Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 15, 1912, EDITORIAL, Image 11

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All The News Ail The Time
Tli Bn gift it retdwi ft dQy
panorkm of the happening!
of the whol world.
VOL." XLI NO. 312.
Ornamental Illumination Ordinance
I Passes Second Beading.
U-lpat' Chauffeur Ordered to
Hare City Expert Make Re
pair to Avoid Vnnece.
ary Coats.
f An ordinance providing for a system
of ornamental electric lights on Farnan
. street has been submitted to the city
council by the legal department, placed
j cn its first and second readings and laid
-over untn this morning.
This ordinance provides for the install.
. ' - ..0 U. W
to cost the city not more than JS5 per
year. If funds permit as many more
lights as the council deems necessary may
bo installed.
Police Commissiontr Ryder introduced
resolution directing all commissioners
to hereafter have their automobiles re
paired at the city's repair shop adjoining
the police statloti. The repairs, he said,
have been costing the city too much. The
' resolution passed.
H. H. Bowes appeared to protest
v against me revocation or me eaioun li
cense of William Miller. The council
, heard his argument and upon the advic
: of Judge Ben Baker, corporation counsel,
advised him to scrap it out in the court?
I as the council could do nothing under
the law but revoke the license upon the
conviction of the saloon keeper.
Councilman McGovern objected to the
ordinance reapportioning city funds. Mr.
McGovern's department was cut $3,900.
He said he would need this money. Ac
tion was not taken to relieve the situa
tion. Act on Bee Editorial.
. A communication was read from the
Insurance committee of the Commercial
Iplub calling the council's attention to an
'editorial in The Bee in which the danger
of constructing flimsy buildings was
pointed out and permanent buildings of
high class construction urged. The com
munication was referred to the depart
ment of fire protection and water supply.
Report of appraisers fixed the value of
the property condemned at Nineteenth
and Twentieth and Ohio at $1,860.
Councilman A. C. Kugel did not at
tend the meeting, being confined to his
oeen sunering tne last two days.
The expense account of W. D. Marks,
appraiser in the employ of the city to
fix the value of the ga company' prop
erty, was held over until Saturday for
Upon the recommendation of the city
attorney it was decided to return to the
owners all Auditorium stock donated.
A request from the .Daughters
of the American Revolution to
have an ordinance passed making it a
misdemeanor to deface Oregon trail
narkers, was referred to the legal department
High School Teacher
Gets Ph.D. Degree
The University of Nebraska has con
ferred the degree of doctor of philisophy
upon three candidates: Former Chan
cellor E. B. Andrews, Prof. L. Pfeiffer of
the department of history of Nebraska
university and Mary Sullivan of Omaha
Miss Sullivan's work for this degree was
done In Europe under the direction of
Prof. C. W. Wallace, the world-famous
Shakespearean scholar. The work waa
ready for presentation a year ago upon
Miss Sullivan's return from Europe, but
the examination was deferred because of
the serious illness of Miss Sullivan's
The thesis, which is the chief basis for
1 the honor, Is an origmal contribution to
I the knowledge of the Masques, presented
They involve Shakespeare and hi fel
lows in the social and diplomatic
maneuvers which characterized the
struggles between Spain, France and
England for continental supremacy and
gave bitterness to the conflict between
Catholicism and Protestantism.
Miss Sullivan will leave for New York
( ' i , i at .Via nliea e9 enhnnl kha txrlTl nnn.
fer with other teachers of literature con
cerning high school courses in English
and will read proof upon the manuscript
which is ready for publication.
The following ' pupils of Walnut Hill
school have been neither tardy nor absent
during the school year just closed:
Raymond Fellers, Glen Pickard,
Albert H. Gustafson.Fay R. Byers,
Ralph G. Ford,
Alven Larsen,
Emerson Westgate, Marie Ruhe,
Charles Hall,
Myrtle Erlkson.
Venus Ketchner,
Josephine Gavin,
Laura Ruhe,
Hazel Wiggington,
Joyce Rosebrook,
Ruth M. Gordon,
Dessie Clark.
Alice M. Jackson,
Olga Eitner,
Raymond Medlin,
Helen Dawson,
Maud Louise Cole,
Willie Marsh,
John Day,
Frances Trebilcock, Katherine Janowski,
Alice E. Day,
Norman Fellers,
Frances C. Cleland, Evelyn Westgate,
Alma C. Larsen,
Albert Carlyle,
Douglas Cooper,
Victor E. Nielson,
Edwin Gray,
Louise h. jonnson,
Helen L. Cooper,
Agnes Zlch,
Joel Clark,
Herbert Sprecher,
Arnold Linder,
Chester Holz,
Charles Dawson,
Ruth Cunningham,
Helen Searson,
Jean Palmer,
Byron Tucker,
G. W. Beaver, arrested Tuesday by
cycle officers for driving on the wrong
side of the street, was fined to and costs
in police court On the same morning
H. H. Hawke of the Gray Bonnett Taxi
cab company, his employer, was fined
$25 and costs for the same offense.
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Objections Are Made
Against Renewal of
Rescue Home License
A petition, objecting to the re-jstab-Ishment
of the Tinley Rescue home at
Fourth and Bancroft has been cent to
the city council and is now in the hands
of the legal department Objections are
made, by Judge Howard Kennedy. Dr. E.
Holovtchiner, Dr. J. A. Williams, William
H. Hatteroth and fifty others.
One of the reasons for objecting to the
"home" advanced by the peitioners is
that in the past it "received unfavorable
comment and created notoriety." Also,
the Douglas County Detantlon home is
within one block of the site and too many
institutions of such nature are being
grouped near Fourth and Bancroft.
The petitions sets forth that the value
of property is decreased by having this
borne to near, improvement are re
tarded and the neighborhood is made undesirable.
Another reason for the objection Is that
there were disagreeable sights in connec
tion with the operation of. such an insti
tution." It is not "conducive to good
morals of those residing near or rasping
by the institution." For these reasons
the petitions request that the. license be
withheld. The council will consider the
case when the city attorney brings in a
Segerstrom Pianos to
Be Sold Very Cheap
The Segerstrom Manufacturing com
pany. 1825 Farnanr street, Stock of high
grade pianos will be closed out at a gale
which will begin Monday morning.
E. B. Segerstrom, who is in charge of
the local headquarters of the firm, has
found It necessary to give up the busi
ness here in order to go to the Seger
strom factory in Wisconsin and there
help in conducting the piano-making busi
ness, which is one of the largest in this
section of the country. The Segerstrom
company now has orders that will keep
the factory busy until September 1,
though no new business should be se
cured. The' Omaha stock of the Segerstrom
company includes more than twenty dif
ferent makes and is one of the largest
in the city. One of the lines carried la
the famous Knabe piano.
All these pianos will be sold at great
reduction in prices, beginning Monday
morning. No piano will be held in re
serve, for the Segerstrom company has
decided to ell every Instrument within a
certain time. The pianos have been
priced so low that they are certain to go,
declare the Segerstrom company.
Insist on having your suit
made in Omaha.
Mabel Gray Smith is suing Frederick
Lyman Smith, a well-known Omaha
clothing dealer, for divorce, setting forth
cruelty as ground for spparation. She
asks also for the custody of their 8-year-old
child and reasonable alimony. They
were married eleven year ago.
A Serious Breakdown
results rrom enromo constipation. ut.
King' New Life Pills relieve headache,
etomach, liver and bowel trouble. 25c.
For sale by Beaton Drug Co.
We are Bltlag- Omaha because B
" vua wuiy mteen aeiiar
tailor tUi( elotkea la Omaha.
Every Coat Tried on
in the Basting Without
Extra Charge.
The price U Jut half actual
" Artbar L. Lemon, Mgr.
1606 Harney St, Omaha.
423 N. 24th, South Omaha.
Nestor of the Dough County Bar is
Hale and Hearty.
Delivers Principal Address at the
Meeting of tbe Omaha Bar As
sociation Helped Form
State Government.
Despite the fact that he was up rather
late Thursday night, Eleazer Wakeley.
attorney, was at his office bright and
early yesterday morning, ready to meet
several clients who came in to consult
him. He will be 90 years old today.
"Judge" Wakely, as he is called because
he served as a Judge for sixteen years.
In many ways Is Omaha's most wonder
ful man. One of the most brilliant ad
dresses made at the Omaha Bar associa
tion's annual dinner last night-was made
by him. His forehead is bald, his hair
is white and his beard gives him a look
of advanced age; but his face is the face
of a man not beyond middle age. When
he stands he is as straight as a young
Sioux. Every faculty Is retained in full
strength, a remarkable vocabulary Is at
his command to express the profound
thoughts of an active mind, the voice
rings loud and clear.
Native of New York.
Judge Wakeley was born June 15, 1S22.
in Homer N. Y. In 1S44 tie was admitted
to the bar in Ohio. In 1847 he was a mem
ber of Wisconsin's last territorial legis
lature and drafted the constitutional con
vention act which preceded the admission
of Wisconsin to statehood. In 1S57 he
came to Nebraska as associate Justice
of the territorial supreme court. After
serving three year he went back to Wis
consin and resumed the practice of law,
but he returned to Nebraska and located
in Omaha in 1867. He was a member of
the state constitutional convention in 1871
and helped Nebraska into statehood.
Last night Chief Justice Manah B.
Reese of the Nebraska supreme court,
wished that in ten years Judge Wakeley
might let the bar association help him
celebrate his hundredth anniversary and
the association Joined him in the wish.
Xneteen Hurt In Wreck.
MACON, Ga.( June 14. Nineteen per
sons were hurt, three seriously, when a
Central of Georgia passenger train
crashed Into a string of freight cars on
a curve at Evrette, Ga., today.
The funeral of E. M. Baker will be
held Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock at
the Cole-McKay chapel. Interment will
be In the Masonic plot in Forest Lawn
cemetery. Mr. Baker died Thursday
from an overdose of strychnine in hi?
rooms at 1711 California street. He was a
druggist by profession. He has no known
Capito! lodge, Ancient, Free and Ac
cepted Masons, will have charge of the
service. He was a member of the
Masonic lodge at Dakota City, Neb.
Persistant Advertising Is the Road to
Big Returns,
Ed McTlgue waa fined U5 and cost in
police court for assaulting Leo Gannon,
elevator conductor at the Union station.
Thursday evening. He pleaded guilty
to the charge.
McTlgue was drunk and made some
insulting remark to Gannon which he re.
sented. Thia precipitated a fight between
the two in which Gannon wa llghtiy
disfigured. At the time the car was be
tween two floors and filled with women
The Persistent and Judicious Ue of 1
Newspaper Advertising Is the Road to..
Business Success. .. i
The Half Million Dollar Stock
of the Bennett Company
Goes on Sale Monday Morning, June 17th
That's a very simple announcement to make, but it conveys more of real mportance to
you than any other merchandise announcement ever made in Omaha.' There never was a sale like this in
the whole United States, and it isn't likely there will ever be another.
We Have Purchased the Entire Stock of the Dennett
Company and Leased the Building for Thirty Years
and it is in keeping with the famous Orkin Policy that this tremendous stock is to be sac
rificed at once not a dollar's worth of the old Bennett Company's goods shall remain when the sale is over.
Each Day of This Sale will Teem with New Features.
The Store will Sparkle with a Rare Bargain Brilliancy
Every one of the 71 big departments of this store is included-not a single item in the entire
store will escape the mark of the blue pencil. Men's and boys' furnishings and clothing, women's and chil
dren's furnishiDgs and clothing, dry goods of all kinds, and everything wanted and needed for the home, will
be sold regardless of value or former pricing.
The Purpose of This Advertisement
is to simply call your attention to those facts and suggest that you watch the announce
ments concerning the sale as they daily appear in the public press. Be 6ure you get your share.
Orkin Brothers Company
'l l ' .""it"l
Smith & Bros. Typewriter p
Opens Direct Branch Office in Omaha
Owing to the great demand and increasing popu
larity of the L C. Smith & Bros, writing in sight
typewriter, we are opening a direct branch of our home office
in Omaha, with Mr. B. F. Swanson, our former dealer, as man
ager for the Omaha territory. Sub offices have been opened at Des Moines,
Lincoln and Sioux City, and additional traveling Salesmen will be added so as to
cover closely our entire Omaha territory, which comprises Iowa, Nebraska
and a part of South Dakota. This will enable us to better care for the business
of our many users in this field. An efficient employment department will be
a feature of our business, the services of which will be free to employer and
An invitation is extended to the many friends of the L. C. Smith & Bros,
typewriter to call and visit our store and inspect the New No. 5 model. Cata
logue mailed on request.
L C. Smith & Bros, Typewriter Go.
B. F. Swanson, Manager
1316 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb.
510 Fifth Street,
Sioux City.
417 Locust Street,
Des Moines
135 North 13th Street,