7 Desperate I-A HEIRLESS SNAKE. With all Ms snakelike cunning and cru. elty, Desperate Desmond, the Interna tional crook, Is now helpless id Injure Claude or Rosamond. He Is tightly bound and in the hands of the American ma rines, who have been Instructed to 'deal harshly with him. But evon now the vll lain does not altogether abandon hope of getting even. WANT ADS Want ads received at any time, but to insure proper classification must be presented before 12 o'clock m. for the evening edition and before 7:30 p. m. for morning and Sunday edi tions. Want ads received after such hours will have their first Insertion under the heading "Too Late to Classify." CASH IRATEslR WANT ADS. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION One Insertion 1 cents per word and 1 cent per word for each subsequent consecutive insertion. Each laser tion made on odd days 1 cent per word; $1.50 per line per month when ad is run without change of copy, ' DEATHS AND FUNEBAL NOTICES. E RANDT John 0., died Friday, June 7. aged 40 years. Funeral Monday, 2:30 p. m., from 2212 Burdette street. Interment Prospect Hill eementery. Friends Invited. f- LODGE NOTICES. Attention, Members of Alpha Camp No. 1. Wi. 0. W.: The funeral of Sr. J. H. Ravage will take place from St. Patrick's church, Fifteenth and Castellar streets, Monday morning at 0 o'clock. CHARLES UNITT, Clerk. ATTENTION Omaha Plattdeutcher Vereln: Members are requested to attend the funeral of John O. Brandt Monday, 2:30 p. tn. By order of Henry Rohlff, president. HELP WANTED FEMALE t Agrenta and Saleswomen. WANTED Lady agents to introduce a toilet article of great merit. Something new. Absolutely necessity. Every vvman will buy. Easily earn 115 to $25 wettkly. Exclusive territory. Act quick. Stearns Ilolllnahead Co., Portland, Oregon. , . WANTED Lady canvassing agents to take order for Made-to-Order corsets. St. Louis Corset Co., St. Louis, Mo. Clerical and office. WANTED An experienced lady book keeper, one who can typewrite; references required. Raphael-Pred Co. " Factory and Trades. WANTED Neat young Rdy to learn halrdresslng. Apply room Kll, Bee Bldg. Douglas J055. Housekeepers sod Domestics. THE SERVANT GIRL PROBLEM SOLVED The Bee will run a Servant Ulri Wanted Ad FREE until you get the desired results. This applies to residents of Omaha, Bouth Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring your ad to The Bee office or telephone Tvler, 1000. WANT.ED A wash woman, near iftth and Burt. Call Doug. 6880. 1 WANTED A wash woman with refer ences. Har. 2904. WANTED A young girl to assist with housework; no washing or cooking. Tel. Doug. 5890. ' WANTED At once a middle aged Woman or girl for general housework; do washing; 3 in family. 1110 N. 18th St. Tel. Web. 567. ,5 WANTED A competent girl for gen eral housework, small family, good wages. 1020 8. Soth Ave. 'Phone Harney 2104. - WANTED Girl for general housework. Two in family. Good wages. Apply 313 ' Park Ave. Harney 6480. WANTED Good girl for general house work, two In family. 'Phone Harney 2262, GIRL for general housework; $6 per week. 8tu& Davenport.- . WANTED Girl for general housework; 210 Seward. B-2572. . WANTED Girl for general housework; highest wages. Apt 7, Normandy Pa cific and Park Ave. Tel. Harney 1 4. WANTED Colored girl for general housework. 1514 Burdette. WANTED Girl for general housework. l"janish or Swedish girl preferred. 2562 St. Mary's Ave. ,: WANTED Good girl for general house, work. Tel. Harney 741 or call at 1304 S. th fit YOUNG girl lor housework at once, go home nights. 2201 Spencer St. WANTED Good girl for housework; good home. U0 S. 86th St. Tel. Harney 6004. ; , Miscellaneous. ,: WANTED CaBhler for railroad dining houtie; $25 month, board and room. Ad dress J. R. Chambers, Long Pine, Neb., Iiare of Northwestern. ' GIRL to learn halrdresslng. Oppen lietm Parlors, 2d floor. City JSat. Batik. 1 jol.U women coming to Omuha as Hrtuigers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at St. Mary's Ave., and 17ih. St., where they Will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at the Union station. HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Salesmen nnd Solicitor. "Sprain your ankle," "break a leg," get typhoid fever if your Income is Insured witli the Home Casualty Co., W0 Brandeis bldg. Live agents wanted. Apply at once. Good men are hard to get. They don't wander around the streets looking for aigns n windows. When you need good help advertise in The Bee. Be Want ads are read by keen, energetic men who wish to better their condition. Rates 1c per word if run two or ' more times consecutively. Tele- jtton Tyier wpp. DAYSMAN wanted, with established trade to - -present us In North and South Dakota. manufacture and control more ex tenths lines of goods than any other house. rV-irnson-McKlnney Dry Goods Co., St. Iouib, Mo. AGENTS everywhere (or -neclal arti cles: rapid sellers; profits lai Easy to handle. El wood Supply Co., 3 Za Place, Cicero, III. , - . Desmond 11 THE HAND80ME WAITER. , At one stroke the marines put Desmond in a position of torture, and do themselves a good service, by forcing the scoundrel to act as waiter for the whole mess. Al though Desmond is hungry enough to eat a can of the old army beef, he is not al lowed to touch a morsel of the appetizing food he must serve to Claude and tin marines. HELP WANTED- MALE Acents, Salesmen and Solicitors. FEW high pressure stock salesmen. Best proposition on earth. Our agents are clearing from 1250 to 11,000 per month. No boozers or advance hunters need ap ply. Leads furnished anywhere you want to work. Address Redmon. Kansas City Eife Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. THREE or four first class agents who will be satisfied with 1300 or $400 per month. Stock proposition. Leads fur nished wherever you want to work. Ad dress Redmon. Kansas City Life Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Clerical id Office. FULL dress suits and party dresses for sale; also for rent. 11.00 to $1.60 a night. JOHN FELDMAN, tOs N. 17th. D. 3128. Factory and Trades. Drug store (snap) Jobs. Knlest, Bee Bldg. BASH and door man at once. P. H. Wind? Sons, Planing Mill, Council Bluffs. BRICKLAYERS wanted Monday. Apply at 2ith and Farnam St. W. O. Jensen Co. Miscellaneous. TELEGRAPH positions guaranteed you by the Union Pacific and Illinois Cen tral railroads If you gain your, training in our school. Practice on R. R. wires. Ad dress for particulars, H. R. Boyles, Pres. tioyies college, umana, Neb. TRAIN auditors are now on about 30 railroads; would you like such position? Railway experience unnecessary: good salary. For application blank, send stamp and name of this paper. Fester Uboey co., 3iQ juonadnock Bldg., Chi cago. YOU ARK WANTED for government position, $S0 per month. Send postal for list of positions open. Franklin Institute, Department 217 P., Rochester, N. Y. WANTED 60 men on sewer at Superior, Neb.; trench work by foot $1.50 on up. Kelley Construction Co. MOVED TO OUR NEW TRAINING SHOPS, he largest finest and best equipped plant for automobile training. Do you want pleasant outdoor work, with thousands of money making oppor. tunitles? Write or call on us. Day or night classes. Unlimited course; liberal terms. NATIONAL AUTOMOBILE TRAINING ASS'N. 2814 N. 20th St., Omaha, Neb. 500 MEN 20 to 40 years old wanted at once for ,eleetric railway motormen and conductors; $W to $100 a month; no ex perience necessary; fine opportunity; no strike; write Immediately for application blank. Address T SO. Bee. WANTED Man in green house. 30)1 So. 15th St. $100 MONTHLY and expenses to travel and distribute samples for big manu facturer; steady work, 8. Scheffer, 752 snerman, Chicago. WANTED-Experienced operator on El- Hot-Fisher billing machine In large dry goods establishment. Address K 175, Bee. 7.000 GOVERNMENT POSITIONS OPEN. Write for list. Franklin Instl tule. Dept. 214 P.f Rochester, N. Y. WANTED FOR U. B. ARMY Able bodied unmarried men between the ages of 18 and 35; cltlsens of United States of good character and temperate habits who can speak, read and write the English language. For Information apply to re cruiting officer. 13th and Douglas Sts., Omaha, Neb.; 07 4th St., Sioux City, la.; 180 N. 10th St., Lincoln, Neb. WANTED More people to raise poul try with the Old Trusty Incubator. Writs for free catalogue. M. M. Johnson, Clay Center, Neb. WANTED Men to learn the barber trade. Few weeks completes. Come now. Finish at busiest season. We control many excellent positions. Tools given. Wages while learning. See our offer. City or country applicants. Call or write. Moler Barber College, 110 S. 14th St. HELP WANTED M4I.R OR FEMALE) FOUND-lOc: This advertisement will entitle holder to a discount of 10 per cent if presented when paying for next laundry or dry cleaning buml.e. Frank Carey, A-1965, Tyler 1802. WANTED SITUATH NS HOUSE cleaning and lawn mowing; prices reasonable; satisfaction. H. 6374. BUNDLE washing, 60 cents a dosen, rough dry, 25 cents a doxen. Web. 318$. Family & bundle laundry; guar. W. 6903. WASHING and Iron I tut tone. T., H. 5420. YOUNG woman wants place to work board and room while going to school. Address D 265, Bee. LADY wants day work. Call Red. 8206. Family wash, rough dry, bundle. H 5442. FIRST class practical nurse, Harney Mill. P( Wl TI AM Mwcrv flarlr vnunlr man, two years' experience; town with good band preferred; owns cornet Ad dress Y 42, Bee. CARPENTER repairing or screens. Webster 791. WANTED Plain sewing, children's sew ing a specialty. Phone Webster 4KB. COLORED man wants position as Bhort order cook. 2M Patrick Ave., Webster 6767. AN experienced laundress Wants day work. Tel. Harney 6442. AMUSEMENTS OMAHA FILM EX. U'gU. n Motion picture machine and film bargains. WANTED By Midwest Carnival ana Exposition Co., merry-go-round, an kinds of shows and concessions for monster Redmen's carnival at Omaha, June 29 to July 6; making two Saturdays ami 4th of July, at show grounds; also all kinds of free acts. We supply free attractions for celebrations, fairs and home-comings. Address E. C. McGulgan. Supi. of Prlvl leges, Room 12, Crounes Uik., Omaha, Neb, 'Phone Douglas 3552. WANTED Attractions for Fourth of July. Acrobats or bicycle riders. Address C. 'f. Pike. Edgar, Neb. WANTED Attractions. entertainers and specialties for Fourth of July cele bration. Address Sec. celebration com mittee Oranviile, la. - SO Ft drinks, ice cream, candy, peanuts and popcorn, fruits, hoop-la and paddle wheel concessions for Red Men's carnival, June to July , 1912. See Maurice Katltman, 1508 Harney, phone Doug. 3039. III-THE FATEFUL WHISTLE. Toot! Toot! The clear note of a whistle rings out on the Cuban air. Who blow the whistle? Why does he blow it? What does It mean? The head of the Cuban Walters' union blows the whistle. Hp blows it to announce a strike. It means that a lot of hungry Cubans will go with out their early luncheons when it sound. ANNOUNCEMENTS EL CONTENTO HABANA CIGAR. Box 60, postpaid, $2.75; try halt dozen: If not satisfactory money refunded. BEA TON DRUG CO., 150$ Farnam, On...a. IVT IT . A K"H Eastman Goods, complete JVLUAJVO ,t0Cti Largest finishing department In the west. THE ROBERT DEMPSTER UO., 1813 Farnam St. and 80S S. 16tn St. : GET your diamonds at Brodegaard's. M. B. Morrill, china paint. 833 Brandeis i h OMAHA TENT CO. Tel. $22 Douglas! ateyenson, carpenter, cont. Both 'phones. b. S. Griffith, wig mfr., 12 Frenser NORTH RUP LETTER DUPLICATING Co., 606 Paxton Blk., circular letters, any quantity! oldest established company! ex perts of Multigraph and Neostyle. WANTED Repair work of all kinds; grinding and saw filing. Call Ind. B-2636. ANCHOR FENCE CO., Iron and wife fences cheaper than wood; lasts a lifetime. 207 N.17th. Phone Red 814. To LOAN uj vv rats, In sunns to suit. $10 Bee Bldg. 'Phone Douc. 2904. MONEY UNION LOAN CO. 6. H. Cole Sign Co. D. 3768. 1316 Farnam. SOD SOD SOD BODDINQ DONE. - BENSON 714 W. Twenty per cent less thsn Omaha prices. HOME FURNITURE CO., Twenty-fourth and L 8ti., South Oma..i. I'pholsterlng, piano, furn. rep. 2804 Far. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co, Guarantee Laundry. Fine work. D. 83?X Neb. Seed Co., 1208 Jones. Both phonen. Omaha Bill Posting Co., 1916 Har. 1X 2034. ALL will be torglven, Mary, If you will meet me at tho Sign of the Crown and the Golden Stairs on 16tn and Douglas streets. That Is where BRODEGAAtu sells those lucky wedding rings. GRANDMA'S Wild Cherry Phosphate; cheaper than lemonade; all- grocers. General machine repairs; lawn mowers sharpened, John Brice, 311 S. 12th. D-3572. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644. JJXiXiXllVXi j H Qoonatra, Sr., We call and deliver. Both phones. Screens Weirlch Fixture Co., Web. 2577. OMAHA ART AND FRAME CO., new location 17U Leavenworth. 20 per cent discount on pictures and framing. D. 1004. HLBBELEB'S PARK, St for picnics. For Information rs Hr. 2423, STORAGE for autos, furniture, etc. One-half regular rate. Acme Machine Co., 8124 Leavenworth. Tel. Har. 243; Ind. A-8433. MUSIC TEACHERS' EXCHANGE. Prices and locations furnished free. Call or write 613 Paxton Blk. Universal School of Music. AUTOMOBILES AMERICAN Machine works. Automobile repairing. Patents developed. 110 8. 11th. D. 48S1. Murphy Did It REPAIRING, TRIMMING. PAINTING, HAVING discontinued heandling AUTO MOBILES, we offer our remaining stock consisting of three high grade Firestone touring cars at bargain prices. Racine Battley Co.. 10th and Jones Sis. TIRE REPAIRING tires. W make them almost as good as new. Nothing but highest priced and new materials used. All work guaranteed. Arthur Stors Auto Supply Co., 2020 Far nam. Auto lamps repaired. Omaha Silver Co. STANLEY Steamer, in good shape. Phone Douglas 5S20. OMAHA TIRE REPAIR CO. Omaha's Exclusive Tire Repair House, 2201 Farnam. 'Phone Tyler 1662. Tour TIRE EXPENSES cut In two. Expert tire repairing: work guaranteed. AUTO TIRE REPAIR CO., 1923 Farnam. Bascom Mends Blow Outs Pi-ncture repaired And vulcanised, 25c. Beacon Tube Repair, 2318 Harney St. Tyier 1468, DRUMMOND 2 Whits Steam cars, late models, fins condition. $600 and $650. BUSINESS CHANCES TO get In or out of business call on GANGESTAD. 404 Ben Bldg. Tel. D. 3477. FOR SALE or rent, official hotel trans continental route, Omaha to Denver, Ocean to Ocean auto road and A. A. A.; good Colorado town, 174 miles east Den ver; sickness of owner only reason for renting; unless you mean strictly busi ness don't answer. Write to State Bank of Holyoke or address owner, foS pav tlculars. u D, Sears, Holyoks, Colo. A CHANCE FOR SOMEBODY THAT WANTS TO GO OUT OF BUSINESS. Wanted to trade $35,000 business prop erty, centrally located. 50 ft. front N St., South Omaha, brings good rent for an up-to-date general store. Party mak ing this offer will make1 some sacrifice. Wants to go into business. W. H Lynchard, 15 Scott St., Council Bluffs, la. To quickly buy or sell ousiness, any kind, a'ywh're. Kennebeck Co., 643 Bee Bi'g, om. Ed Rotheiy, Business and Real Estate Exchange Co. Room 819. McCague Bldg. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN-BLACK-mltb's tools, fixtures and stock; will sell at Invoice price; only shop in town; good business; reason for selling one partner has only two fingers and wants to dissolve partnership. Apply Larsen Nemltt. Fenton. la. FOR SALE A nice, clean stock of gen et al merchandise in a good, live county seat town; dry goods, millinery, shoes, groceries; located In northeastern Ne braska; stock Invoices about $12,500; a good opening; discount for cash. R. A. Raoely a Son. Pender, Neb. FOR 6A.LE 1000 practice In N. E. Neb., Oer. Am. pop. $00;- good roads, dis tances and collections; competition fair and easy; for prices of office and driv ing outfits. Box 264, Pllger, Neb. One Shrill Blast from a Villain Gets Rough with 1V-"I QUIT." Needless to say, the moment Desmond I ears tho whistle he quits the Job. He quits 'in such a hurry that he lets the dishes fall from his hands, and we may be sure that he Is not sorry that Claude's handsome face is thereby bumped severely end unexpectedly. Before the people at the tables recover Desmond has rushed from the tent BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE New electric light plant In the best small town In the state. For particulars address, Burns & Klbler, Persia, la. WANT partner In new patent, will sell In every home. 2416 Leavenworth. MONEY furnished to establish or in crease desirable business enterprises. Entire issues of stocks and bonds bought. Established In 1888. Many testimonials. Ernest L. Squire. 742 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Phone Douglas 4419. - FOR SALE. Three-chair barber shop, bath and good building and lot, all for $1,000 cash. Write L. L. Layton. Rlverton, Neb. FOR SALE Grocery store and three lots, $1,800. Address Mrs. T. J. Browne, Wayside, Neb. FOR SALE Restaurant doing beet business in the city. Reason for selling poor health; good live railroad town In Nebraska. Address Y 32, care Omaha Bee IF vou have $lo4 or more to Invest, and want something good, write for informa tion. Lock Box 384, Manning, N. D. FOR SALE Furniture, rug and under taking business In county seat town tn eastern Nebraska. Nice clean stock, doing good business. Address, Y 46, care Omaha Bee. - FOR SALE First-class Job printing Office In good city, doing good business. Best reasons for selling. Address, D 281, Beo. BUSINESS PERSONALS Attractions. " ATTRACTIONS wanted for 4th of July. Committee, Ida Grove, la. WANTED Attractions Fourth of July at Clarkson, Neb Attorneys. O. W. Shields, Attorney, 327 B. of Trade. Dag Manufacturers. BEMIS OMAHA BAG CO., Omaha, Neb. Box and Package Manufacturers. Wooden Box & Package Co., 1514 N. 19th. Chiropodists. DR. ROY, 1505 Farnam. Douglas 6497. Clothing Manufacturers. Wear Ideal dress shirts: M. E. Smith Co; Cornice and Mel Ceilings. CARTER Sheet Metal Works. Omshs, Creameries, Dulrlea and Supplies. Fairmont's Diadem nutter. Always good. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. Detectives. L. W. LONGNECKER, 6lT Karbach Blk, Omaha Secret Serv. 428 Paxton blk. D. 1319. iviki5 Ar.i.ANsia Nnvin Blk. Evi dence secured in all cases. Tyler 1136. Dentists. Falley. the dentist. City Nat l. P. 2366. Mach & Mach, 3d floor Faxton. D. 1085. Taft's dental rooms. 1617 Doug. D. 2186. nn t. i lviaifi. mnntmpM the nnenlnr of his dental parlors at 342 Paxton Block, iimuni Null. Your natronaae solicited. Tel. Red 4318. Dressmaking;. Terry's Dressmaking college, 20th ft Far. SEWING by day. Red 3265. rirAstmiilrtnirKiiMEi find mwnft:- food worn guar. io.s in. win. lei. w eo. Dressmaking by the day. Webster 5435. SPECIAL 1-pieie dresses; alto children's sewing. 889 S. 24th St. Tel. Red 6347. Feed Mill and Stores. Feed, all kinds. Glencoe Mills, 2332 Isard. Everything for Women. Dr. Babcock Co., 202 Wlthnell, 15 & Har. CARPETS and rugs cleaned on floor Air Cleaning Co.' Phone Doug. 746 and 1936. DRESS pleating, buttons covered, all sizes and styles. THE IDEAL PLEAT ING CO., 200 Douglas Block. Both phones. Everything; Electrical. Electric1 lighting fix., wholesale and retail. Burgess-Granden Co. 1511 Howard. D. 681. ELECTRIC FANS sAJlMklSxVD11. ARD ELEC. CO.. SIT S. 13th. P. 3!a. Florists. A. Donaghue. 1607 Far. D. 1001: A-1001. HESS & SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam St L. HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam. D. 1258. BATH'S FLORISTS, B yd Theater Bid. BENNETT'S, cut flowers. Doug. 137. Foundries. McDonald brass and bronze foundry, alu minum, tin, lead castings. 1407 Jackson. Moving, Storage and t'leaaiuv. Furn. Moving; ! men, $1 per hr. W. 2748. PIANO moving. Cole's storage and ex press, 1616 Capitol Ave. D. 670, A-3937. GORDON Fireproof Warehouse and Van Co. Moving furniture, packing, fireproof storage. City office, 216 S. l'tb. Douglaa m or Ind. A-1314. Music, Art and Language. FRANCIS POTTER Agent tor Gibson mandolins and guitars; Farland banjos. 10 Baldrige Blk. PRIVATE tutoring or grades. Douglas 8373. call .Nurseries and Seed. STEWART'S SEEDMEN. 119 N. 16th. Opticians. B. F. Wurn, fitting and rep'g. 443 Brandeis. Ostvopntlir. , Alice Johnson, 806-8 Brandeis The. Bldg. Katheryn Nlckolas. 684-5 Brandeis The. Patents. P. O. Barn!!. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 1U1. Wlllard Eddy, 1530 City Nat l Bk. Bldg. Whistle and the the China BUSINESS PERSONALS Photographers. Rlnehart, photographer, 18th Farnam. Pitting. OMAHA SILVER CO., 314 8. 13th. Printing;. Lew W.Raber, Printer, ugiml BEE BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COURT. LET the CENTRAL PRINTING CO. do your work. 1417 Douglas St. Tel. D. 8764. Reis-Hall Ptg. Co., 109 S. 14th. Ind. A-3624. Lyngstad Printing Co., 16th and Capitol Ave. Tel. Ind. A-2620 for good printing. Steel Tank and Culvert Companies. NEBRASKA and Iowa Steel Tank Com pany, 14th and Nicholas. Doug. 3869. Stenographers and Court Reporters. Myrtle A, Kelley, 706 Bran, The. D. 6682. Tents and Awnings. OMAHA TENT CO. Tel. Douglas 822. Trunks and gait Cases. Freling ft stelnle, 1803 Farnam St. Wines and Liquors. J WILLOW Springs beer, liquor, cigars, sandwiches. Alex Jetes, 501-3 S. 13th St, VIRGINIA DARE wine, 65c a large bot tle. Klein Liquor House, 522 N. 16th St. LIVE STOCK FOR EALE Horses and Vehicles. SMALL horse, very cheap. H. S587. RRECF, 'S Brn- Horses and farm wagon horses to let by the day. 2531 Sherman Ave. Phone Webster 1126. ALFALFA hay, $12 ton. Wagner, 801 N U'. SMALL team mules. Wagner, 801 N. 16. GOOD, irnntla 1 ti-h hnr..' With r,A Lake. Telephone Webster 1651. Snaps in Buggies .2 delivery wagons and several choice buggy and carriage bargains. DRUMMOND 18th and Harney sts. LOST AND FOUND PERSONS having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In the street cars. Many articles each day ar turned in and the company is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug las 41 OMAHA ft COUNCIL BLUFF8 STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. MEDICAL Women's Bllm'ts. Dr. Burke, 42 Doug. Blk. Ladles' guaranteed remedies, 401 Ware blk. DR. 'RACE Specialist, nervous and all chronic diseases. 2323 Harney. Doug. 3043. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures Plies, Fistsla Snd other ?ecal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal dl?eaes with testimonials. )H T R. TARRV. Bf Hide., nmolm. ul . UUUi i Ci., a,,, .,.. ; uunl etAvjo, Wlthnell Bldg.. Ltn and Harney Sir. MONEY TO LOAN alary and Chattels. DIAMOND LOANS at 2'i and 6 per cent FLATAU. 1514 Dodge St. Tel. Red 5619. READY CASH. For your convenience at most most rea sonable rates and easy terms. We make . PERSONAL NOTE LOANS No mortgage no security. No Indorser required. DROP IN AND SEE US. We can save yotf money. NATIONAL LOAN COMPANY, 606 Bee Bldg. Sixth Floor. NOTICE. Loans negotiated on real estate, furni ture, pianos, salaries, ete. Very low rates and confidential.. We will appre ciate your cali. BIGGEST. BEST AND CHEAPEST.' RELIABLE CREDIT CO., 308 Paxton Block. 217 8. lth St. Telephone Doug. 1411 or Ind. A-1411. MONEY loaned salaried people, women curlty; easy payments. Offices In 67 prin cipal cities. Tolman, 5C3 Omaha Nat'l fBank Bldg.. formerly N. Y. Life Blda. CHATTEL LOANS, $5 to $100. SALARY LOANS. You Can got it today of STAR LOAN CO.. 644 Paxton Block. If on furniture, pianos and llOnfV re' estate at a very low i wuvj rate or jnUre,t . Nebraska Loan Company Doug. 1356. 220 Bee Bldg. A -1356. OFFERED FOR RENT Board and Rooms. O. M. E. hauls trunks. D. (U. A-2'.'.h DESIRABLE place, large porch, cool rooms, excellent bouiu. .ii ,s. iuu hi.. Phone Douglas 31.18. REEDHURST. 106 N. 25th: comfortabie rooms, table board If desired. D. S350. .. .Fnratahfrt Rooms. TWO nicely furnished south rooms, one block frsm car line. Phone Doug. 5122. R A f3 O A ft V. messenger service and service; reasonable rates. Auto Del. & Mes. (JO.. 1715 Douglas St. Tels. D. 89M; A-349.:. PARLOR for employed lady, near car; use of kitchen and phone. Meats it desired. $2 per wek, Modern. Har. bj. FURNISHED room, modern. 26W Chi cago. ROOMS for rent, walking distance. 625 S. 17th Ave. TWO or three elegantly furnished front rooms, complete for housekeeping. 2018 Davenport By V-"DON'T FIRE." Maddened at the escape of Desmond, to .say nothing Of the bump on the noodle, Claude seizes a rifle and rushes to the door of the tent, but before he can fire he Is stopped by a guard. Without orders from Washington nobody will take the responsibility of firing on a man who ap pears to be a member of a branch Ameri can union. OFFERED FOR RENT furnished Ituoma. 8 NICELY furnished roms, good neigh borhood. 507 So. 20th. FURNISHED rooms, strictly modern, firlvate home, good, neighborhood, walk ng distahce, 418 So. 24th Ave. FURNISHED rooms; strictly modern; private home. 2018 St. Mary's Ave TWO furnished rooms, nice neighbor hood. 548 S. 24th. Mrs. Parker. 2566 ST. MARY'S One furnished, mod- em, cool south room, $2 per week. NEATLY furnished room, private fam ily. 2906 N. 24th. Webster 4745. FOUR large, airv rooms, strictly tnod em. hot water heat, in West Farnam district. A-S743. , LARGE, modern, cool room, close to three car lines. 3023 Marcy St. 618 S. 19TH Desirable room, excellent board; 2 blocks from business center. Famished Housekeeping Hooms. THE MANUEL Two room apartment, $23. The Howard, 2-room, private bath. $35. 21st and Howard. 3 NICE rooms, housekeeping. 1112 b. 11th. 3 rooms for light housekeeping, single or In suite. Strictly modern. 3029 Fowler Ave. Hotels and Apartments. Dewey European hotel, 13th and Farnam. OXFORD and Arcade, special wkly rate. DODGE HOTEL, all requirements of a first-class hotel, at reasonable prices. - Ogd an VTntol Council Bluffs. Rooms Apartments and Flats. 4-ROOM apartment, nfew. modern brick ; steam heat; short walking distance; ga stove, refrigerator, cupboard, wardrobe; blinds; laundry; fine Janitor service Douglas 5306. 3 and 6-room modern flat. Scargo Bldg.. m N. 24th St.. S, Omaha. Hall. 433 Ramge Bldg. D. 7406. A-4406. 4-ROOM modern apartment. Web. 597"i. 6-ROOM modern flat. 1112 S. 11th. STRICTLY high grade 6-room apart ment on West Farnam St. Very choice. JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1802 FARNAM STi. STRICTLY high-grade 6-room apart ment On west Farnam St. Verv choice. JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. 4-ROOM modern flat In new Troy. 3000 Harney; steam heat, janitor and phone, $25.00. THOS. W. HAZEN. PHONE D. 1300. Furnished Houses. FURNISHED hOuse of 8 rooms, with garage, on West Farnam car line. Call 519 N. 40th or Tel. H. 3004. Untarnished Rooms, VM II, VIC ,"',UD, .1,11 Ul I VUIUIIIf, QLfl. THOB. W. HAZEN, 207 McCague, p. l.jOO. lTVJi. mnHprn rnrtmu nnu Viln-U ft.nn. car; good location; adults; two In owner's iamny. do. siin ot. Houses and Cottages. 573 S. 28th St 6 rooms, completely modern; $33.50. Hall, 433 Ramge. D. 7406; A-440U. LARGE, MODERN DOUBLE HOUSE, suitable for boarding house; 10 rooms and 2 baths; near Farnam and Harney cars; alterations to suit; rent, $60. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO. A FINE 8-room home, In beautiful Dun dee. All( modern, $40. Phone Harney 760, MAGGARD VAN AND STORAGE CO., pack, move, store and ship il. II. good3 and pianos; no charge for return drive to office. Doug. 1496 or B-2428. 4-ROOM house, 8. 18th St. Douglas 1918. Tel. MOVING, packing and storing ot house hold goods and pianos Is our business Omaha Van and Storage Co., fireproof storage, 806 S. 16th, by the viaduct. Branch otnee, 309 S. 17th St. Tel. D. 41S; A-1569. NEW 5 and 6-room modern cottages; beautiful lawn and shade. 2124 Miami St Phone Web. 1122. rToiKJPQ )n Part" ot the city.- Creigh Sons & Co., Bee Bldg. 1515 HALL AVE., $35.00, 7 rooms, mod ern. Vacant June 1. Thos. F. Hall, 45M Kamge. uoin pnones 2722 rH A ftt.W!! .r(inin mnH.m knnc. rnone weosier uw. 7-ROOM house, all modern. .1136 t'saa St, 'Phone Benson 358 W. WEST FARNAM New brick, 6 bed rooms and 2 baths. 315 N. 38th Ave. 9-R. MODERN, well located; beautiful yard; $45. 725 8outh 37th St. Web. 2590. 5- ROOM flat, 3d floor, J9 North 24th St. 6- room flat, 2d floor, 937 North 24th St 6-room flat, 2d floor, 2310 Cumin 6t; 8-room house at 1559 North 17th St. O. C. REDICK, Attorney, 1517 Farnam St. TWO RENTAL BARGAINS. Both easy walking distance, 2640 Dodge, 8 rooms, modem, new decorations, water paid. $25. 2648 Dodge, extra good 8-room, modern house, a bargain at $30: water paid; want permanent tenants and this price should get them. W. W. MITCHELL, Owner, 411 Bee Bidg. RENT DIRECT FROM OWNER. Five-room cottage, newly papered. In splendid repair. Never been rented, al ways used as home. New bath recently Installed. The rooms are all large and pleasant. Gas stove and sideboard go with the house. Lot Is 45x145. with nice lawn and shade trees. Barn can be used for storage. This nice little home will not be vacant long. Call and see it at 2527 N. 15th, then phone Web. 3860 for terms. 12S S. $5th. new 8-room modern brfek bouse, finely finished in quarter sawed oak,, every convenience, best locution in city, to Bmall family; low rent 1103 s. J4tn, j-room eric apartment. $12.50. 1505 Park Ave., 6-room flat, newly painted and papered, $16. W. n. tiUJIAK, Tel. Dojug. 664. Board of Trade. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed and for warded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Gordon Fireproof Warehouse and Van Co. Tel. Douglas 394 or A-1314. City oirice. 2io s. urn tu., nee Biag. T A DlC Krl-U halloa nat r -1, I : .. . . 201$ Mason. Phone Harney 1550. Hershfield VI-1N THE BAT. "I'm the lad!" cries Desperate Desmond, as he jump aboard a foreign man-of-war captured by the rebels and heads out Into the harbor. The channel, however, is barred by the American fleet, and the vil lain is at a loss. At the same time he is in a position to do a lot of harm. His course will be fully pictured tomorrow.. OFFERED FOR RENT Houses and Cottages, EIGHT-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. 101J ARBOR. PHONE DOUGLAS 19. FOR RENT 6-room house, modern. 3415 Dewey Ave. . SEVEN-ROOM, modem except furnace; large yard and shado trees. 2018 Elm St., $22. Telephone Harney 1610. SIX-ROOM modern house, 1407 S. 16th St., $20. MODERN 7-room house, 2121 Locust St. Hot water heat, stable. Rent $25. Ed Mc Eachron, 20th and Lake Sts. FIVE-ROOM modern house, 930 N. 26tii. St. Inquire Glencoe Mills. 23d and Isard. SEVEN-ROOM modern. 2705 Howard, $23. TWO 6-room houses, all modern, near cars. Dundee. Tel. Harney 2558. 3105 CUMING ST. Six rooms, city water Snd gas, $ltl per month. 602 W. O. W. Bldg- NEW, strictly modern 8-rooni house; i bedrooms, sleeping porch. Oak finish; full lot; one block to Hanscom Park car. 2307 S. 33d. Inquire 615 N. 30th. Telephone Harney 2931. 709 S. 19th, 5-rooni cottage. 7158. $21. Doug. Stores and Offices. M'CAGUE BUILDING. 15TH AND DODGE. Attractive office, moderate prices. APPLY OMAHA LOAN AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION. New. centrally located 'hall, well equip ped, for rent by night, at .1508-1510 -Harney street, second floor. ff Office or salesroom at 15th and' Har ney Streets, (new). 3d floor at 1506 Harney, (new) Office at 1517 Farnam Street, second floor. O. C. Redlck. Attorney. 1517 Farnam Street. Store, $20 S. 13th St., 20x45. Tel. D. 6220. The Premises Now Occupied by; Drummond Carnage Company will be vacated and the building Will be For Rent about August 1. 24,000 SQUARE FEET OF FLOOR SPACE Can be subdivided. S. S. CUHTIS, 1KB Harney. Store at 2308 Cuming Street. Store at 2106 Cuming Street. Store at 933 North 24th Street Store at 937 North 24th Street. Store at' 336 North 26th St., So. Omaha. O. C. Redlck, Attorney, 1517 Farnam Street. CORNER store, now occupied by N. P. Swanson, 1701 Cuming St. THOS. W. HAZEN, 207 McCague. Douglas 1300. OFFERED FOR SALE Furniture. ALL kinds of good furniture for sale at 25ri4 Marcy. Call at once. IF YOU WANT TO SAVE MONEY BUY NOW, A GOOD BASE BURtfER IN GOOD CONDITION, WILL SELL FOR 15, WORTH $25. PHONE WEB. 6596. PARTY leaving city has new range, used only one month; cost $56. Will sell cheap. Cail room 321 Ramge Bldg. Louisiana Furniture Store closing out furniture, ice boxes, etc. 2104 Cuming. Complete furnlnhings of six rooms, stoves, ranges, dressers, rugs, etc. Wed nesday, June 12th, 9 a. m. at the Omaha Van Warehouse, 804 Ho. 16th St. SANITARY couch for Bale at your own price. 6931 N, 24th St. FOR SALE Range, hot water coil, reading lamp, all tor gas. Apply 410 North 22d St. Telephone Douglas 6074. FOR sale cheap, one roiltop desk In first class condition. Call room 619, City National Bank Bldg., between 8 and 5 p. m, Musical Instruments. ELECTRIC Pianos, musio boxes, player K'0"""- c'"nentai txovcity. us N. lotn. FOR. y i T 1.' A nAu. torj t r . . i . , . never been used. If Interested ask for price. M 257. Bee office. A PRACTICALLY new No. 5 latest model Underwood typewriter; will dis count price 50 per cent for immediate sale. Typewriter caBe and cover thrown in. Address O 271. Bee. Miscellaneous. SAFES-Overstocked with second-hand safes: fill niepit nnrt mob-aa. ko.an ....... v. , uaiaiiw juneni-Hn puppiy o., mo Farnam St. PnTlT. tnhlaa ml a. .1 . . . bought, sold. Levy, 2510 N. So. Omaha. FOR SALE-Cheap, one Cecilian piano player; one Edison home phonograph, with Cnblnet nrf fittv i i C also one ladles' Rambler wheel, nearly wtr uriiKe. call Tyler 1014. i FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowline ftllevs and u-Munrisc ha fix tures of all kinds; easy payment .The -oi un juii-ottiKe-coiienuer Co., 407-408 South 10th street. FOR SALE-Two scholarships In the Omaha Commercial college and one In Boyles collega. Business office, Omaha Bee. v FOR SALE Scholarship in Bovles col lege. Call at or address Business office. Omaha Bee. OLD SAFES. DERIQHT, 1818 Farnam St. GROCERS' WhnT 1 ... 01 deep, 7 feet high, 6 doors, s plate glass, 1 mirror. Chas. H. Mallinson, 17th and Capitol Ave. PERSONAL - 63-DAY ilLOOD REMKDV Gladlsh-Pharmacy, Kth and Dodge. MA.VII'I'RiMil 1 j , ..... v. , no,,, ureeaina: laciat mj.KAi?r hv a.,!.,,. . , , - -j "koi, lensunaoie prices. Call Miss Laurence for appointment i "win. n-1.31 . PROFESSIONAL reader, entertainer and invalids' companion. 'Phons X. SiX. 4 i-1