THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, JUNE 8, 1011 13 i Sherlocko the 16t tr . - . . f "tNI MSANF 111,,,, r ftRE DtSCUSSlUa A O' BU4W6SS PEAL IN ye,, .at. jv orgies and - J6 &mE6T vmrHour ni HAT AMD ODAT 1 PERSONAL -. REAL ESTATE THE3 8ALVATIOf ARMY solicits cast- ' BUILDERS' I IV FORMATION, off clothing; in fact, anything you flo" not ' " need. . . We. collect, repair and, sell at 134 Electric, gas fixtures. Omaha Silver Co. r?h5 or of eol'ecUon. to th Ideal Cement Co!; 17th and Cuming Bta.' worthy poor. Phone Douglas 4125 and - . " ... wagons will call. Fuchg, bon & Blind-, painting-decorating. MASSEOTHFRPY98" Qlow and Ht Grot"' lum- wrecte'- lb--a & paul- ,"77 Z .Massage. Mme. BLUE PRINTING. 424 PAXTON. D. 273). Allen of Chicago. 109 8. 17. 1st f . D.- 7fi6. "U- r- . ' , HEATON, tin work. Original Ameri- Vltal massag, baths, electric vibratory can furnaces. 2518 Cuming. D. 5198; and radiator treatments. Dr. . Anna D. Fisher, 401 Ware blk. 399 S. 15th. D. 2785. ACREAGE FOR SALE. : Massage. Mrs. Rittenh se. 08. Boston Bid. "" YOUNG women coming to Omaha as AfTPTItJf strangers are Invited to visit the Young vl '''S' Women's Christian association building 10 acres. 46th and Fowler Ave., only 4 at Seventeenth and St. Mary'a -Ave., blocks from car, well improved with all where they win be directed to suitable kinds of bearing fruit, producing an in boardlng. places, or otherwise assisted coma of $2,500 per year. Owner has re Look for our travelers" aid at the Union duced price for quick sale. Bee me for station. further particulars; will show property MASSAGE tfSSSS: tlme's.: fe?STWicK, " MAGNETIC fgth'flor"' m m S" 1?th" gro"S -FTour Bee-Bldg. '" wit nmmm T , ' , , 1 ACREAGE BARGAINS near Omaha. iB.RSNT al rfPalr, a" kinds of sew- OrlnS. Merrill,. 1213 City Nat. Bank Bldg. ing machines. Ind. A-1663; Douglas 1662. 1 1 NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. " 15th and Harney Sts. . . Ask the Owner ', nam. Davldge Blk., Apt. 8. Red 7529. O a to muu r WTDnmT MASSAGE Wrt treatment. Mrs. SAVE THE COMMISSION . Steele. 208 S. 18 St. R. 326. Your choice of two brand new, strictly BODY MASSAGE.- 222-3 Neville. D. 7781. Ss" each. "VS&tZ?. gfock from7 VACUUM MASSAGE, 208 So.. 13th St.. Omaha's prettiest mile. 8 blocks north of R- 825, daily, Sunday; opea evenings; Kountte Park, at 4110 and 4112 North 21st hours, 10, to 10. St. Living room, dining room, den and r- . vcompanion f none D. 3.56. second floor. Stairway to large tioored attic. Full cement basement. ; cement POULTRY AND PET STOCK walks, sodded yard, and screens. East greening ,5aper 109. Wagner,801N. 18, KonV C"h' REAL ESTATE LOAX9 $1,250 LOyt for $875 MOKEEFlPREAfnpSTATpHV,inda- Southwest corner 25th' Ave. and Evans J4-'i!' to KiAL tbTATB CO., o with water newer and ena It vn 1016 New Omaha Nat'l flank Building. 'X, This youwUl buy tf TemstS MONEY to loan on business or resl- suit. , dence properties, Jl.WW to 8500,000. W. H. XT 'iif ii 1 A ' THOMAS.- 503., First; Nat'l Bank Bldg. " CEF OOtll anCl AniCS wWnfmlJr,lhyJnRn8iaSdwarran Tw lots, on grade, with' city wtftar. W, Farnam Smith. & Co.,. 1320 Farnam St, sewer and. gas. Just the thing tor a cot! $100 . to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. tage. Actually worth $500, my prc $375 Wead, Wead Bldg:,. 1Mb and Farnam. each. Easy terms. . . . . , , vrmi-. I Z 77 For more Information in regard to any WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. 0f tne above phone CHAS. HORN, Owner, , (LdL Cmr LOANS. Bemis-CarlMrc Harney Stto, to. 310-312 Bracdeisyheater Bldg. GAEVIN BEOS Loa- ani UAaii "LO.0maha Nat-iBank. . . . LOANS Farm and .city, property,- J. c fea'ance same as rent will buy modern ft. Dumtifit & Soit, ; Farnam St.' B-fP9m bungalow, Price $2,900. . . LIVESTOCK LRKEfolF WEST - . ' !$3,250' ' Ship 11 ve stock to South Omaha. Save modern, hot wattr heat, close to 2 mileage -.- and shrinkage. Your orasign- car Unes,-.7-rooms, large reception hall, ments receive prompt and-carefui atten- linoleum in kitchen, pantcy and bath, goes tion. . .- with house. . Lite Stock Commtaalou Merchants. .Bargains In real estate in all part of tha city. f Byers Bros. & Co, Strong and responsible. TYIT'TTCT p, "ll AVLMVCnV WOOD BROS. 234-38 Excnange Bldg.- VttVLilL & llAiMUJNtoUiN ' Great West. Com, Co., Omana felBWe?. 201 PAXTON BLK. TEL. DOUG. 2877. Qlay, Kobihson & UO., 200 Exchange Bldg. I IS THIS' EASY ENOUGH? CLIFTON- Com. -Co., 322 Exchange Bldg- $50 CASH, $25 PER MONTH. do.- Jones Com, Co.. bunon of hustlers. oJ.r'.rS; i ) ., , . : , mented collar and walks, corner lot, east L. E. ttpBEKlS & CO., m Exch. Bldg. front, well situated. 2 blocks to car, ex- Marun-Bros. & Co., Excn. Bidg. cellent value, at 2.S50. S : 1 Six-room cottage, best repair, modern, TAGU BRat., Iiandle catte. hogs, sheep, electric light,' gas, bath, etc, corner lot, Persistent Advertising is the Road t- east and south front, neatly fenced, 31st Big. Return's. ' and Charles, $2,150; $50 cash, $18 per mo. ; - ' - Eight-room, modern, beautiful . corner Z ' ' ' ' lot,- south ;and : east front, paved street, c ; WAXTEP TO BUY fine location, near 22d and Maple; $100 Household gd, clotiws & shoes. D71 B69 C Goodstore biXlngand' neat 4-room WE pay must fur old ciotiuug. iatnan s cottage adjoining; good as new; warfer, Loan "Uluee, lu S. 13th. ' ' toilet, gas, large cellar, tarn, walks,, full 2d-handgooas. Keiser, 1029 Center. DW. gV&SU. Chicago Buyers, 2Urhand clothes, shoes, nea-. You can operate this and continue hats; best prices; will call. Tyier 11U0. your position .or other business. . .A bar- metals, rubben, etc. 432 Ramge Bldg.,. 15th and Harney. . , VVAiNTEU lu BORROW TO rf WOULD like to- borrow $10 for -p ' J)l30w' year from private party, no snarks need . . answer, good security. Address C-iol care' 3412 Larlmore Ave., 5-room Bee. " ' cottage, electric light and gas, . large lot 48x140 ft., 3 blocks to ' ivivTWi t ri?vt car line; $350.00 dowri. and bal- VAAlt.i IP Kb AX ance 115.00 per month. Price TWO gentlemen want first class room $1,135.00. , and board with small private family, in A " ii T At CL.. strictly modern home. Boarding houses Arilllir i'lCO 113.11 K don't answer. Address B 258 Bee. luul ," -' L N, ; 7. ; 319 First Nat. Bank Bldg. GENTLEiUAN wants tirst-class room Phone D 1575. and Jt-oard with small, private family,, in - - . ' . strictly modern home. Boarding nouses L1AR1GE LOT don't answer. Address A S3, Bee. . M , ... , 44x165 FEET ocean lteamshii's In Norwood Addition-On THE ALLAN LINE Omaha 'a Prettiest Mile ' ROXAJL. AiAiL STEAMERS . ' . - , Montreal, LivEKvoui,, Glasgow. Across ironi Miller rarK Montreal, Havre, Plymouth, - London. t ,m -nin lo leav the city and will The Picturesque Si. Lawrence Route. J,'. d.!lrabiL f lot rteht Wl ve aays on the ocean, tnree oay. agy te?ms . Would8 consmer ma in river and guit bplenuid new1 'lurbano S m nrt iMvmiint Tel Webster 778 ateamers. Saioon, jKcona-cabin and third dax aBJSi class. Superior one-class cawn service, or address A XX, care Bee. Cuisine unexcelled. Courteous attention. r 41 Ci. " x Send-for ' circulars, rates, pians, etc. nilTM IIM trPPT AHaq& Co., lit ueai oorn t?t., unicagu. wUUlll tr IAA JllVl Anchor Line Steamships - B3.FPtlltl New York, Lonuotiuerty' and Uiasgow. . . . e . ,. New York, .-Palermo and Naples. Vl have for sale 2920 S. 20th St. This Attractive rates for tickets between New Is an 8-room house but a few years old York and aa Scotch, -English, Irish, and well built, with all modern conven Ocntirreiual and Mediterranean points, iences; Ijot water heat, electric light, fine Superior accommodations, excellent cut- bath room: fine yard, extra deep lot, sine- efficient service. Apply promptly paved street, close to car. We shall be for reservation - to local agent of Aneaor pleased to show this to interested par Line or - Henderson Brotners, General tfes, with price and terms. Agents, Chicago, 111. , , ' . W Peters I rust to. FOB SALE OR EXCHANGE li22 Farnam St. j FOR- SALE OR TRADE Roominif 10-ROOM house, modern;, barn, full lot; house; furniture ot 17 rooms; modern; Field club district. For particulars in doing fair business. C Linlz, Grand Is- quire 415 Brandeis Theater Bldg. land. Neb-. H4te S. Pine. : ; ; WANTED to trade four good lots, HAVE client who wants cheap home, valua $200 each, in thriving city of 10,000, small monthly payments. Give location, Oklahoma,- tor lots in Omaha, will pay price. Also 6-rm. modern. HI, Brandeis cash dif rerence. Taylor Grain Co., iat Theater. - - Brandeis Bldg. . 1 J 'All T T XAKGE lot in a very desirable residence TllPV TP 'All iLiOITlif It district; will trade equity for Grafix r V"S Al camaia or .diamond. Hdciress J 292, -care wbat? buylng Jn beauufuj Dun. aee-- . ' dee.- Let me show you through a splen- -'- did 8-room, all mo. - house- I have on ' Capitol Ave.; very ' finely decorated; has . REAL ESTATE WANTED tile -bath, large screened porch, finished -. - . . attic, beautiful . lawn. Can make terms; .. ': REAL ESTATE E. W. Stoltenberg, ' ! - - 436 Board of Trade Bldg, ABSTRACTS TITLE. FLATS, $8,000 Keed Abstract Co., eldest abstract of- Built' 1908. Close in, always rented, $870. f ice In Nebraska. 20 fcrandei3 Theater. $3 600 at 6 per cent. Inspection Invited. "k2aLe CAMPBELt;i7irFa7na"m ST. GLOVER REALTY SYNDICATE. Monk The Adventure of the Coatless Business Man as V141T rrr i 1 r i r- : tt: r rr T " t jrl To. swbom! fm 1 1 aoono -roo. Mr wit wwrTl Hit i raw o. JS orr m r rh -rSk . 7VJ T J ' I UFI COtf, CKtr i .1 FROM mt STATION ACKCK& THC I . (.ST rwW.MEMBM i.hw. u - - "awo cruu 3 1 i i nia i w nan u, i - - - . . ii. a m At uav . . A II -VL . n. ' hO UV S i hear h& srtp now on nJ r-fSoi-ASS REAL ESTATE OITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. Glenn Park Addition Will Soon Be Ready. It's Good COMPLETE INFORMATION IN ALL NEXT SUNDAY'S PAPERS. F. S. TRULLINGER Benson Just What You Have Been Looking For New modern six room homes in Field Club district at prices that are RIGHT. These houses are at the Northeast corner of 36th. Ave. and Pacific streets facing south. High and sightly, command ing a beautiful view of the boulevard and much .of the city. Just two' blocks from the entrance to the Field Club. Street Just paved, new cement walks. You Want to See tha houses. They have six large rooms; a solarium off the living room, and A screened open air sleeping porch. Finished In mahogany down-stairs, with oak floors both up and down stairs: white enamel bathrooms, large well ventilated bed rooms with generous closets; artlBtlc lighting fixtures, complete with screens for every door and window. Prices only $4,000 for West House and $4,800 for corner. Don't delay. These are Just finished and will surely be sold this week. . Armstrong-Walsh Company, Sole Agents. 210 S. 17th. Street. Tyler-1536. HERE IS A BARGAIN IN BENSON $200 buys a 50x 128-foot lot not far from car line. Lot fronts south on Lucas be tween Clark and Burnham; described as e of lot 10, block 35. phone Webster 3850, or address G. R. W... Bee. ARE YOU LISTENING I Look,.. Look at This Genuine Bargain We are Now Offering. 8714 Cuming St., 7 rooms practically new house, modern In every particular, and If ever there was a house well built, this, is one. Basement Is under 'the entire house, cemented floor and bricked all around. Hot water heat ing plant The first floor is nicely arranged, has one bedroom and fin ished in oak. The second floor hv- ing three good sized bedrooms and large . bath room and it also oak finished. - : Large lot, level and just high enough, to' be desirable, with large garage in the rear and cement drive way from th street. To be brief we have In structions from the owner, who is com pelled to leave the city, to sell this 'property, and we are going to sell it, does it interest you, if so call on or telephone for particulars. 0 'NEIL'S REAL ESTATE & " INS. AGENCY. .Tel. Tyler 1024, Ind. A-3313. 1505 Farnam St. FIELD CLUB DISTRICT $3,500 Good 10-room modern home; cement sidewalks, etc.; $150 paid to anybody who brings buyer; cost $4,500 to build; leaving town. Tel. Harney lb78. or call 911 S. 36th St. EASY PAYMENTS. 6-r. cottage, modern ex. heat lot 32x162, $1,6508250 cash, balance monthly. 5-r. cottage, 30th and Lindsay Ave., $l,05O$2O0 cash. 5-r. cottage, near 30th and Grand Ave., modern, ex. furnace; built one year, $2,200 $20O cash. WESTERN REAL ESTATE CO., 411 Karbach Block. Douglss 3607. A-3645. f TO BUY, SELL OR RENT, FIRST SEE JOHN W. ROBBIN8, 1802 FARNAM ST. ONLY 12,750. Eight rooms, modern. Hot water heat. Near 16th and Burdette. South front lot--50xll5. W". H. GATES, 644 Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. 'Ph. D. 1294. CLA1RMONT ADDITION LOT AT ORIGINAL COST . . On the boulevard, 50x148, high and sightly, one-half block from street car. Ex cellent building site, GALLAGHER & NELSON. 483 Brandeis Bldg. Omaha, Neb. SIX room modern house for sale, 1527 N. 24th. St. South Omaha, South 813. REAL ESTATE C?ITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. 4-ROOM cottage and two lots. 2 blocks from car, $1,800 cash. N 256. He. NEW BUNGALOW. $2,950 will buy a new, all modern bun galow, 6 rooms, all large, all newly dec orated, combination lighting fixtures, full basement, guaranteed furnace, laundry connections south front lot; one block west of crosstowu ctir and 8 blocks south of Leavenworth; easy walking distance. About $650 cash, rest same as rent. RASP BROS., 106 McCague Bldg. Doug. IffiS; A -2653. BEAUTIFUL corner. 18th and Binney Sts Enquire of Owner, 1607 Plnkney St. B-8322. $y50 part cash, buys south front lot. Evans street, west of park, Kountie Place. Telephone PerclvM, Webster 1097.' 5-R. new. mod., bungalow; call owner. Web. 1460. CATHEDRAL DISTRICT HOME. $6,000-8 rooms, strictly modern home, nothing lacking to maks same complete. Lot 60x180. Garage. House less than I) years old. GALLAGHER & NELSON. 463 Brandeis Bldg. Omatia, Neb. REAL ESTATE FARM & RANCH LANDS FOR SALE . Aruaaaaa. . . FREE FARMS Government lands free; 1,000,000 acres In Arkansas tor homestead Iiik Where looated and how -secured shown in our 1912 booklet. Sent postpaid, 26c. Glass &. Co., Harrison, Ark., Dept. B. Colorado. GREAT SACRIFICE SALE. Seventy-two acres near Greeley, Colo.; good buildings, permanent water rights, 80 acres In alfalfa, remainder In other crops. Price, $3,5M, $1,500 down. J. W, Warren, 87 South Pearl St. Denver, Colo. Georgia. GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA Traversed by the ATLANTIC, BIRMINGHAM ATLAN TIC RAILROAD. Lands adapted to the widest range of crops. All the money crops of the south plentifully produced. For literature treat ing with Oils coming country, its soil, climate, chuuch and school advantages, writs W B. LEAHY. DEPT. K, General Passenger Agent, ATLANTA: GA, THE easiest way to find a buyer tor your farm is to insert a small want ad ln-the Des Moines Capital. -Largsst .cir culation in" the state of Iowa, 43;uu0 dally. The Capital Is read by and believed in by the standpatters of Iowa, who simply re fuse to permit any other paper In their homes. Rates, 1 cent a word a day; $1.25 per line per month; count six ordinary words to the line Address Des Moines Capital. Des MolneB, la. Idaho. CROP FAILURES NOT on Camas Prairie, in Southern Idaho; $25 land pro duces 50 bushels of grain without irriga tion. Write tor fact Frank llousman, Soldier, Idaho. MOST productive hay and grain land in the world Long Vailsy, Idaho. No ir rigation needed; fine climate, tine water, cheap fuel, telephones, railroad, elec tricity. Improved land $25 to $50 per acre. Also finest orchard land proposition in Idaho. For information writs today. Pay ette River Colonisation Co., . Nampa, Idaho. Mlonraota. ' 100 SOUTHERN MINNESOTA FARMS FOR SALE If . you want to buy an Im proved farm In Southern Minnesota writs for catalogue. Southern Minnesota Land Co., Blue Earth, Faribault Co., Minn. Uobiids. RANCHES $2,000 to $100,000. Send for list. Shopen & Co., Ranch Dealers, Omaha, Neb. . Nebraska. A BARGAIN. 14 Bee. northeastern Neb., $30 per acre; Is worth'- $50; owner is a bachelor in poor health; has to' move; will take mtg. back for $1,600; also good auto for part balance. Address H. W. Tomllnson, Mlneola, Neb. FOR SALE-160 acres all fenoed; 80 acres under cult'vatfon; 6-room house, 32 x52 barn; 16x20 chicken; 16x16 gran ary; 10x12 . stone milk f.ouse, windmill and good water; located five miles from Chappcl), $40 an acre trices this bargatn; half down and mort.age for balance. Address Mrs. Christie Jacobs, Chappell, Neb. . 1,280 acres good pasture land for sals; price Is rifc'M; Will sell for cash or will trade; for particulars call on or address Frank Van Horn, Erlcson, Nb. North Dakota. $1 AN ACRE DOWN BALANCE SMALL YEARLY PAYMENTS. A poor man's opportunity to get a rich North Dakota wheat farm, $20 to $30 an acrj, 30,000 acres to select from, 320 acres in Morton county for $20 an acre. Low Ry. rates. Free maps and tacts about our lands and business sites in new Ry. towns. Reliable agents wanted. See or write Wm. H. Brown Co., Haynes, Adams Co., or Mott, Hettinger Co., North Dak. South Dakota. FINE ranch at a bargain; 853 acres rich valley, 250 under ditch and In al falfa, clover and timothy; good buildings. At a price that ought to sell It quickly. Royse Land Co., Rapid City, S. D. Miscellaneous- T. C. TORRISON, 1101. 802 City National Bank Bldg. Farm Land and Ranches. D. INVESTORS ATTENTION GOOD CHEAP LAND is' THE BEST INVESTMENT We have for sale on easy terms and low prices, two large tracts In North Dakota from $9 to $12 per acre. One large tract in Musselshell Valley, Moptana. tor $12 per acre. One large tract In northern Minnesota for $15 per acre. Either of these tracts can be bought' on easy payments. If In terested see us for particulars. C. SUNDELL & CO., 217 McCague Bldg. Omaha, .Neb. Drawn News Association) LEGAL NOTICES. LEGAL NOTICE. Chicago, May 22. 1912. TO THE BONDHOLDERS OF TUB SHERIDAN COAL COMPANY: The holders of the bonds of The Sheri dan Coal Company are hereby notlflm! that the undersigned Trustee, under Trust Deed of The Sheridan Conl Company, dated June 11, 1903, and recorded June 20, 1903, In book 26 of the Mortgage Records, on page 488 In the office 01 the County Clerk of the County of Sheridan and State of Wyoming, has received notice from The Sheridan Coal Company that It will, on or before June 30, 1912, remit the undersigned Twenty-four Thousand Dollars l$24,000) to take up and retire twenty-four bonds, as provided in shUI Trust Deed. Notice is hereby given that the under signed has drawn and selected by lot, the following twenty-four numbers of twenty-four of the bonds outstanding, se cured by said Trust Deed, I. e , 5 53 225 458 11 72 259 4(12 13 78 2 601 14 W 391 512 19 98 430 520 43 . 188 432 . 563 for payment from the sinking fund to be so paid to It by said The Sheridan Coal . Company under said Trust Deed, and upon such payment of said $24,000, to the undersigned, on or before June 30, 1912. the undersigned will, at its otflre at tha corner of Dearborn and Madison Streets, in the City of Chicago, Illinois, on the first day of July, 1912, pay to the holders or registered owners of said bonds, numbered as aforesaid, the princi pal and accumulated Interest thereoii, upon the surrender and delivery thereof to the undersigned, uncanceled and ac companied by all unpaid coupons thereto belonging. Interest on each of said bonds numbered as aforesaid will cease after said first of July, A. D. 1912, whether presented on said day or thereafter. UNION TRUST COMPANY, TRUSTEE By Rutus F. Chapin, Secretary. M26-J 1-8-16. . OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. From & Heart of NEW YORK CITY F Prom Mir niUHal nrlvafa nlar. to caver ad T 1 docks in Havrt thnc to Pri ia SH hours, 1 1 by ssecisl trim. Evsrr luxury so voyafe. I Concerts, famous cuiaina. daily Baoors. fym- malum, library, sic, make time pass su too quick, cvsry comfort imaginsbls. Quick, Delightful Voyage Via French Line Steamers new itMmer Franc" it Urg. mm- m it and moit mmfiont Continental luadrupU Seraw Turbine Steamer A 11 MaV,ai Ta W a A JaVU DliVHIUIIB sjav KM 4 aAntt..1. riMMVM. AW Add! wuiiiii j w v sw . r TO sailials si Fast HsU , a Moeond cabin St samara MJlTlS Sstur sail every CUIkdays byjsopuls. Thursday. k-ona clan II cabin atBannrs- $4t $70 All ships quipped with wireless telsfraphy sod every up-to-date safety eppliaore. For particulars apply t W. e! BOCK, 118 ramam St. W. irXBSE, first sTatlonal Bank. 9. B. BBYHObDS, 1501 Tarnam 8. ft WHITE STAR p Dominion Canadian Strvct Montreal-Quebec-Liverpool kill .T.i j a rviiKijrniTPrviiiu ii.i.MTuriM.i.n.riin.nm.n.i SflNIV 'Teutonic, Je. I S, Jy. I J, Af.10 Ls uremic, Je.JJ, Jy.Jtl. At,. 17 Csosds, Jo.OT.Jy .27, A.34 Mot-antic, Jy.6, A.J, Ag.JI First ...MI, Secoo - JSJ.75 OneClsaaCsrHo (in ISMU ISW U) 111.25 ft U2M 4 DAYS AT SEA -anvsBooklnc with LocalAzenti Company's Offlcs. Chicago Ml High Court Asked to Decide Monk's Right to Convey Property WASHINGTON, . June 7. -To save religious orders, particularly of the Catholic church, from threatened disin tegration, attorneys of the Order of St. Benedict of New Jersey, tomorrow will ask the supreme court of the United 8tates to review the recent decision of the eighth United States circuit court of appeals that the agreement of a monk to convey all his property to his order was void, as against publio policy, Tha decision was made In the case of Father Augustine Wlrth, for fifty years a member of the lienerlictlne order and at his death priest of a German church society at Springfield, Minn. The court held that his relatives rather than the order to whom he had made vowr of chastity, poverty and obedience were entitled to th $5,000 property in his name when he died. Many attorneys have filed reasons with the court ,in support of their proposed request for a review. "If carried out to Its full extent," the attorneys stated, "the decision may eventually dissolve or disintegrate the temporal organization of the church orders." Dakota Medical Kisralnrri, PIERRE. 8. D., June ".-(Special Tel eeram.) Governor Vessev has anoolnted as members of the state board of medical examiners: L. G. Hill, watertown; !'. m. Frisberg, Mitchell; Frank S. Howe, Dead wood; and appointed W. E. Daniels, of Madison to fill the vacancy to expiration of term of S. If. Graves of Hurley. for The Bee by Gus Mager TAFT'S NAME MAY BE THIRD Tentative Plans Made for Presenta . tion in Convention. WOULD GIVE LEAD TO CUMMINS Some- of President's Friends Prrfer that v York. Should Present Ilia Candidacy llather Than Ohio. WASHINGTON, June 7. - President Taft's name may not be the first to be presented to the republican national con vention at -Chicago and In fact -Taft leaders still .In Washington, uaid tonight that the president's name might not bo put before the convention until after Roosevelt had been put In nomination. It became known that tvhen C. H. Utiles, President Taft's secretary, left for Chicago last night ho curried- with him a draft of a tentative plsiv fof th presentation of the president's name to the convention. That plan was deolarod to he subject to Alteration by the Taft leaders now In Chicago, and of course by Mr. Taft lilnmelf If. he finds It unsuitable btfore the day when the nominations ars nmde. According to the plan taken away by Mr. Hllles the name of Senator A. 8. Cummins of Iowa, who has ten dele gates from his own state pledged to him, may be the first given to the convention. May Tlelrl to lovta. Alabama stands at the head of trio list of states on the convention roll. . Count ing on the Alabama delegation as certain for Taft, his political advisers suggested that , it should yield, not to Ohio, the president's own state, which would put him In nomination, but to Iowa, that it might put forward ' tho name of Its senior senator. Next la tho roll of states comes Arl mna. The Taft adherents claim Arizona, too, and that state, according tu the ap proved scheme, would yield to Now York. Tha Taft leaders also claim : New York by a large majority, but it was their Idea that some Roosevelt delegate be permitted to present the name 'of Colonel Ruoscvelt- at this point In tho, proceed ings. Arkansas, another state claimed bytha Taft leaders, under this plan would then yield to- Ohio ahd the name of ithe presi dent be put before the convention, prob ably by Warren G. Harding, former lieu tenant governor of the state and ono of Its dclegates-at-largo. Will Denounce RooseveH. -With Cummins, Roosevelt and Taft out of the way, Wisconsin will nominate La Follctte and friends of tha president claim that in putting his name before the convention, his sponsor can be relied upon to leave with the convention Just before the vote a denunciation of Colonel Roosevelt, Although this was said tonight to be t'm plan most favored at present, others have been considered. One was for the presentation of Mr. Taft's name by Mr. Harding before other candidates. An other was that Mr. Taft might be sug gested to the convention by New York. This appealed to some of the president's friends, - particularly because It Is ir. Roosevelt's home state. One reason ad vanced against the giving of the honor to Ohio was that the slate has more Roosevelt than Taft delegates. MORE DELEGATES FOR CLARK West Virginia and Arkansus (or Mlaaoartan. PARKERSBURG, W. Va., June 7. Champ Clark received the unqualified endorsement of the West Virginia democ racy today. In state convention the six delegates-at-large were instructed to vote for him at Baltimore as long as there was any hope of his nomination. At district conventions earlier In the week Clark had received six Instructed delegates, two uninstructed were favor able to him and two more were unin structed, but were said to favor t Gov ernor Harmon of Ohio. The name of William J. Bryan was brought up by Mr. McGraw and was greeted with cheers. .McGraw was re elected as a member of the national com mittee. LITTLE ROCK, Ark., June 8 -By 1 vote of 334 to 242 the Arkansas state dem ocratic convention refused to embody In Its platform an endorsement of the so called "grandfather clause" as a qualifi cation for suffrage. Eight delegates-at-largo with half s vote each who, as well as the district delegates, were Instructed for Speaker Clark, were elected as fol lows. Joe T. Robinson, Lonoke; Senator J. P. Clark, Little Rock; Senator Jeff Davis, Little Rock; J. P. Hinemon, Morrell; H. L. Norwood, Mena; S. Brundldge. Searcy; J. C. South, Mountain Home; B. B Hutchins. Harrison. Judge. William M. Kavanaugh, Little Rock, was chosen-nattenai -committeeman. MIX.NKSOTA GOES FOR WILSON Attrinpt to Stampede Convention for Bryan Kails. DULUTH, Minn.. June 7. Minnesota democrats at their state convention today voted to send a full delegation of twenty four delegates to the Baltimore conven tion with Instructions to vote for Wod row Wilson. : , ; It was agreed., however, that whenever, In the opinion of two-thirds of the dele gation, Wilson's npminatlon is Impossible, the vote may be thrown to another candi date. Victory came for the Wilson forces only after followers of Champ Clark and W. j. Bryan had made an attempt to, have tha delegates instructed for Bryan or'not In structed at all. SENATOR FALL RE-ELECTED? AFTER TURBULENT" SESSION SANTA FE, N. M., Juno 7.-The Ne& Mexico house today after a turbulenr session In which members came to blow? and tho sergeant-at-arma Had to ciwjJp the galleries of spectators to' restore or der, rescinded its decision not to vote fVr United States senator. The house cast twenty-five votes for Albert B. Fall to succeed himself and t,jo votes for Speaker R. L. Baca. Twenl two members refusefl to vote. Those fusing to vote Included all the democrats, progressive republicans and three reguls republicans. The house then Invited li senate to Join tho session, and. Senator Fail was declared ro,-elec,ted for the ncjxi, six-year term beginning March 4, 1913. ,7 Senator Fall addressed the joint sea sion after being notified of his re-election. ' ' ' ' ' Invitations Eecalled For Society Wedding '' ' -. VI DETROIT, Mich.. Juno ?.-Invltatlo(lg to the wtddlng of Miss Carrol NetrterY, daughter of former Secretary of ih'jv Navy Truman H. Newberry of, this c(f.!f and Captain W. 11. Allayne of the QueenaT Own regiment stationed i at HamtUonV Bermuda, were recalled today. The cere. mony was to have been performed, Jui--18 and preparations had been made, whtebi.' If carrled out, would have made the wed ding one of the principal social events of the season. ' , . . . . Captain Alleyne, who, hud beert lit" Detroit several days ago as the guest at the Newberrys at the Country club, left- for New York this afternoon. He cai here Tuesday having been met by the Newberry yacht at. Buffalo. The engagement of Miss Newberry and the captain Was announced in ' March' last by wireless from the steamer -fri-whlch Mr. and Mrs.. Newberry and tb'elr daughter, returned, from the- Bermudas f. where they spent tfie Lenten season. The;' couple met in Hamilton, Bermuda, wherry the Newbcrryi- were- staying. . Although no ' formal explanation wa msda by the Newberrys,. frlenda of .the family said the engagement was broken at Miss' Newberry's request. Women Make War On Butcher Shopf NEW YORK, June 7. Women" pledged to a war on high prices of staple foods started a campaign of violence In Brook- lyn today, directing their efforts agalijit, meat shops, , . There were riotous scenes ,wUen tlie plate glass door of one shop wiu) shat tered while M0 women screamed approval. In three or four other shos . militant.; housewives attacked customers, knocks ing from their hands - parcels -of' mwV and trampling upon It., 1 ' Dealers were warned agaihst cbntiriuinjfe to offer 'meat for sale. , !' . "i A canvass of the district tonight dlar closed that eight shops had' obeyed the orders of the housewives, removing JI meat and promising not to, .make 'anjr, further sales untl they can do So al?" lower prices.. .. ' vle .The scenes .of disorder were UmUedi.tQ. two sections in Brooklyn which are feri elgn quarters. ' CANAL APPROPRIATION CUTp ON SECRET INFORMATION .- --. WASHINGTON, June T.-Charges trtat the appropriation for the .Panama canal had been cut $11,000,000. on "secret" InfoT nation obtained by the appropriation committee and not divulged to the' hput'e' precipitated a sharp clash In debate i'f day when consideration of the: sundiyi' civil bill was resumed. Members of Jy5 J committee' admitted the charges , weiejr true, but defended their action wlth.tW" explanation that the information was-i taken at an informal gathering bl mejntt bers'pf the committee, ..- - ';.'.''?' "Such action Is unfair," said Minority Leader Mann. "All testimony on, wbkr the action of the committee was base.di should appear in the printed recordv Representative Fitzgerald, chalrman.'bf 5 the committee; Page of North Carolina, and Sherley of Kentucky,-' defended ,liuj? committee. The "secret'-' testimony ? irtrtt- -slsted of an Informal chat with CplorioiJ Goethels, chief engineer of the canal.-.;.- SHOPMEN'S REFERENDUM ' 'P VOTE FAVORS STRIKtr .. .. ,. .. CHICAGO. June 7. Referendum votes; by unions of nine crafts if shopmen eriir ployed on railroads running west of Chi. cago show a majority for a sympathetic strike to-'aid the cause of the strikerSi on the Harriman lines, . It . wis ' maoe) known here tonight. Next week ' a teqiiprr ference of international officers, will' a-& clde on a course of action. ' - '' Only one union Is said' to hayefa.Voi-ed remaining at - work, but 'a; 'majbf ity WJT make that vote . Inoperative, ; it 18 :aaidy July Is the date on wWeh action is pected to be taken. About 100,000 employ e'J ' are involved. ' . - - ---- The Persistent aiia - joGicious Cm ; ef Newspaper Advertising Is tht Road to Business Success. v - ' -