Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 09, 1912, Page 11, Image 11

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Drives Machine to Polls to Cast Her
Tirst Vote.
Sa the Women in China Wilt All
Do A otingi Also that China
men Will Soon All Be
Driving; Autos.
Custodians of the polls in California
underwent some Interesting experiences
at the recent presidential primary, wher?
the state's native-born women voted for
the first time. None of the Incidents was
any more epoch-making than one which
took place in San Francisco when an
American born woman of Chinese parent
age, Miss Tie Leung, drove up to a vot
ing booth in a Flanders "20" motor car,
from which she descended and demurely
cast her first ballot.
Miss Tie is now a heroine of the "New
China" advocates in San Francisco, and
this includes nearly every almond-eyed
resident of the California metropolis.
She herself professes, however, that she
can't see anything unusual in the situa
tion in which she figured so strikingly.
"I love to drive, and why shouldn't I
drive to the polls?" she comments. "Chi
nese women will all vote at home very
soon. I am sure, too, that they will soon
welcome the motor car. Our men already
get the same service from cars that
American men do. Dr. Sun, our first
president, should be credited with start
ing this, when he bought two E-M-F
"30" cars for himself and his cabinet."
One of the latest Improved roads to he
completed in the chain of new thorough
fares in the course of construction in Cal
ifornia is a magnificent highway leading
to Mount Helix, a peak near Grossmont,
which is at an elevation of 1,340 feet and
Is located about fifteen miles from San
In San Diego they are giving credit for
the first truck run to the top of Mount
Helix to the local agent for the Franklin
Automobile company, who took a Frank
lin one-ton truck to the summit of the
peak, carrying a ton load of cement.
The truck rnade the long climb up the
steep, winding route without a stop.
The Home Influence.
"Henrietta." said Mr. Meekton.
"What is it. Leonldas?"
"Suppose I stay at home and economize
in order to facilitate your public career
and employ my leisure hours in assisting
you with your speeches and magazine
articles "
"When you are prominent In public af
fairs will you be one of those who can
didly admit that they owe everything to
'heir husbands?" Washington Star.
Along the
Automobile Row
display in the various window s in Omaha
I last week Arthur Stors had on exhibit
' In one of his windows some "Storz Wln
i tiers." The winners are blowout i-utehes
I for tires and are made by Mr. Storz him
jself. His dally output is fifty patches
I but the demand is far greater and he
is thinking of doubling his output in
order to keep up with the demand
Since the winning of the 300-mile inter
national sweepstakes by Joe Dawson in
a National car on Decoration day at In
dianapolis the 'Traynor Automobile com
pany has received at its shop one of the
1913 series of Nationals. It is on display
at the shop arnd Is being viewed by a
large number of people. The car Is ex
actly the same make as the one used !"
the 500-mile race. It is of the left drive
series and a self-starter. The mechanism
can be reached by the driver without
leaving his seat. The Traynor company
is ready to receive orders on the new
At least a dozen new National cars
have been sold by the Traynor Automo
bile company since the day of the 500
mile sweepstakes. Four of the machines
were sold to persons in Alliance, Neb.
Fred C. Shepard, general manager of
the Minneapolis Gas Light company,
owns a Stoddard-Dayton car which has
passed the 100,000-mile post. The car, ac
cording to Mr. Shepard, is In perfect
condition yet and is capable of makliyr
many more miles before it is relegated
to the ash heap. Mr. Shepard has made
three trips to Omaha in his machine. He
uses the car for both pleasure and busi
ness. The Auburn Automobile company has
delivered three automobiles which were
sold last week. Several other cars were
sold, but have not yet been received In
Omaha. The three cars delivered went
to Arlington, Ashland and Craig.
The various automobile companies in
Omaha are reporting a brisk trade in the
country the last few weeks. Farmers
who can get away from their fields for
a few days are flocking to Omaha, visit
ing the motor car companies. The ma
jority of. them come to Omaha prepared
to buy machines. If a good crop Is har
vested this year, and everything points
that way, the Omaha auto dealers say
they will sell a large number of cars.
The freight handlers' strike In Chicago
is seriously hampering the automobile
trade in Omaha. The merchants all say
the cars are selling great, but they can
not be shipped into Omaha fast enough.
Where cars usually arrived here on the
morning of the fourth day, they do not
arrive now until the sixth, seventh and
sometimes the eighth day after being sent
from the factories.
Monday morning last Arthur Siorz and
William Munchow took a trip to Car
roll, la., in a new Cadillac roadster
which has been purchased by Mr. Storz.
They saw every auto dealer and mer
chant along the route of the Northwest
cm. The men were out on a business
S. D. Porter, supervisor of the western
district for the United Motor company,
spent last Wednesday with the United
Omaha Motor company. Mr. Porter's
headquarters are in Kansas City. The
United Motor Car company Is getting In
special shipments every day fast enough
to keep up with the brisk trade which
has sprung up among the country trade.
Two new men are now in the employ of
the United company to help get out the
enormous amount of business. They are
C. T. Reese of Omaha and C. P. Latta
of Minneapolis. Both are experienced
automobile men.
F. A. Ross of the Powell Supply com
pany made a trip to Lincoln last Sun
day and Monday to look over the busi
ness. He reported that business is very
brisk. Among other interesting features
he . took special notice of the garage
which was opened there last week by
Fred M. Ryan. It is considered one of
the biggest and best In this part of the
During last week th Powell Supply
company has received orders from Butte,
Mont.; Ontario, Ore., and Salt Lake
City. This only goes to prove that the
Omaha merchants are being recognized
In all of the western cities. The com
pany has new man on this territory by
the name of A. A. Jones and be is doing
a great business. A new man has been
put to work In Falrburjr for the Powell
company and he will take care of the
southwestern Nebraska trade.
Among other Omaha made goods on
Guy I Hlpwell of the Powell Supply
company spent the last two weeks at
the lakes in northern Iowa. He says the
automobile business In Iowa is as brisk
as it is In Omaha. He also reports some
very good fishing In that neck of the
woods. He said he caught some, but he
did not exhibit them to anyone In Omaha.
H. E. Fredrickson says that inside of
two weeks every branch In the road be
tween Omaha and Sioux City will be
marked with signs, designating the route
between Omaha and Sioux City.
A. G. McGowan of Pes Moines, man
ager of the OV.o Motor Car Sales com
pany, was a visitor tn Omaha last week.
He maJe r point of biwln?ss to see every
auto dealer In Omaha. It i the first
time in seven years that Mr. Madman
has been here. He was surprised at the j
great amount of business or.g on in the j
automobile world. j
G. K. Howell, formerly city su'esman i
for the Goodyear Tire and Rubber com
pany, is now travelling for the same con
cern in the North Platte countiy.
J. J. Daright is going to take the
agency for the Ohio automobile. The ear
has never before been sold in Omaha and
as It is one of the foremost cars In ttu
country It Is expected it will make, some
what of a hit here.
by i-'i aa.;;.it;iobii manufacturer. Tholr
U'.'Uen are to cuil on all Tiiomti owners
und to co-.nrate with Thonms dealers In
Inspecting Thomas cars und making
needed adjustments. Thomas owners will
be shown how to Ret the greatest effi
ciency from their cars an 1 the s)spe of
Thomas tcchnlial service vru-ticoil as
w ell as preached by t lie part nt company.
deorge C. Anderson of Genoa drove
away from Omaha last week with a Mo-line.
H. M. Scroggln and son Harold havo
opened an agency for the Mollne auto
mobile at Kearney.
F. J. Kountze of Omaha purchased a
Mollne last week.
H. E. Fredrickson will leave on his
western trip In behalf of the Omaha Good
Roads Boosters on Monday morning. June
17. He will take the following route to
Cheyenne: Omaha, Elkhorn. Waterloo,
Valley, Fremont, North Bend, Rogers,
Schuyler. Benton, Columbus, Duncan,
Silver Creek, Havens. Clarks, Central
City, Chapman, Grand Island, Alda,
Wood River, Shelton. Gibbon, Buda,
Kearney. Odessa, Elm Creek, Overton.
Lulngton, Cozad, Willow Island, Goth
enburg, Maxwell, North Platte, Hershey,
Sutherland, Psxton, Korty, Ogallala,
Brule, Big Springs, Julesburg, Chappell,
Lodge Pole, Sidney. Potter, Kimball, Pine
Bluffs, Wyo., Cheyenne.
True "service" to owners of motor cars
not only dignifies the manufacturer who
gives It, but it also enables him to main
tain his prestige as a progressive pro
ducer and It enhances the reputation of
his car among all automobile ownors.
It has remained for the EX R. Thomas
Motor Car company the original ex
ponent of technical service for owners
to carry out along broad and compre
hensive lines a policy of country-wide
service that is exciting the admiration
and respect of all owners of motor cars.
On April 22 the Thomas company put
Into commission as a technical service car
the old "Round-the-World car" that won
the famous New York to Paris race tn
1908. From now on the old veteran will be
used exclusively to carry the factory
technical service experts from one end of
the country to the other. '
Nell Nohr and Elmer Miller, two spe
cially trained technical service men, have
undertaken the biggest job ever projected
Non-Skid and HF
Smooth Tread
UGGED inbuilt strength for rugged service
has peculiarly qualified them to master all
road conditions, in all climates, in all kinds
of weather.
Because of their record-breaking perform
ances in all tests for durability, speed and
economy, Firestone Tires have been chosen as
the equipment for the Los Angeles Times Car
which is blazing a way over every kind of road
for the proposed Ocean to Ocean Highway.
For unapproached Security and Econ
omy, Firestone Non-Skid Tires are the
unhesitating choice of the knowing. The edges,
angles and vacuum-creating hollows of their
extra thick tread, grip the road, radiate the heat,
increase traction, add resiliency, protect car
mechanism, give longest service.
The investment of about 5 more in the purchase
of Firestone Tires, returns an average of 35 more in
extra mileage, car protection and comfort in riding.
Your friend who uses Firestone Tires knows this.
Cost Most To Build
Cost Least To Use
Regarding Rims Firestone Quick-Detachable, De
mountable Rims atone have passed the tests for service.
They are demountable in feet as well as in name the
lightest practical rim made.
The Firestone Tire & Rubber Co.
America's Largest Exclusive Tire and Rim Makers'
Branches and Agencies Everywhere Akron Ohio
Distributors in Omaha
THE FIRESTONE TIRE & RUBBER CO., 2230 Farn.m Street.
Political agitation does not srem ti
have had a dampening effect on tlu pro?
parity of the automobile busings if the
report emanating from the offices of the
Franklin Automobile company of .S i i
cuse, N. Y., can bo taken as a criterion
This company's sales In ten of the largo
cities of the I'nitcd States, picked at
random from various sections of the
country, show that sales for 1912, with
three and a. half selling months Mill re
malnlng In the present year, tire ISO pc
cent greater than were the sales for thf
entire fiscal year of It'll.
ft " " 1
Branch houses and agents of the Ixizior
Motor company report aji unprecedented
record of sales following the recent an
nouncement of the typo 73 Loiler, 1913
model. The announcement was run si
multaneously In newspaper of all of
the principal cities and the response has
been Immediate on t,he part of the motor
ing public. Innovations on the type 72
In the way of left-hand drive and the
new automatic level oiling system are
big points In tho selling campaign.
waste good dollars in
big-car travel when the Ford
will get you there as quickly,
as comfortably, as safely
and at a fraction of the cost?
Thousands of owners of more
expensive cars are buying
Fords this year because of
their maximum economy and
time-tested efficiency.
Seventy-fivo thousand new Fords go Into
service this 6eaeon proof of tbelr un
equaled merit. The price Is $590 for the
roadster, $690 for the five-passenger car.
and $700 for the delivery car complete
with all equipment, f. o. b. Detroit. Latest
catalogue from Ford Motor Caropany, 1D1U
Harney St., Omaha, or direct from the De
troit factory.
, j
1 i
WHEN you buy an automobile, the first one you ever bought
or the twenty-first, it will interest and pay you to take a good look at the
Mitchell car.
Maybe you intend to spend as much as $5000 for a car;-all the more reasdns for
looking at the Mitchell six-cylinder, 48 horse-power car at $1750. You'll find so
many points in this Mitchell six-cylinder car that are features of the $5000 cars that
you'll begin to wonder what it costs the manufacturer to put these things in a car.
Of course, there are some thincs in the 15000 car that you won't find in the Mitchell car at 11750,
but they aren't the things that make the car run better, climb hills more easily, or last a longer time with
little expense. Our methods of testing and treating materials arc so strict that only the best of everything
is to be found in Mitchell cars.
The Mitchell six-cylinder, 48 horse-power car has a 125-inch wheel base and 36-inch wheels j
comfort-giving points.
The Mitchell 60 H.-P., 6 oyl., 7 pattenf era, $2250 I The Mitchell 35 H.-P., 4 eyl., S pastenjere, $1350
The MitobcU 48 H.-P., 6 oyl., 5 pesMnfere, $1750 The Mitchell 30 H.-P., 4 oyl., 4 pauenera, $1150
The Mitchell 30 H.-P., 4 cylinder, 2 passenger Runabout, without top, $950
Mitchell -Lewis Motor Company
Raolne, Wisconsin
55,000 owners prove, the
unfailing reliability of
axwell motor cars
Do you think you would make a mistake by
adding your name to the list?
Convincing proof of Maxwell reliability is found in'
the fact that over 17,000 physicians and 2,827 firms
use the Maxwell for business purposes. These owners
' must have absolute dependability and low upkeep cost.
axwell Special 1480
fully equipped, including self-starter, is unquestionably the un
disputed leader of 1912. Its wonderfully efficient 36 h.p. motor,
long wheelbase and luxurious upholstery make the Maxwell
"Special" the greatest motor car value of the season. No car
within $200 above its price compares with the Maxwell
"Special." We want you to ride in it test it every way
carefully compare its value. Just say on a postal "Mail Books"
and we will send de Luxe catalog describing and illustrating it.
Other Models
Maxwell "Mercury"
Roadster, 30 horse
power, $1150.
Maxwell "MatroHe"
Touring Car, $980.
Maxwell "Masrotte"
Roadster, $950.
Maxwell "Meisenger"
Roadster, $625.
All trices l o.b. Factory.
Maxwell "Special" 36 hp, $1480. Fully equipped, including Self-starta
United Motor Omaha Co., 2115 FarnamSt.
Flood Auto Co., Council Bluff, la.
Koll & Hansen, Walnut, Iowa.
A. I'. Reason, Audubon, Iowa.
Dentaon Auto Co., Denison, Iowa.
Bert I'hilpot, Weeping Water, Neb.
Welch Brothers, Tekamah, Neb.
Stratton & Hanaon, Wahoo, Neb.
Huwe & Holshien, Fremont, Neb.
Doty Motor Co., David City, Neb.
Workman & Korean, Auburn, Neb.
There is a MaxwtU Dtaltr in your vicinity