THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, JUXE 15, 1912. Scores of New Lots Just Received From Manufacturers Brought Forward for Saturday's Selling Will Make Saturday the Most interesting Bargain Day of Our Big Anniversary Sale Better values than your dollars ever before bought DO YOU WANT TO SAVE OH SUMMER MILLINERY? We certainly have 6ome surprises la store for you Saturday. In the immense showing of beautiful Summer Hats, shown at $5 to $10 Pure White Chip Sate Trim med with flowers, feathers and novelty trimmings, shown for the first time, $5.00 values, t $2.95 Children's Trimmed Hate, worth to $2.50, at, choice 49 9 kinds, three big lots Untrimmed Hate, nearly all at 9 and 29 Ratine or Wash Rag Hats, big special purchase, at 9g $5.00 Fitted Hand Sags Greatest bargains ever at, eaoh ...... .....p,9a Large size, faaey frame, Goat Seal Bag, fitted with Parisian ivory mir ror and comb, coin.purse and card case, a regular $5.00 value at.... 2.98 $2.00 Hand Bags at 98o All leather lined, with fancy metal frames. $1.00 Hand Bags at 49c Well made, good sizes. Handkerchiefs, Veilings, Neckwear Shamrock Lawn Initialed Handkerchiefs, 6 in box, 25 Regular 50c values. 10c Fancy Embroidered Hand kerchiefs 5k 15c Pure Linen Handkerchiefs, at 7Vitf Paricy Veilings Special lota Shown at, yard lOt 25 35t and QQ Dutch Collars and Lace Jabots, special lots on sale at 10 190 25 and 50 1,000 Panama Hats Regular $5.00 to $8.00 val ues; on sale in three lots $2.95, $3.95, $4.95 A big special purchase, including all the best shapes, sizes 6 to iy. Come early and get first choice of these splendid bargains. Boys' and Children's Straw Hats Made to sell up to $1.00. at 25c - 45c 0 loves, Umbrellas, Parasols $1 Silk Gloves, in 12-but-ton length, Sat. . . .49c Chamoisette Gloves, in 16 button length, special, at 49c Parasols, all the most charming new styles in a variety of colorings, matchless values, at 75c to $7.50 Ladies' Silk Umbrellas, with sterling handles, made to sell to $7.50, in Saturday's sale ..$3.50 Saturday's Specials in Wash Geods Department 39c Jacquard Silk, all colors 25 75c Novelty Silk Foulard with beautifully designed borders, 45-in. wide, yard ' 59 60c Silk and Mercerized Foulard in dots and stripes, light and dark colors, 27 inches wide 38 Bilk Stripe Opera Voiles, worth 39c yard 25 89c Irish Poplins in all colors 25 Egyptian Tissues and Woven Flaxons, good line of patterns, yd XS Saturday's Hardware Dept. Specials 'Goodell's Best" Cherry Stoners, does not tear the cherry, 75 Aluminum Fruit Jar Fillers, at 10 Enameled Preserving Kettles Guaranteed not to scale; are acid proof and will not dis color fruit, at, each .... 39 All lawn Mowers Sacrificed for Quick Clearance 1,000 Lawn Mowers to be closed out in the next few days, regardless of original cost. See these specials: Don't neglect to provide your- seir vntn a Garbage CanUn der city ordinance 6999, any person failing to provide them selves with one is liable to a fine of not less than $5 or more than $100; don't neglect it. Heavy Garbage Cans wlthh Seep cover, at oo; outers up irom 98o $4.50 "National" Lawn Mowers, 14-in., 3 hardened steel blades, cn sale at S2.85 "Trans-Mississippl" Mowers, 14- in., warranted, special 2.50 'Perfection" Ball Bearing Mow ers, 14-in., four patent temper ed steel blades and cutter bar, regular $7.50 mower, on sale Saturday at S4.75 Pennsylvania, Tale, Electra, Laurel and other well known brands of mowers at greatly reduced prices. LIQUOR DEPARTMENT SPECIALS 6-year-old Maryland Rye Whiskey, per full quart, 75c; per gal. . $3.50 Guckenheimer, S c h n 1 y, Cedar Brook and Weldon Springs, all 8 years old, per full quart $1.00; per gallon $3.60 Sunkist California Pure Grape Wines,' all varieties, per full quart 500 Home Made Grape Wines, red or white, per gallon $1.00 Two quart bottles high grade Beer tor 86o Saturday We Continue the Most Phenomenal Bargain Giving Sale of Women's Suits, Gowns, Dresses, etc., Ever Known in Omaha In addition to the thousands of garments sent us by the manufacturers for our Anni versary Sale, which we are offering at a small fraction of actual worth, ALL TAILORED SUITS AND GOWNS GO AT JUST HALF. ALL THE GOWNS $175.00 Gowns at. . . .$87.50 $150.00 Gowns at ... $75.00 $100.00 Gowns at.... $50.00 $89.00 Gowns at $44-50 $79.00 Gowns at $39.50 $65.00 Gowns at $32.50 $50.00 Gowns at $25.00 $45.00 Gowns at $22.50 275 Beautiful New Dresses Made to sell to $20.00-in taffetas, messalines, serges, etc.; newest designs, plains, changeables and fancies greatest bargains $ h 9$ ever at $25.00 Summer Coats $10.00 One big special lot of pretty summer coats, in silk, pon gees, cloth of gold, cream serges and silk taffetas, all newest models, choice. .$10 $5 Silk Princess Slips All colors and "white, at $2.95 Long Crepe Kimonos, 98c Children's Rain Coats on sale at $1.95 ALL THE SUITS $65.00 Tailored Suits $32.50 $57.00 Tailored Suits $29.50 $50.00 Tailored Suits $25.00 $45.00 Tailored Suits $22.50 $40.00 Tailored Suits $20.00 $35.00 Tailored Suits $17.50 $30.00 Tailored Suits $15.00 $20 and $25 Suits at $10.00 250 Handsome Tailored Suits Made to sell to $25.00, iu serges, whipcords, diagon als and fancies ; all colors in cluding cream threes, new. est styles; from $20 $095 to $25 values O Children's Dresses Ging hams, lawns, etc., in colors and white, all most dainty summer styles, all sizes 2 to 14 years; on sale at $1.45 $2.50 Summer Waists at 98c Pretty lawn and lingerie waists, lace insertion and em broidery trimmed, all sizes regular $2.50 values; on sale at, choice 98c Beautiful New Summer Waists, made to sell to $5.00, in lawns, linens, mar quisettes, lingeries; your choice $1.95 FREE A Wire Coil Jumping Eope with any Child's Dress at 98c Up Muslin and Knit Underwear Unprecedented Values in Saturday Special Sales Come Early. Ladies' fine silk lisle Union Suits, silk taped, Swiss ribbed; garments in this lot worth up to $3.50, hand crocheted yokes, at 98c Ladies union suits, all sizes and extra sizes, 35 Ladies' fine lisle vests, fancy yokes, crocheted and lace trimmed, worth to 50c, at 10 One lot of ladies' skirts and princess slips daintily trimmed with fine lace and embroidery, wide flounces, worth to $5.00, at $1.98 $3.98 Ladies' gowns in fine crepe eloth in fine quality nainsook and cambric, worth to $2.50 at 49tf md 980 Children's muslin pants 12 &c. Children's union suits, all sizes, at 26c and 45c, in poroua or plain balbriggan. Children's vests, all slies, worth to 25c, at 12V6-f Ladies' Italian silk vests, hand embroidered in pinks, blues and white, worth to $5, at $1.98 Corset and Hosiery Specials 50c Silk Lisle and Silk Boot Stockings with high spliced heel and toe; on sale Satur day at, per pair 25c $1.00 Silk Boot Stockings rligh spliced heel and toe, extra quality, at 49c $1.50 Kayser Silk Stockings at 98c 15c and 25c Hosiery, Men's, Ladies' and Children's, on Bale Saturday '12 and 7Va Children's S1.25 Wash Suits, all sizes 2 to 7 years, in all colors, at, each 49 Children's Wash Suits, $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50 values, at Qgtf High grade Galatea Cloth in all the new plain col ors and stripes, Military and Sailor styles, also in white or tan linens 98 Boys' 50c and 75c Blouse Waists 35t? ad 25 Corsets Less Than Half WorthNew models in Summer Weights, with hose supporters and draw tapes, broken lots from regular stock, and worth up to $2, on sale 49 75 and 98 We show complete lines of all the best and most popular brands of Corsets, best assortment In Omaha. Cut Vacation Expanses 1-3 at the Start Get the Trunk or Suit Case here Saturday. $15.00 Basswood Trunks, $10.00 All linen lined, with two trays, heavy brass bumpers and soie leather straps. 95.00 Suit Cases 83.45 Either rattan or cowhide. Teatest snaps ever; choice $3.43 Bole Omaha Agents for Xndsstracto Trunks 992.60 to 948.00 Bed Linen Specials in Linen Department (6.50 Bed Spreads, Imported Marseilles, knotted, fringe cut corners, eacn $4.95 $6 Bed Spreads, Imported Marseilles, scalloped cut corners, $3.50 $3.25 Bed Spreads, full size, scalloped, fringed or hemmed, $1.98 $2.50 Bed Spreads, hemmed, crochet designs, full size, ass't, $150 $1 Bed Sheets, size 81x90, seamless, heavy, each 680 $1 Bed Sheets, hotel special size 81x99, seamless, each 69? 19c Pillow Cases, well made, both sizes, each 12 H 30c Pillow Cases, size 42x36, hemstitched, special Sat., each 200 75c Embroidered French Tissue 500 llayden's Grocery Prices Keep Down the Cost of Living 25 to 50 We do not belong to any association or trust combination to hold up prices; our aim has always been the people, not the trust. IS lbs. best Granulated Sugar. .$1.00 10 bars Beat 'Em All, Diamond C or Lenox Soap -SSo Jellycon or Jell-O, pkg 7lo 4 lbs. fancy Japan Rice 35o 5 cans oil or Mustard Sardines. .83o 7 lbs. best bulk Laundry Starch.. 88o Grape-Nuts, pkf -10o E. C Corn Flakes, pkg 6o Lrge bottles Worcester, Pickles or Pure Tomato Catsup, per bot. 80 2 lbs. McLaren's Peanut Butter. . .2e Peters' Breakfast Cocoa, per lb. 85o 1-lb. cans Condensed Milk 6V4o Teast Foam, pkg 3c 10c pkg. Pearllne 60 6 cans Lu Lu Scouring Soap 35o 6 pkgs. Corn Starch 85o FLOKXDA PIWEAPPLB SPECIAL. No Finer Trult Grown for Preserving. Large size, each, lifto; per doz. 91.40 Med. large size, ea.. 10c; per doz. 91.10 Med. size, each..8W.oi per doz 95o Good size, each, 7ftos per doa 8Bo TBS BUTTEB ASD CHEESE MAR KET OF OMAHA. The best Creamery Butter, in carton or bulk, per lb B7o The best No. 1 Creamery Butter, per lb 250 The best No. 1 Dairy Butter, lb...83o The best No. 1 Eggs, nothing purer, per dozen ITiO The best Young America Cheese, lb. at ... 18o Full Cresm Brick or Limburger uneess, id gOo The PBZBR VEGETABLE MARKET 07 OMAHA Fresh Spinach, pk s0 6 bunches fresh Leaf Lettuce Bo 8 bunches Fresh Radishes 5o 6 bunches Fresh Onions So Fresh Cauliflower, per lb 6o 4 bunches fresh Beets 6o 4 bunches fresh Carrots 3'iO New Potatoes, lb 3o New Cabbage, lb. 3o Fancy Hothouse Cucumbers, each, at 7 Vic, So, 3lo Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, lb loo Fancy Wax or Green Beans, lb. 74o 5 bunches Kohli Rabbi 5o RStTry HAY DEWS First & Mail orders tilled while the goods last Buy Your Summer Shirts Saturday Iff f The purchase of the entire floor stock of a -well known maker, in cluding nearly 1,000 dozen high class garments, enables us to offer you, while they last, finest Summer Shirts; not one worth less than $1.50 and up to $5.95 including silk shirts, linen shirts, pongee shirts, mercerized fab rics and imported mad ras, French flannels, in plain or pleated bosoms Saturday at QOf choice Vv The very best of the sea son's new colorings and styles as shown in 16th St. windows. One lot of Men's Shirts, made to sell to $1.50, broad assortments for selection, at 69 and 4l Amoskeapc Chambray Shirts, with collars attached, faced sleeves, pearl buttons, on sale, choice 35 Boys' 60c Amoskeag Chambray Shirts, all sizes 25 Other Matchless Furnishing Bargains Saturday $1.50 and ?2 Union Suits, fine lisle or cotton, in all styles, at 984 and 69 B. V. D. Union Suits, all sizes, guaranteed perfect, on Bale Sat urday at 69 Men's $1 Union Suits . . . 49d Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, 60c qualities, garment . -25c Cream color or blue. 25c Flexo Silk Collars and Ties to match, all sites 12 Mi to 17, Saturday 76 Men's Sample Night Shirts, val ues up to in Saturday's sale at 49 Men's '2.50 Pajamas, all colors and sizes, at, each 98 75c to $1.25 Shirts or Drawers, balbriggan or lisle, on sale, at ...45t and 35 Shoe Bargains Saturday that Will Set Ml Omaha Talking of Hayden's Women's White Nubuck and Canvas Shoes, Oxfords or Pumps, also gun metal patent colt or tan calf pumps or oxfords, real values up to $4.00; for Saturday. . .$2.50 One lot of Women's Oxfords, about 600 pairs, values up to $3, together with a big lot of white shoes and two strap pumps ......,.....$1.93 One lot of Women's Oxfords, two-hole ties, sizes up to 5, worth $2.00; also in this lot you will find women's rubber heel patent tipped Juliets, worth $1.50. ' This entire lot at .1 .$1.00 Men's Shoes In all leathers for dress or for work, new stylish shoes, all the late toes to suit almost every one, every pair worth up to $3.00 a pair, at 81.98 Dne lot Men's Satin calf shoes, good, stylish, serviceable shoes, worth $.2 $1.39 Men's house slippers, the kind that sells for seventy-five cents, nearly all sizes.. Misses' and Child's 75c bare foot sandals, all sizes up to size 2 484 Misses' and Child's white can vas 2-strap pumps, also child's white canvaB Roman sandals, sold the town over tor $1.50 $1.00 Grover and Queen Quality Shoes and Oxfords for women. Stetson and Crossett Shoes and )xfords for men. Special Saturday Snaps 25c Taffeta Hair Bow Rib bons ; on sale, yard . . 10c 15c Fancy Flowered Rib bons at 5c 20c Tooth Brushes at 10c 50c Hair Brushes at. .25c 40c Dress Shields at 25c 50c Pillow Tops, each 25c Four Specials in the Domestic Room 83c Glenbrook Ready Made Sheets, 72x90 size, fine, soft finish muslin, Saturday 50 $1.25 Bed Spreads, large size, heavy weight, very choice bargain, Saturday at ..95 81.80 Blaaohsd Pattern Table Cloths, 2Vs yards long, good as sortment of patterns; on sale at 98o Beady Made Pillow Cages, fine qiialtty muslin, values to 20c; Saturday at .-la4o iOc Sheet Music 10c PISCES TOU SHOULD OWN. Beautiful Lady Valse. Take a Tip from Father. Maning's Shufflln Dance. That Slippery Slide Trombone. Love is the Theme of My Dreams. Oh! You Circus Day. Ragtime Violin. Everybody's Doing It My Dream Man. Oh! Tou Beautiful Doll. Everybody's Two Step. And many othera. Three for 25c. SATURDAY GLASSWARE SPECIALS Plain Water Glasses, 6 for 10c No delivery. Thin blown glasses 6 for 25C 2-qt. Colonial Water Pitcher - .85o 1-qt. Root Beer bottles, doz. 11.00 Best Jar covers, dozen 30o 3 dozen of the best jar rubbers, red or white 35c WHEAT FLYER MARES TANGLE Brokers Seek to Eecover Margin Money from Wealthy Man. SAYS HE WAS BUYING WHEAT Jury Mast Decide Whether Trans action Was Based on Bnslnasa Foundation or Whether Chances Are Taken. Whether a deal between Frank B. Hlb bard, a wealthy Irvington farmer, and Sunderland & Saunders, graia brokers, was an ordinary business transaction or a gambling operation must be decided by a jury which is hearing the case before Judge Lee S. Estelle. The brokers seek to recover 15.59?, which they say they advanced for Hlbbard to cover his losses on the Chicago Board of Trade. Hibbard had employed them to represent him in a wheat deal. The mar ket declined until his margins had been wiped out, and the brokers advanced the money to protect Hibbard' s trade. ' Taking the witness stand, Mr. Saunders declared that the money was advanced for actual purchase of the grain and the brokers expected to deliver it to Hibbard. Hibbard declared he never expected the grain to be delivered and was simply speculating on the price of grain. When the market went so low that his mar gins were wiped out the company should not have advanced mora money, but should have sold, he said, and therefore he was not responsible for their loss. Personal Tax List Same as Last Year Personal property valuation in Douglas county this year Is practically the same as that a year ago, according to figures of County Assessor Shrlver. Last year the total valuation was $73.J!U; this year it is $67,732,630. The flguiea would be practically the same for h two years but for the double listing cf the Omaha Water company's property last year. The company wa assessed on both its $6,000, 000 judgment against the ctt and Its $6,000,000 worth of property. Oniy one as sessment can ba counted and there is only one this year. f JDNE RISE PLAYING HAVOC Missouri Eiver Again Cutting Away Burlington Track in Iowa. BIG ROCKS ARE WASHED AWAY Burlington Is Damping Tralnload After Tralnload of Heavy Ma terial Into Che Hirer, rrlth Very Little. Effect. The June rise in the Missouri river, coming along in connection with the heavy and continued rains, Is causing the Burlington road much trouble in the vicinity of Folsom, the second station below Council Bluffs, on the river line to Kansas City. It was at Folsom where the river cut away a slice of the 3urllngton jrade during the spring rise. This was stopped by the dumping into the river of hun dreds of cars of atone, slag and con demned box cars and fastening the re vetment dowa with fenc wire. This held the river back until the June rise moved In a few days ago. Now the work of early spring has mostly been undone and the river is as busy as ever, eating away at the Iowa shore at a point one half mile south of the Folsom siding. After the subsiding of the spring flood, a track was laid 1M yards or more from the river. Now the stream has cut inland almost to this track and is still cutting away at the rate of several rods dally. A switch has been '.aid between the main line track and the river and over this, several trains of broken stone, gravel and slag are being hauled dally and dumped Into the stream. This has but little effect In the way of stopping the cutting. Large squares of rock, tons of alag and loads of gravel are picked up as soon as they are dumped over the bank ftnd are whirled away by the current. Since the Ice went out of the rivet last epring. Just below Folsom, the chan nel has moved east fully one-half mile and now nothing but a long, bare sand bar marks where tha current formerly flowed. The Bennett farm, 160 ccras of land, which laat year was held at $125 per aere, has practically all been washed away within the past two months and other farms to the east and south are threatened. Crying Babe Wins Mother's Freedom A cooing 3-month-old pickaninny In the arms of its mother, Melissa Hodges, won the latter's freedom Thursday night at the city jail, when she was arrested on the charge of disorderly conduct. Melissa kicked up a rumpus on Dodge street and was sent In by Patrolman 1. C. Rich. As she was being bunrt'.ed Into the patrol, another negro woman ftuffed a small bundle into hei arms, "oth thv mother and babe were held until Captain Dunn, who was out to lunch, arrived. "What do you want tis to .In nh mammy." grinned the captain. "Ou-w-w-w!" camp the reply from the depths of a huge red shawl. "All right, If you say out," out she goes," came from the official. Just then a friend of the worn 3 n 'ailed up and asked If she could be release'! on bonds, and the captain replied in the affirmative for the sake of the baby. O.E, Fuller Elected President of the Master Car Builders C. E. Fuller of Omaha, superintendent of motive power of the Union Pacific Railroad company, hag been elected pres ident of the Master Car Builders1 Asso ciation of America. This news came to Mr. Fuller by tele graph from Atlanta, where the master car builders are in annual convention. It was a surprise and a very happy one to him. He regards the election as a dis tinct honor, and the source of much pride. This association ambraces all ths mechanics in this line in ths country and Mr. Fuller has long been a member of it. SOLDIER BROTHERS MEET AFTERRJRTY YEARS ANTIGO. Wis., June 14.-Wa!tr Quick of Aniwa and Jacob Quick Of Honcon, brothers, who served In ths civil war In different Wisconsin regimciM, met for the first time In forty yea's at the an- . nual encampment of ths Wisconsin Grand Army here today. Soon after the close o the war the brothers separated and until they were Introduced to each other by Mayor Hill In front of headquai teis hsj not even heard of each other. Constipated? Go To Your Doctor It is impossible to be well, simply impossible, if the bowels are consti- fiated. Waste products, poisonous substances, must be removed rom the body at least once each day, or there will be trouble. Ask your doctor about Ayer's PiHs, gently laxative, aH vegetable. tin L-mnuie udiu fheu xrt iiiwtlu nn fh livpr J.O. fierCo..