THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 1912. RELIGIOUS WORKERS COMING ; xpected that Twelve Hundred Per- sons Will Attend Meeting. .Concert in Which One Tboiund Z Voices Will Be Heard and Other Entertainment Featorea ' Being- Arranged. Arrangements are being completed for the annual convention of the Nebraska Sunday School Teachers' association which meets Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of next week In Omaha. k Letters have begun to come to Man ager Parrtsh of the publicity bureau of the Commercial club announcing dele gates who will represent various towns in the state. A letter from Aurora this morning said at least sixteen delegates " would represent that county. Another " from Hlldreth announced a good repre sentation. Mammoth Chorna Sings. I As features . of the convention thero will be a concert In which 1,000 voices "will participate at the Auditorium Mon- day night and a specially prepared array of exhibits installed in First Methodist Z. church where the session , will be held. "There will be eight exhibits demonstr&t- ing the various branches of Sunday ? school work. . It Is expected that more than 1,300 Sun- day school workers will be in Omaha to 7 attend the sessions. Arrangements are "now being made for their entertainment. " The Toung Men's Christian association "will Install a rooming bureau at which those who cannot find quarters In hotels -will be sent to good homes. :More Oil is Struck 2 in Wyoming Fields y A new oil field has been opened In Wyoming within the last ten days and ; already about fifteen rigs ar at work grilling that number of wells. The new field Is twelve miles. north of Waltman, J between Casper and Shoshoni. In this locality there are a number of deep val. "leys and canons. In some of them the IVand -bearing rock Is exposed and the con stant dripping of oil has convinced capi talists and prospectors that it overlies a ;rieh oil field. The Natrona Pipe Una and Refinery "rompany of Casper, operating in the -Shannon and Salt Creek fields, is pushing work harder than ever before. At this -time It has twenty-seven producing wells jn the Shannon and twenty In the Salt "Creek field. The Shannon oil Is being iped to Casper, the Una having been Rested out without a break or leak. Tho vell of this company are each producing from twenty to 10J barrels daily. , . OMAHA TRADE MARK ON THE SPRINKLER WAGONS , ma vyuiana iraue-iuttrn will soon De ;een on the sides of the wagons that sprinkle Omaha streets. -4 A. L. Dick, manager of the street sprinkling system, made the offer of his .wagons to the Manufacturers' associa tion for advertising use. The offer was Immediately accepted and the thanks of 4h association was enthusiastically ac corded Mr. Dick. " y . " A committee was appointed by the as ; soclatlon to plan a suitable advertisement to be placed on the wagons to go with jthe big Omaha trade-mark. The association also voted to give a ; big dinner to the retail dealers who . gave the use of their windows for ad " vertising purposes during last week. A committee was appointed to arrange for ..this entertainment. Novel Program is Given by the Beals Graduating Class Several hundred parents and frUnds of the Beals school gathered at ';e school Wednesday to listen to a program that excited much enthusiasm ami praise. A class prophecy, read by Walter Camp bell, following songs by a chorus of sixty voices, reviewed the work of the stu dents during the year and humorously predicted the records they would make In the approaching years. Superintendent E. U. Graff delivered an address, naming what he believed were the three requisites of success: Utilizing opportunities, self-dependence and moral foundation. Quotations and scenes from Shakes peare were a feature of the program. The three witches scene, Ophelia, Lady Macbeth and the ghost scene In "Hamlet" were produced, the students appearing in appropriate costumes. Edward Gross read the clas will In which he bequeathed to the incoming class all the honors and good will won by tbe graduates. The program cloitd with "The Skylark Song." The chorus sang "Massa's In De Cold, Cold Ground," "Evsnlng Song," ".TuanlU," "Cradle Song" and others. , Louis Armstrong sang a vocal solo. ' One of the pretty parts of the program was the Danish dance, done to the music of a song sung by the dancers. 01 her dances and folk games given were: Swedish weaving game, Bohemian stra sak and the Norwegian mountain march. A class of fourteen graduates. TI.ey are: Gladys Ambler, Louis Armstrong, Walter -Campbell, Ruth Craig, Minnie Evans, Frank Frahm, Everett Gantz, Ed ward Gross, Anna McDermott, Henry Mlelke, Enid Nichols, Pearl Spann, George Traber, Hiram West. TTTTTTTTi Chicago's t Most Beauti ful Work- Girl Here Friday. - a s t a. i. Ii i r rvTTiJrl j D DVA I S ty tssri J I I 1 B r . Beauti- T i -i mi i i nnuffltsi liiifiiiiini T Dlsa-racefol Conduct - of liver and bowels, in refusing to act, Is quickly remedied with Dr. King's New Life Pills. Easy, safe, sure. 25c. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. NOTED ORGANIST PLAYS I IN OMAHA NEXT MONTH ' Omaha Is to hear something rare in - organ solos In July when Gatty Sellara, -the solo organist of the Queen's hall and the Crystal Palace Musical festivals of London, gives two free will recitals In coronation music, "accompanied by a set of cathedral chimes. He will play on -July IS and 18 at the First Methodist -church. ,' , raonxsi Tyler 1300, Auto., A-aaa. Wa pay express on way on out of town ' ship man ts of $3 or OTar. Toggery Vhiteners That's what WE are; ho limit to our powers in this direction either. Your white gowns; white suits; white waists; white coats; white slippers; white belts; and white gloves will be restored to their ORIGINAL whiteness if WE do the cleaning. Will we do YOURS? Dresher Bros. Dry Cleaners, 2211-2213 Farnam Street Branch Agenolssi romps lan Boom, Brandeis Stores aad Dresner, the Tailors, 1518 Tarnam It. AiMUSEMEXTS. BEAUTIFUL LAKE flANAWA Dancing In tho Grand Ball Room, -'.. Music by Arthur E. Smith's , Orchestra, Bathing, Boating, Free Moving Pictures Every Evening, First Class Restaurant MAXY OTHER ATTRACTIONS jgfayUf SUMMER SHOW :lhwDAYLICHTS?J.5 YAVDSYZUiB lnoludea Braham'a Phan- ftographs; Bert Bright, Anglo-American Boy; The Leroy Olrls, Comediennes; Gen. "Richard. Baritone Burton. Pictures Changed dally. New Vaudeville Thurs' lay. Hours l to M ft) V SEAT '8; 7 to 11 p. m. , rMllTlXsl . COKX AST TIKE; STAT TMB MXIT. ;ioc SPECIAL 4TII OF JULY OFFER ve free of full quarts wlU glv rre with 4 Prima Rye at W.10, Wa Charge wl of Prima charges prepaid 5. Premiums .of a fine hand painted bread and butter china plate, a bot Ue of Am port wipe, a gold etoh ed whisky glass. a. pookat cork aoraw and a bar of perfumed, pure soap. This whisky i bottled exjpreaal; for our trad am Is sold dtraot ta vern. Wa ur- miu this wniaky t be better than othar high grade tU y that sellb at double the cries Orders weat ot th Heckles iusi. ccJl for U quaru prepaid. . , nur rfrenca 1 Omaha national eann. Mall your arders to MEYER KLFIN LIQUOR CO. 622 Xo. 16TH ST., ,0UHA, NEB. 8 ' AMtSKMK.NTS. CLUNES THEATER 26th; and Farnam V Have installed a 'new, Mirroid Picture Screen and are showing the greatest motion pictures in Omaha.; ; - 1 Summer Wash Dress Fabrics ON MAIN FLOOR AT ABOUT PRICE FOB Remnant Day Thousands of yards of domestic and foreign wash j fabrics underpriced. 40-inch French and English Voiles, at, yard ...... .25c 27-inch Durbar Suiting (imitation rajah) 25c 27-inch Silk Faconne stripe Chiffon Voile 39c All our 35c to 50c Imported Zephyr Ginghams .25c All our fine Tissues, Flaxon, etc., at .25c All'our Swiss and embroidered Batiste, formerly selling up to $1.50, at, yard 50c aunr flook sii.r tsli. TONIGHT addition to regular program, Trans-Mississippi Exposition? held in Omaha in 1898. Don t miss it Something wonderful. - 26th and Farnam I 4 I DON'T 75c AND 85c SILKS AT 39c YARD Foulards, messalines, printed warps, taffetas, Persian messalines, dress poplins, habutai silks, washable 90a I china and Japanese silk, on bargain square, yard. . wwi 3,000 YARDS PLAIN AND FANCY SILK REMNANTS Many dress lengths. They come in 2 to 12 yard lengths and consist of nearly every known weave and a good as sortment of patterns and colorings, bar-t)FA A iv tftx, gain square, at, yard REMNANTS OF DRESS GOODS 50 to 54 ins. wide, diagon als,, whipcords, Scotch ef fects, costume and French serges, light weight novel ties, etc., yd. 79c and $1 38-inch to 50-inch dress goods in broken checks, stripes, melange, mixed suitings, batistes, serges, etc, at, yard . . . 50c FRENCH and GERMAN VAL LACES & INSERTIONS Fine cluny laces,, torchon laces, platt vals, black chantilly, etc., worth up to 10c a yard, on two big bar gain squares; at, yard . i 2V2C and 5c REMNANTS OF ALL KINDS ALL OVER LACES Also edges, insertions, medallions, festoons, etc., bargain square, at, each 15c 27-IN. SWISS AND EMBROIDERED FLOUNCINGS Also 18 inch flouncings and corset coverings, 24-inch all overs, endless variety of pretty, new designs, worth up to 75c a yard, at. 39c Medium and Wide Embroidery Edging and Insertings All kinds in neat eyelet, blind and floral patterns, worth 15c a yard, bargain square, at, yard 10c I 3 BIG BASEMENT BARGAINS IN OYS' SUITS BOYS' SUITS made of good, service able fabrics in various shapes and patterns, have been selling Qf AO at $4, special Friday, at .. . .VlwO ALL WOOL SUITS in serges and handsome mixtures, smart, snappy styles, splendidly tailored, tfQ IT worth $5.00, go on sale at . LONG PANTS SUITS made of cheviots and tweeds, new colors and patterns Am a a In the most popular styles, $7.50 III T and 18.50 values, special, at VWaVV T Boys' Washable Suits with military or sailor collar new colors and patterns, $1.00 values at 59c Boy's Waists with open cutt sleeves, various materials; 60c values at 25j mm i ? $1,00 Boys' Knickerbocker Pants, peg tops, at . .49c 40o Boys' Overalls, at 29c 50c Washable Pantsat 25c 75c Men's Overalls at 50c 25c Boys' Rompers at 45c FRIDAY SHOE SPECIALS IN THE BARGAIN BASEMENT Boy's Tennis Shoes made of serviceable brown duck with rubber soles, first class in every way all sizes, at, pair 50c Women's J uliet S t r a p House Slippers, patent tips and rubber heels, on . sale Friday, at, pair 98c Boys' and Girls' Barefoot Sandals with elkskin soles, protected toes, all sizes, at, per pair 49c Children's Shoes, soft kid skin stock, button and blucher lace styles, all sizes up to 8, at, pair 98c Women's Fancy Slippers, odds and ends, values up to t $3.50, special, at, per pair . , 81.98 Women's Serge House Slip pers, at, per pair.'... .49c Japanese Bath Slippers, special, at, a pair . . . . .5c NEXT SATURDAY-A GREAT SPECIAL SALE MEN'S GENUINE PANAMA HATS We bought the entire sample line of Men's Genuine Ecuadorian Panama Hats from a New York Importer at f less than half their actual market price. They come in the : : neVest shapes and are worth to $8.50, thev go on sale Sat- : : urday at , .... . ... . .:. ...... . $2.98 and $3.50 I BRANDEIS STORES Hli'i"fr'fr You may miss something if you don't read the want ads TODAYc TWENTY-FIFTH PNIVERSARYrME M ft V I 1 1" 111 ft THE RELIABLE STORE H EV1ISS BARGAIN FRIDAY I I A day the most thrifty housewives reserve for their shopping. This Friday will be specially prolific in saving opportunities in every S I department. Join the crowds here. $2.50 ALLOVER EMBROIDERIES, 93c The greatest embroidery bargains ever of fered; all high class goods; all perfect; all new paterns; are regular $1.50 to $2.50 yard values Friday in one big lot at, yard ; 98C , s BIG SPECIAL LAUii ULJUAajmuju All the broken sets, odd lots and remnants, Including Vals., Torchons, Cluny, Venice and Linen Laces, Bands, Edges and fine Allovers, In eight big lots; greatly underpriced Friday, yard, 2',c 3tf 54 7 104 254 494 984 Tremendous Underpricing Friday in Our Silk Department Remnants of Plain and Fancy Silks Values up to 75c a yard, In lengths from 3 up to 15 yards; all at one price Friday, yard ..-184 73c and $1.00 Washable Silks 27 and 36 Inches wide, in checks and stripes; big line at. . .454 85c and $1.00 All-Silk Foulards Water proof quality, 24 and S6 incheB wide, at 684 Yard Wide Black Silks 8 5 c Chif fon Taffetas 584 $1.00 Messalines and Satin Duch ess at 784 $1.25 Coating Taffetas ...-884 Friday's Specials Wash Goods Department 69c Drawn Work Bordered Voiles, 46 Inches wide, la all colors at, yard 504 Imported French Ratine, white aad natural, 40 lnchea wide, regular price $1.75 yard; on sale at 81.00 Plain Colored Wash Silks, 27 Inches wide; on sale at 254 and 394 Irish Liaotte, nice line of patterns; at, yard 15 French Organdies, nice and sheer, in pretty floral designs, worth 25o yard; at 184 dress Ginghams, at 124 154 and 254 Shirting Madras and Fine French Percales on e&lg at ......154. 184. 254 ftnd 354 Friday's Specials Linens Full size Hemmed Huck Towels, colored bor ders, worth 15c; each 104 Full size Pure Linen Hemmed or Hemstitched Huck Towels, worth 45c; each 254 Barnsley Crashes, full width, warranted pure flax, worth 25c; yard 154 Plau Hemmed Bed Spreads, full size, crochet designs, worth $2.25; each S1.50 Unhemmed Pattern Table Cloths, mercerized, size 8x10, worth $1.75; each. . . ... . .$1.00 Colored Dress Linens, yard wide, pure flax, as sorted, worth 75c; yard 394 Anniversary Specials TJool Dress Goods 92.25 All Wool Diagonals, Serges and Whipcords, all 54 to 56 inches wide, Ideal fab rics for tailored skirts; at, a yard 81.50 Bergen, Panama, Mohairs, In summer "weights; in croam, tans and navy, over 100 pieces in the lot; Friday at, per yard 484 and 684 To $1.25 a yard values. Handsome Tailored Skirts Made to A 7C Measure We guarantee perfect fit and workmanship. Have a summer skirt made from some of those beautiful cream suitings. Inquire at dress goods department. Friday Specials In Drapery Dept. Third Floor Curtains worth to $2.50 pair, plain and colored Scrims, also Brusselette and Cable Nets, choice, at pair ..... .$1.45 Curtains worth to $2.00 pair, heavy, plain Nets, with col ored borders, also a fine line of Nottinghams, at,' pr. 90c 65c Filet Nets Either white or ecru; at, yard 404 25c Colored Curtain Madras 3 2 lus. wide; Friday, yard 154 13 He Silkolines Big variety of col ors and patterns; at, yard 94 30c Fish Net Ecru or white; on sale at, yard 124 $4.50 Rope Portieres All colors, tapestry bands $3.25 $1.85 Couch Covers at 984 Drapery Remnants, worth to 50c a yard Swisses, Nets, Scrims, Cre tonnes, Burlap; at, yard 5 Drugs, Toilet Goods and Drug Sundries You can't afford to miss this sale Friday and Saturday. SI. 00 size Pure H'ydrogen Perox ide, extra size, for 25c 50c bottle of Hind's Honey and Almond Cream for 30c 10c Williams' or Colgate's Shav ing Soap for. So 10c Jap Rose or Palmollve Soap at two bars for ISo 16c a bar No. 4711 White Rose Glycerine Soap at, per cakcioc Four bars of Ivory Soap for.. 16c 16c package of 20 Mule Team Borax for -So One big lot of 10c a bar Toilet Soaps, last sale, go at, cake, SVie Large size Pompeian Massage Cream for 49o $1.60 bottle of Oriental Cream 98c 26c Sanitol or Dr. Graves' Tooth Powder or Paste for .120 36c can of finest quality Talcum powder for 19o 26c can of Mennen's or Colgate's Talcum Powder for 15c 60c Java Rice or Fozzonl's Face Powder for . . . 25c S5c size Wool Powder Puffs or Chamois for ISo 26c Pond's Extract, Sanitol or Peroxide Face Cream for. . 120 $1.00 box of LaTrefle or Azurea Face Powder for 75c $1.00 size Pinaud'a or Rivers' La Trefle or Azurea Toilet Water for 7So $1.60 In ported Hand Mirrors go at 98o One hundred Dr. Hinkle's Cas- cara Tablets, sealed bottle... 25c $2.00 Red Rubber Rapid Flow Fountain Syringe for $1.00 $1.60 No. 1 Hot Water Bottles go at 75o $2.60 No. 3 Combination Syringe and Bottle for $1.50 Visit Oiir Big Busy Domestic Room Friday Wash Goods Specials in the Domestic Room REMNANT SftClALS Wash Goods of All Kinds To 25c a yard values; at, yd 104 JUe Dress Lawns 29 Inches wtda with fancy borders; excep tional bargains at 74 7fio Unbleached Sheets, size 81x90, heavy quality muslin, unhem med, at 504 7 Me Bleached Muslin 36 inches wide; on sale at, yard. . ... 54 THc Apron Check Gingham indigo bluea only, at 54 IBe White Piques 27 Inches wide: Friday at, yard . ..154 8e Luxe Organdies, 18c a yard values, ail colore, at, yard, 104 9ge Bres Poplins, in fine assort ment of colors, yard 154 18c Plisse Cloth for underwear- on sale at 12 Vz 4 6c Anthracite Blue Prints. - 34 18c Ratine Cloths, good colors: on sale at, yard 104 18c Imported Dress Ginghams Qood assortment of patterns; on sale at 104 18c White Curtain Scrims 36-in. wide; on sale 104 White Goods of All Kinds Val ues to 15c a yard; choice. 74 Notion Bargains IN THE DOMESTIC ROOM Non-rustable Hooks and Eyes, per card Hair Pins, large pkg 14 Cotton Tapes, per roll 14 200 yards Sewing Threadr.24 Best Safety Pins, card ...24 15c Ocean Pearl Buttons; Friday at,, per dozen , . .5 26c Dress Buttons, at, doz. . . . 5 25c Corset Cover Embroideries on sale at, yard 124 Val. Laces Odd lengths, to close Friday at, yard l Furnishing Goods Bargains ffMXUY X SOKBSTXO BOOK, geyi 909 AmotkMff Bblrts, with collars attached, 8t ,,,, ,,,, 85c Stys BOe ireffUffM Bhirts, with or without collars, perfect goods no SflfS' tOo Salbrifsrsa Vndivslilvts or Drawers, all Miftfi! on sale Kridty, garment I80 Chrtdisa'S X, Waist TXaloa Bolts, regular 60c values, .aso mUm Mnsiia BMrts, downs aad Combination Baits, very epeaial bargains eso and 490 Ladies' o aa ate Oaoss Terts, all. size: on sale at.. i. "Ho and So Adie' fiOe aa4 7Bo Valoa Baits, regular and extra siges, at 3 Be and aso ' B1-00 4 91M Union Baits, all sizes; on sale at.. 8o and 49c KS'I i.00 a4 ll.0O Vidsbits ox Drawers, bal Pfifgan or lisle; manufacturers' samples; on sale st 1 . 38o and a 60 Sfta'a I1.00 Kanadom Bawts 49o J In the Domestic Room Women's Wash Dresses Lawns, chambrays and percales, good colors and styles, values to $2.25; sale price $1.25 Silk Foulard and Messaline Dresses Made to sell to $10.00; great snaps at $3.95 Black Panama Dress Skirts $2.50 values, well made, nicely trimmed; choice $1.50 $1.00 Percale House Dresses 69c All sizes, big as sortment. 85c Petticoats; both black and colors; on sale 504 50c Dressing Sacques All sizes and colors; on sale at 394 Children's 75c Wash Dresses All sizes 6 to 14 years, good styles and colors, at 494 Children's 50c Rompers at .254 Hsydcii'o Grocery Prices Keep Down the Cost of Living 25 to 50 Aiea. size. eacn.-Bc; per aoz vao Good size, each, 7Ho; per doz 8So TES BVTTEB AVD CESSSS K1X- W a net belona to any association er trust combination to hold up price! our aim ha always been the peoelt. not the trust , : 18 lti. best OraaaUted 8ofr. .$1.00 10 bars Beat 'Em All, Diamond C or Lenox Soap .So Jellycon or Jell-O, pkg ..7V4o 4 lbs. fancy Japan Rice ....a5o I cans oil or Mustard Sardines.. 85c T lbs. best bulk Laundry Starch.. 85c Grape-Nuts,pkg-. 10c E. C. Corn Flakes, pkg 6ie Large bottles Worcester, Pickles or Pure Tomato Catsup, per hot 8H I lbs. McLaren's Peanut Butter... 8So Peters' Breakfast Cocoa, per lb. 86c llb. cans Condensed Milk 8Uo Toast Foam, pk 3o lOo pkg. Pearline........ I cans Lu Lu Scouring Soap 85o pkga, Corn Starch 85o TT OT TOTTB PXirSAf7XSB AJTD 0&BXXfl KOW. OXBBST BALE TBXDAT. 8-lb. Grape Baskets Cherries 30o rooBiDA purairm special. JTo riaer lralt Grown for Preserving. Large size. each. 18Ho; per doz. 11.40 Med. large size, ea., lOo; per doz. $1.10 SET 0? OXAHi. The best Creamery Butter, In carton or bulk, per lb 87e The best No. 1 Creamery Butter, per lb... 5o The best No. 1 Dairy Butter, lb...33o The best No. 1 Eggs, nothing purer, per dozen 19o The best Young America Cheese, lb. at 18c Full Cream Brick or. Limburger Cheese, lb 90o The FBEBB VEGETABLE KABKET 07 OHAEA Fresh Spinach, pk So bunches fresh Leaf Lettuce ...,6c 8 bunches Fresh Radishes So ft bunches Fresh Onions , Bo Fresh Cauliflower, per lb. Bo 4 bunches fresh Beets Bo 4 bunches fresh Carrots SVfco New Potatoes, lb So New Cabbage, lb. Be Fancy Hothouse Cucumbers, eaeli, at THO, flo, 3o Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, lb. loo Fancy Wax or Green Beans, lb. 7H 8 bunches Kohll Rabbi Be See the Big Special Demonstration Sewing Machines Mr. P. J. Bullies, the Nebraska state representative of the New Home Machine, is here this week and will show all visitors just why the New Home is best; what work It will do and how well it will do It. Just take a few moments and let him demonstrate to you this best of all good machines. Douglas Street Entrance. TGtY MAYDEN'S FIRST BOYS' CLOTHING IN THE DOMESTIC ROOM Bprague Base Ball Suits $1.50 values, come in all sizes, on sale $1.00 Boyi' Indian Suits Regular $1.25 values, iD all sizes, on sale at 75c Boys' Military Scout Suits In all sizes, $1.25 values, at 55c 7TZ Z 77 women's suit section Adults 10c. Children 5c.