Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 16, 1912, SOCIETY, Image 19

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Vv John
L. Webster Points Out What
Should Be Here.
Important Episodes la History that
Ought to Be Perpetuated and
Aamea that Should Be
I v ForeTer Honored.
I .; On Friday John L. Webster delivered
y n address, the occasion being the un
i J 1 1 - . 11 1, ... I n
Bemig park by the Daughters of th
American . Revolution. Some comment
-was aroused by 'the proponents of the
Oregon trail marking that the trail
proper did not pass Bemis park, nor, for
that matter. Omaha. Mr. Webster dealt
with this by pointing out that Washing.
( J ton neither was born nor died where the
AJ great obelisk to Ms, memory stands In
VV;aeiUU WM. MIU UIM ,W1UUI"WD " " w
never nearer than perhaps a thousand
mHes to. the site of the . splendid monu
ment just reared to his memory at the
- nation's capital. He did contend that
Omaha should be a city of monuments;
that it is the logical place at which may
V appropriately be erected memorials . to
C the pioneers of the great west On this
-' phase of his address he said:
i'Monuments are memorials of history.
'' They are the reminders of the great
events which have made history. There
' Is no city in the United States which so
nearly marks the beginning of each of
these great movements toward the great
west as the city of Omaha. There is no
other city that can so properly be called
the gateway to this new empire of terri
tory to the west of us. It may be safely
said, beyond the scope ot any reasonable
criticism, that no other, city in the United
; States is so' justly entitled to have erected
within its corporate limits great historic
, monuments of Imposing grandeur and
'magnificent proportions as memorials f
each of the separate and independent
f , migrations of discoverers and pioneers
Into the great west. 1
, Monument We Should Rave.
"It is within the purview of my ob-
5? serrations that there should be one of
y these grand monuments to Lewis and
Clarke typifying them as the great dis-
coVerers. There should be a monument.
to the Astorian expedition that should
I typify the beginning of civilization and
I commerce In the west. There should be
. a great monument to the pioneers win
. topk possession of Oregon and held it for
! the United States against the encroach
ment and Influence of Great Britain on
' ho nm-th " The should be a monument
S. to the pioneers who wended their wa
westward to California; the men who se
cured on the Pacific coast a free state
and dug from its mountains the gold that
i enriched the American people. There
I should be a monument in commemoration
of the migration of the Mormens thai
opened Up the Utah valley, that garden
spot half way between the Missouri and
the Pacific ocean. There should be a
monument to the men who organized,
capitalized and conducted the great car
avans of wagon travel, trade and com
merce across the prairies before then
were railroads.
To Railroad Builder.
"Again there should be another monu
ment to the builders of the Union Pacific
railroad, which followed so quickly after
the white man's invasion of the great
west My mind In contemplation takes
in the organisers, the promoters of that
great scheme, which resulted in the build
Ing of this railroad, which reached out
Into this gerat wilderness, the men who
conceived the plan which Involved the
expending of millions of money, and the
employment of thousands of men to work
out the great enterprise. We may recall
what great cities it built up, what devel
opments it brought to an unlimited area
of country, what undreamed of con
merce It opened up for the benefit of the
people. In time It became the great pub.
lie highway across the continent for
ocean trade to Japan, China and other
ports on the coast of Asia. It was the
beginning of a railway enterprise that
worked out a transformation that is
amazing to contemplate. It would take
the brilliant imagination and versatile pen
of a Macauley .or a Parkman or a Pres-
cott to properly describe that great work
which had its beginning in the city of
Omaha. Its builders are entitled to have
erected here a monument sufficiently
great 'and magnificent In its proportions
to be properly emblematic of this great
est of all constructive enterprises for the
building up of the treat west
One to Blackbird.
"Lest I forget, I must mention another
monument,; the erection of which the
spirit. of love of country, the spirit of
patriotism, the spirit of love of history,
the spirit of love of home and pride In
our city's name, should prompt us to
specially ' erect. Our city ; is named after
an Indian tribe, which at one time
ranked among the greatest and most in
fluential of the warlike Indian tribes that
roamed the prairies of the great west.
In prehistoric days , the Omaha .. Indian
tribe was a powerful people. Its range
of territory was almost unlimited. They
were the masters of that kingdom over
which they roamed. In the earliest
known historic days there was a chief
tain of that great tribe who was the'
white man's friend. He had his. wigwam
erected upon the highest point of ground
that overlooked the Missouri valley that,
his range of vision might sweep the ex
panse of the waters of the meandering
river to catch the nm approlieh of tne
canoe of the white man. -
'This Indian chieftain, known to his
tribe by the of Wash-in-ga-sabe.
and to the wi,U( man by the name of
Blackbird, had bestowed upon him a
certificate and m,Mat by Baron de Caron
delet. Knight of st. John, field marshal
of the royal armies, governor general,
vice lord of the manor of the provinces
of Louisiana and western Florid. ..h.
Inspector general of the. troops and mlli-
nas 01 ine same, for his fidelity, his
bravery, his influence and excellent ability
as a commander. He remained true to
his friendship to the white men up to the
hour of his death He commanded his
faithful followers that he should be
buried upon Blackbird Hill, sitting upon
W'th his fa
iflssouri valley.
I .
10 look-
his favorite warhor
log out over the Mls
We Owe it Them.
"We have taken the name of the
tribe of this-Indian chieftain jcr the
name of the city which we have con
structed upon the lands which once were
his. The name of Omaha has become
historlo to all the American people, and
to the readers of history upon the Euro
pean and Asiatic continents. Thousands,
yes. hundreds of thousands of re0r!e
have asked the question, where did we
get the name. We answer that ne took
it from the name of that Indian tribe
that formerly owned these piani.s and
hliu and valleys. lt us Si-k om hcs:
Are we not under a duty to or.vt a suit
able monument to tne memory of that
fast disappearing tribe of people? Also
may I not ask the question: Is It not re
grettable that we have been so long
guilty of retaining the name of that once
celebrated Indian tribe and forgetful of
our commendable obligation to build to
their memory a great memorial? Our
sense of city pride and local patriotism
should stir us to Immediate activity In
devising a scheme for the erection of a
great equestrian statue to the first his
toric chieftain of that once great Omaha
Indian tribe, It should be a statue which
should represent him as he lived and as
he died, seated upon his favorite war
horse, with hand outstretchtd, gazing
over the wide expanse of the Missouri
valley, traclnp the meandering course of
the river, watching for the approach of
the white man's canoe. May I not ask
you Daughters of the American Revolu
tion to give your helpful and persuasive
influence to the creation of that civic
pride In our city that will cause our
people to erect a great and magnificent
bronze statue to Wash-in-ga-sabe?"
Elsie, aged 4. was taken in to see the
new baby brother that had recently ar
rived. "Mamma," she said, after looking
the baby over, ''why didn't you pay a
dollar more and get a size larger?"
Little Bobby Say. Willie, la ma lookln' T
Little Willie No. What y' goln' f do?
Uttle Bobby Take out de goldfish an'
let 'em play with de cat
"Bobby," said his Sunday school
teacher, "can't you have faith to believe .
that Providence watches over you every,
moment of your life?"
"Yes'm." said Bobby, "'cept when It
thunders an' lightens: lt'd be just my
blamed luok to get hit." . -
"Did you say your prayers before you
went to bed?" -
"Tes, replied the very little boy. "And
after I got into bed I remembered some
more things I wanted, so I added a post
sci Ipt." .
"Grandpa," said the small boy from the
city, pointing to a wayside plant, "what,"
Is that?" ' - M ;.
"That's milkweed," was the reply. ,
"Oh, I know," exclaimed the little fel
low, "that's what you feed to the cows
so they will give milk."
To Keep Skin White,
Velvety, Wrinkle-Free
(Aunt Sally in Women's Realm)
C. M. W. says: "My arms are so coarse
and rough I cannot wear short sleeves.
What do you advise?" The treatment
recommended to "Anise" will doubtless
overcome this condition.
A. F. G. asks: "What should I do for
crow's-feet and for a baggy neck?" Try
a wash lotion made by dissolving 1 oz.
powdered saxolite in -pt. witch hazel.
This is immediately effective in any
wrinkled or flabby condition. Use daily
for a while and results will surprise you.
Anise: A simple way to keep your skin
smooth, soft and white is to apply ordi
nary mercolized wax before retiring,
washing it off in the morning. This keeps
the face free from the particles of life
less cuticle which constantly appear. The
wax absorbs these worn-out particles, so
the younger, fresher, healthier skin is
always in view. An ounce of mercolized
wax may be had at small cost at any
drug store. Use like cold cream. Adv.
lp Pf pP .
. Brewed and Bottled by "'-
THE FRED KKUU BllUWINti CO., Omaha, Neb. -Z .
mmmmmmmmmmmmammmmammmammmuBummmmmmmnmm in ni,jjjwMMMMMsM.MaWM n 13
Free silverware di ilriMf ion. ends July first
HE la& free teaspoon coupon will be printed Saturday,
June 22, but from now until July 1, ONE of these coupons will
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one of the handsomest patterns ever made. Instead of needing five coupons
and ten cents, you now need BUT ONE COUPON and ten cents, which
covers cost of handling the entire set of silverware, ,
The last Bee coupon appears June 22
It can be redeemed until 9 o'clock Monday
evening, July L No certificates or coupons
of any kind will be redeemed after this hour.
This means that certificates and coupons
secured from merchants also must be ex
changed at the Bee office before this time
limit expires.
Time to complete your set of silver
You still have plenty of time in which to get
all the articles in this handsome 65-piece set of
Rogers silver. The Omaha merchants whose
names appear here will give certificates and .
coupons with which to get all the other pieces of silver,
except the spoons, which are exchanged for the Bee
coupons. No charge whatsoever is made for exchanging
the merchants' coupons.
One coupon gets one beautiful spoon
By saving this coupon (it's good for a spoon) you can take advantage of the
grand opportunity that is yours until 9:00 o'clock Monday evening, July L
These merchants give coupons and certificates with purchases
Cut on the Dotted Lines"
NO. 36. Sunday, June 16, 1912.
This coupon and 10 cents to cover the
cost of handling, entitles the holder to one Wm.
Rogers &. Son guaranteed teaspoon of Le Neces
alre pattern. Out of town readers will add two
cents extra for postage. -
Cor. 18th and Douglas Sts.
Nittler, Consumers Distributor. .
Douglas 1889; Ind. F1377.
1512 Douglas, 2d Floor. x
Brandeis Stores
. ' 312 South 16th St.
New England Bakery, 2215 Leavenworth St
1309 Farnam St.
Jl . 1421 Farnam St.
16th and Farnam Streets.
'Cut On the Dotted Lines
Yearly Subscription Coupon Omaha Be
This coupon when properly signed and presented at
the office of the Omaha Bee (or mailed by thoa rd
Ing out of town) will bring to the holder full lnforrta
tion how every home can secure a full dozen Wtt
Rogers & Son guaranteed Teaspoons at once.
Also, the sender will receive a free catalogue of
all pieces of this set together with the number of cou
pons and certificates required for each piece and the
names of Omaha firms insulng them to the public
street and Xo....
Vm'v-itaCilfX .
If you live la the
city briar your
coupons to the
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Addrota . . . . ,
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This offer applies
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BSS or not.
c.i.eo ci Tno Be: