L 4 T" u '' J; It- .y 9 6 What. Women Are Doing in the World EXT Thursday the Omaha dele IN gates to the biennial conven tion of the General Federa tion of Women's Clubs, joined by delegate from other towns of the state, will pull out of the Union station for San Francisco, where the big national meeting will be held from June 13 to July 5. Tomorrow a train from the east known as the Northern Official special and 'laden with state presidents, general federation secretaries, committee members, dele gates and their friends will pass through Omaha on the way to the biennial. The eastern club women will be here from 1 to 3 o'clock p. rn. and will be entertained by members of local federated clubs. Mrs. N. H. Nelson, first vice president of the Omaha Woman's club, Is chairman of the committee planning entertainment for the visiting women. An automobile ride around the city and a visit to the Un- lnger art gallery will form the entertain ment. In addition tbe women will be given souvenirs 'of Omaha-made goods presented by local "manufacturers. The Nebraska delegation, headed .by Mrs. T. J. Gist of Falls City, state presi dent, will leave Omaha, Thursday at 4:0$ p. m. in two Pullman cars. Other dele gates from the state are Mrs; -.Carrie Peterson of Aurora, Mrs. H. .N. Bushnell and two daughters of Lincoln, Mrs. George Sehwake of Lincoln, Mrs. W. M. Wldener of Lincoln, Mrs. Anna Moray 'of Hastings, Mrs. Anana Flaker of Hast rig Mrs. F. C. Babcock of Hastings, Mrs. J. M. Ragan of Hastings, Mrs. L. I. Cowan of Ashland, Mrs. H. A. Wlggenhorn of Ashland, Mrs. Max Hostetler of Shelton, (Mrs. W. D. Mead of York, Mrs. May Orris of Stanton, Mrs. W. A. Apperson ot Tekamah, Mrs. Katherlne Plckerman of JKearney, Mrs.. H. M. Lord of Bouth aha, end these of Omaha: Mrs. C. W. "' ' .n and Mrs. O. F. Carson. , Wei, Mrs. M. D. Cameron, Mrs. Ed on Nebraska will be well represented on . ne General Federation board, having as members: Mrs. H. L. Keefe of Walthlll Mrs. H. M. Bushnell of Lincoln, chair man of legislative committee; Mrs. Anna It. Morey of Hastings, member of art committee; Mrs. F. H. Cole, member of . civil service and foreign committee. The following women have been asked to speak on the biennial program: Mrs. Anna B. Morey of Hastings, on the art program; Mrs, F. H. Cole of Omaha, on the civil service program; Mru. Russell ot Omaha, at the afternoon conference, and Mrs. May Orris of Stanton, at the after noon educational conference. The Nebraska delegates have not yet decided how they will vote en the presi dency. They will probably, as they have done In the past, wait until they are on the ground, know all candidates for presl dent, hold a meeting for the express pur pose of settling on one of them and vote together. Many Omaha women favor Mrs. Philip Carpenter of New York, who la sister of Rev.. F. T, Rouse of Omaha, Some favor Mrs. Percy Pennypacker of Texas. Most seem to think that Mrs. Washburn of Minnesota "hasn't a ghost of a show," to quote one of the Omaha delegates, ..,,...! Mrs. F. H. Cole! general federation sec tetary . for , Nebraska, who has arranged the trip for the delegation from this tatei ayr. : ,"A .special Invitation has been extended in thKHlftba A1 Inn VI ... Vf lOshori, 'general ' federation .director of ' Utah, also chairman of the prexa com JUitiee, through your general federation secretary, for Nebraska delegates to ' spend the day, June. 22, In Salt Lake City, where they will be entertained with J an organ recital .and luncheon. Upon leaving Salt Lake City the Ne braska cars will be attached to the northern biennial special, train. Sunday, the twenty-third, will be sp-nt at Lake Tahoe, and San Franclsoo will be reached the morning of June 24, Mrs. Kreba, chairman of the hotel committee, writes that one has very little use for summer dreeses. In fact furs are worn nearly the year round. A suit with ihlrtwalsts Is always comfortable; also an extra wrap for evenings. , , . "At San Francisco many courtesies are to b extended. The local biennial board of the Panama Pacific International ex position will give an automobile, ride to Golderi Gate park and Cliff house, through the Presidio and alte for the exposition. Thursday, July 4, an invitation to visit public playgrounds and witness special Fourth ef July exercises; also an Informal reception at the Palace hotel, from S to o'clock. The Daughters of the Amer lean Revolution and the 8. A. 8. will give a reception at the Palace hotel from '4 to o'clock. "Friday afternoon.l July 5, a walking trip through Chinatown and the shopping district of San Francisco will be arranged for visiting clubwomen and their friends. 5-"Saturday, July , by courtesy of the 6n Francisco Chamber of Commerce, a teamei excursion around San Francisco will be tendered to officers and dele gates to the convention, and there are many other things too numerous to siention. The P. E. O. sisterhood will hold Its last meeting until fall Saturday at the home ef Mrs. T. H. Matters. Mrs. Oenrge B. Dtrr and Mrs. Bertha Lfhnhoff. dele gates to the state convention at Aurora, will give a report ef the meeting.- The Woman's Club of the Railway Mall Service will hold its last meeting of the reason, and Election of offlcrs Wednesday afternoon " at the home of Mri J. L, ' Langf ellner, 4S02 North Twenty-fourth street. - he North Side Mother's club will meet Wednesday at the Rod and Gun club at tbe cottage of, Mrs. George E. Bege row. The election of officer will be held. All members are to meet at 2 o'clock at Sixteenth and Locust streets to make the trip to the lake together. Miss Bertha M. Davis, "a former bust ri secretary of the ; Omaha Young Women's Christian association who has J'ist completed a two year' course at the Chicago training school, will returr to Omaha from the National Convention of Cnarities and Corrections at Cleveland, O. After a short visit here, she will re turn to Sheboygan.: Wis., where August 1 she will take up tbe secretaryship of the charity organisation there. , Benson Woman's club will meet Thurs day afternoon at the home of Mrs, F. C. Thtess to elect officers and plan its an nual summer plcnie. J " A Vrlgrbtf ml Experience with . bfltousnss, .malaria and constipa tfnn is quickly overcome by taking Dr. King's New Life Pills. Only . O. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. ; WELL LEAD NEBRASKA WOMEN . AT SAN FRANCISCO. ' V '( re an IfTWC -2Z City, 2fclr. son. Pink peonies formed the1 decora tion, and those present Were: ' Misses : . Misses Frances Gilbert. . Haxel Rodgers, Amy. Gllmore,' Katherlne Moorhead, Katherlne Milroy, Helen Mart of Mary Mart of Ohio, Ohio, Florence Walton. , Meedames Mesdames T. Moonlight Al J. Beaton, ' Murphy.,, Danford. Paul SlHSon, G. C. Thompson, T. A. Kelly, . .' ' . Mrs. O. G. Wilson entertained at lunch eon at Hotel Loyal Friday for her mother, Mia. S. A. White, of Washington, D.'C, and afterward took a motor trip. ; Those present were: . Mesdames Mesdames 8. A. White, , John C; Wharton, Robert Dempster, B. H. Jenks, R. C. Van Kuren. O. G. Wilson. , Miss Agnes Miller entertained ' at" dln ner Friday evening at her home for the graduating class of Mount St.' Mary's seminary. Purple and gold, the class colors, wore used In decoration and those present were . V Misses Missae- " . . ', : . Katherlne Heafey, Pauline Bates, Kathleen -Weloh - Cllre Delehanty, , Josephine Stagno, May Hasburgh, Irene Delehanty,' ,. Frances Egan, ; Rose Whalen, " Gertrude Miller, ;" Frances Delohanty, Anna Moran, r.'-.T Lena Hau. Alice Miller, Gertrude Goeblcr, Agnes Miller, MeserH. Messrs. George Egan, David Egan, Michael Stagno, Robert Spenson. Mrs. L. A. Slnones. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Miller. Personal Gossip1 Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCaffrey are visiting relatives In Boston. Mrs. C. E. Johannes left Saturday for a brief stay at Excelsior Springs. Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Stokes have re turned from 'Atlantic City and New' York, Mr. and Mrs. George L. -Martin of 8antA Monica, Cal.. are the guests of Mr, and Mrs. Mel Uhl. A Miss Lottie Murrin of Des . Moines Is the guest ef tier sister, Mrs. W. J. Eaton, and Mr. Eaton. Miss June Greevey returns' Sunday from the Chlago Art institute to spend the summer with her parents. Mrs. W. J. Broatch and Mis Beulah Sharp leave today for the east to be gone several weeks. Miss PhylUa Hartmann will be at home Monday from the Sacred Heart convent for the summer vacation. Mr. W. Farnam Smith, who has been 111 at the Clarkson hospital for two weeks, expects to be out again today. .Mrs. D. A. Coszens has gone to visit her father, J. C. Brewlngton, on his ranch near Burley, Idaho. ' ' A daughter was born Saturday to Mr. and Mrs. William Maloney.' Mrs. Ma loney was formerly Miss Marie Butts. Miss Margaret McShane leaves today for California to spend the summer visit ing relatives and friends on the Pacific coast. . '-AMUSEMENTS, THE AIRDOME Parnam end Twenty-rifth Streets. HIOH CLASS VAUDEVILLE CHAKOES IITVBiT AHD THURSDAT. Four new reels of new moving pictures every night. Best seats 10a. Children Sc. Borglum Piano School 8661 Douglas Street august M. Borglum. Madame Borglum , Pupils of Wager Swayne. Lescnetiaky Method Public rerformance -Ear Training Sight Reading. - ; Will Teach Till August First f x$& tea L,in,r.nTin.T,(init-------l SOCIETY, WATCHES POLITICS ! " (Continued from Page Three.) ' BEAUTIFUL LI. "FORTY MINUTES FROM OMAHA" The Grand Ball Room is more popular titan ever this season. Open every evening until It P. M. Arthur E. Smith's splendid orchestra furnishes the music. 'J r , FREE BAND CONCERTS AFTERNOON AND EVEKIXO' " V FKKE MOVING PICTURES EVEBY EVENING ' ' -Ratjiing, Iloating, Roller Skating, Roller Coaster, Miniature Railroad, Merr) -Go-Round and many other attractions.:. ... . ROME SUMMER GARDEN 25 MAZ7ER1S R0YA1. ITA! IAN RANI) 25 Plie Cl O'Lide Slnrsrau. ChlfiiiroV t'avni. v . m- - . , luiin uiiiin; inrj .auuis vurir, N. H. Harnett, Ragtime Wonder: 4 Photo Plays, changed daily; Con tinuous performance 6:80 to I t p. m. Admission, adulu, 10c; children 3c Summer Shows Starting this afternoon the program for rhe week -at the Gayety will be beaded by the Four Dancing Lublns, one of those- acts which . has to -be, seen to be appreciated. Another . act of merit la that , of the Seymour ..Duo, with their novelty slnKlng and talking. Gladys Mor rison, singing comedienne, . will also be present. For. the lovers of the "mevies" and entirely new program of pictures bas been arranged which will b sure to please all who see them. They . will be changed daily. On Thurncay a complete change will be made. Warner and Mitch ell, a dancing act, is the featured number of the program the last half of the week a Dd .associated with them are King and Dyer, a novelty singing number."" Ar nold Wurnell, eccentric skater, is also on tne bill:' As the management of the Gay ety has paid particular "heed to their ventilating system, those who contem plate a visit to this popular summer amusement need have no fear of the heat. as it Is the coolest theater in the city and a show at this theater serves one as a refreshing draught and pleasant pas time while getting cooled off from the Mat. of the city streets. All week long Chief Burton, Indian baritone, will sing lullabys of the tepees. The: entertain ment Is given continuously from 1 to 5 and 7 to 11 p. m. One may go at any time and stay as long as desired. Booth and Lynn, comedy acrobats with a Japanese feature act, and Burt Wright, a singing and talking English comedian, will be the features of the first half week's program at the popular Alrdome, commencing Sunday night. In addition thore will be four reels of moving pic tures which are projected through the assistance of a mercury rectifier, giving the non-flicker picture which has made the Alniome picture the talk of Omaha. Two shows are given each night, the first commencing at 8:15, the second at 9:30 p. m. The seats are big and comfortable and the Alrdome swept by the cooling evening breezes enables the patrons to thoroughly enjoy the midsummer open sir show. Mazerri's band, the biggest attraction of Its kind ever brought' into Omaha by a local amusement, place, has made a de cided, hit during the past week at the Rome Summer garden. Thle band may be heard every evening this summer from :30 to 10:30. Mies O'Llde Morgan who created a sensation during her appear ance at the garden last summer, will be the head liner of the vaudeville offering for the week, starting today. The Boy Scouts quartette from New York City will sing all the latest songs. N. H. Hamott, the rag .time wonder, who has delighted the audiences during the past week, while with the colored quartette Ia.t been engaged for the coming week Four of the latest photo-plays are shown AMUSEMENT". iPoorns k QA7 TIkDMt week; Ex- ff only eold 1 " V . '"peeted 3 more, 7BTBBY CUSTOMS BOOSTS OUB SUMMER SHOW I This Week, Starting Today at 1 V. M. Sdaut naviifiUT uotixo KCHAOED PIOTUBBB Hytone Vaudeville r-imsT rovB bats or wsxx. 4 DANCING LUBINS&Wo're0' elt, MARGARET 6RAYCE CCVMAIID ft II A Vp-to-the-minute I iWH n w w w chatter-Boxee LAST TSBEB DATS OT WXBX U1UI ftU rtClN t. Ullliny Head Bal. iiniiLun, uunn go nKHLWi anoers. CHARLES WITHERS UU..-A. R lltiAholl Entertainers n ai iici nmuiiv.i Par-ExceUence J At Every Performance AU Week BIG CHIEF BURTON SASITOIII. In Lullabys of the Tepees Pielmv?!:rl,Viiliillli..ifBf ArJY?!i10cK,.oJ, Bally ltoS;TtoUP.K.fnuc CIDIV Come any times etay late UC wnui 3 Couriland Beach Season Now On.. Dancing to Lamp's Orchestra, Grand Prize Walti Ttiesduy Evening, June 18th. BoatiW Bathing, .Roller Skating, Bowling, Roller Coasting, etc. Free Moving Pictures Kverjr , Evening. An Ideal Place for Picnic Parties. KRUG PARK Open for" Summer's Season. Attend Omaha's popular Amuse ment Resort. Visit the Old Mill, the big Roller Coaster, the Penny Arcade,, the, Merry-Oo-Round, and other attractions. Free moving Pictures every evening. Admission to Park Always 10c. Swedish Birilditrg .Association Pic nic Saturday, June 22d. IE ANAUA uiaxv r l - i..!a it . w c.i. r.. ... . '. THE OMAHA- STTVT) AY BEE: JUSE'lfi, 1912. jot each performance, tho suhjectt'.helnr changed daily, cor.nnno'.s performance, ! :30 to 11:00 p. m. each day. U.S. LIGHTS AND LIFE PRESERVERS AT MANAWA Just whyManager B-trnet has bought 100 mpre-aoild. rork iif preservers ti equip hJs-launehts at Manawa and. why the launches carry tne r.u-'l States reg ulatlon jight,,. Whit ft nd rewl on the 'Starboard bo and red light on the. port Is A thing p-.op'c ask. But Man- awa Ilea partly in Iowa and partly in Ne baska and the gowrtnFnt takes control As the launches take tht -a3t path crosv ins to Mink.,,., k.... h spit the west cath coming back they in 110 daner ' collision, but the Manawa steel rowboat fleet has 100 boats and the rowtflg --Club has a fleet also, as w.il a3 motor boat, and. tbe people. 'in the little craft can see the lights and avoid running into the bij boats. ' 0 " Commencing Monday 9 m; June WtHv I sfW afCN. 'J s-- .tr.wi5 'MSZ0M WTA 30 Days to clear the store-Take any Piano or player piano at almost your own price I terms No more "Segerstrom Piano Co." in Omaha after 30 days; the 188 pianos and Player Pianos and all of the small goods that comprise the Segerstrom stock MUST be forced out ABSOLUTELY, and will undergo a price ? 1 clipping that has NEVER before been equaled, not only in Nebraska, but in the ENTIRE WEST. The Segerstrom "5 5 0oPwill hereafter concentrate more upon its MANUFACTURING plant, which is rapidly assuming ; first : ,. place among America's top notchers; therefore this .sudden decision to do LESS retailing and MORE manufacr ':. Msa6ENME P?P?.9-9.VT-$M,?i ..nt ?f ? W.tbat have EVR been of f ered .in this ter'" f. r, toryr look over the prices 'quoted below and you will agree that it is a case of "now or never" on a PIANO. 3 I "Good Bye" No subterfuges-No impossible claims list will be on our floors MONDAY at At $237.50 A NEW Marshall & Wen dell piano, worth $350. In Mahogany. At $228.00 A NEW H. P. Nelaon piano, worth $325. In a pretty Mahogany. ; At $240.00 fA NEW, Foster & Co. piano worth $400, In Ma hogany case. At $195.00 A NEW .Henschel Piano worth all ot $325. In an Oak case. Used Pianos, Square Pianos and Organs at "Good Bye" Prices At $262.50 Used Checkering & Sons Piano, Mahogany. $600 when bought. At $130.00 , Slightly used Prince & Co.,- Mahogany. . $350 when new. Best Known AU41Z.DU NEW BREWSTER 88 note player piano In Ma hogany. Regular price $650 but goes at $412.50 with forty rolls of player ' music. :1 Corner Musio .HE Ladles' Festival chorus of vuSiaa county, 500 voices, John s. Helgren,". director, . .ve a concert Monday evening.-- June 17, at the Audi "torlum, aaBiRia'foi v..". .v. Douglas '. County - Sunday- ? School or-' che-stra'and the in-'and favorably known rhCcago basso.- Gustaf Holmauist: Program: ; : Overture-Lustspiel. . . . Keler Bela vnorus..,. ; . Festival dVchestr j -' " (a) Glory and Praise and Honor.... (b) ' The'SiaVof 'B;Vh,lheirn--...yairban Ac) Oitei Bii1 NpLrkS Charmeth My Sadness" (Queen of Mr. Gustaf Holmaiitgt. Chorus-(a) When Two Are Lovers . Knabe Pianos and Player Pianos Are Also Included in this "Good Bye" Sale No need to ask about the "Knabe" it's the world's standard the make that every other good make is reck oned by and this is the only Omaha, establishment sell ing the " Knabe.' ' . Remember ' ' World 's Best. ' ' At $185,00 A' NEW Brewster Piano In $375 grade. Prettiest of Mahogany. At $249.00 A new Jessie French Pi ano worth all of $425. Mahogany case. At $270.00 A NEW Segerstrom piano worth all of $400, In a Walnut case. At $235.00 A NEW Segerstrom Piano worth all of $380. In pretty Oak case. At $155.00 A NEW Hoffman Piano in a real $250 grade. Handsome Mahogany. At $264.00 A Strohber Piano of ab solute $350 value. In Oak case. At $285.00 A NEW Haines Bros. Pi ano worth . $450. . In Walnut case. At $245.00 A NEW Armstrong Piano in a $325 grade. In pretty Walnut. At $90.00 . At Slightly used Newby & Evans Piano, Walnut. Worth $325 new. At $70.00 Slightly used Arlon Pi ano, Ebony, sold for $275 when new. Used Chickering Bros. Piano, Mahogany. Brought $375 new. At $195.00 Slightly used Segerstrom Piano, Mahogany, brought $400 new. Player Pianos in At $370.00 At NEW PRIM A TONE Bungalow player piano, 88 note. Regular price $550, but goes at $370 with forty roils of player music. Almost new 'Autopiano, 65 note, $650 wnen bought new, goes at $320 . with 35 rolls of fine play er musie. A "Goodbye" value. " Take choice ota lot of 14 square pianos at $30 each. Take your choice of 32 Organs of various makes and in different woods, at $5, $7, $8.50, etc.; none higher than $20; a rare chance to buy at real "Good Bye" prices. eiriipiiri Han 19th and Farnam ' ' I.Cari Tte'inecke (b) Kise Again. Glad Summer Sun.. ; Htnry Leplle Danc'es'from HBy VIII...'. .Gwnan ' (at Morris Dan'. b Shepherds' Dance. -. . (c) Torch Dance. .. Festival Orchestra. "ia") Berceuse.' ' " ' (b) Waits- No. 1. Mw.tSnif.- Wfcltx No. 2, Noon. Coua. .'.'" S,v.--' U- tm .:;.'.-.:...;.....: '?-''t.er (b) A Roundelay Lidgey Mr. Gustaf Holmquist, . . , Chorus-Damascus JW Solo-iland of Hope and Glory hgu- Mr. Gustaf Holmq Mil , vfur.hFree lnce ..Soupa . Festival Orchestra. Chorus-Loyal and True '(American Sunday School patriotic hymn.. ,h. W... KatfUnnks- A recital will be given by pupils of Mr. and Mrs. August M. Borglum cn Monduy evening, June 1", at 8:15 sharp. -at the Borglum Piano school.: This will be tht Every piano in the below the price ADVERTISED! At $495.00 A NEW Haines Bros. Grand worth $850. Ma hogany. At $242.50 A NEW Strohber Piano worth $350. In ex quisite Oak case. At $287.50 A NEW Segerstrom Pi ano in $425 grade. In Walnut case. At $240.00 A NEW Segerstrom ano worth $375. pretty Oak case. $250.00 At $65.00 Slightly used Gilbert Pi ano, Mahogany, sold for $275 new. At $80.00 Slightly used Decker Pi ano in Ebony. Sold for $575 when new. America at "Good $320.00 At $460.00 Almost new Foster & Co. 88 note, player piano, In Eng.. Walnut. Sold for $750 new. Goes at $460 with forty rolls of music. ; Streets, Omaha, Nebraska. B last ' formal recital of the 'aeisKt'.i-Fr.' gram: ' Ethel Walts ..." Virgil - George Paul Borglum.' , ' Pomponette Durand Blanche " Welch.' " : March Virgil . Helen Eastman. '.- Idiiio tct- Blanche Frank, Water Nymph :.......... Schytte -Helen GiHnerr Tbe Flatterer Charhinade "Alice Coad. Minuet Schubert-Lescnetizky Reglna ConnelK Prelude Rachmaninoff - Alice Porterfield. ; - Madrilena Schytte. , - Ann Axtell. Album Leaf ..Grieg. Elsa McFarland. Violets Campbell Harriet Walters.. Minuet Paderewskl ; Dorothy Darlow. , -. : . , Nocturne Field-Leschetlzkf May Hamilton. - ' Au Matin .....'. Godaxd Beulah Clark. The Chase-.. ...v.Rheinberger. Marion Lowe. At $255.00 A NEW Marshall & Wen dell Piano worth $375. In Mahogany. At $315.00 A NEW Packard Piano, of $425 grade. In a pretty Mahogany. ; At $170.00 A NEW King Piano of $300 grade In a very pretty Mahogany. At $167.50 A NEW Bachman & Son' worth $325. Case is in , Mahogany. Pi In At $389.00 .s Used Holstrom Grand Pi- ano, th'kt sold for -$790 when new. ; (. At $340.00 ; Used Kimball Grand in Ebony, sold at $700 when , bought. Bye" Prices BUY NOW The player piano craze is on;, bore la your "Good bye" chance to own one with a supply of music at, real' Closing Out prices. ! O - V ' . .'V r, . jr Jl'.-T.'. ..