S 20 THE BEE: OMAHA', SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 1912. plLD CAMPAIGN IS ORDERED ! Untcd States Army and Guards Will r Maneuver in West. GENERAL SMITH TO COMMAND -Realtatlr Scenes WU1 Be Enacted ia Wyoming; Whra Imaslnarr Ene mies Are Drawn I p Against ' Each Other. The Western Division of tns United i States army is planning; for maneuver 'Campaigns Jointly with the state militia. The commands at Fort Riley and Fort TLeavenworth will march against each pother July 5, meeting at some point be--rween the two posts. Four regiments -or Kansas state militia will re-enforce these troops. Pole mountain, twenty miles west of "Tort D. A. Russell, Wyo., near the hlgh est point on the Union Pacific railroad, will foe the scene of annual maneuvers fof Aate militia, July 8 to 27, Inclusive. 'One regiment of Nebraska guard, one Wyoming regiment and two Colorado 'commands will be detailed to take part ' General Frederick A. Smith of the De 'Partment of the Missouri will be placed In command. ..-. Approved by General. , This is part of a plan of maneuvers ;thl summer referred to and approved by General Smith. The designation of "the regiments that are to entrain for the field has not yet been made, but will ! probably be left to the discretion of the ; general. - Included in the arrangements the regu rlar troops of Fort Russell, comprising J Several regiments, will participate, the regular and the Nebraska and Wyoming regiments of militia, to assemble at Pole 'mountain July 8. - The militia will complete field practice ton July 17, if the prepared schedule is maintained, and, the two Colorado rert manta take their place the following dy, tthese regiments to remain in the fitld yntil July 27. Mimic Warfare Planned. , General Smith Is also instructed to take command of the Joint troops of Forts Hackejule, Robinson and Meade after the 'Training of militia at Pole mountain, the troops of the forts to assemble at the crossing of Cheyenne river ly the Burl- Ington in southeastern Wyoming. A .mimic warfare is here to be arranged by .!the - commanding general, for which 4 planned a concentration of forces of "jTorta Mackenzie and Meade to oppose the strength of Fort Robinson to gain posses ion of the river crossing. Tho soneral yill probably accompany one of the col- mns to make his field Inspection of that 'column during the operations and of the Jemalnder after they all get into camp after the conflict - The time allotted to the maneuvers of tho regular troops at the croiin will fee limited to a week or ten days, to allow General Smith ample time to take com ,-mand of the Iowa National Guard an nual maneuvers at Iowa Fails August U, -NOISY BURGLARS BUNGLE JOB IN LUDWIG HOME Burglars entered the home of P. D, Ludwlg, 3318 Charles street about 1 tyesterday morning, but were frightened way before they had time to sack any -Viot. . The burglars made so much racket that Mr. Ludwlg was aroused, and he Hhought at the time that his little grand aon was moving about. "Jimmle, what ar you doing In here?" he called and .then all was silent. Mr, Ludwlg arose and made a tour of the house to find Kftle Jimmle snugly curled up In bud I sleeping the peaceful sleep of youth, .When the family arose in the morning tt was found that the house had been invaded through a dining room window, 'from which a screen had been removed. J The only clues left by the visitors were -a beer bottle opener and an orange, much I soiled from its doubtful travels. Those j were found on a window sill Mr. Ludwljt ays the property will be returned to the 'owner, if he will call for them. :URE IS PREPARING TO : " . COLLECT WATER RENTS t:.:. . ... I A branch collection office will be 'opened by the city treasurer In the of t hce of tho water works company July 1 tto receive water rents, taty Treasurer Ure says he cannot ao- commodate patrons at the present office. which is congested. Official receipts will the issued to all customer who call to J pay their dues. Stationery is now being prepared by the treasury and will be ready as soon as the tatty assumes ownership of the plant pRecelpta will be Issued for all money re fceved, the custom of marking the bills repaid"' being discontinued. JUnder the law no collectors will oper ate for the city to secure water rents, tout patrons will be compelled to call at tUie treasurer's office and pay. . BANKERS' ASSOCIATION ,:'.V. MEETS HERE NEXT FALL The Nebraska State Bankers' asaocla--tlon will hold its fall meeting In Omaha, the convention city having been de termined on at a meeting held Thursday t the Omaha club. The date of the fathering is left to the option of. the association and the officers of the state bankers' organisations. Those present at the meeting: Pretil- -dent F. McGiverin of Fremont P. U Hall Jot Lincoln, C. F. Gund or Blue Hill. Q. K. "Surnham of Norfolk. W. T. Graham of lion-ill, W. A. Bucklln of Long Pl-ie, ijXuther Drake. W. H. Bucholi. C. F. Mc Grew. H. W. Yates and W. B. Hughes of Omaha. $IG BUSINESS MEN ARE ACCUSED OF TAX DODGING Advancing on the supposition that big business concerns of Omaha under valued their properties when they turned Tin their tax schedules, the board of - equalisation yesterday went out on a tour of inspection; ,, They are visiting all the properties of any magnitude to learn first hand whether or not the schedules as turned in jre correctly founded. ; EIGHTH GRADE CLASS AT r: DUNDEE GETS DIPLOMAS . ' . The graduating exercises of the eighth trade class of the Dundee public school jwere held Thursday night at the Dui dee Presbyterian church. Eighteen graduates received diplomas from J. J. Dodda, a 'member of the school" board. J. A. Jen 'kina made the principal address of the even!ng to the graduates. Several must- cal numbers and orations were delivered fcx the members of the class. Watch for Branded Girat Sale Monday Irrnn a rMTrrrfri I mm m Chicago' Most Working Girl Bewlnr Uachlnes Sat. silk a osiery Sale 98c Women's Pure Thread Silk Hosiery, wide silk hem tops, also wide lisle garter tops, lisle double soles, high spliced heels and toes black, white, tan and fancy light shades worth up to $1.50, at, a pair Women's Pure Thread Silk Hosiery, wide lisle garter tops, also all silk wide hem tops, lisle soles, high spliced heels and toes, some fancy silk embroidered boot patterns black, white, tan and fancy light AA colors worth up to hP 1 Tialr at nalr WW Women's Pure Thread Silk Boot Hosiery Wide lisle garter tops, lisle double soles, high spliced heels and toes, full fashioned black, tan and white- IQ at, pair Tw Women's Pure Silk-Boot Hosiery, wide lisle garter tops, lisle double heels and toes; some are full fash ioned with double lisle soles black, tan and )Qa fancy colors worth 50c, at, pair flw Men's Pure Thread Silk Hosiery, lisle double soles, high spliced heels and toes black, tan, navy 0C and otav worth ' 50 nt. nair .... tftfv n- -j j 7 i Women's and men's fine Cotton and Lisle Hosiery, mercerized Ilk llBle finish, wide hem tops, double soles, high spliced heals and toes black, tan, white and light colors worth 25c pair, at, f g pair Misses', boys' and chil dren's fine and heavy Ribbed Hosiery, reinforced heels and toeB, garter tops black, tan and light I Ol colors, at, pair. . IsSiZ t $1 2 SPECIALS IN WOMEN'S GLOVES Kayser's Long Gloves of extra quality pure silk, tricot weave, double tipped fingers; full 16-button length white and black, at, pair Short Silk Gloves In 2-clasp effect, double tipped fingers OQ-, - white only worth 60c, at pair eMaC FINE WASHABLE SHETLAND VEILS Beautiful new shadow and hexagon meshes, fancy bor ders, etc. 1 y yards long black, white and colors worth up to 11.60, at, each 59c Wimen'sPure Irish Linen Handkerchiefs With your first name In full, daintily embroidered In script let ters; also one corner styles, daintily embroidered on sheer linen, also fine embroidered initials in the new long style a m letters and men's linen cross bar Initial handkerchiefs, I flP Saturday special, at, each fV BRANDEIS STORES Chicago's Most Beautiful Working Girl All Day Saturday in Pompelan Room Brandeis Stores VVV. ( if J I ' t V' ' " ill I RAE5POTTER Chlcsirc's Most Beautiful Working Girt Miss Rae Potter, who won the Chicago Tribune beauty con test, will be In Brandeis stores all day Saturday demonstrating the most beautiful sewing machine in the world -THE FREE. At All Leading Soda Foun tains and Confectioners. Made by FAIRMONT CREAMERY CO. IOatkt'i "L TA FdVa I f fi 0Bik' 5. jUal Tb Persistent ' and jvOlcious TTs of Nwsppr Advertisinr Is th Road to Business Succass. WM. J. BOEKHOFF, Mma 9sJs. Phones-". Splendid FITTING TROUSERS! Good fitting trousers are always of vital importance to a man's wardrobe. Our trousers are made for us from the best of fabrics in the latest of fashion by trouser makers who are experts. We have all sizes and all proportions, extra sizes and extra lengths. YOU'LL BE SURPRISED to see the splendid values we offer at $1.90, $2.50, $3, $3.50 ; $4 Correct Straw Hat Styles At, popular prlces95 $1.25 $1.50 $1.98 $2.50 Genuine Ecuadorian Panamas At $3.50 and $5.00 Suit Cases Traveling Bags of the "Reliable" sort at attrac tive prices. Suits Cases 98 $1.50 $2.50 $3.75 $4.98 up. Traveling Bags $1.85 $2.25 $2.98 $3.50 $4.98 "P BOUND mf TRIP JT ACIFIC g)AST RriRomn rockier "SO Vacations In Onew Gather up the scenic delights of SO Switserlands and you can have them all brought together and spread out before you in the gloriously majestic vistas of giant forests, charming lakes and magnificent mountains which center about the great Canadian Pacific Hotels at Banff Lake Louise Field Glacier Here in the tremendous Canadian Rockies you can experience every vacation adventure that the heart hungers for boating, hunting, fishing, bathing, mountain climbing all at their very best Cool, beautiful surroundings if you simply want to enjoy a refreshing quiet rest All Canadian Pacific Resorts are elegantly appointed hotels, with perfect cuisine and service, Moderate rates. Situated In the depths of the rugged Canadian Rockies, but practical for a two weeks' vacation, quickly and easily reached by the luxurious trains of the Canadian Pacific Railway Sena 4 eenh for booklet, "The Challenge of the Mountains, " and other iUuttrateJ literatim. 224 South Clark Street, Chicago Phonet: Bill Wabath 268 Automatic 62-512 C.E.E. Uaaher, P. T. M. Montreal Geo. A. Walton, Central Agent . . . . ... - . r 1 v The Best For Your Home The Bee and Omaha mer chants are offering Wm. Rogers & Son's silverware in one of the most beautiful patterns ever created. The quality is Rogers quality and it therefore is not necessary to say any more. Just Rogers quality that's enough. The Bee gives you a teaspoon for five coupons like the cne below. The Omaha merchants furnish coupons for all the other pieces. Save the coupons THESE MER CHANTS G1VB COUPONS and certificates with purchases: AJU&icax TKSATEB Cor. lata sad Douflas Its. I.UXUS BEE rOXH KITTLES Consumers' Dis tributor. Douglas I889j Xnd. T1477. KISS BXJTX.SB aULLIHEBV ISIS DouffUs, ad rioor. SUTTEBSrVT BBS AO w Enf toad Bak ery, sais it worta St. BBABBSIB no bist ssrr. BraaAsta Storss. VIBliSIi TUEI. CO. til south ita st inisa UQVOB CO. 1309 raraam St. XEOEATX UTATIOaEBY CO. 1431 rarnaaa St. 1CTBB8-SXU0B OBUO CO- lta and raraam Sta. Clip This Coupon Omaha Do Daily Coupon I NO. 35. Saturday, June 15, 1912. This coupon whm presented with the four others consecutively numbered, and 10 cents to cover ths cost ot handling, entitles the holder to one Wm. Rogers & Son guaranteed Teaspoon ol Le N'ece. taire pattern. Out-of-town readers will add 2c eatra (or postage. I S'ame 1 I Street and No. Postoffice If 70B llv la ta city at lag your eoapeaa to ths vitfloa of Tho Bee Clip This Coupon Yearly Subscription Caupan Omaha Baa Tbts coupon when propsrly signed and preaentod at ths office of Tho Omaha Beo (or mailed by those rcsid Inc out of town) will brine to tho holder full informa tion how evory hon.o can socura a full dozen Wm. Rog rs & Son cuaranteed Teaspoons at once. Also, the sender will roceivo a Ire catalogue ot all pieces of this sat together with the number of cou pon and certificate rouuirad for each piece and in iiitk wl Ouiaba nruia Uaumu tlietu iu tbo vubuc Kama I Address .. 1 fostolfie nils offer applies to oreryone. whether a preaeat subscriber to tdi Be or aoV Last lays ff the Sale In Our Men's and Boys' Big Clothing Departm't. Our efforts in value giving for these last few days will exceed our own unrivaled bargains we have given in the past two weeks of this sale. We want everybody to derive all the benefits extended through our special offer ings during this particular occasion. We want to wind up this sale by giving you bargains that will make this 25th Anniversary a memorable event. Prices Talk and Values Prove It Here are some of the good things for tomorrow: Us and Youths' Suits All the lot ends from our Anniversary Sale that sold up to $25.00 go on sale tomorrow at $7.50, $9.50, $12.50 and $14.50 All this season's productions blue serges, fancy wor steds, Scotches, hop-sackings in the new "blueberry" tones, electric blue, browns, tans, etc. Eight hundred Boys' Knicker Suits that sold up to '$6.00 go on sale tomorrow at $2.45 and $3.45. 1,000 pairs of Boys' Knicker Pants, worth up to 85c; on sale tomorrow at 45c; all the $1.50 kinds at $1.00. EXTRA SPECIAL Just received 1,000 Boys' Wash Suits manufactur ers' samples, "Mother's Friend" high grade makes, warranted fast colors, worth up to $6.00; on sale at, per suit, $1.00 to $2.75. Men's and Youths' Trousers We've a corner on the Trousers business in Omaha. There's a reason. Here's 2,000 pairs of worsted trousers, worth up to $5.00; on sale tomorrow at $2.50; another lot of 1,000 pairs of high grade worsted trousers, worth up to $6.00; on sale at $3.75. The special 20 Anniversary Sale discount on all Hart, Schaffner & Marx Suits still holds good this week. ini ME vi M(6)S Regular Sexall Productions Patent Medicines Reduced Rexall Kidney Cure 45c, 89o Borden's Malted Milk 45o, 75c $1 Lydia Pinkham's Compound. . .89c Jl RexaJl Vegetable Compound. .89c Glyco-Thymoline 85c, 45c, 89o Kewbro's Herpiclde 45c, 89o Rexall 93 Hair Tonic 50c, $1.00 Fellow's Syrup 89c, $1.34 $1 Gray's Glycerine Tonic 89o Eskay's Food 85c, 45o, 65o $1.00 Wine Cardul .'...89o Dr. Cooper's Medicine 45c, 89c Jl Hostetter's Bitters 89o $1 Squibb's Sarsaparilla 75c Ozomulsion 45c, 89c Rexall Orderlies lOo, 85c, 50o Scott's Emulsion 45c, 89o Hyomsi 45o, 89c Rexall Mucutone 45o, 89c Listerine 15o, 85o, 45c, 89o Cut Prices on All Toilet Articles ..500 .91-85 ...14o Lee's Rhubarb Laxative Tona Vita 3 5c Mistletoe Cream for ...... (Sample Free.) 25c Eskay's Cream for 14c 2ic Frostilla for 13o 50c Pompelan Massage Cream.. . .39o 50c bottle Bay Rum . . .. 25c 5 cakes Ivory or Wool Soap ....19c 39c Pinaud's Soap 19o 25c Sanitol Tooth Paste 13o 50c Violet Cream 19c 50c Malvina Cream 19c 60c Java Rice Powder for 24o "5c Babcock's Corylopsis on sale..l5o We are the exclusive agents in Omaha for the famous Dorothy Ver non line of Face Powders, Toilet Water, Cold Creams, Perfumes, etc. A 50C MAIL BOX will be given Saturday free with a 25c purchase. Robertson's Grapo Juice, per gallon bottle 75o 25t Hire's Root Beer (makes five gal lons) for ! xnrssA& WATSBS We carry over 100 different kinds of mineral waters at the lowest prices. Cigars at Wholesale We carry the largest stock ot cigars in the city. Dozens of standard brands by the box at less than wholesale prices. 616 CANDY SPECIAL Box of Barr's 60c SATURDAY CANDY for 2l9 60c Benedetto Allegretti's Italian Chocolates for 39 The Rexall Stores 8XEBJLa.IT ft KoCOWITELZi DBTJO CO., 16th and Dodffa Btroots. OWL BBVO COKFABT, Corner 16th and Karaar Strsets. XiOTAL FHAXMACT, Loyal Hotel. KABYABD PHABUMCT, Corner 84th and Tarnam Strsets. THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER la the Leading Agricultural Journal of the west. Its columns are filled with the best thought of the day in matters pertaining to the farm, th ranch and the orchard, and it is a factor in the development of the great western country.