Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 17, 1912, Page 8, Image 8

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, JUNE 17, 1912.
Shuberts to Offer Variety Bills at
Omaha House.'
Eastern Wkeel Declines to Trade
Omaha for Washington Lester
Lonergran and Era Lang to
Star In Classics.
While the summer season J generally
"open time," so far as stories of the
theater are concerned, the last meek baa
developed a couple that may be of suf
ficient interest to hold attention for
moment, even In June, wnen the golf
links are most alluring.
First of these has to with the prob
able fate of the Boyd theater. An
houneement is made fr6m New York that
'the Shuberts are going into
vllle game, purposing to have houses in
seventeen cities, among which Omaha is
listed. , It has been locally reported that
. the Boyd will be opened early in August
as a popular priced vaudeville house.
where the Shubert brand of 'variety"
will be offered.
. Better for tbe Brandeis.
. If this comes to pass, it will mean
that the Brandeis Is to be left without
a rival as the only first-class theater in
the- city. A stUl more interesting feat
ure is that additional gossip . from
'Gotham," which has it that while nothing
like an open rapprochement between "K
& E." and the Shuberts has been noted,
JohnCort is to be the bridge over the
chasm. Mr. Cort will book a lot of at
tractions, including his own, and as his
personal relations with the "syndicate",
have been friendly, his attractions will
haveinot the least trouble In getting Into
liny house that m.iy be controlled as to
its bookings by Klaw & Erlanger. Under
this arrangement, the "Independents"
will- find the doors of the Brandeis open
widir than ever, and they have never
been closed, as Is attested by the fact
hat Henry W. Savage and Llebler &
Co. have had no trouble in getting In
there! Another straw! is the Interesting
fact that Al H. Wood, Mort Singer and
John'Cdrt are interested in one produc
tion. In these gentlemen are repre
sented, in a degree at least, the "syndi
cate," the "independents," and the
"Shuberts." Perhaps the war is over.
Omaha and the "Wheels."
' Last week down in New York the
Western Wheel (Krug) offered to trade
ths . Eastern Wheel (Gayety) Washing
ton ' for Omaha, and the offer was de
clined with thanks, accompanied by the
explanation that the Western wheel could
offer the Eastern wheel nothing In Wash
ington that would compensate for Omaha,
which means that the Oayety will be
found offering the line of extravagansa
that has made It so popular. Whether
ths Western folks will continue has not
been ' definitely settled, but it is likely
they will.
' Lonergan and Lane
' And from Kansas City comes ths news
that? Lester Lonergan and Miss Eva
Lsng are to be starred under the man
agement of Mr. Woodward. Omaha has
a very deep Interest in these folks, for
it was here that they made their start
Jlr. Lonergan will. easily be recalled as
a member of the Woodward Stock com
pany that played at the CrelgHton, when
Wilion Enos, Gertrude Berkeley, Jennie
Kennark, Hal Davis, Inez Macaulay,
Emma Dunn and others who have made
"Htglf marks in the annals of ths theater,
were members, Since 'those days,. Mr.
Lonergan has traveled far and advanced
greatly as an actor and writer. Miss
Lang has had nearly all her stage exper
ience hers, broken with . slight intervals
at Kansas City, her home, and has made
herself a local Institution, so far as the
theater goes. It will be strange If this
pair Of well trained ' and thoroughly
equipped actors does not succeed. They
will be presented In a repertory of Shakes
perean plays, with "If I Were King,"
and "The Girl of ihe Golden West" for
modern bills. Mr. Lonergan and Miss
Lang. have signed with Mr. Woodward
'for five years. - .
Picture and Pottery
For Castellar School
; Mrs. Eoha W. Nichols, retiring prin
cipal of Castellar school, and ths eighth
grade graduating class have presented the
Incoming eighth grade class and ths new
Castellar building with a beautiful pic
ture done by the noted German artist,
Theodore Herrmann.
I VSeeblick" is ths title of the picture
and its coloring is most unusual and like
no other picture in Omaha. It is the first
of its kind ever Introduced here, although
several like it have been given to the
schools of ths big eastern cities.
. Mrs. Nichols and the class, which closed
the work of the year with a big plcnio at
Mvervlsw park Wednssday, also gave the
school some Flemish , pottery mads . In
Mrs. Nichols leaves Omaha in a few
weeks for Boston and will be married at
the home of her brother to a Massachu
setts man.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb., June 16. -(Spe
cial.) While taking Joe Webber, son of
"Vernus" Webber, to his home, Lew
Seerly, a hack driver for Ed Miner,
liveryman, was shot and probably fatally
wounded. The shooting took place about
midnight. Ths bullet entered ths driv
er's;, back, above the right kidney and
Is .lodged in ths liver..! Seerly Is rest
ing .fairly easy tonight, but surgeons
have so far been unable to locate the
bulleL ,
, George Keyes, another hack driver,
who maintains a house In ths redlight
district and though a half dozen Inmates
of his house declare he was not out ot
the house at the tuns ot the shooting,
Is being held by County Attorney Cleary
for further investigation. .
Keyes Is declared to have threatened
hack driver named Sutton yesterday
and to have driven him away from the
Keyes place at the point of a gun. Sut
ton and Seerly both drive light colored
horses and ths theory of ths police is
that Seerly was mistaken for Sutton.
Xeyes denies any complicity in the
. Eoootlng. , "' '" " v-
! It you are a housewife you cannot res
sonable hops to be healthy .or beautitul
hy'. washing dishes, sweeping and doing
housework all day, and crawling Into
bed dead tired at night You must get
out into the open air and sunlight.
yn-J' do this every day and keep your
stomach and bowels In good order by
taking Chamberlain's ' Tablets when
needed, you should become both healthy
end beautiful. For sale by all dealers.
persistent Advertising Is ths Road to
Big' Returns-
I Social Notes and Gossip from Omaha Suburbs
A six-pound son was born to Mr. and
Mrs. F. E. l'oung last Tuesday.
Bev. H. J. Boyce is spending his vaca
tion with old Iriends in Canada.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beasley spent the
weekend with their son at Manawa.
Miss Ruby Davey returned home Sat
urday 'from a tew days' visit in Biair.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Kincald left Tues
day for a visit with relatives in Auburn,
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Roth spent last
week visiting relatives in 'leicemah,
The St. James Orphanage school closed
on Friday, with a program, lor me
The Methodist Sunday school will hold
Children's day exercises this morning at
U o'clock. '
Misses Madeline Horton and Bertha
Wilson have gone for. a two week's visit
In the country.
The contract for the new Benson sewer
age system was lei to P. A. Elquist by
tne city council.
Mrs. P. A. Peterson and son returned
home on Monday trom Lincoln, where
she visited her eon.
Mrs. Frank Rouse entertained about
twenty-five little folks on her daugntefs
birthday anniversary.
Miss Mamie Okerberg entertained about
twenty guests on last Wednesday in honor
of her sixth birthday.
Roy Young returned on Tuesday from
the titate university to spend tne vaca
tioh with his parents.
The Odd Fellow's lodge will observe
their annual memorial this afternoon
at ML Hope cemetery.
Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Boswortli enter
tained at a large tainlly dinner party at
tneir home last Sunday.
Fred Davis entertained a number of
his iriendK at his home Monday evening
In honor ot his birthday.
Miss Catherine Clarke left Monday
for her home in Council Blufts, after a
visit at the Crossly home.
Dr. and Mrs. E. A. Mason and Mrs.
Joseph Mason and family, leave Monday
lor a stay at Lake ukodoji.
Mrs. Henry Schnauber entertained last
Wednesday at a dinner party In honor
of her birthday anniversary.
Miss Edith Hall of Elm Creek, Neb.,
arrives tomorrow to be a guest for some
time at the Sear son home.
The new Methodist parsonage Is now
completed Inside and out and Rev. and
Mrs. Atack have taken possession.
Mrs. M. C. Berry is at the Methodist
hospital, where she had a cataract re
moved, and is getting along nicely..
The Presbyterian Ladies' Aid society
had its last lunch of the season Wednes
day at the home of Mrs. W.J. Mills.
rs. Burt Prior will be hostess to the
Methodist Ladles' Aid Society on Wednes
day afternoon.. Lunch will be served.
At the last regular meeting of 'the
Commercial club u was decided to meet
the first Frioay of each month only.
Miss Blanch Lamer, who underwent an
operation lor appendicitis, is now at the
HVIIig W IWDUll, ... . U A ' U 1 111 1 I J .
Mrs. E. F. Rouse entertained about
twelve little folks at her home on Fri
day in honor of her son's eighth birthday.
Mrs. Walter Jones Is visiting with rel
atives in Minneapolis, where she went
week ago to attend the' waiah-Glllet
Ths Benson Woman's club meets at the
home of Mrs. f C. Thels next Thursday
afternoon, when election of officers will
be held.
A. Burmeister celebrated his eightieth
birthday anniversary last Wednesday at
tne 'noma of bis son, where a number of
relatives met , ,
William Marsh of Paola. Kan., and Mrs.
Phillis Simons ot New York Utty have
been guests at the Simons home during
ths lust week.
The local Woman's Christian Temper
ance union met last Friday with Mrs.
Keller. The leader was Mrs. Whistler on
Anti-Narcotics." .-.-,
Mrs. Gus Wulff, accompanied by Dr..
and Mrs. Loechner, has gune to the Mayo
Bros, sanitarium, where she win be oper
ated on for a goitre. i',
Judge Stenberic and daughters, Misses
Miblo and Grace, left on ' Friday, for
Denver, going from there to spend some
time in the mountains. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Jahn of Omaha have
moved into the Fahnstock home on Mc
Klnley street. Mr. and Mrs. Fahnstock
have moved to Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. James Robinson have
been entertaining as guests Mrs. Forbes
and Miss Cathroe of Omaha and Mr. and
Mrs. McMullen of Effingham, Kan.
A Benson city directory containing a
brief history of Benson and a few views
Is completed and ready for distribution
at a number ot business houses of Ben
son. At tho last regular Board ot Education
meeting monthly bills were allowed and
plans were accepted for the addition on
Rose HiU school. Bias wm soon be ad
Gordon Rush entertained at a stag
party last Wednesday, when ills guest,
were Messrs. F. Parkins, Prall. Martins,
Daley. Westergard, Slirader, Nemeti.
Florke, Weber and Shucart of Omaha.
The wedding of Miss Mary Mlngus and
Rex Furbush, both ot Benson, took place
in Council Bluffs on June . Mr. and
Mrs. Furbush will reside in Benson and
are at tbe brides mother s horns at
Russell Walsh of Benson and Miss
Vera Gillet of Minneapolis were married
at the home of the bride's parents on
Saturday, June a. They returned to Ben
son on Saturday, where they will reside
on McKlnley street.
Miss Clarissa Brown is very ill with
Mrs. 11. M. Simpson is visiting In
Laramie, Wyo.
Mrs. A, V. Stepp of Minneapolis is ths
guest ot iMra. tt. u. itarte.
Mrs. a'R, Rush entertained the Dundee
Luncheon club at her home Thursday.
Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Lamps have none
xor a trip to Mew xork ana Philadelphia.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Wiley left Satur.
day for their farm near South. Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Rush entertained at
dinner Monday evening. Ten guests were
Mrs. Henry C. Van Gleson leaves Mon
day evening for ths taut, sailing tor Eu
rope on June 28.
Mrs. Moors ot Atchison. Kan., was the
guest during ths week ot her niece, Mrs.
A. F. McMartln,
Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Patterson and Miss
Georgia Patterson lett Friday tor a tour
oi me raciuc coast.
Rev. R..H. Hums of Springfield. O..
was ths guest ths last week ot his
brother, John Hums.
Rev. ATI A Mra W. I Plllnn it DmiMi
Utah, are ths guests tor a tew weeks oi
Mrs. Minna Moors-
Miss Louise Wlllard returned WmImi.
day from Gaiesburg, 111., where she has
been attending Knox college.
Archie Hoks is suffering from a broken
arm received at ths cadet encampment
of ths high school at Blair last week.
Mra T. L. Combs cava a luncheon Pri.
day at Happy Hollow club tor her sister.
Mrs. m. Moms oi Detroit, Mich. Four
teen guests were present.
Dr. Henry B. Lemere is expected home
today from New York and Atlantic ntv.
Where he attended the convention of ths
American seaicat association.
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Benson of Florida
were the guests last week ot their
parents Mr. and Mra E. G. Benson, and
ui wui ari, jLdcaienwainer.
Miss Lucy Harte, Miss Louise Curtis,
Leonard Marshall and Norman nnw ar.
at homo from the University of Nebraska
ana ravu jonnson irom Bellevue.
One of ths largest dinner parties given
at the Field club last Saturday was that
at which twenty-four Dundee people were
ms guests oi Mr. ana Mrs. J. H. Conrad.
Mrs. 3. E. Dodds has returned from a
visit in unio. one attsnaed also the na
tional missionary convention tn Chicago,
to which she was ths delegate from Ns-
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Peters left Friday
for Chicago. Toledo and Amherst. Mann.
rwher they wiu attend the jucunmence
ment at Amherst college their son. Reed,
being a graduate this year.
Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Jamieson of 5111
Capitol avenue, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Dodds
of Sia Nicholas street and Mr. and Mrs.
J. H. B. Gillespie of 6:3 North Forty
seventh street were all visited by the
stork last week and have each a new
baby daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Johnson had ai
their guests last week H. W. Potter o.
Elba, Neb.; Thomas H. Miller of York,
a Bellevue graduate, who has been at
tending the Commercial Normal colkti
at Fremont, and is now taking, a po-j.
tion In the Packers' National bank
bouth Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Miller' entertains,
the members of the Dundee Luncheoi.
cmb and their husbands Friday evening.
Mrs. . G. Elllck entertained a number
of little people at her home Ve(3sday
afternoon in honor of the birthday of her
daughter, Josephine.
Mrs. Hysell. wife of the late Dr. J. H.
Hysell, major surgeon in both the civil
and Spanish wars, was the guest the last
week of Miss Florence Moore. Mrs.
Hysell, surgeon major in both tho civil
San Francisco, where she will attend
the blenniel of Women's Clubs, and then
go to Los Angeles, where she will make
her future home.
The Dundee school had its commence
ment exercises at the Dundee church
Thursday evening. An exceptionally good
program was given by the members of
the graduating class, including several
songs by a cnorus composed ot the Sev
enth and Eighth grades, conducted by
MiSS Susan be Graff, who also sana- a
charming solo. Rev. J. A. Jenkins made
a strong address, and Mrs. Peterson,
principal of the school, make a brief Im
promptu speech, thaitking the cias-s tor
the beautitul pendant, the presentation of
which came as a complete surprise to
her. The church was filled wlt'n relatives
and friends of the nineteen v graduates,
who are Misses Helen Patterson, Mildred
Rhoades, Llla Hoke. Ida Hansen, Myrna
Gilchrist, Hazel Ferry, Catherine Conrad,
Julia Chrlstensen and Clarissa Brqwne,
and t Masters Drew Arend, Herman
Crdwell, Virgil reems, Lafayette Gll
more. William Harte, Robert Hume,
Myron Jones, Lester Klopp, Burdell
Miller and Roy Vedegren.
. . Florence..
Spencer Mayhew left this week for his
home in Washington.
Charles Brewer left Mnndav for the
Odd Fellows' home at York, Neb.
Mr. snd Mrs. Louis Berselt of alrvlew
spent Monday with Florence friends.
Mrs. R. A. Goldimr entertained MIkh
Clark of Central City, Neb., Wednesday.
Mrs. Low has been eniovlnsr a visit
from her mother, Mrs. Reese of Denver.
Mlts Meyers of Beatrices left for her
home Friday. She will not teach here
next year. '
Mrs. Grimm entertained Miss Smith, a
missionary worker from South America,
vv euuesaay.
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Gramlisch enter
tained at dinner a party pf twelve Fri
day evening.
Mrs. James Barnes of Beaver Crossine
is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
mewei tturion. ,
Mr. and Mrs; Jesse Custard have moved
from Omaha and are occupying one of
me rrice nouses.
Mrs. W. SheDDerson of Lanardon Is
visiting with her grandoarents. Mr. and
Mrs. James Meyers. ,
EStll Cole leaves Tuesday for Redflelri.
S. D., to spend the summer with Mr. and
Mrs. Emory O'Connor.
Mr? and Mra W. G. Cower of Pitts
burgh, Pa., were guests of fit. and Mrs.
Gramlisch Friday evening. .
Miss Haiel Nelson and brother. Milton.
left Friday for Terrel, la., for an ex
tended visit with relatives. .
Mr, and Mrs. J. C. .Coleman of sur
prise, Neb., spenj Monday and Tuesday
with Mr. and Mrs. W. Parka,
Mrs. J. M. Griffith will entertain at
her home Wednesday in honor of her
sister, Mrs. W. Beebe of New York.
Dr. A. B. Adams and family left Frldsv
In their automobile for Lake Jefferson,
M lfllQ.,,.t),n ..A.fiUmMMtteL Xlsbing trip
Miss Florence ilowarth of Cook, Neb.,
and Miss Goodwin of Teeumseh are
guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Meyers.
1 Miss MatUe Sldner. who has been teach
ing in the' west, Is the guest of her sis
ter, Airs. w. a. xoucr, for tne summer.
Miss Margaret Gleave of Des Moines,
who has been the guest of Miss Alice
Houston, returned to her home Monday
evening. v
Bernice Parks left Tuesday for Sur
prise, Neb., to spend a few weeks- with
her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
Invitations sre out to the wedding of
Miss Emma Maria Bergelt. daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Bergelt, to Charles
Bird Ritchie to take place June 28.
Mrs. A. H. Seible and daughter of Den
ver, Colo., and Mr. and Mrs. Don Crink-
lau of Craig, Neb., are guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Fratt.
Eleanor Morgan and Gertrude Nelson
are contemplating an excursion to
Herman. On Thursday they will walk
to Blair and on Friday will walk from
Blair to Herman.
Mr. and Mrs. Norton have sold their
property to Rev. J. H. Preston who will
take charge of the Ponca church. Mr.
and Mrs. Norton left Monday evening for, where they expect to make their
future home.
Miss Mabel Allison left Friday for Kan
sas City, where she will visit for a few
days and then go to Colorado, then to
Salt Lake City, Los Angeles. San Fran
cisco and Portland, returning by way of
Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Allison are
contemplating a trip to the Pacific coast
Mrs. J. M. Griffith entertained at a
kenslngton Tuesday in honor of her sis
ter, Mrs. William Beebe of New York,
who is her guest. Those present were:
Mesdames A. B. Hunt. Harold Reynolds,
W. L. Nichols, T. C, Crane. L. H. Arthur,
A. C. Griffin. R. H. Goldlng. R. H. Olm
sted, W. S. Ross, R. H Porterfield. G.
R. Cobb. David Low, J. B. Butter, J.
Weber. Irving Allison. V. E. Pettit, J. B.
Brlsbln. A. F. DeLong, J. H. Price and
Miss Hazen - Nelson entertained the
juniors and seniors at a reception given
at her home Monday evening in honor of
the senior class. The house was deco
rated in the class colors, old rose and
emerald, and the evening was spent in
music and gsmes. . Those present were:
Misses Annie Johnson, Hannah Jensen,
Mable Cole. Carrie Parks. Fay Pratt.
Hasel Nelson, Naoma Low, Florence
Farria. Orpha Lewis. Elizabeth Johansen
and Krlsl; Messrs. Henry Weurth, John
Butter, spencer Maynew, Marie 1.0 w and
Mr. and Mrs. Bancroft. Mr. and Mrs.
McLSne and Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Nelson.
Ths eighth grade class that has just
graduated is going to enter the high
school almost as a unit and will make
ths largest class in the high school. The
class did exceptionally fine work tbe last
year and is composed of Misses Esther
Janssen, Irene Jacobson, Mary .Jansen,
Dons cole. Adeie Fowler. Blanch snea,
Alice Plats, Dorothy Foster, Daisy
Maton, Lura Holttman; Messrs. Harold
Lewis, Clinton Parks, Paul Waage, Al
bert Tomasso. Tony Thornton, Herbert
Andrews, Clifford Swanson. Carroll Rog
ers and Reginald Sutton. The honor
pupil was Irene Jacobson, while Esther
Janssen, Albert Tomasso, Carroll Rogers
and Adeie Fowler received honorable
. Valley.
Mrs. Bronson has returned to Valley
snd is living in her own horn again.
M'rs. Jennie Gibson "visited Fremont
friend from Saturday until Monday.
Mrs. Charles Wills ot Omaha vtsited
Valley relatives the first of the week.
Mrs. R. R. Steels snd children went
to Papaillion Wednesday to be ths guest
of her cousin.
Mrs. Mary Cowles and Gertrude snd
Alice Gaines of Arlington visited friends
the last of ths week.
Marculla and Madolln Monshln -are
spending a week in Lincoln, ths guests
of Mrs. George Ed minster.
Miss Mamie Richlson of Lomsx. Neb.,
arrived Tuesday for a week's visit with
her sister, Mrs. b. A. rye. ?
Mr. and Mrs. Nichols. Miss May Nich
ols and miss Etutu Bradsnaw went to
Fremont Monday in ths auto. - . .
The regular . meeting oi tha "XsUiey
Woman's club will be held at the home
of Mrs. Ingram Friday afternoon.
Miss Gladys Eddy of Fremont was the
guest-of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Eddy and
Miss Marion Whitmore over Sunday.
Miss Eva Harrier and Elner Andeson
came home Tuesday from the state uni
versity, where they attended this year,
The Methodist Episcopal Sunday school
5 preparing a fine children's day pro
ifiii which' will be presented Sunday
Mrs. W. E.' Weekly and ' Mrs. L. P.
Byars went to Omaha Wednesday to
om their husbands, who sre in attend-
nce at the Undertakers' convention.
Miss Philomena Wallstroen, president
,t the Christian Endeavor society of the
.'reabyterian church, will attend the
.State Christian Endeavor convention in
umaha Saturday.
Mrs. Mary Hempsted vtsited Mrs. A.
Gardiner the first of the week. Dr. S.
A. Campbell and Dorothy Joined her
Tuesday evening and they returned to
their, home in Tilden. Neb., Wednesday.
The Independent Order of Odd Fellows
lodge held their memorial services in the
Presbvterian church Sunday morning.
Rev. B. A. Fye conducted the services
and the Methodist Episcopal church dis
missed their service and united with
The "Busy Bees" held their regular
monthly meeting In the Hubbard hall.
In spite of the rainy afternoon over 100
members and guests were served. Mrs.
Holdsworth, Mrs. Pierre, Mrs. F. Whit-r-iore
and Mrs. Fred Whitmore were the
hostesses of the afternoon.
Charlie Doblesteln, a well known farmer
and dairyman four miles southeast of
Valley, died at his ho,me Wednesday aft
ernoon. He was til less than . a week
with typhoid fever which he-is thought
to have contracted ' while on a visit in
South' Dakota very recently. He is sur
vived by a wife and several young
children. t
Dr. Raymond Rice of Omaha visited
the home lolks Sunday.
Mrs. H. B. Waldron and Miss Maynard
were at Valley Saturday forenoon.
Floyd Sibcrt is home from Holt county
visiting his parents and old friends.
' Mrs. L. W. Shannon went to Omaha
Monday afternoon,, returning Tuesday.
Carroll Miller and Beverly May of
Omaha are visiting at the Kohwer nome
this week.
Miss Kate Shea was at home over Sat
urday night witn her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. T. W. Shea, y ..
Miss Brunner of Elkhorn, visited a day
or two last week with Miss Lucy Rich
ardson, returning home Saturday, morn
ing: John Jordan cams home Tuesday eve
ning from Missouri Valley, where he had
been at work, and went to Fremont
Wednesday. .
Mrs. H. W. Seeley of Grand Island,
who visited her daughter, Mrs. Jay Her
rington, and family last week returned
home aSturday.
Miss Gladys Bunt of Fremont came in
Wednesday noon from Lincoln for a visit
of a week or more witn her sister, Mrs.
E. L. Lindquist.
Mr. and Mrs. 8. R. Forbes of Omaha
was here the first of the week visiting
tier grandmother, Mrs. Samuel Rhoades,
and other relatives. ,
Miss Sadie Myers returned Saturday
evening from a visit of several days with
her cousin, Mrs. Lualla Babbitt, at their
little farm near Benson.. .
Otto C. Nlalson of West Omaha was
here Monday evening and attended the
meeting of the socialist-local and visited
with J. iH." Cunningham and family.
Robert Brown left Wednesday noon tor
Omaha and from there returned to his
home at Lexington. He was visiting his
nephew, Fred Brown, and other relatives.
Loran Donahoo has been here this week
tearing down his house on the south
side and having it hauled to Elk City,
near which place he has bougnt five
acres and is building a new house.
Miss Minnie Seetus was home from
Omaha for Sunday visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. C F Seefug, and was ac
companied home by her cousins, the
I Misses,, Anna,, Sarah and Millie Gillain.
Writ Ambler.
Mrs. Florin Jensen and Mrs. Lemley and
two children have gone to Logan for a
week's visit.
W. Traber of Perry, N. Y has -returned
home after a few days'- visit with his
brother, P. J. Traber.
Mrs. Will -Talbot and daughters were
week-end guests of Mrs. Talbot's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ole Carlson.
Mrs. Jane Morey,, who has been the
guest of her cousin,- S. C. Campbell, the
last two weeks, has gone to her home in
McComb. Ill;
Mrs. (Ryder entertained the German
Coffee club at her home in West Side
at a picnic on her spacious lawn on Fri
day afternoon.
Misses Eula and Blanche Balr from
Blanchard, la., spent the week with
their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Gar
ner and family. ...
Mrs. O'Toole and relatives gave ' an
apron shower June 13 for her niece, Miss
Myrtle Snowden of Lowell Mass., who is
soon to wed an Omaha man.
Mrs. Gerald Carpenter, who has been
the guest of her foster son, Frank S.
Potter for the last month, returned to
her home at Ainsworth Wednesday.
Miss Carrie Jacobsen will leave for Den
mark on June 24 to visit the home of
her birth and will be married there In
the early part of July, and with her
husband will return In the fall. .
The Society of Henderson Memorial
Willing Workers. enjoyed a very profit
able meeting at the home of Mrs. A. 0.
Mead. Forty-sixth and Mason streets, on
Tuesday afternoon. The next meeting will
be at the home of Mrs. H. Miller June 27.
Miss Edna Propst was a visitor to
Ralston Thursday evening.
Minnie Corbett is in Council Bluffs this
week visiting her grandfather and aunt
E. C. Sels departed for Denver, Pueblo.
and other points west and will be gone
about ten days.
Miss Evelyn Taylor went to Platts
number Six at Six O'clock
Leaves Union Station, Omaha, at 6 P,M.
daily, arrives Union Station, Chicago,
at 8 A, M. via the
? " ' . " - ;
, .. " t ' -, ' "
A superbly appointed train at a convenient hour, carrying
standard sleepers with "longer, higher and wider" berths, com
partments and drawing rooms, buffet library car equipped with all
the comforts of the club, and dining car serving meals of the well
known high standard of the "Milwaukee" road; comfortable chair
cars and coaches also. Solid eJecfcric lighted. '
Two other fine trains leave Omaha dally for Chicago at 7:42
A. M. and 7:60 P. M. -v. -
Round trio tickets on sale daily at low rates to many point!
east, north and west. ;Full Information, reservations, folders, etc.,
at ; . , - '. ';v' "
City Ticket Office, 1613 Farnam 6treet, Omaha. p
Phone Douglas 284. . '
W. E. BOCK, City Passenger Agent.
mouth last Saturday to make a short
visit with her parents.
Mrs. E. Mead of Omaha spent several
days at the home of Luther Hawthorne
at Belknap ths last week.
C. Wyrlck departed for - Kansas ctty
Friday afternoon tor a visit, with his
wife and daughter at that place.- "
Mrs. W. B. Wetherell accompanied by
her son and his wife arrived from
Dorchester, Neb., for a visit with W.
Wetherel and family. '
Angelo Perry returned from the hospi
tal this week, being very much Improved.
Mr. Perry recently had to undergo an
operation for appendicitis.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Dohan and daughters,
Madallns and Isabella of South Omaha,
and Mrs. George Baker and little son of
New York City, wer visiting at tho
home ot Mr. and Mrs. Howard Said Fri
day. BelleToe.
Mrs. Mulllns and her small eon are
visiting her mother, Mrs. Duncan Men
sies. Misses Grace and Helen Kepler ot Her
man, Neb., are visiting their brother,
Paul Kepler. ;
W. E. Baskervllle has been appointed
business manager of Bellevue college.
He expects to live on the hill. .
The Christian Endeavor society enter
tained a number of the young people ot
the village at the home of Mr. W,
Flndley on Thursday evening.
Rev. Stephen Phelps is still on the
sick list. His pulpit will be supplied today
by his son-in-law. Rev. Elton Youel of
Wallowa, Ore., who is on his way back
from the Presbyterian General Associa
tion at Louisville, Ky.
Miss Lillian Anderson spent Monday in
Mrs. H. J. Schmidt was an Omaha
visitor Monday.
Mrs. F. A. Baldwin spent several days
last week at Lincoln.
Mrs. Henry Schatz entertained the
Larkin club last Friday afternoon.
Miss Nancy Oft of Bennington is a
guest of Margaret Slert this week.
Mrs. " Lempke of Omaha was a guest
Sunday of Mrs. Joseph Plambeck, sr.
Mr. Clifford Harrow of Omaha is visit
ing Hr. Vivian Robertson this week.
Miss Ttllle Nelson ot Omaha spent Sun
day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O.
Mrs. Gallagher and son of South Omaha
spent last week with her mother, Mrs.
Schats. '
Mrs. Harry Murphy snd son of Beth
any, Neb., are visiting her mother, Mrs.
Baldwin, this week.
Miss Grace Koch and Miss Marls Nel-
sen visited with Mrs. Boyer at Papilllon
Wednesday afternoon. r
The Misses Anderson of Polk. Neb.,
visited Saturday and Sunday with the
P. E. Anderson family.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boedel of Omaha
visited with Mr. and Mrs. William von
Doren, Jr., Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. William Detweiler and
children of Grand Island visited last Sat-
usday and Sunday with Mrs. Detwieier's
mother, Mrs. C. Peters.
The Papilllon base ball team will play
the home team here next Sunday.
A ereat number from here attended the
Insurance ball at Millard last Saturday.
E. H. Mangold went to Gretna to
asuM his brother in the bank there this
V. Tangeman of Gretna paid a short
vlfltit at the P. Mangold home on Sat
urday evening.
A barn dance was given at the Echo
HIU farm last Thursday evening.. A large
crowd attended.
A Horrible Death
may result from diseased lungs. Cure
coughs and weak, sore lungs with Dr.
King's New Discovery. 50c and $1.00. For
sale by Beaton Drug Co.
The following pupils have been neither
absent nor tardy during the school year
at Park school:
John Sunderland, Ida Smith,
Clarence Buffett, Helen bunderland,
Colin Hodge, Marion Adams,
Clarence Pfeiffer, George Buffett,
Amy Bergquist, , John Jordan,
Freda Breaky, August Worm,
Flor. Charnqulst, Marion Hanna,
Edith Howe. Charlotte Kennedy,
Dorothy Sherrat, Mary Loomi, ;
Josephine Swoboda, Thomas Kuhn.
Benton Bingham, iierschel McLaughiU
Henry Wlndheim.
Helen Miller, t
Lillian Over.
Ines Pearson,
Barnett Kennedy,
Harold Kiewit,
Roy McFarlane,
Adolph Stullck,
Oldrlck Stullk,'
Catherine Dyball,
Winston Pratt,
Mary Jennings,
Virginia Leussler,
Ruth Sunderland,
Mortimer Barr,
Marion Bain,
Rensis Llkert,
Marjorie Ingalls,
Vera Slutik,
John Inkster,
Paul Leussler,
Evelyn Kiewit,
Gwendolyn McCoy. George Llkert,
Onnolee Mann, Ruth Finley,
Carolyn Redgwlck, Curtis Poet.
The Persistent and Judicious . Use ot
Newspaper Advertising is the Road to
Business Success. -
I A winter's day of snow and slush need have
I . no terrors for the lucky man who owns a G-E I
I Electric Flariron. : ' 1
Your clothes may. be literally soaked--and
bagged entirely out of shape. But there is no
need of an expert tailor or presser the Electric
Flatiron makesx pressing so simple.
The G-E Electric Flatiron gets hot quickly
stays hot evenly over its entire surface. And
don't forget that the point of the iron stays just
as hot as any other part of it.
Ko waiting for irons to heat at the stove.
No changing of irons. No chance of burning
your hand by having the handle cloth slip. Use
a G-E Electric Flatiron and be your own tailor.
Omaha Electric Light
& Power Company
it xv rr t
Beer is just as good as
it is made no better
Old Age is made as good
as the best master brewers
know how to make' it-r:om-pletely
good, and is kept that
way by
Sterilized Amber Bottles.
ramily trade supplied by:
- south Omaha
wxxiUam: jettex,
2502 IT Street
Tel. South 868.
f Omaha HUGO P. BIZ.E,
1334 Douglas Street. Phone Doug. 1542.
The real estate business is
bound to center around the court
house and city hall. A real estate
- t " - !
The Bee Building
Rooms 210-12-14 A large suits of offices on the second floor,
having a total of 1201 square feet Son.e of these offices have
been partitioned so as to make a suite of about five rooms.
This space will be rented either in single offices or in suite.
Price per month, for all 980.00
Room 822 Reception room, private office, two large closets, large
workroom with two north wlndowa Ideal for engineer, archi
tect, doctor or ether professional men. Rental per u.onth, $45.00
Room 352 This is a south front office facing on Farnam street, close
to the elevators It Is partitioned so as to afford a private of
fice and reception room. Very desirable. Rent per month, $30.00
Room 416 Has a south and west exposure and is always a very cool
room in summer time. Size. 13ftx2uH aod rents for, per
month $18.00
Room 422 Is lttxlV feet In sixe: has two north windows and a
private office partitioned off inside this space. This room
would bo particularly well suited for an architect or studio.
Rental $3S.oo
Room 650 This is a well located office facing Farnam street on the
fifth floor, near ths slevatora Sire of office, 14x19 V4. having1
a partition dividing this room into three officea This ..juid
be particularly desirable as an attorney's office, on acccount of
other attorneys being located on this floor and having large
libraries. Just the place for two young, ambitious attorneys
Rental pries per nonth $30.00
Bee Business Office, 17th and Farnam Sts.
A little Bee want ad does the business.
Everybody reads Bee want ads
(xi w.Mr VMf mm -vsi
n:vn. m .1 i i i 's
man who wants to
locate permanently
should select an of;
fice in a location
which is the center
of his line of business.
. The same thing is
; true of insurance,
which likewise cen
ters in the financial
trict. It would be
well as soon as possi
ble to secure an office
, , .. . i. w-