermont and
New York, where sha has been visiting
friends and relatives.
Miss Florence McConnell and Miss
Edith Archer, delegates to the stats Sun
day school convention, are visiting with
tbs E. C. Jensen family north of town.
The wedding of Miss Slgna Bondesson.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Bondesson,
and John Brengle of Omaha will take
place at the home of ths brids Tuesday
The Misses Hattle, Lettle and Helen
Kindred, who have been attending the
School for the Deaf, are spending the
summer with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
M. Kindred.
Mrs. Klrkland, Miss Rose Prather,
Miss Wakefield of Omaha and Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs. Preston and daughter were
guests of Mrs. M. A. Pliant and Miss
Pliant Sunday.
Mra W. B. Parks left Friday for Sur
prise, Neb., where she will be the guest
of Mr. and Mra J. C. Coleman fche
will visit relatives In other near towns
before returning
Mrs. J.. M. Griffith gave a luncheon
Tuesday at her home, Cozy Corners, In
honor of her sifter, Mrs. William W.
Beebs of New York. Pansles formed the
table decoration and those present were:
Meadames John Battin, W. W, Bee be.
Frank Porter. H. L. Porterfield, Joslyn
of Minneapolis, W. J. Bradbury, Frank
Barret, W. E. Palmatier, Davis of Mln
neapolfs, S. M. Griffith and Miss Helen
Miss Orphs Lewln gave a lawn party
at her home, "Tne Willows." near Belle
vue Tuesday for a party of Florence
people. After a ride on the river boule
vard and games on the spacious lawn
a delightful lunch wan served. Those
present were Misses Elizabeth Johansen,
Florence Farts, Fay Fratt, Hannah
Jensen, Hasel Nelson, Naoma Low,
Messrs. John Butte, Mark Low, Blaln
Farls and Mr. and Mrs. Bancroft.
Mrs. A. BV Hunt entertained Informally
at her home Mlnne Luna lodge Wednes
day In honor of Mrs. w, W. Seebs of
, t
music and art. others may enter I ho state
university end others are to travel.
CIokIhc Kxerelars nt Dabaqne, la.,
. Tlie closing exercises of Mount SL
Joseph college, Dubuque, drew to the
assembly hall many out-of-town visitors
and townspeople, parents 'and students
and former graduates, who enjoyed and
applauded the program numbers.
The program consisted of vocal and In
strumental music recitations and the vale
Gossip from Omaha Suburbs
New York, who Is the guest of her
sister, Mrs. J. M. Griffith. A musical
program was rendered by Miss Elisabeth
Underwood and Mrs. Hunt. Mrs. Hunt
recited from Ella Wheeler Wilcox and
Shakespeare- The table decorations ware
branchea of cherry trees and the place
cards bore quotations from authora
Those present were: Mesdsmes W. W.
Beebe, H. L. Porterflold, W. E. Palmatier,
F. - K. Underwood, A. C. Griffith, Ell
Gramllsch, Harold Key fields and A. U,
Gus Wulff, left Saturday for a tew
days' stay at Minneapolis.
Dr. and Mrs. E. A. Mason, left on
Mondsy for a-stay at Lake Okobojt
Lynn Colson has 'returned horns from
Chicago, where he has been studying..
Maurice McMlcheal left last Sunday for
a visit with relatives In Seattle, Wash.
Mrs. M. C. BerrV, has returned home
from ths hospital with her sight restored.
Mrs. Charles Beavers Is entertaining
her brother, George Uhlich of Nebraska
Andrew Lowe Is recovering from two
fractured ribs, received by a fall, a week
ago. , ;
lxical ' grocers attended the annual
picnic held In Hlverview park, last
8. L. Boner and children, left on Thurs
day for a three-weeks' visit in Hous
ton, Mo,
Dr. and Mrs. Loecliner returned on
Monday, from a few days' stay In Min
neapolis. .
Ed. Kuerton and daughter, have re
turned from a visit with relatives In
Todelo, O. . . j J
Mrs; A." Davenport of New York City,
was a guest last Sunday at the home of
E. C. lioddpr.
William Marsh of Paola, Kas., la visit
ing at the home ot his sister, Mrs.
Charles Simons.
Dr. Claude Barron of Hagerman, New
Mexico, was a guest at the btlger home
during the last week. ,.
- Mrs. Behn has returned to her hums
In Denver, after a six weeks' visit, with
her daughter Mra Harris. . t
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Selley who have been
guests at Dr, Hall's home, have returned
to their home In Vllllsca, la.
The Odd Fellows' lodge held Its an
nual memorial services at Mount Hopu
cemetery last Sunday afternoon.
During the last week two mall boxen
have beun installed on Main street, one
at Le Hoy avenue aud the other at Rote
The Benson Eagles' drill team returned
Saturday evening from Grand island,
where, they . attended- the annual con
vention. -.-,
The next regular meeting of the Wo"
mens Christian Temperance Union will
be held at the home or, Mra. Gordon
Roth, next Friday.
M. C. Covington of Valley, Neb.,' and
Aleo Smith have taken charge of the
Orphanage avenue barber shop, formerly
owned by Mr. Smith.
The annual district Ep worth lea&uo
convention will be held in the irfethoul&t
church on Tuesday, Wednesday aim
Thursday of next week.
At a special meeting held by the Board
of Education the contract for tne addi
tion to Hose Hill school was given to W.
D. Edmunds, whose bid was is.guo.
Announcements of the marriage of Miss
Minnie Ltnd of Wausa, Neb., and Her
man Oleson of Benson, to take place hers
next Wednesdsy, have been sent out to
Probate County Clerk N. W. Wester
gaard and bride, have returned from
their wedding trip, and are now guests
at the home ot his brother, on Burnara
James Walsh was given a farewell din
ner last Tuesday evening by about thirty
Omaha friends, the occasion was a Tare
well, before he leaves tor an extended
visit to Canada. ......
Mrs. Luthor Hoyt was hostess to the
Maple Iaf chapter, Order of the East
ern Star, at a porch and lawn parly.
Guests from Benson were Mesdsmes
Kewey, Hotchklss snd Howard.
The Degree of Honor lodge Installed
the following officers at Its last meet
ing: Chief of honor, Mrs. Maney; lady
of honor, Mrs. Ellis; chief of ceremonies,
Mrs. Werhlle. A team was organised,
with Carl W. Anderson as captain.'
At the last city council meeting bids
for sewer plans and specifications were
read and P. A. Elqulst's price of $100 was
accepted. Ordinances were read and a
protest asalnst a sidewalk at Burnam
school was read. Bills were allowed.
A mass meeting to protest against local
taxes of Benson was held Wednesday
evening. A committee of twenty-five cit
isens was chosen to represent the case
and a committee of three waited on the
county commissioners at Omaha on
The annual election of officers of the
Woman's dub was held last Thursday,
as follows: President, Mrs. Charles
Trscy; vice president, Mrs. C. Robinson;
treasurer, Mrs. Cuyler; secretary. Mrs.
B. A. Mason. A picnic at Rivervlew park,
July 25, was planned.- Six new names
were added and a dainty lunch was
served at the meeting. ..
Last Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock
Miss Luella Wilson of Benson and F. A.
Schiller of Omaha were marr'ed at the
home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Beattle
Rev. F. I, Bastel of Chicago offlciatou.'
Mrs. Wilson. sister-Jn-law of the bride
played the Wedding march. Mr. and d.s.
Schiller will reside In a neWIy-erected
bungalow In Bensonhurst -
Daadee. ....
Mrs. H. M. Simpson is visiting friends
In Laramie.
Miss Edna Opper has spent the week In
Falls City, Neb.
Mrs. C. L. Dolan has gone to Los
Angeles to spend the summer,
Miss Margaret Mctzger of Lincoln Is
the guest of her aunt, Mrs. W. E.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Miller gave a large
dinner at the Happy Hollow club last
Mr. and Mra' W. G. Crock have re
turned to the boms pf their daughter,
I .' :
4 S Jr
fi mm
dictory address by Miss Alice Malone.
Most n. J. J. Ksane, archbishop ot
Dubuque, di-liveied the closing address.
VOIt.i;i,I. t MVERSITl'
IKrgrres Conferred on Reeord Class
of ana.
The commencement exercises this year
were held on an- out-of-door natural
amphitheater on the library slope for the
first time! and proved a decided success.
Good weather and a large attendance of
(ConUnued on Tenth Page.)
Mrs. T. L KUick. after spending .several
weeks traveling In the east. -
W. R. McFariand Is bulldlna a new
home on California street in Happy Hol
low circle. , '.-"
Mr.-and Mra. Joseph Polcar are moving
Into their new home in Happy Hollow
circle this week.
Mrs. R. R. Evans and the Misses Evans
gave a musical at their horns on West
Dodge street Tuesday. - ' ,
Mr. and Mra W. E. Khepard enter
tained twelve guests at dinner at the
Field club last Saturday, ' i
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Warner and fain-l
II y have gone to McGregor, Minn., where
wey wiu spend tne summer. , ,
Herbert Mayer Is at boms from Oberljn
college; Miss Ada Klopp from the Coa
servatm y of Music at Kvanston, 111., apd
Miss Edna Bajtlctt from Wellesley col
lege. . .. .;
Miss Haicl Jenkins has been chosen try
the Dundee school board to teach tn the
second and third grades the coming year,
taking the place of Miss Nellson, who
will become assistant principal.
Miss F.dna Bennett entertained Tuesday
In honor of Miss Harriet Sweesy of Chi
cago, who Is visiting her grandparents.
Mr. and Mra William Sweesy. Twenty
four young women were present .
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh T. Cutler had as
their guests last week Mr. and Mrs. An
drew Bowrann of Marshal I town, la., and
Ibis week their truests are Mrs. C. J.
Cutler and Mark Cutler of Modale, la. '
Mr. and Mr. F. R. Straight entertalnM
at dinner at their home, 6104 Cumins
street, last Saturday In honor of tSe
Misses Marts of Greenville, O., who have
been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mol Uhl
of Omaha. Fourteen guests were present
nnd after dinner all renalred to the Hannv
Hollow dub, where the evening was spejit
hi dancing. , -
- ' - ' ' :
' Ralaton. -
Mrs. Vols and son, Mathlas, were visit-'
Ing in Omaha Sunday. ' .
Mrs. I. M. Sk Inner and children' spent i
Thursday In Council Bluffs. .
Mlis Rlarden of Omaha spent the last:
two weeks at A. F. Moran's.
Win. Milius departed last week for Call-,
fornla, where U will visit her son. J'
lluy Yonker of Union. Neb.; was visa
ing' at the Tillman home last Sunday, i' '
Miss Goldle Ward of Ashland, TJeb-,1s
vuitlng this week with Miss Hasel'
Hooker. -. v - v i
Mr. and Mrs. gorsvlck of Chester Net).,
arrived Thursday evening for a visit with
Mr. and Mrs. Ham. , , . 1
Mrs. MoMahon and daughter, Margaret,!
and Miss Hennessey are visiting at the!
home of A. F. Moran. :, , .. ,
M.tttle and Walter Phflug, residing!
south of town, attended the Children's
day exercises last Sunday evening.
. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Propst entertained!
Mr. and Mrs. D. Hsm snd Mr. and Mrs.
Alexander at their home Monday evening.
Mrs. Margaret Sulaer and Mr. -and Mrs.i
T. H, Pilgrim and family of Grianell, laj
are visiting at the home of J. Hi Parratt j
P. T. Mltterllng of Fremont, Neb spent!
last Sunday with" Mr. and Mrs. J, HI
Parratt of the Seymour Lake , Country!
club. . . y. ' . , , . I
- Mr. and Mrs. Ewalt of Aurora. Ne..!
visited a few days here last week, and'
we are glad to learn will soon make this I
wien flume,
Miss Ethel Taylor and Miss Edna Parks
oi umana spent ia sundav at th tnr.
mer's home and later In the day took al
. i we us t apiuion.
Mrs. William A. Taylor of Plattsmouth!
spent Thursday afternoon snd evening
bere, having Just returned from Clifton
kan where she attended the funefal ofl
her sister. . ' ; ;
Mr. and Mrs. Anton Beloveraek de-1
parted last Saturday for New York, from
where they will sail lor Germany, They'
expect to spend the summer there visiting'
their old home. ..-1
L. Howard, accompanied bv bis wife'
and mother and Charles SaveJI. motored)
to Lincoln last Saturday afternoon, ra-iJJI-lf
,.h0.m,er Sundtt? svening, where,
they visited Veora and William HowardJ
who are attending the Wesleyan univer
slty at that placs, ,, "J
' . ' V; -'.
s Ambler. . r.'
if' Arno'd ftas sold his Immense crop;
of cherries to ons firm down town. - " 1
Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Brady are entertafn-l
In relatives from Dunlsp, la., this Week.j
Miss Margaret Gross returned from-al
two weeks' visit In Chicago on ThorsdsyJ
Mrs. Clyde 'Stults has been the guest i
week z""01"01 ,n 8ouUl Oms-fca .tbis
Mr,a.p' J- Traber and tworsons sndj
Miss Mary Oleson were gufSts at the'
Hall farm near Millard on, T.iursday. -.'f I
.-Mir. and 'Mrs. O. C. Mead and little',
daughter left Saturday to spend thelrl
two weeks' vacation In western Nebras,)
Miss Alta Heiter gave a birthday partyl
to her schoolmates at her home . Forty
fifth and Center afreets, Friday aftsrnoon.
The Society ot ' Willing Workers gave
a pie social at Elmwood . park to the!
young people of West Side on Friday,
evening. .......
The funeral services of Judson Hlgley,
were held from the family home, Fort-l
seventh and Pacific streets, . Thursday!
afternoon. . , . . :: g '
John McDermott left Thursday ror
Stewart, Neb., where he will spend his
vacation with bis uncle, Steve McDermott,!
on bis ranch, .. . .. - '
The Society of Willing - Workers 'willi
hold an all day meeting at the home r
Mrs. 1L S. Miller in West Ambler m
Thursday, June Zt. :!.
Mrs. Pearl Cbnkllng1 and little daughter,
Hasei. who have spent the last season
with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
L. Lemming, left Saturday for - Denw.l
where she will reside, . ' , , '
Mrs. John Fehse and daughter Hefeni
and son Robert arrived Friday -from Bur-I
llngton. la., on a. two weeks' visit to,
Mrs.- Clay Peterson and Mrs. J, tirosaf
of East Ambler.' v . ' ;! .-
Richard Shandy, youngest son of J-" .
and Mra Daniel Shandy, was mar
Wednesday evening nt t o'clock to "
Anna Johnson of East Ambler .
home of the bride's parents. TK ths .
on the U o'clock train for Denver
'' .- v: ' '"" .y '.. i :",v ;s