fITE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1912. " it t I i 'if t it J lis 3 f ! li 1 i n' kOvLilt tnl s U IVJL- 4JL IS ta BBr Gifts for Gradua tion in oar Jewelry Dept. Remarkable Bargain Sale New Trimming Laces, Fancy Wash Laces, Edges, Bands, Galloons 18-inch fancy allover laces in crochet, cluny, gpripure and shadow effects new lace bands, edges, galloons, etc., in crochet, Venise, Macrame, cluny black and white silk Chantilly laces. Hundreds of pretty new and un usual designs to select from, up to 9 inches wide, in black, white, ecru and cream color. Many actual- ly worth 75c a yard on bargain square, YgmlC of var1 mm tf Thousands of Yards of Fancy Laces. Insertions. Galloons. Bands. Etc. Crochet and Venise effects in edges and insertions filet, crochet, cluny and shadow insertions, galloons and edges black silk chantilly laces fancy English wash laces and insertions an endless variety of exceptional .values. Many worth 25c a yard on bar- I A gain square, at yard lvL 45-inch Sheer Swiss Embroidered Skirtings Exquisite, new designs in eyelet, floral and new combi nation effects, worth up to $2.00 a yard, Ql at yard ....tJQC Fine Mew Rope Stitched Embroid ered Voiles and Batiste Robes Includes ZVz yards 45-inch flouncings, 212 yards banding and W2 yards plain material, in white and col- ft PA ors boxed. Actually worth $5, at, each ...... Women's Summer Dresses and Suits On Our Second Floor Pretty, new Wash Presses for women and misses various ' styles- specially 'priced .at ........... $3.08 Women's Light and Medium Weight Wool Tailored Suits Your choice of 150, worth up to $25, at .$9.75 New Shantung Coats Long, practical coats . for summer wear, at S6.0S and $8.08 Women's New Wash Skirts Cleverly made of reps and llnons regularly $1.50 and $1.75, at $1.00 New Wash Waists at $1 Extra Special Middy Waists at....S5t UNDERWEAR SPECIALS Great lot of gowns, skirts, combination suits and princess slips, worth up to $2, t ..$1.00 Basement Specials Women's Walking Skirts of grey whip cords, worth up to $3.60, at ..$1.08 Pretty Wash Dresses Colored percales and ginghams In misses' and women's sizes, worth $4, at "$1.98 Women's Silk Waist Chiffons, taffetas, messalinea, etc. actually worth $5.00, t V.....;... . $1.08 , Thursday is Chocolate Day Pompeian Chocolate Bitter Sweets in a variety of pure fruit and nut centersspecially priced for Thursday only, at per pound 25c See the "Made in Omaha" Displays Midland Glass & Paint Co. Farrell's Syrup in our Douglas St. windows. They are fine displays and every man and woman in Omaha will, find them interesting iU BRANDEIS STORES J CATHEDRAL 1SG1VEN A START Ground is Broken for $250 000 Home by Scottish Bite Masons. GIBBONS THROWS FIRST DIRT Urorfta West Deliver Addreaa Call ins Attention to the Work In dtrtak a Contractor Im mediately Start Work. In the presence of the member of the .Nebraska Masonic grand lodge and hun dreds of other Masons and apectatois, at Twentieth and Douglas streets, ground was broken yesterday or the $250,000 Scottish Rite cathedral to be erected there. The exercises were In charge of the grand lodge. Grand Master Gibbons throwing the Hut shovelful of dirt. The 400 delegates to the grand lodge now In session formed the procession at the Masonic temple at Sixteenth street and Capitol avenue and marched to the scene of breaking ground. The proces sion was led by the consistory and fol lowed by members of the blue lodge, . the grand lodge officers In the rear. Prayer was offered by Rev. Edwin Hart Jenks of. the First Prexbyterlan church of Omaha, after which Grand Master Gibbons stepped Into the circle and grasping a spade, therew out a mall square of dirt George F. West, commander of the consistory delivered the address, calling attention to the work undertaken and stating that the new building would be completed this season. Contractor Peterson,' who will do the excavating was ready with teams and men and the work of removing the earth In order that active building operations may be pushed began almost before the Masons had left the grounds. At the grand lodge meeting In the morn ing the time w,i given over to the elec tion ot officers. James R. Cain of StelU was elected grand master. Other officers are as follows: Deputy grand master. Alpha Morgan, Broken Bow; senior grand warden, Thomas M. Davis, Beaver City; Junior grand warden, Samuel S. Whiting, Lincoln; grand secretary. Francis E. White, Omaha. The balance of the afternoon, following the breaking of ground for the cathedral, was taken up with the disposition of re ports and routine business. Elsasser Goes to Charity Convention County Commissioner Peter E. Elsasser, chairman of the charity committee, will go to Cleveland lune 11 to attend the an nual meeting of the National Association of Charities and Corrections with the hope that he may secure knowledge that will ' enable him to reduce the cost of charity in Douglas county. He will be away about a week. lip WM. J. BOEKHOFF, Keall Staler. Phones i&on. n. f IB mm? Every Time You Spend a Dime, Ask For S. & H. Green Trading Stamps. 375 Boys' All Wool CnUc Worth up to $7.50 V-Ulia Go on Sale Thursday at 5:95 You will come" with the assurance of finding just what you want for there are all sizes in the lot and practically all of the patterns, styles, colors and weaves that have made our boys' suit department fam ous this season. Nearly all of these suits have AN EXTRA PAIR OF PANTS TO MATCH. Children's Wash Suits at 49c One lot of boys' and children's wash suits in Russian and sailor blouse styles, worth up to 98c each, on sale Thursday at 49c. Towel Grass Bars s Catchers 18-inch glass Grass catch towel bars ers to fit 12 complete to 16 - Inch with nickel lawn mow plated fix- ers, on sale tures, Thurs. Thursday at 19c 39c Refriger ator Pan s Large size galvanized refrigerator pans special ly priced for Thursday at 25c Mrs. PottS Sad Irons Only one of these irons to a custom er, Thursday at the special price of 5c Pure Food Bargains for Thursday 2-lb. can Bennett's Breakfast coffee and 40 stamps SSo Assorted teas and 60 stamps, lb. S8o Tea siftlngs and 10 stamps, lb. . .15o '4 -lb. can pure pepper and 5 st'ps, lOo 1-lb. can Bennett's Capitol baking powder and 20 stamps 24o rin Iflei's salad dressing and 10 stamps, bottle 25c Assorted pickles. 10 stamps, bot. lOo Flower and vegetable, seeds, pkg. 2Vo 17 lbs. granulated sugar for $1.00 i cans Kvergreen corn, 10 st'ps, 20o New full crearr.' cheese, lb 20o Pint .ran Gaillard's pure olive oil re duced to 40o JOc Jar Bishop's California fruitata ror 200 10 bars Bennett's Bargain aoap aso Boneless sardines, 10 stamps, can 15o dirge tan Bennett's Capitol Hawaiian Hi iced pineapple .300 3 cans Eagle Lye arid 10 stamps, 25o Maple butter and 20 stamps, can, 25o Glaxs tumbler of mustard, 5 st'ps, lOo .Snider' s pork and beans and 15 st'ps, can ( 15o Peanut butter, 15 stamps, Jar . ...15o Lea & Perrin's Worcestershire sauce, bottle 25o Van Camp's hominy and 10 stamps, can lOo Quart bottle malt or cider vinegar and 20 stamps 20o 4-lb. pkg. Dewey Cleanser or Com pound and -U stamps ......... .3So mull's And vegetables' u.;(; Uoi-cil tomato piaius lieo wun every purchase of 10c, or more, in the fruit department, Thursday. Large, juicy lemons, worth 30c dozen, for 20c Fancy string beans, lb 10c 4 large plain lettuce ..5c Fancy new potatoes, peck.... 50c 2 bunches young beets .5c 3 bunches young turnfps .... .5c Fresh spinach, peck ,..8c -tl I? mj Fast daily train service from Omaha and Council Bluffs to Chicago, via the Chicago & North-Wcstern Ry. connecting at the latter point with all lines for all points East. The Vest of Everything. Pullman drawing-room sleeping cars, composite observation, buffet and library cars Booklovers library free reclining chair cars, standard day coaches and superb dining cars service a la Carte. Tickets and full Information on application to CITY TICKET OFFICES, 1401 and 1403 Farnam Street, OMAHA, NEB., and 622 Broadway, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA. OXFORDS I FOR I MEN 1 You See Drexel's Young Mens' Oxfords on every well dressed young man you meet. Classy styles, In all the latest lasts, made of all the popular ma terials. Tans, blacks and patent colt. This Year We are Showing aS&er ; ind better line of these high .grade Oxfords than ever be fore. See them today. Wo have them In button or blucher. $3.50 1419 Farnam GRAY HAIR SIGN OF AGE. EASY WAY TO RESTORE COLOR A harmless remedy, made from com mon garden saga, quickly restores gray hair to natural color. The care ot the hair, to prevent it from losing- Its color and lustre, is Just as Important as to care for teeth to keep them from discol oring. Why spend money for cosmetics and creams to improve the complexion, and yet neglect your hair, when gray hair is even more conspicuous and suggestive of age than wrinkles or a poor complex ion? Of the two. It is easier to preserve the natural color and beauty ef the hair than It is to have a good complexion. All that Is necessary is the occasional use of Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy, a preparation of common garden Sage and Sulphur, combined with other vegetable remedies for dry, harsh, faded hair, dandruff. Itching scalp and falling hair. After a few applications of this simple, harmless remedy, your hair will gradually be restored to its natural color, in a short time the dandruff will be re moved and your hair will no longer come out, but will start to grow as Nature In tended it should. Bo not neglect your hair, .for it goes further than anything else to make or mar your good looks. You can buy this remedy at any drug store for 'fifty cents a bottle, and your druggist will give your money back if you are not satisfied after using. Purchase a bottle today. Tou will never regret it when you realise the difference it will make in your appear ance. Agent, Sherman A McConnell Drug Co. All TWENTY-FIFTH NIVERSARYrM HAYDENs THF RELIABLE STORE TWtllffF f ,Jm th ' Don't Miss Thursday-Be Here Early Every day crowds of enthusiastic buyers throng our aisles; every day the interest in this great sale event grows. New lots brought forward every day bring buyers time and time again to the greatest of all sales. Many Splendid New Lots of Women's Outer Garments Brought Forward Thursday in Our 25th Anniversary Sale $18.00 to $25.00 Tailored Suits at $9.9525 fcsa'utiful designs, the newest fabrics and colorings, all sizes from 16 years to 44 bust; 175 of them for QC your selection at, choice 5fvw 245 Beautiful Dresses In messalines, pongees, foulards, etc. dresses made to sell at $10.00, $12.00 and $15.00; while they last in Thursday's sale, choice $4.95 Silk Taffeta Suits-$35.00 values, all the newest models, just 75 in the lot; while they last, choice, at..... $19.50 $15.00 and $18.00 Spring Coats Handsome long garments, in serge, chif fon, taffeta, etc.;. loose semi and fitted styles on sale at, your choice, for ...$10.00 Children's Summer Dresses, dainty de signs, in lawns, ginghams, cham brays, etc.; sizes 2 to 14 years, $1.50 values; on sale at..... 89 Misses' Linen Norfolk Suits $10.00 values, in all sizes, the biggest snap of the season; on sale at, each ..... $5.95 Allover Embroidery Dresses, Dainty Lawn and Marquisette Dresses Beautifully trimmed; to $12.50 values; on sale at, your choice Thursday -only Women's Summer Waists, to $5 val ues, in lingeries, Marquisettes, ba tistes; all sizes, newest s t y le s ; your choice Thurs day . ....$1.75 $5.00 $5.00 Dress Skirts $2.95 Cream or black stripe serge, matchless bargain. $5.00 Long Silk Ki monos, in all col ors, choice $3.95,-. $1.25 fill-Wool Serge, 83c 20 pieces of 54-inch pure wool serge sponged and shrunk black, tan, blue, champagne, reseda,; taupe, brown or cream; regular $1.25 values; QQa Anniversary Sale price. 1 ........ .OOv $1.25 Silk Poplins at 68c 25 pieces of 44x50-inch Silk Poplins tan, ciel, old rose, golden brown, Russian or Alice blues, apricot,-burgundy, wisteria, champagne, etc. while they ftl ....... vuv last Thursday, at, yard. $30 Axminster Rags $14.50 A big lot of 9x12 Axminster Rugs ship ped to us through mistake by a big Phila delphia mill. Slightly mismatched but in all other ways perfect. All 1912 patterns, regular $30.00 qual ity goods, big line of beautiful oriental and floral designs at, choice, while they last i $14.50 " : Thursday s Specials in Wash Goods Dept. 75c Bordered French Novelty Tissue 50 32-inch Scotch Zephyr Ging hams, in plaid, checks and stripes, light and dark colors, worth 25c yard, at Toil Du Nord and A. F. C. Ging hams, a very good assortment of patterns, at 13 Sanson's Galatea, a new and complete line, sold regularly at 20c yard; Thursday at, yard 15 15c Percale, light and dark colors, 36 inches wide at, yard 13 Anniversary Specials in Linen Department 3.25 full size scalloped Cro chet Bed Spreads, each $1,98 $6.00 imitation Mexican Drawn Bed Spreads, full slze at, each .. $3.95 $1.75 Pure Linen Table Dam ask, two yards wide, at, per yard .. $1.00 Mixed lot Strictly Pure Linen Napkins, worth $3.50 dosen, 6 for $1.00 20c imported Hemstitched Hack Towels, colored bor ders, each 13 t 39c extra large Hemmed Turk ish Bath Towels, each.. 19 f Our Entire Stock of Men's and Young Men's Clothing goes at most liberal price reductions during this entire sale. Not a single suit reserved and fully 75 of the stock are HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX CLOTHES. All $20.00 Suits at $16.75 All $22.50 Suits at $18.50 All $25.00.Suits at 21.00 All $27.50 Suits at $22.50 All $30.00 Suits at $24.50 All $35.00 Suits at $27.50 This offer holds good duringJthis entire sale. You have our complete stocks for selection and should choose at the earliest possible moment. 7 25c Silk Striped Dress Ginghams, good pat erns, in Domestic Room, at .. 15i 25c Dress Poplins, in all popular new shades, in Domestic Room . . 15 Satisfaction Bleached Muslin, 10c quality, 36 inches wide, in Domestic Room 6 18c Striped Voiles, in nearly all colors, good patterns, in Domestic Room .. .. 12) 15c Percales, light and dark colors, 36 inches wide, Domestic Room, at .. 10 7c Apr,u Check Ging hams blues, browns and'greens, in Domestic Room, at . . . . .5 12 c Lawns, good pat sterns and colors, good assortment, in Domestic -Room . . 7H 18c Silk Finished Fou lards, good patterns in " fine assortment, in Do . mestic. Rooni . . 2 50c White Wing Sheets, ready made, 72x90 size, soft finish at, each 39 THIS IS OUR ANNIVERSARY WEEK Bead Hjdn's Biff UanlverMry Grocery Biit priot; our im Is to pliui tl poplt not tb truata or combination. IS lba. tast BxaaaMtaa our. .si.uo 3 48-lb. sack Hayden'8 best Diamond H Flour, nothing like it, sack 8 bars Toilet Soap 8So 10 bars Beat-'Em-All, Diamond C or Lenno Soap S&o The best Domestic Macaroni, at, per package TH 16-os. cans Condensed Milk ,...6V4o ( pkgs. beat Corn Starch., ,t 35o E. a Corn Makes, pkg ...6Ho Snider'a Soups, can 7He 8 cana OH or Mustard Sardines SSo cans Lu Lu Scouring Soap, it beats the Dutch .860 8 cakes Silica Metal Polish . .850 Jellycon or ell-0, pkg. 7H Largo bottles Pure Tomato Catsup, Worcester Sauce or Pickles . .8V McLaren's Peanut ButteY, lb. ..lBo Peters' Breakfast Cocoa, lb 8Se Tsa B attar aad Chseia Market of Oman The best Creamery Butter. In carton. per lb ....87c The best No. 1 Creamery Butter, per lb SSo The best No. 1 Dairy Butter, lb.. SSo Full Cream Young America Cheese. per lb 20c Full Cream Brick or Limburger Cheese, lb ,...80c Keufchatel Cheese, each 3c Jennv Brs. Brick Cheese, lb. ......19c For Fresh Yegatablee, It's Kayden's tYesh spinach, peck 4 bunches Fresh Turnips 5c 2 bunches Fresh Asparagus So 8 bunches Fresh Radishes 6c 6 bunches Fresh Onions So 4 heads Fresh Leaf Lettuce 5c 2 heads Fresh Mead Lettuce So Fancy Fresh Peas, quart 7c 4 bunches Pieplant 5e Large Cucumbers, each 3Ho, So, 7'iO and lOo 2 bunches Fresh Parsley So New Potatoes, lb. ....3'io Cabbage, lb . . . . 3o Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, lb lOo Fancy Wax or Green Beans, lb. .70 PUT Vt TOTTS PXHSAPraES HOW We have a carload of Extra Fancy Florida Pineapples, . shipped to us direct from the grower, and Thurs day we will sell them as follows: Small alse. each So; per dosen ...45c Medium size, each THo; per doz. 85o Medium large size, each 8V4c; per dozen ' 9 So TArge aize, each. 10c; per dosen fl.10 Extra large size, each. 18 Ho; per dozen S1.40 We advise our customers to buy now: the market is strong and prices advancing. Put up your Strawberries now; market price Is advanced 25 per cent. TOMATO PLAJTTS, SC DOSEX 25,000 fine, strong tomato plants Just received will be placed on sale in Crockery Dept. at So dozen. , 40o per box. 13ac Turkish and Huck, Towels, on sale Thursday, in . Domestic Room, at. . . . . . ......... 10 f Special Anniversary Sale Enameled Varc Robin's Egg Guaranteed Blue and ' White Enameled Ware at Sweeping Price Reductions Thurs day; No. 7 Tea Kettles. U.25 value, T at 98c No. 8 Tea Kettles. $1.50 value, at 1.09 No. 9 Tea Kettles, 81.75 value, at $1.19 4- quart Berlin Kettles, 65e value, t ,49c 6-quart Berlin Kettles, 85c value. ' 69c 8-quart Berlin Kettles, 90 value, 41 69o 55c 'Lipped Preserving Kettles, -quart 39 65c Lipped Preserving Kettles, 8-Quart ....49o S5c Lipped Preserving Kettles, 10-quart sa0 14-quart Dish Pans, 89c value. S9o 17-quart Dish Pans, 98c value! 69o 5- quart Coffee or Tea Pot, 98c value 69o 12-quart Water Pails, 89c value : .60c $5.00 Waatinghooaa Electric Irona fully guaranteed; special $3.50 TOY S-3AYOEa3'S FIRST r 4 1 4 n