nrw-rr EDITORIAL PAGES ELEVEN TO- XW-Ui'Xx. i H Omaha Daily Bee All The News All The Time the Be gives It readers a daily panorama of the happeainss ' ---'of tli whole wort; - VOL Sm-NQ. 2. OMAHA,.. THURSRAY MORNING, JUNK 20, 1912. SINGLE COPY . TWO . CENTS; WI O WELL EE MOMIMAT ED? I A TfCF T EACH PERSON wm coirecf ansufcr f o the question "Who Will Be Nominated" every firm using space on this page will, on presentation of their advertisement (cut ' iivut im H"ts " vn u purcnuse or .w on a $iu.uv purcnase. m oiner woras, $o.uu worm or mercnanaise will cost you $.vu unu $10.00 worth will cost you $8.00, providing coupon naming the correct nominee is deposited with the advertiser before nomination is made. FILL OUT AND TURN IN ADVERTISEMENTS TODAY J MAKE YOUR PURCHASES LATER 1 'IT I MIX 'i I I II I 1 mrrrn ttttt t tjw MAWTWATPnt" -1 iKA T Vom. J Street Address ROOSEVELT . NEXT WINTER'S COAL Name the lucky candidate, deposit the above coupon at our of fice before the nomination is made, and you will save $2.00 on your next winter's coal bill. - ; Then, too," you will save as much more because Sunderland's Certified Coal is worth morein actual fuel value than any other coal your money can buy. ' SUNDERLAND BROS. CO. 1614 Harney. Look ?rderland Turn This "Ad" in Thursday -Make Your Purchases Later. J f I ft 1 1 "WHO WILL BE NOMINATED?" iM I Name yj m6u v Street Address ROOSEVELT . " ( V,. !...rmr ' I l l l l it ii- i --k i i i i i J II II II Omaha's Only Exclusive Family Liquor Store PURE LIQUORS FOR THE HOME CORRECT ANSWERS WILL RECEIVE $10.00 worth of goods for 3S.00 $5.00 worth of goods for , ,J&4)()0 $4.00 worth of goods for !53!jS5 $3.00 worth of goods for .' 552.50 $2.50 worth of goods for $2i(K) This ad must be mailed or handed in to our store, 1300 Farnam Street, not later than 6:00 1. M. Thursday. II tl n 11 M rl Is I PZsk II I I 1 h-l U LA v-rl Lzl JzJL U U UULL XU t&S Turn This "Ad" in Thursday Make Your Purchases Later. Jf WHO WILL BE NOMINATED?" I Name Sign Here Street Address Timely 5 ' CDMMINGS IT For the June Bride and the Girl Graduate The following gift hints will greatly assist you in selecting that wedding or graduation present: - For the June Bride - Sterling Silver, Cut Glass, Tea Sets,-: Fancy Gilt Clocks, Massive Mantel Clocks, etc. . For the Sweet Girl Graduate Gold ' Watches, La Vallieres, Watch Bracelets, Lockets, Chains, Diamond Rings, Gold Bracelets. 1 GUSTAFSON & HEINRICKSON Jewelers, Loyal Hotel Building. Be sure to fill out'the above ad... Send ad to our store. It means a saving to you. ' Turn This "Ad" in Thursday Make Your Purchases Later. J WHO WILL BE NOMINATED? WHO WILL BE NOMINATED?" I Name Sign Here Street Address TAKT Political conventions are ephemeral; man's home is a permanent institution Home is the first care of every man, and strict attention to it is his first duty." A man's home is where he ought to live among the greatest of comforts. No store in all the west can better furnish a home than this establishment, of Miller, Stewart & Beaton, an institution with every department fully equip ped. The finest and least expensive , V , Rugs, draperies and furniture are displayed here at inexpensive prices. Here is your, one chance to make home all it ought to be and at a figure that will challenge the attention of any careful thinking person. . , . Visit this store before you buy to decide on what to buy. ' - Miller, Stewart & Beaton Co. 413-15-17 South Sixteenth street. Turn This "Ad" in Thursday Make Your Purchases Later. -J I Name Sign Here Street Address .J.'S XJK LA FOLLETTB Ryan Jewelry Co You guessed right the first time..... H K t --' We Want Your Patronage Turn This "Ad" in Thursday Make Your Purchases Later. lUiuiiuruvjuuw niuj iv & x vniw Big Card of Events for the Grocers and Butchers. STORES CLOSED ON THURSDAY Special Service on Two Car Line Dancing Ii the Evening nacea Daring Afternoon Lunches. Grocery stores and meat markets in Omaha will be closed all day today, the occasion being the eighteenth annual plcnio of the Omaha Retail Grocers' as sociation, which will be held at Rlverview park beginning at 19 a. m. and continu ing until IX p. m. v Three hundred grocers and butchers of Omaha, together with their families will be on hand. Customers have also been Invited and arrangements have been made by the committee In charge tor serving hot coffee, soft drinks, sandwlcaes, fruit and other things on the grounds. Grocers and butchers of Florence, Benson, Dun dee and South Omaha will attend the plcnio as special guests. Superintendent Musgrave of, the street railway company has promised a regular four-minute car service on both the Farnam and Benson-Albright lines In the morning and again in the even ing in order to accommodate the crowds. Dancing will hold the attention of many r O M n 11 1 - II Ull 0 V U. IV J.X IT. ill. AlUtllKBIIlCMUB ave been made for a dance pavilion and I A program or sports in charge of G. E. Mulfinger and R. P. Wlnkleman will be run off beginning at 2 p. m. Prizes for the different events have been offered by Omaha merchants. Following the card of sport events for the afternoon: Men's boat' race, across lake and return. Ladies' boat race across lake and re turn. 100 yard dash Grocers and butchers. 100 yard dash fat men. Ladies' potato race. . 60 yard dash boys 10 years and under. , W yard dash girls 15 years and under. Ladles' egg race. i Sack race boys 15 years and under. -I Boxing and wrestling matches . Olght 1 weight class.) ' Kramer Brothers newsboy quartette I will be on the ground during the afterT noon and evening, s ' "' "'' Bishop Scannell Talks to Graduates at St, Berchman's In his commencement day address at St. Berchman's academy Tuesday, Right Rev. Rlohard Scannell, D. D., bishop, advised the two graduates to be dignified and natural and abhor slang, vanity and extravagance. The graduates were Hiss Marcel la Kavanaugh, who won class hon ors, and Miss Margaret Mary McElhaney. Many awards were made pupils in the other classes. Miss Sadie Horan won the medal offered by Division No. 1, American Order of Hibernians, for the best Irish history essay. The essays of Misses Margaret Carrlck and Alice Owens were Judged equal to that of Miss Horan and the awards made by drawing lots. The gold medal for elocution was awarded Miss Josephine Naylon. Forty-four crosses and ribbons were given pupils gaining high marks in their studies and each pupil in the academy re ceived a book. The program consisted of the. valedictory by Miss Kavanaugh, ora tions, recitations, piano solos, songs and marches by the other pupils. The audi torium was decorated with the class col ors, pink and blue, and ferns and flowers. Thursday the association of the alum nae of the academies of the Sisters of Mercy will hold their annual exercises at St. Berchman's. High., mass will be cele brated at 10:30 a. m. by Rev. J. McCarthy, and the banquet will be held at 1:30 p. m. Rev. Father McCarthy will deliver the sermon at 3:39. Jf ii WHO WILL BE NOMINATED?" I Name Sign Here Street Address : FAIR BANK! kAt-. A- -- Just to see your fare in our new place of 1ustoJ 'j will give you I1.00 on, $5.00 purchase, or J2.00 on $10.00 purchase. REGARDLESS OF CORRECT GUESSES - Cut this out and use it as cash In our store on above amounts. Only one to a person. FLITTON OPTICAL CO.,-213 S. IjBth St. .. ... Suocaisor to. HatMoa's..: . . . .. , Turn This "Ad" in Thursday Make Your Purchases Later. K Bachelor's Reflection. A girl Isn't a bit afraid of a hammock unless there Is no man In It. 1 Sometimes a man Inherits his gout, but jhe always earns his stomachache. A man won t even try to make a name for himself If his grandfather did it for htm. Because everybody knows how to do a thing better than the one who la doing to nobody does. Live Stock Men to Tour the State A party of thirty of the South Omaha live stock and commission men left yes terday on a trip to the western part of the state, their purpose being to boost for the local market. The arrangements and the schedule Is in charge of Secre tary Stryker of the exchange. The first stop of the South Omaha Vvt stock men were at Lincoln. From there they will run to Alliance over the Bur llngton, where they will spend most of Thursday. Then they will go to North port, remaining a short time, after which they will proceed to Scott's Bluff. whre fthey will remain Friday night. Saturday they will return to Northport, remaining most of the day. At Northport the car will be turned over to the Union Pacific, and over this line the party will return home, stopping at a number of the sta tions enroute "WHO WILL BE NOMINATED? J I Name 4 Sign Here mar Street Address HUGHES . We Are Willing,... You get one dollar credit on each five dollar purchase if you clip this ad and bring it to us. Take the one dollar reduction fro meach five dollars on a Dresher, classy, expertly tailor made suit at 1515 Farnam St., or Take $1.00 reduction from each $5.00 spent with Dresher Bros., the expert Cleaners at 2211-13 Farnam St. Just clip this ad and bring it in. Dresher The Tailor ,1515 Farnam Dresher Bros., Cleaners 2211.13 Farnam Turn This "Ad" in Thursday Make Your Purchases Later. f ' ROOSEVELT old 'WHO WILL BE NOMINATED?" I Name .......... Sign Here Street Address 173 terage w IF if irs The hot days of June are the most dangerous days for your furs your furs should have immediate attention. Ours js the only genuine cold storage for furs in the city. The . only safe method -keeps the oil in leather! and fur restores the lustre-lengthens the' life of your garments. ' Our certificates in sure against fire, moths and theft. Inspection invited. Phone now and we will send for your furs Doug. 2316 Ind. A-3554. AULABAUGM t v.' 1613 Farnam Streeti Turn This "Ad" in Thursday Make Your Purchases Later. -J INTEREST SATE IS REDUCED Conservative Orders Keduction Nearly One Per Cent. of WILL TAKE EFFECT OCTOBER 1 Rate at from Seven and One-Half Per Cent to Six and Sla-Tenth to All Borrower from the Association. At a meeting of the board of directors of the Conservative Savings and Loan association, the interest rate on (real state loans made by- the association were ordered reduced, from 1 per cent i 8 6-10 per cpnt, the reduction to go into effnet October 1. It is expected that with the reduction there will be no de cease In the dividend rate of ( per cent before July 1, 1913, when a per cent dividend may bo declared. ' While the as sociation has oteadlly reduced Its In terest rate from 1 1-10 per cent la 1901 tc the present rate of I (-10 per ctnt, this Is the first time in twelve years that any reduction has been made which af fects the dividend rate. The directors ordered a dividend credited at the rate of 6 per cent per annum for. the first six months of this, year, which carries with it the distribu tion of $175,000 to the association's stock holders. The directors reported an active busi ness for the first six months of this year with an increase of $600,000, bringing the association's assests beyond $7,000,080, with a reserve fund of $186,000. Case Against Mayor Trainor Dismissed The bribery case against Mayor Trainor Of South Omaha has been dismissed. In court yesterday morning Charles A. Goss, special prosecutor appointed to prosecute these oases, announced that bo did not find sufficient ovldenoe to warrant going to trial against Mayor Trainor. Crusade Against Weeds is Started by the Realty Men As a result of a short talk ' by City Health Commissioner Ralph W. Conneli before the Real Estate exchange a spe cial committee was appotnted to eradi cate the weed nuisance on vacant lots held by members of the exchange. Dr. Conneli declared weeds are not as great a bother now as they, were a few years ago, when they ' were allowed to grow until after they went to . seed be fore they were cut. ; . . Several real eBtate dealers made talks In which it was agreed that sales of property are move readily made when lots are kept mowed, S. P, Bostwick of the legislative com mittee of the exchange made a report that the foreclosure law of Nebraska, which was attacked at the last meeting, bad been found to be as good as those of other states. After a report on the question by F. H. Myers the exchange voted to take no action toward a change In the law. A report of the city planning commit tee was also made. FINED FOR PERMITTING BOY TO DRIVE AN AUTO . H. O'Dell, 3027 Hamilton streets wai fined $23 and costs in police court for al lowing bis son, Robert, 15 years of age, to run an automobile. The state statute says no boy under 1$ years of ago shall b allowed to drive an automobile. The boy' was turned over to the Juvenile .au thorities,, .,'."" John O. Velser, Jr., was fined $35 and costs for, exceeding the speed limit. He apiy?aJed the case. Vlnnie Scott, 2219 Cap itol avenue, was fined $30 and costs' for speeding. C". O. Swanson pleaded guilty to speeding and was fined $10 and costs ' Desperate Shooting - r ' ; pains in the chest require quick treat ment. Take Dr. King's New- Discovery for safe and sure relief. 60c and $100, for sale by Beaton Drug Co. ' HEAD OF THE TUBERCULOSIS DISPENSARY IN OMAHA . Miss Lillian Stuff, secretary of the ex- amlning board of the State Nurses' asso ciation and formerly head nurse in the -state Asylum for, Insane at Lincoln ha-': begun activities in Omaha as head of the tuberculosis dispensary and baby welfare, work of the Visiting Nurse association. She Is going fhe rounds with Head fturso ' Sweeney. It Is expected that the dlspen-" sary will be ready In -Gardner Memorial ' ball next week and that the babies' camr in Elmwood park will bo completed als .' by .that .,,,.." ..j".,.. . Miss Stuff has' been east attending na tional medical conventions. - She stopped in Chicago at the American Nurses' as- " sociatlon meeting; giving special attenua tion to the-visiting nurses' (J branch. At" the meeting of the Visiting Nurse asso ciation Miss Stuff told of the work of the Organisation of Health Nurses, as tli national visiting nurses are called, and following her talk the: local association voted to become affiliated -with the na- . tlonal body. . :'. )':-- .5 V 1 i