Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 09, 1912, SOCIETY, Image 15

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Two Large Ceremonies Eclipse Other
Social Events of the Week.
Many Omaha People In Going
Abroad Interesting Enrage
meats and Wedding Are
(Continued from Page Two.) .
The bride frill be attended by Miss Julia
Nielsen and James F. Wyant will act as
best man. : :
After a abort honeymoon this couple
iwlll make their home in Denver.
: The wedding of Miss Bessie McDonald,
.who la head' nurse at the 'Methodist
Epescopal hospital, and R. J. Brown,
will be quietly solemnized Monday, June
15. at the United Presbyterian church.
The Rev. Mr. Spear will officiate. There
will be no attendants and no reception
lowing to the recent death of the groom's
father. After he wedding this couple will
'take a wedding trip nd will be at home
to their friends In Omaha after July 15.
The marriage of Miss Hattle Nathan,
'(laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Nathan,
! to Leon TeltelbauiA of New York,, will be
' solemnized today at 4:30 o'clock at the
: borne of the bride's parents, followed by
a. reception In the evening. Miss Esther
; Nathan, sister Of the bride, will be brides
'mald and Mr. Louis Nathan will be best
I than. Miss Lillian Rabin will play the
wedding maroh and sing the wedding
i After a short wedding trip the couple
jiwlll reside In New York.
i Miss Anna Brandls, niece of Mr. H. C.
Elllnghusen. with whom she came to
'C$maha from her home In Germany six
'years ago, will become the bride of Mr.
'Max Malchen of this clty-a 7:30 o'clock
i Tuesday evening, June U, at St John's
Lutheran church. , Rev; Mr. Shaffer will
.read the wedding lines. Following the
i ceremony a reception will be held at the
noma of the groom's parents. The young
i couple will spend the summer. In Europe,
iwhere they will visit the parents of the
(bride. On their return they will make
their home at 8040 Ames avenue.
Miss Sadie Bernstein, daughter of Mrs.
Jacob Bernstein, will be married Monday
evening at 8 o'clock to Harry Sunfleld.
The wedding will take place at the Bern
stein1 home and only relatives will ' be
present Dr. Louis Bernstein of St. Jo
ceDli. brother of the bride, will Derform
the ceremony, The maid of honor will
be Miss Jessie Glass of, Lincoln and Miss
Ruth Frankle will play the wedding
march. ... . ' .".''
E., I.Webeck and Miss Anna T. Wal
fgtrom were united in marriage Wednes
day evening at 8 o'clock at the home of
the bride. Miss Walstrom is the eldest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Walstrom.
They will be at home to their friends for
the present at 832 South Thirty-sixth
Street .
Those present were:
Misses -(Emma
tAnnle Hedgren,
1 Jennie Juneau,
Anna Olson,
Jennie Nelso.,
iRuth Peterson, .
; Messrsi .- "
rVistor Dahlst'om,
IB. C. Foley.
uurnur reters'i.
: Misses
Irene Petersen, .
Irene Palmquest,
Amy Palmquest
Ellen Wahlstrom,
Helen Walstrom.
" Messrs.-" --J
F. O. Weckeck,
Harry Nelson,
Harry Walstrom,
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Palmquist,
Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Fischer, . v
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Peterson,
Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Peterson,
Mr. and Mrs. O. Anderson,
Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Anderson,' " ' : . '
Mr and Mrs. Fred Nelsori
Mr. and Mrs. J. Herling, ! ,
' Mr. and Mrs. J. Gustafson,
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Weeks,
, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wlgsand,
Mrs. Victor Anderson,
Mrs. Oliver Campbell,
'i The engagement has been announced
of Miss Helen Marts of Greenville, O., ti
Milton Uhl, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mel Uhl.
' Dr. and Mrs. W. H. : Sherraden ; an
nounce the engagement of their daughter,
iMiss Jasmine Sherraden, to Dr. M. H.
; Dunham. The wedding'will take place
next fall. Miss Sherraden attended the
J University of Nebraska, where she was
a member of Pi Beta Phi sorority. jDr.
i Dunham is a member of the XI Psl Phi
i dental fraternity. ' ' '
Pleasures Past
' Mr. and -Mrs. James Bowie celebrated
( their golden wedding anniversary Thurs
day evening at their home, S556 Dodge
l street Their relatives and friends sur
prised them vsflth flowers and handsome
'gifts..' . .
I rtm Vla Ttaa iraua a tlnan ariAWa
I tfiiuift wet s a iuivu auvnvt
Friday evening for Miss Anna Rohacek.
Miss Miriam Patterson and Her Attendants
VOoH ,v jr. l X
S ft I V'i'vlVfi AaS v x iJJ
r v-y.V ? f r 11
Ls Ja" ssisT V .. pV s III I
The other guests were Misses Clara
Brown, Antonle Brown, Helen Laetovica,
Lldla Anderson, Ethel Butler, Selma
Craft, Mollie Rohacek, Anna Craft
Mlss Anne Bloom entertained at lunch
eon Saturday for Miss Orena Morse of
Des -Moines guest of Mrs. E. W. Kerr.
Those Invited were:
Misses-i . ' Misses
Ines Bloom, Ruth Anderson,
Bertha Heitfeld, Irene Larmon,
Eileen Sward, Ina Fogelstrom, (
Christine Swanson, Wahoo, Neb.
Margaret Liijenstoipe,
Mrs. a o. Furen,
Mrs. E. Osborne. ' '
Mnslkvereln Note of Thanks.
Max Landow's ' concert last Thursday
evening for the benefit of Muslkverein
was greatly appreciated by the members
of the club and they hereby wish . to
tender a vote of thanks to Mr. Landow
for his great generosity. Members of the
Muslkverein, Mrs. Paul Getschmann,
VS1 ill-,,
, 9,
Personal Gossip
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Watkins are in
New Tork. ' .
Miss Stella Hamilton arrives today from
Notre Dame, Ind.
Mrs. James C. -Chadwick will return
from the east next week.
Mrs. John W. Battln has" returned from
a two weeks' visit in Kearney.
Colonel and Mrs. S. S. Curtis are home
from Lake'OkoboJi and Keokuk.
Mrs.. RoSs Towle has as her guest her
sister, Miss Bonny da Weese, of Canon
Mrs. Emil Kayser, the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. Victor Caldwell, leaves Tuesday for
Pasadena, Cal.
Jack Summers, son of Dr. and Mrs. J.
E. Summers, returns today from school
at Kent,' Conn. '
' Mrs. George F. Gilmore Is attending a
reunion of her class at Monmouth col
lege, Monmouth, 111.
TAt. and Mrs. N. P. Dean have moved
into their new bungalow at 2406 South
Thirty-second street
Mrs. Henry Estabrook of New York was
the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
O. C. Campbell, last week.
Mrs. L. A, Diets returned yesterday
from a visit to her daughter, Mrs. El
M. Stickney, In Minneapolis.
Mrs. Lenore E. Barber will leave Mon
day for Atlantic City,' where she will
spend the summer visiting friends.
Mrs. W. V. Morse will le&vc Tuesday
for Vancouver, B. C, to spend the sum-
An Invitation cordially ex
tended to the. ladies of Omaha
to visit our newly appointed
. parlor. Halrdresslng, sham
pooing, . scalp treatment for
falling hair, manicuring and
facial massage.
The Up-To-Date Hair
Dressing Parlor
113 South 16th Street.
Up Stairs, Room 14? Doug 2427
mer with her van Robert and-bis wife. '
Miss Menie Davis ' Is x' expected home
from school June 22., Shs'goes to a house
party In Connrctlcut before rulurnlng.
Mrs. Isaao Coles and niece". Miss Eliza"
beth Reed, left Thursday to spend two
months on Cape Cod. They wili be at
girls' camp ' there until Mr. and Mrs.
Reed Join them later In the summer. ,
Mrs. Thomas Kilpatrlck Is in Mollrie
visiting her daughter, Mrs. George Mlx
ter. before the latter goes to Lake Placid
for the summer.
Mrs. G. L. Raymer, who-has been -visit-
lng Mrs. John W. Thorn for the last
month, will return to her home In Chi
cago this evening.
Mrs and Mrs. Martin Saxe will be-tn
Omaha some time this , month after a
visit In Cleveland. They have left New
Tork and expect to attend the republican
convention In Chicago. Mrs. W. L,
Kearnes of Kansas City will visit them
while they are in Omaha.
- Mrs. S. Jonasen and daughter. Miss
Lillian Concord, recently , of Paris and
New York, is visiting In Omaha as guests
of Mrs. Jensen Dreyer. ,
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Weakley of Chi
cago ere spending 1 the week end with
Mrs. Weakley's sister, Mrs, T. W. Mo
Cullough, at the Winona.
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Matthew B. Lowrla
and daughter left Saturday for Colorado
Springs, where they will make their
home during the next year. ;
Mr. and Mrs. De Forest Richards and
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Burgess are In
Casper, Wyo., to spend a week' on the
former's ranch near thero.' ; .
Mrs. I C. Carter and daughter, Ruth,
have gone to Boston to Join Miss Alice
Carter, and from there will go to Har
wich port on Cape Cod for the summer.
Mrs. E. A. Hlnrlchs and daughter,
Ruth, are guests of Mr. and Mrs, C. H.
Henderson at the Merrlam for two weeks
before ' leaving for their new home In
Captain and .Mrs. David Stone and fam
ily, who have been wlti Mr. and Mrs.
George, Hoagland for two months, have
left for their new station at Fort Lawton,
near Seattle. .
Mrs. .A. G. Beeson and Miss Xatherlns
Beeson will lew Monday for Chicago,
and from 'here wilt g to . Lafayette,
Ind.,. andv later I east for the remainder
of the suni.ner.
Ml us Carmellta Chase, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Clement Chase, graduated yes
terday from Bryn Mawr college, Penn
sylvania. . Mrs. Chase Is there tor, the
commencement exercises.
Miss Leeta Holdrege, accompanied by
Miss Rlngwalt and MI as Mary Rlngwalt
left Tuesday with Mr. G. W. Holdroge for
Madrid, Neb., where they will spend a
month on the Holdrege ranch.
Mr. William H. Rlx. who went to Chi
cago with the Cudahy Packing company,
one year ago, is home spending his vaca
tion with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.
Rlx. He will return to Chicago June 18.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Kohn have as
their guests their daughters, Mrs. Walter
Flelsher , and . Mrs. I. Lowengrund, and
three little daughters, Dorothy, Margaret
and Joyoe Lowengrund, all of Philadel
phia. Miss Nell Ryan, daughter. of Mr. and
Mrs. George W, Ryan, who is a fresh
man at Smith college' Northampton,
Mass., has been chosen to sing In the
college choir at the commencement ex
ercises. ,
, Mrs. Arthur D. Brandets, accompanied
by her daughter, Miss Leola, and hep son,
J. L. Ervlne Brandeis, has arrived from
New Tork and will remain In Omaha at
the Brandeis summer home until the nod
dle of July.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles G, McDonald and
tittle daughter will leave this week for
Oberlln college, where Mr. McDonald will
attend the fifteenth anniversary, of his
class. Mrs. McDonald will then leave
for Mllford, Conn., for the summer.
' Mrs. Stephen Buhrer and little daugh
ter, Katharine, of Chicago, have arrived
to spend the week with Mrs. Buhrer's
parents. General and Mrs. Frederick A.
Smith at the Hotel Loyal. Mrs. Smith,
who has been seriously 111, Is recuperat-
Miss Emily Kelley, who has been at
St. Mary's Cathedral school at Garden
City, left Wednesday with her brother,
Ensign' Harold Keller,' for Annapolis to
attend the June ball at the Naval acad
emy., Whloh took place last evening. From
Annapolis they wllUgo to Murfreesboro,
Tenn., to visit Mr. and Mrs. George Dar-'
row, before coming home.,
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Megeath : and',
daughter and Mr. Edward Megeath and t
Mrs. Freeman have returned from Mlnne I
apolls, where they went to attend thai
wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Megeath' eon,
Windsor, to Miss Ethel PJchter of that
city. , , . -i
Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Richardson and'
children, accompanied by Mrs. Rlcharl
Carrier, Jeave Wedensday for Pine Crest,
Colo., where they will hav a cottage for j
the summer. Mr. Richardson will only,
remain a short) time, but expects to g'
out again during the stasin. '
Captain and Mrs. Charles C. Allen, whd
have been at the Presidio at San Fran
Cisco since their visit here In the spring,,
sailed last Saturday with the Thirtieth
infantry for Alaska, to reliev the 81x-l
teenth Infantry. Captain Alien will brf
stationed at Fdrt Seward, the-regimen-1
tal headquarters. . v ; ;j
Miss Mona Cowell, who has Justr-com '
pleted her freshman year at Vaaaar, will
be home next Saturday, She remains
at college for the commencement on the-
12th at the Invitation of her cousin Mlsa
Grace Goulder of Cleveland, who waa
one of the young women to-carry the
daisy chain this year.:
Mrs. Mary F. Crist of Washington, D
C, Is visiting her friends, Mr. and Mrs.'
Cadet Taylor, at their home, 2113 Burt,
street Mrs. Crist returns from a visit
to the Paclflo coast where she has been j
visiting her two sons. She will remain)
with the Taylors untlt-the latter part of j
next week, when she-will return to Wash- 1
lngton. . . . . . )
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Baldrlge leave,
Monday for New Tork to meet Mlsa'
Gwendoline Wolfe,, and then will attend ,
Prise day at the school at Pomfret,
Conn., where Dudley and Crafton Wolfe'
are students. From there thay will all,
go to Rockland, Me,, for the" summer at)
"Clifford lodge'Mr.. FiSmlth'a coun-
try place.' ' , ,v
Miss Elaine Pujo of1 Lake-Charles, Ja.,
who" has arrived to be jnald of honor;'
at the wedding of Miss Alice Cary Mo-:
Grew and Mr. Wilson Austin next Wed-1
nesday, is the daughter of Congressman.
A. P. Pujo from Louisiana. Congress
man Jujo Is the chairman of the Con- j
gresslonal committee on banking" and
currency now Investigating thav finan
cial Institutions of New Tork.
Mlas Frances Nash Is spendlngtasinontn.'
in New Tork, after-which she will be a
month with Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Crofoot
at Northwest Harbor, on Mount Deaertrf
Island, on the Maine coast where them
have taken a house for the season. Latere
Miss Nash will Join her mother, Mrs. E.
W. Nash, who leaves Saturday tor Mur-
ray Bay, Canada, aocompanled by her
niece, Miss Proulx, and hergranddaugh
ter, Catherine Cartan. r"
Forthe Pjiture
Mrs. M. Rachman will entertain! ail
supper Buna" ay evening for Mlsa Esther
Simons of Chicago, formerly, dfaQmaha.
Mr. and Mrs. M, Newman, .will .at
home Sunday, June J6, In honor cfi their
daughter Belle's graduation from the
Omaha High school, ' ,. .
Mrs. A. G. Edwards andvMrsA. H,
Fuller will entertain at a whist Honcheon
Thursday it. Happy Hollow. Friday
Mrs. Edwards will give bridge luncheon
at Happj Hollow. , , .. .
The, ladles of Holy Family ' court . of
(Continued on Page Ten.)
8f ' '
Valeska Suratt, the Most Captivating Actress on the American
Stage, to Unriddle Her Magic Art of Self-Made Loveli
ness to the Readers of The Sunday BeeS
jr- IBEK 11.11 SVSI
. . A f
u i .... I
1 f
VALESKA, the thrilling, the bewitch
ing, wonderful Valeska, - before
whom thousands have abandoned
themselves to the caressing , Joy
of an ecstatlo half hour to listen to her
and look upon her bubbling beauty, is to
have a personal, heart to heart beauty- .
chat with our. readers In these columns
every Sunday.
The Bee has scored a great triumph in
securing front Valeska Suratt herself
what she has never before chose to re
veal; for a self-made beauty Is Valeska.
with a superb charm all of her own in-"
duatrious making, by means thatarenew,
refreshingly wonderful, dellclously ef
fective. And the gem that haa resulted
from these Is Valeska, as you see her,
and as you will never forget her.
Valeiks Suratt is th Mir flowar on tba Am
erican itaga, not tha dollad, kinky wig variety of
powder and route, which the round moon of the
epot-llght deoelrei into a reieffDlanoe ot beauty,
but like a marbled Venus ta life, whoee features
fiultlou In line and texture can itand tbe ecoreh
Inc erltlolanv ot the tun. It it a maddening
beauty, yet not born, but made.
With the lure of Broadway in bar veins, that
national pathway ot waited hopes, aha became a
blatrlonle ellmber to tba top of Cie world's state '
in a (notion ot the time in siloh the ordinary
tar takes to make the dluy trip. The emotional
eoetany ot her actios carried her hearer into
palpitating frenay and her nam was made
Valeakaof "The Whooping Cough," and 'The
Bad Rosa." She had the reputation ot being the
moat expenalvely gowned woman on tha American
state, but whether It Is the elegance of her rai
ment, or the twenty-karat diamond solitaire that
is the Suratt pride, the diamond ring which Is
the gift ot Duke Boris ot Rueila, or the string
of diamonds that encircles the Suratt ankle, or
the bewildering Suratt hats that -r magnetln
the er. the beauty of her fane and torn will be
the moat lingering ot all your Impressions,
Next Sunday will begin this incomparable series.
No woman can afford to bo without it. It means
tha end of the eeaaleas search for beauty that to
many women hare failed to find. Brery woman,
putting Mies Suratt' ilmple method Into prac
tice, can achieve what the has believed never oould
happen to her. It will be readily aeen after you
have read thee chat that any woman however be.
reft of pereonal charm may aurely acquire them
by a mere determination to de as Instructed.
In the Witchery of Her Self-Made Beauty ,
We transmit below the first little message from Valeska Suratt to our '
My Dear Friende: It la somewhat embirraealng to apeak ot myself, for my frlond pentst
in calling me beautiful. It la delicious, indeed, to be called beautiful, but It Is even more
Iniptrlng to feel that one's own effort have brought it all about. To tell new thee wrote
of mine Is not ot my own choosing.' But I have been Importuned b o many of my friend
to ahed a ray of light upon the little eornor of my dreaelng-room where it has all happened,
that I have lubmltted to their dealrea.
Flnt, I want to eav, that the cuatomary rule of beauty to often advlned, of bathtnt, ex
ercise, callithentca. eating, aleeplng and mode of living will have very little weight Such
rule as they are often given, are burdenaome, rarely effective and tiresome. What t hare
achieved ha been rather in eplte of any euen etrict rule. My methode have been etmnle ind
TOually even more effective than I had ever hoped for. Theee method will be io lmpl end
Inexpensive (and I can assuije you eo aurprlslng), that the well-to-do woman or the working (hi
do I
thank The Bee tor giving
me tha opportunity. Kext
Sunday I will begin the
revelation that you will
surely enjoy. .
Mis Suratt Is taow today as the gratt--ponent
ot the art of aelt-mad beauty. No one
rivals her I SO on equal her. Endowed with
but ordinary oharms in her younger year, h,
with almot miraculous ingenuity et about In her (pit ot the previous lack et beautiful
own peculiar way to endow herself wits tne nioom natural grace and charm,
Th experience and success of Mis Suratt, glor
ious as It 1, demonstrate conclusively what moat
women have never before realised, that contour,
complexion and texture ot the akin may be so
treated as to become Incomparably, beautiful In
and radiance which the .ordinary ''beauty' rule
bad denied her.
Today, thousand go, If not to enjoy her acting,
then to gu upon her lovellnee.
The) secret of Mil Suratt are to be laid bare
Is the column of the Bee, and to appear vry
Sunday. . There I no question, but that these
revelations will create a eensstlon, as th priv
ileged few who have aeen the first ot thoM ar
ticle ot Mis Suratt know but too well.
These article are sot to be th ordinary beauty 'agreed to ae that all personal letter ot Inquiry
Th hsgxard, worn look, th dull-looklnc eves.
the faulty poise of the facial muscles, the ipotty
complexion, tho lack of form of bust, neck and
houlder may give way to a radiant fullness, end
to the charm ot akin texture that people call
queenly and beautiful..
There are many thing upon which beauty seek
ers have their doubts; they are In the dark ae to
what to do and how to do them, detail about
themselves that people who know sever advise
them upon. For this reason, Mia Suratt baa
It bring. All I cap dr
to make my le fortu. I I
sisters obtain what I I
woman ought to I
I will do, and I M
i lecture, which are now so common, as theo
retical eeeay on how to live, what to eat, how
long to sleep, how to exercise, how often to
bathe eta., sut real, ilmple, ubatantlal Instruc
tions. The) eecreti themselves will 'be In black
and white. .
Thee beauty talk will be truly Taleeklan, told
only a Valeska herself can toll them. She ha
graciously agreed to retain nothing, but to tell
every one ot her secrets, and every Sunday In
these column, will be revealed her magio art ot
5 ill
v f
11 I; ' ,v t II'
It I h c It!
addressed to her will be answered In these em
umn when possible, and when space forbids, then
by mall. All letter of inquiry, should be ed
dressed to Mia Valeska Surattt personally, care
of The Bee. -
Let nothing escape yon that will appear la this
extraordinary Mriev et beauty secrets that 1 to
begin next Sunday, for yon will be able to lee In
sii she ear how it directly applies to you. Don't Miss Valeska Suratt In Her $11,000
ST.'Sif-'Sff! B:. !LT" 4oh VJ!ML2: CbinchlUa Qoak That Made Even
4u' avs on lor you.
ev York Gasp In Astonishment