THE OMAHA SUNDAY, BEE : JUNE 23, 1912. Uncle Sam's Big Department Store Supplies 100,000 Consumers DON'T EMI B Copyright, 1912. by Frank 0. Carpenter.) RISTOBAL, Canal Zone, Pan- el araa. I want to tell you how 1 Uncle Sam feeds and clothes I Lt. - 1 Tit the old patriarch undertook this big job at Panama he found the stores" here very poor. The na tive merchants' did not understand the want!) of the Americans, and they tried to sell us poor stuff, at high prices. It Vas absolutely necessary In the manage merit of the canal to have the men well fed and well cared for, and so Uncle Sam became merchant, and he has established . here one oi tne biggest department stores of .the world. He- does not insist that any one buy of htm, but his prices are m i low and his goods are so good that no one thinks of purchasing anywhere else. The business began at the start of our work on the canal, and it has now grown until it amounts to almost $6,000,000 per year. . The number of consumers is now about 100,000, and this Includes the rami Ilea of both the silver and gold employes upon the canal and the railroad. - All are practically dependent upon the govern' . roent for their food and clothing, which Uncle Sam sells almost at cost. The gov ernment brings fresh bread to their front doors every morning. It puts away the lea In' their refrigerators and even, sup plies them with their fuel, which It stores away under the porch. Uncle Sam's Bis Mercantile Business Before I take you through the Immense warehouses and other government plants of the mercantile establishment here at Cristobal, let me give you a few Items as to the extent of the business. The sales last year embraced more than 4,000,000 pounds of fresh beef, and 250,000 pounds of mutton aad lamb. The chickens handled In Uncle Sam's grocery store numbered 400,000, and the turkeys and ducks one-fourth as many. He sold 600,000 pounds of bacon, 9,000,000 eggs and altogether over 88,000 tons of food sup plies of one kind or other. Some of the groceries ran into the millions of pounds. This was so of the flour, which weighed 2,000,000, and of evaporated and condensed milk, which footed up a gross of 8,000,000 pounds. Uncle Sam sold last year a million pounds of peas and beans, 700,000 cans of tomatoes, 200,000 of fish and 68,000 cans of pork and beans. His sales of potatoes aggregated 7,000,000 pounds, and of onions more than a million. He sold .226,000 dozen oranges, 66,000 cantaloupes. 120,000 grape fruit and about 10,000 watermelons. ' A little further on I will take you through his bakery here at Cristobal, where last year he made over 6,000,000 leaves of bread, sending out from 20,000 to 25.000 every day. We shall visit his laundry where 3,500,000 pieces of clothing were washed last year, and go into plants where, EO0.0CO pounds of coffee were rcasted, $:CO,000 worth of Ice made and from where more than 100,000 gallons of ice( . cream were shipped out to canal employes. Indeed, our patriarchla'. uncle has in stitutions here big enough to supply almost every want of . the Americans and foreigners who are employed upon the canal, and notwithstanding the fact that we are 2,000 miles from the base of sup plies,, he is satisfying these wants at prices as low as at, home, and In some cases i lower. Moreover, ' his buslnesi Is not' only self-supporting, but it pays a small profit It is, In fact, one of the big-little wonders of our great work at Panama. Hott Uncle Sam. Bays His Supplies. This great department store Is under the commissary of the canal. Its head Is Colonel Eugene T. Wilson, the chief subsistence officer, and Its business Is as carefully done as that of any great factory or trust. The purchases are in bulk and the prices are cut to the minimum. Competitive bids are gotten as to everything and . the government buys where It can the best and the cheapest. " California products, for Instance, are shipped down by sea to save the cost of railroad transportation over the con tinent. Some goods are bought In Europe and shipped direct to Panama. ! Tropical fruits coma from Jamaica and j the other islands of the West indies, j contracts for fresh meat are made an nually at Chicago on the basis of a percentage above ' or below the sale of live animals in the stock yards as re ported in the Drovers' Journal, and by the specifications only the hfghest class of meat can be sold. The meat is so carefully packed and shipped that , of the 4,000,000 pounds not twenty pounds j have spoiled in a year, and it is de livered as fresh as though it" came from a first-class butcher shop lh Chicago.' The greatest care Is taken as to the Shipment of goods, all perishable stuff coming In cold storage chambers, and that In such a way that the loss is borne by the shipper. Many of the sup- 1 plies are bought in bulk and- put up In packages here. Some are manufactured on the ground, and, in fact, a mighty business is carried on at- the lowest pos sible cost. ; ' ' " The government has a chemical labor atory to test its purchases, that it 'may know whether they are up to sample. It weighs everything, and it has weights and measures sent down by the. Bureau of Standards at Washington. Some of the scales are so fine that they will weigh a pencil mark or a hair. In fact, I pulled out an eye-winker and laid it upon one of them. The test was made inside glass, and the needle indicated that it weighed one-ten-thousandth of a gram. . ! Tho Government Cold Storage Plant. But we can see something of this fea ture of Uncle Sam's business heie at Cristobal. Let us first enter the cold storage plant. This Is made of cement and it covers acres. The building Is One of the largest in the world, and it Is so arranged that the goods can be taken from the ships to the cold storage chambers and from them direct to the cars which carry them to the . retail stores and the consumers. There Is one train which goes out every morning. Before entering , the cold storage plant we are warned to beware of the cold. It is hot here In the tropics and the freezing chambers .are almost as cold as the pole. The men .bring us overcoats, and we jump from the heat to the cold. Our first room., is a Vegetable cooler, the tem perature' of which is 60 degrees below that on the outside of the building. We are In a long hall about fifty feet wide filled with bales and boxes of vegetables and fruit There are tables at the s'ides at which men are sorting potatoes, cab bages, cucumbers and celery, picking out the bad and throwing away anything that is decayed or not up to sample. There are aleo-pineapples and grape fruit from the West Indies, and as we pass the men tell us that they are now selling 60.000 i oranges and grape fruit every week. ' I - am ask what the grape fruit is worth and the cold storage man replied: , "We are now selling them for 4 cents apiece, although the price quoted at home is 8 cents and upward." .v Further on they are sorting lettuce and lemons, i The. lettuce comes from New Orleans, the lemons from Jamaica. . EgKM, Butter and Cheese. Passing through rooms kept cool by the dry air system, we enter storage halls devoted to ergs, butter and cheese. The cheeses are kept by themselves. .They are of all sorts, from some as big as wagon wheel to others no larger around than the palm of your hand. This room is kept cool by the brine system and the pipes which line It are covered with snow. A little farther on. is the egg cooler, which Is also lined with brine pipes.' It is filled with crates of fresh eggs, which are now being sold at the rate of 40,000 a day. Every egg has to be tested before it leaves this cold room, and over there at the right you may see the process of testing. It is done by means of a box In which an electric .light shines. The box is closed except for a hole the size of an egg in one 'side. The "man takes an egg and places it over this hole. If it is good the light shines right through end makes it look like an egg of real gold. If it Is bad the egg will not be transparent. It will look streaked and spotted, and If rotten almost black. All but the best eggs are : rejected, and s record Is kept of every egg handled. We look over the reports and find that in the last batch of 21,000 only forty-four eggs were bad. That is only about two bad egBs to the thousand. The eggs are all candled before they' leave New Or leans, and only the good ones are paid for. Those which come ' cracked are saved and used. In the bakery.; . The same care. Is employed as to the butter. Uncle Sam buys the best the creameries can furnish, and that only in bulk. It used to be: that, butter was sent down in prints, but it was found that it cost 8 cents more per pound to bring It that way,, and , that it did not keep as well. For this reason the government has Its . own buttericuttlng . machines and It cuts and packs its own prints. The but ter now, sells "at 42 cents a pound, and H is of the grade which costs 6 cents more than that in the states. ,' , , Fresh Beef for Panama. We find, the chambers colder and1 colder as we go on with our journey. Those In which the turkeys, ducks,' squabs and milk-fed chickens . are kept is, only 12 degrees above sero, and the fowls are frozen stiff. Here, there are fresh fish, oysters,-canvas back and teal ducks, as well as sweetbreads and' other such things. I take one of the chickens In my hand and pound a box with it. It is as solid as jce.'and I have little difficulty .In breaking the boards. A little further on' Is the meat cooler. the temperature of which keeps the flesh as hard as a glacier. Immense quartm of beef hang from the racks. There are 700 quarters in this single room, and this wiiL.iast .only five 'days.,' The- beeves come in by the thousand at a ti!pment, and they go out, almost as fast.' It takes more than 6,000 cattle a year to, supply the canal employes, and about a' ton of pork chops are consumed every day. . As to corned beef, the government makes its own. It has vats connected with .he cold storage department which have a capaj- lty of 20,000 pounds. It takes about 2,000 pounds of such meat every day to suppiy the demand.' 100,000 Gallons of Ice Cream. Uncle Sam makes his own ice cram and, he sells his employes 880,000 worth every year. This Is sent out in tnh. the hotels and the retail stores. The flavors are changed five or six times a week, and there Is a special arrangement for supplying ice cream on Sundays. As to the ice itself, that la made in the cold storage plant. The amount manufactured w " a y. and the Ice receipts for one year are more than 8200,000. Uncle Sam's Bakery. f But suppose we fly from th tvi.." the tropics. Ve can f do so nvmiri... from the cold storage plant to the bakery m wuicn , are not far . away The bakery is one of the largest on earth' and everything: there is done upon a big scale. The dough is kneaded by machin ery In a big Iron trough, tl com. ..t , loaves, being; cut by a douah ama. which makes seventy-two loaves - every minute. One batch of dough will make 1.800 loaves. The ovens ate great cham bers walled with porcelain, each of which will bake 900 one-pound loaves at a time Altogether they can make 25.000 n.L In one day, and from 20,000 to 25,000 loaves are now being consumed every twenty. wur nuuro. ine employes of the bakery are both white and colored, with a white man at the head. f . Uncle Sam's laundry is "another bir f. ture of this mercantile establishment It consists of several large halls which are filled with Jamaica negresses, washing and Ironing. The ; clothes are passed through : five waters from cold to hot, while the machinery scours out the dirt The wringing is done ty centrifugal force in machine like those used fn ...... making, and the Ironing has the M of electricity. The latter work is nwfnrm.rf by negro girls who receive from 7 to id cents an hovr. Each has an eictri w OSf :'ft3lK fchfe Wry t v v, v.-cw?. . .'.y-.. . I Zfaz-E cSkzff JUizzmza 'cSkoymrtjt jrsa JS-zac&czc Jkojnuvf 25qarz fastened to a tube over her head, and she uses an ironing board covered with white cotton which Is so supported that it is level with her waist. ' As to the white shirts, , they pass through pressing ma chines, and the collars have special ma chines of their own. About 4,000,000 pieces are washed and ironed every year, and. the , annual income of the institution is almost 8100,000. . ' Nevertheless the prices are low. Linen coats cost 11 cents each; collars, 1 cents; (jraciousjxevealed palesbSutjfi Wrinkles Will Surely Go, APearlySkinWillSurel Come, and the rorm Will Take on a Glorious Contour of Un rivaled Beauty A si SAY, what yo will, there are three things wnich are the vrv hasia of beauty. With out these three you may as well rniiM uo your mind that all y,1mosturelyhfaiLl V win almost surely laii. tnese mreo uui' v.. 7n in a certain manner and b1.29?,Vl trtments- other- w th S?ti,oUirh TSSviU be doing wise, aitnougn you wm w Hnfnhose things right In other worayowlll'Wne right church but the wrongpew. v .. , tu- hin7 rnnstltute The '"f'SHiy success Then the very ensence of my b " everythlng else . " Lsv culture became marvelouBly easy. I had something . 8e fhing woman will l ave to uo the same thing, Exercise wont do it ; DtoUng .na seep ing won't do It But you can 00 spite of late suppe r "rVlaS ommission of heavy, botheraome exercise. . This trio consists of "t-dC0P11e" eradication of wrlnkhjs, second, malting the ailrfn TPftfl OI HOUTDi n.O cwv -w-f and with a Woon like tha petals or a rose; tmro, ine w". .. -- form and the to ,,ne8 01 contour and luxurious fulness. . i O r There are other things, of course, be- sides these three, but 1 mention them as absolutely basic, right at the start. Be- atn on these now. Follow the instruc- florin which I give you below and I can ,. vnu that you will marvel at the change in yoursen wneu ; i" i i four hort weeks thereafter.' Th treatment I give you is aosoiuie- ly different from anything I have ever before heard of. and J have for a long tlme been importuned by my friends to reveal the secret to them. I did so to those whom I thought would follow my Instructions, and invariably the result has been glorious yes, beyond their ex- pectatlone. The results upon myself drawers,- 6 cents, and cuffs, cents per pair. The charge for washing a silk shirt is 10 cents; for a dress shirt, 10 cents; a suit of pajamas, 10 cents, and for a union suit, only 8 cents. The family laundry work is also cheap. . A , bedspread costs 10 cents; a blanket, 20 cents, and a nap kin, 1 cent. You can have a sheet washed and ifoned for 3 cents' and a towel for 1 cent. Connected with the establishment is a pressings department, where men's coats, trousers and vests and women's were, 1 will say, truly mar velous. No other word will express It - I want each one of you to ' begin today by using the fol lowing secret. . By a liberal and faithful application of it you will soon find that all the creams you have been previously using are cast in ihm Hhnrln T n"vulf uxor! 1- uie enaao. i nyyseir used ai- most everything sola ror U1 W43 3- th p and I 'v""'- Y wUI find your skin taking on , beautiful radlanck a nurilv inc&scrih .. .,,-----;--..-----, "Poia in your complexion win w,y with the muddy or ashy color. A softness will supervene which will be adorahiA Ynn,. fan m r.i can do it, and might aa well atart aether. you will nW" h 'h( - Jn ft Vt nfen?.'" WaTe Pan and 't it come to a boll. Add have ever used for two tablespoonfuls of glycerine. Keep this purpose. Of stirring, while adding little by little oni this, take 8 tea- ounc ' zintone. until It is all dissolved, spoonfuls three or Then ,et coo, If four a day thick to pour easily from a bottle, thin In a wine glass of a down a little with more hot water, water, after you.r When cool pour lnt0 a bo , Th6meai. I have cream will be white and satiny. found this to be After bathin ln th morning, hold a peculiar tonic wet fowel to fM se , t)'m f - lvw Mtonlen)rig several minutes. Rub this cream on the results in a few enUre face beraUy ftt tn t, weelts. tlme The nlnhlnir lha oblr. all w . c Md apply your w , powaer. Repeat this again at niaht. omitting the powder." of cours"e unless desired. You will soon see the result Any good drug store will sell you the tintone for about fifty cents. o v . Now for the wrinkles: I will repeat what I stated last Sunday for the bene- fit of others. in a liLrirn'hnwl noup nn.hif i hniiinr , water in thin nnn i i.n.. spoonfuls of glycerine. Place this bowl in a pan of water on a slow fire. In a few minutes add two ounces of eptol and continue stirring until, all is dis- solved. At first it will look like Jelly, when it will start to cream. When it does this, remove it from the fire and stir constantly until cold. Then keep It in ajr-tlght Jar. You should be able skirts and waists are cleaned and shapes at fixed prices. What we have) seen, so far, might be called Uncle Sam's wholesale mercantile establishment. It Is the warehouse and the factory and the central station from which all the goods are distributed, The work of selling the merchandise is dono largely in retail stores, and , for thle purpose the government has twenty-two branches, one at each canal center. They I to ant eotol at any Kood drug store and it should not cost you more than fifty cents. Tbis will last quite a while. Apply this cream every morning with the tips of too flnsers. after washing your face, wltii very warm water ana soap. Cao very liberally around the eyes on the forehead, on either sloe of the mouth, everywhere. After you havs applied It take up tba flash In your fingers, pinch It and roll it for a few milJUWMi until um -nmr.!ilon powder. minutes until trie cream uimiKia. tmJwUi the en,! of wrtnkles. This cream will not grow br. V" I Oev.eltoumentoffD'Vm Hurt.. Ha.ii'X' momem DeilWB w. mira nut loi dbrrei. WelT, t immArA'ir Baorrcrt 'iyf (ties (irtfiriaw tfitemituKitfai fta vuoie;. S'amw ff tttlwej Yaleska Suratt and Herjiger are electricity, vacuum 1 n a t r u- menta, etc., all - all . pose. If J Pint of 1 to no purpose. in a half hot water you dis solve two cunces - - or ruetone and a half nf .-. .'C,P 7 all well mixed to- K.eM get at t you can the drug i Ana linl store for to?. ' It is, of course, entirely safe. If more knew of this secret there would be many more happy women In the world. It will I0U LOOKJN 1HE not fall you. You will anoint the development a great deal hv maannrinir the bust with the eptol cream mentioned anove. " HARRIETTE L- No, washing the face with warm milk will not whiten the skin, as you see fron.' your own ex- perlence. You cannot do better than use the xlntone treatment I mention above. Your freckles will also quickly disap- pear. - cover too principal settlements alongr the Canal Zone, and are found also at Porto Bello and Toro Point. In these stores goods are sold in exchange for coupons, which can be procured by employes from their timekeepers or from the officers of the government and Panama railway on invoices. Tou can buy nothing in the stores except with coupons. A twenty dollar gold Pteco would not buy a paper of pins, nor a ten-dollar bill a lead pencil. The system is all arranged on the coupon basis, and one must carry his coupon book to the store and let the clerk take out the checks which represent the amount of your purchase. These checks range In denomination from $1 to 1 cent, so that anything can be exactly paid for. The business la done after a rigid ac counting system. Cash registers are em ployed, and the salesman makes out a sales slip for each purchase. The goods are. taken to too stores on the cars from Cristobal, and there la a special refrigerator train every morning which has eleven cars filled with meats, Ice and perishable goods, and ten other car loaded with other goods. This train tarts at 4:30 every morning, and' It the one train which is always on tuna. In addition to the goods sold in the tores, there is a big mall order business. Messenger go around every day to the home of the employes and take their order, receiving coupons therefor. These are sent into the central office, and the good are brought back the next day. All the bread I delivered at the houses, and It is so of the Ice, meat and gro ceries. The wagons of h quartermaster come to the chief storage train, and the housekeeper ha her supplies even more regularly and more quickly than In the states. No charge 1 made for delivery. In the Cristobal Commissary, , Tou may be interested In seeing one of the local stores. Take that here at Cris tobal. It is situated on a corner in the' heart of the town. It is about 100 feet front by 200 feet deep, covering all told almost half an acre. Entering, you find yourself In an establishment much Ilk a department store, The room la filled with shelve and counter, divided up into department, and each ia devoted to one kind of goods. Here there la nothing but hardware, over there are glassware and china, and farther on are ahelvet filled with dry goods and notion. Thar i on department for cigar and tobacco, 1 another for drugs, and a third for meat and groceries.. The meet branch ha a cold storage room in which three or four butcher are kept busy cutting roasts, chop and steaks for the customer. Here everything 1 - sanitary. The meat is wrapped up in the cold storage chamber and handed out through a slot. . The stores are thoroughly organised. Each ha It whit manager and It white assistant storekeeper. The . other clerk ar mostly West Indian, because they are cheaper than whites, receiving only Irom 825 to $46 per month. I would say that I have patronised these store a great deal during my stay on the isthmus. Through the commissary I have been able to buy one of the book and have made my purchase with the coupon, f I find the price much lower than those of the local Panama estab lishments, . and in many cases they are as cheap or cheaper than at home. There is no question as to the prices, for the government publishes a full price list every week or so, and one can tell just what anything and everything costs. FRANK O. CARPENTER. CELESTINE The condition . of your hair la certainly deplorable. Next Sun day I will reveal the hair secret which my friends have found excels anything ever before used. . Hope you can wait until next Sunday. Space forblda here. O. S. L. Get from your druggist two or three ounces of a 8 per cent solu tion or boric acid. Wash the eyes night and morning with this formula and they will fairly glisten after a time. It la entirely safe. KIMONO Tour crow's feet muet cer tainly be very pronounced. It is too bad at your age. But don't worry. Use the eptol treatment I have given in these columns and your soul will be fill ed with gladness when you see the result after a time. Just keep at it It has proved highly successful in worse cases than yours. I have aeen these resulta with my own eyes. '1 It JZT v. .... .u' i a m j. . . aTtrTaaTTIr 1 1 iri Iit "! i i nil lissssl I W aa, You WaMARmATlE Change In Yourself.When ni&JWR nuH0Kl l intwi t. NARSISSUS The article you mention j a proprietary article, and I could not recommend It Next Sunday I will give you several more secrets on other topics. I can per- sonally guarantee the splendid results 0f all the treatments I have given you. for I know whereof I speak. HOTB. Inquiries should be directed ts Kiss Valeska Borstt, ear of this new- paper. SOAP And Cuticura Ointmpnt will care for your skin. ' No other emollients do so much to clear the akin of sunburn, heat rashes, redness cad roughness, and do it so quickly and economically. Ontlean Sat u4 Otatswst 1 ferns the vwl. Llbenl twil of etek MiM trM,lta B-t-book. ktinm "Cutionr." Vtfi. IS. Boftofc STMUr-fM4 tkere ia aoafort with Oau rSotpBktaBtiok. Libera! (sawls hm. ; Paste "RATTLE CAP" will make Ants disappear from any house within twenty-four hours 25c At Grocers and Druggists - -i' -Ui.jVV'- Interest cDovcd u sayings deparfcent d 3 per annuo . . The United States National Dank of Omaha gives prompt ( and courteous service, affords absolute secur ltv and has a most con . venlent location. Torfftweif . Coroer SxfeeofA tad FaroMi SffCftS Ctptt $7MtCC3 Ssrptst WM. J. BOEKHOFF, Beall : DMUh - Phones- ETiiKi. ; Every. WOMAN should know about the J wonderful - Marrel "Whirling Sproy" SYRINGE Rest safest most convenient. . If your druggist cannot supply the MAKVtL, sena scamp ror uiuvmicu. DOOK sesiea. uonisins airvenui Invaiuaoie to laaies. MARVEL COMPANY 44 EartZSM Street NewYetk ror sal by Sherman ft MoCoaneU Srng Co. Mail ordero aollolted. .. ' SUNDAY BEE NOT COMPLETE WITHOUT COLORED COMIC " "SUPPLEMENT. Ant