Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 16, 1912, SOCIETY, Image 16

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    ' ' - J
The Omaha Sunday- Bee.
1" victor' .rose water.; editor
Entered at Omaha Potofflc u Moon.
das matter. ' '
' - BMH AMA 12.SQ
Kxurdtv Be, one year... Sl.i
Pally B6 twfthout Sunday) one yr.M0
Dally Be and Sunday, en rear. -....
fvenlng hto (with punday). jer
Dally Be (Including Sunday), pef wo..o
Daily Be (withtfut Sunday), per wo-:;40
-Adar" all eemplalnt or trrularlUe
tn delivery to City Circulation uaPt-
Remit by draft. Mior po order,
payable to The bee Tubliihlnf eo"ipany.
Only .fout tmp r'vo4 W"!;'
ef email aeeounu,' Personal ehjoki, ex
cept wn Qm and .Mtern exohang. not
' ' . Officii.'
.Omaha-Th Bee building.. .
'. South Omaha-2311 N St.
Council lMuffs-78 8eott 8t.
Llneoln Little building.-
Uiioa-li .Marquette building-...
i Kansas City-Reliance building.
New York-34 Weet Thirty-third.
Wblngtun-T23 Fourteenth St.. N. w.
. 'Cemhiunieation relating to now and
Editorial matter should be addreeeea
emana Bee, liftltmlal Department. -
. 50;421 '.
Ante e( Kreka, County of DouaUe .S(
PwlBht Williams,, circulation mangr
01 He iub!i"rti:n oompany, biM
iul wrn. eaVt thoc io aveia dll
circulation for. the month of May,llt
was UMil.., DWIQUT WlU.lAia,
- ' circulation Mtnagar,
' Subscribed ill my pretence end' worn
to before me thi 6th day ef June, 1811. -IBeaW
Notary public,
Knbecribere "leaving; '.the, eltf ,
teniporarr ekooU ,ay Tk '
Bee' mailt 1 o . th.l.
will fc cheaa-ea ' oftea
s Where are any flies to swatt.Non
cm Omaha : ' :, - ' "
, Marconi ought to try bla band ft
inventing wireless, conventions. '
The California couple-married in
an orchard -doubtless expect a fruit
ful life. " '
'-'The Cummins crowd does not aeem
to take jtolonel , Young 'a surrender
B'rlp.uBy; ,,' '. .1
Lillian Russell did not have to
marry an editor to get a' lot of free
advertising. - '
Mr;- Lady, who ia running for her
IfX'fn a Kan'sai county, "dughi to'land
tfie women's vdtes. ".': " ;' V-'if'.
. turkey,' of course, never had as
many Turks; as. .the Italian ar' re-
porters have .killed. '
,i :
- Mr. Rockefeller-says he Is 4 has
been. His Income has dwindled
uuwu.iu eirvj minute. j.
In itew abort weeks th. decora.
tiv TOPrtirboards "of graduates will
orttossea-'mto tn woria s busy ring.
The story of that 125,000,000 at
least goit jflfifipw that hit. Morga'b's
financial credit was Q. K. with Unale
earn. J . .j'- ;:
A sapient Boston! an has, now set
tled it that the. Panama canal is in
reality only a lemon.' Then wa will
get the Juice. , '.
Evidently, Mr. Rockefeller has Im
proved his oplnion" of money, fori up
to last accounts he was still holding
on to a . little,' :, : ' " ' . "
By carefully noting the daily roars
from the political-bleachers, base hall
fans may secure, a few emphatic vari
ations of. their favorite "robber."
General Wood's popularity Is be
ing subjected" to somev severe tests.
The house and senate vot to set him
back and Cuba sends' word Ay, doe
not care for him a a "mediator. -r
The Rev. Dr.. Anna H.,8haw opines
that . were she " president shsr wAdld
make 'AndjeW(.'Cafnegla secretry ;ol
war. vv ny; tne government is , able
to endow Jtft own war departaieijl.'
''StrXoula ls an Ideal rjlafc tn a
home ' tor wild animals." says t th
Post-Dispatch.' On account of lta for
est , of streets,' ; nordoubt----Walnut,
Pine ' Olive .i tocust .Mulberry,
Spruce. Elm, et?l- Y t v '
' ', '-'Z' "i "' 1' ' J'Kk:
It I up to; President Taft to sav
the tionrf of commerce it hehas any
further Vs lor. both houses of
congress have -oted to- abolish "It.
That means," does lt,;ahother -reorganization
of circuit courte'f 7"7"r.
A rich old goose paid flop to char
ity In .Chicago tor the prtVilega of
kissing the jprettf eet',ef a; lot of young
women boosteraV. ''It charity can find
enough su'ca'.poukry : it '"may soon! be
come -finanolaljjf independeni -t
'TT '
Prince Henry of Reuss, accompany
ing the .Qerfhsn feavgl ylstlors. says
that American girls are the prettiest
in the world. - The prince Is a man
of good taste, -artistic discrimination
an,d perspicacious temperament.' ' '
. The combination of traveling sales
men which ; proclaimed war on the
tipping eyll fs beang .a Tetreat' to
the entrenchments of state laws.
When drummers fall to, deliver the
goods, whd ean hope to succeed?
A cleverly turned compliment Uo
the race was paid by Mayor Oaynor
to the German naval officers In New
Vera. "You Germans,",, be said,
"speak English and everything else
all languages. . And you know how
to keep silent In all the languages."
,onie wtyv
".InVtb kreatprotperoue year of
lJ'0 ipmaa'iaaued. permits for the
building of 9l dwellings at an aggre
gate coat of 11,718,059; In 1911 its
people built 748 dwellings for Sl,
?30,050, '.The average shows that
some very , modest . homes . were
founded. At the same time ' Other
homes costing high 1 up ' in the five
figures were built, Omaha people of
all. classes and degrees of circum
stances are rapidly becoming a home
owning people. Perhaps the remark
able Increases shown In the business
and capital of our building and, loan
associations is an index to that.-
But we' have reached the point 1n
Omaha where our homes, large 'and
small, characterize the city. , . t(hey
are uniformly well built and well kept
and make an abiding- impression upen
the stranger wbd takes the time to go
over any , of our residence districts,'
The fortunate thing is that no one
part of the- city has been built up or
beautified to the exclusion of 'another
part.' We. doubt If this U so largely
true of any other city ,ln the west.
All sections seem to be cuilding alike,
engaged, as it were, in a' wholesome
rivalry to see which can achieve the
best results. . . , . .
.This enormous amount of 'home
building going on without cessation
all, these , years gives the' aspect of
newness, to our residential' districts.
And to deepen the Impression of this,
the general effort to beautify the
home. In the outer' surroundings lni
streets, 'boulevards and Jaynis,,hai a
vital effect. Altogether, from, the
humble cottage of the wage earner to
the most Imposing 'residence of the
capitalist, a. uniformity of self and
Civic pride Is apparent, making on the
whole a spectacle 'for borne comfort
and beauty that Is not easy to match.
'Such ambitions and attainments
cannot help but show themselves in
the making of a better, happier-people
and city. Centering .time '-and
money on the building and .maintain
ing of the home Is laying the effort
at the very root of righteous living,
enriching the soil of habit from which
stable character le bound 'to spring.
The Call of Humanity.
The Amerlcan!,4)eople. are . making
some headway toward the conquest
of -tuberculosis and some other
forms of insidious' 'disease". They
hav done touch to reduce, death , by
accident and violence. But so much
remains to be done - In both ( lines
thfft 'our efforts thus" far seem 'very
feeble.'., ""; ' ...'",
One of the big life insurance com
panies "has called 'attention through
one of its publications to a few
pertinent f aots in ' this ' connection.
For inatance.i in, commending our
manifest grief over the Tltani's
destruction of 1635 lives, It-reminds
us that 1,731 lives are wasted every
weekj by violence in the United
States, 2,835 lives are wasted every,
week by ; tuberculosis in, short,
1,780 live? . are Jost every day. by
preventable causes. Or, it says, "An
American dies every minute from a
preventable cause," , . , ,
i It goes after American cities for
caring more for a low tax rate than
they , do, for a high death rate and
Urges the importance of employing
'efficient ' health ' off leers. This, of
course, is. important, but there are
Other , ways in . which we need to
rouse ourselves to this supreme and
solemn .obligation.", Humanity makes
ha louder' call than tor reform that
lboka to. the conservation of human
life. - We vaunt s our superior gov-
tmment and rightly bo, but this
greatest -of, governments', as John
Mitchell says, , is killing three men
to any European government's one.
"B their f rnlts ye shall know them.".
' ' i i'i i i y
? 'i... . :. .
i Olympics and Americans.
' ; A ship loaded with lusty American-
youth Is steaming towards Stockholm,
where the'.- youngsters - will compete
with others of their years in the most
elaborate athletic exhibition ever
stagsd; :The young men,' '.who are
going from this country are the very
cream- of its youtbr ao far as athletic
ability is' concerned.- Each has been
chosen because of his established
ability to outdo all phersat bis par
ticular feat. The choice was made as
tjie result Of open competition, and
without any 'doubt it has fairly col
lected the' ablest of all the r unners,
hampers. viuUeri' weight, throwers,
swimmers,- riders, marksmen, and
others of like bent, who represent the
great out-of-doore ganjea of' the coun
try. ' Tbat they will ably represent
their country is certain, and that the
outcome will see 'Americans' again vic
torious is confidently xpected.
i This ship load of expertly developed
muscle and nerre ts Interesting first
because." it affords an excellent reply
to theeharge that Americans-are too
much absorbed' in money-making to
give attention to development on' lines
that have but little to do with busi
ness. These young mn are for the.
most part from the great' schools of
the country, where they have baen
trained in body as well as lit mind
They are part of the educational sys
tem of the country. Bodily culture
Is as well regarded in America as else
where: ;Better,-it might be said with
out boasting, for American boys have
established some excellent records at
these great gathe.-ings of the world's
athletes, and have uniformly won the
majority of events. '
At Stockholm 'the. meeting will be
the representatives of all the Euro
pean nations who have clung (o racial
or tribal distinctions-with representa
tives, of a race that has amalgamated
the peoples of all the world. Should
victory again rest with the American
team, the vanquished may-find com
fort in the thought that the roots of
the winning race lie deep in the stock
of the old world.
Nebraska, has a representative on
the team; and. may soon -be .called
upon to bail one of Its native sons as
a world champion.
Profession; Not a Trade.
Undertakers have good reasons for
Insisting that theirs is more of a . pro
fession than commonplace business.
Ever since the uplift of the human
race thrilled the hearts and inspired
the energies of, philanthropists, - the
undertaker haa valiantly fought in
the rear guard wtth the goods. He
has shown discriminating taste be
tween the rich and the poor, regret
fully t-ed away the worthy , cut
down i'r ! ie bloom of youth, and Joy
fully tucked t away the mossback
where the bandwagon couldn't Jar his
nerves. A business totaling $75,000,
000 a year In the United States, in
which the uplift In the cost of dying
far exceeds the advance in the cost of
living, Implies the possession of
geniuses with -talent worthy of rank
with the learned professions. The
difficulty lies-in selecting a suitable
professional designation. "Profess
ional embalmer" lacks, social attrac
tiveness, and the polite "funeral di
rector" carries an atmosphere of
gloom. Since the up-to-date under
taker has become owner and pastor
of a chapel, some modification of the
title of "reverend" would fill the bill,
retaining enough solemnity to fit the
business while muffling the sounds of
falling clods. . - ,
Value of Personal Experience.
Some ; men are never ,, educated
either by direct Instruction .or ex
perience. Others with -experience
alone ' become well educated. ' The
chief difference, of course, is in the
intellectual capacities of the two men.
Nature - does more for some than
others. To -some it gives a keen
power of perception! ' These profit by
their dally, experiences, grow in
mental stature and attain, a degree
of learning unreached by the less dis
cerning;'-"" ' - v
"Usually a man's ability to profit
by his own personal experience de
pends upon the sincerity, and the in
telligence which he brings to his- own
particular occupation," says Herbert
Croly. But he allows further on tor
this difference In mental equipment.
Another way of putting it is to "ob
serve and then think" if you would be
educated." The fact is the average
man .can get a f air education out of;
bis daily contact with the world If
he will, If he has the ability to profit
by his experiences.
"Every lesson the past has taught
has cost a life," says an old orator
Submissive humanity bows In obed&
ence to the penalty, but how traglt
If the lesson is missed and we fail to
get the profit after such a dreadful
toll. Ho man can aford not to "cash
in" every experiment and experience
he meets. Along the line of personal
experience lies personal discipline,
lies, in fact, character, or the way to
build v It. No man need fret for op
portunities who is alert to seize and
make the most of all that come to
. . - Building Better.
The admonition of The Bee that
more care be paid to the quality of
buildings erected in the city has
fallen on attentive ears, it the word
that comes ' from the city council
chamber is accurate. The commis
sioners are awake to the conditions
described, and the desirability of such
improvements as will make for the
better safety of the city as far as
danger from fire is concerned. Rea
sonable Steps to secure the better kind
of buildings for the city are assured,
and it is not unlikely that good will
come to all from the suggestion that
is being so promptly acted upon.
. Other problems or equal weight are
pressing for solution. None of them,
perhaps, are so immediate as that of
hewer and stricter regulations to gov-
em the, building operations, but all
must eventually be met, and it is not
too. early to begin the consideration
of them, that a solution may be ac
complished more readily when the
time comes to act. One of the first
that will be pressed for consideration
is the matter of the downtown sewer
system.. Omaha .haa .entered upon
what has been called '.'the sky-scraper
age," and with It has come the prob
lem of. ho V , to take care of these
buildings.' ' Since the sewers were
planned; the business part of the city
has hot .only been almost wholly re
built, with ; larger structures than bad
been contemplated, but it has also
been extended so that what was resi
dential property, but a short time ago
Is now well within the business dis
trict. All of this Increase in growth
has had,e'dlrect effect In adding to
the demands . upon the system of
drainage," and the problems of how to
make the existing system adequately
accommodate the new conditions have
taxed th,ingenulty"cf the engineers
and architects. s
the matter has, been presented to
th council In such form as to demand
attention .It Is simply a problem in
city building, and as such It must
have careful consideration. While
the council Is setting about to reg-
ulate other "folks' building,., it must
look carefully to its own.
A Few Horses and Mules Left.
Every -bV and then someone be
comes pessimistic about the amazing
multiplicity of automobiles among
the people 8nd about how they are
rapidly putting the horse out of com
mission. -'Doleful tales are , told of
how folks are squandering money
they cannot afford on these luxuries.
'. Yorlr. county, one of the wealthy
and progressive centers of Nebraska,
with a population in 1910 of 18,721,
furnishes" some statistics which
ought to give a Bllver lining to the
picture' and dispel some of this
gloom. Since August 1, 1911. York
county people have bought 158 auto
mobiles and since July last they have
taken ' out 505 licenses, showing
something as to the number of ma
chines there. The aggregate as
sessed valuation of these autos 18
The same county has 13,805
horses, or. at least, the assessor could
find that many, and they have an ag
gregate assessed valuation of $1,260,
250; 1,468 -mules, with an assessed
valuation of (167,605.
Glddap! ' - -
Victims of, sentimental fads run
from one extreme to the other. The
governor of Arkansas has released
all the convicts In the state peniten
tiary because the building is reported
to be unfit for convicts. Two of the
number turned loose were convicted
of capital crimes and sentenced to
hang. The excuse offered for disre
garding the rights of society to pro
tection frort lawbreakers is well
calculated to press the movement
for depriving state executives of the
power of pardon. The difficulties,
not to speak of the cost, of securing
convictions . in criminal cases fur
nishes ample reason for denying to
any one offtclal the power to nullify
the verdicts ol courts and Juries.
Out of every tragedy some good
springs. . The Titanic disaster al
ready has wrought vast reforms for
the safety of ocean going travelers.
Not only Is live-saving equipment suf
ficient for . passengers and crew in
stalled, but some of the lines have
placed two captains on each steam
ship, so that one may be on duty at
all hours.; New officers have, been
appointed whose, duties are to con
serve the welfare of the crew, steer
age passengers and passengers of
the second and third class. Equip
ment, watchfulness and forethought
are the keynotes, of steamship man
agement this year.
,, Flrat of the progressive policies
which is touching . the; pocketbook
conscience; of tWisconsin'8 plain peo
pie promises to be Short-lived. The
state income tax law takes a stated
amount of income of single persons
over $800, and from tnarrled per
sons whose Incomes are; over $1,200.
But everybody with an income of
$56o or over a year must make a
return to the assessor. Strenuous
objection to the searching features
of th law is converting progressives
Into reactionary repealers.
Frederic Thompson, partner of
the late Elmer S. Dundy of Omaha
In founding Luna Park at Coney
Island and the New York Hippo
drome, has filed in a Brooklyn court
a petition in bankruptcy, showing
liabilities of $664,854 and assets of
$7,831. 1 The difference represents
fire losses chiefly, with incidental
Joy riding during business hours.
John D. Rockefeller differs little
from the average mortal in viewing
with alarm the activities of the tax
assessor. But his protests carry
more weight. A . mere hint from
the oil king cut the valuation on
his Cleveland home from $1,121,270
to 1983,850, the tax board ruling
that the "scenery" of well kept
grounds was not taxable.
Baltimore does not anticipate
undue -risk to property from the
coming of the democratic leaders
and banner bearers, nevertheless the
American of that- city -cautions
householders to see that "doors and
windows are well protected by locks
and fastenings tor convention
week." Fakirs and smooth workers
trail every circus. .
A page of hot stuff piped by Tom
Lawson In New York tells the in
vestigators that the Money trust Is
composed .of "a few men desiring to
make vast wealth for themselves. A
vote of thanks is due the mining
stock plunger of "Boston for banish
ing from the public mind the Idea
that the Money trust was a benev
olent institution.'
A variation in costly financiering
by municipal experts,' surpassing the
smooth work of the Omaha Water
board, is drawing the perspiration
of Los Angeles taxpayers... Ten mil
lion dollars, accumulated from the
sale of bonds, will.l(e idle in the city
treasury for a year and eat up $450,
000 in interest charge. .
"Seeing America. FlrstT is easily
the most economical and " enjoyable
Invitation tendered to plain people
and plutes. Raid the folder rack of
a ticket office, hie to the shady side
of the porch, cigar and stein at the
elbow, and , the pictured scenery in
Plain and rainbow colors will do the
rest '' - ' --- .-.
ThisDay in Omaha
JUXE 16.
Thirty Years Ago t -
Miea LptUe etneere's residence.', corner
Jackson and Thirteenth streets, .waf
raided by friends determined to five her
a surpriee party. Among others present
Were Miss Katie White. Mis Nellie 6ex
sauer. Miss Minnie Burcb and Messis!
W. Morris. H. Cramer, c. Patrick and
H. Goodwin. It is deecrtbed as a
"princely" party.
What Is described as a "prtnceless"
party Is a social gathering at the resi
dence of Mr. A. Prince to celebrate the
twenty-ninth birthday of Mr. Sol Prince.
Speeches wer made by T. Adler, S.
Bloom, D. Silberetein and Mr. Prince.
Employes of the Omaha Nail works
presented their superintendent, Mr.
George Walker, with a magnificent silver
water service and a gold-headed cane.
A pleaeant reception was given In honor
of Mr. Robert Patrick at the residence of
Dr. George L. Miller.
An improvement for Sixteenth street
la noted In a grocery store opened by
Messrs. White & Bothwell.
George B. Buck has been appointed
foreman of the Union Pacific yard,
The . Missouri" Pacific has rented the
corner room In the Paxton hotej for Its
ticket office.
Prof. Stelnhauser's splendid orchestra
announces a free concert at the Tivoll
St. Barnabas parish school held 'Us
closing exercises In a program from
which the following Interesting Items
are taken: Recitation, "Weighing the
Baby." by Mary Poppleton; recitation,
"Long Time Ago," by Herman Kountse;
reading by Bessie Donaghue; recitation,
"Which Shall It Be," by Emily Wakeley:
recitation, "The Child Judge," by Sarah
CobUrn; essay on "Education,'.' by Earl
Gannett. The prlre medals, awarded by
Rev, John Williams went to Mary Moore
for writing, Mary Poppleton for catech
ism, to Belle Gwlnner for music, to Ear!
Gannett for drawing, too Sarah Coburn
for deportment, to Charlie Kountze for
Christian courtesy.
Twenty Years Ago
The voters of Douglas county gave a
majority of six to one to the proposition
of voting bonds to help build a Nebraska
Central railway into Omaha.
Most Worshipful - Brad D. Slaughter,
grand master, called to order the . grand
lodge of Masons of Nebraska in Scottish
Rite hall in the Masonic temple at 10 a
m.. with a large number of Masons from
all over the state present.
John A. W'akefleld of the committee on
arrangements for the national people's
party convention reported that the Coli
seum had been placed In . order for ths
delegates on July 4. William I. Klerstead
reported that orders for 1,600 cots had
been placed. These cots were supposedly
to be used by such delegates as were no
accustomed to sleep in beds.
The wilj of the late George E. Ttmme
was filed for probate showing an estate
valued at 120,000. The widow was mad
the principal heir.
A big delegation of Beatrice people wa
entertained in Omaha In the interest of
the manufacturers' exposition. ! The fol
lowing committee met the visitors at the
depot: W. A. Page." W. R. Drummond,
P. Farrell. Jr.; A. J. Vlerltng, E. Pickett
Aaron Chadwick. W. A. Coleman, J. F.
Murphy, A. D. Bradley, A C Davenport
R F. Hodgln and H. O. Todd.
Ten Years Ago
It was Omaha night at the Den. Edgar
Allen acted as "IV while W. R. Bennett
sat in the audience and gave pointers
when called upon.
George Krug" returned from an extended
trip through Utah and Montana.
A. B. Stickney of St. Paul, president of
the Chicago Great Western railroad, ac
companied by Mrs. Stickney and S. C.
Stickney, general manager of the road,
were in Omaha looking over the ground
with a view of ultimately securing ter
minals here for his road. .
Douglas county delegation to the repub
llcan state convention met and organised
by electing R. W. Richardson chairman
and A. C. Powers secretary and the fol
lowing steering committee: Frank E.
Moores, George Q. Mead, J. L. Baker,
Joseph Koutsky. James Walsh, W. J.
Hunter and J. E. Rait.
The Board of Education fixed the sal
aries and the work of the high school
faculty for the year. Principal Water
house's salary was made 12,160 per year;
Miss Kate McHugh. assistant principal.
1160 per month, and the other salaries
ranged as a rule from $90 to S118 per
A barn at 242 South Sixteenth street
was burned late at night It housed two
horses and one of them perished. They
were the property of Ed Brooks, a gro
ceryman at Sixteenth and . Vinton, and
C. P. Larsen. an expressman.
While Roy Fleck was repairing a 22
caliber revolver it-exploded and shot him
In the left hand. Roy was the 13-year-old
son" of Mr. and Mrs. W..M. Fleck. 2404
North Thirteenth.
Are CoUec GlrU Msmttlah f
Baltimore American.
If the charge made I true that mod
ern college education Is making th Amer
ican girl mannish, and depriving her of
the gentleness and loveableness which
makes the Influence of womanliness so
strong upon lit. " demand serious at
tention. There Is nothtng in the higher
education itelt whioh demands the sacri
fice of womanly attributes, and if college
girls really think it necessary to imitate
their . brothers In rough-and-ready man
ners and in th sacrifice of ; essential
femlnln qualities, they r getting a to
tally erroneous Idea of th standard ex
pected of them, and should be disabused
Of such fals tdsas and impressed with
the harm euch notions are doing to the
cause of genuine education nd equality
of educational opportunities.
PrTocatio lor Sore Spots. .
, New . Tork world.
Flnee . of $43,000 and t.0 imposed
respectively on an Ohio railroad and coal
company for violation of tha.Uw against
,.. nnrMtit for their slse
than as an earnet of the government',
.jisnc in piosecuting corporation of
fender, A Crel lslatlo. .:
. Chicago Nws. v
Then there are person wro believe com
mencement wer Invented so that kindly
old gentlemen could work off baccalaur
eate sermons,
There Are Other.
St. Lout Globe-Democrat
Seven governors who started out t
shape the policies of 1911 are now dis
covering that there ar forty-one other
governors. ' . r
St. Paul Pioneer Press: A clergyman is
authority for the estimate that golf keeps
IO0.OC4 caddies .a way. from Sunday, school.
But think of the conservation of the fish
Supply and the saving In wear and tear
on .base balls. -
Brooklyn Eagle: A western religious
sect makes It part of Its church , dis
cipline that men shall not wear neck
ties. Except by the color blind this Will
be regarded as an excellent pracaution
against chromatic monstrosities.
St. Louis Republic: The rule of the
Methodist pastors In Chicago requiring
all divorced persons wishing to marry
to file notice ten days before the, cere
mony might wisely be extended ao as
to apply to pretty nearly everybody con
templating matrimony.
Houston Post: A north Tsxas minister
writes to. inform ua that there will be
many politician in heaven. We can now
see where eventlally every golden street
will be dug up, unless some way can be
fouhd. to head them in the direction where
most of them really belong.
Baltimore American: A church dignitary
In New York, addressing a graduating
Class of girl, told them that while he
was not an advocate of woman suffrage,
he could see that it was coming, and he.
therefore, advised, them to prepare them
selves' to vot Intelligently tn the cause
of good government and also to remember
that their public duties included those
of wifehood and motherhood. This is the
broad and liberal view to take.
Philadelphia Ledger: There will be
widespread Sympathy with General Booth
because of the failure of an operation
to restore his sight and the annuonce
ment that he will hereafter be totally
blind. General Booth was 83 years old
on April 10, and ha been preaching since
he was 15. He has visited the United
State five times. It is not - generally
known that he is a doctor of civil law
of, the University of Oxford. The Salva
tion Army, organized by Generar Booth
in 1896 now enlists the services of ' about
100,000 officers and employes.
People Talked About
The notion Is taking root among Chi
cago hotelkeepers that the money In
vested in the republican . national con
vention will beat the Standard Oil for
While, the women, of Wellesley are
walking to save money to aid the strik
ing carmen of Boston, the men pf Tale,
are acting, as waiters and taking tips to
break , the waiters' strike at New Haven.
Because he chose to play the crook In
stead of living a life of , honesty, Frank
Meeker of Cleveland, has lost $33,000 in
herltaince f roh . the estate , of his uncle, .
Rufus ,C. Meeker, whose .will was filed
for probate ,ln Cleveland.
A .Chicago woman who eued her hus
band for- non-support was told by the
judge to go hom and cook his meals. As
she obviously does not want to cook his
meals we expect her to start a movement
for the recall of Judges.
Algot Lange,1 the Amazon explorer,
author of "In the Amazon Jungle." is at
present located In the museum of the
University of Pennsylvania, where he is
making preparation for another expedi
tion to' darkest South America.
Job E. Hedge of New Tork, ' lawer
of ability as well . as a humorist, is out
after the republican nomination .for gov
ernor, .of the Empire . state. . Sobersides
object to Job, because nls talent as a
story teller might dispell some of. the
gloom .of ' th. campaign- ' . . .
Dr.--Hamilton-Wright Mable, attending
the graduating exercises of a school in
Lawrence, Kan-, fainted twice between
the delivery of -the- salutatory and the
valedictory. He was probably overcome
with emotion when he heard what th
graduates-had te say.
A society girl accustomed to a French
maid and a corps of servants at her
beck and call, ;Mlss Rosalie G. Jones of
New York, startled her society friends by
announcing that she would canvass Ohio
this summer In the Interest of the lively
suffrage battle being waged there.
Barefoot Sandals
For the Boys and Girls
Let the little folks be com
fortable these hot days
We are showing a line of Barefoot
Sandals, the only real comfortable
footwear for the little people in the
summer time- we have them in tan
and black, heavy leather soles or elk
soles. , We also have tbem for'older
people. . Bring the children in tomor
row and let us fit them.
Child's sixes, 5 to 8 . . .'. .'.$1.10
Child's slses, 9 toll $1.35
Misses' sizes, 12 to 2 ... ,. $1.50
Boys' and - Women's sizes, 3 to 6,
at $2.00
Men's sises, 6 to 11 ..... . .$3.50
1419 Farnarrt
. , . itbe '.hat xrkS
"Jim 8 ft 10 a ner vir
going Tout : to find a stylish, coiffeur.
.. .-uj nt vnur iinerence. Bin.
It 8 one 01 uipiii - 7--- -
ottymobbles." Baltimore American.
.... . . ., f.iu.. -uhot steers lua
. . v , , U . .1 fmre Oi dOn t
i.asey iwaicmr. io - - ,
seen anny difference bethune tnor an
wor-rk. "' . . . '; ''".' m
C'Bi ten-Yes don t en: eu y
whin Dy day. kern round.-Boston iran-
script. - .-- v
"When I was a young man I worked
twelve hours a day." said-
admire your youthful new.
....... r .jmiM (ctiii mnw me
me son. um 1 umno
mature wisdom which led you to- stop
TanV vftii e-iv me some credit for" my
good intentions?" '.,,
' No: lost too mucn oasn
already."-Bltlraore American. r ?
"Is your wife going to spend her vaca
tion in the mountains or at the- sea
shore?" ' ' ' r :
"Well, ahe paid her ownay at xvjew-
Ar iirVitviAr' nlavlntt hrtaaTA. XUiS
1 loot, i" v ' - V .
year she thinks she's good enough to -j
intest tne cararoom or one 01 me mu
ionable ocean liners," Washington Her- 1
aid. Ti " .
wigwag-Well, there' no acewntm for
tastes. --- ."
Guzzler-Huh. I can alway Anoount
for a dark brown one in the morolna-r- :
Philadelphia Record. -
tn. hard manual
labor. . Tuf fold Knutt was earning, . his
breakfast Dy doing some acinar ww.
"Well, .ma'am," he said, 'Tve Split de
klndlin'. Anything more?" , -4 '
"Yes." answered the . woman, of the
house; "there's the laWn mower."-Cb :
cage Tribune. . ,
W. D. Nesbtt In Chicago' Post.
Th' children's home from college; Jt
seems Jest like last week
They left to study science an' langwldges ,
an" Greek ; ' " . ' f , ; V
They use' to talk Jest like us, but they v- X
Improved their mind ? ' f
An' now it s' really helpful to see them f
a rufflned. . ' ' - f
When William lost hi temper, with Jl ; :
' big couslrt Reub -He
called him rell politely a ' bonahead
An' Lucyat commencement they had, birf.;
name "Lucile"- ',- - -J, )
When she plays the planner she say
. that she will "speel," -
An' me-oh, my! Jest bathin' sh speaks ;
of as a "tub," '' - a J
An' her ol' beau"-she laughs at art - ei .
he Is a dub, ..... ...A
ghe sez hi is a fivver an' isn t one-two
three. ' '" '
Luciie-er, that Is, Lucy-come homeiWittt
her A. B. , y
An' William he gets angry when we Ulk ,-
pontics ', ,,: . . ; j
An' sez we .arfty duesUonS .Jest like, a, :
He told his aunt Miranda that Uncle Peter ,
, I. -J 1 I 1 . A -.. . . .. .
The ripest gorgonzola that ever hit th
He'ast me. "Who's th' chickenr. I vow
he had me beat; - - .--.
He meant the pew schopl .teach.ef f;
walKin aown ine Bireov.
Well sir, vou . wouldn't - knew -'em!.
r.imv' tntnrrtucin th latest WOBDlln
nu j - - , . . -
' walk, ',(' "
While Bill he coils his pants;
, . nil n,Mlr
But where 1 do enjoy 'em is whetr they
They-horely-will be pop'lar next week,.-
as uk as not , ., ... ,,. -They've
promised to give lessons about .
tn rurKey iroi. - - ... j
-' Caret nl compounding "of- pre-.
scrlptlons by registered . phar-,-macists-
from-, the purest of,
drugs-without any substlttt
ion whatever--these are a few
ir the reasons why the doctor
wishes you to take your pre
scription to our store. .. .1
The service costs . you no
more than, you -would have to
oay .elsewhere.
Sherman & '
McDonnell Drug Co.
tssssssssssssssssssssssst .
I Otli" i
-. 8ia , ;,v-i-. - vh 'i